12 LUCILLE The Beauteous Heroine | 1 Alone in Her Hut Amidst a Horde of Savage Natives * , ( Read the Wonderful Adventures of "Lucille Love, The Girl of Mystery" now appearing exclu sively in this newspa per. It is the most in tensely dramatic story of recent years, so do not miss a chapter. • • WEDNESDAY EVENING T. R. TELIS OF RIVER, DISCUSSES POLITICS [Continued From First Page] Wilson administration. The congress men, for their part, wistied to go over the whole field with him, learn his ideas regarding matters now before Congress and, if possible, map out a tentative plan for the coming cam paign. Colonel Roosevelt protested, how ever, that politics was not the main object of hiß visit to Washington. "It was for science, not for politics," he said. With the exception of his confer ence with the Progressive congress men, politics played little part in his day here. He was too busy for that. Reports that while here he might meet Republican leaders came to naught, for the Colonel saw none of them. "Not a Republican showed his head," he said laughingly. It was learned that before Colonel Roosevelt left Oyster Bay a Repub lican member of Congress telegraphed to him, asking for an appointment. Colonel Roosevelt declined to discuss the matter, but It was understood that he felt that too much already had been crowded into the day to permit of such a meeting. Calls On tho President Colonel Roosevelt's visit with Presi dent Wilson was perhaps of greater interest to the public than any other event of the day. The President and his predecessor spent more than half an hour together and talked of most everything except politics. A good deal of the time was put In at telling stories. When the Colonel arrived at the executive mansion he leaped out of his automobile with his old-time vigor and walked quickly Into the White House where the President was await ing to recive him in the red room. The former President greeted warmly "Jimmy" Sloan, a secret service man, and other attaches who served during his administrations. "I'm very glad to see you," said the President, as he shook hands with Mr. Roosevelt. Speaking of travel, books, and tell ing stories, the two men seemed tt> enjoy their meeting greatly. All con troversial subjects were avoided. On his arrival in Washington Colonel Roosevelt went first to the Smith sonian , Institution. It was his first glimpse of the game he shot in Africa since it had been mounted. As soon as he entered the building he caught sight of a huge rhinoceros in a glass case. "I shot him," he exclaimed. "It was a rather close call .too. Kermit said, 'Wait a minute, dad, till I take his picture,' the rhino rushing at us, head down. 'l've got to shoot,' i protested.' but Kermit got his picture and then I got the rhino." For an hour the Colonel wandered through the museum. There was sup posed to be a reception committee, but it was lost in the crowd, and the Colonel found the way himself, paus ing from time to time to explain the tine points of specimens to those who happened to be nearest to him and ratting out scientific, words which no one understood. Prom the museum Colonel Roose velt went to the home of Senator Lodge for a talk with the senator and the British, French and Spanish am bassadors. Then he attended a dinner given by President Gilbert H. Grosve nor, of the National Geographic So ciety. The lecture came next, with the conference with Progressive con gressmen the last thing on the pro gram before his departure for New York at midnight. Proclaimed before a great audience of scientists from many cities as the "discoverer of a river in South Amer ica one thousand miles long," Colonel Theodore Roosevelt assured the Na tional Geographic Society that he had put this river on the map and chal lenged all the cartographers in the world to disprove his achievement. "We Put It On the Map" Scientists, the Colonel declared, had attempted to dispute his discovery. Tracing on a blackboard with a piece of chalk the river of his finding, he declared emphatically: "I say 'we put it on the map,' and I mean what I say. No map has ever yet shown this river. Scientists have said we might have traversed the River Tapajoz or the River Madeira, but the fact is that some of our party went down one river and some went down the other, while we went down a river in between them which no map naker ever saw. 1 can direct any man where to find this river, and rivers stay put, so that the discovery we have made may be verified." * The Colonel described in detail the hardships of his trip into the Brazilian wilds, and particularly the hardships endured in navigating the rapids of "The River of Doubt." In the upper part of the river, he said, the rapids were so severe that it required forty two days for the party to traverse one degree from 11.45 south to 10.45 south. During that hazardous trip they lost nearly all their food and belongings. "We were forced to eat monkeys to eke out our rations," declared the Colonel. "Don't shudder, for X assure you that after this experience you might leave me in the monkey house without my making any mistake." There were many Indians in the upper reaches of the Duvida, the Colonel said: "They were seemingly very timid and in some cases hostile," he added. "1 believe they were hostile only be cause they were timid, but it is almost as unpleasant to be shot by a man because he is afraid of you as if he killed you because he disliked you." He said he had built upon the work done by South American explorers, particularly during the last eight years. He characterized his South American expedition as a zoo-geographic recon naissance" and said that exhaustive in vestigating work would not be done properly by the first expedition to penetrate the wilderness. The Colonel said the work of early Spanish explorers who discovered the Amazon river made "the explorations of our day seem like child's play." He added that these explorers also discov ered the mouths of several tributaries of the Amazon. "Dr. Muller told me," Mr. Roose velt declared, "that as a result of the work of the Brazilian Telegraphic Commission in Western Brazil, all the maps in existence of that part of the country would have to be changed. "Some of these maps," the Colonel continued with a twinkle, "were drawn by fellows of the Royal Geographical Society and they are all wrong, too. Muller showed us that the whole re gion would have to be remapped. Dr. Muller asked me why I did not investi gate it. I told him, 'By George, that's what 1 would like to do'." Asserting that he made up his mind to undertake this task, the Colonel continued: "Everything we did was based on what the telegraphic commission of Brazil under Colonel Rondon had done during the past seven years. All we did was to cap the pyramid of which they laid broad and firm the founda tions." Colonel Roosevelt urged that the geographic society recognize in some way the work of Colonel Rondon and the telegraphic commission, adding: "They have had not too much rec ognition at home In Brazil." Colonel Roosevelt criticised the modern maps which, he said, were "all wrong." Letter to Dr. Muller He presented a. letter which he wrota to Dr. Muller after he left the HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH jungle, describing the trip. It was as follows: i "To His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rio de Janeiro: "My Dear General Lauro Muller —I wish first to express my profound ac knowledgments to you personally and to the other members of the Brazilian government whose generous courtesy alone rendered possible the Expedicae Scientifica Roosevelt-Rondon. I wish also to express my high admiration and regard for Colonel Rondon and his associates who have been iny col leagues in this work of exploration. "In the third place, I wish to point out that what we have just done was rendered possible only by the hard and perilous labor of the Brazilian Tele graphic Commission In the unexplored western wilderness of Matte Grosse during the last seven years. We have merely put the cap on the pyramid of which they had previously laid deep and broad the foundation. "We have had a hard and somewhat dangerous, but very successful, trip. No less than six weeks were spent in slowly and with peril and exhausting labor forcing our way down through what seemed a literally endless succes sion of rapids and cataracts. For forty-eight days we saw no human being. In passing these rapids we lost Ave of the seven canoes with which we started and had to build others. One of our best men lost his life in the rapids. "Under the strain one of the men went completely mad, shirked all his work, stole his comrades' food, ana when punished by the sergeant he with cold-blooded deliberation murdered the sergeant and fled into the wilderness. Colonel Rondon's dog, running ahead of him while hunting, was shot by two Indians; by his death he in all proba bility saved the life of his master. '"We have put on the map a river about 1,500 kilometers in length, run ning from just south of the thirteenth degree to north of the fifth degree, and the biggest affluent of the Madeira. "My dear sir, I thank you froiji my heart for the chance to take part in this great work of exploration. "With high regard and respect, be lieve me, very sincerely yours, "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." Progressives Pleased With Colonel's Plans By Associated Press Washington, D. C\, May 27. —Ex- President Roosevelt's conference with members of the Progressive party in Congress on political questions here last night was an interesting topic of discussion in political circles in Wash ington to-day. In Progressive ranks it apparently was felt that Colonel Roosevelt had left much good cheer among his co-workers in the cause in Congress. Members of that party in Congress were particularly pleased that he planned to participate in the forthcoming congressional campaign. The outcome of the conference had been awaited with equal interest by politicians of all the other parties in Congress. They, too, indulged In the discussions to-day. What effect, if any. Colonel Roosevelt's announced Inten tion of taking part in the campaign would have on the plans of the other parties could not be foretold early to day. It was believed, however, to fore cast a more vigorous campaign on their part. Encouraged that the former Presi dent would lend active aid to them, Progressive leaders in Congress were preparing to-day to go forward with their plans for the fall campaign. His praise of their work In Congress also did considerable to encourage them to renewed efforts in that body. Business Locals A GREA SEIjESS COLD CREAM Is preferred by many ladles because It leaves no greasy residue. Potts' Greaseless Cold Cream contains no animal products and will not promote the growth of hair. A delightful cool ing massage cream that improves the skin's color and texture. Sold at Bowman & Co.. and Potts' Drug Store, Herr and Third streets. LAST YEARS OXFORDS May only need a new sole or heel to make them look as good as new. Economy is the watch-word to-day. Bring them to us. We will fix them with the Goodyear Welt machinery, and if the uppers are good they will give you excellent service this sum mer. City Shoe Repairing Co., 317 Strawberry street. THE DOMESTIC WAY OF WASHING The family wash is about the same to-day as It was in grandmother's day. Same labor, same annoyances, same half-clean results. The perfect laun dry system of the Arcade combines all that modern science and inventive skill can accomplish to relieve you of Blue Monday. Arcade Laundry, D. E. Glazier, Logan and Granite streets. Both phones. BEST OX EARTH You w-er used a better creamery butter In your life than our famous brand, Juniata butter, made by a but ter expert, and sold at 35 cents a pound. It has a quality th;.t Is well worth the trouble of phoning us. B. B. Drum, 1801-1803 N. Sixth St. THE GROOM'S WARDROBE Is not discussed with the same atten tion to detail among men as the femi nine finery is among women. But a Chiffo-Robe of finely grained mahog any in which to hang the suits, and with drawers for shirts, neckwear, ho siery and underwear, would be appre ciated as a gift by the groom. Some thing fine at $65. Harris, 221 North Second street. RENEWAL OF LIFE to an old painted surface means re moving of all dirt and grime that covers the paint so the original color may be seen. Bruaw's Rotary Cleanser is splendid for white painted surfaces, enamels or metal and glassware. It also makes a light foam suds without soap that is harmless to the most deli cate fabric. Gohl & Bruaw, 310 Strawberry street. Harrisburg Carpet Co. 32 forth Second Street Notice Our office will be open Friday, May 29, from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. and closed all day Satur day, May 30, Decora tion Day. CO-OPERATIVE Laan & Investment C». 204 Chestnut St, /$lO LO4NS\ l AND )"* V UPWARDy *o HnuNfkrrpers, Worklnfmrn and Salaried Employe*. Money wisely borrowed and j wisely used will accomplish good results, but money borrowed re gardless of the company behind | the loan may oause you regret*. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 8 N. MARKET SQUARE Room SI 4th Floor LEGAL, NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR WASTE PAPER PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, State Capitol Building, Harrlsburg, Pa., for the pur chase and removal of ledger, bond, book and other scrap paper, and old news papers and manilla cards collected and baled by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, for year be ginning June 1, 1914, and ending June 1, 1915. Contractor to remove the above at his own expense from the buildings when directed by the Superintendent. The successful contractor will be re quired to give an approved bond in the amount of $500.00 for the faithful per formance of the contract. The right is reserved to reject or ac cept any or all bids. Proposals are to be submitted in sealed envelope marked, "Proposals for Waste Paper. ' SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Public Ser vice Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the approval of a contract between the Township of Cone wago. Dauphin county, Pa., and the Deodate and Hershey Street Railway Company, for granting to the Deodate j and Hershey Street Railway Company | the right to construct its railway on public roads, rights of way, and pri vate property within the said Town ship of Conewago, and to operate cars thereon, under a resolution of the Board of Road Supervisors of said township of May 4. 1914, and a contract of May 4, 1914, between the Board of Road Su pervisors of said township and the Deo date and Hershey Street Railway Com pany concerning the construction, maintenance and operation of said rail way in said township, and the Issuing of a Certificate of Public Convenience under Article 3, Seo'.ion 11. and Article 5, Sections 18 and 19, of the Public Service Company Law, the hearing on which will be held In the rooms of the commission at Harrisburg on Wednes day, the 3rd day of June, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all per sons in interest may appear and be heard if they so desire. DEODATE AND HERSHEY STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. John E. Snyder. Solicitor. They that touch pitch will be defiled.—Shakespeare. z/v^^ The mind turns to feats of arms and the exploits of men whose fame was won ; by their personal courage and appetite for great adventure. Such a man was D'Artagnan, one of the most dashing and romantic heroes that ever drew a sword. The Great was so impressed by D'Artagnan's adventures thajbe made him the hero of Three Musketeers"—a book that has long millions of readers. DumasW fame rests on "Monte Cristo," too. As popular pWs you have probably seen them on the regular stage or in the "Movies." Bat the real enjoyment lies in reading. SIX IMPORTED VOLUMES from the famous London publishers, Thomas Nelson and Sons, include these two immortal romances, together with "Twenty Years After," "The Queen's Neck lace" and "Marguerite de Valois." These beautiful books, in large type, on Bible paper, with duotone illustrations, and binding in Red and Gold, are A M°"" F ° r 98 Cents BE QUICK ABOUT IT if you would profit by this unusual opportunity, ex tended for a short time to our readers, by special arrangement with the pub lishers. Clip the Free Library MAY 27, 1914. D. B. Kieffer & Co.'s PUBLIC SALE! 100 Acclimated and Western Horses * Friday, May 29, 1914, at 1 P. ML At the Farmers' Hotel, M. Snyder, Proprietor MIDDLETOWN, PA. We Will Sell the Following Live Stock: 1 Carload of Good, Big, Rugged and All-Purpose West ern Horses and Colts ranging in age from 3 to 6 years and will have them weighing from 111 hundred to 14 hundred lbs. each. These horses and colts were bought I personally from the farmers in and around the W. M. Grove country, H and we are advised that they are a load of extra good shapey horses I and colts. They will consist of Good, Big, Rugged Feeders, plated Teams, Wagon Horses, All-purpose Horses, Farm Chunks and a few Good Driv ing Colts. These horses and colts were bought right out of harness and work and are a little thin in flesh, but the kind that will mature very rapidly M with care and feed, as they have the size, shape, bone and quality that belongs to a good bred draft colt. Also a few good big shapey mares in the load that will make good big brood mares. 25 Head of Extra Good, Big, Finished Draft Horses, All-Purpose Horses and Farm Chunks The right kind with plenty of size, shape and quality and range in age from 5 to 8 years. 25 Head of Carriage, General Business, Fancy Drivers, Speedy Roadsters and Saddlers that will please almost any person looking for a. high class horse. The kind that are broke to all harness and city objects and range in age from 5 to 10 years. 25 head or more of all kinds of horses from a good, big work slave to a hangup good using horse. 5 Pairs of Extra Good Mules 1 of Each Team a Single Line Leader Notes for 30, «0 or 90 days will be taken with good security and paying the discount. Sehueffer and Hess, Auctioneers. D. B. KIEFFER & CO. $