HAVE THE TELEGRAPH WANT ADS FIND YOUR LOST ARTICLE / DIED feEAR On May 2D, 1914, at 4:30 P. M., at Hartman Hospital. Selena A., wife of Charles A. Bear, of 217 Peffer street. t .. . . Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services, on Monday after noon, at 4 o'clock, from residence of her mother, Mrs. C. Robins, 2016 Green street. Burial at East Harrisburg Cemetery. LOST LOST Friday evening, doctor's medical case, containing surgical in struments and medicines. Kindly re turn to Dr. L C. Goldman, <lO North bixth street, and receive reward. LOST Oval-shaped Cameo Pin. Wednesday evening. Reward if return ed to Room 82, Union Trust Building. LOST—Two ten-dollar bills. Wednes day, between 9:30 and 5 o'clock. L" 13 " eral reward if returned to this office. HELP -tVANTED—MaIe WANTED Experienced laster on consolidated hand method lasting n la " chine. Also young man to i*?™ st Ing. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Men to sell seeds to farmers and ornamental stock in towns. Apply at once. Herrlck Seed company, Rochester, N. Y. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED —No canvassing or soliciting requir ed. Good income assured. Address Na tional Co-Operative Realty Co., v-910, Warden Building, Washington. D. C. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS [Thorough instruction, $5. Returned if hot appointed. Particulars free. Ameri can Civil Service School, Washington, i_£: __ GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington, D. C. HONEST MAN WANTED in each town to distribute free advertising premiums; sls a week to start; ex perience unnecessary; references re quired. Address McLean, Black & Co., S3, N. Beverly street, Boston, Mass. WANTED A good, general farm hand, by the month. C. R. Miller, Marys- Vllle, Pa., R. F. D. WANTED Man between ages of 28 and 45 years, with business experience Mid knowledge of bookkeeping and Stenography, take charge of office de tails. manufacturing; steady, salaried position; must be resident within 5c fare limit: references and cash bond re quired. M., 1035, care of Telegraph. WANTED Boy over 16, to learn lewelry repairing and manufacturing. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street. HELP WANTED —Feniola LADY CANVASSERS Best yet. ''Silver Cloth' cleans like magic. In stant seller. Big profits. Also Sani tary Milk Bottle Stopper every housewife wants one—just "out of our factory. Great seller. Hurry If you mean business. Lace-Ometer Co., 6070 Jen kins Arcade, Pittsburgh. WOULD you work for $15.00 per week, 8 hours a day? Woman wanted to distribute free packages Borax Washing Powder. Ward Soap Co., 216 Institute Place, Chicago. WOMEN CANVASSERS Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet and Household Necessi ties, $9.00 weekly salary, or commis sion. Credit. Sample case loaned. Rebsoher, Dept. A-3, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED A woman for general housework, one who is willing to assist with invalid. Call 1428J, Bell plione, or &pply 107 South Second street. WANTED A young, white girl to assist in housework. Call 1605 Zarker Street. WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25.00 to $50.00 per week. Rail road fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 579, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Cook and housemaid. Apply 510 North Second street. LEARN DRESSMAKING In one of the best dressmaking schools in America. Make your own dresses while learning. Night and Day classes. Work's Dress making School, 22 North Fourth street. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female. SIOO CASH to writers of verses or melodies for new songs; send your poems or musical composition to-day. Examination free. Dugdale Co., Dept. 492. Washington, D. C. WANTED Persons to write and copy letters. $lO to $25 a week readily made by following our practical direc tions. Send self-addressed envelope for particulars. Brooks Copying Co., 970 Pennsylvania .avenue, Washington, D. C. ' ' FOR SALE > A Very Desirable Uptown Property 231 Maclay Street Three-story brick dwelling house with vestibule —reception hall— eight rooms—bath —steam heat— gas and electricity. Front bay windows on second and third floors—side bay windows on first and second floors. Cemented cellar with hot and cold water and closet. Front and rear porches and bal cony. Lot 21x100 feet. Prompt possession. Price and terms upon inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG OjSfiSp TELEGRAPH MAY 30, 1914. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Place for boy, 13 years of age, on farm. Address W., 1040, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man, at present holding a responsible position, would like to connect himself with a reliable business where there is an opportunity of obtaining experience in buying and selling, and invest some money. Apply Box O, 1033, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED —Female WANTED Maternity nursing; can give reference. Addres P., 1039, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman desires position as chambermaid or general housework. Call, or address, 1209 Wal lace street. WANTED Young, refined woman desires position in private family as nurse or companion, or is capable of taking entire charge of the household; best of reference. Address M., 1037, care of Telegraph. WANTED By half-growri colored girl, work between school hours. Ad dress M., 1038, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work. Address Delia Anderson, No. 334 South Fifteenth street, or Bell phone 1616 R. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED for article which no housewife can resist. Particulars free. Dept. 20, Tod Specialties Co., 43- 51 Hancock avenue, Jersey City. N. J. AGENTS WANTED Male and fe male, to sell household article used in every home every day; quick seller; big commission. Kenmore Novelty Co., Ken more, N. Y. , AGENTS Let us show you how to earn $lO daily. No experience needed. Send no money. Just say, send par ticulars. American Specialties Co., Box 232, Passaic, N. J. HONEST MAN WANTED in each town for special advertising work; sls a week to start; experience unneces sary; references .required. Address at once McLean, Black & Co., 93 N. Bev erly street, Boston, Mass. AGENTS Something new fastest sellers and quickest repeaters on earth. Permanent, profitable business. Good for SSO to $75 a week. Write for par ticulars. American Products Co., 8090 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE YOUNG MEN Start now in spare time. Can vass new line of quick selling novel ties. Clean up big money this summer. Territory going fast. llurry. Also want District Managers. Lace-Ometer Co., 6070 Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh. WANTED, BY JUNE 8, one live wire in each county; special inducements for quick action: weekly pay. Western New York Nurseries, Desk 26, Roches ter, N. Y. INVESTIGATE TO-DAY Fast sell ing article. Great demand. l>arge profits for Live Agents. Success as sured. The Bower Supply Co., 107 East Simpson street, Mechanicsburg. Pa. AGENTS WANTED Men and wo men article every housewife must have; quick sales; big money. Be first. Ask us. Household Furnishing Co., Trenton, N. J. AGENTS A whirlwind seller for summer weather. Concentrated soft drinks —7 kinds —orangeade, raspberry, grape, etc. Amazing sales— wonderful profits. Get It while it's new—write quick. American Products Co.. 3517 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS WANTED—Fifty cents (in quantities) buys a full size compressed air clothes washer; women grab it at $1.50; patented January 30, 1914. Thor oughly cleans tub of clothes in three minutes. Weighs 2 lbs. Washday now a pleasure. ilr. Marrlck earned S9O first three weeks. A 14-year-old Kan sas boy made $55.40 outside school hours last month. Send for Catalog "W" to-day and get your county right. Avoid imitations. Wendell Co.. 321 Oak street, Leipsic, Ohio. WIDE-AWAKE AGENTS are coining money with our easily demonstrated specialties. Write to-day for particu lars and new catalog. Waters Supply House, West Medway, Mass. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN, with desk room or office, in each city. Send out canvassers and see trade. Rapid seller. No salary grabbers wanted, but men who can handle a business and see it grow. Ad dress Mahon & Stanly, 1777 Broadway. New York City. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offer ing opportunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address Dept. 244, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, Kan sas City, San Francisco. WANTED Traveling salesman for our product, Blankets and Dress Fabrics. Direct to retailer. Good commission. Desirable side line Schuylkill Mills, Box 1192, Philadelphia] WANTED Salesman, young man of good appearance. Call Shaffer Sales Co., 80 South Cameron street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 4l North F >urteenth street 8 rooms and bath; all conveni ences; will offer for a short time only at an attractive price. Inquire Jared Lenker. 