RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES POSTCARD SHOWER ON 77TH BIRTHDAY Mrs. Leonard Heikes Remembered by Many Friends on Anniver sary Occasion DILLSBURG STREET IS OILED All Brickwork on New Lutheran Church Has Been Completed By Special Correspondence Dillsburg, Pa., May 30.—Mrs. Leon ard Heikes was given a birthday post card shower on Saturday in honor of j her seventy-seventh birthday.—Balti more street was oiled this week to keep down the dust. The expense of the oiling: was paid by the residents along the street. —Mrs. R. S. Petty has gone to Atlantic City for the summer. Professor J. E. Hartman, who was, teaching school in New York city, has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hartman. —The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Segelken, of Steelton. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Brltcher, Monday.—The brick work of the new Lutheran Church is now completed. Workmen have started to build the foundation for the new house of Mrs. Jerome Starry, in place of the one destroyed by fire sev eral ago. Miss Katherine Reiver has returned to her home after t-pending several weeks at York. Mrs. John M. Leathery spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. May Comp, who is ill at her home in Car lisle. Elizabethville Band Concerts Attract Large Crowds By Special Correspondence Elizabethville, Pa., May 30. Mr. Mrs. D. M. Stine attended com mencement exercises at Port Carbon on Monday evening, where their son is principal.—The Rev. Mr. Bailsman, of Harrisburg, occupied the pulpits of the Reformed charge here on Sunday. •—The baccalaureate sermon to the class of graduates will be preached in the Lutheran Church by the Rev. E. J. Heilman on Sunday evening. The Rev. Mr. Wehr and family spent the week at Allentown and Schwenksville. The illness of Mr. Kehr has caused him to take a necessary rest for sev eral weeks. Max Byerly left for Northumberland and Shamokin on I Monday. The local school board | elected several of next year's corps of j teachers on Monday evening, viz.: Pri- J mary school. Miss Ella N. Shutt; sec- j ondary, Miss Florence Wehr; inter mediate, Miss Ellen Miller; assistant 1 principal, Miss Estella Lubold. Pro- i fessor Hertzler has resigned and will} leave for other parts. Miss Emma | Shaffer spent several days with her | brother, Dr. Shaffer. Mrs. Elmer I Gelss, of Reading, spent several days i in town.—Mark I. TThler is home from Muhlenberg College.—William H. Mil- j ler, of the Capital City, is spending | the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Miller.—Mrs. Gertie James and daughter, of Philadelphia, are the guests of B. F. Bufflngton.—Mrs. H. Stuppy, of Lykens, spent several days with Mrs. Sarah Holtzman. Large crowds were attracted to the band concert given in A. M. Rorr.berger's ca pacious yard on Saturday evening. This evening they will play for the basketball festival. Miss Lee Dromgold Entertains Members of R. T. A. Club Py Special Correspondence Blain, Pa., May 30. —Women's | Christian Temperance Union will hold j b meeting on Monday evening in the j Reformed church.—Miss Mary B. ! Gutshall visited her uncle, Wilson j Gutshall, in Harrisburg.—The Rev. I J. C. Reighard is attending the an- I nual meeting of Juniata Lutheran con- i ference in Marysvile. The Rev. Mr. ! Reighard will supply the pulpitl of the | New Bloomfield Lutheran charge on i Sunday.—Miss Anna Hoover, of New j Cumberland, is'the guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. B. Gutshall.—Miss Lee Drom- I gold entertained the R. T. A. Club j on Tuesday evening. Those present ! were: Miss Grace Stambaugh. Miss ' Anna Harkins, Miss Frankie B. Dimm, Miss Hazel G. Hench, Miss Nellie E. Book and Mrs. S. M. Woods.—Mrs. Dervin Hollenbaugh, of Harrisburg, was here on Monday.—Dealers are paying 17 cents for wool in this sec tion.—The Methodist Sunday School will render special services in observ ance of children's day on June 14. The Rev. J. C. Reighard will deliver the annual sermon before the Junior Order Union American Mechanics, Blain Council, No. 583, on Sunday, June 7, at 7:30 p. m.—C. M. Btfwe'r. chairman of the County Agricultural Association, attended the State farm ers' annual normal institute at Stroudsburg this week.—Mrs. Roy Williams, of Binghamton, N. Y., came here on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. S. G. Smith.—Benjamin H. Kell, of Saville, is president of the graduating class of thirty-seven mem bers at Ursinus College. Miss Edna Martin Wins Silver Medal Contest By Special Correspondence Ephrata, Pa., May 30. A silver! medal contest under the auspices of the Ephrata W. C. T. U. was held in the United Brethren Church. The re citers were Margaret Landis, Alma Hurst, Esther Stoudt, Edna Martin, Leona Mohler and Mildred Kllhefner; Miss Martin was awarded the medal. Each of the other contestants was awarded a beautiful bound illustrated copy of the New Testament—On Tues day evening, May 26, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Frank, in Ephrata township, their oldest daughter, Miss Nora Frank, was united in marriage to Theodore Wolle, of Lititz, the wedding ceremony being performed by the Rev. Benjamin Wenger.