10 Mechanics Trust Company Capital $300,000 HARRISBURQ, PA. Surplus $300,000 * For the information of the public, the Mechanics Trust Company, recently incorporated under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and which took over the business of the Mechanics Bank, makes this voluntary statement of its condition as of the close of business May 15, 1914 ~~ } fl This Company acts as Executor, Adminis- Mechanics Trust Company trator, Guardian, Trustee, or in any other II , . fiduciary capacity. Third and Market Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. fl IJt i he Safe Deposit Boxes arc of the most GUJPta 1 Statement of Condition as of the Close of Business, May 15th, 1914. modem construction and conveniently lo ra WB iSE RESOURCES I LIABILITIES cated. They provide, at a nominal cost, a I ' 'fc PI Notes and Bills $651,289.10 Capital Stock $300,000.00 place for the safe-keeping of securities, legal fcfM'Pi ijfgHplfr WfSjjMl *Stocksaml Bonds .... fM377«) Surplus 300,01)0.00 papers or anything of value. fji I f 1 MBWrafSS Mortgages and Judgments 178,213.00 Individual Peposits subject J & 'U' Sul fid ''"aft?! IHmHI Due from Banks, Bankers to check 582,363.63 „ n ,, ~ _ 1 If' Mm P 3 [|E||i _ and Trust Companies 22,120.44 Time Certificates of Deposit 357,731.08 he Company maintains an Investment Ap i£j;| * * Hi il l vfirelF*-* Cash on Hand and with Treasurers' Checks 10,412.68 Department which is conservatively mail ! jj? 'aEr fSi Reserve Agents 519.111.20 Certified Checks 197.40 . . . . f v h >M(rfg EM Miscellaneous Assets 8,904.33 Due to Banks. Bankers a & ed H11(l has at all t,nies a llst of securities id ii !# WmrJMlr ! SE3HCIiIfeIiL-i ' and Trust Companies 27.531.83 and guaranteed mortgages, from which its 'i ir"" ! i *'l - 'BBll MM' I« $1,583,607.07 Miscellaneous Liabilities 5,370.45 . , ~ J j*", \ patrons may select desirable investments. r irc y tjjlMißl I !MKi $1,583,607.07 ■ 'SHE: K< WIS fPtt'- «i The Company receives money on deposit j Pi atM*! PI- * State an( * Municipal Bonds. Public Utilities Securities subject to check. It issues certificates of de- JH j ]g|l ' fjPpHP' ' Vtlnr \»nie of SfcurHj l«ntc- Matiir- .\aine of Security Rate Matur- posit, payable Oil delliaild 01* at a Specified f' ■ fli ! i ■III nit JSMl'f.nH I'Bf&T : • SIO,OOO California State Harbor Imp. 4 '« 1 J»BS * m ; H :; "{JS ' ••. ,m <««»«« time, on which Interest is paid. 'i ! lO.OftO Waynesboro, i'a.. Schooi D'ls- l{pl, s's 195- J * I trict s 1941 5,000 Southwest Missouri R. R. Co. J][ Rprriniiincr 111110 ISi IQI -L tllO CoillD^nV p .raaagftufere .Mir** g , 6.000 Colorado. state of 3 •« i960 Rpf K ~,, *j| beginning junc im, i.Mt, uit Ir- IMIUIBIM' ' IW > WSSi&k 1 » 10.000 Seattle, Port. State, of Wash- -non vi ii ' r> '•« f , 1N . . . . ' "~iiM | r T 6 - 000 W " 1 Fenn Traction Co. deposits of any amount will be received from I 1 Jjjii.nn j Steam Railway Bonds Notes 6"s 1917 1 3 I 8 fxK ''Name of Secartfy Hate Matur- 10.000 Mononßahela Valley Tmctlon time tO tillie Oil which interest will be COlll- i, * I II till K1 I » "000 c»ev r ,and r Short L.ne Rw, 4 IMI MOO chi^ciiyu,.nw-yco,' ist 5 > \l£ po unded every four months at the rate of 3 j I®Jji'JKsS|| X > , fe|j| 10.000 NorfolV and Western Rwy. 6,000 mIMi 9 HB'ImB 'EM \mm m IP 6.000 The q connectinjr' Rys! c'o'.'ist * 199 ' 8 193u per cent; per annum. :Ji j.to> '»pl.flll HE fIBIL : B'4*. 5.000 sout'iu'rn V , aH(i(- a H H R R co.'i«t 4•» 1965 Miscellaneous Bonds and Stocks VJv . ~4 *Wk mfm. ■ it t WiSl 'C&S *'<*<' 6.000 Atlantic Coast Lino L. & N. Par Kame of Security Kate Ma#s is *fl >;< "Mi ■ ® •* 1 JBHR f M| „ IHv Coll 4 *8 19.12 Value It. - : J9 ir .i 5,000 OreKon Short Line R. R. Co. ... TI . . _ C. A. KUNKEL, President /•' W ft t 'MWB; 4.' | I Ref. 4;s 192# *23,000 Harrlsbur* Foundry & Ma- JOHN R. FOX. Vice-President 1 •" »|< 5,000 Virginian Railway Co.. Ist .. 5 s 1962 chine Works, Ist ft •* 1941 tr.uv <> MHTTPR q,,,.<. r .. T «.«,ir« / •%X ' W • S *JfHk g'SllS StZ WW'to ,% ' S 19:3 so shrs. HarrUburg National Bank stock. JOHN C. MOTTI.R. Secretary and Treasure, M 11 • "• 00 ° Knulp ... .... .... 4V4's 1921 6S shrs. Chestnut Street Market Co. stock. DIRECTORS \ W m . MA?. Jf MOO Reading company General... 4 1997 200 shrs. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. stock. CHARLEg A^. KUNKEL CHRISTIAN L. LONO I® v«', , ~ ''. W r . 'if The above securities arc carried 011 the books of the Trust Company at or below their mar- JOUN' E k i'ox KlA ' b°r BURNS A ° EU * V- M? >,.- i the Harrisburg Hospital suffering with bruises about his body. L/ogai was cleaning bricks and was sittini. along the side of the wall.