39 North Fourteenth street. FOR SALE Farm 10 miles 'east of Harrisburg. containing 90 acres, in good state of cultivation; buildings In good condition; 6 acres of heavy oak timber. For further information call on, or address. C. S. Cassel. R K. D. No. 2, Penbrook, or J. ('. ('assei ''9 South Thirteenth street. Harrisburg" TOR SALE—HiII properties that can be bought on easy terms. For list ap ply to H. G. Pedlow, 1327 Vernon street. REAL ESTATE FOB BAIJB FOR SALE lO2 acres, best ot soil, Lebanon county; new bank barn, house and other buildings In good condition. Lebanon or Harrisburg markets. Come and see crops In bloom. Must sell at once on account of other business. No dealers. For particulars address W. G. Paul, Grantville, Pa. —j RKAIi ESTATE) FOiv SALE 1641 FULTON ST., 3-story frame house 8 rooms batn and furnace. Lot, 14x100 ft., at the bargain price of $1,750. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. FOR SALE 2524 Jefferson street; 2%-story brick and frame dwelling; 7 rooms, bath, furnace and porch; house newly painted; rental, $13.00. Price. $1,500. H. G. Pedlow, 1327 Vernon street. FOR SALE Suburban new 3-story brick house: improvements; lot, 26 ft. by 150: Ideal location; 6c car fare to city. D. E. Brlghtbill, 2 North Court street. FOR SALE Twenty large lotß, 118 x2lO ft., at from $3 to $6 per front foot, overlooking Harrisburg. Good soil air water and neighbors. Call Bell phone 3048 L New Huises teadly Sew srral-buimnlow style houses. Green and Woodbine Streets. Only four left. Excellent location. Mod ern throughout. Individual porches Sieum Heat Hardwood Floors Open Fireplace Tile nathroom l.nundry In Cellar Combination Gas and Electric Fix tures excellent flnisli through out. Sample house open for Inspec tion. Representative always on ground. For prices and terms con sult C. L. Long, Green and Wood bine streets. FOR SALE New brick houses on Manada street, one block north of Hemlock; 6 rooms and bath; furnace, cemented cellars; granolithic walks, both front and yard; finished complete; ready to oc cupy. Price $1,450. For an Investment hard to beat. Fire walls between each and every house. Rent sl3 per month. For further in formation apply to W. E. MOESLEIN 612 Boas street or 422 North street. Bell phone 2593 or 1085-R. ONLY THREE left of the ten vestment properties offered at $1,450 each; rent. sl3; new brick houses; all improvements. Good investment. Do not delay. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. [ FOR SALE Corner house at No. 1501 Swatara street, will bo vacant on Monday, May 25. It is for sale at an attractive price. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 4lO Briggs St. 3- story brick dwelling ll rooms, bath and furnace side entrance lot, 20x 111. This property has been reduced $700.00 in price. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Vacant Ground ln Camp Hill, corner Locust and Lincoln Sts. 65x140. Price, $600.00. Cloverly Heights Revere St. 2 lots size, 38x90. Price, $900.00. N. Fourth St. Near Seneca lot, 20x120 east side of St. Price, $600.00. Southwest corner Seventeenth and perry Sts. lot, 17%x76. Price, $2,000.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE LICENSED HOTEL PROPERTY and business in Newberrytown, York county, Pa. Twelve miles from Harris burg and three miles from Goldsboro. Good business and fine house with slate roof. Fifteen rooms. Barn, shed, hog pen, ice house, filled with Ice; fine gar den, and large lot, planted in potatoes. Possession given at once. Price, every thing, complete, $4,000.00. No trillers need answer. Address Susan Beshora, Newberrytown, York county, Pa. HE VI, ESTATE FOR SALE 'GREEN" PROPERTY IN HIGH bPIRE Second near Lombard Street —2%-story brick and flame dwelling— s3,3oo is the lowest figure, and it is a rare bargain at that. Lot, 80x200 feet. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court sHjeetSj^^HarrisburgJPa^^^^^^^^^^^^ KEAL ESTATE FOR RENT FoYt RENT Two-story brick house llBB Christian street 7 rooms and bath cemented cellar —• furnace range all improvements. Rent, $17.00, in advance. Possession at once. Inquire at 262 Cumberland street, between 5 and 7 P. M. FOR RENT 2124 and 2128 Green wood street, 2%-story frames, SB.OO per month. Telephone 1240J, Bell, 421 South 1 hirteenth street. ~ F 9, R RENT Wyoming Cottage, at Perdix, for the season. Inquire at 117 Market stret. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 1820 DERItY STREET 2-story frame house, with 7 rooms lot, 30x150 ft.—slß. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. FOR RENT 619 North Fifteenth street new, up-to-date steam delightful neighborhood. Rent, $26.00 per month. Apply either at above number or 1521 State street. FOR RENT 1533 North Third, 6 rooms, bath, rent, $20.00; 110 South Thirteenth, 10 rooms, bath, rent, $25.00; Also store room and farm for rent. In quire 430 Walnut. FOR RENT 1515 Naudain street. 2-story brick house; all conveniences; front and back porch. Apply 1011 North Second street. FOR RENT 427 Boas street; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements. In quire at 924 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, corner Green and Emerald streets, lo rooms, bath and steam heat, large concrete porch and cellar. Apply Grocery Store on corner. FOR RENT No. 2311 Derry street 525.00 No. 1197 Christian street 14'00 Dwelling at Rutherford 8 00 J. E. GIPPLE, KKAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT lOO7 N. Sec ond St. 3-story brick W rooms, bath and furnace—lot, 47x162, Brinton- Packer Co., Second ana Walnut streets. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms and bath; all improvements. In quire of A. F. Werner, 213 Chestnut street. FOR RENT On Jefferson street, be tween Forrest and Woodbine, a four roomed apartment, with use of bath and phone. Apply at 2153 Jefferson street, or call i9S»J, Bell phone. FOR RENT Lower floor apartment, fourth and Peffer streets, livingroom, diningroom, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath; front porch. Apply B. F. Um berger, 427 Peffer street, or 108 North Second street. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED lmmediately, unfur nished apartment, 2 rooms, kitchen, bath; state terms; describe. Address A., 1036, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two nicely furnished communicating-rooms, suitable for (wo Kentlfinen or married couple; all im provements; use of phone. 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; also board by the meal, day or week. 1001 North Second street, corner Second and [ Boas streets. ROOMS FOR RENI* FOR RENT—From June 1, furnished suit© with large Uvingroom, one or two bedrooms and private bath; every mod ern appointment; reference required. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Several vacant rooms, fronting on Capitol P«.ik; electric lights, hot and cold running water in each room; use of phone and bathroom. Apply Koblnson Apartments, 410 North street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. suitable for light housekeeping. Stoves fur nished free. Laundry, phono and bath room privileges. Also janitress service. Bishop Building, 421* Broad street. FOR RENT One large furnished room, with use of phone; rent reason able. Address 412 Hummel street. FOR RENT Very desirable, fur nished rooms in one of the best loca tions In the city. Use of bath and tele phone. Apply 203 State street. FOR RENT By the night or month, the iinest rooms In Harrisburg, single or en suite. Laßelle Apartments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnished throughout. Apply C. Gaeta, Merchant Tailor. 212 Locust street. wSRIBB WANTED To buy 100 second-hard bicycles and motorcycles wc are in great demand for them highest cash prices paid. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. TWO permanent tenants want two modern houses in or convenient to Har risburg. Rent about $20.00. Address, with tull particulars and price, Y., 710 ICunkel Building. Harrisburg. WANTED Second-hand bicycles bought, sold and exchanged. Appl" Ex celsior Cycle Co., 1007-1009 North Third "™Toit S.VJuL MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR SALE, CHEAP. For cash, $400.00. Owner too old to travel. Organ in best of condi tion. Engine as good as new. This is an excellent proposition. Can be seen at owner's residence. Mr. Nathan Reigel, Raymond street, Hummelstown, Pa. I FOR SALE Five-passenger Buick; fine running order. Will sacrifice if sold quick. Inquire Neighbors Motor Co., 120 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. _ FOR SALE Outside, all-glass dis play case, mantle base mirror back, wired, glass shelves, 4 feet front, 1 foot deep. 6 feet high. A bargain. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street. MAMMOTH CALADIUM or Elephant Ear Bulbs, sc, 10c, 15c. Holmes Seed Co., 119 South Second street. FOR SALE Second-hand bricks; joists, 25 ft. long; doors; window frames; shades, hot air furnace; plate glass store front, complete; water meter; $350 National Cash" Register, with two drawers, and second-hand celling electric fans. Apply S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. Bell phone 282 J. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 250 each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. BEDDING PLANTS and Vines of all kinds at Holmes Seed Co., 119 South Second street. BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co., Second and Chestnut. FOR SALE Cottage at Mt. Gretna —8 rooms and bath all conveniences, including six lots of ground-—parked and in very desirable location, on Camp meeting Ground, corner of Fourth street and Kephart avenue; also auto garage, boat and boat house. Price reasonable. Apply Dr. E. Clair Jones, 20 East Orange street, Lancaster, Pa. FOR SALE Automobile, 4-cylln der, 29-H.-P., 121-Inch wheel base, 36- inch wheels, foredoor roadster fully equipped. Will sail reasonable or ex change for a good four or six-cylinder four or five-passenger car. For dem- write, or call, No. 1517 North Sixth street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR, SALE—I9I3 Regal road ster. Will demonstrate. Good as new. Will sell at a sacrifice; a bargain. C. M. lioffer care of Hoffer & Garnian, 230 South Eighteenth street. FOR SALE 1912 Stanley Steamer, five-passenger, fine condition. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1837 Zarker street. Bell phone 418 Y. FOR SALE ■ — Commercial car, 36-H.- P., 4-cylinder, 32x4% tiro; body rear of seat 4x6 ft.; suitable for all commer cial use; will haul 1,500 to 2,000 lbs.; good condition; will demonstrate. Price, $300.00 if sold at once. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Farmer's state cab In excellent condition; make offer. In quire W. Scott Stroh, Sixth street, near Hamilton. FOR SALE Hupmobile Coupe, new ly overhauled, at a bargain. City Auto Garage. VEGETABLE PLANTS Pepper, To-' mato, Egg, Late Cabbage and Celery, the two latter ready June 15. Holmes Seed Co., 119 South Second street. FOR SALE Piano as good as neT» Will soil cheap, either cash or instal ments. If you desire piano, this is a bargain. Address P. O. Box 484, Har risburg, Pa. FOR SALE l2-foot mahogany back bar to soda fountain l6-foot mahogany wall case, strictly modern; in use only 8 months. Will sacrifice. Ap ply 1015 North Third street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. GERANIUMS All colors for Deco ration Day at Holmes Seed Co., 119 South Second street. FOR SALE One bicycle, In good condition, will sell cheap, and one wash machine. Call at 1008 Green street. USED motorcycles; all makes; over hauled and *n fine condition; guaran teed to be as represented; call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros.. 1204 North Third street. FOR KENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, Cowden streot near Market. Elevator; railroad siding; 6,000 sq. ft. floor space. Possession June 1. Apply C. F. Gohl, 1003 North Second street. Bell phone l»«U FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suit© of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent in Business Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT Well located store room in central part of town; room suitable for jeweler, or millinery store; no other business of the kind in the town. For information address P. O. Box 447, New Cumberland, Pa. FOR RENT Two-story garage, with water and sewer, rear 1630 Reglna street. Will accommodate two cars. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 83x100; 14-foot celling; one of tho best rooms In the city. Ap- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOll SAI.F, OR EXCHANGE! WEI,I, LOCATED LOTS In the Tenth Wardi some of them on paved street. Will exchange for Improved property. An exceptional opportunity for a builder. Call and Inspect blue print. ■ F. R.Oyster, Trustee, care of Telegraph I Business Office. . For Exchange WANTED To exchange for a farm not over $4,000.00, suburban property, one square from trolley, 10c fare to city; value, $2,700. Address 1521 Green street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS, paying big profits as dis trict manager for large corporation open to capable man with good ref erences; investment not exceeding SSOO fully secured; Income, $5,000 yearly. Apply A. C. Day, Klnne Building, Buf falo. N. Y. BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS FOR SALE 5275 and $325, respectively, will buy either of two cigar, confec tionery and pool stands and equipment therewith. Get particulars. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. —I ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydicate. 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS PATANG AND HARRISBURG DRAY ING CO. Reasonable rates to all parts of the city and nearby towns. Call L Garmon, Bell phone 3742. FOR SALE —At Gable's, 111 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 0,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed, $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. IBUY ANDSELLaII second-hand fur niture, carpets, etc. Drop postal, or call. A. A. Kohr. corner Blackberry and Dewberry streets. Harrisburg Paste Works 120 N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters' book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of fur niture, clothing, etc. Drop us a postal and we will call to see you. Max Smeltz, 1100 North Seventh street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 3227 W. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of f ilanos. safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603R REPAIRING 'AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert nelp. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods anS unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandize. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. NOTICES I HEREBY CAUTION all persons not to trust my wife, Edna Strausser, on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. WALLACE STRAUSSER. Heckton, Pa., May 26. 1914. CHARTER NOTICE In the Court of Common Pleas, No. 555, June Term, 1914. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the above Court on Monday, June 8, A. D. 1914, at 10 o'cloik, under the "Corporation Act of 1874," of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the supplements thereto, for the Charter of an intended corporation to be called BELLEVUE PARK ASSOCIATION, the character and object of which is the maintenance of a private park within the plan or area known and designated as Bellevue Park, In the City of Harrisburg, and part in the adjacent Township of Sus quehanna, County of Dauphin, for the common use, benefit, and enjoyment of the owners and residents within Belle vue Park; out of funds to bo con tributed in proportionate amounts, tlxpd or to be fixed by agreement, which funds are to be collected by this cor poration as assignee, or otherwie, in pursuance of the terms of such agree ments made or to be made with such owners or occupants; and not for profit, and for these purposes to have and to possess and enjoy all the rights, bene fits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. The Application is now on file in the Prothonotary-'s Office. JOHN W. JACOBS. Attorney. CLERK'S NOTICE NO. 2694 IN BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court of the United States for the Middle Dis trict of Pennsylvania, Reuben W. Sheaf fer, of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, notice Is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before said court at I Scranton, in said District, on the 22d day of June, 1914, at 10 o'clock in" the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said pe titioner should not be granted. GEORGE C. SCHEUER, Clerk. In Matter of the Estate of Augustus Garverich, late of the Borough of Dauphin, Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration in the above Estate were granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of Dauphin County. All persons who are indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against or de mands upon said Estate shall make the same known witholit delay to WILLIAM G. GARVERICH, Administrator, Dauphin, Pa. Or to his Attorney, C. H. BACKENSTOE. 14 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. I PUBLIC SALE R. R. Buildings Will sell at public sale, on Satur day, June (I. at 10 a. ni., at the Rail road Station of the Cnmberland Val ley, Second nud Mulberry streets, the following buildings and structures! 134 South Second St> 1.10 South Second St. I.IH South Second St. 120 South Second St. 1.13 South Second St. 1.11 South Second St. 204 South Second St. 200 South Second St. 210 South Second St. 212 South Second St. 214 South Second St. TEH MS i "Musli. The buildings to be removed at once, by order Cum berland Valley Railroad Company. R. M. HUBER, Real Estate Agent. Jno. T. Ensmlnger, Auctioneer. WILSON'S PLAN CAUSES ILL CONCEALED CONCERN Steel and Metal Trade Outlook Is Not Very Encouraging in Stock Markets By Associated Press New York. May 30. The week in the stock market was characterized by very light dealing and unimportant price changes in the speculative lead ers, although some of the specialties moved widely in both directions. Ex cept for the Mexican situation and crop prospects, for both of which the future seemed highly favorable, sentiment veered more strongly towards the short account. The financial community, or more particularly the professional ele ment, was disposed to see in the latest official utterances from Washington strong possibilities of a revival of the agitation of recent years against the so-called corporate Interests. Presi dent Wilson's expressed determination to proceed with the anti-trust program now before Congress, was received with ill-concealed concern. The industrial HEW FREIGHT DEPOT MAY COME SOON Report Says Plans Are Again in Philadelphia For Minor Changes While not confirmed officially It was announced to-day, that work on the proposed new Pennsylvania freight station In South Harrishurg would start early in July. Inquiries regard ing this improvement brought a state ment that plane had hen returned to Phlladelphfci for further approval. The returning of the plans to Phila delphia is taken as an indication that the work is again to be taken up by the head officials, and that bids will in all probability bo advertised for during the next two weeks. It was said there would be no material changes in the plans. HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division —lls crew first to go after 4 p. m.: 127, 113, 103, 123, 126, 111, 112, 101, 116, 106. Engineers for 111, 112, 123. Firemen for 101, 103. Conductor for 126. Flagman for 126. . Brakemen for 109, 111, 113, 115, 127. Engineers up: Ivautz, Albright, Man ley, Young', Powell, Seitz, Brooke, Streeper, Gallagher, Smith, Sober, Kel ler, Brubaker, Happersett, Hindman, McGuire, Speas, Statler, Hogentogler, Newcomer, Wolfe. Firemen up: Behman, Davidson, Wag ner, Libhart, Miller, Myers, Skeely, Horstick, Newman, Slider, Maughes, Gelsinger, Brenner, Bleich, Deputy, Cover, Shenk, Killian, Kegelman; Kes treves, Martin, Reno, Deck, Myers, Wag ner, Shive, Warfel. Flagmen up: First, Banka. Brakemen up: Stehman, Collins, Cox, Busser, Grifiie. Middle Division —23s crew first to go after 1:30 p. tn.: 220. Laid off: 17. 25, 24, 26, 22. Will lay Harrisburg preference off on arrival until midnight, June 1, 1914. Engineers up: Garman, Hertzler, Wil lis, Smith, Maglll, Welcomor. Firemen up: Bornman, Drewett, Fletcher, Potteiger, Libau, Rcodcr, Sea grist. Conductor up: Gantt. Flagmen up: Fetterh-off, Jacobs. Brakemen up: Lauver, Troy. Heck, Kauffman. Wenrick, Putt, Vanzandt, Frank, Werner, Sehoffstall, Rissinger. Ynril Crews —To go after 4 p. ill.: Engineers for 707, 1758, 14, 1270, 1856, 1368. Firemen for 306, 1886, 213, 707, 1831, 1758, 14, 90, 1820, 432. Riverside (parage New brick structure, modern and thoroughly equipped—space can be engaged for any size auto —charges accordingly—space can be occupied on or after June 1st —Located rear of 1417 North Front street, on Lawton street, running between Calder and Reily Streets. Entrances to Garage from Calder or Reily Streets. £ W £ Apply at Garage George R. Bentley, Prop. outlook, as personified by the steel ana metal trades, was not especially en couraging: albeit representatives of the first named industry were of the opin ion that business, if not prices, is sure to revive in the last half of the yoar. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111.. MaJ' 30. Hogs Re ceipts, 8,000; lower. Bulk of sales, SB.OO ®8.10; light, $7.85@8.0,1; mixed, 17.85® 8.10; heavy, $7.65(3)8.10; rough, $7.65(g> 7.80; pigs, $7.00@7.85. Cattle Receipts, 200; steady. Beeves, $7.40(?i 9.30; steers, $7.00®)8.15; stockers and feeders, $6.35@8.30; cows and heifers, $3.70@8.75; calves, $7.00@ 9.75. Sheep—Receipts, 2,000; slow. Sheen, $5.2fi(gi6.15; yearlings, $6.10 7.05; lambs, $6.158.20; springs, $7.00@9.75. Engineers up: Hoyler, Beck, Harter, Bievor, Houser, Blosser. Thomas, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Crist. Harvey, Pelton, Kuhn, Shaver, Landis. Firemen up; Ulsh, Bostdorf. Schlcfer, Ravioli, AVeigle, backc.v, Cookerley, Maeyer, Sholter, Sneli. Bartolet, Hart, Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Crow. ICNOIiA Minis Phllmlclitliia Division 2ll crew to go first after 3.45 p. ill.: 231, 215, 249, 241, 220, 240, 214, 224. Knglneers for 211, 214, 214, 224, 231, 240. Firemen for 211, 224, 241, 249. Conductors for 208, 224, 225, 241. Flagman for 241. Brakemen for 208, 220, 225, 249. Conductors up: Pennell, I.ihhart. Brakemen up: Bake.r, Wert/., Goudv, Harris, Simmey, Twigg, Hutton, Jones, Yandllng. Middle Division —22l crew to go first after 2.20 p. m.: 236, 250 222, 23 1. I-aid off: 106, 104, 118, 102, 108, 107. 103, 120, 113, 111, 105, 116. THIS READING llnrrlslmrg Division —l crew first to go after 9:30 a. m.: 10, 24, 23, 2, 15, 3, 14, 6, 11. East-bound, after 12:45 p. m.: 70, 59, 69. GB, 58, 61, 54. Conductors up: Alleman, Beaver, Seiders. Engineers up: Richwine, Lape, Wyre, Sassaman. Morrison, Tipton. Firemen up: Stephens, Hollenbach, Holbert, Boyer, Nye, L. Moyer, Zu koswki, Kelley, Miller, Ely, Viewing, Bingraman. Brakemen up: Snyder, Cook, Hartz, Fitting, Taylor. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own Danet Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adam* A Cn» It- 804. 8 N. Market 8% B. C. MURRAY 5 N. Tenth St. Tool Making Tool Repairing JOBBING and HORSESHOEING QIIBBER STAMQA fWpBl SEALS & STENCILS ir| MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS '|l II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. V THE Harrlsburgr Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily except Sunday at '3 P. M., at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. 15
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