—Camp No. 31, Patriotic Order of Americans, cele brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the institute of the camp in an appro priate manner. About eighty mem bers of the order from Ephrata and neighboring towns were in attendance and an excellent musical and literary program was rendered.—Joel Mil'er, a tramp, who had bene given a hear ing on Tuesday afternoon by Justice of the Peace Harry Wealand, of Clay, on the charge of larceny, slipped away from Constable We.t, of Clay town- Rhip. as they were about to step on the 3 o'clock car In Ephrata for Lancaster hut was recaptured after a lively chase of almost one and a half miles. Ho was taken to Lancaster jai) - X J. - " '• •• ■" ;. ; . - " v • ' - * -"".*■^' c * -r • SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 30,1914. Survivors of Classes Will Honor First Principal of Maytown High School PROFESSOR H. T. ALBERT Special to The. Telegraph Marietta. Pa., May 30.—Professor H. T. Albert, now residing at Durham, Kas., who is 84 years of age, and the first principal of the Central High School at Maytown, is to be honored by the survivors of the classes with the placing in the school building of a life-size portrait of himself. He was considered one of the best men who ever taught there, and his pupils are scattered over the world. An effort is being made to reach them, and con tributions have been coming in to help dafray the expenses of the portrait. It is the purpose of the committee to hold a public dedicatory service, at which time former pupils will speak, and some of the songs sung in those by-gone days will be used. The com mittee is hard at work arranging for the affair, through the efforts of the secretary. William H. Clepper. James F. Johnstin is the president and Pro fessor H. B. Jacobs the historian of the organized Professor H. T. Albert Me morial Association. Greencastle Minister Preaches Farewell Sermon By Special Correspondence Greencastle, Pa., May 30.—Mrs. A. A. Morganthal and little son, Alvin, left for a week's visit with friends in Harrisburg and Altoona. —Mrs. Daniel Omwake and Mrs. C. Early Hollinger returned home from a two weeks' visit with friends at York. —Mrs. Arthur Saiter and daughters, Misses Evelyn and Marie, returned home Sunday aft er an extended visit with relatives at Pittsburgh.—The Rev. Raymond E. Marshall, pastor of the local Metho dist Episcopal church, delivered his farewell sermon on Sunday morning. The Rev. Mr. Marshall is a member of the class of 1914 of Dickinson College and will be graduated June 10. In September he will enter Boston Theo logical Seminary and continue his studies there. He will be succeeded by the Rev. Walter Henley, of Balti more.—Mrs. C. A. Hunt and daugh ter, of Bushnell, 111., are guests in the home of Warren Grove. —Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young and daughter, of Washington, D. C., were guests of Mrs. A. C. Bushey on Sunday.—Miss Made line Dayhoff entertained a number of little friends at her home In the Flem ing apartments.—Mrs. D. Z. Shook is confined to her home by a severe at tack of tonsilitis.—Mr. and Mrs. War ren Shook, of Summersville, Mass., who have been spending the past week with relatives here, returned home on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter on Sunday.—The Misses Rose and Bertha Thompson, of Martinsburg, W. Va„ were the guests of Mrs. Chester Kepner on Sun day.—Harry Brumbaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Brumbaugh, near Greencastle, who will be graduated from Dickinson College June 10, has been elected principal of the high school at Rristol, Pa.—The residence of Edward May Mayhew, situated east of Middleburg. was totally de stroyed by fire Monday morning about :fi o'clock. The cause of the fire is un- I known, hut is thought to be due to la defective.flue. There was no insur ! ance on the property.—The Re,v. and Mrs. T. T. Everett, D. D„ of York, ar rived here yesterday and will make j this their future home. Dr. Everett | was formerly pastor of Zion Lutheran chucrh at York.—Mrs. Elizabeth Brindle is spending two weeks with friends in Hagerstou'n.—Mrs. Cather ine Walch, of Chambersburg, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. David Martin. —Mrs. Harriet Rhodes who spent the winter here with her daugh ter, Mrs. C. B. Carl, has gone on an extended visit with friends in Carlisle. —A teachers' training class was organ ized in the First United Brethren church Monday evening, with the pas tor, the Rev. J. W. Houch as teacher. Twelve pupils have enrolled. VALUABLE STRAWBERRY CROP Ixnvistown, Pa., May 30.—False alarms of fire have been bothering the fire companies lately.—Miss Gladius Smith will graduate from Indiana State Normal School.—Mrs. Samuel Smith has been visiting friends in New York State.—Mrs. David Snyder is visiting friends in New Jersey.— George Gavton. of Binghamton, N. Y.. has been visiting his parents here.— Mrs. Charles Kitting has returned home from a visit to friends in Phila delphia.—Charles M. Smith has a strawberry crop coming on that will net him SSOO per acre.—Lewistown has more automobiles for its size than any other town in Pennsylvania.—R. L. Golder, of Wilkes-Barre, is a guest of friends here. —Hugh Hamilton, of Akron, Ohio, is calling on friends here. —Water Bearley will graduate from the Philadelphia School of Pharmacy. —Harry Leason, of San Francisco] Cal., is caling on friends here.—Dr. Walter H. Parcels was the Memorial Day orator at Yeagertown. MISS IIROSS GRADUATES Jonestown, Pa., May 30.—Miss ♦Bes sie Euston, of Lebanon, spent several days with E. Daniel Hinterlelter.— Luther and Henry Kern spent a day in Annville with their uncle, Milton H. Shand.—Miss Estelle V. Brossman re turned home after spending a week with friends at West Chester.—Harry A. Barry, of Oak Forest Park, Caton ville, Maryland, motored to Jonestown, his former home.—Miss Lilly Bross! who graduated with high honors at the Lebanon high school commence ment on Thursday evening, had as her subject. "The First Hague Peace Convention."—Michael B. Mohn, who was very ill of pleuro-pneumonia, is slowly improving.—Dr. Lewis W. Nagle, of Nfwmanstown, father-in law of Mr. Mohn, spent Saturday [night here. —Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. I Miller attended the funeral of| their | daughter-in-law, Mrs. William Fred I Miller, at Lebanon. Old Farmers Sowed Buckwheat on "Seven-Sleeper Day" Modern Agriculturalist in Perry County Plants Grain Earlier and Gets More Plentiful Crops -New German town. Pa., May 30. Thirty-ono Republicans and fifty-six Democrats voted at the primaries in Toboyne township, first election dis trict. Fifteen Republicans and fifty Democrats failed to vote.—Russell F. Swartz. Harry Sanderson and Ira C. Morrison were in Harrisburg last week. —Mrs. H. C. Showaker, Miss Pauline Gring and Miss Jessie Mum per were in Newport.—Mrs. H. E. Bryner and two sons visited friends at Cisna Run. —A birthday party was held on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hockenberry for itheir son, Frank, who has been a crip ple since birth. He was the recipient of many useful presents. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hockenberry, sons Frank and Ross and daughter Myrtle; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Miller and son Roy, Messrs. Da vid College, David Saltzburg, Harry Briner, Raymond Stainor, Clark An derson, Elder Gibbons, Maurice Gib bons ,C. W. Otto, Daniel E. Mumper, Andrew Trostle, Misses Louise Mump- Mrs. Ryan Bressler Royally Entertains Mothers' Club Halifax, Pa., May 30.—Mrs. Ryan Bressler entertained the mothers' Club at her bungalow in Powls Yalley on Thursday afternoon. Bobby Shumak er and Ryan Bressler chaperoned the party.—Mr. and Mrs. John Riland, of Railway, N. J., spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Bress ler.—Mrs. Ellen Bressler accompanied them here to remain during the sum mer.—Professor Clyde Shibe, Bert Barnes and Victor Gustavison, of Clearfield", are spending a few days at the home of J. W. Clemson on the island. They came the entire distance down the river in a canoe.—Charles Manning, of Enola, was in town on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. William Lebo and little daughter, of Harrisburg, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert and little daughter Mary Louise, of Harrisburg, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman.—Miss Marie Grim spent Sunday with friends at Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fisher, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the home of the latter's father, Cornelius Koppenheffer. Robert Troutman, of Reading, is spending sometime with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Schell. —William W. Bottomstone, of Baltimore, Md., spent Sunday with his uncle, J. C. Marsh. —Mrs. H. L. Fette"".oiT spent Satur day at Harrisburg with friends —Mrs. Harry Bottomstone, >.f Watsontown, spent Tuesday at the home ot her father, John Cratzer. —Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cooper and son, John, spent Sunday at Carlisle, guest of their son, William.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fair childs and Charles Dowden, of Millers burg, spent Sunday at their bungalow, near town. District Attorney of Union County to Deliver Address Middleburg;, Pa., May SO. —Mrs. J. E. Haldeman and children are visiting at the home of Mrs. Pearl Haldeman at Thompsontown.—Mrs. A. D. Goug ler and daughter are visiting friends at Williamsport.—Banks Dreese and sons Daniel and Joseph spent Sunday with friends at Liverpool.—The Rev. H. A. Stauffer preached an able Memorial sermon in the Lutheran Church on Sunday evening.—Herman Shumaker, of Liverpool, called on his brother, I. A. Shumaker, on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mover, of Freeburg, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Haldeman. —Attorney Jacob Gilbert spen* several days • ith his sister at Lewistown.—R. M. Barton left for Tyrone on Sunday where he is employ ed as a mail clerk. —G. A. Stine, of York, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. J. Herman. —Mr. and Mrs. James Sig ler called on friends at Sunbury on Saturday.—Mis Edith Fowler is visit ing friends in Watsontown—J. C. Fow ler and daughter, Florence, spent sev eral days with friends in Coudersport. —I. J. Batdorf, of Harrisburg. was a business caller in town on Tuesday.— Mrs. Samuel Graham, of Spruce Hill, spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Barton.—Cloyd Steininger, district attorney of Union county, will deliver the Memorial address in Mid dleburg, Saturday evening. Principal and Instructors of Mifflin Schools Appointed Mini into wn, Pa., May 30.—Mrs. E. I A. Beal is in Philadelphia attending the convention of the P. O. of A. as district deputy president of Juniata and Mifflin counties and will visit her son Ross, a student at Gettysburg Col lege on her way home.—John B. La mer, of Washington, D. C., visited his summer home at Bellard Farm last week. —Mildred Etka, who was seri ously ill with pneumonia, is better. — Joseph S. Martin, of Sharpsburg, is visiting in town. —Maurice, the oldest child of Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Morgan, is ill with scarlet fever and the Luth eran parsonage is quarantined.—Rob ert Culp went to Philadelphia to at tend the examination of the University of Pennsylvania.—Gilbert Rickabaugh and his sister, Miss Katherine, of Mil lerstown, visited at the home of Mrs. Kurtz Kauffman on Saturday.—Miss Mary Schlomer, of Newport, is visiting at the home of her brother, John Schlomer, at Mifflin. —The board of di rectors for the Mifflin schools have ap pointed the following teachers: Miss Gardiner, principal; Miss Renker, of Carlisle, assistant principal; Mr. Ber ris. of Port Royal, for the grammar school; Miss Grace Selber, interme diate; Miss Hubert, second interme diate; Miss Sara Roblson, primary de partment, and Miss Emily McNeal, second primary.—Mrs. Fllimalee, of Chicago, is visiting Mrs. Elmer Mc- Mean, of Mifflin.—Miss Margaret Eld er has returned home after a visit of several months at Sunbury and Phil adelphia.—Miss Gardner has opened a six weeks'- summer school In the Mifflin High school building.—Mrs. Baker's senior music class will give a recital Thursday evening in the Pres byterian Church.—The Rev. and Mrs. Aurand stopped here over night with Miss Alma Selber on their way home to York after a visit to Mrs. Aurand's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Fahs. at Tyrone.—Misses Grace and Alma Sei ber have gone to Washington, D. C., to meet their sister, Miss Helfcn, who has been at school In Virginia. After a visit of a few days in the Capital City they will attend the exercises at Wiison College. Chambersburg, after which Misses Grace and Helen will re turn home while Alma will fro to York to visit her friends, the Rev. and Mrs. i Aurand. er, Jessie Mumper, Alice Mumper, Zora Trostle and Maggie Hockenberry. —Mr. and Mrs. C. E. P. Kelin and daughter, of Newport, and Mrs. Keim's < mother, Mrs. Samuel Barnhart. of 1 Bellwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hopple.—Miss Rhoda Morrow and Miss Maude Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Foose, of Ander sonburg on Saturday.—The Rev. Mr. Strieker, of the Church of God, bap tized five young people by immersion at Center Square on Sunday morning. —Mrs. S. B. Trostle was cailed to New Bloomfield on Monday on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. John S. Briner.—The supervisors of To boyne townsuip have a force of men repairing the township roads. They are better than the State road.—The farmers of Toboyne township for many years had been sowing buck wheat on June 27, "Seven-sleeper Day," but now a great many of them are seeding for buckwheat wljen they sow their oats and are getting better crops. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence Newton Hamilton. Mrs. Charles Price was a visitor at Harrisburg. on Wednesday. R. D. Stayner was at New York and Philadelphia, last week. —J. G. Ewing went to Newport on Tuesday. Clifford Norton, of Altoona, spent a few days at the home of his parents. Mrs. J. H. Lutz, of Reading, was a visitor here on Monday. Miss Lizzie Laughlln, of Lewstown, visited her friend, Miss Maggie Craig, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Daniels, of Altoona, spent a few days at the home of their parents. Mrs. C. A. Daniels and daughter, Mildred, return ed home on Friday, after a month's visit in Ohio. H. G. Hower, of Mt. Union, was a visitor in town on Tues day. Mrs. J. D. Miller was at Altoona on Saturday. Malta. Mrs. W. E. Lucas, of Dal matia, called on her sick mother, Mrs. Jacob Grimm, this week. Lloyd and Aden Bohner, of Hickory Corners, spent Ascension Day at the home of their uncle, E. D. Witmer. Thomas Zerbe, of Dalmatia, made a short call on his son, Webster, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Snyder, of Pillow, transact ed business here on Saturday.—Flor ence Schlegel, of Sunbury, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Robert B. Zerbe, the latter part of the week. George H. Stein, of Millersburg, was in town on Saturday. George H. Deppen and family were the guests of relatives near Pillow, on Sunday. Charles H. Zerbe had a telephone installed in his home, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jona than J. Shaffer and Mrs. Charles H. Zerbe and daughters paid a visit to the home of John M. Lenker. Walter H. \\ ertz, of Sunbury, visited under the parental roof over Sunday. Henry Dippen, a retired farmer, died very sud- I denly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B F. Harris, on Friday. Charles H. | Hepner was at Elizabethville on Mon day. Jay A. Bingaman, of Dalmatia, was in town on Monday. Krenmer. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Roush and daughter. Stella, visited relatives here on Tuesdav. Mrs. 1- rank Brouse visited her sister, Mrs. ISi an< ' Mrs. Ammon Blouch, of Middleburg, visited friends here. The following were at Wash- P n Sunday: Clarence Gordon, Philip Hummel, Selln Mecklv, John Benfer, George Pontious and Miss Lena Mull. Mrs. H. F. Aurand and Carrie ?.\ tter r ,!V. ere „ ,n Sunbury this week. Miss Lillle Hottenstein and her mother, Mrs. A. H. Hummel, visited the form ers mother, Mrs. Lizzie Hummel Henvertown. Mrs. Amelia Gund "i a ?; of K , e »y er Springs, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Soles and family, » st , reet - Thomas Coleman, °t. Jf'ttsburgh. came home suffering JJ 1 typhoid fever. Clarence Walker, of Selinsgrove was the guest of George A\ nlker. William Coleman, of Lewis town, was the guest of friends here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gill and daughter, of Mversdale. were the guests of Mrs. Edward Beaver Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wetzel visited the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gingrich, at Evendale, Pa. lra Middlesworth, of Sunbury, was the guest of his aunts, Misses Minerva and Jane Middlesworth over Sunday. Mrs. William Moyer was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. E. Howell,, at MeClure. Pa. The Rev. and Mrs. Fred Bingaman, of 'Reb ersburg. Pa., were guests of James Bingaman, a few days. lrvin Binga man, of Harrisburg. visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bingaman.—Mrs! Delia Feese visited her son, George, at Sunbury. William Martin, of East Waterford, Pa. was the guest of his sister over Sunday. I nlon Dpponlt. Mr. and Mrs Ed ward Stover, of Stoverdale, spent Sun day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. I,andis. Mrs. John F. Shoop spent Sunday at Mechanicsburg with Mrs. P. Longenecker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Miller, accompanied by their sons, Harry and Paul, spent Sunday near Linglestown with Mrs. Miller's sister. Mrs. John Kelar. Miss Esther Sanders spent Wednesdav at Harrls hur S f r - and Mrs. Neal Miller en tertained these guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Kelar. of Palmyra; Mr. and Ps»h«>r r Mm wlt ™e r anrl his sister, Miss £sther Miller, of Hummelstown. The p .^? t P r of the United Hrethren Church, will hold services to morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. Con rad Schaeffer, of Hershey, moved his household goods and furniture into one of A. M. Schaffner s houses, on Wednes day- p aul Flory will soon have his stable completed. r A meeting of the Indies Aid Society, of the United Brethren Church, was held at the home of Mrs. Ellas Arney on Tuesday even ing— The Misses Ivy and Anna Luft, * 5r° ya £"?• s P ent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Eckert. Miss Effle Twlgg spent the past week in Lebanon and Reading. - The Rev. Mr. Renshaw has been attending a Christian Endeavor convention at Deer Park, Md. this week, returning home on Friday even hig. Mrs. Wesley Geiger and Mrs. Renshaw attended the Lower District Sabbath School Association, at Shlre manstown, on Thursday afternoon and evening. The Rev. Mr. Daugherty. of Oakville. took dinner at the United Brethren parsonage, on Monday.—Mrs Lentz, of Harrisburg. spent Saturday with the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Renshaw Mrs. Erb and Mrs. Farrance, of Shlre manstown, visited their sister, Mrs Sweigert, who has been quite sick Dnlmntia. Allen Brown, of Harris burg, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs B. F. Brown, a few days. Carleton App, of Liverpool, was the guest of Eugene Brosius, on Sunday. Miss Katie and Miss Annie Wold visited at Sunbury a few days. J. T. Wert vis ited his daughter. Mrs. Chamherlln. at Shamokin. Mrs. Byrem and daugh ter. of Umoyne, were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Henry Zelgler, a few days Mrs. O. C. Leister and daughter, Arlie are visiting at Philadelphia. E A Latshaw. of Elizabethville. visited tiere during the week. Mrs. Frank Pot tPlgpr visltPd at Halifax n few davs Charles Engel. of Shamokin, called on friends In town recently. Miss Sarah Lenker returned home from Harris burg, where she had been visiting "Should a Woman Toll?" At the Photoplay to-day.— Advertisement SIX G. H R. MEMBERS' DIED IT GETTYSBURG Corporal Skelly Post Held Memorial Services at Battlefield Town on Sunday 7 SERMON TO GRADUATING CLASS Mr. and Mrs. Kadel Entertain Jun ior Christian Endeavor Society of Presbyterian Church By Special Correspondence Gettysburg, l>a., May r.<l. —Memor- ial services were held by Corporal Skelly Post. No. 9, G. A. R., in the -post room on Sunday afternoon The Rev. A. E. Wagner delivered an im pressive and patriotic address. Six members of the post died during the past year.—Giflford Pinchot, the Wash ington party candidate for United States senator, delivered an address in Center Square Tuesday afternoon to a small sized audience. —The switching crew in the Western Maryland yards here was laid off on Monday. The Jennie Wren Club enjoyed a day's out ing at McAllister's Dam. near town. —l3O members of the Pottsville high school and 100 members of the Read ing high school rpent Saturday on the battlefield.—Dr. A. E. Wagner preach ed the baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class of the Gettysburg high school on Sunday evening in the college Lutheran church. Ernest Krixer painfully sprained his ankle in a fall from a twenty foot ladder.—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kadel entertained the Junior Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church on their lawn Saturday evening.—The choir of St. James' Lutheran Church picknicked at Round Top on Saturday.—Dr. J. A. Singniaster assisted at the dedication of the First Lutheran Church at Gor don Pa. on winday.—The Rev. A. R. Wentz preached in the Second Luth eran Church at Altoona on Sunday.— J. Elmer Musselman attended the Knights Templar conclave in EMe.— Mrs. F. N. Frommeyer is visiting friends in Harrisburg.—*-Dr. T. C. Bill heimer is attending the Lebanon con ference of the East Pennsylvania Synod at Pottsville.—Mr. and Mrs. S. H. McCullough and two children, of Bellwood, are visiting friends In town. —The senior class of high school pre sented Miss Cope with a handsome wicker chair.—Tarvia is being applied to the streets of Gettysburg. Miss Minnie Spangler, of Washington, D. C., is visiting her brother. Three Break Their Arms in Accidents at Newville By Special Correspondence Newville, Pa.. May 30.—Dr. John O. Bower, of Wyncote, Pa., and Hoyt Bower, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Rebecca Bower. Dr. Bower expects to sail on June 4 for Europe to continue studies in a special line of medical work.— Mrs. Cyrus Mentzer and son have gone on a trip to Philadelphia.—Miss Fran ces Maxwell, of Philadelphia, is spending two weeks with her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Maxwell.—Misses Mary and Jane McCachran have re turned from a trip to Altoona. —Miss Henrietta Sharp entertained on Wed nesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Perry McLaughlin, a recent bride. About twenty-five guests were pres ent.—Beginning June 1 the Post Office will close every evening at 6:30. —Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Davidson, of Mt. Rock, have issued invitations for the mar ! riage of their youngest daughter, Eleanor, to James A. Huston, son of Samuel Huston, of Penn township on the evening of June 4, at the Davidson home.—On Monday evening, Miss Catherine Witmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Witmer, fell off a trapese in the Shopwell yard, and broke her arm.—While Samuel Zeig ler, of Lower Mifflin, was driving a team of horses attached to a gasoline engine one of the horses became un manageable and Mr. Zeigler jumped resulting in a broken wrist, a dislo • cated elbow and various minor injur • ies and bruises over his body.—Mrs. ' Lowrie Smith, of Cloverdale Lithia : Springs, tripped over a scraper on her , back porch and broke her arm in two * places. : Delegation Will Attend i Quincy Orphanage Reunion * By Special Correspondence \fw Cumberland, May 30.—Thurs day, June 4th. A delegation from Trin ity United Brethren Church will ac company the excursion to the annual reunion of the Quincy Orphanage. —• Miss Edna Kilmore, of Prague, Okla homa, is visiting friends h?re. Miss Kilmore has been teaching in the pub lic school in Oklahoma for several years.—Miss Irene Guistwhite is spend ing a few days at Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Speakman and daugh ter, of Williamsport, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Speakman. this week. Mrs. Otto Kauffman and son, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Abner Fox returned to their home in East Orange, N. J. Miss Roberta Relff, a student of Metzgar College, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and " Mrs. G. H. Reiff, on Tuesday. Mrs. , Edna Ralston, of Philadelphia, is visit ing relatives here. Miss Nora Eber " sole and Miss Mary Boss, of Sparrows' Point, were guests of Mrs. C. D. Brown, at Elkwood, this week. Mrs. Ward Kprenkel, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Et , tinger. of Rochelle, 111., were guests of J Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sprenkel, this week. A delegation from St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will attend the an • nual outing at the Loysville Home, I June 4. Mrs. Harry Williams and 3 daughter. Mabel, of Scotland, Pa., are * visiting friends here. a GUESTS AT GRANTVILLE HOTEL By Special Correspondence t Grantville, Pa., May 30. —Mr. and : Mrs. W. M. Shakespeare, of Sand J Beach, visited here last week.—Harry j Swope, of Hummelstown, and Jacob i. Hess, of Hershey, were callers here.— r Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Neffs, of Riverside. - and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Miller, of Har ' risburg, dined at the Grantville hotel. ' —F. H. Gruber, of Annville, and J. B. Ross, of Harrisburg, were business - callers here. —Mr. and Mrs. John i- Urich and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Urich, J of Harrisburg, registered at the Grant- J vllle hotel.—Mrs. Benjamin Keim and t Miss Carrie Blatt visited Mary Baum - gardner near Zion's church.—David t Ensminger and the Rev. O. R. Bittner - took an auto trip to Lehigh county this week.—Mrs. Jacob Sherk is able to be about again after being ill.—J. Rufus Felty, of Green Point, visited the Rev. and Mrs. O. R. Bitner over Sunday.—Mrs. Myers and daughter, -jjf Medford, returned home after spending the week with his daughter _ i and son-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. John L. Groh.—Emma Sherk, of Reading, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob e Sherk. —Elian Moyer, of Shellsville, Is confined to her bed with rheumatism. Well-known Instructors Re-elected to Head of Dillsburg High School JB i- PROFESSOR L. W. BELL Principal MISS MYRTLE MAYBERRY Assistant Principal Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., May 30.—Professor L. W. Bell and Miss Myrtle Mayberry have again been elected to the head of the Dillsburg High School, Profes sor Bell as principal and Miss May berry as assistant principal. Both these teachers have the distinction of working their way up to the head of the school. Professor Bell, who is a graduate of Dickinson College, class of 1911, began his work in Dillsburg as assistant principal and last year was elected principal, while Miss Mayber ry, who is a graduate of Shippensburg State Normal School, began as teacher of the B intermediate school and last year was elected assistant principal. Henry Houck Addresses Hummelstown Graduates Hummelstown, Pa., May 30.—Com mencement exercises in the opera house were a perfect success. The ad dress to the graduates was delivered by Henry Houck, of Lebanon, Secre tary of Internal Affairs. E. Z. Etter, one of the directors, presented the di plomas to the graduates. The music was furnished by the high school or chestra. Following was the program: Music, by the orchestra; invocation, the Rev. A. S. Lehman, pastor of the United Brethren Church; salutatory oration, Leta O. Alwein; vocal solo, Zelma Landis; oration, Harry Fish burn;oration, Bertha Stare ;flute solo, John Burkliolder; oration, Howard Holsberg; piano duet, Von Weber, Annie Burkholder, Margaret Mullin; class history, Harold Yingst; class poem, Earnest Shope; class prophecy, Hazel Blackburn; i resentation, Mary E. Hartwell; valedictory oration, Helen Henry.—Misses Edith and Alice Shoop, of Colebrook, Pa., are spending the week with the family of C. H. Mil ler. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hushour and daughter and Miss Edna Kreiner, of Oberlin, spent Thursday evening with Charles McClurg.—Stores and places of busienss were closed to-day. —A number of people spwit the day In the beautiful Hershey Park.—The borough council received a car load of paving blocks on Thursday from the Pine Grove Brick Company. Miles Early found a gold watch and the owner can have It by identifying it. — The Misses Lulu Bolton and Barbara Hummel attended the Sunday school convention in Williamstown on Tues day, as delegates from the Lutheran Sunday school. —The lecture by the Rev. Forrest Dager, D. D., of Phila delphia, given under the auspices of the Ladies' Mite Society of the Re formed Church on Friday evening was greatly enjoyed. His subject was "Rags and Old Iron." Farmers Light Their Houses and Barns With Acetylene With push button in bedroom, one push of the button illuminates all out buildings. D. H. Martin, of McAlister ville, Pa., who has been in the acety lene business for nine years has in stalled hundreds of these gas plants in Central Pennsylvania. Mr. Martin is now installing one of these up-to date plants for George Marberger, at Eberly's Mills, Cumberland county; B. Frank Shuman, Enola, Pa.; J. B. Jackson, Duncannon; S. L. Kauffman, Dillsburg; Joseph Bowman, Dillsburg Pa. Write Mr. Martin for estimates foi complete plants. Also fwr testimon ials. We will furnish you with exper iencerl gas fitters to install these plants ns we have one gas fitter who has been with us for nine years and two that have been with us for six years. All work guaranteed. I will supply you with a pit or cellar generator. White for catalogue and estimate. D. H. Martin, AlcAlistcrsville, Pa. — Advertisement. THIRTEEN GRIOIIATES H MOM CUISS Class Day and Commencement Ex ercises Will Be Held Wed nesday and Thursday WESTERN MINISTER ON VISIT Moved Away From Mount Joy More Than Thirty-five Years Ago Special Correspondence Mount Joy, Pa., Mav 30. Com mencement exercises of the Mount Joy jhiprh school will be held in Mount Joy nail on Thursday evening, June 4. the class day exercises will he held on Wednesday evening, June 3. The thirteen graduates are Dale Garher, Kdgar R. Missemer, Fannie Strickler, Miriam Chandler, Lottie Hover, Rav niond Nissly, Alvin Rutt, Owen Green vlola Heam. Esther Weber, Martha Musser, Roy Hershey arid Har vey Longenecker. Raymond Nissly will be the salutatorlan; Dale Garber, the valedictorian, and Edgar Misse mer, the class orator. Professor Charles Calvert Ellis, of Juniata Col lege, will be the speaker of the even* -The Rev. John M. Sheetz, of Moonlight, Kan., was in town on Mon <lay, the guest of J. R., Missemer. The Rev. Mr. Sheetz is one of the most progressive ministers of the Brcthr«jrf in Christ denomination. He came cast to attend the national con ference of that church at Fairland, Lebanon county, last week. Thirty five years ago the Rev. Mr. Sheetz moved to the west from the neigh borhood of Mount Joy—At the Church of God missionary meeting on Thurs day evening the Rev. C. D. Rishel, Thomas Stark. Miss Mary Longenecker, Mrs. Eli Smeltzer, Miss Edith Myers, Mrs. J. K. Stauffer and Miss Emma Shookers took part in the program.— Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Roedell, of Phila delphia, spent Sunday In town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camp bell.—Frank W. Peffer and Miss Mary Hess, of Harrisburg, were here on Monday.—Constable Kramer found an old copper cent dated 1808 while dig ging the garden of Lawyer Hollon bush.—A lawn social will be held on Saturday, June 6, by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Lutheran Church at the residence of Frank Schock. Twelve Members of G. A. R. Post Die During Past Year By Special Correspondence Meclianlosbiirg, pa., May 30. Memorial services were held on Thurs day evening by the Colonel H. I. Zlnn Post, Grand Army of the Republic, In the Grand Army Hall, in the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company Building. The service was public and followed the ritual of the Grand Army and was participated in by the Woman's Re lief Corps and the Sons of Veterans. The following veterans died since the last memorial service was held: Jonas Deckman, Jacob H. Sipe, David H. Mumma, Frank Stehle, John Moses, ■ David Rider, Daniel Ashenfelter, John r Walker, John Crout, John A. Funk, I George Berkheimer and David Wea ■ ver.—Mrs. J. Irvin Steele entertained ■ Mrs. Wesley M. Oler, of New York; i Mre. Andrew Hazejhurst, of Evanston, N. Y., and Mrs. Cuppy, of Lititz, on Tuesday.—Mrs. A. C. Stamm and i daughters, the Misses Julia and Kath arine, were visitors of the brother of ; the former, George W. Owen. —Miss ! Olive Taylor entertained the Standard ■ Bearers, a missionary society of the r Methodist Episcopal Church, on • Thursday evening at her home in I East Main street. Following the busi ness session, the time was spent so cially.—Mrs. John Leiby, of Newport, and Mrs. James Seig, of Harrisburg, are in town, called here by the illness and death of their father, E. Rankin, I Huston. Charles M. Senseman, of New York, was in this place several . days, attending the funeral of hla L aunt, Mrs. Sarah Eckels.—Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Mohler and Mr. and Mrs. I Ralph. Cabanas, of Mexico City, Mex., . are spending some time with relatives , in this place. : INDIA MISSIONARY PREACHES By Special Correspondenci , Rife, Pa., May 29. —The Rev. C. F. s Crider, a returned missionary from r India, preached an able sermon In the , Lutheran Church on Sunday.—A num ber of town people attended the fu-» , neral of Harry Holtzman at Berrys -1 burg on Sunday.—G. W. Noll Is nurs , lng a sore hand. He was helping to ; start an auto and his hand was caught 3 in the wheel.—Members of the G. A. , R. were at the cemetery on Sunday r decorating the graves of their com- 1 , rades.—Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Lauden i slager, of Pillow, called at the home r of Aaron Strohecker's on Sunday. r ————_ Business Locals 1 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS r Memorial Day throughout the na * tlon is the one day of the year when ' the floral tributes vies with the elo s quence of the platform orators. More 3 eloquent than words are the many 3 sentiments conveyed through the me - dium of a floral wreath or a spray of 1 fresh cut flowers or a blooming plant. 1 Phone your requirements to Schmidt, - Florist, 313 Market street. l s LOOK, MOTHER f From now until Decoration Day, - we are going to have a special re ? ductlon sale of our children's hats, s and we have an extraordinary display, comprising all the new and vogish models. Our liberal reduction In prices will meet with your approval. Come while the situation is at its best, j Mayy C. Glass, Fashionable Millinery, * 1306 Market street. 5 LADIES OF HARRISBURG We would like to call your attention - to an Important subject that will be - of seasonable interest to you, now. s The Keystone Rug Co., 1116 Mont l gomery street, are prepared to give - you the best carpet, rug and chenille t curtain cleaning that you ever saw or ; hear. 1 of, without the slightest harm • to color or fabric. Our prices and re ■ suits will please you. This Is the , . | time to do such work. I THE LADIES' FAVORITE Those who are fortunate enqugh to s be wearing the famous La France a shoe, will tell you they have & quality, "> comfort and style about them that ia . really worth talking about. We have r' them in high oxfords or pumps, at $3.50 to |5.00. This Is the only store i. j that sells the La France shoe In Har -1 rlsburg. Edward F. Deichler, 18th. j and Market streets. 5
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