Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 27, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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(Beautiful Pole Dance and
Scene From Shakespeare's
Night's Dream"
Special to The Telegraph
. Annville, Pa., May 27. —May day
Jexerclses at Lebanon Valley College
twere more picturesque and beautiful
Hhan ever attempted by the students.
SHeaded by Earl Eichelberger as trum
peter, the procession moved from the
'ladies' dormitory at 3 o'clock. Arriv
ing at her throne, the queen was
crowned, presented with her orb and
footstool by the presidents of the
two upper classes. Following her ad
dress of welcome, the May-pole dance
fby twenty-live girls of tho school was
held at the side of the throne. A
ccene from Shakespeare's "Midsum
mer Night's Dream" was staged under
the direction of Professor Kirkland.
Thomas Lyter, of Harrlsburg, acted
the part of Pyramus and caused much
applause from the 1,200 people pres
ent. The festivities were brought to
B. close by the L. V. C. March by thir
ty-five girls. The students were
coached by Professors Kirkland and
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., May 27.—Hagers
town has added a new automobile
hook and ladder truck to the fire de
partment, the machine being a product
of the American LaFrance Fire En
gine Company of Elmira. N. Y., and
*ost $12,000. It will be assigned to the
Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company,
trhe truck arrived here yesterday. It
weighs nine tons, is equipped with
automatically raised ladders and a
Hart nozzle and Is propelled by a 70-
liorsepower gasoline engine and dy
Special to The Telegraph
Sliippensburg, Pa., May 24.—Junior
pupils gave a recital Monday evening
In the normal chapel. A very Interest
ing program was rendered.
for one active man or woman to
establish a paying business of
your own in Harrlsburg with
small investment or security.
Write at once.
Mountain Valley Water Co.
258-i'flO S. 12th .St.. Philadelphia
Roomy tables. Seats eleven ;° h perfect
ventilation; cool in summer; warm in
winter. Complete equipment. Gas or
gasoline. One man cooks and serves
No help. No salaries. No high rent'
Cars clear $35 to S6O a week. Big
chance for cars in Steelton, Middle
town, Newport,
Milton, Altoona, Huntingdon, Carlisle'
Gettysburg, Sliippensburg, etc. This
Model 1 car will be on display on va
cant lot, corner Cameron and Derry
Ktreets, Harrlsburg, until May 28th
hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., daily. Come
and see the finest Lunch Car on the
market. Sold on easy monthly pay
ments. L. H. Milliard in charge.
I<9B Price « $ 248 r» • sl-50
15% oft .30 P "« P"« 15% oB 22
1 Thursday * Thursday
and Friday DisCOUnt ~ and Friday #, " SB
Price __ _J Price
Thursday Thursday
and Friday M # y and Friday
- A Cinch — =
15% off .19 We reduce your Summer shoe bill and especially 15 % off - 15
want your patronage on THURSDAY and
FRIDAY of this week. 830
p rice Store Will Be Open Friday 'till 10.30 P. M. Price
Thursday and Closed all Da y Saturday, Decoration Day. Thursday
and Friday Notice the saving you will make on these two and Frida y
days, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MAY 28 and 29.
$2.98 This discount of 15 per cent, will apply to Sum- $2.48
15% off .45 n-jgj- i ow shoes of all kinds except Barefoot Sandals, off * 37
Tennis and Scout Shoes.
$55.53 Jjsa.ll
pri« 20th Century Shoe Co. price
Thursday J Thursday
and Friday O/lOes I hat Wear and Friday
~ 7 S. Market Square
————— $3 48
1554 off ~ | ° ff _f
$1.49 is% off .45 *5% 15% off .30 #2.96
Price DUrnunt Pri «
Thursday g3 1/ISCOUIU sl#6B Thursday
and Friday and Friday
Clip this Library Coupon and bring or send to the Telegraph office, with the expense item
of 98c for the entire six volume set of books. This amount we ask you to pay to cover the cost
of transportation, U. S. custom duties, handling, etc. If you desire to have the set sent by mail
or express, all charges prepaid, add 17c, or $1.15 in all, and fill in name and address below.
Name ....Address
-/ ijit - JBMt ••' $& ! Wm
wnni ■
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., May 27.—Orders
have been issued by the Maryland
Board of Health for a second inspec
tion of the watershed on the South
Mountain along the Pennsylvania line
from which this city gets its supply of
water. The first inspection, made sev
eral months ago, revealed a number of
sources of pollution from hog pens,
outhouses, etc., and notices were sent
to the owners of the property on
which the pollution exists to abate the
Poslam is the remedy which is mak
ing the greatest inroads upon distress
ing skin diseases eradicating the most
baffling cases of Eczema, Acne, Tetter,
Itch, etc.
It is the remedy which merits use
whenever the skin is disordered for its
healing powers are beyond all question.
Relief Is immediate. Itching stops. In
flamed skin is soothed. Improvement
may be seen every day.
All druggists sell Poslam. For free
sample, write to Emergency Labora
tories, 32 West 25th Street, New York.
Poslam Soap, the beautifying skin
soap, makjts hands soft, complexions
clear. Lai-ge size, 25 cents; Toilet size,
15 cents.—^-Advertisement.
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanlcsburg, Pa., May 27. —Last
evening the class day exercises of the
Senior class of the Mechanlcsburg
High School were held In Franklin
hall. The welcome address was given
by Robert Mumma; class roll by
Zerba Weber and Catherine Mumma:
class history by Alma Weber; class
journal, Joseph Cocklin; class poem,
Carrie Klink; pessimist, Henry
Shriyer; optimist, Kalph Slyder; crown
oration, Charles F. Berkheimer; re
sponse, Helen Bentz, 'ls; class will,
Paul Brandt; presentations, Francis
Sigler, Lloyd Gordon, Andrew Clark
and Carrie Anderson; farewell ad
dress, Edna Porter.
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., May 27.—Last even
ins the Lutheran Sunday School Un
ion of Lancaster county at a meeting
decided to organize a teachers' normal
training school, in which teachers will
be instructed how to conduct Sunday
school classes. County Commissioner
F. P. D. Miller, who is a prominent
Sunday school worker, presided at the
meeting, which was held in Trinity
Chapel at Lancaster.
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., May 26.—The Rev.
Paris Dakes, D. D., has been appointed
pastor of Mt. Zion African Methodist
Episcopal Church here, to succeed the
Rev. Hodson Waters, who has been
transferred to Chambersburg by the
conference which convened at Read
Buy on Credit
- - :-\
With Our Store Order Checks
They Are Accepted A# Cash For Any and All Merchandise Purchased, Giving
You the Advantage of CREDIT TIME Together With CASH PRICES.
OR |
If Paid Within 30 Days No Charge For Our Service
The largest and best stores alley? us to send you to
them with our Order Checks. You /select the goods you
our check pays for them. You pay us back in
I small weekly payments to run notl'onger than 10 weeks.
If your account is settled within 30 days there will
| be no charge of any kind.
j YOU CREDIT Wh«re You Vfant
W. W. T. Club Will Give
"The Old Maids' Association"
Lemoyne, Pa., May 27.—T0-morrow
evening at 8 o'clock the W. W. /£.
Club of the Christian Church Sunday
School will give an entertainment in
the High School assembly room. The
title of the play will be "The Old
Maids' Association." Miss Marie
Hagner, of Harrisburg, will assist in
the play taking the leading part. Last
summer the club gave a play entitled,
"Mirandys' Minstrels" which proved
a great success among the town peo
ple. The cast of characters in the
play to-morrow evening will be:
Jerusha Eliza Bango, Elmira Bricker;
Rebecca Retrace, Mildred Rudy; De
sire A. Man, Nellie Bowman; Hepsi
bad Adelia Olds, Mildred Witman;
Seresna Hasbeen, Beulah Brinckley;
Minty Clover Top, Miriam Weiser;
May Haver man, Pearl Fowler; Char
ity Good Hope, Mabel Musselman;
Behinda Bliss, Rudy; Ratchol
Ketcham, Hazel Mumma; Petunia
Pickles, Anna Keister.
New Cumberland, Pa., May 27.
The Rev. J. V. Adams, pastor of
Baughman Memorial church, will go
to Everette, where he will make the
memorial address for the Grand
Army. In the absence of the Rev. Mr.
Adams, Dr. Silas C. Swallow, of
Washington Heights, will preach in
the Methodist church on Sunday
morning at 10:30. His subject will
be "Songs of the Bible and How to
Sing Them." In the evening at 7:30,
the choir will give a song service,
consisting of patriotic songs.
New Cumberland, Pa., May 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nlchmap, of
Reno street, announce the birth of a
son, Kermlt Mass Nichman, May 25.
Special to Tlit Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa., May 27.—After
a lingering illness, Miss Florence K.
Wagoner died on Monday night in
Philadelphia, following an operation
in the St. Joseph hospital in that city.
She was born in Dillsburg forty-one
years ago and moved to Mechanics
burg with her parents when a child.
She is survived by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel M. Wagoner, one sis
<ti.r, Mrs. Cora Miller, and nephew,
George Miller, all of Mechanicsburg.
The funeral services will be held on
Friday afternoon at the home of her
father, S. M. Wagoner, in West Main
street, conducted by the Rev. J. N.
Runkle, of the Reformed church,
Newport. Burial will be made in the
Mechanicsburg Cemetery.
Special to The Telegraph
Blain, Pa., May 27. i lans have
been fully completed by the commit
tees in charge of the Memorial Day
exercises on Saturday afternoon. Very
few surviving soldiers remain here and
since the disbandment of the G. A. R.
post, the Junior Order United Amer
ican Mechanics, Blain council, No. 583,
will conduct the national day observ
ance. The program will be: Parade
at 1 o'clock of the secret orders, band,
Sunday schools, old soldiers, citizens;
services in the cemeteries and decora
tion of graves. After parade the exer
cises will be held in the Methodist
Church with music by union choir;
prayer, by *by Rev. J. C. Relghard,
Lutheran minister; address, by the
Rev. John W. Keener, Reformed min
ister; memorial oration, by the Rev.
B. H. Hart, of Harrisburg.
Boiling Springs Railroad
Man Disappears From Home
Special to The Telegraph
Boiling Springs, Pa., May 27.
George A. Gulden, an employe of the
Philadelphia & Reading railway at
Boiling Springs left his home to go
to work yesterday morning and when
near the railroad made a remark to a
fellow workman that he had violent
pains in his head and would not go to
work. He started for home, but never
reached there. He was seen later on
passing the footlog that crosses the
race along Race street and also about (
one-half mile west of Island Grove,,'
going through a field, minus his din-f
ner bucket. No one seems able to ac j
count for his strange actions, but h®
had been suffering with severe pains
in his head the night before.
i Special to The Telegraph
Annville, Pa., May 27.— T0-morrow
evening the annual students' recital of
the Conservatory of Music will be tyeld
in Engle Hall under the direction of
Professors Schmidt and Sheldon. Kol
lowlng are the numbers: Goddard,
two pianos. Misses Cantz, Wyand,_P ns ~
sard and Saylor; piano solo, Miss Ifidna
Speasard; song, Miss Kathryn Kteid
er; piano solo, Miss Wyand; piano solo.
Miss Myrle Saylor; song, Miss .Flor
ence Christeson; piano solo, Misa Sara
Thomas; Schumann, Der Nussbaum,
Miss Myrtle Turby; piano solo, Miss
Lueila Hertzler; vocal duet, Misses
Turby and R. E. Engle.
There is one simple, safe «nd isure
way that never failß to get rid of
blackheads and that is to dissolve
them. /
To do this get about two oun<les of
plain powdered neroxin from; any! drug
store sprinkle a little on A hoi, wet
sponge—rub over thr blackhtlads Brisk
ly—wash the parts and you will bl sur
prised how the blackheads have fisap
peared. Big blackheads, little flack
heads, no matter where they are, limply
dissolved and disappear, leavlnt the
parts without any mark whttevor.
Blackheads are simply a mixture of
dust and dirt and secretions frim the
body that form in the poreH of tl|e skin.
Pinching and squeezing on'y cause irri
tation, make largo pores artd do (not got
the blackheads out after they'become
hard. The powdered neroxin and the
water simply dissolve the blackheads
so they wash right out. leaving the
pores free and clean and, in their nat
ural condition. Anyone 'troubled with
these unsightly blemlsheis should cer
tainly try this simple method.—Adver
Another Man Snatched from the Clutches of Death
Expels a Monster Parasite About Forty-six Feet Long
Alive and Complete
Remarkable Case of Mr. C. W. Deheney, Who Lives at 318 Hummel
Street, This City, Which May Be Investigated by
Mail, Phone or Call
Mr. C. W. Deheney lives at 318
Hummel street, tliis city, and Is em
ployed as collector fop the Larus-
Altheimer Co. Thlse fqlcts are clearly
stated so that aJly person who may
wish to Investigate his wonderful cure
can do so. For tijiree > ears or over he
has been quietly 'and i atiently suffer
ing from various' stom ich complaints.
t How he suffered and tfhat he suffered
( '
Special to The Telegraph
£>hlppensburg, Pa., May 27. —Ship-
pensburg High School commencement
will be held in the new Opera House
on Thursday evening. The following'
are the graduates: Misses Nancy Mc-
Creary, Mabel Barner, ,Miriam Oyer,
Vera Long, Esther Helfrich and Edith
Sviow; John Morrow, Paul Shoke, Paul
Beattie, Chauncey Walter, Paul Shear
er, AValter Rebuck, Galen Gates, Rod-
Absolutely Pure
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks the world over
Roses-- V ines
Hanging Baskets
Flowering Plants
Geraniums, Scarlet Sage. Alyssum, Omnia Llllies, Snap Dragons,
Vlncas, Lobelia, Zenneas, Cosmos. Four O'clocks, Tansies, Cobea
Sc&ndens, etc.
Have your Roses lice? If so, use Aphlne, 25c, 40c and 60c.
Spray Guns, 25c to 95.00.
Flower Vases for Cemetery.
Also Full Line Vegetable Transplanted Plants. Order early to
avoid disappointment.
Both Phones. Open Saturday Evenings.
Holmes Seed Co., 119 S. 2nd St.
can be best told by himself. Bloating,
belching, dizziness, palpitation, change
of appetite, tiredness, absent-minded
ness, etc., were some of his troubles.
Doctors failed to cure him, medicine
failed to help him, so like hundreds
and hundreds of other people In this
city he finally called on the Quaker
Health Teacher at the drug store. Ho
stated his case and concluded \o try
Quaker Extract. He followed direc
tions In taking and he expelled a
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., May 27. —Elmer
Carl and Raymond Kerr, students of
the Hagerstown High School, narrow
ly escaped being drowned !n the Po
tomac river by the capsizing of a
canoe. Carl, who could not swim,
had gone down twice when Kerr
reached him. Carl managed to get
hold of the canoe, which Kerr pushed
to the shore by swimming behind it.
monster tapeworm, alive and complete
with head. It measures about 46 feet
In length and can be seen at the drug
store by those who wish to see it. All
persons are also most cheerfully In
vited to ask Mr. Deheney further par
If you suffer from rheumatism, ca
tarrh, kidney, liver, stomach or blood
troubles or worms, call at W. H. Ken
nedy's, 30 South Third street—Advap.