Lieutenant Governor * K ' Q ® £ DISTRICTS | 5 fe u E Sep O u 0) C S & u H, so First Ward—First precinct 28 4 25 9 * Second precinct 70 18 30 27 9 A Third precinct 85 10 48 35 11 Second Ward—First precinct 60 5 10 8 r Second precinct 22 9 17 35 5 Third precinct 62 9 31 9 7 Fourth precinct ......... 59 6 37 3 15 Fifth precinct 103 12 40 4 25 Sixth precinct 66 10 4 4 13 12 Third Ward—First precinct 44 5 28 21 4 Second precinct 50 6 17 17 3 Third precinct 36 6 18 14 Fourth Ward—First precinct 114 27 65 6 11 Second precinct 149 17 77 23 13 Fifth Ward—First precinct 62 7 21 14 2 Second precinct 58 21 59 9 10 • Third precinct 82 25 63 25 8 Fourth precinct 60 8 30 44 8 Sixth Ward—First precinct 98 17 53 56 5 Second precinct 90 12 68 25 7 Third precinct 27 10 29 19 6 Seventh Ward—First precinct 29 3 20 If. 6 Second precinct 82 \ 6 18 18 Third precinct 27 10 20 2 Fourth precinct 60 4 31 19 7 Fifth precinct, .. 4 3 8 6 Sixth precinct' 43 6 25 11 3 Eighth Ward—First precinct 24 0 7 7 1 Second precinct 20 . 0 9 7 1 Third precinct 99 20 35 11 31 Fourth precinct 47 4 19 10 1 Fifth precinct 70 9 32 8 13 Ninth Ward—First precinct 73 4 18 19 -1 Second precinct 74 12 58 11 10 Third precinct 44 13 25 14 5 Fourth precinct 150 43 112 24 48 Fifth precinct 127 30 78 7 40 Tenth Ward—First precinct 95 18 45 14 19 Second precinct 59 15 95 18 16 Third precinct 33 . 4 38 11 10 Fourth precinct 44 9 28 5 18 Eleventh Ward—First precinct 112 24 72 12 5 Second precinct 110 19 87 19 16 Twelfth Ward—First precinct 58 5 25 6 8 Second precinct 116 12 67 13 21 Third precinct 58 21 63 22 13 Thirteenth Ward —First precinct ..... 24 6 18 11 12 Second precinct 33 13 39 8 24 Totals 8136 654 1937 746 496 Berrysburg borough 7 12 12 6 Conewago township .. 1 Dauphin borough 28 5 15 1 Derry township—First precinct 17 4 10 Second precinct 49 9 7 4 Third precinct 64 7 9 4 10 East Hanover township 51 3 72 9 Elizabethville borough 83 88 27 5 12 Gratz borough 10 7 19 6 Halifax borough 34 6 27 5 7 Halifax township* 27 4 27 4 Highspire borough 24 15 43 25 8 Hummelstown borough 117 23 52 2 Jackson township 12 5 16 1 Jefferson township 3 4 2 3 Londonderry township 12 2 35 4 Lower Paxton township 42 5 35 4 6 Lower Swatara township 27 2 5 Lykens borough—East ward 33 11 25 2 West ward 41 23 Lykens township .. 14 14 Mlddletown—lst ward, Ist precinct .... 13 .. 43 10 ! 2d precinct 41 2 46 7 .! 2d ward, Ist precinct .... 43 5 19 26 !! 2d precinct .... 65 5 22 4 1 \ 3d ward, Ist precinct .... 21 5 20 10 .! 2d precinct 47 8 38 4 !! Middle Paxton township—lst precinct.. .. .. 21 Second precinct .. .. [' M.fflln township 5 5 '' j] Millersburg borough—First ward 54 3 22 '4 15 k Second ward 22 5 42 1 17 p'enbrook borough 56 16 20 1 28 'Reed township 16 5 10 9 Royalton borough—First ward 2 1 17 19 Second w-ard 9 30 10 9 2 Rush township .. 17 4 South Hanover township 29 10 11 Stjelton—lst ward, Ist precinct 23 8 17 4 2 2d precinct 85 13 6 25 . 2d ward, Ist precinct .... 58 12 19 6 2d precinct .... 49 20 23 12 9 3d ward, Ist precinct .... 69 34 25 13 9 2d precinct .... 105 23 28 7 8 3d precinct .... 9 1 4 4th ward 33 7 59 2 5 sth ward, Ist precinct .... 29 5 11 13 3 2d precinct 39 7 15 4 3 Susquehanna—-North precinct .. 25 3 South precinct 64 8 46 3 East precinct 52 .. 8 3 West precinct 9 1 15 4 *g Swatara—First precinct 26 1 24 5 Second precinct 77 n 2 6 5 10 Third precinct 41 21 47 12 Fourth precinct 45 13 24 5 Fifth precinct 15 4 11 6 TJniontown borough 9 5 18 4 Upper Paxton township 19 7 23 3 Washington township 22 9 16 Wayne township .• 11 4 26 5 West Hanover township West Londonderry township 10 3 i Wiconisco township—First precinct ... . . . . 7 '4 Second precinct 20 9 10 16 Williamstown borough—East ward .... 39 11 3g 31 West ward 27 12 46 7 Williams township—East precinct 5 1 1 5 West precinct 8 8 9 1 County total 2102 598 1437 440 159 City total 3136 554 1937 746 m Grand total 5238 1152 3374 1186 655 Secretary of Internal Affairs 0 « 0 a G • DISTRICTS. - J. c P * ,5 2 2 »" § € S | S < ,2 3 First Ward—First precinct 30 18 9 6 Second precinct 19 25 8 16 '7 Third precinct 88 45 10 27 Second Ward—First precinct 67 9 3 B Second precinct 30 36 3 14 ' k Third precinct 65 12 8 21 7 Fourth precinct 58 9 6 oi , i Fifth precinct 118 13 9 20 11 Sixth precinct 7 18 15 ->o i£ Third Ward —First precinct 44 25 9 12 2 Second precinct 53 19 1 17 , Third precinct 39 20 8* g Fourth Ward —First precinct 129 20 10 39 ii Second precinct 159 23 15 «i ,£ Fifth Ward —First precinct g5 19 r, , Second precinct 76 18 9 in 11 Third precinct 106 36 20 e Fourth precinct 68 53 2 1* Sixth W T ard —First precinct 101 65 15 04 Second precinct 96 . 43 10 iq •; Third precinct 36 29 g 11 I Seventh Ward —First precinct 32 18 8 i o Second precinct 83 20 5 in Third precinct 31 7 o •• Fourth precinct 71 27 4 ir 5 Fifth precinct 50 12 n 07 l Sixth precinct 45 ] 2 5 I JTCighth Ward —First precinct 19 7 7 ' ® Second precinct 18 8 1 4 i Third precinct 110 20 6 18 hi » Fourth precinct 45 14 o 6 i Fifth precinct 72 13 s {5 , J Ninth Ward —First precinct 71 lg , Second precinct 83 28 7 *1 -.1 Third precinct 54 17 B " Fourth precinct 187 42 31 K a Fifth precinct 147 23 5 in Tenth Ward —First precinct 107 16 15 9? 22 Second precinct 69 31 6 62 Third precinct 3 5 10 12 21 S Fourth precinct 53 6 7 7g J Eleventh Ward —First precinct 130 30 19 ? Second precinct 125 28 19 £4 Twelfth Ward —First precinct 57 9 <>l j q Second precinct 112 23 14 ig on Third precinct 76 30 21 31 24 Thirteenth Ward—First precinct 33 14 20 10 Second precinct 36 17 8 17 24 Total » 3405 1063 ~472 T067 ~612 Berrysburg borough 26 5 4 o township 4 .. 1 dauphin borough 31 g 2 '7 Derry township—First precinct 19 Second precinct 52 g " '4 Third precinct 70 10 2 1 11 Hanover township 50 Elizabethville borough 85 is g s<j [i iratz borough 14 13 ir, 'is "• lalifax borough 37 in 5 ,r ' - lalifax township 30 fi i liphspire borough . . . V 14 29 13 ii 8 lummelstown borough . is t WEDNESDAY EVENING Jackson township 18 2 4 73 Jefferson township ' 6 C 12 Londonderry township 19 4 Lower Paxtop township 44 19 '4 14 'i Lower Swatara township 27 2 4- 1 Lykens borough—East ward 41 11 12 17 t . x est ward 60 * 1 21 Lykens township Mlddletown—lst ward/Ist precinct !: " 9 25 -i *4 2d precinct .... 42 33 4 18 '! 2d ward. Ist precinct 49 23 1 29 2d precinct 60 3!> 3 6 !! 3d ward, Ist precinct 24 12 4 11 n , 2d precinct 52 20 2 5 ' j Middle Paxton township—lst precinct . . . . . . .. 2 3 5 , 2d precinct .. . . . . ] Mifflin township 10 Millersburg borough—First ward G2 9 9 g ig Second ward 2rt 12 3 2 4 16 Penbrook borough 66 2 1 18 29 Reed townshiir .. .. ; 21 Royalton borough—First ward .... .. . . 