Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 27, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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A crisp, clean, nutri
tious food. For
everybody— every
where. Fresh in the
moisture-proof pack
age. 5 cents.
The funny little name
of the famous little
ginger snap that puts
fresh "snap" and
"ginger" into jaded
appetites. 5 cents.
The natural sweet
ness and nutriment
o£ the wheat are re
tained, giving them
a delightful flavor.
10 cents.
Buy biscuit baked by
Always look for that name
Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets
Make the liver active, bowels regular, without pain or
griping, relieve tick headache and that bloated feeling
after eating, purify the blood and clear the complexion.
Large box« enough to last a month, 25c.
Dr. ChaieCo., 224 N. 10th St., Philadelphia. Pa.
What Do You
Pay For Coal
All coal costs the same, but
people who buy their Winter sup
ply in May and June will pay 50c
a ton less for Broken, Egg, Stove
and Nut than those who buy it
later in the Summer.
The cheapest coal prices of the
year are in effect now. Remem
ber June is the last month to take
advantage of the full saving of
50c a ton on these sizes.
Better Phone Kelley Today
1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts.
Beck's Minstrels
Benefit Firemen's Union
4th Episode
And the Regular Program
Admission - - - 5c
SUth and Kelker Street,
Larfeat eatabllabment. Beat lacilitiea. Near in
Y"' '? «rwhe,e .« vour"
MMnJtT & <uner " l ,o ° None too
•u?cklr«i "* '• ,0 P»«. Wit, o»c.. uaed with-
[Continued From First Page]
badly in need of attention, . accord
ing to the Pottsvllle authorities, and
thus far they have been unable to ob
tain the desired attention from the
State highway officials. Lack of funds,
it is has been responsible
for the delay.
On September 6 the State officials
were indicted by a Schuylkill county
grand jury at Pottsvllle and on Jan
uary 14 the Supreme Court was peti
tioned to permit a change of venue.
The appellate court granted the per
mission to transfer the case to an
other court for a hearing and the
Dauphin County Court was chosen.
District Attorney Stroup said the
case will be listed regularly for June
term, hut that Saturday, tne last of
the week, will probably be the day. It
is likely, said Mr. Stroup, that a Jury
will be drawn that day to return upon
a date to be mutually agreed upon
for the trial.
District Attorney Whitehouse, it Is
understood, will come over from
Pottsvllle for the trial.
Complaint had been made to Dis
trict Attorney Stroup as to the unsat
isfactory condition of the State roads
in Williams township and he prompt
ly called the attention of Division En
gineer Charles Hart to the trouble.
Mr. Hart promised to look into the
matter immediately, although he said
the departmental funds are scarce be
cause of the Auditor General's action
in withholding the appropriation.
Pinchot Tells Voters of
Boiling Springs All About
Issues of the Campaign
Boiling Springs, Pa., May 27.—Gif
ford Pinchot. Washington party candi
date for United States senator, ad
dressed seventy-five people from the
front porch or the hotel here last
evening and got away without leaving
so much as a ripple of excitement or
a round of applause In his wake.
Mr. Plnchot's address was brief. He
told his audience that he had not come
Into Pennsylvania on a speechmaking
tour, but because he "thought it his
duty to shake hands with and give the
people the opportunity of seeing the
candidate for whom they will vote in
November." He blamed Senator Pen
rose for the present Democratic mis
management at Washington because
he worked for Taft in 1912 and said
"nobody in Pennsylvania dare vote for
him this Fall."
Mr. Pinchot said he had "just left
the Colonel," who had told him to say
to Pennsylvanians that he is as strong
as ever and will speak in every county
in this State next Fall.
As for the Democrats, they are
hopeless in this campaign, according
to Mr. Pinchot. "Palmer and McCor
mick are all right as men, but Penn
sylvania wants no more of Democratic
mistakes and misrule," said the
speaker. "1 know Mr. McCormick very
well. Indeed, we are friends. He is a
very nice young man, but he stands
absolutely no show of election."
