One-third °f these 5 248Z2 pianos have been sold C#pyrlrht, l»lt, by Stone & McCarrlck, Inc. TWO WEEKS ago to-day we announced this co-operative sale. BFld paragraphs To-day—one third of these pianos (in i;ound figures) have been wflictl tell Whole sold. We told you then that co-operation was power. This frf CO-Opcratl"V€ plan has been fully proved by the instantaneous success ot this sale. V*** T*l C 1 • 1 'l J t , , . F J-vHHH •91 sells regularly at three hundrra and fifty dol- Ihe success ot this sale was assured, however, lrom the hour it < /i(vw\ Epjjj W | lars, for two hundred and forty-eight dollars I opened—its success lying in the one fact —that the pianos are being v Bffllll "™° cneent » undred a " d °" e d °" ars and twenty " sold through it are worth a lot more money than they are selling for / / f M|K| P ia ß n E o C T l l-o^h? n i i rt l, he fln^ h u a r^a n y f %V°m —that they are being offered on the easiest sort of terms and that / \ L £l[ : ""til Bit Hal interest. tW Thro"ug h this 1 co3opkhati'v" i -j . . * j / \\ -.I Mk • i'W. jgpfllj | PL/AN, when you have paid your two hundred the co-operative purchasers are given innumerable privileges and L \\ advantages whice absolutely safeguard their investment. jr\ , /|_HI I either on account of interest or for any other j The advantages you obtain through buying ' e^ftSiSwl « • mw m a * .« / // M TiSißjfWH P ay bllt " ve dollars to join in this associate a player-piano ,on this .co-operative plan / j fKA fiSMIpSESPi ,ND We want to make these so plain to you that there cannot be the least chance for a misunder- The first and most Important advantage is, these player-pianos sell REGULARLY at an f vou"Ti"no It'th^md 6 oTa I tturtv'd^""^ AVERAGE price of five hundred and fifty dollars each. This CO-OPERATIVE PRICE is ajV y I and getting YOUR MONEY BACK. 5 I UNIFORM price of THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIVE DOLLARS EACH. V__ ' Next—player-pianos such as these are usually sold upon pay- our co-operative terms are, five dollars /\uSSSEi~ L ~~ NBEM as ' ll pe n S nia ments of thirty-five to fifty dollars cash and fifteen to twenty payment ' then only two do 1" '~„. F .. T „ . Under this co-operative plan, there i. no jESS „ SStl^^iLv'CnS 1 p£»rSi."«^ i t j .l it r iii -a. a. i u j e a.L interest to be added to the price—three imKSBSKHr v x \\ IRstifl cumbrance to your family. Under the usual plan of selling, interest is charged for the hundred and ninety-flve dollars. 69, X N %, ■■KkMIRh EIGHTH T °" "" th " time taken, when a player-piano is sold on payments. Our co-operative plan not only includes 1 \\ fo? n ea C n h °a P n P d or lver/ week^timT h the iV Hfl n of - I , - - 11, - - a player-bench and nine rolls Of music— \\ v @ mH| co-operative agreement of one hundred IN ext tne regular metnod OI selling player—pismos does not in— your own selection but A\ MB and ninety-five weeks is shortened. Through i-i , , , ~ . . . . AH , I iiWT' V BhHB this privilege it Is possible for you to earn elude any special privileges—other than giving the customer a A five-year guarantee—the same as on JmW \ BBI ll 3M f»sh dividends, amounting in au to TWENTY. player-bench and probably a few rolls of music. y th Pr'vllege of t th ' t t \ / DOI/I ' ars axd TWKNTY-FTVE within" thirty if \ ,/, . BlMttlilllli n V This Your piano or player piano will be delivered imme- YOUR MONEY BACK." BP S l '// >■ |ment further reduces the coat of your lnstru diately upon receipt of the 5 dollar initial payment. J / / V fl—3B|g| Make your selection at once, 'Tnd the voluntary cancellation ot all "~X . lf.S/£FHr,£„*£€ 4 T. , € h ! I ————————^unpaid payments in the event of death. liltlik v hundred and forty-eight dollars and severUy- W(|H| • five cents. J H TROUP MI NIC HOUSE 15 Son " 1 Market Square ' Harrisb . ur 9- Pa - 1 26 South Hanover Str€Bt, Carlisle. Pa. jnT All of the features of the co-operative plan are carried out In This co-operative plan thus becomes a broad and liberal plan of Ce ETUI/ HDVir CTADI7 tffPß church. The Rev. Dr. * BM- Richard H. Gilbert, of ■ ..'iyJWK Berwick, will be the principal speaker of folui the day. Special serv ices will be held in "BIwBI the morning and even- FTTOI ing and at the regular KSTjtV/Cwi Sunday school session * 1 r ■ . ' j n the afternoon. The j program will be as follows: . | Morning—Organ prelude, Andantino, iLemare; Doxology, congregation stand | ing; Hymn 9; prayer; contralto solo, j | "Repentance" ("O Redeemer Divine"), ; Gounod, Sarah Estelle Butler; respon • sive reading; Glori Patri, choir and congregation; organ offertory, Offer tory in G, Land; Hymn 210, congre gation standing; sermon by the Rev. Richard H. Gilbert, D. D., Berwick, Pa.; anthem, "Lift Up Your Heads,' . Ashford, choir; Hymn 415, congre ' gation standing: henedictlon; organ ■ postlude, "Marche Saleunellc." > Sunday School —Singing by school; . reading responsivelythe lesson; prayer; • singing by school: five-minute address • by pastor on lesson; class enrollment • und Sunday school regular offering; singing; addicts, Dr. K. 11. Gilbert; announcement of class contributions; singing by school; benediction. livening—Evening prelude, Nocturne, Chopin; Hymn 416, congregation standing; prayer; solo, "As Pants the Heart" ("Crucifixion"), L. Spahr, Miss Blanche Ennis; offertory, Berceuse, Delbruok; Hymn 325, congregation standing; sermon, the Rev. Richard H. Gilbert, D. D.; anthem, "Hail, Glad dening Light," George C. Martin, choir; Hymn 564, congregation stand ing; benediction; organ postlude, "Foufore," Dubois. Harrisburgers On Committee. —At the Philadelphia and Baltimore con ference of the African Methodist Epis copal Church, in eighty-seventh ses sion, at York, Dr. J. Harvey Anderson, presiding elder of tho Harrisburg dis trict, and the Rev. J. P. Lee, of this city, were appointed members of a committee on publicity. Excellent re ports of all the churches in the Har rif-burg district were returned. To Hold Snle The Mission Band, of Salem Reformed Church, will hold a home-made cake and candy sale to morrow afternoon,. at No. 27 South Third street. Academy Exams Will Start Friday, May 29 Final examinations at 'Harrisburg Academy will start Friday, May 29. The annual commencement exercises will be held June 4, in the afterncon and in the evening the annual dance will take place. On Saturday the Academy nine wi\l go to Lancaster for a game with the Franklin and Marshall Academy team. BIBLE CLASS SOCIAL Mechanicsburg, Pa., May 22.—Last evening the Men's Bible class of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church held a social at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Harry ifertzler, East. Locust street. About forty members and guests were present and refreshments were served after a social time. ' - \ How to Eradicate All Superfluous Hair Advise by a Sldn Specialist v As soon as women of to-day learn that permanent removal of ugly, repul sive hair growths can only be gained by reaching the hatr root and not by using common, worthless depilatories such as burning pastes, powders, evil smelling liquids, etc., the better it will be for their happiness and safety. Nor can the electric nee