Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 21, 1914, Image 1

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    Harrisburg Man Confesses to Killing
LXXXIII— No. 120
Town? and Cities Roundabout
Lavish With Their Enter
Hospitality and Goodfellowship
Mark Journey of Chamber
of Commerce Party
From P. Staff Correspondent
Lancaster, Pa., May £l. Seventy
members of the Harrisburg Chamber
of Commerce went calling: on their
neighbors yesterday and not only
found the latch string: out in York
Haven, York, Wrlghtsvllle, Columbia
and Lancaster, but reception commit
tees on hand to extend the "glad hand"
of welcome. The Harrisburgers left
their cards and were invited to "conio
again." To-day the party will visit
points throughout northern Lancaster
c ounty and will stop at Lebanon for j
lunch and later pay a visit to Hershey:
where the chocolate factory' will be in-1
It has been a delightful and profit
able trip so far—abounding in pleasant
companionship, good fellowship, hos
pitality almost to the point of embar
rassment and nelghborliness of a kind
that ought to be more and more cul
tivated among the cities and towns of
Central Pennsylvania.
Indeed that has been the keynote
n( every speech made during the two
lays' journey and there was more
irator.v developed than many Harris-j
l>urgers might have believed the old i
lown could produce. Friendly rivalry
md neighborly feeling should mark
the relations of York, Lancaster. Leb
inon and Reading, with the smaller
:owns that lie clustered about them,
he speakers one and all decided and
t is likely that the Harrisburg visita
ion will be followed by others of the
■ort in the no distant future.
If anybody nurses the notion that!
ian i&ljurg is not well thought of or j
h*Ti any oi the neighboring towns en
ertain any but the most friendly feel
toward us as a community let him
ake such a little journey as did the
nembers of the Harrisburg Chamber
■esterday. The demonstration was
luite sufficient to warm the hearts of
oval Harrisburgers who believe that
he I'apital City is a good place in
vhich to live and who are jealous of
uir fair reputation In the eyes of the
oiks of neighboring towns.
To York llaven
Fnder the guidance of President
leorge P. Tripp and Secretary Wads
vorth. the party left Harrisburg early
esterday morning aboard a special
rain and the first stop was at York
laven, where the bi:» paper mills and
he power plant were visited and
k-here a hospitable fruit vender hoist
d aboard a cargo of bananas, the
kius of which greased the ways and
nade traveling rapid and easy down
he aisles after the cars got under way
The party was escorted over the pa
cr plant by officials and the. members
• ere much interested in the proc OS'S of J
ransforming hemlock logs into fine
hite paper. The method of transniit
ing electric energy from York Haven
0 Harrisburg and York was explained!
n r the benefit of the visitors, after
'liich they took train for York.
"Nix"' on Xixon
< >n the way down William H. Benne
nimi. Jr., of Dives. Pomeroy & Stew
rt's store, almost broke a tooth trying
• Mte Into a stick of imitation cliew
i« gum that the facetious W. H.
ixon. agent for the Pennsvlvanla
ailroad Company, so kindl'v dis-j
•ibuted among the guests. Xixon had
awful lot of fun out of that chew-!
is gum joke. It was that funnv he!
mghed all the way down to York.!
oars ran down his cheeks and lie
ha-ha-ed" evcrytime he thought of it I
ut the fellows who ran splinters into
leir gums trying to get away with it'
ad their innings when another joker I
1 the party swore out a mock war- 1
int against Xixon on the charge of!
iolating the pure food laws. The!
Iggost policeman on the York force
as detailed to the job and lie i;ot ■
nay with it after a near-riol.
The time necessary to make explana.
[Continue*! on Page 5.1
Late News Bulletins
Niagara Falls. Ont., .May 21.—The South American mediators were
ill conference to-day with the Mexican delegates and learned some of the
proposals of lfuerta's representatives. The mediators met the American
commissioners last night and were told of Wilson's Instructions to them.
Willi their knowledge of plans of both sides, the mediators will map out
a program to bring about peace. The date for the opening meeting of
the mediators and both sides has not yet been decided upon.
Juarez, Mexico. May 21.—A telegram was received to-dav from Gen
cral I'iiipe Angeles by 11. Percy. Abreu. head of the constitutionalist in
formation bureau here, stating (hat Saltillo was evacuated last night bv
the Federals.
Cincinnati, Olilo. May 21.—The Kev. John Parks, of Philadel
phia, was to-day elected moderator of tin- synod of Reformed Presby
terian Churches of America In session here.
Washington. May 21.—•'General" Jacob S. Coxey, at the head of his
so-called unemployed army of nine, climbed Hie steps of the Capitol to
day and. unmolested by the police, delivered a prolonged speech on in
dr stria I conditions to a curious crowd. Reinforcements of seven unem
ployed from Baltimore, commanded by ,1. Eards How. joined the artliv at
the Capitol.
... kOHdon. May 21.-—-The police to-day broke up a large column of
militant suffragette raiders who were marching on Buckingham Palace
for the purpose of handing a petition to King George. When the women
reached the top of Constitution 1111 l leading to the palace the police dis
leaders thCm urreßte(l Mps - K,,une »ne Pankhurst and several other
»i. ™", ,nmS ,P 0r . t ,' I>a " ™? r „ 3 V —Wide search is being made to-day for
Miss Helen ltcntlcy, a Wellesley graduate, who disappeared from her
home line last night.. Tlu> death of her lather, P. \\ Itentlev a real
estate operator, some time ago. Is believed to have affected her mind
Men started to drag the West Branch river and nearby creeks to-dav
and a wide search has been made on the mountains.. Miss Bentlev was
prominent in society ami church work.
Y'V* 21—President Wilson decided to-day to s|>eak at
ArllngumNational t enicierv i>n June I when the monument to Con
federate dead |s to IK- dedicated, lie made the engagement when 111 In t* \-
llerliert subn.lited to him program. n
Wall Street Closing,—Chesapeake & Ohio. 31; lA-high Vallev i:iu•
Northern I'aclllc. 110', : Southern I'aclile, !I2 7 H : t'nlon Puciiie' i\ii«w •
M.* *«; 15 "'i- lteadin":.«si"; NewVo'rk
« ont ml. »:i: t anadluu I'aclllc, <»:! i, : \„i U |. topper, 72',: I s. steel. «"v
! One Word in Dispatch Was Misin
terpreted and Sense of Mes
sage Was Reversed
i ! Belief Expressed That Huerta Is
Too Weak to Keep Rebels
From Mexico City
By Associated Press
Niagara Falls, Ont., May 21. i
There is a feeling on the part of the
' principals to the meditation confer- j
ence here that the savage advance of]
the constitutionalist army under Gen- j
eral Villa Inevitably must have a
bearing upon the settlement of the
difficulties between United States and
Huerta's party. When the South j
American meditators withdraw the in- i
vitation they have extended to Gen
eral Carranza to send delegates to the
Niagara Falls conference, because of
i the refusal of the constitutionalist
j leader to agree to an armistice to con
tinue during the sessions, it was stated
that the conference would proceed to
a consideration of questions growing
out of the Tampico incident and sub
sequently causes of irratlon between
the Mexican federal army and the
American military forces. Official re
ports coming yesterday from consti
tutionalist sources reciting the victor
ies of Villa and his army in the Sal
tillo campaign have convicted the
Mexican representatives here that
Huerta's foes cannot be stopped. |
moreover, the execution of a federal
I General and his entire staff of 32 men
by Villa has impressed upon them the
fact that leaders of the federal army
cannot hope for mercy if they fall in
to the hands of the constitutionalists, i
All this has been changed by Villa's |
successes. The federal forces Tuesday
exhibited no love of fight and the lead-
I ers are not expected to offer the stub
; born resistance that marked so many
jof the engagements with the army
j steadily advancing upon the Mexican
capital, as a result Huerta's support
ers fear that he may not await the
outcome of the meditation.
Huerta Is Too Weak
if Villa and his forces are kept out
of Mexico City, according to belief
i here, it will not be because Huerta is
strong enough to deny entrance to his
enemies. Such as advent can be
avoided, it is said, by speedy solution
of the problem confronting the A. B.
C. mediators, and few believe this is
to be possible except through the
prompt and complete capitulation of
Huerta to all the demands of the
Washington government.
Much interest is displayed here in
an explanation circulated to-day re-,
specting he erronous dispatch of'
yesterday saying Huerta would retire, j
As received the dispatch read: "Huerta j
gave out statement saying he author
ized peace delegates to offer resig
nation, if necessary to arrange peace."
Correspondents of "The Associated
Press" in Mexico were immediately
cabled to send Huerta's verbatim
statement whicl. order disclosed after
several hours that the word "denying" i
had been received "saying" and that I
the sense of the dispatch had been re
i versed by this error. As filed the de-
I spatch was a denial by Huerta that he
| had authorised his delegates to agree
[Continued on Page 12]
By Associated Press
New York, May 21. —The Ward line
j steamer Ksperanza. which has been in
jthe service of the Xavy Department
| for some time, arrived here to-day. It |
j was said at the navy yard that the
vessel probably would be turned back
jto the Ward line.
By .issociated Press
| Hooversviile, Pa.. May 21.—While
j trying to stop her husband, who was
(walking in his sleep, from jumping
i out of a second story window at their
j home here early to-day. Mrs. C. H.
Wheeler, wife of a wealthy lumber]
dealer, stumbled through the opening
and was instantly killed. Wheeler
jalso fell and it is thought sustained)
fatal injuries. I
With 31 of 67 Counties Reporting
He Has 56,231, End
lich 55,801
| Penrose and Brumbaugh Have Run
Up Tremendous Majorities
in the State
Philadelphia, May 21. Returns
more or less complete of the vote for
Supreme Court judge from 31 out of
67 counties put Judge Kunkel slightly
ahead of Judge Endlich. The vote is:
j Kunkel 56,231; Endlich 55,801.
■ In some counties the returns were
sealed without being computed and It
will be necessary to wait uptil the of
ficial count is completed nefore the
vote for some of the candidates will
be known.
I The returns received include Phila
delphia, Allegheny and the home coun
ties of Kunkel and Endlich.
Much difficulty is being experienced
in obtaining returns in advance of the
official county, the figures secured be
ing incomplete in many instances.
Official counts start to-morrow in
tlie counties of the State and the offi
cial returns will then be filed at the
Capitol where the results will be com
The results of the State-wide pri
maries on Tuesday stand practically as
given yesterday. Boies Penrose's plu
i rality over J. Benjamin Dimniick, of
Scranton, for the Republican nomina
tion for United States Senator will
probably exceed 125,000. Dimniick
carried Lackawanna, Union. Wyoming.
Luzerne, Mifflin and Westmoreland
i counties.
I A. Mitchell Palmer's victory over
Henry Budd for the Democratic nomi- j
nation for United States Senator was
quite as overwhelming. Budd car
ried but two counties, Philadelphia and]
Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh's lead
over his three opponents for the Re
publican nomination for governor is
tremendous. Th?ir combined vote is
less than half the. total cast for the
popular school official.
Vance C. McCormick s plurality over
City Solicitor Michael J. Ryan, of Phil-i
ndelphla. for the Democratic nomina
tion is roughly estimated at 25,000.
The Harrisburg ex-mayor's friends
claim fifty-two counties for him with
out doubt. Some of the counties which
it appears Ryan probably carried, be
t'des Philadelphia, are Luzerne, Alle
i pheny, Northampton, Lackawanna,
! Bucks, Clinton, Erie and Carbon.
Up to midnight iast night only forty
two counties had reported returns on
the McCormick-Ryan fight. These
showed a total for McCormick of 73,-
689 and for Ryan of 54,553, a major
ity of more than 19,000 for the win
ning candidate. The returns from
Lackawanna, Luzerne and Schuylkill
counties will reduce this, but it is ex
pected that other missing counties will
more than make up the loss.
A dispatch from Pittsburgh says: !
"Congressman M. Clyde Kelly, of the !
Thirtieth Pennsylvania Congressional:
District, was refused the nomination
by the Republicans of his district in
the primaries of Tuesday, according
to the complete returns. William H. I
Coleman won the nomination by a
majority of about 1,500. The district I
was formerly represented by John Dal- j
sell, who was defeated by Kelly two j
years ago.
"The big steel mills are located in
the district and a light was made
against Kelly because he voted for the
Underwood tariff bill. Kelly also lost |
the Democratic nomination, but his
name will he on the Progressive
Aged Reading Man, at One
Time District Attorney,
Ends His Life With Gun
By Associated Press
Reading, Pa., May 21. Peter D. !
Wanner, 74 years of age, one of the
best known citizens of Reading, shot I
and killed himself at his home this:
forenoon. He was a leading member
of the bar: was at one time district [
torney and later ran for the Demo-j
ertic congressional nomination and:
was defeated. He was for a long pe- 1
riod prominent in the iron business, 1
from which he retired a few years ago.
Mrs. Jane Doeter Klppin. a sister of
Dr. Ruth A. and Miss Liie Deeter, this
city, has been appointed special agent
of the domestic relations branch of the
Municipal Court by President Judge
Brown, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Rlppin
Is widely known In this city.
Juarez, Mex., May 21.—The cotton!
confiscated by the Constitutionalists
after the battle of Torreon will be
manufactured into cotton cloth instead
of being sold in the raw state If the
plans of the Constitutionalists are
brought to completion.
Railroad Trackmen Use
Fountain For Washing Up
Cool Water in Big Bowl at Marysville Tempts Tired and
Dusty Laborers on Way Home
Mnrysvlllo, Pa.. May 21. —When
Street Commissioner Jacob D. Car
michuei »reeled the handsome new
drlnkini; fountain at the corner of
l>lumon<i Square this Spring, he did
not In the least imagine that It would
be put t<> one of the usee It huH been
within the last several duys. When
the Italian trackmen, working in this
vicinity came hom<' from work, nil
tired -ind dirty, they would stop at the
fountain to sei-un « drink of cool, re-1
frexhinc wat«i. They noticed that the
Arrest Harrisburg Man on Charge
of Murdering Farmer; Accused
Admits That He Did the Shooting
Huckster From This City Kills
John Rupp, a Milkman, in
Fight Near Mechaniesburg
Early This Morning
Police Nab Suspect as He
Drives in Over River
Bridge; Thought to Have
Been Stealing Chickens
John Bent, alias Stine, 59 years old,
of 510 Filbert street, this city, shortly
after 5 o'clock this morning was ar
rested on the Market street bridge
charged with the murder of John
Rupp, a fanner living near Mechanies
Two hours after his arrest Bent ad
mitted killing Rupp when seen by
Jasper Alexander, district attorney of
Cumberland county. Bent declares he
was alone when the tragedy occurred
at 2.30 o'clock this morning.
The arrest was made by Patrolmen
ZimAierman, Hylan and Shelhas, who
were on the watch for the murderer of
the farmer. Bent was returned to
Harrisburg in a wagon. When stopped
by the officers he was in half-dazed
condition as the result of intense pain
and loss of blood front a bullet wound
in his left arm. Bent told the dis
trict attorney of Cumberland county
that he was hit when Rupp fired at
him in the dark.
Bent stated that he shot at Rupp
after the farmer opene.d fire on him.
The bullet that killed Rupp entered
his left side, passed through the lung,
and imbedded itself in the right side.
The injured man died twenty minutes
after the shooting. Bent fired four
Special Anniversary Exercises to
Be Held Next Sunday
j The twenty-fifth anniversary of the
| Pennsylvania Railrr.ad Young Men's
! Christian Association will be held Sun
|day afternoon at the association.
• Many ollicials of the Pennsylvania
Railroad are expected to be present.
A special program has been completed
and will start at 3.30 o'clock in the
| auditorium of the association. The
services will be opened with an open
I hymn sung by the congregation. Next
| will be a scripture lesson by A. L. My
; ers, chairman of the home work. He
I will be followed by a prayer by H. W.
Thomas, ex-president of the P. R, R.
V. M. C. A. Following will be a selec
tion by the Master's Choir of the Sixth
Street United Brethren Church. F. R.
Stoner, president of the association,
will then deliver his report for the
work during the past year. The anni
versary address will be delivered by
the Rev. Jay C. Forncrook, pastor of
the Maclay Street Church of God. W.
S. Miller, ex-president of the associa
tion, will deliver prayer and he will be
followed with benediction by the Rev.
Jay C. Forncrook.
lly Associated Pres.:
Washington. D. C., May 21.—The
"further urgent deficiency" appropria
tion bill, making provision for more
than $6,000,000 for the present fiscal
year largely on account of the Mexican
crisis, was before the House to-day for
action. An interesting statement had
been prepared by the War Depart
ment to show exactly the approximate
amount of the deficiencies in appro
priations of the quartermasters' de
partment of the army, due to the Mex
ican situation to June 30, next.
New York, May 21. —Announcement
was made to.('ay that the Gheepshead
Bay race track, the famous course of
the Coney Island Jockey Club, is now
under an option of sale, the holders
of which have until July to close
their contract to purchase. The prop
erty, it is said, is valued over J 2,000,-
000. If title to the property is ob
tained the track will be turned into a
motordrome park.
i fountain contains a large bowl, placed
then- for the needs of horses, and as
It Is always filled with clear, cool
water, they though It would he a
good |i!ace to take a wash after a hard
day's work. So a score or more of
them have been corning to the foun
tain every evening and washing them
selves for the last week or so. Chief
Hitrge M l-'rank W. Lents was notified
of this, :»nd has been keeping a watch
at the fountain. .Many have been
warned away, but no arrests have been
made > i-t.
Killed in Eight With Suspected
Chicken Thief
times, but only one ball took effect.
Posse Starts Search
News of the shooting spread like
wildfire throughout the countryside
surrounding the Rupp homestead.
Soon a posse of farmers began scour
ing tiie neighborhood near Mechanics
burg in search of the murderer.
•Meanwhile William Martin, chief of
police of Mechaniesburg, with John
Conklin, another officer, started toward
Harrisburg, hoping to overtake their
man on the road to Harrisburg if he
happened to be headed this way. They
reached the Harrisburg police station
just after the local police had finished
searching the suspected man. The
prisoner was immediately turned over
to the Cumberland county police.
Bent was taken to Mechaniesburg
and there the posse who had returned
met the officers with the prisoner.
Five New Babies in City's
Family at Reservoir Park
Fat Little Mother, Though Frightened, Stands Guard Over
Bunnies; One Killed by Auto
Reservoir park employes generally,
and Park Superintendent Taylor and
Assistant Hoffert particularly, are all
a-grin over the advent of a new happy
family In the city's big recreation
Five tiny, Huffy baby rabbits com
prise the new familp.
Investigation developed the fact that
down among the leaves in the slope
j Tells Interstate Commerce Com
-1 mission It Would Be Bene
ficial to Public
By Associated Press
Washington, l>. C., May 21. —Charles
S. .Mellon, fori icr president of the
New York. New Haven and Hartford
Railroad, told the Interstate Com
merce Commission that lie favored
railroad monopoly, to be controlled
and regulated by the government, and
that such a monopoly would be bene
ficial to the public.
Questioned by Mr. Plank as to his
present business relations, .Mr. Mellen 1
"I have not a dollar's Interest to-da> j
in the New Haven. I disposed of all
my stock. I retain a little interest yet j
in the Boston and Maine and in the :
Ontario and Western."
"Why did you personally favor the j
consolidation of the trolleys with the I
New Haven?"
"Because consolidation would result
in better service, lower rates and '
greater satisfaction to the public. I
believe the public is hotter served by a :
monopoly of transportation than in
uny other way. I think, however, tliut i
the monopoly should be controlled and
regulated by the government."
| Bryan Says There Is
a Scarcity of "Faith"
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C.. ay 21.—As-j
serting that there is a deplorable scar-'
city of "faith" In the world to-da.v, I
Secretary Bryan Is of the opinion that
[there never was a time In the world's!
history when It Is needed as much as
at present. The Secretary expressed
ills views on faith at the grtduatltl!
exercises of a girl's seminary here last]
I "it is fur better that we trust and
'be deceived occasionally than not to
trust ut all. Not only must we trust 1
one another, but there are many things '
in life that we must take on trust.— )
thinKs that we do not understand and!
are mysteries to us. K\ on love Is a I
Secretary Bryan told the youna wo. |
men that they must have sympathy
too. addlnc that this whs one of rhej
qualities thut made Thomas Jefferson
a truly creat man.
-f'-'Ht -ail fSH
Brother of Slain Man Who Pound Him
Fearing that the angry crowd would
try to take the prisoner out of his
hands. Chief of Police Martin took
Bent to Carlisle on the 8.15 train
south. Bent will lie given a hearing
Bent Known to tlie Police
Bent is known to the police, having
been arrested here some time ago on
charges of carrying concealed deadly
weapons. Being convicted, he subse
quently served a term of four months.
When first arrested he denied any
knowledge of the shooting. He said
he bad been selling strawberries near
Mechaniesburg when questioned by
the police here. When asked how he
received the shot wound in his arm
the suspect said nothing.
The Rupp farm is located along the
[Continued on Page lil]
of the park a fat and rather frightened
four-footed mamma was proudly, If a
bit nervously, stood guard over her
family of five bunnies.
Originally there had been six little
rabbit-children. One when only a
few days old, proved a bit too venture
some and wandered Into the road too
far from the home nest. And a rush
ing automobile did the rest.
Erie Man Becomes Grand Mas
ter; Stroudsburg Next
With the installation ol ofiici rs l»> I
,the retiring grind master, Kred C.'
i Hanyen, in the Majestic Theater. ami i
a similar scene in the Hoard of Traiir '
il3uildine. where the Ilchckuh A.sscmblj 1
officers were inducted. the grand lodge
session of tho Independent < »i*ii«-i - ot
jOfJd Follow.-, concluded to-day. There
: was no marked or rail leal legislation
'attempted, and tin- concluding se*
| stuns, like those that had preceded,
I were devoted to the transaction of
routine business. Tty to-morrow
'morning the delegate* "111 have dc
i parted. Erie and Crawford county
| delegations returned on a special train
jat 11.4 D this morning. Many of the
| delegates will depart this afternoon.
I Grand .Master Gardner, of New |
] Vork State, was present at this morn-1
ing's session ami extended greeting*;
{from his jurisdiction to the l'< nnsyl- 1
. vanians.
! Htroudshurg was selected tut the next
'place of meeting, and when tin s.y.
Isions are held there in May, 191.'. fre
quent trips will lie taken to Delaware
I Water Cap by the delegates. The ol»-
lections of the Uebukus to the holding
of the assembly at a different time tttil
| place from that of tin- grand lodge
| was not neted on. but referred to u
committee for discussion In 1918. So i
[Continued on Page 10]
City Sinking Fund
Commissioners "Make"
$140,000 For the City
I The City Singing Kund Com mission ■;
I ers. «'lty <*lerk flisrlri .\ Miller and !
Clerk Mai tun Verbeke of the oftl. • of
I the superintendent of ftn.wu. |>ut In .» !
j busy but luirutU* hour for the i-tp i
this morning.
I The Sinking Kuinl Cnmmlssiun tiejA)
| received from the I'nliml Mjt. . M.irl- I
' tfHge und Trust t'nnipstt)' New Vork 1
ttie |l IU.IMM) worth of I*l.l lltllirot rnteui
bunds The commissioner* got the,
bonds lu blank ami «s such the*
weren't worth « rent; »igne.| t.» th#
1 commlssbinei » tl.ev H ere worth s bun
i died e»nts to the dollar The uuniia
'wer«- turned ovci in it»» M, r> hs»r»
llgtik Hilt the ll.ti rUHmg Till*! the i
Big Steamer Drifts Backward and
Endangers Piers and Lacka
wanna Ferryboats
Tugs Recover Vessel and Take
Her Up Stream Under
Hy .Associated Press
New York, May "I. —Tho Riant nevV
liner Vaterland broke away from tugs
conveying her to her dock to-day and
began drifting' down the Hudson, ear
riod by the tide. At times she .swung
broadside across the river.
In the grip of the strong ebb tida
the big steamer was helpless. She wad
carried steadily down stream toward
the Battery.
When tlio Vaterland was headed in
for iter pier, more titan fifty tugs had
her in charge. As her bow neared
the pier the strong ebb tide caught tha
vessels at the stern and began to swing
iher around, heading iter straight for
! wooden pier nearby. There was n
i shouting of orders, the big whistle on
the liner boomed and the hawsers on
the tugs were let go.
The vessel began to back under her
own power and was soon out In th>
stream again almost directly in the path
lof the Lackawanna ferryboats. Tin'
| tugs began to maneuver about her
again but the big liner slowly drifted
After the vessels had drifted morn
than a mile the tugs succeeded in get
ling her in tow again and she win
'headed upstream under control.
80 More Employes to
Be Given Work at
Harrisburg Silk W
With the completion of a large brlcs
addition to the Harrisburg Silk Mill on
July 1, this industrial plant will give
work to eighty more employes.
The new addition is located in North
Second street at the corner of Hrlggf
street and has a frontage in Second
street of fifty-six feet and a depth ol
128 feet. The new department will lie
for the manufacture of ribbons ex
School Bids to Be Opened
by Board on June 5
Hids for furnishing window shades,
will paper, desks, chairs and i"t
plumbing, painting, steam and boiler
repairs for the various school build
ings of the city for the ensuing year
will be opened by the school board al
its meeting Friday evening, June f>.
Schedules of the needed articles will
be on exhibition in the school board
otiices after May 22. The work author
ized for will run into some thousands
of dollars.
Tech High "Open House"
Will Be Held Tonight
"('pen house" will be the order at
Technical high school this evening and
from 7.30 until '.'.30 the big building,
with its forge rooms, drawing rooms,
machine shops, laboratories thev
will all hi- thrown open to admiring
During thi- evening an on hestra will
piny and a staff of youthful student
ushers thoroughly familiar with tin
working of the institution, will l>e on
h ml to welcome and show the vIhD
tors about. Everybody I* welcome.
|.'or llnrrlalnii'tt mi)l tli-Unlfi <
tlnueil fiilr io-nlubi nml Crl<«)i
■nit mm-li I'Nniiiir In trmyrr»lurr.
Knalrrn IV una liiiila i I'alr
In-nlitlil ami I'rMa? i not mm h
• tinnier In Irenprmliirrs miKtr'nlr
n«rfb»»ral »Imla.
The '•ua,,nrhnnnn rlier an,l all Ha
i r 11,11 mrlra »% 111 iiiallanr In lull
alnnt? tn-nl«b« nml Irlrfat. *
afiik*' of ahntll 1..1 Ifrl la tniltratefl
fur llarrlabiira I rlilm innrnlaa.
I.rnernl I <>nrtHton»
shimrfa bn*r fallen In lk» taaf
InrnD-Mr bi,nra nirr m»al «f
Ibp Irirllari M«fr« Ikr Hwkr
Mmialnlna anil Ikr
rl irr nn<l In W larnnala, lb* brat I
ral rainfall rr»oflr< 3.T0 Inrbra,
•••■urrlas al llama. ««utb Ha
II la 3 In 12 deareea rnnlrr Ibla
■mimlai nvrr fhr irralrr perl nf
Ibr ll»»rl»>' Hnaalalaa antl tbr
Meafera I'lalaa «lalra aai la
I rm|»rrnliirr i *1 a. M., A3.
Huat lllara, 4|13 a. ni. | aria, fllf
If. m.
HIHIII >rw mnoa, Way '44, SiM
III* rr aianri 4.T Irrl ab*«a law
walrr Mark.
IralrNar'a Hralbtr
lllahral irHtar'alarr,
Uaril Irmprralarr M.
Uraa Iraayrratarr, fl.
>liraaal Iraaprralarr, CI.
-stop iwr
On# of th#
i*oniin«vtttlfi in ili« wurtU n
T«» I.iii« |« in n»g|#>i
• |»|»t f » Hit' I Ml. Ifl t 9 .
• *1 till**' Mur« If! nil
ll**' 4i|v«rti»lit| in in* Unity
»** h »!«*••• r
II |»ii|4 lh»» w«»rt«t # irofftt lit*
lUfa >**l| At «| If I,All** NHtl lliiivl
in l**"tlllltf muMild
ll ll llmi •'toft i*ut •*» itipiil) in
Tt»* 4t|%«*rl|»if<n |« »i*<i|«itiii|.
I| * r* it*g am ii* ill* ItiM" a «»i«i 4
th« >'4iiiii 4 -TOf run.l