By Associated Press
Wagoner, Okla., May 27.—The Gen
eral Assembly of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church adjourned last
night to meet next year at Memphis,
Tenn. The assembly at its final ses
sion approved the Hobson Prohibition
bill now pending in Congress.
No more puffed-up, burning
sweaty, calloused feet
or corns.
my feet • ▼Pr
Good-bye sore feet, burning feet,
swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling
feet, tired feet.
Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions
and raw spots. No more shoe tight
ness, no more limping with pain or
drawing up your face in agony. "TIZ"
is magical, acts right oft. "TIZ" draws
out all the poisonous exudations which
puff up the feet—the only remedy that
does.. Use "TiZ" and wear smaller
shoes. Ah! how comfortable your feet
will feel. "TIZ" is a delight. "TIZ"
is harmless.
Get a 25-cent box of "TIZ" now at
any druggist or department store.
Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad
feet, feet that never swell, never hurt.,
never get tired. A year's foot comfort
guaranteed or money refunded.—Ad
We Can Hatch
40,000 Hen Eggs
In lots of 160 each or more at 2c
for each egg set. j
Send eggs to
Stouffer Poultry Farm
or write to
Box 224, Harrlsburg, Pa.
I A Bristol's 1
To-morrow— a Vltaurnph Feature,
John Burnt y'e Fuqnieet Photoplay.
Tentative Date For Hearing of
Youth Who Killed Grand
father Arranged
(1 ay, June 11.
The June term criminal trial calen
dar is now being prepared by District
Attorney M. E. Stroup and Smith's
case is one of the ninety cases already
listed. The date has not been definite
ly fixed, but Thursday, It is thought,
will be the day. Insanity, It la said, is
to be grounds for the defense.
Early one morning nearly a year
ago Bush's cottage was burned to the
ground and among the ruins was
found the body of the old man with
several bullet holes In it. Smith had
disappeared; so had the several thou
sand dollars the elder man had saved,
i Suspicion pointed to Smith and after a
[chase over Pennsylvania and Ohio the
youth was captured.
Another case that has been listed
but which will probably not go on
trial because the defendant is ex
pected to plead guilty, is Angello Bos
chelli, former proprietor of the United
States Hotel of "Rosegarden" ill-fame.
Boschelli is accused of selling liquor
to minors, without license and of keep
ing a disorderly house.
Wants $2,375 For Swntara Street
House. —Suit to recover $2,375 repre
senting the original purchase price
with Interest for a property In Swa
tara street was filed to-day by J. J.
Baughman against Carl Lewis Alt
maier. In the plaintiff's statement It
is alleged that on November 27, 1837,
Baughman bought a house from Alt
maier for $1,200. The deed was said
to be clear and unemcumbered. Since
then it developed however that the
plot on which the house stood was a
part of Swatara street and owned by
the city.
Poor Directors at Hersliey. The
Dauphin County Poor Directors went
to Paxtang and then to Hershey to-day
to Inspect some stone crushers of the
kind that may be Installed in the alms
house quarries.
At the Register's Office. —Letters on
the estate of John and Leah Miller,
Berrysburg, were issued to-day to
Catherine Williams.
County Treasurer in Philadelphia.—
County Treasurer Arthur A. H. Bailey
went to Philadelphia to-day on busi
Stone CompanioK Flip Answer. —In
answers filed to-day to tho State's quo
warranto action the Neshannock Stone
and the Roaring Stone Companies ask
ing them to show cause why they
shouldn't exercise their charter rights,
the companies reply that they are not
now doing business and agree to the
court's ruling.
[Continued From First Page]
tic and confident of a successful out
come of the conferences.
With the land question satisfactorily
adjusted, the mediators and delegates
were concentrating their attention on
the exact manner in which a new pro
visional government might be set up to
succeed the present regime. That Gen
eral Huerta has formally Indicated his
willingness to abide by the program
thus far outlined here is no longer
The effort now is to arrange for a
change of executives in a dignified
manner. The mediation conference
in all probability will not choose a pro
visional president. . This will have to
be done by the Mexico City govern
ment itself. But the process which is
receiving consideration is the drawing
up of a list of representative Mexicans
from which a certain number might
be approved by the United States and
all parties concerned so that there
would be no question about recogni
tion being accorded the Individual
chdsen therefrom.
Villa's Forces Ready to
Attack Zacatecas City
By Associated Press
El Paso, Texas, May 27.—Reports
from the South to-day said that Gen
eral Villa's forces were making haste
in preparation for an assault on Zaca
tecas City, capital of Zacatecas State.
It was asserted that the railroad from
Torreon, Villa's concentration point,
had been repaired nearly to the next
point of attack.
Already troops in large numbers had
been sent south along tho repaired
railroad and all possible reinforce
ments have been rushed into Torreon
from Saltillo, recently taken by the
Constitutionalists. The latest to ar
rive was the command of General
Pablo Robles, .numbering 3,500, orig
inally left to garrison Saltillo.
State Department Wants
to Learn of Bauch Case
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., May 27.—In
struction to American Consul Letcher
! »
Don't Be Misled if
You Have Tuberculosis
No specific hns been discovered for
Tuberculosis, but Eekman'B Alterative
has been successful in many cases.
Read of this case:—
393 Seventh Ave., New York.
"Gentlemen: —Five years ago last
August I was taken toJSt. Francis' Hos
pital to be treated for bronchitis and
congested lungs. After several weeks'
treatment I was advised by the doctor
to go to a convalescent sanitarium, but
could not be admitted because the doc
tor at the hospital, after a thorough
examination, declared my case Tuber
cular, and gave me a certificate to that
effect. I showed the certificate to Fath
er Stark, and he advised me to take
Eckman's Alterative. I took it faith
fully, and soon found myself free from
night sweats and fever. I have not
taken the Alterative now for two years,
and can truthfully say I am well. I
feel better and am stronger than before
my sickness." (Abbreviated.)
(Affidavit) SnARY KORHAMKR
Eckman's Alterative Is most effica
cious in bronchinl catarrh and severe
throat and lung affections and upbuild
ing the system. Contains no harmful
or habit-forming drugs. Accept no sub
stitutes. Sold by leading druggists.
."Write . Eckman . Laboratory. . Philadel
phia, Pa., for booklet of recoveries.
ff-—— \
Astrich's Great Bargain 4 "and TODAY|
I Store Closed All Day Saturday—Decoration Day—Opea Until 9 P. M. Friday Evening
V> /
— . , —;
f« M r • I Kuii i« Button isibotv *g\ Extra Special Fine Silk Lisle Gloves—elbow length—
ureat Glove Special 69C' SEISS! pA rist: . all 8I " S I worthsoc : 25c
I BARGAINS; Read! [ Tl£enT BARGAINS- Read' 1
Crepe Boudoir Caps, lace and worth 75c. Sale price, pair OUC ttedU. |
ribbon trimmed, many -| "1 FOR THE GIRL GRADUATE insrs; exquisite designs; worth /Ifi' fj
Bt £ eS ' each AIC 12-button French White Kid Gloves, 7C TT T? V,"
new Gladstone Lawn pa i r 3> 1. / O U 1
Collars, plain and fancy; always . _ ~ Z liiZTI — _ '~L. pHce, yard 0»C H
25c. Sale price, <| « . 16 * button French Wh,te Kld GloveS ' J9 25 L «< «-*«■.. Kml,roldered Swiss, I
each X mat C P a,r • • i.... V «• ™ Blind und other designs; worth oq ra
$1.50 and $1 !» Nainsook Prin- Sold elsewhere at $2.50 and $3.50. ''' |
cess Slips, lace trimmed./\ Q EXTRA SPECIAL Two-clasp White Kid .. . '' s L«
e i , MK p —, . ~, ... * _ \ cniKf I idee Hands. while or ecru: >1
Sale price, each : t/Ot Gloves, dollar quality. £Q„ worth «ip to 2»c. sale price, -irk M
50c Brassieres embroidery Sale price, pair J... QOC ■ var,, lUC jj|
trimmed, sizes 36 to 44 OC- Lot of Fin, Nainsook Cor«, Co vein; OC„ s,£"'V fl
„ h -' were 50c. Sale price, each £3C prlre, jam H
R. &G. and other makes of cor- . , TT . 0 . .. ,7 r „ ~rr~Zl Many widths of Shadow Laces: ex- ! ?i
sets, worth SI.OO. Sale /"• t\ Women s union ouits, light weight, llace OP" quislte designs; worth t»e, a.v- -i rv gj
price, each Ot/C trimmed; worth 39c. Sale price, each ... uOC and ai)e. Hale price, yard IUC «
Women's Lisle Under- John J. Clark's 200-yard sewing Thread, Q white'wVoru'rworth%i.7.'. loUn Q« s; A
vests. Sale price, each .... # C white and black. Sale price, spool 1 lC Sa, ° P ,,|<,e > .SJOC m
Sale ofWomen's and Children's Parasols, 25c ea. and ud
( f El
NEW BELTS AND GIRDLES Patent leather, Dolly mn „ c p* r a - ~~ I
Varden silks, white and colored Ofi TO A 1 1 Q , Fam ™ S R '. ? ° LaCe Wont Corsets: s,zcs <fc 1 Hft
suedes ZSC s|) 1• 1 " 18 to 26 - S P ec,al *** 1 &
v j K
f A
200 Kid I/hied German JR £ H ■ ■ A (irrmnn Silver Vanities, |
Silver Mesh Bags, worth T ■ H jH H H T large sin<. new designs;
$3.50. Sale price, /■ ■ M f 1-4 worth »a.75,
I $1.98 AO I Iylv/iI o| SU9
C 11 —ITHIT— ■■■ 111 111 I I IIIIIIW 111 —,, 11 |f'
at Juarez to furnish the State Depart
ment with additional information to
complete the so far as possible
in the case of Gustav Bauch, the
American railroad mechanic arrested
by the Constitutionalist authorities in
Juarez, February 18, last, and who
later disappeared, was the foundation |
of a report that the department Is
about to reopen the case, and also the
Benton case. The purpose was ex
plained to-day as being to close it
up by procuring the few fragments
of information still available regarding
his disappearance from the Juarez
prison. There is no known Intention
of making any fresh representations
at this stage, although without doubt,
the Bauch case -will figure In the final
adjustment of claims to be preferred
against the Mexican government when
peace is restored.
General Carranza May Be
Represented at Conference
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., May 27.—Rep
resentatives of the Constitutionalists
here took steps to-day to reopen the
question of representative at the Nia
gara mediation conference .
John Bind and C. A. Douglass, legal
representative of the Constitutional
ists, held what was termed a neutral
conference early to-day and later went
to the State Department to take 'up
the subject with Secretary Bryan, who
had gone to the Capitol to confer with
senators of the foreign relations com
mittee. Their conference with the
secretary was on that account deferred
until later In the day.
Neither Bind or Mr. Douglass would
discuss under what conditions the Con
stitutionalists were willing to partici
pate, but the opinion was revived that
the powers of a Carranza representa
tive would be very limited, perhaps
without plenary authority, and only
for the purposfe of furnishing in
formation. What sudden turn In the
negotiations had brought about the
new attitude of the Carranza group
was not disclosed.
Mediation Discussed
at Mohonk Conference
By Associated Press
Mohonk Bake, N. Y., May 27.—The
mediation of Argentine, Brazil and
Chile in the Mexican situation and the
apparent progress already made by the
conference at Niagara Falls were
pointed out by speakers at the Bake
Mohonk Conference on International
Arbitration to-day as the most encour
aging sign of the present time in the
cause of peace.
John Bassett Moore, of Columbia
University, recently counselor of the
State Department, who presided at the
conference, said in his opening ad
dress that the mediation of the A, B, C
powers, no matter what may be Its re
sult, Is a remarkable event In the his
tory of international relations In the
western hemisphere.
Mr. Moore admitted that actual re
sults from arbitration during the past
two years had not been remarkahle
and that the period may be marked by
armed conflicts of exceptional de
structiveness. Speaking of the last
war In the Balkans, he said there was
much to indicate that the end of hos
tilities In that quarter of the globe
was not yet In sight.
Three hundred members are here
for this, the twentieth annual confer
ence. They came from all parts of
the United States and from Europe
and South America.
Auto Hits Street Car;
Woman Occupants Unhurt
An automobile, owned by George
Heisey, attorney, driven by a Mrs.
Bowe, and occupied by two other wo
men, collided with Second stree* car,
No. 140, at Cumberland street, this
morning. No one was Injured. The car
was badly damaged and Was taken to
the Zimmerman garage. In Binden
street, for repairs.
The car was en route down Second
street, and was in charge of C. D Mc-
Kee, motorman, and C. D. Rothrock,
(conductor. The auto was coming out
of Second street and skidded when the
turn was made. The trolley car was
stopped promptly. The occupants of the
automobile were helped to the side
walk a little frightened, but unhurt.
Route of Strikers' Parade
Announced by Pierce
Strikers were busy to-day prepar
ing for the big mass meeting In Market
Square, Friday night. A committee
was appointed last night to arrange for
a band. The strikers will meet at head
quarters, 1*34 H North Sixth street, and
wll march down town.
The route will be: Down Sixth to
North: to Third; to Market; to Market
Square. The speakers will be. Presi
dent W. H. Pierre, of the Brotherhood
of Federated Railway Employes: Vice
President H. E. O'sell and James F
Maurer. president of th* State Federa
tion of Babor.
[Continued From First Page]
i Mr. Zorger to his home In Steelton.
For a time his condition was consld
; ered serious; but it is probable he will
George Goulden, a Pennsylvania
trackman, was found wandering on
the mountains near his home at Boil
ing Springs. Fellow-workmen took him
home ant} he recovered his senses, but
doesn't krtow yet exactly how he spent
yesterday. He went to work, said he
felt unwell and was told to go home.
He started away and instead of getting
home wandered over the mountains
i until found, nlthough it is not believed
that he was unconscious at any time.
Harrisburg was one of the seven
hottest cities in the United States yes
terday. There were none hotter, but
, at Washington, Bouisville, Des Moines,
Boston and Chicago it was also 92
degrees when it was hottest.
Humidity Low
The absence of any great degree of
humidity In the atmosphere mitigated
the suffering to a considerable extent.
Had the air been saturated with the
damp and sticky murk that goes un
der the name of humidity such as is
Newbro's Herpicidel
Is the Original Germ-Remedy For Dandruff
TAT ITHOUT dandruff the hair 'j
* must grow as nature intended, ' \mi^'
except in chronic baldness, which is ' '
incurable. Dandruff is a contagious |
disease. To eradicate this contagion ■■
and keep it out of the scalp, intelligent \
care and a suitable remedy are needed., vtjM'l 5
We can supply only the remedy which
A Woman to Be
Pretty Must Ml
I Have Pretty Hair 1
Beautiful locks have a subtle charm, \
for the poet saysj "fair tresses man's V. wJWn —x\ '
imperial race ensnare." The unpoetic I I fjm [1
and intensely red dandruff contagion It Mm I I |l\ nt|]\ r :|j
makes the hair dull, brittle and luster- JBJM Mil Il\ J I |
less with later dandruff, itching scalp /ft jr ra IHI K I ,J / I
and falling hair. NEWBRO'S HER- A[/1 H | | 11W7M |
PICIDE eradicates this enemy of /1/f f f/if 11 II U| W I
beauty enables the hair to resume its /Jj u /J MII I I »j\ |
Almost marvelous results some- II I I m iff
times follow the intelligent use of f WwJJ/i
HERPICIDE. It vercomes exces- Iff m w H
sive oiliness and makes the hair light 111 I ij ffj I (It
and fluffy. HERPICIDE contains no /|[ If f 11!
grease or dye. It stops itching of the lit, L
Discriminating ladies who have \
NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE, speak of \ l\
it in the highest terms, for its almost 1 / I
magical effect upon the scalp, and also \ / \
for its excellence as a regular hair I \ \
dressing. It is delightfully fragrant \ /
Send 10 cents In stamps to The Herpicldc Co., \| / N.
Dept. 1128. Detroit, Michigan, for sample. II /
Two Sizes—so cents and SI.OO. Sold and guar- 1/ Ao*i ' - 1 1 lu
anteed at all Toilet Goods Counters. \J I, «»/vwCl. *
When you call for Herpioide, do NOT accept a V|| Tr
Applications at prominent Barber Shops. UgL
Kennedy's Medicine Store Special Agents
321, Market Street
MAY 27, \9H
sometimes let loose in (log days, the
day would have been well nigh intol
erable. But humidity to-day had a
batting average of only 56 which was
considerably less than yesterday, when
it was 69.
Officially it really was hot. And
last night the city slept o".ly fitfully,
and people kept kicking off the sheets
and going to the windows for breaths
of air which did not come; and some
persons sat up all night and dozed in
chairs nearly all night, or went to the
roofs as they do In the real summer
To-day started in hot, but a trifling
breeze hinted of hope against the heat.
At 6 this morning it was 73 degrees,
and the breeze still trilled with the
. hopes of hundreds, blowing in faint
whispers and flowing cool only in spots
i as It crept up from the South.
Cause of Hot Spqll
The gentle flow of air currents from
i the South is the whole reason for the
hot spell, it was explained at the
weather bureau this morning by Fore
caster Demain. Somehow or other
; an area of low barometric pressure
; collected in and around Winnipeg,
Canada, and started on a slow, ma
jestic march across the continent. For
this reason the air from the south,
southeast and southwest, "where the
' cotton fields are blooming," moves
1 across our perspiring faces. The gray
. skull-lined deserts of Arizona con
i tributed its quota. Bear in mind that
• the said low Rrea of barometric press
i ure is moving slowly. As slowly as
the Mexican situation is unraveling it
is proceeding, and unless it makes
greater speed the hot spell is going
to last for another twenty-four hours
at least.
So all east of the Rockies the coun
try is swathed in a hot bandage; anil
in all towns the same phenomena are
observable; philosophical gentlemen
calmly asserting that it Isn't warm if
you don't think so; crowds make "bee
lines" to the soda water fountains; per
spiring fat men wiping ruddy counte
nances on silk handkerchiefs with
Initials in the corner; wagon drivers
cussing a little more than usual; ageit
residents reminiscently ruminating
over fine cut; "Yep; pretty hot fer
May, but now's X remember, In
By Associated Press
New York. May 1!7. Joseph W. Folifc
chief counsel for the Inter-state
merce Commission, arrived In N»*«r
York to-day from Washington for a
conference with Francis Lynde Stetson,
representing J. P. Morgan and Com
pany. The conference was arranged
for the purpose of making plans for an
examination of the books of the Morgan
New York, May 27. —Henry Siegel,
under indictment here for grand lar
ceny and violation of the State bank
ing laws, growing out of the failure
of his private bank and department
stores, returned to New York to-day
on the steamship Olympic.