8 A Rousing Monday Sale Welcomes the Rosy Month of June | tjt mel j's " m j *" ' ; ® white canvas and Nu-buck pumps with | y Mp '"'* d * 3o '°/i a^c^|' Kunrn^ ta '. cai .' an^. pa ' entcol * ox ' or^B '^ jj gi L: jjflj ' Divei, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Fioor, Rear. arranged this very attractive combination grocery special. 1 * p J ■jn Matchless Towel Values ' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::_3f HTU , - \ n o ££ p!°&g. ••• !? 1 he Oreatest Offerings of the Year Occur " ,b s^^^ ::::;:::: - on Monday in Wash Dress Weaves rcguUr 25c va '£ 390 c , r - , ™ j /"vj" i<P 1 IT/A Da * qq | t l/li /* A 50c Homespun Table Linen, 58 inches wide, dice patterns. VjO dllCJ. Vj<7O The One-Day June Sale on Monday promises to be a day rich in savings among the cotton • Half D ° ZCS Na P kins > and sl . eeves - Special, Monday . 39^ dress weaves, and it is doubtful indeed, if values of equal character will be presented at any Mercerized damask napkins, 20x20 inches, hemmed, worth Pink and blue seco silk camisoles, ribbon shoulder straps. .other time during the summer. - SI.OO dozen. Special, Monday, half dozen 390 Special, Monday 39 If VOU would dress attractively at small cost read this list— Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. 65c cuepe de chine, 36 inches wide, in floral 50c silk stripe voiles, 36 inches wide, in solid \\7 f l?r\ cfesigis nd^ rC, shades , ™ ith a lac ® stripe. the One-Day W 0111611 S OUC ors. In the One-Day June Sale, Monday, 14 June Sale, Monday, 4 yards for . The best 50c silk glove j|j \ 3 me^' W -%. We^ r 1^ m ' the'One-Day Tune Sale, Monday, 4 vards for Monday, 5 yards for ... Tan Pongee ' ■ *"" • ,—., * " | 390 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street . A 39c Combination Sale 2 Pair Men's Silk Hose, 39c One-Day Sale of Porch Monday of Toilet Goods ! ea " lc ":. na : y . a^-:.. Furniture: Monday ..50c jar of Rornola Cold Cream 1 Men's I—>lc black lisle seamless hbse. Special, Monday, __ and a 25c box of Rornola Tooth Powder. Special, Monday, for both J * Two Pair Women's Silk Hose, 39? * •*' " -a.v#*w* vj j ml* 50c Rornola Face Lotion and 25c 1 Q A Women's 25c silk hose; black, tan and white. Special, ' An important list of savings occurs in the* Furniture section 011 Monday, when we shall Rornola Antiseptic Talcum Powder. y Mondav. 2 pail- for . 39? presa.it porch furniture and various other pieces for the home. Foremost in this one-day spe- Special Monday for both. J Women's fast black lisle hose, seamless. Special,' Monday, :ial arc these ~ 50c jar Romola Cold Cream and S*\ 50c Romola loilct benzoin. Spe- r Infants' 25c white cotton spx, imported, fashioned feet. $2.50 porch rockers. Monday !!!!!!!!!! $2.30 s;50.00 iiarlor suites. Monday... 827.39 rial ATrmrlnv for hntli r $».25 |Kir<*h rockers. Monday $2,39 $16.50 golden oak bureaus. Monday * \ opecial, Monday, 1 pail* lor $3.25 |M>rch chairs. >fonday s2.:i» $16.50 golden oak ehifTonlerg. Monday $10.39 50c jar Palmolive Cold Cream. Special Monday, 39o o n tt A e • i $1.75 porch settees. Monday s.i.si> Dlvos, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. J Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor, Front. " V 39c Underwear Specials v Men's 50c black and white fancy balbriggan shirts and $2.00 Corsets Monday, $1.39 Final Clearance Compare the Frolaset Front ot d 'spSciaT' s w , u m c "^' 25c'while coitoii Vibbcd drawers, knee knguf of a Small Lot of Laced Corset With Any dav $1 39 Special, Monday, 2 for 390 Low bust, free lnp Corsets of good quality batiste, regular Children's 12'/c white cotton ribbed vests, wrapper style. 50c value. Special, Monday 39p Special, Monday, 4 for 39 * Monday at OQ Compare it for style. See if the Frolaset does not give fives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. ' D. P. & S., 2nd Floor. OJ/C VOU a prettier figure. Compare it for value. See if the Frolaset 3 $3.50, $5.00 or any other price is not a better garment P*ii in C* 1 1 Til 1 t 1 1 than other corsets at the same price. Compare it for comfort. oq 9c specials in the Carpet Black and Colored Dress U*. »:L cases, Section Monday Goods Monday at 39c y TS 45x36 inches. Special, Mm,- 55c and 60c Cork Linoleum from the roll,l V/,. 2 and IV. 25c Shepherd Checks, 36 inches wide, 3 si.es. Special, We"efcve it'tTbe CU ' SC '' day |o,r . .... yards wide, bring measurements. Special, Monday, square Montlal , y J A ' ;t9< , CV Vi™?p.m„o e ,S„ a Zfr 'J~ .' C J U K< i' lC> i - van _l'" :•■• ••; • \'r 75c and 85c Checks, black and white, 42 to 46 inches wide. 4ax.V) inches, embroidered and heavy rubber door mats, 18x30 inches. Special, Mon- Special, Monday, vard 39^ dav. each $3.49 Set of Sheet and Pillow Special. Monday .. ... .% 390 ' 75c Canton Cases, $i..»9 Crex Runners, 2/ inches wide, fancy borders, ?0c grade. Monday, yard 39<? HW ches, and two embroidered Two patterns Smith's tapestry brussels carpet; 70c grade! cial. —————^—\ Qf • -r-v -4 T-* - Black Dress Goods onopping 3.HCL DOltS 75c black fancy weave Batiste, 40 inches wide. Special, l\ tjv /BBB\ J H|| and nine-inch bags with oxidized francs ' 75c black Minstral Crepe. Special, Monday," yard ... JJ '1 ' ' IHH H\ I j, '?^ c or ru^' niessaline belts in different eolors. 75c black Checked Serge, 42*" inches. Special, Monday, |^ I N N N y Switches and Puffs Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Syphonßefricerators Mon^ ural .: avy . s : hche ::. a .: 0 . 2^ n : he ?..!°^.. T•• a c n t oq JwTl £Zsr ' SLM Built right J^ che Puffs - Special. Monday 390 Lyllllllg OpeOlCllb dl OCJC / W |p „ , g q Open throat sunhon \\hite gauze fans with bone sticks. Special, Monday, 390 25c twilled satine, 36 inches wide, black and colors. Spe- V \ v^cl " <*«" acc VUI Household necessity Monday"" L ' kan " Plate ' S,her platl " s » ,olish ' S Monday 4 yards f0r^........... .. .. .....390 | 1 Automatic Cookillg t%I„. ■, . P \ J •••. „ >«'o 50c Moire, 32 inches wide, black and white. Special, Mon- __ . ( Never spoils contents } Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Front. day , yard 3 9<> Demonstration \ , . i -. -.J —, " ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. AGENTS Q Silks fot Cod DIGSSOS \\f > T_T ii r t>j i We shalj conduct a DEMONSTRATION in Auto- Women s Handkerchiefs, Neckwear n*bc Cookmg »t our * OK next week to .how you ho* An expert In refrigeration has Satin-stnpe tub silk, 36 inches wide, colored and black . ... ~ , ~' , . V CJTrTT/fNTTTITT. Rome to us direct from the Bohn strines 25 nattpm? varrl «<!✓. ~ i £i tut Women s oc linen handkerchiefs, 14-inch hem. Special, l>v jr,N I IM|7 /Li Syphon plant at St. Paul, Minn., swipes, to pdiierns, \ aru »* Hp a nd ~ , If . , 1 or» J Jl I A X Wl for the purpose of creating Stripe Habutais,. 37 inches wide, yard 570 u ,or » J 0 /II IAI/it,-. _ _ «r/ Cll ||J II a«J 'S.r ,r!"e Shanghai or Pongee, 36 inehes wldeViigh,' weight, $»"<»« 5°" a '' a " d cu * scts in %vhi,e HU lUHftTICCOQK JlUl Ii home. yard n.25 cream value to 7ac. Special. Monday ........ 390 r ... This expert will i>e in the White wash silks V in f l V> incline » , -.r,i Striped, warp print and fancy weave ribbons, sto 6 inches bakes, roasts, boik, steams, stews from the raw food to the ' .»d«.85 «*"• «•'- aiSTaW". , 3S?^ Monday, and he will use a Bohn i\- i t i ai i* • , . . uives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. „ . aaa /1/v ?. u - j \ r vr - Syphon refrigerator in his tests Washable Messaline in ivory white, lustrous and durable, : You can savel,ooohours ■ (100 ten-hour cteys) yearly. You because the Bohn Syhpon is rec- 36 inches wide vard «i >)-> /TV --v can save fuel, time, thought, attention. No burning, scorching. opnized by Americas foremost ,• //.. j"". r»^ # /fl (\_ * sogginess, underKjr-over-cooking, dryness or shrinkage. engineers on refrigeration to be vv lllte - ''S lll bll,c and pink crepe de chine, 40 inches, yard, 1\ (Iftf? g «VJ ■ Jl Our expert will demonstrate practically every feature of this the safest refrigerator it is pos- Sj?l..>o w\)^Vd % VIJ \YVvvvTVI \ wonderful Automatic Cook Stove. The greatest labor-and -8 ° >u - v Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front. money-saver of the age'. It takes up little room —is all-metal, V fireproof, durable, and is fully guaranteed, '' ' ' ' ' ' 11 I ■ , | | i „ SATURDA Y EVENING, HARRISBURG frSSflg TELEGRAPH MAY 30, 1914.
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