2 27 i 8 r . . . Second ward 10 13 5 3 2 Rush township South Hanover township 41 -i 3 '5 Steelton—lst ward, Ist precinct 31 4 6 11 2 2d precinct .... 93 22 3 2 2d ward, Ist precinct 66 13 16 18 2d precinct 63 16 2 17 '9 3d ward, Ist precinct 100 21 6 7 9 2d precinct .... 118 16 2 13 8 3d precinct .... 9 2 . 3 4th ward 37 35 14 31 sth ward, Ist precinct .... 31 12 5 '3 „ „ 2d precinct 42 12 j 4 3 Susquehanna—North precinct 12 3 13 South precinct 62 8 3 35 East precinct 64 2 3 4 o * West precinct 10 8 2 10 "g Swatara—First precinct 23 5 3 93 4 Second precinct 86 9 3 16 ln Third precinct 59 18 7 21 1 Fourth precinct 16 13 1 15 x , Fifth precinct 16 3 1 8 IJniontown borough 14 3 1 10 Upper Paxton township 25 5 3 If. Washington township 30 12 4 is Wayne township 14 West Hanover township West Londonderry township 12 ' i Wieonisco township—First precinct .... 24 4 .* * g Second precinct 24 15 *2 fi . " Williamstown borough—Eastward .... 11 31 1 27 Westward 12 72 4 33 Williams township—East precinct 1 3 West precinct 8 6 ' i 3 County totals .... . 2380 ~768 177 77T City totals 3405 1053 472 1067 512 Grand totals p~BS 1821 689 1922 673 Congress County Districts 0 > PS . . > DISTRICTS J." | ® J; •8 >S ® 2 O 3 N S d 'u »- a it &. x Berrysburg bor. 26 • 30 ' 2 Conewago twp.. .. 1 Dauphin b0r.... 3 4 7 7 Derry twp.— First pet .... 18 Second pet. . 57 1 7 Third pet. 68 12 2 18 E. Hanover twp. 54 Elizabethville b. 87 74 4 12 Gratz borough . 14 23 14 Halifax borough 37 18 14 7 Halifax twp. . . 31 31 4 Highsplre bor... 49 41 21 4 I-lummelstown b 138 39 8 Jackson twp. .. 18 4 75 Jefferson twp... 6 7 9 Londonderry tp. 21 1 4 L. Paxton twp. 48 30 10 6 L. Swatara twp. 27 4 1 Lykens bor.— East ward .. 33 29 10 West ward .. 58 8 18 Lykens twp Middletown — Ist wd, Ist pet 14 23 7 2d pet 41 15 41 2d wd, Ist pet "50 12 44 2d pet 67 17 29 3d wd, Ist pet 24 12 15 2d pet 52 13 17 M. Paxton twp.— First pet 9 31 Second pet Mifflin twp. ... 7 4 16 Millersburg bor.— First ward .. 57 16 10 17 Second ward. 26 21 16 17 Penbrook bor... 69 20 5 29 Reed twp 21 Royalton bor.— First ward .. 3 22 12 Second ward. 28 10 18 2 Rush twp S. Hanover twp. 47 8 4 Steelton — Ist wd, Ist pet 31 13 8 2 2d pet 95 20 11 2d wd, Ist pet 64 23 44 2d pet 65 24 11 9 3d wd, Ist pet 9*.- 19 14 10 2d pet 120 16 10 9 3d pet 7 4 2 4th ward ... 39 40 40 sth wd, Ist pe 31 15 11 4 2d pet 44 8 7 4 Susquehanna l — pet 22 7 South pet. .. 68 29 13 East pet 7 2 West pet. ... 11 12 8 6 Swatara— Firstj pet. ... 24 6 22 3 Second pet. . 88 10 17 10 Third pet. 64 29 28 1 Fourth pet 10 20 Fifth pet. ... 19 4 8 Uniontown bor. 15 12 10 U. Paxton twp.. 27 15 4 Washington tp. 28 15 3 Wayne twp. .. 15 11 17 W. Hanover tp W. Londond'y tp 13 1 Wiconisco twp.— > First pet 3 4 Second pet. . 29 14 6 Williamstown b.— East ward . . 4 6 25 25 West ward .. ?8 13 3 4 Williams twp.— East pet 2 5 West pet. ... 16 7 3 County total . 2424 991 839* 165 City total ... 3541 1563 1070 504 Grand total . 5965 2554 1909 669 <Clty Table on Page 10) w vB ; VH iH 1%. * ■■HHBSHI Mm AUGUSTUS WILDMAN ' Renominated by Republicans for Legislature In city district. To the discontented even wealth I is a vexation. —Ming Sum Paou Keen. I HARHISBURG cSBb TELEGRAPH Member of State Committee 8 6 6 DISTRICTS. fe 5 - S c « £ « g | 1 SL U O O o ca a s u Harrisburg— First Ward. . First pet. ... 9 10 25 24 Second pet... 17 17 28 40 Third pet 26 27 57 55 Second Ward— £ lr »t 6 8 13 11 Second pet... 40 29 19 15 Third pet 11 6 26 36 Fourth pet... 7 6 30 37 Fifth pet 6 5 37 34 Sixthpet 12 7 4 0 47 Third Ward— First pet 16 6 34 34 Second pet... 16 12 21 20 Third pet 12 14 18 16 Fourth Ward— rat pet 6 8 61 67 pct "-- 13 20 75 84 Fifth Ward— First pct S 14 21 Second pct... 5 8 61 54 Third pct 17 24 60 67 Fourth pct... 35 41 31 32 Sixth Ward— First pct 34 74 38 52 Second pct... 17 30 64 67 Third pct 18 lg 26 28 Seventh Ward— First pct 12 15 26 21 Second pct... 16 15 23 17 Third pct 6 8 22 19 Fourth pct.. 14 25 33 29 Fifth pct 2 10 42 46 Sixth pct 7 13 26 27 Eighth Ward— First pct 8 7 6 2 Second pct... 5 7 7 7 Third pct 7 8 30 40 Fourth pct... 3 7 27 23 Fifth pct 4 7 29 33 Ninth Ward— First pct 14 15 15 21 Second pct... 11 14 51 56 Third pct... 7 10 30 25 Fourth pct... 21 23 103 123 Fifth pct.... 7 6 77 81 Tenth Ward— J'rst pct 8 13 46 50 Second pet... 16 32 80 88 Third pct 6 9 36 43 Fourth pct... 5 8 23 28 Eleventh Ward— First pct 17 20 58 65 Second pct... 24 23 73 82 Twelfth Ward— First pet...".. 3 6 29 26 Second pct... 15 20 57 58 Third pct 17 27 57 59 Thirteenth Ward— First pct 9 10 15 15 Second pct.. 8 11 34 40 Totals 603 753 1840 1944 Berrysburg bor 3 2 9 10 Conewago twp.. . . 1 . . 1 Dauphin bor... 1 2 14 12 Derry township— • 2nd pct 6 7 3d pct 6 4 6 9 Elizabethville b 7 12 58 65 Gratz bor 17 16 15 19 Halifax bor ... 10 9 20 22 Halifax twp. . . 3 3 29 32 Hlghspire bor.. 24 11 36 40 Hummelst'n bor 6 12 4 0 4 4 Jackson twp... 2 3 74 76 Jefferson twp.. 3 2 13 17 Londonderry tp 4 L Paxton twp.. 5 8 28 34 L Swatara twp 2 2 I 1 L'kens b, E W 6 6 37 33 Lykens b, W Vv 6 4 22 20 Middletown— -Ist W. Ist p. . 8 12 10 9 Ist W, 2nd p. 3 13 19 38 2d W, Ist p.. 10 12 . 37 48 2d W, 2d p. . 21 25 29 21 3d W. Ist p. . 2 5 20 23 3d W, 2d p. . 8 14 16 23 M Paxton t, 1 p 21 . . 38 36 Mifflin twp 1 lg 21 Millersb'g b, 1 w 9 3 21 19 Miliersb'g b, 2 w 3 10 37 37 Penbrook bor.. 3 2 19 21 Royalton b, 1 w 11 14 16 9 Royalton b, 2 w 7 8 8 13 S Hftno\>er twp. 4 5 8 6 Stl, Ist w, Ist p 4 3 15 22 Stl, Ist w, 2d p 21 21 8 6 Stl. 2d w, Ist p 17 16 15 19 Stl. 2 w, 2d p. . 10 13 16 25 Stl, 3d w, Ist p 8 10 20 27 Stl, 3d w, 2(1 p 8 11 17 26 Stl, 3d w, 3d p 2 2 2 3 Stl, 4th w 22 24 50 66 Stl, sth w, Ist p 8 10 11 9 Stl, sth w, 2d p 5 5 9 9 ; Susqueh'a, X p 7 4 21 23 Susqueh'a, S p 6 5 31 40 Susqueh'a, K p 1 4 7 8 Susqueh'a, W p 4 3 2 15 Swatara, lstp 7 5 24 23 Swatara, 2d p.. 4 6 22 27 Swatara, 3d p.. 12 13 42 48 Swatara, 4th p. 5 7 21 24 Swatara, sth p. 1 4 10 9 Uniontown bor. 6 5 18 17 U Paxton twp.. 3 4 22 20 Washington twp 5 4 11 15 Wayne twp 10 10 17 20 W Londond'y tp 1 1 11 Wic twp, Ist p 1 9 9 Wlc twp, 2d p 6 5 15 16 Wilt'n b, E w.. 28 18 30 29 Wilt'n b, W w.. 9 3 40 41 Wil twp, E p.. 2 3 5 1 Wil twp, W p.. 1 3 7 8 County totals 434 444 1222 1375 City totals .. 603 753 1840 1944 Grand total.. 1037 1197 3062 3319 No contest In Republican or Demo 'cratic parties for committeemen. If '^SS J. W. SWARTZ Nominated for legislature by Re publicans of city district. Legislature, County (2 to ho nominated) i s £ § « g < 'O c 111 § o I z Berrysburg bor .... 1!) IB 23 Conewago twp 6 9 6 Dauphin bor 10 30 31 Derry twp, ?d p C 3 30 16 Derry twp, 3d p 71 33 22 Derry twp E Hanover twp Elizabethville bor ... 18 74 7e Oratz bor 8 11 13 Halifax bor 19 25 2S Halifax twp 3 26 31 Highspire bor 20 40 Hummelstown bor .. 60 121 92 Jackson twp 9 12 15 Jefferson twp 2 3 9 Londonderry twp ... 8 18 15 Lower Paxton twp... 28 38 28 Lower Swatara twp . . 7 25 2 0 Lykens bor, East w. . 7 31 33 Lykens bor, West w.. 15 36 36 Lykens twp Middletown— -Ist Ward, Ist p.... 5 13 10 lat Ward, 2d p.... 5 42 33 2d Ward, Ist p.... 26 43 25 2d Ward, 2d p.. .. 24 64 44 3d Ward, Ist p.... 11 25 10 3d Ward, 2d p.... 11 4s 32 M Paxton twp, 1p... 12 22 16 M Paxton twp, 2d p Mifflin twp 6 7 8 Millersburg bor, Iw. 7 43 53 Millersburg bor, 2d w 11 16 22 Penbrook borough... . 39 59 41 Reed township Royalton bor.—lst wd. 1 2 2 2d wd, 5 23 31 I Rush township S. Hanover twp 52 24 14 Steelton—lst w„ Ist p. 18 29 16 2d p.. 31 79 76 2d w., Ist p. 45 52 34 2d p.. 39 48 38 3d w., Ist p. 48 78 58 2d p.. 58 85 73 3d p.. 2 H 5 4th w 32 30 27 sth w., Ist p. 24 23 16 2d p.. 18 33 32 Susquehanna—N. pet.. 11 21 19 South pet. . . 25 68 51 East pet. ... 39 56 34 West pet. 2 9 6 Swatara—First pet. .. 12 24 15 Second pet. . 43 78 62 Third pet. . . 53 31 2 8 Fourth pet.. 29 42 26 Fifth pet. .. 12 14 12 Uniontown borough . . 5 9 12 Upper Paxton twp. ... 10 16 24 Washington township.. 5 23 31 Wayne township 9 n 10 W. Hanover township. W. Londonderry twp. . 6 12 5 Wiconisco twp.—lst p. 22 7 9 2d p.. 7 20 27 Williamstown bor.— East ward . 11 30 40 West ward . 14 20 3 7 Williams township— East pet. ... 3 3 6 West pet. .. 5 11 10 County totals 1226 1973 1662 No contest in Democratic or Wash ington parties. KREIDER RUHC FIR AHEAD OF DTK [Continued From First Page] eally complete show that Mr. Kreider polled 5,965 votes or almost 400 more than even Dr. Brumbaugh. In the city he got 3,541 votes and in the county 2,424. In Lebanon he got 2,249 and he is running ahead in Cum berland. The Democratic Brawl. It appears that D. L. Kaufman, or Highspire, has cleaned up Charles S. Prizer, the tingle taxer from Middle town and candidate of the Democratic machine. Prizer made a noisy cam paign, but it is claimed to-day that he fell short in all three counties, lie certainly did in this county. The practically complete returns of -the county show: Kaufman, city 1,563, county 991, total 2,554. Prizer, city 1,070, county 839, total 1,909. Dr. J. 11. Kreider, the unopposed Bull Mooser, wandered in with 669, of whVch he got 504 in the city. Results in Stute. The light In the Democratic pparty over the senatorial and gubernatorial nominations was reflected in the con gressional districts, at least two pres ent Democratic members of Congress being defeated. John H. Rothermel, who has served "four terms in the Thir teenth district, was defeated bp Ar thur G. Dewalt, of Allentown. Robert K. Difenderfer, present member from the Eighth district, lost the Demo cratic nomination to Harry E. Grim. John J. Casey was renominated by the Democrats in the EEleventh district. Ctngressmn A. R. Brodbeck was again named by the Democrats in the Twen tieth as was also Robert E. Lee, ppres ei.t Democratic incumbent from the Twelfth. In Philadelphia the present Repub lican congressmen, William S. Vare, George G. Graham. J. Hampton Moore and George W. Edmonds, were re nominated as were also .1. Washington Logue and Michael Donohue, the Democratic congressmen In Philadel phia. Logue's Republican opponent will be George F. Darrow, and the Re publican named aglnst Donohue is Peter Costello. Thomas S. Butler (Republican) was renominated in the Seventh district; William W. Griest (Republican) re nominated in the Ninth, and John R. Farr (Republican and Progressive) renominated In the Tenth. Returns at hand from the Twenty sixth. the homr district of Congress man A. Mitchell.Painter, Indicate that jln n hot fight H. J. Steele fought by Mr. Palmer, defeated P. C. Evans for {the Democratic nomination. MAY 20, 1914. PENROSE MID BRUMBAUGH Will [Continued From First Page] l.leutenant Governor MeClaln—city 3136; county 2102; to tal 6238. Powell—city 654, county 598; total 1152. Creasy—city 1937, county 1437; total 337 1. Jenkins—city 746, county 440; total 11 Sfi. Smith—.city 496, county 159; total 656. Secretary Internnl AfTnlnt Houck—city 3405, county 2380; total 5785. McNair—city 1053. county 768, total 1821. Mechllng—city 472, county 217; to tal 689. ltowley—city, 1067, county 855; total 1922. Lewis—city 512, county 161; total 673. The Appellate Court* The county pave a magnificent vote for President Judge George Kunkel. notwithstanding there wert efforts made in Market Square to boost End lich from the start of the campaign,. Judge Trexler also did well. The llg ures are; Supreme Court Bonner—city 174, county 223; total 397. —city 459, county 464; total Eraser—city 71, county 108; total 179. Klntner—city 6S, county 72; total 140. Kunkel—city 6195, county 4266; to tal 10,461. —city 33. county 72; total Walling—city 28, county 37; totar 6F.. Wilhelm—city 102. county 169; total Superior court Clark—city 1471, county 1003; total 2,474. Fuller—city 815, county 430; total 1245. Prather—city 678, county 260; total Trexler—city 3002, county 1764; to tal 4756. Brumbaugh Carried Quaker City by 82,000 Philadelphia, May 20.—Unofficial totals of the vote cast in PhlladelphiH yesterday were as follows: Republican Nominations. United States Senator: Boies Penrose. 80,799; J. Benjamin Dimmlck, 10.992. Governor: Martin G. Brumbaugh, 85,657; Jo seph Cauffielli 708; William Bitter, 1,337; Edward B. Wood, 1,768. lieutenant Governor: Frank B. McClain, 80,464. Edward D. Powell, 7,173. Secretary of Internal Affairs: Henry Houck. 84.004. Congressman-at-large: John R. K. Scott, 77,797; Mahlon W. Garland, 65,037; Thomas J. Crago, 0 4,114: Daniel F. Lefean, 63,999; Wil liam D. B. Ainey, 9,228: Albert J. Lo gan, 8,931; Henry M. Warren, 9,908; John R. Robinson, 8,895; William M. Dight, 7,285; Samuel I. Stoner, 5,411. Democratic Nominations. United States Senator: Henry Budd, 15,447. A. Mitchell Palmer, Governor: Michael J. Ryan, 17,858. Vance C. McCormick, 7,371. Lieutenant Governor: John E. Jenkins, 14,188. William T. Creasy, 10,247. Secretary of Internal Affairs: William N. McNair, 14,646. George H. Rowley, 5,633. AVilliam T. Mechling, 1,952. Congressman-at-large: Arthur R. Clark, 13,490. Charles N. .Crosby, 12,746. William R. Meyers, 12,290. Samuel E. Shull, 1 1,594. Robert S. Bright, 10,413. Martin J. Catin, 5,960. John S. Shirley, 5,151. Luther B. Seibert, 4,875.. Hugh E. Crilly, 3,464. Frank J. Powers, 3,321. Hugh S. Taylor, 2,732. Washington Party Nominations. United States Senator: Gifford Pinchot, 16,376. Governor: William D. Lewis, 13,052. Charles N. Brumm, 3,842. Lieutenant Governor: Percy F. Smith, 16,213. Secretary of Internal Affairs: Fred E. Lewis, 16,612. Congressman-at-large: Anderson H. Walters, 14,712. Harry Watson, 14,607. Arthur S. Rupley, 14,575. Lex N. Mitchell, 13,782. Supreme Court. Ronner, 10,723. Endlich, 14,069. Frazer, 42,923. Kintner, 1,434. Kunkel, 14544. Robinson, 2,130. Walling, 2,095. Wilhelm, 4,441. Superior Court. Clark, 25,821. Fuller. 6,062. Prather, 3.278. Trexler, 55,475. The total enrolled vote in the city was 244,000 and the total of the high est party votes was only 129,075. The Republican enrollment was 138,000; greatest number voting, 87,073. Dem ocratic enrollment, 32,000; greatest vote, 25,229. Washington enrollment, 41,000; greatest vote, 16,773. DEMANDS $5,000 FOR DEFIED CHARACTER Mrs. Anna Saylor Alleges That Albert McCall Slandered Her Suit for $5,000 damages for alleg ed defamation of character was filed to-day against Al bert McCall by Mrs. Anna Kaylor of Hummelstown. In her statement Mrs. Saylor declares that on May 18. McCall made a statement to Marry G. Dapp involving her name .. in a way to raise the question of illegal relations be tween herself and Dapp. Not only is tills statement untrue declares the plaintiff, but the story has so seriously reacted against her repu tation that some of her friends have refused to speak to her. Settle Hoard'* Claim —ln a brief or der handed down by Judge McCarrell, Harry S. Calvert, receiver for the Mer cantile Trust Company is given per mission to settle the claims of (he Chartier township, Allegheny county School Board for SIOBO for taxes due the township. Will llulld Ten Houses —A permit was granted J. 13. Dare to-day to build ten houses, live on Vernon west of Seventeenth, and five on Thompson, west of the same street. They will cost SIB,OOO. Five Bids For Crusher Five bids were received this afternoon by the Poor Directors for furnishing the county almshouse quarries with a stone crusher , hm? gHf Hy f jfl jtIKMF? r-tjjflKKrs JUDGE THEXLER Nominated for State Superior Court, DEMOCRATS WIR IN CITY DISTRICTS Bitter Struggle of McCormick and Ryan Factions Reflected in Returns MAYOR ON THE COMMITTEE Royal of Nonpartisan Fame, Looms Up in Democratic Politics Tho bitter struggle between the Mc- Cormick anil Ryan factions for the city vote was reflected yesterday in the contest for the Democratic nominations for- the Mouse in the city district. The Republicans had no contest for tho nominations in the city and that in the county was nothing very exciting. In the city district Augustus Wild man was renominated by the Republi cans, receiving 2,542 votes, while J. W. Swartz, his colleague, received 2,723. in the county district returns indicate the nominations of Walter S. Young, Lykens, and John C. Nissley, Lower Paxton. The Democrats had no tight in the county district, for a wonder. If. B. Saussaman, Williamstown, and Dr. D. F. Schaffner, Enhaut, being notn inated. Representatives W. W. Denker, Williamstown, and J. B. Martin, Mid dletown, were renominated by the Bull Moosers. No one objected. The City Scrap Jesse J. Lybarger, backed by the machine, led the legislative fight. He got 1,386 or about 400 less than Mc- Cormick. John A. Marshall, nominated with him, got 1,216, and S. T. Kinsing er, former councilman, received 1,096. Kinsinger gave the machine chills sev eral times during the day. Calder B. Shammo also ran, with 870. The Bull Boosers nominated J. W. Barker, with 408, and Wilmer Crow, with 389. Mayor on Committee Mayor John K. Royal, known to fame as the nonpartisan Mayor of Harris burg, won a place on the partisan Dem ocratic State committee by a large and handsome partisan majority. The Mayor and Herr Moeslein, the Democratic county chairman, bucked Howard O. Holstein, the Democratic city chairman, and I. J. Brenner for the two Dauphin seats on the partisan Democratic State committee. The Mayor was busy all day and rolled in at the head of the partisan parade with 3,319 votes, re ceiving 1,944 in the city of which he is the nonpartisan Mayor, and 1,375 in the county. The vote for the others was this way: Moeslein, city 1,840, county 1.222: total. 3,062. Holstein, city 753, county 444; total, premier, city GO3, county 434; total, W. H. Horner and C. F. Moyer, the candidates for Republican State com mitteemen, got a tremendous vote E. S. McFarland and I. B. Reider were unopposed for Washington party State committee. EPISCOPAL DIOCESE MEETS IT WASTER Bishop Darlington to Preside Over Sessions in St. James' Church On Tuesday, June 2, the tenth annual convention of the diocese of Harrisburg of the Protestant Episco pal Church will be opened in St. .lame s' Church, Lancaster, where the diocesan dele gates first met after the diocese was erected a decade ago. Bishop Darlington, of this city, will preside at the convention sessions, as usual. Th e convention 1 ! will probably be ended on Wednesday. PRESBYTERS OFF TO CHICAGO Commissioners to the Presbyterian one hundred and twenty-sixth general assembly from the Carlisle Presbytery, who were elected at the Spring session in Covenant Presbyterian Church last Spring, left last night for the general assembly, which will rtpen to-morrow morning in the Fourth Church, Chi cago. The commissioners who left this section yesterday include the Rev. I. 15. Hays, New Bloomfleld; the Rev. A. N. Haggerty, Carlisle; the Rev. Dr. Rose, Mercersburg. Tells of Japan. Before a union meeting of missionary societies of St. Michael's German Lutheran. Church last night, Mrs. 15. G. Cronk. of Charles town. told of her experiences in Japan. Commencement Speaker. During commencement week at Gettysburg College, the Rev. H. W. A. Hanson, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church, will deliver an address before the col lege Y. M. C. A. Sunday evening, June 4. Plan Trip to Slough Caiup. —lf 131 men, an average of less than five from each church participating in th« Stough campaign, want to go to Hazle ton to get a line on the. Stough cam paign now being conducted there, a special train will be chartered. E. F. Weaver, president of the Allison Hill Men's Christian Association, and others interested in the coming evangelistic services to he conducted here In No vember are Interested in the proposed excursion. The proposed date is Thurs day, June 4. To Give Playlet.—Under auspices of the Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and direction of Clarence • Zorger, "The Japanese Oirl," a one lact playlet with a cast of eighteen will I he produced at the Pennsylvania Rail (road Young Men's Christian Associa tion Friday. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers