Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 23, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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! Next Week / j
Final Clearance of Our Entire Stock of Suits for Women and Misses .
Values That Have Not Been Duplicated at Any Time Enter This Extraordinary Event J
Everv Suit that co«s to make up the carefully selected stock of the Dives. Pomeroy &■ Stewart store has teen given its final clear- ]
ance price in"X that we mrght make an absolute dispersal next week of all cloth garment,,
not to be found a single suit that would not have been an exceptional value at its former price. « , , ,
clearaway before the ending of this month, and we have accordingly made reductions that are altogether remarkab e. . «
All $20.00, $22.50 $25.00 Suits: Sizes for Misses and Women: Reduced to $12.50 .
i c l />o'll T\ „ $20.00 taffeta and crepe meteor and figured crepe do chine silk
$18.50 navy and Copenhagen novelty suits: one-button model, i moire, circular flounces. Final Clearance price $20.00 ! AnilUcU OcllC OI ollK. JUFeSSeS dresses, in all colors, beautifully modeled styles. Reducedto^
peg top skirt." Final Clearance price $12.50 j $35.00 Copenluigen, navy and tan novelty cloth suits, moire j , i» * • TA O •1, • 1 CFCI R"- 1
$20.00 mahogany, navy and Copenhagen eponge suits, two- j S nk shawl collar, skirt with pleated peplum. Final Clearance $15.00 navy, black. Copcuhagcn atui pven , 01 jMornin2T UfCSSCS opeClcllly I l'lCeCl, spl. /«>
button model. Final Clearance price $12.50 pP j ec $20.00 | dresses, with Oriental orv dott « '59.50 Cool well made frocks of an excellent quality of stripe tissues,
$25.00 lavender, navy blue and Copenhagen wool iKtigaline s| , k w>rde| , ,„, IlKaUn< . suit in llark wistaria shade. »"'<«»• wlth girdlc. MWi vnrloUK Colors. including navy. with piping of colors and lace collar, all sizes. Specially priced
suits, envelope lun*k ending with bone buttons. Final Clearance , c . , , . .. . uf i, $18.50 silk poplin in , , • v <sts mid fancy next week s!.<»>
, lr ! $12.50 Jacket railing in loose pleats from tlie nec k, skirt with the hustle j |e j| 0f taupe aiul preen; made with shadow la< t >ests and ntin> .
$25,00 lavender and brown wool ercpe suits, long square back. drapery. Final Clearance price ••• 825.00 girdles. Hedueed to « /.« LjlllCll JJUStCTS TOr jyiCTOOrifll JL/SV IvUIIS
jacket finished with pleated sutln girdle, collar and cuffs. Final 6:10.50 wistaria silk suit. Jacket finished at waist with fanc> orna- „ 0 rrrllo nK >t<M>r dresses with vest of lace, colors a e 41 • ~t u(tlu , ,inctor« r«i- unnwn mid mis^o
{ learan. c priee ... 5.2 50 n.ent, Medici coliar. skirt with bustle draper,. Fl,u,i and mahogany. H«l«ccd to .. .*IO.OO Fine ? ua lly uatun, Hue,us I. forworn,« « d
$25.00 wool bengallne suits in tan, Persian collar, long pleated price $-.».oo . a(u «nk crepe dresses Willi squaic '"" sl >" '"• , l i„,i ln n<
back, one tier. Pinal Clearance price $12.50 $17.50 Holland blue Moral moire suit, short jacket finished , $10.50 anil j*'"- ' jinislied with black taffeta bands and heavy pure linen. wltl[ convertible collai and Rather buttons.
s:tn.oo iiavv, black and Copenhagen wlii|x a ord suits, jacket with silk tassels. skirt with bustle drapery. Final Clearance neck and sli . Helmed to Prices are interestingly 1< f
faced with old rose moire, skirt and coat trimmed with black price *25.00 flounce trimmed skirt, iieuuceu J)
== ■
State Officials Preparing the Way ,
For Active Work on the
preparations to facilitate the count j'
of the vote of Tuesday's primary have i
heen m:ule at the department of the j
Secretary of the Commonwealth where! 1
the offlcia 1 returns of the primary vote '
l'or State-wide candidates, must be
tiled, just as are the official returns of j
sr general election. The official count,'
of the votes east was eommeneed yes
terday at every county seat in Penn- j
sylvania and owing to tlie com- j
paratively little vote it is the
hope of State officials that there will 1
I Something New in Jiarrisburg ;
A Daily Market
502 and 504 Market St.
Opens Tuesday Morning, May 26
Farmers, truckers, butchers, bakers, grocers, southern fruit
and vegetable dealers, egg and poultry dealers, fish market,
etc. In fact, every line of goods found in any city market.
Fresh Goods Every Morning
Also Saturday Evening
Special attention will be given towards cleanliness and
fair dealing. We believe the citizens will assist in promoting
a longfelt need in Harrisburg by a liberal patronage.
■ i
'.' ■ \
he no delays such as marked the com-! I
putation of last year's primary.
Separate tables have been prepared ;
at the department for the candidates,
(or each nomination and it is the idea j
to make a count at 'he close of each I j
day so that information can be given, j (
it is recognized that it will take the .
official count to determine nominations
for some of the State-wide offices, not-1 ]
ably Congress-at-large and the Su-1 ,
premc Court, and as rapidly as possi- j,
hie the returns will be recorded and j
eomputed. h
Whether the returns of all counties ,
will be in hand to permit certification ,
of election of members of State com-| j
mittees so that they can meet on June|.
:: is a matter of considerable conjee-1 (
tore. The State committees will elect ,
chairmen and adopt resolutions which
will constitute the platforms of the j
! parties. The meetings of practically |
ail of the State committees will be
1 held in this city.
j The manner in which the primary |
j law works out will be closely observed;
as It is expected there will be numer-|
! ous efforts to amend it next year.
Memorial Service Orders F
Are Issued Today
orders relating to G. A. P. memo
rial services as follows were issued to
day from headquarters of Posts 116 n
and 58: j®
Headquarters Col. S. G. Simmons 1
Post 116, Dept. of Pa., G. A. K., liar- 1
risburg, Pa., May 22. 1011. 1 1
General Order No. 2: jl
I Post 116. G. A. It.. will assemble IJ
| at the I'ost room on the morning of|\
Sunday, May 24. ut !t:4." o'clock in!,
i full uniform, so far us possible, wear- j j
ing white eloves and carry canes, to i j
attend divine worship at Zion Lu-1 1
theran chureh in South Fourth street.;',
Sermon by the ltev. S. Win field Her- ,
i man. By order of
j Attest: WM. T. BISHOP, M. D. j,
j J. D. Saltsman, Commander. I;
I General Order No. 3:
| The Post will assemble at I'ost room i
lat 1 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, May j
| 30, in uniform, wearing blue coats,']
j blue or dark pants, wearing white j,
I gloves and carrying canes to proceed 1
Ito position in line, from thence to'
Harrisburg Cemetery and there strew
with flowers of Spring the graves of ;
our dead comrades. By order of
. Attest: WM. T. BISHOP. M. I>.
] J. IX Saltsman, Commander. ,
I Adjutant.
General Orders No. J
I. The Post will assemble at t..e!
Post room, 26 North Third street, atl,
;9:30 o'clock the lAorning of Sun-1
| day. May 24, to attend divine services j
at the "ion Lutheran church. • Ser
j mon by the liev. S. W. Herman,
i 11. Comrades have been detailed!
ito visit the different schools in the j
I city on Friday, May 2y. at 2 o'clock i
I p. m. They are especially urged to be I
, prompt and faithful in the discharge |
i of this duty as appropriate programs i
j will be rendered by the children. Let I
!us encourage them by our presence, i
111. The Post will assemble In)
j I'ost room at 8:30 o'clock the morn-1
I ing of May 30 to proceed to the Pax- j
tang Cemetery where we will be ad- j
| dressed by the Hew Harry G. King, |
j pastor of the Paxton Presbyterian i
I church after which we will strew with j
: flowers the graves of our departed |
I IV. The Post will assemble in Post I
{room at l:3u o'clock sharp, Saturday, I
May 30, to participate in our Memo-j
1 rial Day parade. Comrades not able |
I to march will be taken to the ceme-1
tery in automobiles and other con- \
veyances. Let every comrade attend !
who can to pay another sad tribute to 1
those who have departed this life. All
comrades are requested to appear in
full G. A. It. uniform and carry canes.
I Those who have no uniforms should
| provide themselves with caps and
, wear dark suits and white vests and
1 gloves. Those without uniforms will
j lie assigned to and take their place
i in rear of column.
V. The riusic engaged will report
!to the Post adjutant at 1 o'clock p.
j m.. at Post headquarters.
' VI. Every comrade of Post 58 is
i appealed to personally, to show by his
I presence, equipment and demeanor, on
i above occasions his interest in his
I Post, and in the Grand Army of the
Republic. Let us all endeavor to pay
! suitable tribute to our fallen com
| rades while we can do so, and so prove
j to the world that the men who fought
,in '6l to '65, are true to themselves
and to their dead comrades, as also
I to the memories of the days that tried
■ men's souls.
VII. Ail other details will be pub
lished at .-ost muster and in the daily
press. By order of
Commander Post N >. SS, G. A. li.
N. A. Walrher, Adjutant
Robert A. De Frehn Dies
at Mechanicsburg Hornet,
Special tt> The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg. Pa., May -3.
uti illness of ton weeks, due to the
effects ..f an operation at the German j
Hospital in Philadelphia, Hubert A. |
De Frehn died late yesterday after
noon at his home in West Main street,
lie was 58 years old and was born in
Port Carbon, Schuylkill county.
was a prominent and public-spirited ,
citizen, well known throughout the i
State, and traveled extensively in the ; '
interests of the William De Frehn i-l
Sons Chair Manufactory, of Johns-1
town, established sixty years ago, of!
which he was the senior member. Mr.
De Frclin had been a resident of this,
place since 1898. moving here from
lit. Union, lie was an active mem-,
her of the Methodist Episcopal I
Church, a charter member of the
'Citizen Fire Company, regent ot the
j Mechanicsburg Council, Royal Area-,
'num. a member ot* the Conococheague;
' Council, Ked Men, of Williamsport,
' Mil., and an ex-councilman of the
borough. His wife and one daughter,
Mrs. Murray 1.. Pick, of Mechanics-,
i burli, survive. Also six brothers. 11-j
I liam A.. Charles 11., Frank, Augustus,
!I. and George C., all of Johnstown,
and Edward D., of New York,
j The funeral service will be held on
| Tuesday morning at 10.20 o'clock at I
his late homo. The lie''. H. D. Plan- (
Itgan, a former pastor of the Methodist l
Church, will officiate, assisted by the
j Rev. J. J. Resh and the Rev. J. R. j
' Shipe. Burial will be made in the
I Chestnut Hill Cemetery.
Pretty Co-eds Ccok on
Electrical Cottage Stove 1
i An example of the extent to whlc !i
electrlc-servico companies will go to
•interest the public in the uses of cicc-
Itrleity is very carefully brought out
jir the following. On one of the most
pioinincnt and accessible corners In
j Lftxingtcn, Ivy., the local centra! sta
tion company has just recently opened
| up what it terms "The Electrical Cot
|tnge." Large advertisements in the
1 Lexington papers and circulars were
I sent out by mail inviting the people
jc r the city to make the cottage a
! downtown convenience and meeting
i piaee. The house contains several
| looms una is furnished with a com
plete electrical kitchen, while the other
j rooms of the house have all other elec
jtrical conveniences. Demonstrations
are in charge of girl graduate of the
local Harrison school of applied elec
| triclty, assisted by the junior class of
the domestic science department of
the. Kentucky State University, which
lis in Lexington. Every day at flxed
j hours cooking is done and the finished
products are served to those who come
to sec. One feature of the exhibition
which is attracting much favorable
attention 's the electric burglar larm
displayed in the bedroom. —Electrical
FVimll Vr»Tf Vnndnv
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night. Business,
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
dividual Instruction. 28th year.
4 329 Market St Harrisburg, Pa.
Practical Father —lias that young
man who wants to marry you any j
Romantic Miss— Money! He gave j
me a cluster diamond ring studded
with pearls.
Practical Father —Yes, I know. Has
he any money left'.' —N". • Weeklj.
She—No, George, 1 am afraid 1 can
not marrv you. I want a man who pos
sesses a noble ambition; whose heart
is set on attaining some high ana
worthy object.
I He—Well, don't 1 want you?
I She—< >. George! lam yours. ■
j Ladies' Home Journal.
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting. There is a constitutional cause
for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box
W, Notre Dame, lud., will send free to
»ny mother her successful homo treat
ment, with full instructions. Send no
money, but write her today if your chil
-1 <lreu trouble you in this way. Don t
blame the child —the chances are it cant
hrtp it. Tni3 treatment also cures adults
' *L(I aeed people troubled with urine di&-
! culties by day or night.
I / *
I Spend Your Holiday
on a Western Ranch
•*, ■ '
I Out in the ranch country of the
I West, around Sheridan Wyoming, or in
Itlie Big Horn Basin of Wyoming,
where Buffalo Bill founded the town
'of Cody, the practice has grown for
I the good ranch people there to provide
| for summer boarders and I don't know
any more interesting and pleasurable
way of spending one's vacation with
the wife and children, than to go out
on one of those ranches, and ride and
fish for trout, (great tishing out there)
and eat good, plain, substantial food,
and sleep—my! how one does sleep
! after days spent exercising in that
. wonderful mountain air. This "Ranch
Vacation" is a novel idea, but very
- easy to accomplish, for I can tell you
! all about what you can do and how
to do it and what it will cost and what
i you can get and all about it. Just
write and let me suggest a plan for
i you to follow. Wm. Austin, General
> Agent Passenger Depts., C. B. & Q.
I'll. R. Co., 836 Chestnut St., Philadel
r phia.- -Advertisement.
i Cumberland Valley Railroad
\ In Effect May 24. 1914.
» TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martinsburg at
1 G::!0. *7:50 a. m., *3:40 p. in.
I For Hagerstown. Chambersburg, Car
lisle, Mechanicsburg anil intermediate
stations at 5:03, *7:50, *11:53 a. in.,
? *3:40, «",:32, *7:40, *11:00 p. ni.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m., 2:18, 3:27,
- 6:30, 9:30 a. ni.
For Dillsburg at 5:03, *7:50 and
*11:53 a. m„ 2:18, *3:40, 5:32 and 6:30
p. ni.
•Daily. All other trains daily except
. Sunday. 11. A. RIDDLE,
5 J. H. TONGE, G. P. A.
Funeral Director and Embalmer
■l3 Walnut St. BeU PkoM
J Try Telegraph Want Ads.
I 3-!n-one has been for 18 years the Old Reliable, largest-selling home And office oiL E
S| It is light enough to oil a watch; heavy enough to oil a lawn mower. On a soft Cloth it V
■ becomes an ideal furniture polisher ; Makc9 a yard of cheese cloth tho best aud cheapest K*
« Dustiest Dusting Cloth. , K
H And 3-in-Onc absolutely prerents rust or tarnish on *ll metal surfaces, indoors ana out, Ey
M in any climate. . . .. fa
M free 3-m-One. Write the Dictionary of uses— both fret to ftgj a
■ you. 3-in-One is sold eveiywhere in 3-siza bottles: 10c (1 oz.) # 25c (3 oz.), 50c (8 oz., /* Pint for KS *
B H Dollar). Also in patented Handy Oil Can, 25c (3/9 oz.). IA
OA Broadway N kw Yo n k Ci«r y
Friday, May 29, 4 P. M. and 8 P. M.
Motet, Magnificat
Saturday, May 30, 2 P. M. and 5 P. M.
Mass in B Minor
Prices —Per Session SI.OO, $1.50 and $2.00
Course Seats $4.00, $6.00, SB.OO
Ticket* on wile nt A. C. Hurt Miimlo Store. Bethlehem, l'a. Ileßtnnlns
l> A. M., May 111), Ticket* on Sale ot the Doors.
■■■■■ lOc ■■■■■
A iOc cigar wins patronage on merit alone.
A man who spends his dime for a smoke wants to
know what he's getting for his money.
He makes sure by asking for _ %
all-Havana 10c cigars. The brand that's winning fame
on fancy quality—the fancy band is only a decoration
Made by John C. Herman & Co.
Try Telegraph Want Ads*
T , • l\