Telephone Your Want Ads to the Telegraph —~—" | : A Nice, Cool Room for the Hot Nights Got yours yet: If you haven't, it's time to get bary. «, Plenty of nice, cool rooms, well furnished, in jjcod homes, are ready now. You'll do better work if your home surround-. , Ing? are cheerful and restful. The best list of these rooms is always found under a head "Rooms for Rent" on a Telegraph WANT AD page. ' ■ Read Telegraph WANT ADS. I _> LOST LOST—GoId cigar cutter bearing ini tials A. C. M. Reward if returned to Room 82, Union Trust Building. 4 LOST Package containing 4 yards cream shadow lace flouncing in two pieces on Market Square, Saturday morning. Reward if returned to this i office. LOST Bunch of keys, vicinity Green and Broad streets Reward if returned I to F. E. Ridenour, No. 1221 North Third. w HELP WANTED —Male WANTED Two neat, young men for counter work' must be experienced | and bring references. Apply Rustic | Dairy Lunch, 5-7-9 South Third street. \ "~HONEST MAN WANTED in each town for special advertising: work, ilo a week to start: experience unnece*- I _xarv; references required. Address at r 'once McLean. Black & Co., 33 N. Bev- . erly street. Boston, Mass. L SALESMANAGER required for Har- ! | risburg and vicinity. Exclusive terri torv. Large commission trom whole- W~ tale prices permits employment of run- I \ assers. Well-established disinfect " ants, insect destroyers, liquid soap, polishes, etc. No investment beyond rcarrvlng moderate stock for immedi- I / ate demands of sub-agents. Referen- L ces essential. Address The \ anal lom- I pany. East Orange, N. J. I WANTED Experienced taster on ' consolidated hand method lasting ma ' chine. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co., I Harrisburg, Pa. _________ I WANTED Boy in one of the city's largest drug stores to learn business Applv in own handwriting. Address i Box 1011, care of Telegraph. WANTED Presser; steady work. I Apply 802 North Third street. Simms', Cleaners and Dyers. , f WE have a wonderful proposition j .' / which anyone can handle. No capital / or experience necessary. Write Acnu. ' Supply Co., 94 4 Sage street, Milwaukee, i Wis. | SIOO WEEKLY PROFIT in spare time at home. Mail Order business don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, [ Omaha. Neb, | WANTED Men to sell our seed and ■ nursery line. Big protlts. Pay weekly. : First National Nurseries. Rochester. ; N. Y. WILL Pay Reliable Man or Woman j $12.50 to distribute 100 FREE packages I Peffumed Borax Soap Powder among j friends. No money required. Ward j Co., 216 Institute Place, Chicago. WANTED Boy to learn clock and! I watch repairing. Address Box X, 1009, j I care of Telegraph. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE to handle j best Accident and Health Policies. $2,- fOO Policy $5.00 per year. Pays Death. •Vccldent, Sick Benefits. Strong com- I pany. Liberal commission. Elegant opportunity for right party. Pacific i Coast Casualty Company, Newark, N. J. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED—No canvassing or soliciting requlr- r ed. Good income assured. Address Na tional Co-Operative Realty Co.. V-910. i' Marden Building. Washington. D. C. j ; GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy 1 to get. My free booklet. Y-3T2 tells 1 how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop- ' kins. Washington, D. C. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS i Thorough instruction. $5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri- Civil Service School, Washington, 1 WANTED Good lunch bar man; ' must come well recommended: good, l " wages to right party. Address Restau- ' 1 rant. No. 1003, care of Telegraph. 1 AGENTS WANTED to sell teas, coffee ' and merchandise in ail towns near Har- 1 rlsburg. Apply Tamsui Tea Co.. 331 - Market street, second floor. '■ WANTED Good harness maker to take charge of harness in stable of 40 ! head of horses and help in stable Ad- 1 dress in confidence, Box 1014, care of ' Telegraph. ADD to your family income Knitting ' Hosiery: no experience: constant work: " machines furnished tinder contract We I Ii^ e l u e , p^ odu Make aPPHcatiori to- j •lay. Helping Hand Stores (Inc.) Chi- ! ! rago. '• S " 1 HELP WANTED— F'emato W WANTED A good white girl for ' • peneral housework: one who knows ( Market s'treei Af>Pl> ' Mrß ' L * ed> '' 1313 - r( nJ > FOR SALE Splendid Location i -FOR- I- Wholesale or Jobbing « Business » u i 112 and 114 South Second street f —a three-story brick building— J large store room—twelve rooms. > . fro T lon Sec °nd street i by 1 9 ft. In depth. Price upon inquiry. g a Miller Bros. & Ncefe \ REAL ESTATE Plr* Insurance Surety Bonds |A Locust and Court Street* ti LZ y / ' ' * SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 23, 1914. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Young lady to work at' soda fountain in drug store during j summer. Address D., 1004, care X)t Tele- i ! graph. WANTED Half-grown girl to as- ' ! slst with general hous«work; three in i family; no children; must sleep at I j home. 326 Hummel street. j WANTED Five bright, capable ! ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25.00 to $50.00 per week. Rail- j l road fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., | Dept. 579, Omaha, Neb. WOMEN CANVASSERS Perfumes. ' Soaps. Toilet and Household Necessi- i 1 ties: $9.00 weekly salary or commission. ; Credit. Sample case loaned. Rebscher. •, Dept. A-3, Rochester, N. Y". j i DO easy, pleasant coloring work at i home; ( good pay; no canvassing; no ex perience required. Illus. Particulars : i free. Helping Hand Stores, Chicago. I WANTED—A girl or middle-aged wo- i ; ; man for general housework; must un- | : ' derstand plain cooking. 613 Heir street, j' WANTED Twenty more thorough- j ly experienced operators on power sew- I I ing machines. Jennings' Manufacturing i i Co., 414-416 State street. LEARN DRESSMAKING In one of the 1 best dressmaking schools in America. |: Make your own dresses while learning, i- Night and Day classes. Work's Dress making School. 22 North Fourth street, j ! HELP WANTED—MuIe anil Female . SIOO CASH to writers of verses or j < melodies for new songs; send your - poems or musical composition to-dav. | Examination free. ' l'ugdale Co.. Dept. j : 192, Washington. D. C. I . - ■ SITUATION'S WANTED—MaIe I < WANTED Job on a farm by 16- j year-old boy. Apply 627 Briggs street, i ' WANTED Y'oung man. 21, wishes < ! position as team driver, or any kind of I I work. Call, n r address, F. W. T.. 1711 I ' ! North Seventh street. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe j" WANTED—Permanent position after ' ' ; June 1, by a young man 22 years | Have been a school teacher three years. , 1 ■ Willing to accept any position that), I offers a chance of advancement. Ad- ' ; I dress Box J., 694, care of Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED ? ! AGENTS Let us show you how to r I earn $lO daily. No experience needed. j ' Send no money. Just say. send par- | ~ : tlculars. American Specialties Co., Box i I 232. Passaic, N. J. i " . in HONEST MAN WANTED in each !•" ' town to distribute free advertising j f | premiums; sls a week to start; ex-1 1 perience unnecessary; references re- ~ quired. Address McLean, Black & Co., 1 93, N. Beverly street, Boston, Mass. I I s 1 AGENTS Make big money selling ! 0 our line of specialties. Write for our i a new catalog and free sample. Home I E Supply House, 209 Church street. South | c Williamsport, Pa. n AGENTS WANTED Fifty cents (in , '' quantities) buys a full size compressed \ air clothes washer; women grab it at j 0 $1.50. Patented January 30, 1914. Thor- 2 oughly cleans tub of clothe? in three ! 5 minutes. Weighs 2 pounds. Washday], now a pleasure. Mr. Marrick earne.l S9O J' first three weeks. A 14-vear-old Kan- | f sas boy made $55.40 outside school j ll hours last month. Send for Catalog ; "W" to-day and get your county right. } 5 Avoid imitations. Wendell Co., 320 Oak 4 street, Lelpsic, Ohio. AGENTS A New One. Concentrat- ™ ed soft drinks. Every home, church I fair, picnic, lawn fete, ball park, stand, etc., buys them. Whirlwind sellers. I Great profits. Small package makes 32 i F glasses—orangeade, grape, raspberry, j n etc. Hurry Don't wait be readv 1 A for the hot season. Write quick, i - American Products Co., 3576 Sycamore j street. Cincinnati, Ohio. i c< —- J s' AGENTS Get Particulars of One ' ti of the Best Paying Propositions Ever ! c Put On the Market. Something no one 1= else sells. Make $4,000 yearly. Send - postal to-day for particulars." E. M. Feltman. Sales Manager, 8095 Sycamore r street, Cincinnati, Ohio. I T AGENTS Men or women, to sell j l l necessary household articles. Big ~ profits. Booklet free. Write Peder'a I Specialty Co.. 110 South Graham street, I - E. E., Pittsburgh, Pa. ] n AGENTS WANTED Male and fe- " male, to sell household article used In t every home every day; quick seller- big I— commission. Kenmore Noveltv Co. Ken more, N. Y. j 6 — b WE want to start 100 new agents tl June Ist and are offering special in- i A ducements for quick action. Pay week-, ly. Address Perry Nurseries, Roches ter, N. T. nr tt. I . N *R. L ™T RIAL INSURANCE AGENTS ! 11 W ANTED Accident, Health. Life In- ; surance, all in one policy. Monthly I 11 payment plan. Address Horace W. b< Corey, Manager, 150 Nassau street, New "" »ork. SALESMEN WANTED ! ~ SALESMAN to sell cur Fall line to re- tl tailers. Blankets, Flannels. Drv ei Goods Specialties. Strong side line; g good coram ssion F. c. Rollman & - Co., Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Experience nl unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write I r< for large list of openings offering op-! B portunitles to earn SIOO to sson a month I while you learn. Address Dept. 244 ' National Salesmen's Training Associa- Ivi tion, Chicago. New York. Kansas Citv rc San Francisco. WANTED Salesmen calling on dry rc goods, department, and hardware trade $1 and In all sections of Pennsylvania,' particularly the Coal regions, to carrv an old staple Ine selling readily l n ail fr stores; commission. State territnrv w Address W„ 1013. care of Telegraph si SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe WANTED By trained nurse to ! <h take charge of invalid or infant for the bi Bunsmer. Address N., 1017, care of Tele- I m graph. |r SITUATION'S WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Day's work of any kind, or housekeeping', by middle-aged widow. Take Fourth street ear to Seneca. 