6 A crisp, clean, nutri tious food. For everybody— every where. Fresh in the moisture-proof pack age. 5 cents. ZuZu The funny little name of the famous little ginger snap that puts fresh "snap" and "ginger" into jaded appetites. 5 cents. GRAHAM CRACKERS The natural sweet ness and nutriment o£ the wheat are re tained, giving them a delightful flavor. 10 cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name V J Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active, bowels regular, without pain or griping, relieve tick headache and that bloated feeling after eating, purify the blood and clear the complexion. Large box« enough to last a month, 25c. Dr. ChaieCo., 224 N. 10th St., Philadelphia. Pa. What Do You Pay For Coal All coal costs the same, but people who buy their Winter sup ply in May and June will pay 50c a ton less for Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut than those who buy it later in the Summer. The cheapest coal prices of the year are in effect now. Remem ber June is the last month to take advantage of the full saving of 50c a ton on these sizes. Better Phone Kelley Today H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts. AMUSEMENTS ' PaxtangPark TO-NIGHT Beck's Minstrels Benefit Firemen's Union GET IX LINE AND HELP THE CAI'SE PHOTOPLAY TO-PAY PERILS OF PAULINE 4th Episode And the Regular Program Admission - - - 5c Jf CHAS.H. MAUK UNDERTAKER SUth and Kelker Street, Larfeat eatabllabment. Beat lacilitiea. Near in Y"' '? «rwhe,e .« vour" MMnJtT & / — . , —; f« M r • I Kuii i« Button isibotv *g\ Extra Special Fine Silk Lisle Gloves—elbow length— ureat Glove Special 69C' SEISS! pA rist: . all 8I " S I worthsoc : 25c I BARGAINS; Read! [ Tl£enT BARGAINS- Read' 1 Crepe Boudoir Caps, lace and worth 75c. Sale price, pair OUC ttedU. | ribbon trimmed, many -| "1 FOR THE GIRL GRADUATE insrs; exquisite designs; worth /Ifi' fj Bt £ eS ' each AIC 12-button French White Kid Gloves, 7C TT T? V," new Gladstone Lawn pa i r 3> 1. / O U 1 Collars, plain and fancy; always . _ ~ Z liiZTI — _ '~L. pHce, yard 0»C H 25c. Sale price, <| « . 16 * button French Wh,te Kld GloveS ' J9 25 L «< «-*«■.. Kml,roldered Swiss, I each X mat C P a,r • • i.... V «• ™ Blind und other designs; worth oq ra $1.50 and $1 !» Nainsook Prin- Sold elsewhere at $2.50 and $3.50. ''' | cess Slips, lace trimmed./\ Q EXTRA SPECIAL Two-clasp White Kid .. . '' s L« e i , MK p —, . ~, ... * _ \ cniKf I idee Hands. while or ecru: >1 Sale price, each : t/Ot Gloves, dollar quality. £Q„ worth «ip to 2»c. sale price, -irk M 50c Brassieres embroidery Sale price, pair J... QOC ■ var,, lUC jj| trimmed, sizes 36 to 44 OC- Lot of Fin, Nainsook Cor«, Co vein; OC„ s,£"'V fl „ h -' were 50c. Sale price, each £3C prlre, jam H R. &G. and other makes of cor- . , TT . 0 . .. ,7 r „ ~rr~Zl Many widths of Shadow Laces: ex- ! ?i sets, worth SI.OO. Sale /"• t\ Women s union ouits, light weight, llace OP" quislte designs; worth t»e, a.v- -i rv gj price, each Ot/C trimmed; worth 39c. Sale price, each ... uOC and ai)e. Hale price, yard IUC « Women's Lisle Under- John J. Clark's 200-yard sewing Thread, Q white'wVoru'rworth%i.7.'. loUn Q« s; A vests. Sale price, each .... # C white and black. Sale price, spool 1 lC Sa, ° P ,,|<,e > .SJOC m Sale ofWomen's and Children's Parasols, 25c ea. and ud ( f El NEW BELTS AND GIRDLES Patent leather, Dolly mn „ c p* r a - ~~ I Varden silks, white and colored Ofi TO A 1 1 Q , Fam ™ S R '. ? ° LaCe Wont Corsets: s,zcs