10 oFrom Eight O'clock Until OneTomorrow/p|7\ Specials That Will Reward You for Early Shoppingy, — 1 " Saturday From 8 to 1 O'clock Saturday From Bto 1 O'clock Three Blouse Specials ) From 8.0 .o^c,oc k Women's $5.95 Cloth Skirts $3 Women's Lisle Gloves at 15c Saturday From Bto 1 o'clock. I|| Turkish . ... . . , Women's two-clasp lisle gloves in black and tan, 25c 1 g $1.50 Towels, A specal that will appeal to women who I,kc ex Saturday from Bto 1 o'clock IOC Values Actual $5 95 check skirts, in large checks, special (PO /|f| J T Re«ndar 25c Turkish Towels with red . * to - m orrow ipD.UU Women's long lisle gloves; 16-but- Women's long silk gloyes; 16-button Nced Summer Blouses? . , 0 . 1 o until 1 O CIOCK, iu iiiu ton i en gth; black only; 50c value, length; tan, grey, navy, pongee and , o a 1 borders on sale Saturday from S to 1 t f *i 1 t T~\ Saturday from Bto l *>Qr» brown; si.r>o value. Satur- or J3uy them to-morrow between e> and 1 .j q 21 \Yhlte Dresses for S Usy o'clock May from sto 1 o'clock «pl.,£J o'clock and save "& third of their price. These are wgejjath 14 year "' Curtains—Couch Covers—Cretonne in embroidered voile, sheer rice cloth and lii aualitv and bath rooms should oe liueranv styles are » • White dresses, sizes 6to 14 years. Special from satin-strined oro-mdv 1- . . Actual a " a ,0 ' 9He $2.50 braided bobbinet Arabian lace Saturday from Bto 1 <£-« on satin stnptu o^anuy. supplied with them at this price. 8 until locio<nk •••••• ••.•••'dresses'; sizes i.f> and t;"years. Special from curtains. 2% yards long, two good o'clock tpl.oj Patterns are neat colored figures on white Actual "» ,ic H 1 uu ( , stvles to select from. Sat- Uii no i , . . . *ll 5 • . . 16c Linen Toweling, 12S until 1 'double service houaedresses. In stripes. Special from urday from Bto 1 o'clock. . J , 29c cretonne for cushions and drap- ground and trimmings include dainty lacc .„ . . Women s *I- OU $1 lu SI.SB II NE N couch covers, hemmed eries .new designs. Satur- -J Q„ insertion bedecked collars and cufts with Fine linen Toweling, heavy Scotch weave, 8 until 1 o clock Pomeroy & Stewart With red, green and blue borders, day from Sto 1 o'clock, yard. 1 »<- e( j^ e Qr p l eate( J f r jll. TmSi Women's Silk Hose » Save on Sheets and Pillow Cases • $195 Lingerie QC N. \ Saturday From Bto 1 o'clock. BIoUSeS at sl./9 Bed CI AQ Saturday from Bto 1 o clock. \ | Standard grades of sheets and pillow A . Faclnatingiy beautiful voile lingerie Blouses *sr»r#»nrU X**/ -f (<V A r;K »c on sale Saturday from Bto 1 o'clock W i 1• ' i 'lilf With smart raglan shoulders. Neck and front opreaab, 1Q y; /) cases on saic ~aiuru<iy HUM Olu ULIULK ■ , i »l!iL*» finished with lace insertion an dlace edge; voile p <>l 79 Crochet Bed Spreads, full li/O V. at prices that are below those usually ■ i .iI i I i,» 1-1.1 F. cuffs trimmed with picot edge. Saturday from 8 heavy weight, hemmed. Saturday Black and tan silk hose, «.»!«, regular ■«'}''t ItlfflH " ° 50c Gineham'' O C trom «<° > »- 4 ° S,!,dC - Men's Union Suits, AJ ~ ««» •'» ' »'«<"*■ '• ' If*- OOC French Dress L.nens Men s 50c Egyptian cotton Union Suits short r , J?/ IMC, (Mly 50c to 75c On„ sleeves, ankle length. Saturdaj from 42c V 10 "« wSa JtmZy ISI, /il l'icZX I WZMk ored «ounce. Saturday Iron, »to 1 0'c10ck..350 Values, oyc °' °Wonle*n'B 25c Vests, Fine white dress linens of French weave, Women's 25c white cotton ribbed vests, low- 59( . bleached sheets, 76x90 inches. Saturday ''IB I V VTOWIIS, *■ 'i- • ,i. > ;n r to 7sr nrades Sat- extra large sizes, 40, 42 and 44. ■ from Bto 1 o clock, ~JK |<|j ÜbajrlViV/#■ Crepe Gowns, kimono sleeves, pink and blue 36 to inches Wide. .-Uc to /DC giaaes. .at neck, sleeveless, extra laig , , * Cf) r ISkll'N mmM/tWit bands trim neck and sleeves. Saturday from Bto urdav from Bto 1 o'clock, yard 39* Saturday from Bto 1 o clock, Jg c ® WHll il l o'clock 75e Lives. Poinco'oy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear. 3 for 50f, each .. . V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear. WRII ill L ifflUf'.W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Second Floor. From Bto 1 o'clock. From 8 to 1 o'clock. From Bto l o'clock From 8 to 1 o clock. SpCCldls ffOlTl 8 tO 1 O dock or IT u a IQr Black and Colored Women's Neckwear A tango corset in treco, excellent for summer wear and 35c Embroidered W hlte Datisre, Mattresses Silk windsor ti d ra out-door sports, $2.50 value. Saturday from 8 to 1 o'clock, $1.25 This is one of the offerings of the \\ hite Goods Section an s6.ro let mattics>cs, jo ' , h . ( . k , 4 .. i nC hes of colors, 25c value. Saturday • D. P. &S. Special corset, new low bust and free hip, $2.00 Saturday's sale from Bto 1 o'clock. Others of interest incuce edge. hca\\ tic ing, on y- o wi^0 c from »to l oqo from Bto 1 o'clock 18* value. Saturday from Bto 1 o'clock $1.25 19c plain White \ oile, 40 inches wide. Satur* a> a customer. .a u" .t> \m . 0c checks, 46 inches Maline Ruffs, many neat B. and J. brassieres, closed back, front trimmed with a large from Bto 1 o'clock, yard •• • ••■•••• ° Jp4»yO wide. Saturday from Bto i styles and colors, $3.50 value. medallion of cluny lace, neck and arms trimmed with cluny 15c Killarney White Suiting, 36 inches. Saturdaj J2'/2C ° clock "l" IX ' G . ° C si!26 viuT'liopiin.* ib'inches wide; Saturday from Bto 1 o'clock, edge; 50c value. Saturday from Bto 1 o'clock 3S<; from Bto I o'clock, vard SPR .OS good shades. Saturday QZn $1.98 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. no*** J, From Bto 1 o'clock ' .S"".s2-39 "£ , Embroidered Voile Flounc- StfltionerV-Books--CameraS From Bto 1 o clock. PORCH ROCKERS o'clock, yard nig. 4.-> mclies. values to $1.50. OldllUllory lJUUrvb V^alllclab -p 11 T • „ J k to °i Ch BLACK DRESS GOODS Saturday from Bto 1 o'clock. Box of Thistle Linen Paper and two packages of envc- Table Linen and INapKin opeciais s l ' 29 MM .r,,>. 4. yard lopes, 45c value. Saturday form Bto 1 o'clock ... •—• " 'I SUkUmbrdta. , Book, irotn <wr Cira.ta.ing Libmy. Saturday from Bto i' ' 50i: bleached mercerized table damask, 64 inches wide, only .jtjc LaCeS aild V dls y %%' o " uiack serge Vo' Ollien's piece-dyed silk taf- 1 o'clock 2o<; 6 yards to a customer. Saturday irom Bto l o clock ' l.inen Cluny laces in white, 2to aUwoo i. Saturday from 4 -Q f i feta Umbrellas, plain and can*- Brady's History of the Civil War, S3.M) edition. Satur ajrxr&sj&itxnsn""" 12 xc 8 wtiz «», «.« «™»'««» 1 Mercerized damask napkins. 22x22 inches; fine de- (Li i() o'clock, yard ..... •... ; .. •. * *** Saturday from Bto value. Saturday from 8 to 1 Several old models of Camera,s, slightly shell-worn. Satur signs; value SI.BO dozen. Saturday from sto 1 o'clock J• « , up to $1 sf.' 1 o'clock, yard o'clock day from Bto 1 o'clock, at Third to Haff Price. I4n«n nnpklns, 24 inches square; value $4.50 dozen. Sat- $325 Saturday'from Bto 1 O'jP Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street D., P. & s., Street Floor. ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear, urday ' rom l^j^O p o niero'y &*s"e'wart—Street Floor, Hear. , o>l..ck V From 8 to 1 O clock-Men s$ 1.98 Shirts, 95c Specially Reduced for Saturday - Size 15 only. If you wear als shirt and buy it to-morrow from Bto 1 o clock, CTIC ACIQ Q * vou will get a regular $1.98 value at 95f. These arc sample shii ts of silk and nu i *l' I' i * 15 sit! C 1 I O OilltS dt sizes 13 to 17. Saturday Saturday from Bto 1 oollar attached; size s Mto 17. 50c fine ligle * web BUspenders> Trimmed Hats H «■ I N ® *W 0 r ci* ytt r'. tOl . 50c calfskin stitched ends, sat- 270 All I II /MWI y 1 0( " 10tK urday from Bto 1 o'clock.... C | J \ ahimin whUe. 50c wide end silk four-ln-hand T v fr j mmp J U.i. ffili / / J,\ ' f illx /i I J3li to 18 ' Saturday <fc-i -i Q ties, blue stripe patterns 9Qp UntnmmeCl HatS ■ , . If from Bto 1 o'clock JP 1 ' Saturday from Sto 1 o clock.. *«"■' | . _ V W~jf v (r men's xitiiiT SIIIRTS AXD isc washable four-in-hand ties. Men who are familiar with Dives, Pomeroy & : \hjf PAJAMAS IIRD'AY W FRIM" TO^^O' lOA'.'' * ,About 200 shapes in the lot \ Stewart Clothing quality and standards will ap- , MMW FFL f| ■. ' ~ , , e o.i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —liens llgnt straws tor „nis. j i»B u | o'clock .. . .. . 79c store, street Floor. ix, P. &s„ second Floor. Front. Here are models of finest fabrics and finished tail- §\ oring which formerly sold at $15.00 and SIB.OO, j I | From Bto 1 o'clock. From Bto 1 o'clock. IW . , , . , , / //?Bf P - Ikl* V tp'T C °n sale at SIO.OO, and the economical man and J " zJ^x' SI.OO Gem Safety Razors $9.90 Dinner bets, ip/.yo young man of particular taste will find this a '¥ \Vith 7 Blades, OiJO 100 Pieces Decorated and Gold Traced Satisfactory buy. Mm v $12.00 Oriole Go Baskets. Sat- $2.25 10-quart Aluminum Berlin J The Stvles include * W 98c hammered brass jardinieres. | $1.98 jardinieres and pedestals, urday from Bto 1 rjrj covered cook kettles. Sat- d»-i r»Q J £s''■ Hi' r^!sfcrM& Saturday from Bto 1 Saturday from Bto 1 dj-i orv o'clock tpO.UU urday from Bto 1 o clock. • j ... i ui n _ cercrf- ® aft*. 'yAaWi ! o'clock OOC o'clock 'Pl.oy $1.95 12-quart aluminum pre- 53.20 aluminum tea kettles. Sat- All-WOOI DlUe Serge. /l)T ||& t:'i 4gy. '.n . ° 1 f serving kettle. Saturday KO urday from Bto 1 <kl Q« ' A i, , , , ■ fflW. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. from Bto 1 o'clock tpl.i)9 o'clock ,?p1.90 All-WOOI check cassimere. J ■ All-wool black and white chalk stripe. t s wVf An All Day Sale of Groceries SSKSSsr - -* 1 fyll _ All-wool fancy grey herringbone weave. V\ | m pr jfg 31 P r x ll - nr lQ QurfQr Bought With Either of All-wool fancy check cassimere. \\ M jf/j n 2 1 VJVXIIVJLO OUydl LVYV> rhe Following Combinations All-wool black and white mixed cassimere. VI If //$ I|| \ 0 Sizes 33 to 38 in English models, and 36 to 42 l\ |lf h £ M- j COMBINATION NO. 1 i COMBIN ATION NO. 2 h ' Wit U W Übl t I 1 Stj " ,!S . Franklin Suj;ar '. 10<r 354 I'm. Franklin Sugar 10c ill more Conservative ClltS lliaiiy COatS have jfn i (j Si tSS I & 1 20-ox. jar Mustard 10<: . ..ackaec Post Toastles 10c . , i , ■%/ C 1 W'. f > patch pockets. tt j»i |i I $20.00 Hand-Tailored Suits from \ iif I\ v ! Combination price SI.OO Combination price SI.OO StOOk. I" f~~ —— 2o caßes Campbell's baked beans; regular, SOAPS y < O 1 *TI I S* £ < J M ii' : 1 nnn 1 .nnvpc Rrpnrl 10c value. 3 cans 25c 100 cases Swift's Borax soap— lOin tile wsale at A •*- f ! IjUUU LiOaVeS Dreau, 1200 bottles selected Spanish olives, regu- 10 cakes/ 390 J 1\ i /-) T £ lar 10c value, 4 for 25c 100 cakes, $3.75 , . . . U yjf j j OC Loai 25 tases large 20 oz. jars prepared mustard— 200 cases Ivory soap— T us t an occasion Of tOO many broken Sizes in Our fine T\ fi ; Per jar. 10c to cakes, 39c r , . . j j • r . , .. tJyS'A!® : Baked specially for our Saturday custo- Per dozen. sl.lO 100 cakes, $3.85 SUitS and this reduced price lOr SUCxI quality ClOtneS | v mers-none delivered. . .2700 lbs. Banquet coffee^ freshly roasted- 150 cases P. & should bring a quick dismissal of the lot Saturday. \\ Bitter's pue tomato catsup, dozen, 5 lbs., for $1.40 100 cakes. $.1.85 TllPro ,H'P PTPV llomeSDUllS Pl'ev WOl'Stcds aild Cassi- v • $1.05: bottle 9c 1900 lbs. Ilecord coffee. TABLE DELICACIES 1 licrt. dl egi cy lioiucspuiis, cy wuisuus dim wssi v. | lOcpackage Post Toastles S All for 1 lb.. 25c Luncheon loaf, per lb 28c merCS, tail aild light grey CaSSllliereS and flailliels, light J f 10c Kellogg's Corn Flakes V 5 lbs. for $1.20 Lebanon bologna, per lb • 20c .. i . i . \VSyC«I »lf M 10c Mother's Oats j 2oC Boiled ham, per lb 38i- tan homespuns and worsteds, blue grey worsteds, tar- V|jpJ|.|| g ; for 110 ° ° anß fancy shoe P e K corn; 10c value ,; 5 p "Sunshine Cracker W r eek" all 10c pack- SwYwfcheese' per'lb 31c l an plaid homespuns, Scotch mixtures aild gI'CV fancy 950 cans Niana Telephone peas; J2c value. JI pnekagii Takhonia biscuits !!!! !25c Roquefort cheese, per lb 40c shadow Striped Worsteds. ♦ ' or „, " 3u Choice fat Norway Mackerel, flc each, 5 for Cream cheese, per lb. i.3c nu-o. p„ m « rnv e. uteu-ort Men's flnthlne Second Floor TJenr 25 caaes Alaska pink salmon in tall cans,; 25c Longhorn cheese, per lb 25c Dues, Fomero> & Stewart mens t-ioining ntconu i loor, near. fiMrA can. 10c; dozen SI.OO V J Sliced bacon, per lb 21c : i)f, \l. 25 cases "Famous" horseshoe red Alaska , ~, r,.. i,„ r .„ ■ Philadelphia cream cheese, per pc 10c A A \ - • "fsr&x.'&,r- --- *£4 I'er can, 15c I-1/<)l : lt 200 choice Picnic Hams, averaging 6 S.in ela?s jars whole tomatoes, very fancy, 3 Plllsbury XXXX Flour, 24 H lb. bags. p}xtra , each, per lb 15c i jars . 25c special. l>ag 7Bc v • W FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MA*\ 22, 1914,
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