Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 26, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Sd°crepe e Met?o h rTt • 98c New Summer Millinery Excellent St y les ° f
Interesting' silk news especially as it is an unusually low i , Gowns in the Mav-End^H
quotation on such popular weaves Ihese arc regular $1.50 . \ rius is an interesting exposition of v
weaves, 40 inches wide. Extra special, yard .. 98£ •/'' IB York's latest models—and briefly, this means Sale fit 95c
<c?nn - ■ . A Zi i ■ i <-• i' «V 'V JT ? the reigning modes of the hour, for New York
S-.UU Licpc -Meteor in new shade ot blue. 40 inches. Spe- ;t ,'lw T o. M JL. ~
cial yard $1 19 \ I designers copy Paris styles as well as originate l our styles of $1.50 lace trimmed gowns, finished with lace
$2.00 Russian Crepe in garnet, 40 inches wide. Special, -v ~ and a corrcct st - vle sllow of Summer Hats is insertion, embroidery medallions or lace. Special 950
VII I (59c the natural result. styles nainsook, crepe or soft finish corset covers; trim
«l «'•«" i" , Typical hot weather in which min S of lace or embroidery insertion, lace or embroidery me-
Special yard " - WO.L of smartness have bee,, accomplished <"«««. ,aee or embroidery edge. Special ..... 50,
$1.25 black Foulards with' colored designs, 40 inches. laces, ribbons, printed BIoUSeS Specially Priced
Special 090 CrC^ C "' 1I1& '' Ctu Stripe voile blouses, palu votle sailor collar, finished with picot edgo,
, I v \\ \ 7 Particularly is the gathering noticeable for flict lace edge trimmed SI.OO
s2.x) pebbled back crepe meteor in black onlv, 40 inches. / '/\ \ v i \? , >*. < • . . • • . . Vo 'ie biouaes with colored embroidery flower $195
SneHal vnrrl «i~o KVT 3/ \ \ \ l the newest all white hats or white With a touch AUover embroidery voile blouses, trimmed with bunch tucks,' lace in
special. >ard sl. <9 » \\ 1 \j{ O 1 of color «««»n and laee cdffe $2 . 50
69c to SI.OO check and fancy figured silks, 19 and 24 inches ?-ncd „p sharply on .eft side Waikin* hat of Panama turned UP slightly on left
wide - Special, yard ; 390 J™."™. SS . P °!SS2 or «*£. ~ £,?£
Remnants of silks at special prices. white moire ribbon and ,rimmcd «-']£ Natty sailor of split Milan in olive shade, trimmed eS ' Pomeroj & Stewart, Second I loor.
■ « While Mil™ SHiior 7„'.'w , , with narrow silver ribbon and bronze wings, SIO.OO .
\es, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front. white t;iffeta and white wings ' '' S6 »!"> White Panama sailor trimmed with white and
Small bat with dome crown faced with Persian black polished ribbon and large white wing. $0.95 <
• . chiffon and brim of crinoline lace, trimmed with White chip and hemp hats trimmed with lace and L' 1.! >_ _. 01_ * N \\T AJ * 1
narrow moire ribbon and small bunches of flowers, ribbon or ribbon and flowers §4.93 L/( /lITISR 01111 LS VV lIM A\ (~\ 11 1 QTfl
T .. . SIO.OO White hemp sailors trimmed with Copenhagen wxxix * ▼ 1111
F I „ T7 . "lusnroom shape in navy, covered with Persian blue velvet ribbon and wreaths of small flowers, $1.95
uem ice r reczcrs on an trimmcd w,th yellow veivet ribbon ' sio - 0 ° • divcs - & stewart, sec o n d Floor, Front Sleeves
ou 11 want ice cream many times during the summer, and 1 " f* T~\ -f |~\ i —i • T .
y o,„ probably en jo y , more „i, comes ,rom your o,„
; reezer. Ihe Gem is sold in the Basement in four sizes, 2to T Q1 P A P ° int jUSt ab ° VC th ° Clb ° W ' a " d are ad i ustable to any length
6 quarts, at $1.45 to $2.55 111 CI IVJ. wll I ll"" i_/llCj. desirod and the sleeves arc easily put on or taken off a button
High Wheel Lawn Mowers • Ibe m °^ t attr^ct ' vc a y en( i values are pictured above—the rocker, our regular $3.50 Fibre snaps it into place. Phis Eclipse shirt is distinctly a summer
Chair, in baronial brown finish, will be offered at $2 95 garment and it is recommended esneci'illv tn mm whn ~r
four siie" CrUCib ' e BtCCI knheS ° n a Be,£ * sharpcnlng princ,p,e ' in T| T^ e ff bureau is a 7 K " la '',5 28 n 5( ? P iece . from a popular suite, which sale at #85.00. gol{ or tcnnis Friccs start at ' * *
Ihe chiffonier is regularly from the same suite and goes out at $25.00. A regular s'9 00 tennis. rices stait at
10-inch $2.25 M-lncli 9 » Princess Dresser to match is marked $25.00. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
««. . -■» - Some of Thbse Pieces Are Marked at Half Price
~J "1 wers „ Srsfir,Pay Less for Dress Linens
11-lnch $1.25 18-inch i SI-- $10.50 princess dresser. Reduced to $19.00
q, R
Ull Stoves ror Camp or Cottage Sl6 - 50 to $12.50 1 P0m,,.0y & Stewart, Third Floor ■ dresses and children's wear. Special, yard ....'. «9^
An important adjunct to the summer cottage or camp is an HPV-k T\ 4- {■ 4-"U C J \\ T 1 \X T ' 50c to 75c French dress linen, 36 and 45 inches wide. Spe
°il stove - and th e one we can safely commend above all others DOSt OI tile 003.5011 S W £lSll W 03.V0S ciaI ' >' arcl 390
is the Perfection, which gives out an even blue fln,n« AI * • Til 1 * ,1 X* T-i T R> * ' 26c sheer linen lawn for waists, 36 inches wide; special, yard ....i«c:
bution. d,stn " Keduced in the May-End Sale
Low pattern, 1-burner sizes cq In this May-End Sale is to be found the most representative list of seasonable fabrics that u-e French linen in three different weaves, 45 inches wide; yard.... J*.
JfW.-St) 1 A fi,;„ .1.1 1 , 1 7 1 . »c«ouduiL iaorics tliat we Ramie linen, our own importation direct from France; vard 59c
Low pattern, 2-burner sizes «j. > ottered this month at lowered prices. Staple weaves have been taken from regular stock French corded linen suiting, 45 inches; yard 7.-, c
I— ail d maiked low enough to warrant the purchasing of several dress patterns. Instance these Ratine linen suiting. 45 inches; yard $1.25
r lower Vases *££ l^ 15C ,teaet I" faS t "'lor P»» te ms. Speclau, priced, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear.
Tor use in cemeteries galvanized iron 10c* color dote. vard to,OPS " ith Bates' Klnjrliains. Specially priced ...'. ,ioc
Painted green, tinned in^ w T«pE® «ran,te eVth, in solid colors. Special, y pric*,. O .. • A
Dives, Pomery & Stewart. Base.ent. I«e sSffl
=: __ =:=====;::= 7»e Dives, 1
Business Locals
- Fine, journeyman tailoring stands
upon its merits. It meets and defeats
every argument for ready-made cloth
ing. AVhen altered the ready-made Is
just what its name implies. It lacks
all that a custom-tailored suit pos
sesses—'Character, individuality, fit,
finish and staying qualities. For a per
fect fit try George F. Shope, the Hill
Tailor. 1241 Market street.
When they hear that ice cream is to be
served. The little folks may eat it
generously, though not too fast, if It's
Hershey's. It's a food and will do
them an immense amount of good.
Delicious with berries and sliced
peaches, in halved cantaloupes, on pie,
and in many other ways. Hershey
Creamery Co., 401 South Cameron
Don't wait until you're wilting from
the heat to grasp a straw. Do it now
while there are lots of straws in splen
did variety to grasp. Otherwise when
you need it the most, the one you want
may not be in reach. All the desirable
shapes at Kinnard's, 1116-1118 North
Third street.
Tour present one will stretch twice as
far as ordinarily if you bring it to
the Midway Clearence Sale of women's
Spring and Summer Suits at the Klein
Company store. Sweeping reductions
in this ten-day sale include our entire
stock of coats, suits, skirts and waists.
Klein Co., 9 North Market Square.
Have a heart to heart .alk to your
prospective customers about your par
ticular line of merchandise by send
ing them by post a well written multi
graph letter. They are a direct appeal
to any list of patrons you wish to
reach direct and we get th-.t up In
artistic style at a small expense. Wea- I
ver Typewriting Company, 26 North
Third street.
The rates of all money loans to posi
tively the lowest you will find in the
city and we. invite all honest people
who are in financial distress, and with
out hank credit, to take advantage of
this interest reduction, which is lower
than the lawful rates prescribed by
the laws of 1913. Pennsylvania In
vestment Company, 132 Walnut street
are built in an enormous plant cover
ing 20 acres, where every ecoi.omy of i
manufacture is practiced by highly I
trained artists and skilled mechanics. ,
Buy the famous Lester pianos on the
easy payment plan. H. G. Day, 1319
Derry street.
That noon-hour luncheon that is
specially prepared for the busy men of
Harrisburg at the Columbus Cafe Is
surely a deliciouß luncheon for 40
cents. The food is nicely cooked and
faultlessly served. Try one of these
luncheons to-morrow noon. Hotel Co
lumbus, Third and Walnut streets.
Is the Buster Brown, the shoe with
out a bust. Somehow this shoe wears
longer than others and are made of
better leather than you will usually
find in boy's shoes. The last is foot
form, comfortable and of good style as
well. Prices. $2.00 to $2.75. Sold onlv
by Edward F. Deichler, Thirteenth and
Market streets.
w. J. Mehring, Jr., of 410 Boas
street, ambulance driver for the po
lice department, was treated at the
Harrisburg hospital last evening with
a contusion of the left knee which he
received when he fell while trving to
ride a motorcycle.
Samuel.Joseph Worley. Infant son of
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Worlev, 222 Cum
berland street. died yearly this morn
ing at the home of the parents. Fu
neral services will be held Thursday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial will
be private in the Kast Harrisburg Cem
etery. The Rev. J. Bradley Mark
ward, pastor of the Bethlehem Lu
theran Church, will officiate.
fctn'e of Obin, City of Toledo. Lucas County, s§.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath (hat he 1b senior
partner of tlie tinn of P. J. Cheney & Co., do
ing business In the City of Toledo. Countv and
| State aforesaid, and that said firm wlli ray
I the sum of (IN'E HUNDRED DOLLARS for
I each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot ha
I cured by the use <,t Hall's Catarrh Cure.
I Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
I presence, tbl» Gth day of December, A. D., 1888,
I Seal. A. W. CLEASON.
Notary Public.
I Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and
acts directly upon the blood and mucous «ur-
I faces of the system. Send for testimonial*,
P. T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 7oc. ~
T»i«. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. F
StnJ 5c for trial lil(
R»«. U. S. Pat. Off.
Camphor Ice
Soothej and heals cracked
skin. Keeps it smooth, firm
I and healthy.
Insist on VASELINE! Camphor Ice,
in tubes and boxts. 10 cents. Drug
and Department stores everywhere.
41 Stat* Street New Terlt City
CITY ' H tinkst HOTF.L at modkr.
AT .h HA l KS; most desirably located. Kentucky Ave.
ana Bench. Choice tntonta, private hath*, latent j
improvement*. Bra«a beda.* Attractive lobby aud
parlora. Capacity r,on. Cool verandaa. Good mujlc. j
Social leaturea. JOth year ownerahlp manajfrn nt.
I * nrl prime meat*, nearby J
quality. Special ratea
UP 10. Un weekly. Am. plan. Auto metis
tralni. DeicrlpUre folder mailed. A. Conrad Ekholm
"Twelfth Night" at Academy
During Commencement Week
'' b8 if™
/aP w m
;• . . •
Miss Grace Fisher, who will be seen
with the Devereux Players .lune 3, in
"Twelfth Night" under the auspices
of the Harrisburg Academy, is a sister
of the famous William Arines Fisher
of Boston, Massachusetts. At an early
age she studied harmony and com
position, planning a musical career.
It was then that Mme. Modjeska, a
close friend of the Fisher family, saw
for the young musician a brilliant his
trionic future, and begged to have the
girl in her company.
As the special protege of Mme. Mod-
Jeska, Miss Fisher was in her company
for seven years until the death of the
famous artiste, visiting her at her villa
in California and constantly studying
the Shakespearean Heroines under her
guidance. Thus her training and ex
perience are unequalled, and her viola
stands out as the most beautiful Inter
pretation of the role ever offered on
the English-speaking stage.
Mr. Devereux will appear with the
Devereux Players in the role of Or
sino, Duke of Illyria. Mr. Devereux
is well known to the theatrical world
as an artiste off rare interpretative
ability and in the character or Orslno
ho appears at his best. The members
of the Cast as a whole are as follows:
Orsino, Duke of Illyria, Clifford
Devereux; Sebastian, brother to Viola
Edwin Wolfe; Antonia, a Sea Captain,
Reynolds Evans; a sea captain, Wil
liam Weston; Valentine, George
Smith field; Curio, Maurice Robinson;
Sir Toby Belch, Allen Demond; Sir
Andrew Aguecheek, Harry Sothern;
Malvollo. steward to Olivia, P. J.
Krllv« Fabian, Charles Newson; Feste
James Hagen: Off'/ er. Harrv Rabon;
Musician, John Blondl: Olivia. Mary
Holt on: Viola, Grace Fisher; Maria,
Aline Kent.
The Play will consist of ten scenes
r v *iam JL |H
Sffw* JSfl
as follows: J, A Seacoast; 2, The
Duke's Palace; 3, Olivia's House; 4,
A Street; f>, Olivia's House: 6, A
Street; 7. The Duke's Palace; 8, 9, 10,
Olivia's Garden.
19 Tech Seniors to
Take Gettysburg Trip
The committee in charge of the
class day trip of the graduating class
of the Technical High School have
decided to go to Gettysburg next Sat
urday. The class will attend the an
nual dual between the Gettysburg
High School freshmen team and the
Technical High School.
Nineteen members of the Senior
class will go.
#.v Associated Press
Potsdam, Germany, May 2 6. —The
engagement of Prince Oscar, ilfth son
of the German emperor and empress,
to Countess von Bassewith. maid of
honor to the empress, was announced
to-day. The prince is 26 years old.
Boston, Mass., May 26.—Bequests
amounting to $158,000 were announced
in the annual report of Henry M. Wil
liams, treasurer, submitted to the
eighty-ninth annual meeting r.f the
American Unitarian Association to
day. The name Unitarian was char
acterized as inadequate in the report
of the secretary, the Rev. W. G. Lewis I
Only Two Hearings Occupy Atten
tion of Dauphin County
linilt lin I'crmlts, — Building permits
issued to-day included the following:
M. 1,. Deii)ler, addition to 1020 Green
street, $300: Rosa D. Shaner, two
2-story frames, 720-722 South
Twenty-tlrst-and-a-Ilaif street, $1,800;
Pelgram & Meyer, single-story silk
mill building on southwest corner of
Briggs and Second streets in rear of
Harrisburg Silk Mills, $9,000.
Settle City Tux Accounts. —Eighteen
of the fortv-one properties which City
Treasurer O. M. Copelin had posted
for sale for delinquent city taxes have
been marked "settled," the accounts
having been squared. The sale will be
held June 1.
Personal School Tax Notices
Aged, Wrinkled Faces
Easily Rejuvenated
An aged face Is often only a mask to
a comparatively youthful person. Be
neath Is a countenance young and fair
to look upon. It's a simple matter to
remove t lie mask. Ordinary inercol
izeil wax, to be had at any drug store,
gradually absorbs the worn-out surface
skin: in a week or two the user lias tile
loveliest pinky white complexion imag
inable. An ounce of the wax usually
is sufficient to complete the transfor
mation. It is put on at night like cold
cream and taken oft in the morning
with warm water.
Tills remarkable treatment Is in
variably effective, no matter how
muddy, sallow or discolored the com
plexion. Freckles, moth-patches, liver
spots, plrpples, blackheads and other
cutaneous blemishes, nnturally vanish
with the discarded skin.
To remove wrinkles, here is a reelp#
that cannot be too highly recommend
ed: Powdered saxolite, 1 oz., dissolved
in H-pint witcli hazel. Use as a wash
lotion. It acts Instantaneously and is
wonderfully effective.
MAY 36, 1914.
Out. —Eight thousand five hundred
personal delinquent school tax notices
have been sent out by City Treasurer
Copelin to-day. Nearly 600 delinquents
paid up yesterday, 208 of which paid
last evening.
Visited John Bent. —Prison Warden
W. W. Caldwell, Clinton Reigle. under-
I keeper, and Prison Inspector John W.
j Mcllhenny went to Carlisle to-day to
visit John Bent, now being held in the
Cumberland county jail for the mur
der of John Hupp. Rupp, it was be
lieved, was the same man who had
been Imprisoned here under an alias.
The Telegaph is in receipt of one
dollar from the Intermediate Christian
Endeavor Society of Messiah Lutheran
j Church toward (he Salvation Army's
fund for the purchase of a roller chair.
| Daniel Downey, aged 79, a veteran
j of the Civil War, and a former resident
jof this city, at one time residing at
226 South Second street, died Sunday
at his home at Emporium, Pa. Mr.
I Downey was the father of Frank R.
I Downey, of Camp Hill.
How Actresses Remove
Superfluous Hair
They Use El Rado—the Safe
Liquid Hair Remover
The methods used by actresses to re
move unsightly hair growths aro valu
able for other women to learn—women
who have long been embarrassed by
growths on lip. chin, face, neck or arms.
The most genially used preparation
Is El Rado, a Scientifically prepared
liquid. A few drops, a simple applica
tion. and instantly the hair vanishes.
El Rado dissolves it as your coffee dis
solves sugar. Medical science. knows of
no chemical agent which will eradicate
hair permanently without serious in-
Jury,, but it is an established scientific
fact that El Rado will remove hair for
a very long time, and in a perfectly
safe, simple and thorough manner.
When the hair finally reappears it Is
finer instead of coarser, and with a few
drops it can Instantly be removed again
for a still longer period.
I* there a beauty preparation in the
world that can improve one's appear-
Combination Lunches
Ever eat a lunch in a drug store? No. Well, here you can
get anything from a dish of our delicious ice cream to a real,
substantial combination lunch. Combinations are listed on our
daily menu card by numbers, as for example, number 22 and
calls for tomato soup, chicken sandwich and your choice of
coffee, cocoa or milk for 20c. One trial will be enough. You'll
like tt.
Golden Seal Drug Store
Henry G. Reuwer, Prop. 11 S. Market Square
John A. MacGowan, a former resi
dent of this city, who located at Boise
City, Idaho, last year, has been tour
ing the west for several months. Mr.
MacGowan is at present visiting his
sister, Mrs. H. G. Crane, at the Park
John W. Davis, who has been mak
ing his home with his daughter, Mrs.
George Heckert, Reily, near Fifth
street, is seriously ill with heart trou
Horses drawing the Goodwill Com
pany's chemical wagon to put out it
tire- on a dump at Third and Reel's
Lane yesterday afternoon, fell at Sixth
and Camp, but neither was injured.
Thomas Ryan, aged 28. of 15011' 3
Derry street, was operated upon at the
Harrisburg Hospital, last evening for
, ance better than the successful re
' moval of an unsightly hair-growth?
< The fact that tnany physicians tiso the
Ingredients In El Itado for exactly the
same purpose—hair removing shows
how absolutely harmless its aetlon is.
The skin is left smooth and volvety,
even whiter than before, because of tho
soothing, antiseptic properties.
El Rado Is used by thousands of wo
men everywhere, in every station of
life as an indispensable toilet neces
sity. You need have no more hesita
tion in asking for it at your drug
gist's than in calling for a toilet pow
der. Get a 50c or SI.OO size bottle to
, day. Try It on your arm: prove for
yourself it will do everything claimed,
Your money back if you are not pleased
with the result. If inconvenient to
at your druggist's It will be all rlght\l
order direct from tho Pilgrim Mfg. Ccy.
New York. Valuable information sent*
on request.
In this city El Rado is sold and rec
ommended by Golden Seal Drug Store;
E. Z. Gross; Kennedy's Drug Store; Kel
ler's Drug Store.—Advertisement.