Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 22, 1914, Image 19
Telephone Vour Want Ad-s to the Telegraph A Nice, Cool Room for the Hot Nights Got yours yet: If you haven't, it's time to get bu6y. Plenty of nice, cool rooms, well furnished, in good homes, are ready now. You'll do better work if your home surround ings are cheerful and restful. The best list of these rooms is always found under a head "Rooms for Rent" on a Telegraph WANT AD page. Read Telegraph WANT ADS. DIED VAUGHN —On May 21, 19 J 4 ; T! lom .^. Vaughn, aged 66 years. wife and three sons, John, Robert anu Edward. ~ _ i Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from his home, corner Chestnut and State streets, Penbrook. The rela tives and friends are invited to attend LOST SIO,OO REWARD —Scotch Collie; light tan, white breast, collar and email ears; scar on nose. Answers to name of Laddie. SIO.OO reward if re turned to 1728 North Fourth btreet. Bell phone 617 R. LOST—GoId cigar cutter bearing Ini tials A. C. M. Reward if returned to Room 82, Union Trust Building. LOST Bunch of keys, vicinity Green and Broad streets. Reward if to F. E. Ridenour, No. 1221 North lhird. LOST Fountain pen, Waterman, trold trimmed, letter engraved. E. h. L- Reward if returned to Or. Everhart, J^mOjneJPaU^^ mmmmm—mm—— ——• HELP WASTED —Male WANTED —■ Barber for Friday and Saturday. Apply Cave Barber Shop, --I Market street. WANTED Experienced barber for Saturdays. Apply at once at 1024 Mar ket street. WANTED Good, reliable married man for the tea and coffee business out and give good reference. Apply Union Tea Co., 208 North Second ____ V WANTED Two neat, young men for counter work - must be experienced nnd bring references. Apply Rustic > Dairy Luncli, 5-7-9 South Third street. WANTED —Young, married man for permanent position as Solicitor and Collector. Bond required. Address A., 1006. care of Telegraph. WANTED Good lunch bar man; must come well recommended; good wages to light party. Address Restau rant, No. 1003, care of Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED to sell teas, coffee and merchandise in all towns near Har risburg. Apply Tamsui Tea Co., 331 Market street, second floor. WANTED A willing, sober, handy man on a small place. Apply Squire C'assady, Hersliey. Pa. WANTED Boy to learn barber trade. One with experience preferred. Inquire 1642 North Sixth street. ' WANTED—Man who can sing and play banjo or guitar and sing with show. Leonhardt Medicine Co., 352 West Penn street, Carlisle, Pa. WANTED—Boy with wheel, to de liver orders and work around place; one about 17 years old preferred. Ap ply Thorley's Tea Room. WANTED—An experienced clerk for feneral store. Apply to Brownstone tore Company, Ltd..Hummelsto\vn, Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED —For a new "TEN DOLLAR A YEAR" Accident and Sickness policy 57,600 Accidental Death, S2O to SSO weekly sold to men and women, all occupations. Large commissions. National Accident So ciety, 320 Broadway, New York. (Es tabllshed 1885). HELP WANTED—Cemnte WANTED A good white girl for general housework; one who knows how to cook. Apply Mrs. Leedy, 1313 Market street. 1 WANTED Young lady to work at soda fountain in drug store during summer. Address D., 10U4, care of Tele graph. WANTED Half-grown girl to as sist with general housework; three in family; no children; must sleep at home. 326 Hummel street. WANTED —A girl or middle-aged wo man for general housework; must un derstand plain cooking. 613 Horr street. WANTED Twenty more thorough ly experienced operators on power sew ing machines. Jennings' Manufacturing Co., 414-416 State street. WANTED —Markers and assorters, RISO girls to run cuff press. Apply im perial Laundry, 1334 Howard street. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. Must be neat and accurate at figures. Apply in own handwritng. State expe rience, where last employed, salary ex pected. Address C., 698, care of Tele graph. LEARN DRESSMAKING In one of the ■ best dressmaking schools in America. Make your own dresses while learning., Night and Day classes. Work's Dress-' making School. 22 North Fourth street SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Job on a farm by 16- year-old boy. Apply 627 Brlggs street. WANTED Young man, 21, wishes position as team driver, or any kind of work. Call, or address, F. W. T., 1711 North Seventh street. Best Propositioa in Vacant Ground on South Cameron Street East side of South Cameron street about half way between Market street and Mulberry Street Bridge we have for sale a plot of ground with a frontage of 118.12 feet. It Is unquestionably the best proposition as to location and price in the central part of the city. Miller Bros. & Neefe SLffSSSS FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 22, 1914. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED—Permanent position after June 1, by a young man 22 years old. Have been a school teacher three years. Willing to accept any position that offers a chance of advancement. Ad dress. Box J„ 694, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS W ANTED— Female W'ANTED A middle-aged lady wants a place to keep house for a gen tleman; can give best of reference. Ad dress W., 1007, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as cook, or general housework, by colored woman. Address 134 Dewberry street, City. WANTED Position as cook by col ored woman; can give good reference. Address 340 Cherry avenue, City. WANTED Position as child's nurse by colored girl. 409 North Fifth. WANTED Day's work by colored girl. No. 409 North Fifth street. WANTED Colored girl wants dish- j washing in hotel or boardinghouse, in or out of town. Call Bell phone 1482 R. WANTED—Colored girl wants scrub bing or hotel work. Address 1416 Sev enth street. WANTED By white woman, any kind of day's work. Mrs. E. J. Myers, ; 400 Broad street. WANTED—Days work No. 409 North Fifth street. HELP WANTED—MuIe and Female. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED to fill hundreds of Government Life Jobs. $65.00 to $l5O Month. Sample exami nation questions and list of positions available free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Department 362-M, Rochester, N. Y. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOB SALES—NO. 2011 GREEN STREET 3-STORY brick house. 9 rooms and bath; front and rear porches; all im provements. Price reasonable. Apply at above address. INVESTMENT AND EASY PAYMENT PROPERTIES FOR SALE lf you have money to invest get particulars. If tired renting buy on easy payments. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Corner house at No. 1501 Swatara street will be vacated on Monday, May 26. It is f«r sale at an attractive price. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE —At Camp Hill, one lot one hundred by two hundred and forty five feet on trolley near Heyd street, four lots fifty by one hundred and fifty in Moore street, one lot fifty by one hundred and seventy-five feet, in Wal nut street. Eight-room house, all im provements, large lot, on Also farm of seventy-eight acres, brick house and large brick bank barn, lo cated'one-haif mile south of the Longs dorf station, will exchange for desir able Harrisburg property. W. F. Ken dall, 228 North Third street. FOR SALE Wayne Cottage, three minutes' walk from Perdlx Station a decided bargain to quick buyer. Easy terms, too. If not sold within ten days, will rent furnished for the season. Salesman at Perdix every day including Sunday. Apply to A. C. Young, 26 North Third street. Bell telephone 713 L. FOR SALE 52,500.00 will buy a brick house on North Sixth street 6 rooms and kitchen. Steam heat' com plete bath; only SSOO cash needed. Bal ance in easy monthly payment. Apply to S. Haldeman & Co., 3222 North Sixth street. !* 25 SOUTH FRONT STREET 3- story brick dwelling l3 rooms—bath and furnace two-story brick stable lon River avenue. Lof. 26.3x210 ft. Price i upon inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Lo cust and Court streets. FOR SALE Twenty iarge lots 118 x2lO ft., at from $3 to $6 per front foot overlooking Harrisburg. Uood soil, air water and neighbors. Call Bell phone 3048 L FOR SALE 621 North Fifteenth street, two and one-half-story frame dwelling—B rooms, bath and furnace; lot 24x95; single, corner property. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE—IS acres, two and one half miles from Harrlsburg; 7-room stone dwelling, bank barn; variety of fruit; buildings in first-class condition. Price, $3,500.. Brlnton-Packer Co., Sec ond and Walnut streets. 