8 And Now Jeff Knows More About Mediation Than th ~~ ~ " i f I too .«S-.6 I 7" ) ( S 1 " T THAT «= TWO NCTMm )THUSL-»- TH<SN we «Ll. .... \ \ "DOPUTG THENTHrt ovu- ( A P*JKT* I f *° ST I z' Ummww. TO - I -cw= «« ** o L™"- w^"' ,ST£ "*' "walSsf ™ SN ,) \ seT-rce rr. roa / V. " ->I s * y S2&I ««,«. I I «WAPI6 J (3> Harrisburg and Reading Tie; Tri-State Race Is Close First Honors Hinges on the Results of Games To-day; One Harrisburg and Reading are run ring neck and neck in the Tri-State race to-day. Harrisburg meets the rejuvenated George Washington Hcck ort bunch at Island Park this after noon; the Reading team argues with Allentown. Other teams in the Tri-State are showing form that means a close race between now and July 4. One and two victories by teams in the second division would bunch tip five of the Tri-State clubs for second place. York Telephone Team Is Now Ready For Games Another new baseball team entered the field to-day, the Bell Telephone Company's nine. The new team is made up of local stars. The line-up will be: Outfielders, Erantz, Strickler and Black; first base, Jenkins; second base, Gulbrandsen; shortstop, Garrison; third base, Cox or Walzer; pitchers, Packer and Wheeler; catcher, Binga man. Games wanted from the Baker A. A. of Steelton; Lemoyne, Hummelstown, Unglestown, Oberlin, Elizabethtown »nd all other teams desiring a strong team and good attractions. Address H. S. Bingaman, care Plant Dept., the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsyl vania, Harrisburg, Pa. EveryNewShape in Straw Hats We show every new shape and style, crown and brim that finds favor with fentlemen who dress well, ennits, Split Straws, Mi lans. Soft Turn-ups, Straight Brims, Saw Edges and Panamas. to $4 PANAMAS $5 to $lO DOULTOXT The Hatter * 5 NORTH THIRD STREET "Where the atylea originate." 500 MILE RACE WILL BE Won By Use of Oil Gasoline Saturday evening the winner of the $50,000 classic will be known—and until that time we call your attention to Keystone Shock Absorbers, $25.00 Famous Hans Engine Pumps, $7.50 Handy Package—3 lbs, of Transmission Grease and i Gum, 65c Ford Gasoline Gauges, $1.75 3-Cylinder Kellog Pumps, $4.00 il Free Air— -140 Lbs. Front-Market Motor Supply American Phone 3690 FRIDAY EVENING, ' , * HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 29, 1914. Game To-morrow by winning three straight victories would pet into the race. Harrisburg is still showing an uncertainty in the pitcher's box and Manager Cocklll is getting anxious. There will be one Tri-State game in Harrisburg to-morrow. York plays in the morning. The game starts at 10 o'clock. Harrisburg and York, with a large crowd of Harrisburg rooters, will leave at 1 o'clock in the after noon for York, where the afternoon game will be played. Sign College Men For Tri-City League Special to The Telegraph llagerstown, Md., May 29. The three teams comprising the Tri-City Baseball League of the Cumberland Valley, Hagerstown, Frederick and Martinsburg, will be made up princi pally of college men. The managers of the three teams have drawn largely upon St. John's College, at Annapolis, the Maryland Agricultural College and the Emmitsburg College for their players. The Hagerstown team will have five or six men from St. John's College, while Martinsburg has signed a ma jority of their players from the. Mary land Agricultural College. Frederick has drawn heavily upon Emmitsburg. | Petter baseball will be furnished the fans of the three towns, it is expected, as a result of college men being on the teams and owing to the rivalry ex isting between the college teams. Man ager Grove, of thrt Hagerstown team, and his assistant Jack Wilson, are both St. John's College men. THE HOMI.MEST MAN IS MARTY KAVANAUC.H "Marty Kavanaugh and Nick Al trock met face-to-face for the first time Monday. The Tiger Inflelder af ter lamping Nick's stunning face, said that he was satisfied that the title of the world's homeliest man remains in Detroit. Marty takes a lot of pride In being the most unbea.utifnl athlete in the major leagues and was plainly reliev ed when he found that Altrock is not a serious contender for his laurels. Nick hated to admit that he was out classed, but as soon as he saw Kava naugh, he said "You win," and extend ed his hand in congratulation like a true sportsman."—Pittsburgh Sun. B^Fg^ggSil Harrisburg Loses, Chicks Are Joyful; Pitchers' Were Bad Something went wrong with Harris burg's pitchers at Wilmington yester day. The Chicks won; score, 8 to 2. This victory caused great glee in Peachtown and it is expected that, having won a game from Harrisburg. at least a dozen more fans will go to see the games at Wilmington. Harrisburg htid a few things to their credit, including a double play. Wil mington hit the ball and did their swatting at the right time. Harris burg made both runs in the fourth in ning. The score follows: HARRISBURG AB. R. H. O. A. E. McCarthy, 2b 2 0 1 2 2 0 Emerson, l.f 4. . 0 1 2 1 0 iKeyes, r.f 4 0 1 0 0 0 Crist, c.f 4 1 1 0 1 1 Miller, c 3 1 0 9 0 1 Whalen, ss 4 0 1 0 3 0 Cocklll. lb 4 0 111 1 0 Byers, 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phillips, p 1 0 0 0 1 0 Chabek, p 3 0 1 0 0 0 Adams, p 2 0 1 0 1 0 O'Neil x 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 8 24 10 2 WILMINGTON AB. R. H. O. A. E. Morgan, 3b .5 0 0 2 0 0 Brown, l.f 4 2 2 l o 0 McKenna, r.f 3 2 2-1 0 0 Jackson, c.f 3 0 2 1 1 0 Meyers, lb 4 0 2 6 1 0 Sharpe, 2 b 3 0 0 0 2 0 Pearce, ss 4 1 2 3 3 0 Schollenberger, c. . 3 0 0 13 0 0 Mehaffey, p 1 1 1 0 2 0 Jarman, p 3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 6 11 27 9 0 xßatted for Phillips in fourth inning. Harrisburg ...00020000 o—2 Wilmington .. 21200001 x —fi Hits, off Phillips, 7 in 4 Innings; of! Mehaffey, 4 in 3 innings. Sacrifice fly, O'Neill. I.eft on bases, Harrisburg, 7; Wilmington, 7. Hit by pitched ball, Byers. Pitcher winning game, Me haffey; pitcher losing game, Phillips. Earned runs, Harrisburg, 1; Wilming ton, 4. Stolen bases, Emerson, Keyoa. Cocklll, Jackson 2. Three-base hits, McCarthy, r-habek, McKenna 2. Home run, Mehaffey. Double play, Emerson to Miller. Struck out, by Phillips. 1; by Mehafley 2; by Adams. 3; by Jar man, 8. Bases on balls, Phillips. Me haffey, Adams 3. Time of game, 1.40. Umpire. AValker. ' . * Decoration Day Baseball Scores Amateur team managers are re quested to send In Memorial Day scores immediately after the games. Morning scores should be in the office of the Harrisburg Telegraph not later than 12.30 p. m., and the afternoon scores by 6.30 p. m. Compliance with this request will be greatly appre ciated. Correct for Summer 1914 Button -lets back Coheirs; O/c/est Brand in America UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR, CO. TROY,MY. N New 1914 Hudson Touring cars and road sters for sale cheap. Ad dress, Auto and Truck Sales Co., York, Pa. Merchant* « Miners Trana. Co. VACATION TRIPS Baltimore ana Philadelphia "By Sea" —TO— Boston, Providence Savannah, Jacksonville Through tickets on sale from and to all principal points Including meals and stateroom accommodations on steamers. Pine steamers. Best service. Low fares. Staterooms de Luxe. Baths Marconi wireless. Automobiles carried. Send for booklet. City Ticket Office, 108 goutb Math i St., I'hlla.. Pa. i W. P. Turner, P. T. H* Baltimore, Ml Trenton Gets Pitcher From Connie Mack Trenton, N. J., May 29.—Manager I Zeke Wrigley signed Pitcher Graves, an athletic recruit. The youngster re ported last evening. The deal was arranged through Connie Mack, the famous leader of the world's cham pions, who vwis only too glad to lend assistance to Trenton in keeping with liis promise at the "booster" meeting at the Trenton Y. M. C. A. before the season opened. Graves has been carried by Mack ever since the spring training season and while not used very much by the White Elephants has nevertheless been keeping himself in first-class shape. Manager Wrigley, backed up by President Morris, is determined that Trenton must be in the race, and in securing Lee and Cruikshank he has greatly strengthened his club. Cruik shank, who is coaching Bueknell Col lege, will play with Trenton at any time he can get away and Manager Wrigley is making arrangements whereby he can get the heavy-htting first Backer here permanently and will arrange with Cockill for his release, as Cruikshank is the property of the Harrisburg club. Irwin, who has been playing first, will be held temporarily pending the deal. Morrow, whom Manager Wrigley loaned to York, has been given his release. f Baseball Today; Scores of Yesterday ■ I WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY J Trl-State Le«(U York at Ilnrrlsburg. Allentown at Kcadlng. JL'rouiuu at W Umlugton. National Leagu Boston at Philadelphia. Acn V ork at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh. American League Philadelphia at New York. Washington at Boston. Federal l.engue Kansas City at St. I.ouls. Indianapolis at Chicago. Pittsburgh at Baltimore. Brooklyn at Buffalo. WHERE THEY PLAY TOMORROW j Trl-State League Morning ' York at Harrisburg. Allentown at Beaillng, Trenton at Wilmington. Afternoon Harrisburg at York. Reading at Allentown. Wilmington at Trenton. Nntlonnl League—A. M p M Boston at I'hlladelphia. New Y'ork at Brooklvn. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh. St. LOUIN at Chicago. American League—A. M p. M Philadelphia a■) New York. YVashlngton at Bonton. Chicago at Cleveland. Betrolt at St. Louis. Federal League—A. 11—P M Brooklyn at Buffalo. Plttsburgh at llnltimore. IndlanapoliN at Chicago Kanf.an City at St. Louis. j SCORES OF YESTERDAY Trl-state League Wilmington, «: llnrrlshnrg, 2 Allentown, 7| Trenton. 2. Beading, 5} York, 0. National League Philadelphia, 2i Pittsburgh, 0 Chicago 4, St. Louis. 3 <lO Inn.). Other games not aclieduled. American League Philadelphia, 3) St. Louis. 0. Detroit. 8; Washington, 5 is | nn .) ! New I org, «i, Chicago, 1. Cleveland, 5j Boaton, 2. Federal League Buffalo, 7t Brooklyn, 2. PlttNburgh. 5< Baltimore, 2 Other gamea not scheduled. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Trl-State League W, J, PC Harrlahurg j2 7 Beading 12 7 ',,.,7, Allentown 10 It Trenton 11 in Wilmington | York 413 [03% Natloßil Leajrne W, [ l( p p Plttahurgh 21 10 fl'77 New York 18 It « 21 Cincinnati 21 15 'wui *t. LOUIM T8 21 Brooklyn 14 15 483 Philadelphia 13 17 433 Chicago 10 21 43" Boaton 020 . 310 Antrim* League W. L. p.c. Washington 21 13 .018 Philadelphia 18 12 .000 Detroit 22 IK .505 New York 15 10 .484 St, Louis 10 IN .471 Boaton 15 17 .400 Chicago 10 21 .432 Cleveland 13 23 .343 Federal League W. L. p.c. Baltimore 22 8 .733 Chicago 10 10 .500 Brooklyn 13 14 .481 St. Louis 16 18 .471 Kanaaa City 10 18 .471 Indianapolis 14 10 '407 BufTalo 13 15 '404 Pittsburgh 13 18 410 t .J. D. Rrown, with his string of horses have located at Lebanon fair grounds. George Washington Heckert has signer Jaroslck, a young catcher let out bg St Louis Browns. TRI-STATE GAMES York Receives a Whitewash Special to The Telegraph York, Pa., May 29.—Pitcher Bohen pitched and Reading hit the ball. The Hoffman hustlers won; score, 5 to 0. Pitcher Strickler was in the box two innings when he wrenched his knee and had to retire. York put up the best fielding game of the season. The score by innings: Reading 10021100 o—s 13 1 York 00000000 o—o0 —0 7 0 Batteries: Bohen and Boelzle and Bihen; Strieker, Htne and Lidgate. Allentown Trims the Tigers Special to The Telegraph Trenton, N. J., May 29. —Wrigley's Rengals were unable to connect with Ramsey's ringers yesterday and Tren ton lost out; score, 7 to 2. The Teu tons had a great batting record. The score by innings: R. H. E. Allentown .. 000 3 0100 3—2 11 2 Trenton .... 01100000 o—2 5 2 Batteries; Kamsey and Monroe; Meehan and Smith. r N Baseball Tomorrow ISLAND PARK York vs. Harrisburg. Game called at 10 a. m. CENTRAL LEAGUE Morning; At Middletown Steelton vs. Middletown. At New Cumberland —Highspire vs. New Cumberland. Afternoon At Steelton Middletown vs. Steelton. At Highspire New Cumber land vs. Highspire. I No Premiums Required 20 I I to Hold Camel Smokers fo ] P Q c It's Jeffery Week in Harrisburg The Jeffery Four is the first high-grade, light weight, medium priced car to be sold in America under $2500. These Specifications Prove it: Wheelbsge, 116 Inches; car Imported annular ball bear- Neverleek top; top cover, rain turns in 42 foot circle; com- ings throughout. vision wind-shield, extra de pact and comfortable. Spicer universal Joints: Daim- mountable rim with carrier. Wheels and tires, 34x4; de- ler coupling. Klaxet horn and complete mountable rims. Weight of Four speeds forward and re- tool equipment. Jeffery Four, 28/>I pounds. verse. Electric lighted dnsh equip- Jeffery high speed, high effic- Left drive and center control. ment includes gasoline pres iency, bloc-type motor de- Full floating,ball bearing rear sure gauges, oil pressure velops 40H.P.at2200 revolu- axle. gauge, Stewart-Warner tlons;3Ubore and 5W stroke. Body designed by Rothschild speedometer, ammeter,com- Electric Lighting and Start- ofNewYork;absolutely new. bination lamp, switch, horn ing, the most expensiveof Springs, front axle,drive shafts button, and two compart them all. Silent in operation; of Vanadium steel. mentsforglovesorvaluables. no gears, cams, chains, belts DOOM ±i'rj inches wide. Body styles: 5-passengerFour, or bearings. Solar Tamps with dimmer, $1550; 2-cmoeanter Four, Combination force feed and operated by four position $1550; 5-passenger Six, $2250; splash oiling system. switch, simplest ever made. 6-passengerSix,s23oo;Seven- Boach Duplex Ignition. Color: Brewster green. passenger Six, $2350 Come in and See the Jeffery WEST ENI) GARAGE 1808-1810 Logan Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 3 1 - '■» BITS OF SPORTS to-morrow. Francis Ouimet won the French i'he P. R. R. Apprentices will go championship at golf yesterday. to Wilmington to-morrow for two The Brelsford A. C. will play two games, games with Swatara Stars to-morrow Highspire Gun Club will hold a on Paxtang field. shoot at Highspire Saturday at 12.30 Enola Y. M. C. A. wants games for o'clock.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers