Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 25, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Because of its refreshing fra
grance, absolute purity and
delicate emollient skin-puri
fying properties derived from
Cuticura Ointment.
Samples Free by Mail
Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the
world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p.
*ook. Address ••Cuticura," Dept. 22H, Boston.
Take Salts to flush Kidneys if
Back hurts or Bladder
If you must have your meat every
day. eat It. but flush your kidneys with
salts occasionally, says a noted au
thority who tells us that meat forms
uric acid, which almost paralyzes the
kklneys In their efforts to expel it from
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken, then you suffer with a dull
misery In the kidney region, sharp
pains in the back or sick headache,
dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue
ia coated and when the weather is bad
you have rheumatic twinges. The
urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the
channels often get sore and irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or three
times during the night.
To neutralize these Irritating acids,
to cleanse the kidneys and flush oft
the body's urinous waste, get four
ounces of Jad Salts from any phar
macy here; take a tablespoonful in a
plass of water befor« breakfast for a
few days, and your kidneys will then
act fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush and
stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to
neutralize the acids In urine, so It no
longer irritates, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot In
jure, and makes a delightful effer
vescent lithia-water drink. —Adv.
Business Locals
Have a heart to heart *alk to your
prospective customers about your par
ticular line of merchandise by send
ing them by post a well written multi
graph le'tter. They are a direct appeal
to any list of patrons you wish to
reach direct and we get th-in up In
artistic style at a small expense. Wea
ver Typewriting Company, 25 North
Third street.
The rates of all money loans to posi
tively the lowest you will find in the
city and we invite all honest people
who are in financial -listress, and with
out bank credit, to take advantage of
this interest reduction, which is lower
than the lawful rates prescribed by
the laws of 1913. Pennsylvania In
vestment Company, 132 Walnut street
are built in an enormous plant cover
ing 20 acres, where every ecoi.omy of
manufacture is practiced by highly
trained artists and skilled mechanics.
Buy the famous Lester pianos on the
easy payment plan. H. G. Day, 1319
Derry street.
That noon-hour luncheon that is
specially prepared for the busy men of
llarrisburg at the Columbus Cafe Is
surely a delicious luncheon for 40
cents. The food Is nicely cooked and
faultlessly served. Try one of these
luncheons to-morrow noon. Hotel Co
lumbus, Third and Walnut streets.
Is the Bußter Brown, the shoe with
out a bust. Somehow this shoe wears
longer than others and are made of
better leather than you will usually
find in boy's shoes. The last Is foot
form, comfortable and of good style as
well. Prices, $2.00 to *2.75. Sold only
by Edward F. Deichler, Thirteenth and
Market streets.
You never used a better creamery
butter In your life than our famous
brand, Juniata butter, made by a but
ter expert, and sold at 35 cents a
pound. It has a quality that is well
worth the trouble of phoning us B
B. Drum, 1801-1803 N. Sixth St. '
By making your house beautiful you
rot only make It attractive but you i
can give wider scope to your hospl- |
tality and make your home a picture !
by having your walls papered by the
Peerless Wall Paper Store. Papers,
6 cents and up. R. A. White, pro
prietor, 418 North Third street.
Trust your health to your physi
cian. He has studied your physical
being with scientific knowledge de
signed to promote your health. Trust
ub with the filling of your prescrip
tion. Every drug or chemical in our
stock Is fresh and full of strength;
our clerks are competent and ex
perienced. E. Z. Gross, druggist and
apothecary, 119 Market street.
Carpet Co.
32 North Second Street
Register of Wills Danner Has Big
List Ready For June Or
phans' Session
Half a hundred
executors', suar
dlans', administra
tors' and trustees'
accounts have been
passed upon by
Roy C. Danner,
register of wills,
and will be pre
sented to June ses
sions of orphans'
court on Tuesday, June 16.
Thirty-nine first and final accounts, |
a fourth and final account, three first«
accounts, two accounts, four firsts and
partial accounts and a final account
in various estates are among the list.
The list of fifty is considerably
larger than ordinary and will be the
last orphans' court session prior to
the'summer vacation of the Dauphin
county court.
To Make Pipe Connections. —Notice
has been served by City Engineer M.
B. Cowden upon property owners abut
ting in Derry street between Twenty
second and Twenty-third streets to
make all the necessary water, gas,
sewer and steam heat connections in
cident to the paving of the street
within sixty days.
I Old Bridge Iron and Roller to Be
Sold. —On June 2 at tho tool house at
Tenth and State streets Commissioner
W. H. Lynch, superintendent of streets
and public improvements, will sell at
public auction the old iron of the
bridge above Dock street and the road
roller that has been in the depart
ment for some years.
Realty Transfers. —Realty transfers
Saturday included: W. S. Hurlock to
H. B. Bair. North Second street, $1;
Jacob K. Kline to E. M. Eshenour,
trustee. South Hanover township,
$1,400; R. A. Care, trustee, to R. A.
Care, Swatara township, $1; H. C.
, Hamilton to G. C. Hallman, Dau
phin, sl.
p At the Register's Ofliee. Letters
' were granted to-day on various estates
HS follows: John W. Schreffler, former
Lykens hotelkeeper, to Thomas H.
Schreffler, Harrisburg; Margaret C.
Bond, Derry, to William H. Bond; will
r of Harriet E. Fox probated and letters
( granted to Harry K. Letterroan, New
• York, and Dr. Martin L. Hershey,
) Hershey; will of Kate Cunkle prflbated
s and letters granted to James R.
i Downie.
I Mechanics Trust Company's First
1 Appointment. The Mechanics Trust
) Company got its first court appoint
, ment as a committee to-day, when it
) was made the committee to handle the
I estate of Sam B. Gipe, a lunatic, who
> has an estate valued at about $4,000.
i Attorney W. H. Earnest made the ap
, plication.
s Adams Express Co. to Appeal.—An
appeal t» the Superior Court from the
. Dauphin court's decision on the ques
t tion of the liability of the Adams Ex
• press Company for the city tax on
■ horses will be taken by Charles H.
Bcrgner, counsel for the company.
The Daupln court decided that the
express company is liable for taxes
on horses hauling wagons in the city
streets. The amount involved in the
appeal for only one horse sll2 taxes
for the years 1909, 1910, 1911 and
IPI2. If the court below is sustained
the company will have to pay taxes
on all the horses.
New York, May 25.—Nothing less
than $2,500,000 can serve as balm for
the injured feelings of pretty little
Baroness Ursula Barbara Von Kalin
owski, who is suing Michael J. Hur
ley, the St. Louis paint manufacturer,
for breach of promise. The Baroness
declared that Hurley mp.de her follow
him over two continents on the prom
ise that he was going to wed her and
that he then held her up to ridicule.
The Baroness started proceedings after
she traveled from Europe to St. Louis
only to find that Hurley was not on
hand to keqp his appointment to make
he*- his bride.
, Special to The Telegraph
Reading, Pa., May 25.—The depres
sion of several weeks in local manu
facturing circles became more acute
to-day with the closing down of sev
eral departments of the Reading
Hardware Company, throwing 500
men out of employment. In the past
ten days a number of local industries
have reduced the working hours and
hosiery manufacturers have laid off
nearly 1,000 hands.
And He said unto all, If anv
man would come after Me, let
him deny himself, and take up
his cross dally, und follow Me.—
Luke 9:23.
If you knew these player-pianos
they would not last till Saturday
Copyright, 1912, by Stone & McCarrick, Inc. .._J
WHEN we infer that these player-pianos would be sold before Saturday, if you but knew
them , we do not have in mind your having a knowledge of the player-pianos themselves:
That is, a knowledge of the woods and felts and strings and keys all their physical parts.
But we have in mind what you can accomplish with them.
If you knew the ease with which you could play these player-pianos; if you knew the real
pleasure and satisfaction you would get out of one:
If you knew , that seated at one of these player-pianos, you could, within a single week , get
better results than the average piano student can upon a piano, after years of practice;
If you knew, Mr. Business Man, that with one of these player-pianos you could get com
pletely away from the grind and worries of business;
If you knew that you could play all your favorite tunes; About OUT playCT
If you knew that the whole world of music would be opened roll proposition j
to yOU; A business man was just at the point
If you knew that over eighteen thousand of the world's best 1,%' ££2"*
musical compositions were available for your playing; thought of something. He asked, "What
W w .1 11 . | • | i r.l will the music cost me? I suppose the
you knew that you could master the musical works or the I rolls will cost about as much as the pi- I
greatest composers; ano ' won,t thcy? "
Hi .1 . • 1 .1 If There jtui are. This is not an ttneom
you knew that in your player-piano there was solace ror I mon idea either. There are lots of per- 1
every mood and music for every occasion-we say, if
these things, then there would not be a single one of these player- I rolls spell a tremendous expense on top I
1 f. 1 C . 1 of t' lc cost of the player-piano:
pianos lert by Saturday. , . . . ,
r 1l 1 • • 1 * /"• Jlf •• • 1 we are e a dmit that, under
You would bring in the rive dollar initial payment necessary I some plans and with some piano houses, I
. _ . - \/ ij •. • I, player rolls run up to a very tidy item
to secure one, to-morrow morning. Yes, you would sit right of expense.
down now and send in the five dollars by letter, advising us to hold , But undcr this co-operative plan your
r •! II *ll 1 • player roll expense need scarcely be con
one ror you until you could come in and make your selection. sidered. it is almost nil—nothing.
These player-pianos cannot be replaced by anything you can put To begin with, you get nine roils of
1 .1 . *ll • 11 1 .• ( music with your player-piano—your own
in your home, that will give you so much pleasure and satisfaction. I selection. These you can exchange for I
Dozens of persons have told us this. ot, . lcr rolls . f ,° r 5 " nts , sl Y °" . can
11. o i r i s other entirely different selec
-1 hrough this co-operation Sale, you can purchase one of these tinns (y° ur choice) in exchange for 45
player-pianos at a saving of one hundred and fifty-five e ", s . , , ~
j ww \• 1 r \ These in turn can be exchanged for still
dollars ! think 01 that. different selections (your choice) for 5
\/ L f .1 LJJ J * M. t' Jll cents a roll, and so on and so on, in-
You can buy one tor three hundred and mnety-hve dollars definitely, in this way nine new seiec
noWy while the usual price, here in this city and all over the country, tions " evcr cost you ovcr 45 cents in all
is five hundred and fifty dollars. . -
It will be delivered at once; just as soon as you make your obtain any T si , c in t l h . e catalogue at
| • • • l f C 1 11 any time for 1 dollar a roll.
selection and pay your initial payment or hve dollars. * ! Rolls that will cost you elsewhere 1 I
Your regular payments are then only two d a week an"Td"nar°,St;
By these easiest of easy terms you thus have 195 weeks to can be had here at the fiat price of 1 doi
pay the balance of three hundred and ninety dollars, and when this "VhcTc also can be exchanged tor other
amount is paid, you are through. ™ lls " 5 ""I s a roll > and these in mm
rj-.. i - 1 | • i f° r others at 5 cents a roll; so you see,
I here are no dues, or interest, or extras, or bonus to be paid I the music roll question is not an cxpen- I
afterwards -to run the price up forty or fifty dollars more. of V m°n"ic h ron' s
,The whole plan upon which you obtain one of these player- small , fi , xed ? hai ;£ e °! , 5 . cents a roll
. , . . j i I*l 1 —and the selection of this chain of rolls is
pianos is big, broad and liberal. I constantly available out of a library of I
You do not take a single chance. Every possible risk has adhere"'To be"found°i""w r ka. musk
been eliminated.
' They are guaranteed without reserve. You can exchange within a year. Your unpaid pay
ments will be cancelled in event of your death, and you have a month's time to try it in your home
with the privilege of " calling the deal off" and getting your money back.
With all these privileges, and liberalities and safeguards in mind, we want to ask you a fair
question. Can you afford not to put one of these instruments in y©ur home in view of their infinite
source of pleasure and entertainment to every member of the family ?
J. H. Troup M
15 South Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa.
C. S. FEW DRUG STORE, 205 South Union Street, Middletown, Pa.
Copyright, 1912, by Stone & McCarrick, Inc.
___ ; ; ; ; ; ;
One lime Editor of the Telegraph
and Organizer of City
y By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., May 25.
Funeral arrangements for Randolph
De Renneville Keim, aged 76, of Wash
ington, anrl Reading, Pa., for some
years one of the best known Washing
ton correspondents, were completed
here to-day. He died at a local hos
pltal yesterday. Burial will be In
Heading to-morrow afternoon. Mr.
Kelm was one of the last of the news
papermen who reported battles of the
Civil War.
Randloph De Bennevllle Keim was
well-known In Harrisburg, having
been editor of the Telegraph for sev
eral years. He was organizer and first
commander of the Harrisburg Rifles,
afterward the First City Zouaves,
formed in April, 1861, directly follow
ing the opening of the Civil War. That
company was afterward Company A
of the One Hundred and Twenty
seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers.
During the war he was at tbe front as
a newspaper correspondent and won
distinction for his reports which were
published by the New York Herald
and other big newspapers. He went
around the world with General Grant.
He was connected officially in Wash
ington for many years and was also
identified with the Reading Times, re
siding In Reading for some time. Ho
was an authority on hlstorleiU sub
jects and prepared several books for
the government by direction of Con
gress. Mrs. Kelm, who was formerly
very prominent In Daughters of the
American Revolution circles, and a
daughter survive.
Stork Wins in Race
With Double Burden
Following a suggestion of President
Judge Kunkel this morning, Lewis J.
Brown left the courtroom with Le
hanna Puller, who had him arrested,
jind went directly over to the mar
riage license bureau, got a license and
were wedded.
The marriage docket Incidentally
was not without Its color scheme after
the pair had left. Brown is a coal
wagon driver. Both hlriself and bride
are negoes. Mrs. Brown's maiden
nautf was Green.
The story in the case was another
tale of how the stork beat Cupid to It.
In this instance, however, the stork
MAY 25, 1914.
I was doubly generous. On February
2 an heir and an heiress came to
grace the newly-established house of
Lancaster Liquor Dealers'
Anti-Profanity Campaign
Pa., May 25. —The Lan
caster county liquor dealers' associa
tion has adopted an anti-profanity
campaign. Cards bearing the follow
ing will be displayed In all barrooms:
"Do not swear nor use obscene or pro
fane language."
It Is the Intention of the proprietors
to have the Injunction strictly obeyed.
Orders have gone forth to make every
effort to talte away some of the stig
ma from the saloon business.
CASTORIA For Infants and Chlldran. Bears tne
Tl)t KM Toil Bin Alwais Bought Slgn o a f ture
By Associated Press
New York, May 25.—A delegation ot
Masons, headed -by Qeorge Frelfleld,
grand master of New York State,
went down the bay early to-day to
greet Ernest Nathan, ex-Mayor ot
Rome, arriving on the steamer St&m
palla. Mr. Nathan is on his way to
San Francisco, where he will arrange
for Italy's exhibit at the Panama-
Pacific exposition. He was selected
for this work by King Victor Em-
Candor Is the seal of a noble
mind, the ornament and pride of
man, the sweetest charm of wom
an, the scorn of rascals, and the
rarest virtue of sociability.—
Bentzel Sernau.