Men's Clothing ncZL. STgL • IBaby Week Favors Readyl ► || * 1111 • C 1 D * Crepe gowns trimmed with lin- [PHI ffi r [flgflffffl[y P | JIM wB Ifck Nainsook gowns with kimono Your Baby's Photograph Now Ready j Unusual White dale Bargains lV^rrL7 Uope * embrotd * 11[; jjiW||P| J|l IIP J SSJT ls Your Baby in This List? Bring Him In. Men s aild A out lis $8.90, $10.50 and BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ijmj •! jSrF •' 'I t «■ |JI |l|||j BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Robert K. Madrnfort, Ajre -I montlis, 23 dujra; weight 23% lbs. • suits in light and dark colors. Sizes 32 to 37. Friday, /lijwiiilli'.jli'iriyliii ,83# BUte st - f Heaviest Baby up to • months. ► »v» Of ff J/wjovryinr ioar City. J Baby Week Favor, $3.50 Clap. Men's and Young Men's $7.90 suits, in' dark iO FOUNDED IB_7L -91 LOOK colors only. Sizes 34 to 40. Friday $4.75 Uf iHL MJ\ FOR THF C,t> ' Baby Week Favor, $2.98 Dress. Men's Trousers, in a full assortment of good WFFK M M rnrpill ciOklC navld Richard Criuner, | » months, a days; weight 32 lb*. ' light and dark mixtures. Sizes 32 to 42-inch waist. G'S p 0 pu\jSfvSmnixnsvML SIGNS Mirnm, pa. j i^ b j- week Favor,''kvo'o Regular values up to $2.00. Friday, pair $1.39 " " ' John William Shadow. I \ K o H months, 18 days; weight 30 lbs ► On the Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 90c SiMCtS NHiWlllfll " '' illUtMill BMr WmtlPn'* •II Woodbine St., J- Baby up t« one year. ► mr *• -A 01 .rf Mad e of Mohawk muslin. stJWHIf ilhjr' -ij | *j. Mllll fe flffll 33c Drawer* Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. " 5 $1.75 Air 50c Chiffon • a w^ h t.JSE M SI MWWifii ► D .fi v Friday special fisi EyjlJH 1 IjSU 9|l ffliffl ' Daintily made, with wide cm- Rlile Veilings >3n«Sl riKlflt 1 bridery ruftle. Friday special 1 0(1(1 Yardt 19 1 1, T.. l» Up-to-date air rifle ahoots 1.000 Colored chiffon veilings Frl- BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. [jV^|f|§ 1 1 il i fflll ~" >C t» I " ToWling . 3. B. shots. Friday ... $1.39 day Bargain prlCe. yaV . BOWMAN'S-Second Floor. Percale Va?Mh.nrT," toweling. Fri- BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. snvuiira m—_ Yard-wide cadet blue percales. nn -., L ' Jari 9$ BOWMAN S—Main Floor. i.uOO yards In the lot. Fridav. BOW MAN S—Main Floor. yard s ann Miccpc ( ana Suite i»™«.^ BOWMAN S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S —Basement. vw* IVI .JL Ji. JOO v/Cl LO OvJL WILA ALJ In the lot. Friday, yard. MMMM ■"~I T?' ii J i • . , , . „ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor —^ _ _ „ reduced prices on garments that began the season as high as $25.00. Women's 2 38c White $38.00 Baby Be early for these-they will not last long. 1B JIA HnZv ' Curtain Lace Coach MISSES' AND WOMEN'S SIO.OO COATS. $5.00 * 5 19c ( piam waek. .n k nsi.. double , °r^t o rMsom. or 40 in fnT r V6 n "' n chM mue 8 soverei^ o "*^ hoJse® Made of pure wool Men's wear serge; silk collars; low shoulders, tfr aa BOWMAN's ' ms^'fT' • wlda. Yard o- rt Friday >BIH ui l . ~ 111 l Sllk-flnlsh poplins, silk mulls. BUIVMAN S-Maln Floor. sino.ov L olors are black, navv and Co pen ha sen Fridav .. ,u/v»vw siik-nnish striped pongees. 500 ' BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. oc C T An T TT< PTTTTO Oft yards in the lot. Friday, yard. , ol ArLa bUllb, 9Vrf ,CA J7C t, , qlap , - n n Misses' and Women's sizes. Colors are black, navy, tan and AO >o™-",'. V a lTn,PrfL. CuriL, T S 0 " 11 shepherd checks. Values formerly up to $25.00. Friday $4.98 at 50c Curtains Tumblers $5.00 SHEPHERD CHECK SKIRTS $2.98 Hall and ,c 1 ri " ,v p,oce S White lace curtains in one-pair Blown glass table tumblers. ' ' . p_ _ BOWMAN'S—Main Flnnr pair" FrUiay BarKain Friday Bargain price, the dozen, p ur e worsted shepherd check skirts; three tiers; row of buttons (o AO , , P , , v tSi'C ■ss' C . p t' 1 \/ MX Wool and liber hall and stair BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S—Basement. do\\ 11 tllC troilt. I' fldav */0 'quaflty"'^'.! 4 U/ » On the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. quality yard ' c 'tc Women S Women s ranama Hats 98cLisk r u b «^«i. r 3ar«^4s A large lot of Panamas in the new small shapes. AITCTTON I A TTP.TTON I wSist?'"* bowman rj/'* Great White Sale price, "■ • XX V/ \S JL ^ p ' —————— Si.9B to $2 49 Have you made your bid? Chance to get that Bedroom Outfit. Porch Set . bqwman-s-Basement ' 12 1-2 and 15c r „ * or Table Outfit at your own price. Be quick—the contest is livelv. Name P»;io Y 18 * liages On the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. y A . -n-* . «DC I 21118 Fiiu* for trimming children's Your Price. t Roi . hester pall made of dressee. Friday, yard 8( , d ~n M , 10 . AUCTION SALE j AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE handle. Friday BOWMAN S—Main Floor. Boys 5Uc MenslZl-2c T , , r\ r. u yp??„ s "! l !Ln .u,«. Half Hose Table Outfit Porch Furniture Bed Outfit sh C »' n J -it > our own price. I lie the Friday Bargain price of |AA - Men s SI.OO Boys Dress these. j highest bidder takes BowkAifs_Ba««nent. 50c Satin Damask Underwear Shirts One Dinner , own price. Who will Mercerized »atm damask m Broken lines o, shirts, drawers " „ One Fem Dish -r „ r . nß ' 72 '"« s and union suits. Friday, each Percale dress shirts, coat style r\ T? t i.'C • i\ i f I,„n /3C MODS Oil© with attached cuffs. Friday. One Fern (artificial) get these? One Brass Bed. . . » BOWMAN-S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. One-half dozen KlliveS „ wood floor, with 4 ——• and Forks One Porch Rocker One Cotton Felt ■ Mat- 12 l-2c Turkish Men's 25c Burson One-half dozen Cut tress - Towels Suspenders Hose On^ha/dozen"Table Uiair " °" e w °ven Wire 25c Garden bJSSS P BSSf .«? l, . t f:... F gS -£ ,e Fr«i^ r an».,r Seconds! C *Frl- SpOOHS. ' One Settee. S P r, "S' Tools BOWMAN'S Main F.oor. ' BOWMAN'S Main wiSP* One-half dozen Tea-j One pair of Pillows. , n r ~ T _____ spoons. What Will You Bid? # BOWMAN'S— Basement Due tushion 1 ops r\ x "D j r\ One Table Cover at Will You Bid? day, per package ..... 6 . . 'i"s« \JOI I Our JDOy S UUtllt What Will You Bid? * pod yard... n* BOWMAN s_Fourth Floor price •■■s{.69 Prices average less than half. Share in this saving BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BO^VMAN S Main Floor. 49 to S2 50 . BOWMAN'S Third Floor. for Summer footwear. ' — l £ * *' Fridav Bargains ~~Women's white low shoes, pair 68? 50c Oil Will Ends ChiM M d a SaU of Notjons 77c Berry Women's white high shoes, pair 98? Window Shades of Bnbroidenes c^ B^ aBS .? look8 .^ d £ Sets Children's white shoes' pair 68? Mounted on Hartshorn rollers Innni alii i. embroidery gal- and cracker plates, sugar and l»c Pearl Buttons, dozen .. Sc n ui i • i . ® r Size 36X72 inches. Friday, each. to "c cXs o^^ d e plns Pin . 8 : !v K|a S ?dlshef and" tlSch BlailCO. a 25c white cleanser, box 12? oile price, yard '{Q« " tiil 1 o 3 c Nickel Safety Pins, 3 dozen, glass dish. Friday Bargain price. On the Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S _ FIRMER ATTEMPTS TO KILL HIS WIFE: Crazed With Liquor He Fires Off Shot Gan and Rons Several Miles Special to The Telegraph I , Marietta, Pa.. May 21.—Amos Fish er, a farmer of Wakefield, this county, ran amuck Tuesday afternoon with a ! shot gun, and fired several times, al- ' most killing his wife. He was final ly captured and landed in the county \ jail. lie is a well-known farmer. Uv- . ing on the Andrew Charles farm, and well known and highly respected. The attempted crimp was due to the in fluence of drink, as he was inbiblnc' frpely for several days. For several' miles he ran like a mad man. and ! j Threatened everybody in his pnth. Thp ; t shof af his wifp missed only by the!, miraculous margin of an inch, but the! ' other shots fired did mjt lake pffpct, I l although she was burned about the j : L l THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG fcSJSfc TELEGRAPH MAY 21, 1914, face with powder. Those who pur sued Fisher are of the opinion that when he realized the enormity of the deed, his first thought was suicide, and for the fact that only one shell re mained in the gun. he was afraid to at tempt. A brother committed suicide several years ago. Valuable Cattle Poisoned by Eating Green Paint Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa., May 21.—Five head of valuable cattle out of a herd of seven died for George F. Stine. a tenant on the farm of William W. Woods, j by being poisoned by green paint j which they licked up from wooden ■ pails in the meadow where they wer