2415 Reel street. Ask for E. Iv. WANTED By colored girl, work of any kind between school hours. Ad dress G„ 1008. care of Telegraph. WANTED A middle-aged lady wants a place to keep house for a gen tleman: can give best of reference. Ad dress W., 1007, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as cook, or general housework, by colored woman. Address 134 Dewberry street. City. WANTED Position as cook by col ored woman; can give good reference. Address 340 Cherry avenue. City. WANTED Position as child's nurse by colored girl. 409 North Fifth. WANTED Pay's work by colored girl. No. 403 North Fifth street WANTED Colored girl wants dish washing in hotel or boardingliouse. In or out of town. Call Bell phone 1482 R. — i WANTED—Colored girl wants scrub bing or hotel work. Address 1416 Sev enth street. WANTED By white woman, any kind of day's work. Mrs. E. J. Myers, 400 Broad street. HKLI' WANTED—.MuIe auu Female. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED to All hundreds of Government Life jobs. $63.00 to $l5O Mcn'h.' Sample exami nation questions and list of positions available free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Department 362-M, Rochester, N. Y. BKAIi I.hIATE lUII SALE FOR SALE—.NO. 2014 GREEN' STREET I 3-STORY brick house, 9 rooms and , bath; front and rear porches; all im provements. Price reasonable. Apply at above address. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE I 2112 KENSINGTON ST. Two-story frame dwelling seven rooms and out kitchen. Lot. 40x100 ft. Absolute bar gain tigure. Miller Bros & Neefe, Lo ! cust and Court streets. INVESTMENT AND EASY PAYMENT PROPERTIES FOR SALE lf you have money to invest get particulars. If tired renting buy on easy payments. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Corner house at No. 1501 Swatara street will be vacated on Monday. May 26. It. is for sale at an attractive price. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Buiiuing. FOR SALE Wayne Cottage, three minutes' walk from Perdix Station a decided bargain to quick buyer. Easy terms, too. If not sold within ten days, will rent furnished the season. Salesman at Perdix every day including Sunday. Apply to A. C. Young, 26 North Third street. Bell telephone 713 L. FOR SALE 52,500.00 will buy a brick house on North Sixth street. 6 rooms and kitchen. Steam heat; com plete bath; only SSOO cash needed. Bal ance in easy monthly payment. Applv to S. Haldeman & Co., 3222 North Sixth street. 25 SOUTH FRONT STREET story brick dwelling l2 rooms—bath and furnace two-story brick stable on River avenue. Lot. 26.3x210 ft. Price upon inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Lo cust and Court streets. FOR SALE Twenty iarge lbts. 118 x2lO ft., at from $3 to $6 per front foot, overlooking Harrisbur«\ Good soil, air, water and neighbors. Call Bell phone 3048 L 612 NORTH SECOND STREET—Con servatory of Music—three-story brick and stone building auditorium l6 rooms and bath. Could be remodeled : for a private school apartments—or rooming house lot, 29x100 feet. Price , upon inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. FOR SALE At Riverside, on Sec- ! ond street, a complete modern house; i steain heat; papered throughout; large ] porches; large lot. Possession at once. Price. $l,lOO. Discount for cash. Ap- ! piy to Lewis M. Neiffer, 222 Market street. FOR SALE Three-story brick, 2253 | North Sixth street; S rooms and bath; ; all conveniences; side entrance. Lot | runs back to 10-foot alley. Inquire C. ! W. Singer. Mechanics Trust Co. FOR SALE One and one-half! acres located two and one-half miles I northwest of Camp Hill two-atid-one- I half-story frame dwelling 7 rooms— I stable. Price, $1,250.00. Brinton- j Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets, j CAMP HILL PROPERTIES FOR SALE North Bowman Ave. one-half square from trolley line two-ana- j one-half-story frame 7 rooms, bath I and furnace lot. 55x140 single ! property. Price, $2,800.00. Northwest Corner Market and Wiillow Sts. S-room brick dwelling all ' modern improvements, including steam I heat lot, 57x175. Price, $6,000.00 South Oyster Point Ave. Two-anil- I one-half-story frame 8 rooms, bath I furnace lot, 30x120. Price,! North Bowman Ave. One square I from trolley line two-and-one-half story brick 7 rooms, bath and steam ' heat lot, 40x140. Price, $3,609.00 Lincoln St. Twc-pnd-one-half ?; or . y ,. ra " le lO rooms and bath—let, 40x125. Price. $2,800.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. s-cond and Walnut Streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Paxtonia; also furnished and unfur nished rooms at 210 Chestnut street. Apply at St. James notel, Mrs. Wise. ' fOII RENT —» June 1. to respectable! ■olored family, the dwelling 315 Forster street; 5 rooms and bath; finished at- ; tic; water in kitchen; side entrance; i I 'es required. Apply at preni- I FOR RENT 1533 North Third, C rooms, bath, rent, $20.00; 110 South thirteenth, 10 rooms, bath, rent. $25. U0. Also store room and farm for rent, in juire 430 Walnut. Three-story brick. No. Moore street; all improvements; midyear rent, f 15. Key at 2122. Call I Bell_phone 304SL. j AI'AKTMEN Is KUII KENT | I'<->R RENT Rodearmtl apartment, I >O4 North Third street; 6 rooms and bath; one of the most desirable loca » ? city; Immediate possession. \pply Jno. F. Dapp t 271 Broad street. | FOR RENT Mac Daniels Apart- i nents; newly furnished; up-to-date; complete for iight housekeeping; largo *Y 'ngroom, kitchenette; cooking uten- , Ills, dishes, liner., bath, gas range, sta ionary tubs; private meter, mail boxes, I j- ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Attractive, bright room n private lamily, suitable for two gen lemen, near Engineers' Club; refer ences. Address T„ 1005, care of Tele rraph. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. suitable or light housekeeping. Stoves fur lished free. Laundry, phone and bath oom privileges. Also Janitress service, bishop Building, 429 Broad street. FOR RENT Two very large, well ! entilated (corner housn third, ooms, Fourteenth and Berryhill,' or housekeeping. Water and Sink in lack room. Four foot closets in each oom pnd in hall. Bath, phone and gas. I 1 112.00. Investigate. Phone 2838 J. FOR RENT Two nice, furnished ', ront rooms, on second floor, with bay ! trlndow; electric and gas; telephone; ultable for one or two persons; rent ' : easonable. Apply 271 Briggs »stre<-t. FOR RENT From June 1, furnish d suite of large livlngroom, one or two i 'fdrooms ana private bath Every riodern appointment Elcctrl'- fan ! Reference required 21$ Pine street I ItOOMS FOR HUNT ■ | FOR RENT Very desirable, fur • nished rooms In one of the best locations •| In the city. Use of bath and telephone. ' | Apply 203 State street. i f i FOR RENT Large front room. In ! • good location, with private family; good ■ II air; ten minutes' walk from Square; 110 children in family. Apply Box X, 1010, | care of Telegraph. j FURNISHED ROOJIS, single or en I suite, nil conveniences, including phone; , reference required. Apply 1015 North I r Front street FOK RENT Nicely furnished room. ' ■ centrally locatel; all conveniences. 710! • North Sixth street. j FOR RENT Newly furnished front rooms, facing Capitoi Park; hot and ' cold running water in each room; elec . trio light; use of phone and bath. Ap ply Robinson Apartments, 410 North I street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished j ■ rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat 1 and use of bath. Apply 272 Briggs street. 1 FOR RENT Pleasant, furnished 1 ■ front room; conveniences; use of phone. I Apply 501 North Front. r FOR RENT Furnished and unfur , nished room, with all conveniences; | newly papered and painted; use of | 1 phone and bath. Apply 927 North Third , street. Bell 852 J. 1 WANTED J I WANTED —To rent small cottage | ' i from June 1 to October 1; along the ' 1 river preferred, within easy reach of j ' I the city. Address Box K, 1002, care I of Telegraph Oftice. | I GROCERY STORE WANTED, with n stock ut inventory and tlxtures at cost. 1 ! Your prompt reply will be treated in . confidence. Box H, 1001, care of Tele t graph. • WANTED—Home In the country for the summer for boy M years old. For , further particulars address E. B. L., 409 . Calder Building. FOK SALE ; I FOR SALE Five-passenger touring j ■ I car, in first-class condition, equipped J 1 with speedometer, electric lights, wind- 1 ' 1 shield, self-starter, top, cover, extra ! tires, etc. $500.00 at a quick bargain, j Address S., 1012, care of Telegraph. j FOR SALE l2 syrup Tilting Jar, 3 I 1 draft Lippincott Wall Soda Fountain, i 1 charging tanks, holder, spoons, tumbler I i washer, marble slab, drain board, etc. 1 Donough and Snavely, Druggists, Leba- ) • I 11011, Pa. ! I 1 I FOR SALE White Wyandotte hens, j i 1 year old, from prize winning stock, j . i Will sell reasonable. Apply A. G. Hag- : ■ | enberger, Highspire, Pa. i 1 i FOR SALE An invalid rolling j > chair, rubber tires, wire wheels; only | i used live or six times; never out of i • house; practically new; will sell cheap. 1 ! J. V. Miller. Mechanlcsburg, Pa. • ! FOR SALE SSOO DOUBLE ACTION ' ' 1 ORCHESTRA HARP. Will sacrifice to i I quick buyer. Apply 1113 Green street. ! FOR SALE About 5,000 salmon j brick, a lot of 6x6 and 6xß square tim ; ber, 6 to lu ft. lengths; one slate mantle. ! i I Inquire Mulberry and Derry streets. 1 FOR SALE I have bargains in | I House Heating Boilers for quick sales, i One suitable for large house or small ] I church. Apply 11. F. Quickel, No. 123 ! [ Pine street, llarrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE My pen of Single Comb 1 i Black Alinorcas. alue ribbon prize win- j •! ners at llarrisburg Show. Seven hens 1 and a cock. Call, or address, Irwin M. j ! Cassell, 1111 ltegina street. 1 FOR SALE Spice cans, tea cans, ; one large dried fruit display counter 1 and drawers. Apply S. S. Pomeroy, Market Square Grocer. Both phones. 1 ' FOR SALE Automobile, 4-cylin- ! I der. 29-H.-P., 121-inch wheel base, 36- 1 I inch wheels, foredoor roadster fully | equipped. Will sell reasonable or ex- j change for a good four or six-cylinder | , four or live-passenger car. For dem- | onstration write, or call. No. 1517 North ! Sixth street. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Cheap, if bought at once new ball-bearing vacuum | ; sweeper with brush attachment. Write, I j or phone, T. A. Spearen, Savoy Hotel, 1 I corner Third and Mulberry streets. ! FOR SALE Piano as good as new ! I Will sell cheap, either cash or instal -1 ments. If you desire piano, this is a ' i bargain. Address P. O. Box 454, Har- 1 | risburg, Pa. TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Casea, ! Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap | Leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed 1 Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample ! Cases anu Leather Specialties made to 1 I order and repaired. Harrisburg Har- I ness and Supply Co.. Second and Chest ! nut streets. 1 • GLASS window signs. Furnished I Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and I Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with ! 1 each six-time order lor a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of | Telegraph. ! FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. ■Single Comb White Leghorns, Blanch- 1 I ard strain. 75 cents for 15. G. M. Bor der. Locust avenue, Camp Hill. I FOR SALE A full set of new black- 1 I smith tools. Call at Harrisburg Brick ! and Transfer Blacksmith Shop, Steel- 1 I ton, Pa. FOR SALE—I9I3 Regal road-j ster. Will demonstrate. Good as I • new. Will sell at a sacrifice; a,] : bargain. C. M. Holler care of' l i Hotter & Carman, 230 Soutlv' i Eighteenth street. 1 FOR SALE. Well-equipped shoe ' ' repairing shop, with machinery; doing good business. For particulars ad- i dress Box 8., 690, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at tho Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE At sacrifice, If taken at , once; stock and fixtures of geneial store J doing large buslnw>s. In thriving town. , i Will prove volume of business to ln ! terested party. Want to Join my hus- I band in Minnesota, reason for selling. ' l Call and examine stock. M. C. A I Ciouser. Duncannon, Pa. i ! C. W H. LANGLETZ, wholesale and 1 I | retail rough and dressed lumber. Bell i j phone 1383 J. Office and yards: Cam- ! « ; ei-on and Mulberry streets. ' CK'AHH For a limited time we are * giving 12 Havana combination 5c Cigars , Free, with each Box of 50 of our large ; ; Perfecto Cigars at $1 per Box. Post- j ; j paid. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. \ 1; i ! • FOR PALE 1913 six-cylinder Olds- | mobile Touring Car. complete In every i detail. Terms to suit purchaser. ln- L quire Harry Bing, care of Kline Co., 9 .*orth Market Square. PUBLIC SALE AT the Store, 620 Boas street, Tues -1 day, May 26. at 2 P. M., a large lot of _ ! groceries and store fixtures. All must be sold. C. Fry, ~neti. i ( FOR SALE Minneapolis Motor- | J cycle; single cylinder; two-speed; In ! ' good condition. Price, $50.00. Apply ' [llO Linden Street. Phone 176 R. |, j FOR SALE l-Three Truck. In ex- ; . cellent condition, practically new, made by the Morton Truck and Tractor Co.. Harrisburg, Pa. Guaranteed one year. No reasonable offer refused. Samuel F. ' Peters, New Cumberland, Pa. USED motorcycles; all makes: over- I hauled and <n fine condition; guaran- ' teed to be as represented; call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros., 120 4 North I Third street. FOR KENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business 1 Office. FOR RENT Furnished iapartments for rent; 2 or three I rooms, on North Second streel |near Pine; modern improvements; ! central location. Apply at Liv ' ingston s, 9 South Market Square. 1 FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, I Cowden street near Market Elevator; i railroad siding: 5.000 sq. ft. floor space 1 Possession June 1. Apply C. F. Gohl 899L. NOrtl1 Second street Bell phone FOR RENT Desirable offices In the Telegraph Building, singly or ea suite. Inquire at Business Of nee. FOR RENT Two-story garage, with water and sewer, rear 1630 Heglna : street. Will accommodate two cars. J. . E. Gipple, 1251 Market street I RENT Store room 1200 North | Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling, one of the best-rooms In the city. Ap- I ply J. S. Sihle. 256 Herr street , j FOK SALE OK EXCKANIiK FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE WELL LOCATED LOTS in the Tenth i WarUi aoiue of tlieni on paved street. ' ; Will exebange for Improved property. An exceptional opportunity for ■ ' * builder. Cull and inspect blue print. F. It.Oyster, Trustee, ear* of Telegraph Business Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SIOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT in sparo | time at home. Mail order business don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. E, Omaha, Neb. WANTED, IDEAS Write for List of Inventions Wanted by manufactur ers and prizes offered for inventions. Our four books sent free. Patent se cured or Fee Returned. Victor J. Lvans & Co., 575-F, Washington, D. C. I ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par- , i ticulars. Press Snydicate. 798, Lock ; port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years In the | mail order business, began with $5 Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea | Cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS TKKSONALS FOR SALE —At Gable's, 111 and ' • 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons' i New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme i - quality. Also the full lii.e of the Acme i' I make. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 116 and '! i 117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new ! 1 (Sash, Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed. 1 ! $1.15 per set Also other sizes. I BUY AND SELL all second-hand fur- ! nlture. carpets, etc. Drop postal, or ! call. A. A. Kohr, corner Blackberry 1 and Dewberry streets. | } Harrisburg Paste Works 126 \. Cnmeron Street PAPERHANGEftS", billposters', book- 1 \ [binders' and all kinds of paste. Premptii shipment. All paste guaranteed. Belli, phone 1186 L WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of fur- , I niture, clothing, etc. Drop us a postal 11 I and we will call to see you. Max I, Smeltz, 1100 North Seventh street FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine I Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, llw Market street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone < orders given prompt attention. Bell 1 1960. [c i W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street ! < i —Furniture, china and piano packing t Shipments looked after at both ends ! t | Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone i f j 3227 W. c ! HAVE your Ford's lookeC after now i 1 : while we are not so busy. We make alr I specialty on Ford cars. Give ua a | chance. Our prices are right Call a r | M. Snavely, Middletown, Pa. HAULING ' H. W. LATH 10. Boarding Stable anil Xatloual Transfer Co. Movers of • ; Pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and ! Woodbins streets. Bell phone No ! 2603R . I- j 1 j REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING f | with best material and by expert help i ! Send us your worn furniture. Our best!! efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. , Gluck, 320 Woodbine Btreet. ' i * i n —————————— ,] FIN ANCIAL | J DO you want money? We have $lO -i « 000 to loan in bulk or smaller amounts [ S by first mortgage on real estate. Ad- 1 V vise at once. Bell Realty Co., Bergner i } (Building. M MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan ' i,n amounts of {I,OOO and up on first I mortgage on city property, repayable' a monthly or Installments. Debt cancel- <■ ed and mortgage satisfied on death of I borrower. John C. Orr. 222 Market c ! street. a ' P PERSONAL | >' j SPECIAL TREATMENT of Stomach. I ? ! P.riglit's Disease, Bladder and Nervous i Troubles. See Dr. Overall's Book in I „ public libraries. Free circulars explains I ; everything. Address Overall's Sani i tarium, Chicago. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for' household goods and merchandise. Prl- ?• vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 4n , o Broad street. Both phones. "HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two ~ large brick warehouses, built ex- > pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer- „ cbandlee. Low storage rates. South '• St. and Penna. R. It. ( j AUTO OWNERS try the West Fair- ! ' view Garage and be convinced that ; " our prices are right and workmanship c first class. Phone No. 3069 L, West Fair- I view, Pa . i ° NOTICE | * CHAS. C. ROTH, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ji f, W. Roth, of IR3 Chr <ftlan street ! c Steelton, sells the Blade a..d Ledger, of ! t Chicago. | v ' t! MONEY KOK SALARIED PEoPf.B "• snd others upon their own ntmet f Cheap rates, aasy payments contlddu P tlal I p Adams A C««„ R- 104. A 10. Market II QIIBBER STAMnn i; >'lll SEALS A. STENCILS |#V A yl WMFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ |1 P II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG, PA. U THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dlspea- '' sary will be open dally except Sunday at $ P. M.. at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. (| . w FOlt SALE I b FOB BENT ai FIIISiMIED BOOMS m VKFI'HMSHED BOOMS *1 Cards neatly and attractively prlntedi can be secured at THE TELEtiBAPI! BUSINESS n OFFICE 216 federal Square Vs. „/| REACTIONARY TENDENCY PREVAILS IN MARKET Mexican Situation Tends Toward Betterment of Condi tions; Further Outflow of Gold in Europe By Associated Press mirinn nni»i> no » !>••..- uy .niaioin rrrss New York, May 23. Reactionary tendencies prevailed In the securities market during the greater part of the week, and the sum total of business was so small as to suggest midsummer dullness. Restraining influences were the unsatisfactory state of general trade, including the steel and copper in i dustries, the uncertain status of such l'aUroad properties as Missouri Pacific. Rock Island, New Haven- and Western Maryland, and a further outflow of gold to Europe. As a partial offset, however, crop ad vices continued highly favorable In the main, despito the possibility of insect damage at some of the less important agricultural centers. The Mexican situation, it is thought, is also tending towards betterment, but the financial district realizes that much is yet to bo done to create order and confidence in that quarter. Art-nde Building New York. May 23. ~ , Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines . 28*4 28 *6 Ainal. Copper 72«« 73% American Can 27 9s 27% Am. S. & r 50% 50% American Cotton Oil 42 4 3 Am. Ice Securities. . 31% 81% Am. Locomotive ... 32 % 32% American Sugar ... 105% 105% American T. & T... 121% 121% Anaconda 32% 32% Atchison 95% 95% Baltimore & Ohio .. 91 92% Bethlehem Steel ... 42 42 Brooklyn R. T 92% 92% California Petroleum 31% 21 Central Leather ... 35% 35 y. Chesapeake & Ohio. 52% 62% Chino Con. Copper . 41% 41% Consolidated Gas .. 127% 128»- Erie •. . . 29 29 % Erie, Ist pfd 44% 44% General Electric Co. 147 147% Goodrich. B. P 25% 25% Great Northern, pfd. 124 124% Great Nor. Ore subs. 32% 32% Interboro-Met 14% 14% Interbyro-Met. pfd.. 61% 62 " Lehigh Valley 138% 139% Mex. Petroleum .... 62% 62 Missouri Pacific .... 16% 17 Nev. Con. Copper .. 14% 14% •New York Central . 93% 93% N. Y., N. H. &H. . . 08% 69% Norfolk & Western. -08% 108% Northern Pacific ... 110% 111% Penna. R. R 112 112% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 88% 88%) Pressed Steel Car .. 43 43 % Ray Con. Copper .. 21% 21% Reading 185% 165% Rep. Iron & Steel .. 23% 23% Rep. Iron & Steel pfd 87% 87% Southern Pacific ... 93 93% Southern Railway . 24% 24% Tennessee Copper .. 34% 34% Texas Company .... 141 141 Union Pacific 157 157% U. S. Rubber 58% 59% U. S. Steel 62% 63% U. S. Steel pfd .... 110 110 I Utah Copper ..... 57% 57% j Western Maryland . 19 1 * IS% Westinghouse Mfg.. 76% 76% LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Public, Se rvice Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the Perkioinen Elec tric Transit Company for a certificate of public convenience, evidencing the | Commission's approval of the right of I said foreign Public Service Company to exercise its powers, franchises and doing of business within this Common wealth; public healing on which will be heard in the rooms of tlie Commission at Harrtsburg on the 4th Jay of June, A. D. 1914, at 3:30 o'clock in the after noon, when and where all persons in interest may appear and be heard if | they so desire. JAMES I. COMLY, SNODGRASS & SMITH, Attorneys for Perklomen Electric Tran sit Company. CLERK'S NOTICE NO. 2694 IN BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court of the United States for the Middle Dis trict of Pennsylvania, Reuben W. Sheaf fer, of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all ' known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before said court at Scranton, In said District, on the 22d day of June, 1914. at 10 o'clock in the | forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said pe- I titloner should not be granted. GEORGE C. SCHEUER, Clerk. i PROPOSALS FOll WASTE PAPER PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Public j Grounds and Buildings, State Capitol I Building. Harrisburg, Pa., for the pur chase and removal of ledger, bond, book and other scrap paper, and old news- I papers and manilla cards collected and baled by the Superintendent of Public [ Grounds and Buildings, for year be ginning June 1. 1911, and ending June I 1, 1915. Contractor to remove the above at his own expense from the buildings | when directed by the Superintendent. The successful contractor will be re quired to give an approved bond in the amount of $500.00 for the faithful per formance of the contract. The right Is reserved to reject or ac cept any or all bids. Proposals are to be submitted in ! sealed envelope marked, "Proposals for 1 Waste Paper. ' SAMUEL B. RAMBO, | Superintendent Public Grounds and : i Buildings. I CIIARTKK NOTICB In the Court of Common Pleas, No. 555, June Term. 1914. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be mude to the above Court on Monday. June 7. A. I'. 1914, at 10 o'clock, under the "Corporation Act \ nf 1574," of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and thu supplements ' thereto, for the Charter of an intended I corporation to be called UELLEVUE ! PARK ASSOCIATION, the character and übject of which is the maintenance of » private park within the plan or area known and designated as Hellevue Park, in the city of Harrisburg, and part In the adjacent Township of Sus quehanna. County of Dauphin, for the ommon use, benefit, and enjoyment of the owners and residents within IJelle vue Park; out of funds to be con tributed In proportionate amounts, fixed >r to be fixed by agreement, which funds ure to be collected by this cor poration as assignee, or otnerwie, in ! pursuance of the terms of such agree- | inents made or to be made with such jwners or occupants; and not for profit, »nd for these purposes to have and to possess and enjoy all the rights, hene llts and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. The Application Is now on file In the Pi othonotary's office. JOHN \V. JACOBS, Attorney. n Matter of the Estate of AuKuatus Qarverich, late of the Borough of Dauphin, Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania. deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters if Administration In the above Estate vere grunted to the undersigned by the lleglster of Wills of Dauphin County. All persons who are Indebted to said Sstute ure requested to make payment; ind those having claims against or de nands upon said Estate shall make the iumc known without dulav to WILLIAM fl GAIiVEIUCH, Administrator, Dauphin, l'a ■)r to his Attorney, C. H. BACKENBTOE >4 North Third Street, , Harrisburg, Pa. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Furnished by H. w. SUAVELY Arcade Building Chicago, 111., May 2S. Open. Clos. Wheat- May 9S 98 96% 97% July 87% S7 54 87 87 Vk Corn— May 69»i 70 69% 70 July 68% 68 % 68 68% ' >ats— May 40% 4l« 40V6 41 J"'y 39% 39 k 39 >4 39 V 4 CHICAGO CATTLE Hy Associated Press Chicago. 111., May 23. Hogs Re ceipts. 12,000; slow. Bulk of sales. 18.40 5(_8.40; light, sß.2s{t 5.50; mixed, $8.2541) ®-53 <..:; heavy, $8.05 @ 8.47 hi \ rough, sß.oi>@S.2o; pigs. $7.50(&8.25 Cattle Receipts. 200; steady. Beeves. $7.4009.30; steers, $7.10®8.20; Blockers and feeders. $6.40@8.55; cows and heifers, $3.75®8.75; calves, $7.50® 1 • e%2fPTl ßece| Ptß, 2,500: steady. Sheep. {5.35{?'6.10; yearlings. lambs, $6.«.0<y)8.30; spring:, $6.75(19.50. NEW YORK HA > IV STATEMENT ±>y Associated Press New York. May 23. The statement or the-actual condition of Clearing House Ranks and Trust Companies for the week shows that they hold $50,955.- 800 reserve in excess of legal reQulre ments. This is an increase of $11,219.- 'SO from last week. The statement follows: OISOOO* 8 $-'*17,676,000; decrease, $32,- $ 1 'f!gf 000 0nd6r8, $76977 - 000: decrease. $2,055,673,000; decrease, 51 i'i 11 d.OOO. • ■ $11,666,000; decrease, $o 15,000. 49?000 5S ' ° aSh reserve ln $442,- Trust Companies' cash reserve in vault, $74,229,000. Aggregate cash reserve, $517,723,000 Excess lawful reserve, $50,955,850; increaso, $11,249,750. Trust Companies reserve, with Clear ing House. members carrying 25 per cent, cash reserve. $97,565,000. PHII.ADFI,-»MI n I'RODI'CB Philadelphia, May 23. Wheat --- i «?■ ii -\°' export, $1.00%® sU)4fr, 105 Northern ' Duluth, export, | Corn Firm; new, No. 2, yellow, j lo^aTil% ®S2c° * ® Bl c: do - klln ' drled 47*0* ~~~ Stea( * y; No - 2 » white, 47@ firm; winter, per 12?'n050 • ton. nowrile e 1 , S, UKars Market firm; *!*• '' 2 , ol ' ; 11 "e granulated, 4.10 c; tioners A, 4c; Keystone A, 3.90 c. ... . Tll ° market is firm; creamery, extra, 26c; nearby PUnts, fancy, 29c. ' he market is steady; ■ ,n '!* an <l other nearby rirsts, recelnf 86 ?' per case: do • current r.Vr ♦ f,eo cases. $5.85 per case; 'I? "' ex V' aK ' firsts, free cases, $6.00 ' per case 1 firsts, free cases, $6.00 Live Poultry Steady; fowls, n'A© y eV". chickens, 14@20c; chickens, 27®32c; broiling i -®®32c; old roosters, 12 ks, yt®l6c;sprlng ducks, 17 r»» ' ese ; 16@17c; turkeys. la-^oc. Poultry Firm; fowls, western fancy, heavy, 19c; do., ralr to good, heavy, 16®18c; do. . unattractive. 13® 15c; old roosters, u C ; roasting chlck i.'. fancy, 16®18c; broiling ■ chickens, fancy, 24@36c; do., fair, Lmll'l'S - .— l iif" '• da « 'IT »'| 9a 2 1 c . : . turk ®>'*' fancy, ffwi'c'' ducks. 11 O ike: ft*. | Potatoes Weak; New York and I ■? er o„ b "5' lel - SO<g>Bßc; Western. onlsiKi? f!| 80Ji 88c; Jersey, per basket, -O&oOc; 1-lortda, per barrel, $3@5.75. r lour-—The market is steady; winter, i i •<. »tr*i4iu», i«4.»» $4.15® 4 SO; western. $4.150 ' <C: , patents. $4,r.n»4»0: K«n«a« straight, jute sacks, $4.15®4.30; spring, c ' ear - $4.00®4.20; straights, $4.39 4 40: patents. $4 R04.76 ,P a X v ; — The market is steady; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50© 19.00: No 1, medium bales, $18.00®18.50; No. 2. do., $16.50(0)17.50; No. 2, do.. $14.50® 10.00. Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.00® 11 .60; No. 1, do.. $16.00® 16.60; No. 2. do.. $1 4 00® 15 00. rwi With Safety j[ PLANT, tiAHV, INDIANA \\ Ji Our product is an ulisolutc 'i ]| nccpsfelty wherever electricity Is |[ i > used. One Million Dollars'worth i| |! sold ln three years at a profit of , II over $250,000. General, Western 1 1 ! ■ mid Westlnghoux' Kleetric Cos. li ][ laricost users in America. >len ]| <i or women lutving funds idle or in i > |! Savings Hanks mid tlesiring 8% ]! i[ or iH'tter, address, il' you mean <| J i business. j i j| CHAS. E. DODDRIDGE ]! New SitM-k llltlff. l| l*hlla<lelphiu. Pa. SmKMmE l»x 11 1.. ,J rofl :xa #ien— For factory "" ..v work, skilled labor 7H3 2"" In and out of town; ■*< r' Janitors; chauffeurs; ■'SISS carpenters, Iron- Wt workers; bushelmsni 1 barbers; section ljij, RS. hands; office meni nm SiT; teamsters; waiters; , -:r high grude salesmnn; r*l press feeders; solid- »»M tors; draftsmen; stenographers; farm hands, etc. ■ • WOMEN For Aeol housework: book- ,rn mn* keeper; laundry UM to.i« work; telephone op. *" m kC srators; stenograph- KHVI Mm »rs; office work; *i.»r. canvassers; binders; "il CDil billing clerks: com panlons; piano play ers. etc. liGS »»s«« >i « cS ASV L 'MRLH ifil rra —Ufrice work, eash: wo " i deliveries, etc, MH j?*" Head < StT 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers