' if! Harrisburg Man Confesses to Killing of Cumberland County firmer * HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIII No. 120 HARRISBUR6ERS ARE HAVING FINE TIME ON NEIGHBORLY VIS ITS Towns and Cities Roundabout Lavish With Their Enter* / tainment ■ YORK, LANCASTER, LEBANON B Hospitality and (ioodfellowship ■ Murk Journey of Chamber ■ of Commerce Party I iimi it *iMfT < nnc«|Miiiili iil ol tin | (arrlntiur* nf i ■><11111I.■ i i'i went ■ .iisii' W W f ■ 1111111 | t|e 1111' ll Mlllll! Ni|| 111 V'llt " Khm, Vot-u, wiigtiiivilt#. Columbia Mil Ummater, i»iti rwaptton commit lues on liii,<i in extend tile 'glad hand" nt wr>l<■»»III»<, 'ftie I Innml.tirg' t* left I heir curd* and were invited to "come nuulfb" To-day the pin'ty will visit |lll|(!lM t tll'<illU IIIi(11 lllll'tlleril Lancaster i county and will atop at Lsbanon for lunch mill i■i ■ i i■ i • i lull i" 1111 )" ■ wlleiii (lie chocolate fii'toty fill be 111 • II b in 111 I ■1 ■ li, lltld |'l "Ml - uhli Wf i lonnhlp, h i fellowship, ho* y 111 •>• 111 > 111 in i ihi lo i|h jllil ii i of I'ltilifti l iisniiieiif ii ii'l tteighiiiirllu.ss ut ii kind 11111 l IIIIU ll I (II lie lllofe it till lliol'e cul tivated It 111 ri 11 tf I lie i-ltles mill town* of I '••III I'll I t'eiiimylv 1111111, liideeii iiuii hua imen iiie keynote or everv speech lunde during the two ilny*' liiiirnei nnd there wits niuro nl'rttorv developed ttiltll lllllllV Harris bll I'M I'M might Imve believed III" old iown eniiid produce friendly rivalry Mild neiuliboi'h feeling slioulil tunrk lite icliillou* of York, I,nil' lister, 1,1 b iiiiuii iiinl Heading, with the smaller lownp Hint lb* clustered about ilium, 111' 1 l> | "ll It« I a olie iiiml It 11 decided unit It IN 111 e|v iliiii Hie I liirt'lsiiurg \InIIh- Itou will be follow- 'I If. 11111 l -I's (if lie soil 111 Die 1111 illsllllll flll,uri'. if in"!.)bod) nurse* iiie notion ihnt lllllTlsliUlg' i" not Well thought of or 111111 l IIIIV of 'l)|e II ■' lul l 111 t IMIIU towilg ell le|Mii In ii in lull I III' inonl friendly feel llllll t II« II I'l I lls IIS II COIIIIIIIIIIIIy |e| 11111 l lnl«e Nihil II llllle Journey up itld the tiieliibel'M of llie lln l'l'i*liiirg I'llrtinber >eNieiiiitt Tim ilomonstrutlon Whm t|Ull« *i|ftb 11' 111 lo wit I'til the heart* of lovill 1111 l't'l*l»llt'Mer* Willi til* II i•\' I* 11111 l I In' i 'it I'll it I I'lly IN ii good place In ii lib'lt in Itvii niiil win* /tie jciituu* of olir fnIP reputation pi the eyes of tli" lullin of neighboring towns. ill \ ill'lt tint en I'ndsi llle UIIIIIII ft I' e of t'l'rNllll'llt I|l oi ue II I'rlpp mill Heerntncv Wild*. M lift 11, llle peril left llliri'lsblirg early ehler.tll. litofllltig II 11111 l I'll II Npfcltt I I I'll IM and (lie Mini si o| i «g| York I lin en, where llie bl 1 ' pii per mills it tut iin I'ouei plant wero vlnlteU and wlure ii itoNpitHble fruit vernier iioist ei| nliotiril II 111 run ol till minus, the sk lii** of which ut en tied llin WHIM ntol lllllll' II HI e 111| H I'll pill 11111 l I'll Ny tlltwil 110 nlnli * Itii' llie 'His got utiili r way nun hi I 111 p It'll tliln • M'' • ■ I't I'll over tile ||R . I"' 1 I'll "I 1 "lib bill' 11111 l l||e members II I I t 'till' It llt let'em tell 111 llle process of Ii l lisf 11l 111111H li' mllli ll logs Into title Hlilii impel Tip method of transmit ting 1 1.1 lei, I in-1 'I ft "in Vot'k llnven to I Initinlllll g iitiil Vork nap , x|ilnlnin| lor llie Ite It ell I ol Hu' Mnlltil'S lifter ii lib'h ilu v limli Hiiiii lot York, "\ I \ ' till \| \t ||| iin Hi. win iloiiii \\ t|||, lm 11 || rMll{> . • 1111111. .It', 111 till I'M, I'lllltet'lll ,v Slew, art's iltii'i. iiliii' i broke ii toot 11 trying lo Idle 11111 l i nil. I, ~r lllllliltlint e|ieW Inn gum I luil i lie r„, . thins \\ 11 M"V| Ml ' r '" "" I'l'lltl"! Iviltllll itiiiiiiittfl i oinpniii. so kimlli tii <. irlbuleit iiitionu ilu miestfi. \i\iin liu.i in, mi fill lei of litli .nil or that e1lew lug uuiii hike ll ii tin n,„, runnv lie I"ugh."| nil the wni thin n lo Vork Te.tin ran,down his checks and ho lin .liifi'it tiei \ lime he thought or ji Hill the fellllWs ll 111. lull spllltlftu int., I lie H' gUIIIS tiling 111 get II \\ il I Willi il ' hud their innings when another joker I 111 llie (11111 l swore out ll Utoi'k ll at-I iiint itgnlnst Nixon on (he ftmrae of llulttlllig the 11111 e I laws The i.iug( »t pi,lb .'iiiihi .hi the York force ".IN .lelHlled to 1t,., luli h „ , iiwni ivllli II after it near.riot. The I line neeesstiti to nuike explann. (t'onilniii'it on I'ngo ft,] I Late News Bulletins Matttint I Mil*, I Mil.. Mtty !ll i—'l'lii' Smith Xniorlctiii mediator* wore ! 11l I'liiilert lire IIMIIIV Willi ilu Mtsliail defoliate;' iiiml learned milllC <»f the ■ iirii|m»nl« ni 11nt'iln'o iepie«oiilnthe«. The mediator.. nut the \iiiorlran Vi'l'i." .*'!" ,, 'i* NMI-"ii- ItiMiurilon* lo tlioin. Mlili ih. li I, mm II IIHI' HI p|an> or limit tlilon, the mediator- will map mil II lirilUPlllll 111 11l lIIU 11111111 l Till* .111. (or the iipelllllfi nicotinic of j tin iM<Mlitii.tr« mill lioili Mile* ha« not >ot I icon decided upon. .Jii.ii'.v, Mi-xlfo, Mux J I,—A (Hi-mum wa« rivelwd to-du\ Iroin tion- I oral I ill pi' Ximeli'M li> 11. IVre* \IHVII, I of i«tltutloiiiilM in- Inrtnnilmi liurcait how. -milim (lull Niiltlllu \um evacuated la«t nlulit liv lilt* I I'lll'lUl", • * „ < liirliinull. tililo, Ma> 'JI —Tin- Hi.\. .foh,i Park*. of IMtlladrl- i I. J. V." 'looted nioderutnr of tin* nyttod of Itelormod I'IVMIIV- I terlan i hui'i In « oi \ utcrii u In 1 lore, ... >l "i v ••"' uli S. I 'oxoy, a) tin- head «r Ills I !iIV . "< >»">ot| MMliy III' nltlO, elhlllicd Ihe -topx of 111.- Capitol to- | '! ."i ! ""'iVi ' * l" , "<'«'' delivered a proliinuol speech on In illi-trlal entuhllnn. to a eur|i>ti« crowd. Itclnlori oinent« or seven .L J' ."V "••miimniliMl ii> J. lard" Mow. Joined tin- arinv at 1 v lir l ' I I'Oinloii, Ma,\ a I ,—l*lll* imllc o lo> ILA) lirolie up N | H rito column of i fill I!!' . «LIO«ORO Hiarchinu <>n I luck I NULLA M Pnlaeo I FIN MM piirpo-O OR liamliiiu A petition to KLTM (i.viryc, Wlioti the women •*N« hod ILIN top or T oimtitiitlon 1 1 111 LI'IULIIIK to THI> pulnoc the POLICE ILIS- Irwih'r. ' l,l " ■'■•••"•••LLTH* I'ankhtirM ami several other \<i Mav 111.—Willi' noil roll Im being nuulo to-ilnv for J. 'J* "i •'< Wi'llt'slfy itrniluate, who dlmipin-urcd from licr »!!!•!!« . •»•«!»». Tilt* death of her lather. I'. \\, llcntlev, ti real *i ... !•••'•: "I"' I* lM?liovril to have a(fccted her mind. Mi ti Marled to drau I lit* \Ve*t I tra ticli rlvor and ncurliv crocks fo-tlnt and a «itl«< MMiri'li lin« Ix-en titntlc on Ilu. nioillltnlll*.. Di'iiiltw was prominent In -in lety anil i litnvh work. J *-n. . M " 'v MI V" ,J " —.'tt'-UMu WlUon tlot-lilrd 10-dnv to snook nt fYi i 1 i' MM .' "" 1 I'"" IIHIIIIIIiIPIIt to < 011- r ilriuti ili'iiil Nln li»> tlotlii'lllod. lie lliHlli* tlH' ruitHiriMiH'ilt when llllnrv llei'lM ii miliiuitii'il to him tin l ili'diintlon |iroKriint, v,.,K!rar. .:rrv:vt;- -fitiT&ts: is:-,! ]; < rm'n'l. Ml' «ll.!"irtll.'.»ll'. l M!.X'^^ i T\'i&M I' HUERTA DENIES THAT HE IS WILLING TO ) OFFER RESIGNATION t One Word in Dispatch Was Misin terpreted and Sense of Mes sage Was Reversed r MEDIATORS AT WORK TODAY " / Belief Expressed That Huerta Is 100 Weak to Keep Rebels From Mexico City U,v A * cwiattd Pft.it Niagara l''alls, Ont., May 21. i' There Is it feeling on the part of the 1 principals to the meditation confer i etice here that the savage advance of , j the constitutionalist army under Oen ' I era I Villa Inevitably must have a j bearing Upon the settlement of the illltl.ultles between T'nlted fltates and i lliierta's party. "A'hen the Houth , American meditators withdraw the tn- I vltatb.n they have extended to Qen , era I i'arriin/.a lo send delegates to the Nlngiirii Kails conference, because of the refusal of the constitutionalist leader to agree to an armistice to con tinue during the sessions, It WHS stated Unit the conference would proceed to | a consideration of questions growing out of th. Tnmplco incident and suh | Hqunllr causes of Irrallon between J the Mexican federal army and the American military forces. Official re f ports coming yesterday front consti tutionalist sources reciting the victor ies of Villa and his army in the Hal -111 lo cfttnpalgn have convicted the 1 Mexican representatives here that ' lliierta's foes cannot be stopped. ; moreover, the execution of a federal flenernl and his entire staff of .'l2 men by Villi lias Impressed upon them the ' fil. I that leaders of the federal army cannot hope for mercy If they fall In -1,, ih" hinds of tin conatltutlonaltota.l j All this bus been changed by Villa's sue.'esses. Tile federal forces Tuesday exhibited no love of tight anil the lead ers ure not expected to offer the stub born resistance that marked so many of the engagements with the army steadily advancing upon the Mexican capital, as ii result lliierta's support ers fear that he may not await the 1 outcome or the meditation. Iliii'i'tu ]s Too Wcnk If Villa and his forces are kept out ■ of Mexico Pity, according to belief here, it will not lie because Ituerta Is si rung enough to deny entrance to his stli'lllTeS. Kuril us udvent can be avoided, It Is Paid, by speedy solution of the problem confronting the A. B. i'. mediators, and few believe this is lo be possible except through the prompt and complete capitulation of lluerla to all 'the demands of the Washington government. Much Interest Is displayed here In I an explanation circulated to-day re specting be ominous ■ dispatch of yesterday saying Huerta would retire. AM reenlved the dispatch rend: "Huerta gave out statement saying lie author ized pence delegates lo offer r nlg nalloii, if necessary lo arrange peace." Correspondents of "The Associated Press" In Mexico were Immediately cabled to send lliierta's verbatim Statement whic',. order disclosed after several holies dial the word "denying" Inid been received "saying" end that the sense of the dispatch had been re- Versed by this error. As filed the de spatch w as n denial by Huerta that he had authorised his delegntcs to agree [fonttimed on I'age Hi] st i \MVit M MI: RETURNED /ty .'I imcialed Prttt j Sen Vork. May 21. -The Ward lino steamer lOsperan/.a, which has been In Ithe pcivi.e nt iiti Navy Department for sonic time, arrived here to-day. It 'las said nt the navy yard that the \ essel probably woitftl be turned back to the Ward line. I WOMAN EALLH TO ll l ie DEATH fl.v Aliai-ialtil I'rttt I |lo.i\ersvillc, Pa.. May 21.—While Irving to stop her husband, who was I walking In his sleep, from jumping |out of a second story window at their I bottle hel't> early to-day, Mrs. P. 11. Wheeler, wife of a wealthy lumber! dealer, stumbled through the opening! and Was Instantly killed. Wheeler .list, tell and II Is thought sustained < filial Injuries. HARK IS BURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 21, JVH JUDGE KUU IS SLIGHTLY AHEAD FOR SUPREME COURT PUCE With 31 of 67 Counties Reporting He Has 56,231, End lich 55,801 RETURNS ARE COWING SLOWLY Penrose and Brumbaugh Have Run Up Tremendous Majorities in the State Philadelphia, May 21.—Returns morn or lens complete of the vote for Supreme Court judgo'from 31 out of 87 co tint len put Judge Kunkel sligfitly ahead of Judge Endllch. The vote Is: Kunkel 08,231; Endllch 55,801. In some counties the returns were sealed without being computed and it will be necessary to wait until the of ficial count Is completed before the vote for some of the candidates will be known. The returns received include Phila delphia. Allegheny and the home coun ties of Kunkel and Endllch. Much difficulty Is being experienced in obtaining returns In advance of the official county, the figures secured be ing incomplete in many Instances. Official counts start to-morrow in the counties of the State and the offi cial returns will then bo tiled at the Capitol where the results will be com puted. The results of the State-wide pri maries on Tuesday stand practically as given yesterday. Holes Penrose's plu rality over J. Henjamin Dimmtck, of Hcranton, for the Hepubllcan nomina tion for Hnlted Slates Senator will probably exceed 125,000. Dimmick carried Lackawanna, Union, Wyoming, Luzerne, Mitllin anil Westmoreland counties. A. Mitchell Palmer's victory over Henry ftudd for the Democratic nomi nutton for United States Senator was 'quite as overwhelming. Hudd cur ried but two counties, Philadelphia and Carbon. Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh's lead over bin three opponents for the Re publican nomination for governor is tremendous. Th?lr combined vote Is less than half the total cost for the popular school official. Yurtce C. McCormick's phiraHli'iovw City Holleltor Mlflinel J, Ryan, of Phil adelphia. for the Democratic tiomtna tlon in roughly estimated at The Harrisburg ex-mayor's friends claim flfty-two counties for him with out doubt. Some of the counties which ll appears Ryan probably carried, be >,'de* Philadelphia, are Luzerne, Alle pheny, Northampton, Lackawanna, Bucks, Clinton, Erie and Carbon. | t'p to midnight Inst night only forty it wo counties bad reported returns on the SlcCormick-Ryan light. These showed a total for Mccormick of 73,- <l*9 and for Ryan of 54,563, a major ity of more than 19,000 for the win ning candidate, The returns from Lackawanna, Luzerne and Schuylkill counties will reduce this, but II is ex pected that other missing counties will more than make up the loss. A dispatch from Pittsburgh says: I "Congressman M. Clyde Kelly, of the Thirtieth Pennsylvania Congressional I District, was refused the nomination . by the Republicans of bis district in the primaries of Tuesday, according to the complete returns. William 11. Coleman won the nomination by a majority of about 1,500. The district was formerly represented by John Dal- Kell, who was defeated by Kelly two years ago. "The big steel mills are located in the district and a tight was made against Kelly because lie voted for the Underwood tariff bill. Kelly also lost the Democratic nomination, but his I name will bo on the Progressive | ticket." Aged Reading Man, at One Time District Attorney, Ends His Life With Gun By Associated Press Reading, Pa., May 21. Peter £>. ,Wanner, 74 years of age, one of the best known c itizens of Reading, shot and killed himself at his home this I forenoon. Ho was a leading member of the bar; was at one time district torney and later ran for the Demo t ertlc congressional nomination and was defeated. He was for a long pe riod prominent In the iron business, from which be retired a few years ago. AI'I'OIXTIil) HI'KI Ml, lUI3.VI' Mrs. .lane Deeter Rippin, a sister of nr. Rutli A. anil Mihs Llle Dealer, this city, has been appointed special agent of the domestic relations branch of the Municipal Court h.\ President JutlKe Hrown. of Philadelphia. Mrs, Jllonli. is widely known In this city. COTTON WILL HI; rsi:i> Juarez, Mex., May 21.—The cotton conllscated by the Constitutionalists after the battle of Torreon will he manufactured into cotton cloth instead of being sold In the raw stnte if the plans of the Constitutionalists are brought to completion. I Railroad Trackmen Use Fountain For Washing Up Cool Water in Big Bowl at Marysville Tempts Tired and Dusty Laborers on Way Home Marysville, Pa., May 21. —When Street Commissioner Jacob D. Car micliael erected the handsome new drinking fountftin at the corner of Diamond Square this Sprint?, he did not in the least Imagine that It would he put to one of the uses it has been within the last several days. When the itßllan trackmen, working in this vicinity en me home from work, all tired ;nd dirty, they would stop at the fountain to secure i drink of cool, iv freshing water. They noticed that the Arrest Harrisburg Man on Charge of Murdering Farmer; Accused Admits That He Did the Shooting Huckster From This City Kills John Rupp, a Milkman, in I Fight Near Mechanicsburg Early This Morning ' DECLARES HE FIRED IN "SELF DEFENSE" j Police Nab Suspect as He Drives in Over River Bridge; Thought to Have Been Stealing Chickens | John Bent, alias Stine, 6# years old, lof 510 Filbert street, this city, shortly j after 5 o'clock this morning was «r --| rested on the Market street bridge i charged with the murder of John | Hupp, a farmer living near Mechanics- I burg. | Two hours alter his arrest Bent s«J --: mitted killing Hupp when #e>j| by j Jasper Alexander, district attorney of I Cumberland county. Kent declares lo ! was alone when the tragedy occurred I at 2,30 o'clock this morning. ! The arrest, was made |»y Patrolmen I Zimmerman, llylan and Hhelbas, who I were on the watch for the murderer of the farmer. Bent was relumed to j Harrisburg in a wagon. When stopped Iby the officers |j 0 was in half-da/ed j'ondlflun as the result of Intense pain and loss of blood from a bullet wound lln his left arm. Bent told the dls 'trict attorney of Cumberland county jthat he was hit when Hupp fired at | him in the dark. Bent stated that, ho shot at Hupp ! after the farmer opened lire on him | The bullet that killed Hupp entered bis left side, passed through l|ie lung, and imbedded Itself In the right side i The injured man died l willy minutes after I lie mhnotlnt,'. Hunt fired four PEDY.M.CI NOW 25 YEARS DLO Special Anniveriary Exerciiei to Be Held Next Sunday Afternoon The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Pennsylvania Hallroad Voting Men's Christian Association will lie held fchiu ilay afternoon at the association- Many officials of the Pennsylvania Hailroad are expected to he present A special program has been completed nnd will start at 8.80 o'clock j n u (l . auditorium of the association. The services will be opened with an open hymn sung by the congregation. Next | will he a scripture lesson hi A L, My ers, chairman of the home nor If. He will he followed by a prayer liv JJ. \v Thomas, ex-presldeut of the p. 11 H V. M. r. A. following will lie a «t||:c tlon by the Master's Choir of the Hixlh Street Untied Brethren Chun h, 1 B Stoner, president of the association, will then deliver his report for tho work during the pnst year. The anni versary address will be delivered lu i lie j{ev. Jay C. Korncrook, pastor of the Maelay Street Church of Ooi|. \\. 8. Miller, ex-president of the associa tion, will deliver prayer and lie "111 be followed with benediction by the Hev. Jay C Forncrook. APPROPH!\n«»s Kill. IN HIM f,i By .1 tfuciciO'J I'rcis Washington, l>. C, May iil. —The "further urgent deficiency" appropria tion bill, making provision for more than 111,000,000 for the present fiscal year largely on acnount of the Mexican crisis, was before the House to-flny for action. An interesting statement had been prepared by the War lieparl uient tu show exactly the approximate amount of the deficiencies in appro priations of the iiuartermasiors de partment of the army, duo to the. Mex ican situation to June 80, next I'WMOI'H TltAt'K TO lit: Mll'll New York, May ill. —Announcement was made to-t'uy that the fSheepsliead Bay race track, the famous course ol' the Coney Island Jockey t'lub, is now under an option of sale, the holders of which have until July to close their contract to purchase. The prop erty, it is said, is valued over $2,000,- ftoo. if title to the property is ob tained the truck will be turned into a motordrome park. fountain contains a largo howl placed there for the need* of horues. and as It Is always filled with dear, fool water, they though it would |>t> a good place to take a wash after a haul day's work. So a score or more of them have been earning to the foun tain every evening and washing them selves for the last week or HO t'hlet Hurgess Frank \V l.enti was nottlted ol this, and has been Keeping a watch at the fountain. Main have been uarned away, but uu arrests turn- been made yet. JOHNRUWT M/TIM AS M FTUMI IMN ro AW IN THE MM * ' ■ tvmmmmm —j—^T—! -www** f ■ . I, I' , :■ Killed In Fighi WMfc nf ,v/«u IVhu Jtlm > hi> tipitiK limbfh hut mw Ml funk Voimn blio'le News Ol tip; Htlti'Hlt MM wjhjriie thfHWhuHl- till: WtHMfMPP' wMrroimdlng the Soon a )> oe»u t)f ill-lfttH Nt'Hill jng iiie p. iHiiiwrfaiwi ni.hi fli'i liiihU'H burg In amwh iif ih> fiiiiffii^ni i|. mi while Hlllliini H,niiii IMIJ til police Ol (*l»b ;lnUll 1 'oiiMln, .iimOlitf ultU i.l, jlldt lpff IHWHI'I UurrWHfU, hiilllllr hi lIVHIItiUn Ihnff iiiiin on Hp i'nii'l in Mui'iinUiim if in happen'i| to In.- Itt'iiliil 11/l# wn . 'fHw reipliwii i|ut HIIIIIHIIIUM polh . .ti,ii|,,n jllel .ill. i l|p. |o'ill lllilh u liinl lifilDlii.il «i "i'i hint; ilu minpi-i-h/iI mini fip. pt'iHiini.r unit inni|i >|||itii|{. Imiii if iiv>F lo tip; i ! i||||iii i liind i.iii|||li |in|j| i. Item wn» liikm to Mm..lhhliulitfifc and iliei'i Ilu pimpi. n-fw lom lidiuneil Hint. Hie olHi er» wjili ftp.' jlwitlli T Five New Babies in City's Family at Reservoir Park Fat Little Mother, I hough Frightened, Stands Guard Over Bunnies) One Killed by Auto ItßHepvfllr Pttrlt c||l|i|l)tl'« MKM^I-HIIV, ■lllil t'ni k fcillpi I lllliupli 111 Till hll-' 11111 l Anblniani HuiTui i pin Hi nliii It. inn nil amlii itvif l lin inl'.iii of it new liiiiipr ft!inllv 111 I lit' ill '« lilh FPi'l Hitfliiil |l|i|lX. b'lvn Hni, ibiiH luil.. liiltliiln emit prist) lllii jiew fiilllllp lim Hij gat inn t|it i' 11111 ii 11 lite fuel I Ititi ib'WII llHllinU Mill ll'ftVl S 111 lite W|H|t|i C.S.MELLEN FAVORS RAILROAD MONOPOLY UNDER U. 3, CONTROL Tell* Inter little Commerce Com minion ll Would He llette ficial to Public tl.y .((tiMtO-J Wii«|ilHHiail 1 1. t l , Mmv «!l t'ljHl'left H. Mi.lll.|i I'dl'tHVl ||| i Mill lit 111 l||l •Vtm ViU'l* i*i « MllVim tltltl t lit«t Uiillriotil. tulii din tnilli-iiiii» i'nut III! I'l l ll.|||l|||J>>tllll| lll'll 111. I'rtlllMill I.lilliMil iui,|nnm|\. In In i l.||l|ll||ll| mill i tmil.tli ll 1.1 111. HiiU'lliltlnllli Ullli ili.ii mil l .1 ini |\u|iii|i wulilil lit in.in. iiii.il in iiu. imiilli ijut sii.uiiit in \|i riiiiti> -in in ids |l|'llßtl||l ll||b|l|lbti |l|.l||i.||B ,\|l .\| t i|||.n Mil (ll • '1 It .i i. 1...i .i i| i. ild I lull |...1 in |,n 111 Inn .Nty» MtlVi'U 1 |i|«!,iiiai | ,|| .1 |l ll|\ -ilttijii. I M'tlltll it MM It' lllli |t »l til In Mm Miialiui .iml .Wii||\ti <i||i| in Mm I t|U.il'lu mill \S i Sln n . llitl It'll llLMtinnllV liMHI 1 Mil. I iMlbliliilnl lull til Mm 11 |.|ln m Willi I ||i> \IM ll.lM ll "Hki IMIHii i lillnt iMiMiI lull IS 111|Iil |io|||| lii 1.1. Mni' b iy lii'. lu\\ii ! iiiii i it mi MUlli'l bltUK.li ltl'l\ 111 Mill |HlH|s \ lutlinvn MU' (Hllillv W ltt.||ti| anl'Vml |i\ i\ uu'»mnii|\ nf M.IIIM\H'IUMUI« UIIIII Hi hh.V nMii'v v\t|\ t iititili ||ii\Vl»Vl.|\ Mini Hit' wtMnmuli «liimitl tin i unMiilisnt miii in ilui tfuvpMiviiem. 11 Bryan Sayi There I* a Scarcity of "Faith" t>* .Mtvi (Hfs* Wnstiuitflini, t 1 T h\ a| Vx smilim Muu Mmm l» is i(«|sliHH\titn *m|: vllv nl 'l.ilili" li\ lliii wiiwil n*-.*li\vJ simviHiiiN MIYHII IS ni M\i* ftjttiiUw MUM Mum< neVW wis* ii Mum In Mm vvwlsl * UlsU'iv wiivn U l# nvmUnt ii* Hisivts ti* ill IXMiai lH T>Ui *Jvi'|VtHV\ I SIMS'»WI| 111* vltivvx «|\ mlMy m ||||» m'^iluiiuiMi vxuit tail* i>i iv kU'U imiiiiihv.V ivvW ln«i "It w cm' iH'iii-v Mim wv niim ..sisst lit* iwiwtmmiiy iimu | ys tm»i m nit- Nm mils mn*i \w uhmi nut* iuu'Mu.v. Um Mtvm iivv iiiiiiiv lu Uln Mm I VVH tyyyi*t IhKh my iv\i«l - M|l|l*» lll'll Wv vtw HV'I \H|MV>V*l*ml iMVil 1 m'i. i\i.V«ti>»H'» Ui i|k fc v \ vis Imv t» rt 1 myainry. biH'Vt'IHVV Hv.mil lnU( M\|l MVIIHi wss. miMi Mt»i Mivw msiKi ' lim. nuativii Mini Mil* wtv* yi> Mivl quHUl|®« th*i mmlii « Mitlv 8v*«l limn. 14 PAGES. * POSTSCRIPT. ! t'l'iiflttlt ttilil (tie flflgfC crowd would iff In hikt< the (irlsolier dut of tils hfindn, I'Ulf t of I'olice Martin took 11111 l ill f'«Mt#te mi the S.lB train ftiiiiii; tU'iil will lie given n hearing I In-iiiniinw. It i ill Umm ii In Ilu- I'olice if pat Is kfiotttt In the police, lutvltig lieett UWHiwI tiefe some (line ago on e|(((l-«M of itttt-ylim concealed deadly K-enpoits. Melng eofjvteled, lie sttbse ((lP'ltH.V vert ed rt ter m of four months. When ttfst arrested He denied any hllllWl' iltfe nt (lie shootllig. He said lie It/iil hi en •telling stfM wlierHeft near He' loinlesloirg w lten iiuestloned by Hie police here When asked how lie H-eil Hie shot wound In his arnt III' JHlWpeet nald not Hint 'file Itupp far lit is located ftlong the M nltlliiui'il mt I'age iai uf llie jit i t'li a fn I and l'nther frightened riiiii -fnuteil tiiiittiilia was pruiitlly, If a bll it lift otisly, Mt nt i«l guttt'd over her hi Hilly uf live bunnies. lil'lglltttllt Iliete liinl been six llllle litlilill elilldleli. line when only a few din" tilili proved a bit too venture- Ciniii' nint Wantlered into the road too hif fl'Hlit the Inittie nest. And a rush • Ilia lllllttHltllllle itbl the res!. ODD FELLOWS 111 CLOSING SESSIONS .1 111 STILL OFFICERS ■ i Erie Man Hp mm ps Grand Mas ter; Stroudsburg Next Year Wiih tiic iiioiiUlitiinrt or urrti t'M by I | lilt' I'Ptlt'ittS ttPtUltl MttlßtPtN I fPll l', lit Hip MttjpntU l Tlmitei', and |'t fcllllllrtlr si i'ltP ill Hip tinned of Tmilr Uulltllliu wilt it* thi' Itflipktili AnF>piniily mill t en \v»>ii> indtii'tpdi thp kihihi iodno |«if<f"!iiH HI lllp thdpjipndpnt Hiili-r of 11 iiHI hVlltUVs roititudpil to-dny. Tlipl'o ' WTIS iiii IIUTHMI LIE IIULLPTT! II'NIFLUMIIN II iiHiMiiiilpili iind Hip l oiifhuliiiK l "liili I ', llrp Hiobp thul hml iHTPpili'd, | Will' itpilltPll to HIP tl'HIIPiU'Uon of tnUHttP Ihislhw"". tu tii-niofi'ow ' lino liliui I hi' ilplphiUpo w ill Ikivp de imitpdi hiiii> iiini i 'l'tvvvfoid poumy I llPlPßiltlllHs I'pt lltilPil oil n s|ipi |ml tl iilli i lit H.la this inoiiiliiM. Mutty of the |dt h'UUti-i will dp|i«H Hits iitipi'iioon. I Mltllid Atiisli i itiiidiii i', of Now I \o| l( t*t.lt>\ WltS lO'ivii 111 ;ll this inoftt htu <t spsstim nttil py»p»utpd kippiiuks I f'Htm hts .httMsdiHloh to thp IVtMsyl • vim hin<> | HtHiiidshtity wit# splpytpd sis tIK npxt i |ihn p nf nippt in ii, tin it whpii thp sph- I stilus ii i p hphl thpt-p in Mny, iu i r>, n-p --tlllPlU till** Will hp t iiKpii to t)Phi\Vfil'p V\ r\|p|> th*|\ li\ Hip i|p|pff:lli's. TIIP Ol>- j •ptthihs of (tip Uphpimts to thp hoidtntr [Of Hip (tssPlllhlv til !| dllVpi'PlH tllllp itnd (ihiip tliilli tluit or Hip urntnl lodge ' Wil» hot ditPd Olii hut I'pfprivd to a potnhtmw lot- tUsvttsshm 111 IS 13. So himthtttPil (in l v (*«v 10) City Sinking Fund Commissioners "Make" $140,000 For the City ti "thp vHtv SihWitttt r-'itttd iVminissiim : ■'V" \ v tp*'Vi < v W|p= v Mill. V and , I iMVWb MlVytrtll \-1 hpk*\ of Ihp offi, a rif ; thp *inipi tntpiMtpin or rtnnnp<\ out in n 1 ilium hut Swpt*MVv howt- rot thp <>uv ' thVfl 'IWi lliPB 4 rip mnkUMt tVnnVttiwihin to-.tav IV.p|\V>l tpPUI 111. fllttP.t Stfltr* M,\rt- AtMl TIUM iMWtMmiV. Nt'W Vofkt JV »upp»hi w.\ith «r iipprxivpoioiu 1 WMNIK. Vhp pjiiiimiMhiitPi-K r.H ti.p hwisvt* in titan* tin it MIPSI ttir\ VVPIVWI xyvwth v-o»>t in (hr ■ PV*IHWt " *l»mp| ■ I -V' llvlv l\ P|th A hltM vtl-W t>.\ thv .tvittrM- tW hond* l»v(v. Hilip.l w\vj, i» lln - *Vist thv GIANT NEW LIB VOTEHID BREAKS (WHY FROM TII6S Big Steamer Drifts Backward and Endangers Piers and Lacka wanna Ferryboats CARRIED MORE THAN A MILE Tugs Recover Vessel and Take Her Up Stream Under Control tty rfssociatfd Press Nen- York, May 21.—The giant new liner Yaterland broke away from tugs conveying her to her dock to-day and began drifting down the Hudson, car ried by the tide. At times she swung broadside across the river. In the grip of the. strong ebb tide the big steamer was helpless. She wan carried steadily down stream toward the Mattery. When the Vaterland was headed in for her pier, more than fifty tugs had her In charge. As her bow neared the pier the strong ebb tide caught tho vessels at the stern and began to swing [her around, heading her straight for a i wooden pier nearby. There was a shouting of orders, the big whistle on the liner boomed and the hawsers on the tugs were let go. The vessel began to back under her own power and was soon out In the [stream again almost directly in the path of the Lackawanna ferryboats. Tho I tugs began to maneuver about her again but the big liner slowly drifted southward. After the vessels had drifted mors than a mile the tugs succeeded In get iting her in tow again and she was beaded upstream under contro'. 4 80 More Employes to Be Given Work at Harrisburg Silk Mill With the completion of a large brick addition to the Harrisburg Silk Mill on .filly J, this Industrial plant will give work to eighty more employes. The new addition Is located In North Second street at the corner ot tirlg«» street and bus a frontage in Second street of llfty-slx feet and a depth of 12X feet. The now department will bo for the manufacture of ribbons ex clusively. School Bids to Be Opened by Board on June 5 Kids for furnishing window shades, wall paper, desks, chairs and for plumbing, painting, steam and holler repairs for the various school build ings of the city for the ensuing yoar will be opened by the school board at. Its meeting Friday evening. Juno 6. Schedules of the needed articles will lie on exhibition in the school board offices after Slay 22. The work author ized for will run into some thousands of dollars. Tech High "Open House" Will Be Held Tonight "open house" will be the order at. Technical high school this evening and from 7.3(1 until 11.30 the big building. With Its forge rooms, drawing rooms, machine shops, laboratories they will all he thrown open to admiring hundreds. I luring the evening an orchestra will play and a stall' o! youthful student ushers thoroughly familiar with tho working of tlie institution, will be on It ml to welcome and show the visi tors about. Everybody is welcome. THE WEATHER For llnrrlmlnirn nnil vlellntyt Con tinued fnlr to-nluht nn«l Friday; not much eh unite l» Irmpeintiirc. Fur F.tiNtern iVitnayUnnlat Fair to-night mill Frldayi not ntueh oh unite in temperature; moderate northweat wind*. lllver The Stiaquehailiin rlur and all It* tribulation will continue to full alowl* to-ttlitlit nn«l Friday. A Millie of ahout ill feet In ludlonted tor llrtrrUlitiric Friday morning. tieneral Condition* Shower* have fallen In the laMt twenty-four IHUHN over mo*t of tho territory between tlio Itock* Mountain* anil tlio Ml**l*Nlppl river mid In \Vl*o«n*lu, tho heuvl oat rainfall reported, '.'.70 Inches, occurring nt Huron, South Da kota. It in 2 to 12 decree* ooolcr thla morning over tho greater part of tho Hooky Mountain** nnd lit the Woaterii IMnlttN Stnton and In New r.ttgland. Temperature! S a. in., .12. Sunt HUea, 4i45 a. nt.; aeta, 7t17 p. nt. Xoont New moon, May 24, 0135 p. in. Hlver Stage: 4.7 feet ahoie loir water mark. Weather lllghont toin pe rut tire, W. t.owcnt tomporaturo, 55. Moan temporaturo, 70. Normal tomperaturo, (13. "Stop Thief!" One of the most important commodities in the world Is TIMK. To waste time is to neglect opportunity. One of the great est time savers In the world Is the advertising In the dnlly newspaper. It puts the world's work be fore you at a glance and makes it possible for you to decide vour problems without wasting hours >ln looking around. It is the short cut to supplring your xvants. The advertising is everlasting ly . rytnE out to the time wasters the warning 'STOP TIUEF:"
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