Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 27, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    Makes Life Worth While
A woman has lost
her only child; a
man has lost his
possessions in an
earthquake. They
wonder how tn
telligent human be
ing- can believe in
know about God?"
P they
Not so much as
many ones
know, yet more and
passing year,
that life grows
"■■«■ i * more radiant with
each step forward toward the final
F;oal. For ever upon the path shines
the smile of Him I know to be God.
Belief Makes JAte More Radiant With
Koch Step
I know this earth Is but one room
in my Father's Mansion, and that
whatever my experiences may be in
this, they are but to prepare me to
enter larger rooms.
Experience is the dbject of all life.
We came from the Great All Source,
and we are returning to It. That we
can make the journey for ourselves
and others happier and more beautiful
by an absolute, unswerving faith in
the God of Love back of all things
I know.
That a belief in our own divine
origin and our oneness with God will
mold circumstances and turn seeming
evil to good I also know. But the
way to such molding is long and the
path steep, because it loads over the
boulders of self, and we must chisel
our own stairway through the rooms.
But God awaits us at the summit.
The great trouble with most of us
is that we magnify our petty, lesser
selves and desires and tasks, and
ignore our real selves, and then doubt
the existence of a God because our
lesser selves suffer some disappoint
ment or pain, which need not haw
come to us if we had recognized the
divinity within.
God made millions of worlds—mil
lions of planets. No man can make
one or even explain how the beginning
began. Therefore the most reasonable
explanation is that He whom we call
God made all.
The magnificence of this vast uni
verse is beyond the scope of human
One glance through a telescope at
Remove the Cause |
Horsfora's Acid Phosphate is fe
especially recommended for ■
restoring brain force or ner- S3
vouß energy, in all cases where te
the nervous system has been H
reduced below the normal M
standard by overwork. W
Horsford's 1
Acid Phosphate I
(Non-Alcoholic) IS
r \
The Reliable House For
YOHN BROS. Mar l X .re
Some Wonderful Secrets I
I That Bring Quick Beauty I
The Sure nnil Uutrk Road to Real
Beauty. KnmuuN lleauty Secrets that
Have Made tlie Theatrical Star,
Valentin Surrat, America's
Greatest Self-Mnde
By Ynleska Suratt
TO MY "lind there are few things as
hideous as superfluous hairs on a
woman's face. The reason why
more women do not remove this man
nish and coarse growth is that they
fear the action of the hair removers
commonly sold. For this they cannot
lie blamed, since it is a fact that the
present-day depilatories burn oft the
liair and usually leave a red or irri
tated spot where applied, and is a
"dead give-away." There is a super
fluous hair-remover, however, which
is very remarkable and novel in its
action, and no one can ever tell that
••All You Need Are These Kevr Secrets,
and Surpassing: Beauty la Yours."
you have used anything to remove the
superfluous hairs. This Is simple sulfo
solution. Instead of burning off the
hair and injuring the skin, no matter
how tough, it dissolves the hair and is
a positive benefit to the skin. You
moisten the hairs to be removed with
simple sulfo solution. You see the hair
dissolve away, and you then wash it
off. The skin is left clear, soft and
unmarked. Another splendid feature
is that it can be used on the tenderest
skin, or any part of the body, with
perfect safety. It can be obtained at
any drug store.
* • *
MARIETTA No, the beauty creams
you are using will never produce the
desired result. There Is only one real
Bkin beautlfler I have ever known and
this will remove freckles, red spots
end other blemishes ao promptly as to
surprise you. Mix two tablespoonfuls
of glycerine with half a pint of hot
water and while stirring add one ounce
of zintone, which you can obtain at
the drug store. The liberal use of
this gives an absolutely perfect com
plexion, rivaling the purity of n Illy or
b rose. You need nothing rise but this
to give you your fondest desire.
the heavrtns is enough to make the
most brilliant being on earth sink back
in unutterable awe.
Yet poor, petty creatures are daily
and hourly sitting in judgment on the
Creator of All Things because a hail
storm destroyed a harvest or a light
ning stroke killed a cow, or death
claimed a child, or a thief robbed the*
Be still and be ashamed, O petty
Look up and out at the glory of
creation, and know that God lives, and
that you are part and parcel of Him,
and nothing can befall you once you
acknowledge this truth that all is for
ultimate and universal good.
God is Love.
Here is what Seneca, a Roman
philosopher, said two thousand years
"God is near you, with you, in you.
There dwells within us a holy spirit,
the watcher and guardian of all we do,
good or bad. According as we deal
with Him so He deals wth us."
Kpictetus, a Greek philosopher, and
a iran of great wisdom, who lived a
hundred years after Ohrlst, said:
"Be always ready to resign the
blessings which God's providence has
lent you for a while. | Never say any
thing about 'I have lost it,' but say
'I have restored it' Is your child
dead? She has been restored. Ts your
wife dead? She has been restored.
Has your estate been taken from you?
Has not this, then. als« been restored ?
But he who has takeii it from mo is
a bad man. But what' is it to you by
whose hands the giver demanded it
In every age there s.re a few souls
who listen to great truths like these
and realize that they need only live
these truths to be at peace with God
and man.
Vast and cumbersome and blind
creeds seem to be the machinery by
which the masses of the world move.
And slow is that movement.
It Is pitiful to think of the mis
erable, fear-wrecked beings who have
wept bitter tears over dreary dogmas,
trying to find "illumination."
Live to Tills Thought and You Will Be
Trying to reconcile the irreconcilable
and paradoxical statements of sup
posed teachers, when all they needed
to obtain light, happiness and hopt,
was the old, old truth, "'.lod is near
you, with you, in you."
Live to this thought awl you will
need no other religion.
Syracuse Father Is Hunting
Young Son Who Left Home
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., May 27. —D. A. Cor
nish, of Syracuse, N. Y., is here
searching for his lost son. Albert C.
Cornish, who left home in the be
ginning of May, in compan vith his
cousin, Harold Rood. The bo> is seven
teen years old and is attired In a khaki
uniform. He was deserted by !>is cou
sin at Buffalo, N. Y., and then inform
ed his parents that he would start for
home. He never reached therr. Get
ting a clue that led him to believe that
the youth had reached the vicinity of
Harrlsburg, the father followed it up,
only to find that he was too late to
trace his lost son. Coming to this i
place to-day he learned that a boy'
answering the description of his son]
had been here, but had left for parts I
unknown. The father is asking the |
authorities to co-operate with his in
finding his son.
Special to iHe Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., May 26.—1n order to
overcome the dust nuisance, the Lan
caster and Susquehanna turnpike I
company has started to oil the pike j
the entire distance of more than ten
miles, from Lancaster to Columbia. I
Fifteen thousand gallons of oil are,
being spread over the pike with an
oil sprinkler.
DANDER UP—Yes, you can get rid
of dandruff right off. But you want
something which not only removes
dandruff completely but that will actu
ally force the hair to grow. For this
you can never get anything as start
ling In its results as the following
mixture. To half a pint of alcohol add
half a pint of water for else you may
use a full pint of bay rum if you wish)
and to this add one ounce of beta
quinol. It has a powerful action upon
the hair-cells, hair roots and the scalp.
It means a transformation to any hair
and scalp. Your hair will be healthy,
vigorous, fluffy, and grow luxuriantly.
HARRIET It.—A skin rejuvenator of
remarkable power is a cream made by
dissolving two tablespoonfuls of glycer
ine and two ounces of eptol in a half
pint of hot water. This is stirred until
it cools and forms a satiny cream. This
is the most astonishing wrinkle re
mover there is, making crow's feet,
deep wrinkles and lines disappear with
great rapidity. It makes the skin
plump, youthful and vigorous, and by
faithful use you will see a tremendous
difference In your appearance, making
you look years younger. The eptol can
be obtained at any drug store. This
makes the most economical cream I
know of.
» • »
IJUCY M. N.—The only positive, quick
and sure way of removing blackheads is
by sprinkling some neroxln on a
sponge made wet with hot water. This,
rubbed on the blackheads, will remove
them, big and little, in a few moments.
The neroxin can be obtained at any
drug store.
MRS. O. H. K.—-Do not use mechan
ical instruments for bust development
They are usually Injurious. Though it
Is Impossible to assure the desired de
velopment, yet the following is worth
trying, as it has been successful In
many ca.ses. A half a cup of sugar and
two ounces of ruetone should be dis
solved in half a pint of cold water, and
of this two teaspoonfuls taken three or
four times a day. You can secure the
ruetona at any drug store.
* • •
MEDUSA—There are very few sham
poos worthy of the name, and only one
perfect head-wash that I know. This
Is eggol. By dissolving one teaspoon
ful of this in half a cup of hot water
you have a hair and scalp cleanser
which is unusually thorough and quick
in removing all scurf, dirt and dead
skin, leaving the hair fluffy and silky
and easy to do up. The eggol can be
secured at any drug store.
♦ • •
ANNABEL—Ordinary talcum powder
does very little good In arm-pit and
other perspiration. Use hydrolized talc
which is specially mecMcated and which
Is astonishing in controlling excessive
perspiration In the arm-pits and other
parts of the body, such as the feet,
waist, etc. It will prevent your gowns
from becoming faded and ruined bv ex
cessive perspiration, and will relieve
you from the misery and humiliation it
causes. It also completely destroys
• • *
MISS G. F. T.—No more powerful
blood cleanser is known than a mixture
of twelve ounces of granulated sugar
and one ounce of sarsene with one pint
or water. One or two teaspoonfuls
taken after meals will stop pimples and
skin eruptions in n short time. Get the
sarsene in the original package, bv the
ounce, at any drug store.—Advertise
This Store Will Be Closed Saturday (Decoration Day) Open Friday Until 9 P.M.
Only 2 More Days of This BIG MAY SALE!
To-morrow a Big Sale of New
A Sale Just in Time to Supply Your Decoration Day Needs
Women's Blouses Jpk ®v jj®a\\ Women's Blouses
Values to $1.50, for 4 WȤ (cOW \\ Values to $3.00, for
95c vßf §1.89_
Made of Voile and Or- \U, J/ 50 patterns to choose from,
gandy, with the new Glad- 11 \PS I If ' \wk Made of China Silk, Voiles
stone and roll collars, in and Organdies in all the
white and colors; very 4p z \\YwPyv/ / m season's newest models, in
models- H up-to-date white and colors; all sizes.
Women s Blouses 3* T iV \) Women's Silk Gloves
SPECIAL } Women's $4.50 Crepe de Chine &Qll slo ° Value ' for
w 9 ° SILK BLOUSES for VL= 59c
Women s White just in time for Decor-
Voile Blouses; all the new- 100 of these Blouses on sale made of best quality of Crepe de Chine Silk, ation Day, 200 Women's 16-
est models; lace and em- V_-/ colors are white, peach, mais, Nile and blue; drop shoulders, organdy em- button length Silk Gloves
broidery trimmed, low broidery, Gladstone collar and Organdy cuffs in all sizes. double finger tips; black and
necks; all sizes. Jj white; all sizes; SI.OO value.
|| The Sale of Women's and Misses' Wash Dresses For Porch and Street Wear Continues ij
11 Dresses of the newest and best styles, some plain tailored, some with two tiers, some with the new Russian tunic; in fact every style is j|
j! here. The materials are floral and plain colors. Crepes, voiles, tissues, striped voiles, Ratines, handsome lingeries, French Linens, etc.; j|
l» Women's and Misses' sizes and sizes for Extra Large Women.
| $1.95 $2.95 53.95 J
Values to $3.50 Values to $4.50 Values to $6.00 Values to $7.50 Values to SIO.OO
Hundreds of Wash Dress Skirts in This Special Sale For Decoration Day
j! Every new model, including the very newest Russian Tunics—The materials are Pique, Bedford Cord, Ramie and French Linens, jj
;; Crepes and Cordeline; all sizes for Women, Misses and Extra Large Women. il
95c SIAS $1.95 $2.50 $3.50 |;
jij Values to $1.50 Values to $2.25 Values to $ 2.75 Values to $3.59 Values to $4.5 0 jj j
I - 1
Corset Cover Made of Flouncing
or Embroidered by
,Vy »
8295 Corset Cover, 34 to 42 bust
This surplice corset cover is one of the
newest and prettiest to be seen. Added
to its prettiness, it is made of flouncing
and, consequently, means almost no
labor. There are only shoulder and
under-arm seams. The armhole edges are
finished with insertion and lace edging
and there is a narrow belt at the waist
line. If the flouncing is not liked, any
plain material ran be used with suitable
finish for the edges and any fine lingerie
material would be pretty with the edges
scallops! and enihroidered by hand but,
as a natter of course, flouncing, whether
embroidery or lace, means far less labor.
For the medium size, the corset cover
will require 2)4 yds. of flouncing 16 in.
wide or I yd. of plain material 36,
yd. 44 in. wide, with Iyds. of edging,
I yd. of banding. ,
The pattern 8295 '* cut in si7.es from 34
to 42 inches bust measure. It will be
mailed to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paDer, on receipt of
ten cents.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, May 27. —A charge of
perjury has been preferred against
James Krelder, the 20-year-old Ann
vllle boy, who was the principal wit
ness in the trial of Edwin R. Risser,
proprietor of the Halfway House, near
Annville, later acquitted of the charge
of selling liquor to minors. Young
Kreider is alleges, in the complaint,
to have made false statements in his
cross-examination Iby the defendant's
attorneys. 1
Special to The Telegraph
Hallam, Pa., May 27. —The old Jeru
salem United Brethren Church, be
longing to the Sprinaret charge, has
been torn down and the erection of a
new beautiful edifice began. The
pastor, the Rev. D. J. March, is busily
engaged and assists with some of the
work. The growing congregation is
the cause of this movement.
Special to The J elegropli
Lewistown, Pa., May 27.—Mrs. Mary
Hetrick suffered an attack of vertigo
at the top of a stairway at her home
and plunged headforemost to the bot
tom of the steps. She was painfully
injured. Mrs. Hetrick is fiS years old
and is suffering severely from shock.
Special to The Telegraph
Huntingdon, Pa., May 27.—As a re
sult of a fight on Sunday afternoon,
John Doughenbaugh died here several
hours after having been admitted to
the hospital. Doughenbaugh Is said
to have been shot by John James.
Sand coupon
sample can
babies and their I
care by special- / Vl j f
r ■■ J j §
When Your Baby is Grown Up
'■pHE food you give your baby now will affect him to the
last day of his life. The baby that struggles against cow's
milk now may grow up with the ruined digestion that makes
misery and unhappiness.
Train you r baby for life long health from the beginning. Give him
your breast milk as long as you can—then wean him slowly on
Nestles FooH
that for three generations has built dairies—every cow's milk danger has
up men And women of healthy bodies been destroyed every baby need
and clear heads. hts been added.
Remember that even if your baby It comes to you in a safe, air
c*n fight the endless sickness that is tight can add water boil and
in the milk from sick cows in dirty it's ready. Send the coupon for the
dairies even if he can fight today trial can today.
its heavy lumps in his little stomach _______________
—he may later have the handicap
of an impaired digestion. NESTLTS FOOD COMPANY
NESTLE'S because it is close Weolwortk Bid*., New York
t° mother*iimilk :—. ke<spg your baby P1.... M nd me, FREE, your book and
well. NESTLE S brings health and trlel package,
strength, bone and blood and muscle.
In NESTLK'S made from the ••••••••••••••
clear milk of healthy cows in sanitary Address
Fireman Injured When
Auto Truck Breaks Down
Lewistown, Pa., May 27.—About 5
o'clock last evening some rubbish and
tar caught on fire on the old canal
towpath at the west end of the town
and an alarm of fire was sounded. The
heavy Henderson, fire truck, in run
ning from Wayne street into Market
street, struck the street railway tracks
and a wheel was torn from the truck,
badly wrecking it. It was manned by
several firemen, and Jesse Estep was
thrown to the ground and had his
collarbone >roken and received num
erous bruises. He was taken to his
home, 123 West Third street, and re
ceived medical treatment.
Marietta, Pa., May 27. —A big four
county Christian Endeavor convention
and picnic combined, comprising the
counties of Dauphin, Lancaster. Perry,
Berks and Lebanon, will be held at
Hershey Park, June 11. It is predict
led that it will be the biggest conven
tion ever held in Central Pennsylva
MAY 27, 1914.
P Union Pacific^
1 is the new and direct route to I
I Yellowstone National Park. It . I
I takes you right to Yellowstone 1
f Station the popular entrance. m
and cents your vacation trip, and \
it's all in a booklet, "Yellowstone %
to see and what it will
fic ake your\ Jar\ s |
A . Summer Novelties in
Pictorial Review
"Russian Tunic"
the new Jll/\
J Ml f° r Foulard and Em- L~-SJ I • \x\ I \
/ Its \ broidery Dresses are the f/( I * •\' \\ \.
I jtf \ latest word from Paris. 11. x • *\\ T
k-... J These novelties can- /£*r' r# * * \
not be obtained in " * -V>=^
I ' any other pattern. 1 • V
L { A replete collection of . k / |
yi '56. correct Summer styles I ' r if
P is presented in I «I '""J 11
. L The FASHION BOOK \ * »lfl
t! SOMB |f |"I
of the Celebrated /fl * Jfc
i|M PICTORIAL REVIEW [liv *} "lu
AJ* Only 10c when purchased \ I
with one 15c pattern. 'I
a, ik. p.,,-
Dives, Pomeroy (Si. Stewart