Once again we tell this whole piano story tHIS is a story of success—of UNPRECEDENTED success. It's a story of planning—then of con- C You get the strongest guarantee ever put on a piano; a joint guarantee signed by the manufacturer! centrating unlimited power on working out the plan until it's a story of such stupendous success —Bacon Piano Co.—and ourselves, giving you protection for five years that is as safe as a government that the telling is spontaneous. We could not help repeating it if we would or would not if we bond. j could. It's inspiring. It runs off the pencil faster than we can write. The REASON for it, is C You get the privilege of returning your piano at the end of a thirty days' trial and getting YOUR THE PLAN ITSELF. Here it is: Don't miss a single syllable. MONEY BACK. • * C You get a piano which is worth and sells regularly at three hundred and fifty dollars, for TWO HUN- C Within one year from the day you get your piano, through this co-operative plan, you may exchange DRED AND FORTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS, saving you at the outset one it FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, without so much as a penny's loss, hundred and one dollars and twenty-five cents. C All payments remaining unpaid are voluntarily CANCELLED IN EyENT OF YOUR DEATH—thus CI When.you finish paying for your piano, if bought in the usual way, you will still owe from twenty-five leaving the piano free of encumbrance to your family. to thirty-five dollars INTEREST. Through this CO-OPERATIVE PLAN, when you have paid your two C You get through this co-operative plan an opportunity to earn cash dividends for each and every hundred and forty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents, YOU HAVE FINISHED PAYING. There are week's time the life of the co-operative agreement of one hundred and ninety-five weeks is shortened, NO FURTHER PAYMENTS to be made, either on account of interest or for any other reason. Through this privilege it is possible for you to earn cash dividends, amounting in all to TWENTY-NINE C Instead of paying twenty to twenty-five dollars tsa first payment and ten, twelve or fifteen dollars a DOLLARS AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. ' month as you will in a regular way, during this co-operative sale you pay but FIVE DOLLARS to join in C And finally you are given opportunity to secure others to co-operate in this plan This will further this co-operative movement and then RUT ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS your instrument. The whole plan applies to player-pianos as well HHff PUtS tll€ One Hundred player-pianos are also being sold on this same co-operative plan. VA The usual price cf these player-pianos is five hundred and fifty dollars each. 1«7/|ll|| The Co-operative price is three hundred and ninety-five dollars, with NO INTEREST to be added. ■ 'J. Ml. ▼VFB ■ I IMI HI |P» CT l?Sf 1 The player-piano will also be delivered immediately upon the payment of five dollars. %/ UAk>JV I lie payments are two dollars a week giving you one hundred and ninety-five weeks'time in which to make your payments, Let us make this olain It costs von nn more. oc <>„ i v„„ = n ' i ™^ l "; condi _ ,ional is given on .he piano is given on the player-piano. put the PLAYER-PIANO in your home than it does ihe PIANO. The plLr! You can also GET YOUR MONEY BACK at any time with.n thirty j . piano ITSELF costs you more than the piano-One hundred and forty she v \ •-i r L •. • D AQunl thir* To ,ake a