HA VE THE TELEGRAPH WANT ADS SELL YOUR PROPERTY) " J , Every Day Brings Its Own Opportunities We live in a progressive age, in a time that has demonstrated that the talk of opportunity coming but once in a lifetime is a fallacy—or in the lan guage of the street, "plain bunk." We live in a WANT AD age, in a time when op portunities come with every sunset. Don't expect your opportunity to come up and tap you on the shoulder with a greeting of "Here I am, old top!" Look for your opportunity in the want ad pages of the Telegraph every day. DIED "WORLEY Samuel Joseph Worley, aged 10 months and 12 days, son of Joseph and Ethel J. Worley, at 2:20 A. M , Tuesday, May 26, 1914. Funeral Thursday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from the home of his grand parents, 222 Cumberland street. Rela tives and friends invited to attend with out further notice. Burial private, East Hanusbun^cmeterv^_ LOST LOST White French Poodle. Answers to the name of Taft. Return to 2104 North Sixth street. IX)ST Watch, in Harrlsburg Ceme tery on Sunday. Finder please return to 402 Reily street and receive liberal reward- LOST Chase carriage rohe, on Cumberland, Sixth. Maclay, Third to Cumberland street. Kindly return to Paul Messner, Garage ills James street. LOST Party who took bracelet from ladies' retiring room on balcony at Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's, on rues day, between 5 and 5:30 is known, and ■will avoid trouble by returning same to Crediting Department at Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's. _____ LOST On Sunday, near Fifteenth and Berryhill streets, lady's open-face silver watch and gold fob. Reward If returned to 1808 Berryhill street. LOBT Shrine Pin, Tuesday after noon, on Third street, between Brlggs and Walnut, or on Walnut street to t'nion Trust Co. Return to t'-'i office. Reward. SMFsT - White French poodle, hair short, except on head and end Black collar, trimmed with brass. Answers to name of Teddy. Finder return to 411 Delaware ave nue. HELP -CV ANTED —Male AGENTS, TAKE NOTICE! Don't fail to call upon me and see my samples before 1 leave town. Big Money Makers. J. 1. Holly, Lynch Hotel, 320 Broad street WANTED Three neat-appearing, young men for advertising specialty; good chance for traveling. Apply i to S this evening, 328 South Thirteenth Btreet. Bell phone 1069 L WANTED A thoroughly competent office man and with a thorough knowl edge of bookkeeping. Must have some money to invest in an established busi ness. First-class references required. Address M„ 1029, care of Telegraph. WANTED A few live American men, of good appearance, over 30 years old, for work in the following towns: Williamstown, Lykens, EllzabethviUe, Millersburg, Harrlsburg, Steelton, Mid dletown, Royalton, Hummelstown, Lebanon, Halifax, Jonestown. All sum mer's Job. Glen Bros., Rochester, N, Y. WANTED Good, reliable man for the tea and coffee business. Must be eble to furnish good reference. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second Btreet. WANTED A young, married man to act as solicitor and collector. Perma nent position. Apply R. Wickenhelser, Room 207, 219 Walnut street. Thursday evening between 6:30 and fc:00 o'clock. WANTED—Experienced bookkeeper for wholesale house. Must be quick and accurate. Experience in farm ma chinery preferred. Answer In own hand •wrlting, stating experience, age, habits, married or single, references and salary expected. Good opportunity for right man. Address D., 1022, care of Tele graph. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED —No canvassing or soliciting requir ed. Good income assured. Addrfess Na tional Co-Operative Realty Co., V-310, Marden Building, Washington, D. C. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington. D. C. FIRST-C'I«ASS stonemasons wanted Immediately; good wages. Apply I). Callahan, Second and Emerald streets. WANTED Experienced laster on consolidated hand method lasting nm chlne. Apply Harrlsburg Shoe Mfg. Co., HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED White girl for general housework; no washing-. 2104 North Third street. WANTED A young lady stenog rapher, with reference, at once. Ad dress, In own handwriting, P. O. Box 710, Harrlsburg, Pa. APPLICANTS WANTED to learn tele phone operating. Apply 208 Walnut street. WANTED Two girls to run bosom machines. Apply Imperial Co., 1334 Howard street. —White woman for cham bermaid. Apply Bolton House. WANTED—A girl for general house work. Good wages. Mrs. Herman P. Miller, 2117 North Third street. , One Hundred 13th Ward Lots lUgtit locations and light prices foi; building moderate - priced homes. List upon application. Miller Bros. & Neefe HEAL ESTATE Fir* Insurance Surety Bonds I.ocust and Court Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING ' HELP WANTED—FemaIa WANTED White woman, who is working and boarding, to cook for me morning, evenings and Sundays for her own board. Address Mr. X., care of Telegraph. WANTED Cook and housemaid. Apply 510 North Second street. WANTED Twenty more thorough ly experienced operators on power sew ing machines. Jennings' Manufacturing Co., 414-416 State street. LEARN DRESSMAKING In one of the best dressmaking schools in America. Blake your own dresbes while learning. Night and Day classes. Work's Dress making School, 22 North Fourth street. WANTED June 1," by widower with a family living in the country, a cap able, dependable, young woman to assist his daughter in house work. Must be an adept in cooking, sewing, canning and preserving. Wages, $3.50 to $5 per week, depending on ability. Address 15.., 1028, care of Telegraph Office. WANTED Experienced girl for dressmaking. Apply Mrs. F. E. Ham maker, 1733 North Third street. HELP WANTED—MaIe ami Female MBN AND WOMEN WANTED to fill hundreds of Government Life jobs. $65.00 to $l5O Month. Sample exami nation questions and list of positions available free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Department 362-M, Rochester, N. Y. SITUATION'S WANTED—StaIe WANTED Colored boy desires po sition as chauffeur. Will do some housework. 218 Prune avenue. WANTED Chauffeur wants posi tion; terf years' experience; repairs own car. Address Box J, 1027, care of Tele graph. MACHINIST WANTS POSITION Bench, floor or repair work of any kind. An engineer also wants position. Strict ly sober and steady worker. 1830 North Seventh street. WANTED By young, married man, 23, handy with tools, position of any kind. Address I. R. H„ Box 67, Ober lln, Pa. WANTED Position as traveling salesman in local territory by experi enced man. Address 8., 1021, care of Telegraph". WANTED A position as gardener, in or near city. Address Box T., 1018, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED —FemaIe WANTED Colored girl desires to help with housework. Call, or address, 1001 North Seventh street. WANTED Young girl desires posi tion as child's nurse. Address 405 Broad street. WANTED Young colored girl wants position to assist with light housework as child's nurse or to take charge of doctor's office. 352 South Eleventh street. WIDOW lady, good education, wishes to increase income by position as housekeeper or practical nurse; excel lent cook; capable. Address Practical, 1026, care of Telegraph. WANTED Widow desires position as chambermaid, dishwasher or house keeper. Address 214 Market street, Me chanicsburg, Pa. WANTED Young lady, 19 years of age, who has had experience in din ingroom work, wishes position of any kind. Call, or address, 408 Chestnut street. WANTED Reliable girl, with ref erence, desires day's work. Call Bell phono 275 L. ^ r i A U T , ED Half-grown girl wants woik between school hours or after. In quire at 1121 North Seventh street. WANTED -- Young lady wishes po sition as bookkeeper or general office work. Address Box R. 10X4, care of Telegraph. VV ANTED Colored girl wants gen eial housework outside school hours. Add re-SB 8., 1025, care of Telegraph. . WANTED White woman desires Bell phone 1799 L AGENTS WANTED .AGENTS W ANTED —For a new cF i DOLLAR A YEAR" Accident and * 7 ' 500 Accidental Death, $,.0 to soo weekly sold to men and women, all occupations. Large commissions. National Accident So tlbßshtdNmf.^ 817 ' New York ' (B " SALESMEN WANTED 1 WANTED . Salesman for Dauphin county. Address Diagraph Carbon Faper Company, Inc., care of Telegraph. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Suburban new 3-story P rlc K house; '"iprovements; lot, 26 ft by 150; ideal location; 5c car fare to street E ' Brightbln ' 2 North Court REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ,SALE _ Twenty large lots, 118 x2lO ft. at from $3 to $6 per front foot overlooking Harrieburg. Good soil, air 3048 L and nel,^hbo^s • Ca " Bell Phone New louses Ready New seml-bunKnlow style houses. Green and Woodbine Streets. Only four left. Excellent location. Mod ern throughout. Individual porches Sienrn Heat Hardwood Floor* Open Fireplace Tile Bathroom Laundry In Cellar Combination Can and Electric Fix ture* excellent finish through out. Sample bonne open for Inspec tion. Representative always on ground. For prices and terms con sult C. L. Long, tir«en and Wood bine streets. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 1404 N. Sixth St. 3- atory brick dwelling lO rooms, bath and steam heat— lot, 16x110. Brlnton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE New brick houses on Manada street, one block north of Hemlock; 6 rooms and bath; lurnace, cemented cellars; granolithic walks, both front and yard; finished complete; ready to oc cupy. Price $1,450. For an investment hard to beat. Fire walls between each and every house. Rent sl3 per month. For further in formation apply to W. E. MOESLEIN 612 Boas street or 422 North street. Bell phone 2593 or 1085-R. FOR SALE 1214 N. Front St. two-and-one-half-story frame 7 rooms, bath and furnace—lot, 17x190. Price, $2,300.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. TWO fine homes. Size of .'ot, Nine rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath room. Steam heated; large front and back porches; ornamental fixtures throughout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamber with south side exposure, size 15x8; 12 minutes by trolley to Market Square. For further information call P. Vander- I 100, Masonic Temple Building, Third and State streets. FOR SALE Corner house at No. 1501 Swatara street will be vacant on Monday, May 25. It is for sale at an attractive price. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. KKAI; ESTATE FOR SALE "GREEN" PROPERTY IN HIGH SPIRE Second near Lombard Street —2 -story brick and frame dwelling— s3,3oo is the lowest figure, and it is a rare bargain at that. Lot, 80x200 feet. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court streets, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Farm of 60 acres—good buildings and lots of fruit. Close to Lewisberry. SI,OOO. Also a good store stand for rent in Lewisberry. Posses sion at once. Dr. Harry Spangler, Lewisberry, Pa. FOR SALE lnvestment that will yield 10.6 per cent, gross new, im proved brick houses rent, sl3 per month. Price, $1,460 each. Get particu lars. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE Three-story brick, 2352 North Sixth street; 8 rooms and bath; nil conveniences; side entrance. Lot runs back to 10-foot alley. Inquire C. W. Singer, Mechanics Trust Co REAL ESTATE FOR RENT DO NT WISH FOR COOL WEATHER. (LO TO PEHDIX FOR RENT WAYNE COTTAGE, furnished; preference to one who will take for entire season. Apply to A. C. Young, 26 North Third street. Bell phone 713-L. FOR RENT No. 2201 North Fourth street brick house eight rooms and bath electric and gas light back and front porches front and side lawn. In fact, modern in all ap pointments. Rent, $25.50. C. S. Weak ley, 1823 North Fourth street. FOR RENT Wyoming Cottage, at Perdix, for the season. Inquire at 117 Market stret. FOR RENT 427 Boas street; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements. In quire at 924 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Three-story brick, No. 2122 A Moore street; all improvements; midyear rent, sls. Key at 2122. Call Bell phone 3048 L. FOR RENT llO Herr, 9 rooms, im provements, $22.00; 225 Boas, 10 rooms, Improvements, $30.00; 125 Sassafras, $10.50; 2006 Penn, $12.00. Apply Harris burg Trust Co., 16 South Market Square. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, corner Green and Emerald streets, 10 rooms, bath and steam heat, large cqncrete porch and cellar. Apply Grocery Store on corner. FOR RENT - Furnished cottage, by month or season. "The Kern Cliff," at Sttfverdale. For information, inquire or Mrs. Gertrude Barnard, Plainsboro, N. J. FOR RENT 1533 North Third, 6 rooms, bath, rent, $20.00; 110 South Thirteenth, 10 rooms, bath, rent, $25.00. Also store room and farm for rent. In quire 430 Walnut. FOR RENT SUMMER RESIDENCE AT HUSTON'S MILLS NEAR ME. D. Beardslee, IS2I Real Estate Trust Building, Phila delphia. FOR SALE —At Gable's, 111 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full lir.e of the Acme i make. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 116 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L„ primed and glazed, «... $1.16 per set. Also other sizes. I BUY AND SELL all second-hand fur niture, carpets, etc. Drop postal, or call. A. A. Kohr, corner Blackberry and Dewberry streets. Harrisburg Paste Works 12 Am. C. & F 50% 51 Am. Ice Securities.. 31% 32 American Smelting . 63% 63% American Sugar ... 106 107 American T. &T. .. 122% 122% Anaconda 32% 32% Atchison 97 971,4 Baltimore & Ohio . . 92% 92% Bethlehem Steel ... 42% 42% Brooklyn R. T 93% 93% Canadian Pacific ... 197 198 Central leather ... 35% 35 V> Chesapeake & Ohio. 52% 62% C., M. & St. P 101 100 % Chino Con. Copper . 41% 41% Col. F. & I 28 28 Consolidated Gas .. 128% 128% Corn Products ... 9 9%4i Distilling Securities .15 15 Erie 29% 29% General Electric Co. 149% 149% Goodrich, B. F. .... 25% 25% Goodrich, B. F., pfd. 89 89 Great Northern, pfd. 124% 124% Great Nor. Ore. subs. 33 3 3 Illinois Central .... 110% 110% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 62% 62% Lehigh Valley 140% 140% Missouri Pacific .... 16% 17 Nov. Con. Copper .. 14% 14% New York Central . 93% 93% N. Y., N. H. &H. .. 67% 68 Norfolk & Western. 105% 105% Northern Pacific ... 110% 111 Penna. R. R 111% 112% Peoples Gas & Coke 121% 122% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 88 88% Ray Con. Copper .. 21% 21% Reading 166% 166% Rep. Iron & Steel .. 23% 23% Southern Pacific ... 93% 94% Southern Ry. pfd . 80 80 Tennessee Copper .. 34% 34% Texas Company .... 140 140 Union Pacific 158%' 158% U. S. Rubber 58% 58% U. S. Steel 63% 63% U. S. Steel pfd 110 110 Utah Copper 57% 57% Westinghouse Mfg.. 78% 78 Woolworth 97% 07% Foreign Trading Is Discussed at Meeting By Associated Press Washington, D. C., May 27.—"Get together" movement for a larger share of the world's commerce is the object of the National Foreign Trade conven tion which met for the first time here to-day. More than 500 representative I businessmen from throughout the | country were in attendance. The meetings will continue through Thursday. Secretary Redfield, welcoming the convention, urged a greater attention upon the part of the American manu facturers to the export trade and that competition in foreign markets would lead to vast improvement of manu facturing methods. James A. Farrell, president of the United States Steel Corporation, (old the convention that a greater use of foreign markets would stabalize do mestic conditions of the industry. MONEY FOR SALARIED FEOPLB and others upon their own name*. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adams A Co.. 11. 804. ft N. Market S% I B. C. MURRAY 5 N. Tenth St. Tool Making Tool Repairing JOBBING and HORSESHOEING «■ Riverside (parage New brick structure, modern and thoroughly equipped—space can be engaged for any size auto —charges accordingly—space can be occupied on or after June Ist—Located rear of 1417 North Front street, on Lawton street, running between Calder and Reily Streets. Enter to Garage from Calder or Reily Streets. For space s s » Apply at Garage George B. Bentley, Prop. t'HI( .\(iO BOARD OK TRADE KurniHhffl by H. W. SNAVEIV Arcade Untitling Chicago, 111., May 27. Open. High. iJow. Clos. Wheat— May .... 98% 99 July 86 & 86% Corn— May 71H 70% July 67 Is 61 Oats— May 43% 41 T» July 39% 39«g PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, May 27. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export, $1.00%® 1.01; Nn. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.03®1.04. Corn Steady; new, No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 8%®81c; do., kiln dried, local, 81%® 82c. ..Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 47® 4 7 % o. Bran Market steady; winter, par $28.50(0)29.00; spring, per ton, $27.60 17c; turkeys, 19® 20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 18 %c; do., fair to good, heavy, 16® 18c; do., do., unattractive, 13®15c; old roosters, 13c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16® 18c; broiling chickens, fancy, 24® 35c; do., fair, 18@19c; capons, large, 23®25c; do., I small. 18®20c; turkeys, fancy. 24® 26c; do., fair, 20®23c; ducks, 11® 18c; geese, II @1 «c. Potatoes Weaker; now, per bar rel, $1.50® 4.50. Flour—The market Is steady; winter, clear, $3.85(3)4.10; straights, Penn sylvania. $4.15 ® 4.30; western, $ 4.25 (g) 4.10; patents, $4.50® 4.90; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, $4.15®4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20; straights, $4.20 @4.40; patents, $4.50@4.75. Hay The market is steady; tim othy, No. 1, largo bales, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1, medium bales, slß.oo® 18.50; No. 2, do., $16.50@ 17.50; No. 2. do., $14.60® 16.60: no grade, slo.oo® 12.00. Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.00® 17.50; No. 1, do., $16.00016.50; No. 2, do., $14.00@15.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By. Associated Press Chicago, 111,, May 27. Hogs Re ceipts. 21,000; steady. Bulk of sales, sßio@B-20; light, $g.00®8.25; mixed, $8.00®8,25; heavy, $7.75® 8.22 %; rough, $i.76®7.90; pigs, $7.30®8.10. Cattle Receipts, 15,000; steadv. Beeves, $7.35®9.30; steers, $7.10@8.20; stockers and feeders, $6.40@8.50; cows Sheep—Receipts, 16,000; slow. Sheep, $5.25® 6.20; yearlings, $6.20(3)7.15; lambs, $6.25®8.25; spring, $6.75@'J.75. ANOTHER AMENDMENT By Associated Press Washington, D. C., May 27.—An other amendment to the Panama Canal act proposing that ships en gaged in domestic commerce pay tolls about one-half those charged foreign ships, and proposing another method of arbitrating the exemption dispute, was introduced to-day by Senator Cummins, Republican, of lowa. For Sale For Rent Furnished Rooms Unfurnished Rooms Cards Neatly and Attractively Printed Can Be Secured at The Telegraph Business Office 216 Federal Square 13