I I Our Store OpenFriday [Next] | I fIL/V| |j Our Store Will Be Closed Saturday jj I11 Closed All Day Saturday [Decoration Day] ;;• P T ' IJM K jll^J i! Open Friday Until 9 O'clock ' To-morrow We Start the Final 4 Day Wind-up Sale Of All Remaining Manufacturers' Surplus Stocks Sale Days, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ( store closed Saturday | 4f Day s of Drastic Price Cutting. 4 I /ALLIES TOnTUESDAY ONLY 1 J, " "T" ) I " Vl '> 'l [ ™™»_OM 1.,R TOMMY ONLY FOB TUESDAY ONIiY 1 FOR TUESDAY ONLY Women sFullLength Women s Shp-On One Lot of QIRLS' WOMEN'S One Lot of Small Women's White I HKSS»C &%gTfc hats 50c coats 95c coats *U Wash Dresses 9Q C SKIRTS *3 i| A^Sti°4uS' n <a «*Wi Value, to $3.50 * 2M l0 f J2 „ Values to $2.00 For ' Itft I" >M - , , ° d . "-»«»» Comp early. ftnTSjwiMn rtST V - / * - 1 V™—«________ *- Ii£ ,n . al Salp !f, anrl Miccac' Millie Sweeping Reductions on All Remarkable Sale of Women's and Wind-up diC All " WIIICII 5 dllQ IVIISScS UUIIS & Mj sses > Coats Misses' SILK DRESSES Your Unrestricted Choice of 315 Newest Spring c flA iS€SSS4 95 DIVIDED INTO THREE SPECIAL LOTS /K J mi A y P0 A J—j sizes - Formerly $5.00 & $6.00 A ciictio,, of h if >h K rade ff AAF U I i I ILj ■ B | fit® Jy fit /£| M I? . . Silk Poplin. Silk Taffeta and % %JF M ■ m M y S m# U*% %, 1 I lip Sw Women's and Misses' V J A fn / H jf 9 ■ B# jpjft |j| Coats, in pretty new "sk ■ modi very attractive models Vpt±.»v%f «K(|« «/«/ «|» /.«/«# aMartatO.flV »»■»»» . swjsk v w«3i ' tßsaa- '" . An opportunity for f lA J I J F"" I • „ . Women's and Misses' P B ® Women who wear odd ffF Scores of Models and Fabrics and Every Suit a Rare Bargain in «* Qk 1 $}*UU j Many of These Suits Can Be Wo n Next Fall Ftrroerl? * 95&5895 §.lg&S FtBMySISJt ~ Men's Suits ( 2500 Women's and Misses' Wash Dresses ft Women's Bungalow] I por For Porc K and Street Wear ™ 97 1 In the Bi ffgest and Best Sale of the Year * and Just in Time For Decoration Day Md ..^f A special sale of 50 fine nr« CC o C n f tu A i • till of fast color percales, hand tailored newest , the newest and best styles, some plain tailored, some with two tiers, some with the new Russian tunic; in fact every style is |||| cut b,g and full; all c ol ors. Spring Suits; values to re -* | materials are floral and plain colors. Crepes, voiles, tissues, striped voiles, Ratines, handsome lingeries, French Linens, • ---* $lB all slzes - Women s and for Extra Large Women. FOR TUESDAY ONLY 1 WW52.95 $3.95 54.95 $6.95 Young Men's ya»ues .o $3.50 Values to $4.50 Values to $6,00 Values to $7.50 Values ta SIO.OO Value $1.25 for f I Sun-Proof Five Hundred Women s and Misses' Wash Dress Skirts in the Sale | I XT nl Svery new; mocle l is here including the very newest Russian Tunics—The materials are Pique, Bedford Cord, Ramie and French ■* JNaVV Blue Llnens . snd Cordehne; all s.zes for Women, M.sses and Extra Large Women. 200 Pairs on sale-Pure SUlc 95c SMS $1.95 $2.50 $3.50 S Values to $1.50 Values to $225 Values to $2.75 Values to $3.50 Values to $4.50 111' — —r-^ |l I rUK TUESDAY ONLY $13.50 Value for ~ ='==== MFN'S SHIRTS nA 50 Dozen BOYS' MEN'S KHAKI 1 TIKS ""' "«<■* l ' »*''> ] ' «■>■..<» <.N., v j S IOO value tor 7.89 M*..33c.bwuj Eo r • _ c Un . sale to-morrow, Pants- thev'll wash- Values to 75c Values to SI.OO Values to $3.50 A % C . C • „ . 75c value suits OA $1.50 pants Aft ,*£? oSSS , R? ro ™? Every s U.t Venetian for JVC for. .. 90c UJU"^ h ;SU , 2i«K % a , SB^ ! «SWr«SE 200 Men's Percale Dress lined and guaranteed; all _J __J l"" si/os - Ch f " r »»«-J [n,oiee to,- $ 2 , 3 » r „r e . .. .. . c . TIAI Shirts, all new Spring patterns ' si es Advertised Items on Display in Windows-Arcade Entranced I . How to Reduce Your Coal Bill June is the last month to pave 50c a ton on Broken, Kgg, Stove and Nut. You'll need the coal next Winter. Kelley has the coal now. .Why not have your bins filled now or in June and take ad vantage of the lowest price of the year. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts. MONDAY EVENING, I SUFFRI6ISTS SHY ; VICTORY IS SURE State and National Organization > Officers Confident That Bill » Will Go Through Again The State headquarters of the Penn- L sylvania Woman Suffrage Association I here has been In a state of jubilation ever since midnight of the primary elec tion. Reports from the suffrage organi zations all over the State are pouring in, full of good news, accompanied by the • signed pledges of candidates In most | gratifying numbers. I "Each candidate for United States Senator and for Governor Is on our side " in this campaign," said the State presi , dent, Mrs. Frank M. Roessing to-day, - "and now we are ready at next Satur day's executive commitee meeting to outline a splendidly comprehensive plan for the summer's work. No, there are no vacations in our schedule until this big eighteen months' campaign is over and Pennsylvania's women enfran chised," she answered to a question about whether there would be continu ous work during the hottest weeks of | summer. "No State in the Union has a I better chance to win in lUIS than Penn- sylvania, and so, because the State us soclatlon believes only in truly educa tional methods, we have to do n sreat deal of concentrated work." Mrs. Uoes- I slug was radiant in health and spirit ■ Mrs. Medili McCormick, chairman of | the National Federation amendment POPULAR 1 I HI , POLISHES I I |H| Black, Tan and White MB BUFFALO.N.Y. L X. mk SHOE POLISHESI#f \ A HARRIS3URG TELEGRAPH committee, spent several days In Penn sylvania recently, and on her return to headquarters, at Washington, made this statement: ''{* e , nnsy ! vanla ls one of the States teat ls going to .surprise the nation in a very Bhort time by Joining the suf frage ranks. Like most of the States, Pennsylvania has great barriers erected against women obtaining suffrage In the way of constitutional restrictions. Already suffragists have obtained the consent of one Legislature for the sub mission of the question to the people MAY 25, 1914. and they are now busy with the next Legislature to be elected this Fall. When that Legislature acts the ques tion will be submitted In Pennsylva nia, and the way in which the' suf f'agists are working Indicates that wo will win. The winning of Pennsylvania 5 will make a break In the East, which will bo one of the biggest victories (or suffragists that could happen. Pennsyl vania is one of the best organized States for suffrage in the country, and we will hold It up to suffragists as a model."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers