Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 22, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
2 Special Bargains in Ladies' tfc % VII Extra Special in MEN'S UNDERWEAR Long Cloves For Saturday P 1 | or I 0 "™ 01 ™* g ind white; I I va^u c> 35c I I a ' s "" ! " : ' 79 c Your Decoration Day Needs Are Here barcaiv no. 2 J Saturday's price ~"Sf h m May Sale of Manufacturers' Surplus Stocks ~~sc length, black and tan, long lisle « - ** • J • ' j-y m " J ust 35 women ' s full length sraSS-35c|At a Positive Saving of 1/3 to % Sg-jgia I Jllst 111 Time! a ! C p e News p Ointers That Set the Pace in Value Giving | A big maker sells us over 580 Wash Dress Skirts j IN MEN S and BOYS' I New Summer Washable Dresses at Just in Time For g ~ C OFIIMT OITIHPC |a big reduction. Decoration Day S (jjjlTffl i3l lYllNll of floral and plain crepes, ratines, OUPPLY your present and future needs of ttyese pretty White Pique, * T voiles and imported ehambrays, newest Bedford cowl, wliito crepe and linen dress skirts. Immense variety of UJ f\ H Kb fk ■ styles in all desirable colors for women and misses. B,yles ln t,lc new ,ler and tunic effects. ' jf \ 'm\ |T& #« Dresses made to sell at QC /""V f~~\ <111(1 I /ill 1 U $3.00. Saturday ft.?* J \J \ 95c ¥ ' - .. M m \ WASH DRESS SKIRTS -B T V¥ Another Da Y of Record Breaking Dresses made to sell at QC IBM We \ , DRESS SKIRTS, u » Ra»rramo $4.00. Saturday >2.95 £££"-.... $1.25 | W ' T g , Dresses made to sell at tf* QC \ZgA\ |:| " A SH DRESS SKIRTS; | $8.75 tO SIO.OO Value d» »Tr $5.00. Saturday $3.95 M .... $1.95g MEN'S SUITS, Now $4./ D Dresses made to sell at th QC J / * JSt ™ as ? DRESS SKIRTS; j —j $6.00. Saturda y • h-J Saturday...... $2.95 8 Men's Blue Serge Suits, OD Dresses made to sell at C/" Qr SKIRT DEPARTMENT ss™o A v™ ue f RESS &^ l ne I P IfiW Values to $13.50, now * •02/ 1 I $8 and $9. Saturday J>O.VP SECOND FLOOR Saturday .... $3.95 j -- [Continuing the Sale of Women's and Misses' SPRING CLOTH SUITS! |l I SltiMB sova^Men,&Y^ BM,», 8 M,», aq yrj t§fi9T Prices Are Far less Than Makers' Cost | UW | Newest Model Suits, QV.ID jjWomeo's & Misses' Suits Women's & Misses' Suits Women's & Misses' Suits I 1* ffffiM 7CI ! $7.50 ■ $9.50 . $12.50 S IflP'tr^ 8^ I Made to sell at sl2, sls and $16.50. Made to sell at $lB and S2O. Made to sell at $22.50, $25 and ! B ; Jt ll Pairs of MEN S P ANTS, A j| All this season's wanted mate- Plain and handsomely trimmed $27.50. | S-'M 111191 ValiiM tn Ifl JJ,®^_ and I II rials stvles and colors in Women's Tf m "T™ 1 * ai * A variety of P re «y models in the If MI |; if ?I ValUeS t0 * 6 '™> Y I ! rials, styles and colors in Women s Sizes for Women and newest materials and colors. Sizes * « | and Misses sizes. Misses. for Women and Misses. J M (ijß Extraordinary Saturday Bargains in i*ew Spring Coats Reduced to Meet Your Purse j Iff lip f!jf. | Women's & Misses' Coats Women s & Misses' Coats Women s & Misses' Coats Women's & Misses' Coat*; fil f» j M M Hti' values to 75c, oa values to rvrv r\s\ . - _ ft J§l ®HI V for OJ7C $4.90, for .... *pO.UU I $2.95 $5.00 $7.50 $9.50 n 111 ,w ;• *• Made to well at »T«.00 nml »0.50. Made to *ell nt »S.OO and SO.OO. Made to aell at 9X2.00 and 915.00. Made to aell at HIKOO 4l- Si In 'lt.' ° S a Suits, ®°y S . Serge Nor- The selection is big for Tr . , q | §j 1 values to sl.2s, uu s ' New materials in the newest VO u to choose from New Very fine materials in de- me dressy coats, of import- (jl I i f/ » j®i| ' or values to $6, Vu»U*/ J . v "Y uat J , . . , i I "Mm gjia 'lYt to 10 years. 8 to 17 yearn. 3 Balmacaan and yoke effects. materials, in plain colors and s i ra ble styles and shades. C C " a S ' new^^ 51 mo eb U \ /7? Bo vs~ Norfolk Suits Bovs~" Norfolk Suits =j mixtures. Sizes for women and shades. Sizes for women S / -Air Y Mortoik buits, oo y s Mortolk Suits, || All sizes for women and misses. and misses. Sizes for women and misses. and misses. j| f Um s3^0 S 31 95 s7^scT 5 f** $4 49 aL == iCl ' 'PE====jnCZZZJDL===3Bt==;aDt= =^DL===^aE== aOi^^3BC^^3BL=s= , Bi :: =s==<Bu===jßr= : « to 14 yearn. H to 18 yearn. Waitiiiii'. RUiieoe A . exceptional collaction of the latest and most distinctive CTJ3 "a M/ Ll A To) ' 50 DOZEN BOYS' STRAW HATS, odd lots Crv ] W omen S Blouses m .d,l, j„„ in time f or Decoration D.,~0. .ale tomorrow SIR AWHA TS &Xr and samples, values to SI.OO, lor ~ OUC | WOMEN'S BLOUSES 95* WOMEN'S BLOUSES FOR $2.89 17 ** . (l ' MM All the newest styles, made of voiles and China and Crepe de Chine and chiffon rOi lVieil at 1 " ' ' —"~rr silks, in white and colors, value Q[J silks, in white and all colors, with new jJBMKBMMBataiaiBMiaTWMiiSBgMitKi&fig ftaf'Bsarig36M———— to $1.50 Sale price "DC collars. Value to $4.00. d>o AO 4 £\ FYTD A f CVTD A I ll " —' 1 ' L ~ L " "' 111 '' WOMEN S BLOUSES FOR $1.89 WOMEN'S* BLOUSES FOR 7. . . $3.0", J}.() II p . ,Jf | C ° lumb ' a JT r" OR BRUMBAUGH Tfl New voiles, new Jap silks and organdies; We offer an exceptional value—Crepe de I 500 Pairs of Men S Dead at Rectory Door Ulli UllUlllUnUOll IU blouses in white and colors; very pretty ef- Chine Blouses, in all the newest Spring qj, ~, u - «■« ■ . l r>l iL a «. s f ecM 10 Tl " T ' lc s r «f h l\/l Jl l/T TIIIMfIP 111 ll\li fects; lace- and embroidery trimmed. shades, best grade of Crepe and Silks. "* nil Hat JIOT9B JvllSKl and vlOtll I antS CoiumV)ia, Pa., May 22. —Worship- ! Vifl f\ 1 IHi I sill ll Ml 111/ I Value to $3.00. <t» | qq Value to $6.00. <!»Q /\ rf IT CO nn •« r 1 J* pers at Holy Trinity Catholic church IlinllL I IIIIIUU IIU IVI Sale price $ 1 .OV Sale price r ° r **'UU Values to $1.50 For were startled yesterday morning on ; - Koinß to the church to attend high Candidate Plans to Makp a fam. m—a _ ■ mtlsSi to lind that one of their num- _ paign lhat Will Be a P Over 300 OCAArjJJ Your /Uf *»*> ARAcni Q wwt. & cowed uresses new straw hatr. «:.u h „rLt;« a o"c'c.TU h .! Dr . M „ tln , upeHn . /mSV/mOVyLIO /To«* Trt*Mrt«a«sA<ii —* _ C," SIZES 30 TO 42 WAIST halt, who was in his office. Mrs. Zink- tendont of public schools and Repub tor tomorrow at a Big Savings To-morrow all lengths »"■ .- h »V» r> n Q n l 0 Tn mnvvn.n her home a short time before and ap- no primaries had ben held. After tlO Oil uflle J O-mOTrOW fIDI C> nDrCCrC /"fDf C> HDrccrc . V peared to be in her usual health. She that be will lay aside textbooks and •« Ts'sna \jlt\LO JttSt m lime TOT nr 1 / I 1 , (If />/* / ASp "1 ain keenly interested in the votei nrmDATinAI nxv Value, tor. .. . At/%* value to &I.UU, tor.~*J\* |! . J! near the church, walked to the rec- at the primaries and am waiting anx-J UuK-Xjlxnl lUII Unl i[ <)AAA D * C Mfn's and Off 17 ¥ I jTV ft in IT <! toty, a few hundred feet distant. Just iously to learn the definite figures," ham D?esses s?z?s Ito 6 veafs Made Gingham and Per- ;! ZUUU TaiFS Or Women's SILK HOSILRY ij « door an« raiaed her yesterday. 'Then I shall gl3f \ MANUFACTURER'S ,T f L)r " S ® S ' SIZeS Ito 6 ***** cale; in all colors; sizes 6to\\ r CIT ,0 foot to the steps, she fell over and -It is my intention, however, to con -IVI r;1 1; „„ old, tast colors. 1r" 14 years old. J N |! (j oes on dale I OmOYTOW at a Remarkable Die. bavine ! |! died instant| y- Heart disease was the tlnue as I have been, making no po line; no Snip nrirc lOC o_i_ l! l! cause of death. Mrs. Zinkand Is sur- j'tical_addresses as long as lam auper alii*•#»• l*»cc Vian Wolf •• • oale price ~ vtvArt hv four r>hiirirAn fntendent of schools. And I shall con two alike, less nan rtalf ,■ Women's Silk Hose* 1 n Wnmpn' l ! Hn-p- ir< !l children. tlnuc ln that capac jty untll the cloae Price- all the newest CIDI ADCCCCC womens ouk nose, iy women s bilk nose, Jr » of the school year.- V ' j U« ncwesi bIKLd UKLJJLJ, /»» D r c> nDrccrc -an l! values to 35c, for * • values to SI.OO for '! Rprpnt Deaths in "When 1 ahaii have resigned 1 win shapes and colorings. value to $1.50. tor VOC G,RLS DRESSES,*I 95 ; They come In «!, oolovs; cotton cSot of rainbow; all K««nt UeatllS in go pom,™, n,««™, ac.,v f , y ; IUT. ~ * f «Dl. ! garter top, double heel and toe; pure thread ulk, double heel, loe | Central Pennsylvania from thinKs But lariv rn Parasols, values to oq Over 500 Girls' Dresses, ' J| «»anufiwturing rtlghtly , lmper f wt; and so!e; value to SI.OO. 45 c ;: September the campaign will open and $2.00.. sale price .O«7C made of best Percales and fine Everv new stvle—thev come !> prir'o ,>L " u,<a > h 17c ' H t ,,u ,l> (>r l! special to The Telegraph 1 propose then to go into every county Parasols, value 92.50.tf>-| 90 ginghams, plain and fancy, in white and colors, nicely j! ... , __ — Men s Silk Hose; OO '! Sunbury.—Mrs. Charles k styer, the issues to be decided at the Novem sale ■»*« •••• •»»•*» nicoly made; now models; all made and trimmed; all sues 6|! Women s Silk Hose; JC for JjC |( "ViSST*™*. no, » SI.OO. Sale price ,M </» I ,Hf) !> All shades black and colors: thread silk hose in all new sDrlnir l! nnd Tnhn H Rrnr any °, the , r details - 1 ilm now con-, Parasols values to *0 Oft P * J - UO, *** P ' V j! slightly Imperfect; all sixes; double shades; double sole, heel and toe; [ awo lnownDaav e archUect erneJ t w ', th 'T s(hoo ' s , a " d w ' u c t ?n- SoOOSale' nrlco $2.39 ! [ heel, toe and sole; values OC r 50c value. Sale OO- I; fa brother "aaMlle architect, t i n „eto Kive them undivl.ledattenUon So.OQ. Sale price . I f r% r |! to 76c. Saturday's price OOC |)rJce 66C j; ,s h | > ™^ lirir T „i„ HHt.iv until the year ls over parasols, values to <co go GirlS mJTBSSBM fot £3 79 !» Women's Silk Hose ; (CQ/» ■** » Q.«. tt j I died at her home in South Earl street, SERMON TO GRADUATES SB.OO. Sale price *P%J» i%7 ;[ va l„ es to <tl 05 for o*/C Men S Silk Hose J 1 C j! on Wednesday. She is survived by her - da^evenrnrthc^a'c^UurLT^rmon $lO to sl2. Sale price.. Varden Crepe, White Voiles Challies and Gingham ; very new- i; mi! 3 Don't miss this Sale. Para- est and up-to-date Styles; all sizes 6to 14 years. d» O »7Q \\ values to $1.25. Saturday gb 25c values. Saturday le r 11 Charles Mowers, died yesterday. School audUorium bv the Rev. WH sols for young and old. Values to $5.00. Sale price tj)0« # 17 !» i,n ' laltltz.—Nathan E. Reifsnyder, 26 ()rr, pastor of the Presbyterian ' , ' 11* ' MtMMMHMMHMHiHMMiMMMMMMMMiMMMMMMiMMwiMW yenrs old, died yesterday from tuber- church. The services in the other ' iculosls. His wife, one son, his fatlier churches of Waynesboro will be omit- FRIDAY EVENING, HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 22, 1914 5