612 NORTH SECOND STREET—Con servatory of Music—three-story brick and stone building auditorium l6 rooms and bath. Could be remodeled for a private school apartments—or rooming house lot, 29x100 feet. Price upon Inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locußt and Court streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1909 North Fourth street, 3-story brick house with all iW^ vernents ; * 2O a month. Apply 122 Chestnut street. FOR RENT—Two-story brick, eight rooms, all improvements, steam heat; three minutes' walk to Reservoir Park. Inquire James Sweeney, 1 South Eigh teenth street. Bell phone No. 2010 R. heal estate for rent FOR RENT On June 1, house 1521 Vernon street, $15.00 per month. E. A. HefEelflnger, East End Bank. FOR HUNT—IB2O Boas street, new 2- . story brick; never occupied; 7 rooms and hath; all Improvements. Posses sion at once; $lB per month. Charles Bainliart. 1821 Whitehall street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Pa*tonia; also furnished and unfur nished rooms at 210 Chestnut street. Apply at St. James iiotel, Mrs. Wise. FOR RENT Furnished apartments for rent; 2 or three rooms, on North Sec ond street near Pine; modem improve ments; central location. Apply at Liv ingston's, 9 South Market Square. FOR RENT Rodearmel apurtment, 604 North Third street! 6 rooms and bath; one of the most desirable loca tions in ctty; immediate possession. Apply J no. F. Dapp, 271 Broad street. FOR RENT June 1, to respectable colored family, the dwelling 315 Forster street; 5 rooms and bath; finished at tic; water In kitchen; side entrance; credentials required. Apply at prem ises. FOR RENT Three-story brick, No. 2122 A Moore Btreet; all improvements; midyear rent, sls. Koy at 2122. Call i Bell phone 3048 L FOR RENT Mac Daniels Apart- | ments; newly furnished; up-to-date; complete for light housekeeping; large livingroom, kitchenette; cooking uten sils, dishes, linen, bath, gas range, sta tionary tubs; private meter, mail boxes, bells. 1417 Market. FOR RENT Second and third story apartment at 24 North Fourth streat; possession June 1. Apply Buir's Cigar ROOMS Foil KiiiNT FOR RENT —Attractive, bright room : in private family, suitable for two gen tlemen, near Engineers' Club; refer ences. Address T., 1005, care of Tele graph. ( FOR RENT Two nice, furnished front rooms, on second Hoor, with bay window; electric and gas; telephone; suitable for one or two persons; rent reasonable. Apply 271 Briggs street. FOR RENT From June 1, furnish ed suite of large livingroom, one or two bedrooms and private bath. Every modern appointment. Electric tan. Reference required. 21S Pine street. FOR RENT Very desirable, fur nished rooms in one of the best locations in the city. Use of'bath and telephone. Apply 208 State street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite, all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Newly furnished front rooms, facing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water in each room; elec tric light; use of phone and bath. Ap ply Robinson Apartments, 410 North street. FOR RENT—Nicely, new, furnished rooms, with board by the day or meal. Apply 123 South Second street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, for gentlemen, with ctty heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Briggs Btreet. FOR RENT—Four well located, com municating rooms, all conveniences (use of phone). Come to 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Pleasant, furnished front room; conveniences; use of phone. Apply 501 North Front. FOR RENT - Furnished and unfur nished room, with ail conveniences; newly papered and painted; use of phone' and bath. Apply 927 North Third street. Bell 852 J. ROOMS WANTED WANTED By gentleman, cool room in country or suburbs, for sum mer, within fifteen minutes' of city. Address H., 686, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED—To buy good second-hand bicycle. Address Box 448. Harrlsburg. WANTED To rent small cottage from June 1 to October 1; along the river preferred, within easy reach of the city. Address Box K, 1002, care of Telegraph Office. GROCERY STORE WANTED, with stock at inventory and fixtures at cost. Your prompt reply will be treated in confidence. Box H, 1001, care of Tele graph. WANTED—Home in the country for the summer for boy I<B years old. For further particulars address E. B. I*, 409 Calder Building. WANTED Second-hand bicycles bought, sold and exchanged. Apply Excelsior Cycle Co., 1007-09 North Third street. Foil SALE FOR SALE White Wyandotte hens, 1 year old, from prize winning stock. Will sell reasonable. Apply A. G. Hag enberger, Highspire, Pa. , FOR SALE An invalid rolling chair, rubber tires, wire wheels; only used five or six times; never out of house; practically new; will sell cheap. J. V. Miller, Mechanicsburg, Pa. FOR SALE SSOO DOUBLE ACTION ORCHESTRA HARP. Will sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply 1113 Green street. FOR SALE Spice cans, tea cans, one large dried fruit display counter and drawers. Apply S. S. Pomeroy, Market Square Grocer. Both phones. FOR SALE Automobile, 4-cylin der, 29-11.-P.. 121-Inch wheel base, 36- lnch wheels, foredoor roadster fully equipped. Will sell reasonable or ex change far a good four or six-cylinder four or five-passenger car. For dem onstration write, or call. No. 1517 North Sixth street. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Cheap, if bought at once new ball-bearing vacuum sweeper with brush attachment. Write, or phone, T. A. Spearen, Savoy Hotel, corner Third and Mulberry streets. FOR SALE Piano as good as new Will sell cheap, either cash or instal ments. If you desire piano, this is a bargain. Address P. O. Box 484, Har risburg, Pa. FOR SALE CHEAP A Maxwell runabout; first-class condition; can be converted into a delivery car for about S3O. Address O. W. Plack, 335 Cres cent street. FOR SALE l9ll 5-passenger Cad illac automobile, engine thoroughly gone over; newly painted, new tires. Also new 17-ft. canoe. Address C., 695, care of Telegraph. TRUNKS, Traveling Bags. Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap Leather, Calfskin, Kip D'ongola, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases anu Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrlsburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets. FOR SALE—Fumed oak dlningroom Bet, table, buffet and 6 chairs; three large rugs, Bxlo and 9x12, all as good as new. Address H., 696, care of Tele graph. 16-foot Mahogany Wall Case, 12-ft. mahogany back-bar to soda fountain, three electric fans, 8 ft. white marble counter. Apply 1015 North Third street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 250 each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. • f paid in advance. Inquire at Office of I Telegraph, FOR SALE Egg" for hutching. Single Comb White Leghorns, Blanch ard strain. 7B cents for IS. G. M. Bor der. Ijooust avenu*, Canjp HIU. FOR SALE FOR SALE A full set of new black smith tools. Call at Harrisburg Brick and Transfer Blacksmith Shop, Steel ton, Pa. FOR SALE—I9I3 Regal road ster. Will demonstrate. Good as new. Will sell at a sacrifice; a bargain. C. M. Hoffer care of 1 Hoffer & Garman, 230 South Eighteenth street. FOR SALE Poolroom, restaurant and cigar store. Best stand in town. "Will sacrifice; leaving town. Levere Hess, Mill and Union streets. Middle town, Pa. FOR SALE. Well-equipped shoe repairing shop, with machinery: doing good business. For particulars ad dress Box 8., 690, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. TWO fine homes. Size of 'ot. 1814x90. Nine rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath room. Steam heated; large front and back porches; ornamental fixtures throughout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamber I with south side exposure, size 15x8; 12 minutes by trolley to Market Squaro. For further information call P. Vander- I 100, Masonic Temple Building. Third and State streets. FOR SALE At sacrifice, If taken at once; stock and fixtures of general store doing large business, In thriving town. Will prove volume of business to In terested party. Want to join my hus band In Minnesota, reason for selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Ciouser. Duncannon, Pa. CIGARS For a limited time we are flving 12 Havana combination 5c Cigars 'ree, with each Box of 50 of our large Perfecto Cigars at tt per Box. Post paid. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE —> 1913 six-cylinder Olds mobile Touring Car, complete in every detail. Terms to suit purchaser. In quire Harry Bing, care of Kline Co., 9 •\orth Market Square. PUBLIC SALE ! AT the Store, 620 Boas street, Tues day, May 26, at 2 P. M., a large lot of groceries and store fixtures. All must be sold. C. Fry, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Minneapolis Motor cycle; single cylinder; two-speed; in good condition. Price, $50.00. Apply 110 Linden street. Phone 176 R. FOR SALE l-Three Truck, In ex cellent condition, practically new, made by the Morton Truck and Tractor Co., Harrisburg, Pa. Guaranteed one year. No reasonable offer refused. Samuel F. Peters, New Cumberland, Pa. USED motorcycles; all makes: over- j hauled and in fine condition; guaran- ] teed to be as represented; call for dem- | onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North , Third street. —————————— FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT Large, light office; running water and heat included; ele vator service; rent, SIO.OO, Phone 1647R, Room No. 21, 9 North Market Square, City. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, Cowden street near Market. Elevator; railroad siding; 5,000 sq. ft. floor space. Possession June 1. Apply C. F. Gohl, 1003 North Second street. Bell phone 899 L. FOR RENT DcHlrnhle offleea In the Tclrgrnpb Ilullding, alugly or en aulte. Inquire nt Ilualneaa Ofttce. FOR RENT Two-story garage, with water and sewer, rear 1630 Regina street. Will accommodate two cars. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling; one of the best rooms in the city. Ap ply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WELL LOCATED LOTS In the Tenth Ward; aome ot them on paved street. I Will exchange lor Improved property. LAn exceptional opportunity for a ! builder. Call and Inspect blue print. I F. It .Oyster, Trustee, cure of Telegraph : j Business Office. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES j ANY intelligent person can earn good i Income corresponding lor newspapers; j experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years In the ! j mall order business, began with $5. j i Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea- i j cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y BUSINESS PERSONALS HIGHEST PRICES paid for Old Gold and Silver,. Watches and Jewelry. Or will exchange for new Jewelry. JOB. D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North Third street. Bell phone 626 L. FOR SALE —At Gable's, 111 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. HARDWOOD FLOORS 1 OF all designs. Old floors made new. Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith, 2219 Brookwood street, Harrisburg. Bell phone 1391 L FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 116 and 117 South Sacond street, 5,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed, t*,. $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. I BUY AND SELL all second-hand fur niture, carpets, etc. Drop postal, or call. A. A. Kohr, corner Blackberry and Dewberry streets. WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of fur niture. clothing, etc. Drop us a postal and we will call to see you. Max Smoltz, 1100 North Seventh street. ANY and all kinds of Job Carpenter ing Work. Also Concrete Wal«8 and Steps a specialty. Address H. H. Shlvt ly, Luoknow, Pa. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinln* Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, tho Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at both ends, i Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone ! 3227 W. I HAVE your Ford's lookeC after now 1 while we are not so busy. We make a specialty on Ford cars. Give us a chance. Our prices are right. Call E. M. Snavaly, Middletown, Pa. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Mover* of f ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine street*. Bell pboo* No. 2603 R. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. I Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. j Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. FINANCIAL -4 DO you want money? Wo have $lO,- 000 to loan In bulk Or smaller, amount* by first mortgage on real estfe". Adi vise at once. Bell Realty Co., Bergnor Building. , I NOT SURE TIT LEE WILL BE IN TOWN No Official Anouncement Has Yet Reached the Strike Headquarters Arrangements have been made for a , mass meeting to-night at White's Hall, open to all railroad employes. The speakers for this meeting are still a matter of conjecture. President W. G. Lee, of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, is announced as the prin cipal speaker. As no word has been received at strike headquarters from President Lee, his presence Is an un certainty. President W. H. Pierce, of the Brotherhood of Federated Railway Employes, is also out of the city. Whether he would reach Harrlsburg in time for to-night's meeting is not known. Inquiry at strike headquarters, 1334 Vi North Sixth street, to-day brought the following from Secretary C. S. Shelley: "The meeting to-night will be an open session for all transportation brotherhood men and railroaders in general. We have the assurance from trainmen brothers that President Lee will be present. I also expect PresU dent Pierce to return in time for the meeting. As far as I know, the meet ing will be held in White's Hall," At Knola yesterday eighty-five men. who came here from Buffalo, N. Y„ a week ago were relieved and sent home. Their places were filled by local fur loughed men and by employes secured from other points. Officials to-day denied that the men quit work because they were put on piecework. Sociability Run to Lewistown Decoration Day The committee to make final ar-1 .rangements for the first sociability run ! on Memorial Day met at the Motor Club's headquarters last evening and 1 decided to check out the cars in the 1 morning and after dinner. This will permit those who fine it convenient to leave in the morning to reach Lewis burg in time for dinner and then take whatever side trips they choose In the afternoon, and get back to the New Cameron Ilouse for- supper with the group that leaves Harrisburg after dinner, The prizes will then be awarded at hotel Saturday evening and touring party remain at Lewis burg over night and for Sunday break- Itast, after which the tour will be con tinued to Lewistown. From there the ] touring parties will return to Harris- I burg by way of the Lewistown Nar rows, and take any other route de sired. The rules for the sociabilitp run will simply mean that each car is checked out, say at 9.01, and the time from then to the time car arrives at the New Cameron House In Lewisburg will be totaled with the running time of all the other cars and divided by the number of cars entered. The car having made the time nearest to this figure will be declared winner of the prize. On account of many stores usually keeping open on Decoration Day, the 1.30 division should encourage many to join the sociability run. All those desiring to make this trip should sig nify their intention or ask for addi tional information by calling up Bell 982, and ask for the secretary of the Motor Club of Harrisburg. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Heal Kstatd security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan ,n amounts of SI,OOO and up on first mortgage on city property, repayable monthly or installments. Debt cancel ed and mortgage satisfied on death of borrower. Jdhn C. Orr, • 222 Market street. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cent# per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. ! STORAGE IN J-*lory brick building, rear 408 Market street. Hon Heboid goods In clean, private | rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. I HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two I large brick warehouses, built ex- I pressly for storage. Private rooms I for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South fit. and Penna. R. R. AUTO OWNERS try the West Fair view ' Garage and be convihced that our prices are right and workmanship first class. Phone No. 30G9L. West Fair view, Pa. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts have been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and will be con firmed by said Court on the 11th day of June, 1914, unless cause be shown to the contrary: First and partial account of Frank J. Scliaffner, receiver of M. H. Spahr & Company, Inc. Account of Charles Johnson, Insur ance Commissioner of Pennsylvania, concerning tho administration of the American Fraternal Association, of Ilonesdale, Wayne county, Pennsylva nia. . . Third and partial account of George 11. Calvert, receiver of the Guardian Fire Insurance Company of Pennsylva nia. First and final account of W. M. Shull. assignee in trust for the benefit of creditors of Reuben D. Karper, of Swatara township, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. Account of H. D. Koons, assignee of Samuel C. Seltzer and Emma J. Seltzer, of Halifax, Dauphin coi-nty, Pennsyl vania. HENRY F. HOLLER. Pi ithonotary. |ln Matter of the Estate of Mary Swope Devor, late of the City of I Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn- I sylvania, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary were duly issued by the Register of Wills, of Dauphin County, to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate pay -meiit. and those having legal claims against the same will present them without delay in proper order for set tlement, to DAVID SWOPE, Executor, No. 2013 North Sixth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Or to his Attorney. C. H. BACKENSTOE, ESQ., 14 North Third Street, Harrisburg; Pa. NOTICE i NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary upon the estate of Lyman : r>. Gilbert, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin ' County, Pennsylvaaia, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment ,and those having claims or demands against the I same will make them known to SPENCER C. GILBERT, OABRIELLA C. GH^ER^' _ Executrix, ~ Karrlsbrug, Tu. CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO INCREASES ITS GAIN Missouri Pacific Softened With Approach of Vote of Its Extension Plan; Bonds Were Steady By Associated Press New York, May 22. Chesapeake and Ohio Increased Its gain to over a point and American Smelting rose three-quar ters, but the more active issues recorded scarecly any change, fluctuating lwthin fractional limits. This was especially true of United States Steel, Amalgamat ed, Union Pacific and Reacting. Missouri Pacific softened with the ap proach of the time for some definite declaration regarding Its note extension plan and New Haven sold under yester day. Hill shares made no response to highly favorable crop news from the Northwest and the list as a whole lack ed Impelling influences. London again sold moderately and advices from abroad left much to be desired. Bonds were steady. Furnished by H. W. SUAVELY Arcade llulldlng New York, May 22. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 27 % 27 % Anjal. Copper 77% 77% American Can 27% 28% Am. Locomotive ... 50% 60% American Smelting .64 64 American T. & T... 122% 122% Anacpnda 32 32 Atchison 95% 95% Baltimore & Ohio.. 92 91% Bethlehem Steel ... 40% 40% Brooklyn R. T 92% 92% Canadian Paciilc ... 193% 198% Central Leather ... 35% 35% Chesapeake & Ohio. 51% 52 C„ M. & St. P 100% 100% Chino Con. Copper . 41% 41% Corn Products 9 , 9 Erie 28% 28% General Electric Co. 147 147 Godrlch, B. F 25% 25% iGreat Northern, pfd. 123% 123% Interboro-Met 14% 14% Lehigh Valley 139 138% Missouri Pacific ... -6% 16% New York Central . 92% 92% ! N. Y.. N. H. & H. .. 67 68 Northern Pacific ... 110% 110 Penna. R. R 111% 111% Pressed Steel Car .. 4 3 43 Ray Con. Copper .. 21% 21 Reading ; 165% 165% Rep. Iron & "teel .. 22 >/* 23 Southern Pacific .. 92% 92% Union Pacific 106% 156% U. S. Steel 61% 61% U. S. Steel pfd 109% 109% Utah Copper 56% 56% Western Maryland . 19% 19% Westlnghouse Mfg.. 76 76% CHICAGO CATTLE . By Associated fress Chicago. 111.. May 22. Hogs Re celpts, 18,000; steady. Bulk of sales, light, $8.25@8.50; mixed, $8.25@8.55; heavy. $8,100)8.50; rough, f8.10@8.26; pigs, $7.50@8.30. Cattle Receipts, 1,500; steady. Beeves, $7.40@9.30; steers, $7.10@8.20; stockers and feeders, $6.40(518.55; cows and heifers, $3.75@8.76; calves, $7.50@ Sheep Receipts, 9,000; slow. Sheen, $6.25(J?>6.10; yearlings, x $6,100)7.10; dlambs, $6.20@8.30; springs, $6.75@9.50. PHII*DEL?IIit PnODUCH By Associated Press Philadelphia, May 22. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export, $1.01@1.01%; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.04 Vi @1.05%. Corn Firm; new, No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 80%<&81c; do., kiln dried, local, 81% si>B2c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 47@ 47 %c. Bran Market firm; winter, per ton, $29.50030.00; spring, per ton. S2B 0n<®28.50. Refined Sugars Market firm;' powdered, 4.20 c; fine granulated, 4.10 c; confectioners' A, 4c; Keystone A, 3.90 c. Butter The market is firm; western creamery, extra, 26c; nearby prints, fancy, 29c. Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts free cases, $6.30 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, SB.OO per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $« :<<> per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 17 %@ 18c; youn chickens, 14@20c; spring chickens, 27®)32c; broiling chickens, 26@32c; old roosters, 12 ducks, 13@15c;spring ducks, 17 &18c: geese, 15@17c; turkeys. 19-i«m' Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western fancy, heavy, 19c; do., fair to good, heavy, 16@18o; do., do., unattractive, 13 @ 15c; old roosters, 14c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16©18 c; broiling chickens, fancy, 24@35c; do., fair, can/i ». IKI'K*. iSQIk, • maU, 11010 c; turkeys, fancy, I!01lc 4o„ fair, *O01$c; ducks. Utile; Potatoes Weak; New York and Eastern, per bushel, 80@>88c; Western, per bushel. 80088 c; Jersey, per basket. 20@50c; Florida, per barrel, $305.75. Flour The market is weak; winter, i«»i. s;s.*f>i(j 4 in, •ti'4ijfiiiA. I«ui, • ylvanla, $4.1504.10; western. $4.250 4 40; patents, $4,500)4 90: Kaniti straight, Jute sacks, $4.1504.30; spring, firsts, clear. $4.0004.20; st>aights. $4.20 tf'4 40; patonts. »4 5ft<®4.75 Hay The market Is steady; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50(019.00; No. 1, medium bales, slß.oo® 18.50; No. FOR SALE Save Money on Building Material—all kinds and all sizes of beams, angles, channels, rails, and all kinds of structural material for building purposes; also all sizes of pipe. We also have to offer at present two 100 H. P. Boilers with fronts and connections complete. Also two 75 H. P. Boilers without fronts. Inquire at Williams & Freedman ) . Tenth Street, below Mulberry, on P. & R. R., City. - *u _ ii Horse Sale At NEWPORT, PA. Tomorrow, Saturday, May 23 Carload of Illinois horses. All out of hard work, young and 60undh—good size, weighing from 1150 to 1500 pounds each. General purpose and draft horses. Several mated teams one mated team of grays weighing 3000 pounds, well broke. ALL HORSES SOLD UNDER A FULL GUARANTEE SMITH and EICHBERG Newport, Pa. - 2. do.. $16.50@17.50; No. 2, do., $14.60® 16.50. Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17,000 17.50; No. 1. do.. t16.00@HC.60-. No. 1, do.. $14.00016 00. CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADES Kuril lulled hj H. W. SNAVBLV Arcadr Building Chicago, 111., May 22. Open. Clos. Wheat- May 98% 98% 97% 97% July 88% 88% 87% 87% Corn— May 68% 69% 68% 69% July 67% 68 67% 6.7% Oats — May 40% 41 40% 40%,' July .., 38% 39% 39 39% MONEY AT LESS THAN LEGAL RATES We have recently put Into effect very liberal reduction# In the rates of all loans, which are positively the lowest In the city. We invite honest working peo ple without bank credit to do business here at rates lower than prescribed by the law of 1918. First and second mortgages a specialty. Pennsylvania Investment Company— -132 WALNUT STREET Office Hours—B.3o A. M. to 5.30 p. Saturdays, 8.30 A. M. to 8.30 P. M. -J MONEY to loan in amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working peo ple without bank credit at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Comparison of our rates, teems and methods of doing business with other loan offices will convince the most skeptical borrower that this is the place to come in time of need. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Cs. 204 Chestnut St. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday 8 a. in. to 9 p. in. /$ 10 LOANS\ AND P V UPWARDS Housekeepers, Worklnemen and Salaried Employes. Money wisely borrowed and wisely used will accomplish good results, but money borrowed re gardless of the company behind the loan may cause you regrets. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4th Floor MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLH and others upon their own namesk Cheap rates. easy payments, confiden tial. Adams A Co. R. 804. 8 ». Market 9«.