Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 18, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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if ; i
To the
Phone Bell 2040
Cumberland 203
BINGAMAN—On Monday. May 18. 1914, |
at 9:20 A. M„ Abraham J. Bingaman, .
at his late residence, 524 Woodbine:
street, aged 29 years.
Funeral will be announced later. j
FREANER On May 17, 1914, Eliza
beth Richards Freaner. |
Funeral on Tuesday, May 19, at .
o'clock, from the residence of A. t ole- J
man Sheetz, 413 Briggs street. Services j
and burial private. No ilowers.
LOST Scotch Collie; light tan. ;
■white breast, collar and paws, small
oars; scar on nose. Answers to name
of Laddie. Reward if returned to '1728 ,
North Fourth street.
WANTED Agents and canvassers,
i all at the Hershev House between i
and !? this evening and X will show you
a good money-making proposition. ?<o
capital required. Ask for George I
Saylor. |
WANTED lntelligent, well-dressed
(single) man, age 22 to 28, to go on
road; permanent position, chance for |
advancement; only men of good hal it.
need apply. Call Hotel Savoy, 7 to 8 ;
P. M., Mr. Spearen. I
k CANVASSER Good, experienced 1
Tsustler; salary and commission; ste jd>
position, with advancement; state full
experience, age, etc. Suite 1014 ISO
Nassau street, New York.
WANTED An experienced electro
plater to take full charge. L. T. Fraim |
lick Co., Lancaster, Pa. I
WANTED A machine puller-over j
and sole laver on McKay work. Harris- j
burg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Harrisburg. Pa.
AGENTS WANTED —For a new i
"TEN DOLLAR A YEAR" Accident and J
Sickness policy 57,500 Accidental j
Death, S2O to SSO weekly sold to
men and women, all occupations. Large '
commissions. National Accident So-1
ciety. 320 Broadway, New \ork. (Es- |
tablished 1885). j
WANTED District Agents, live J
men for a live proposition, big field, I
big opportunity. Address, with refer- j
erences. Jackson Maloney, Manager of
Agencies, Philadelphia Life Insurance
Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. i
WANTED —Clean-cut specialty sales- !
men. High-grade proposition. Apply j
308 Trustee Building. |
WANTED I want a good, reliable
lady agent, a hustler, not too young. |
This is an exceptional opportunity as It
will lead to a business of our own as
soon as established. Address M. K., care
of Telegraphy
WANTED Capable woman to do
general housework for family of three;
nice room and good wages. Answer
Box 138, Camp Hill.
WANTED Four reliable lady
agents, not too young; exceptional good
proposition; must have good reference.
Tall any evening tills week, Room 10,
third floor, No. 31 North Third street.
HELP WANTED by white woman, to '
assist with washing and Ironing three |
to four days, a week. None but experi- i
enced need apply. 333 South Sixteenth
street, or BeU phone 383 R.
WANTED —An experienced waitress.
Apply State Capital Hotel, 215 Walnut
street. *
best dressmaking schools in America. I
Make your own dresses while learning. I
Night and Day classes. Work's Dress
malting School. 22 North Fourth street
HELP WANTED —Male anil Female.
WANTED Men and women as
agents to work for large Arm; good
wages. Apply between s A. M. and 8
P. M. at 511 Harris street, third floor.
hundreds of Government Life jobs. (
$65.00 to $l5O Mon*H. Sample exami- I
nation questions and list of positions !
available free. Write immediately. ■
Franklin Institute. Department 362-M,
Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Young man, 19. wants
position of most any kind. Inquire to
iH. R„ 2154 North Seventh street, City.
I WANTED Young man, 19, wants
tiositlon of most any kind. Inquire to
E M., 1737 North Sixth street. Phone j
1439 W. |
flandsims Residence
i Lot 24.3x100 through to Znrker j
A well-built three-story brick I
dwelling boose (one of a pair)—ten
rooms bath steam href—com
bination lighting front bay win
dow on second floor—front and hack
porches and balcony—line lawn In
rear of house.
This property Is on the market
(or a quick sale at a bargain price.
Miller Bros. & Neefe
Eire Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Court Streets
I WANTED By colored man, work
of any kind in private family. 329
Cherry avenue.
WANTED Boy of 16 would like
work of any kind. Apply to Ralph
I Anderson, Lemoyne, Pa.
WANTED Young colored boy, 17
pyears, would like work as butler in
■ private family: can give city reference,
i Apply B. P., 667 Briggs street, after 5
. P. M.
i .
WANTED Colored woman wants
j day's work. Call, or write, 520 Brown
I avenue.
j WANTED Position by colored girl
'as nurse, in or out of town family. Ad
i dress M., 6SB, care of Telegraph.
' WANTED A colored girl wishes a
j position as cook, or nurse, at once. Call,
; or write, 907 Sarah avenue.
! WANTED A position as house
; keeper, by a middle-aged lady; no ob
| jections to country town. Personal,
| Box 109, Dauphin.
j WANTED By middle-aged white
; woman, washing and ironing to do
Mondays and Tuesdays only; can fur-
I nish reference. Call, or address. Room
| No. 6J, 418 Wallace street. City.
S WANTED By two German girls,
general housework by the day. Inquire
1224 Herr street, Cltj\
I WANTED An experienced nurse
! would like nursing, or caring for In-
I fant; willing to assist with housework
I and go out of city. Bell phone 1521 R.
j I
FOR SALE Suburban Properties
j tl>at should interest you large lots
! fruit gardens chicken houses,
i Prices from $1,400 to $3,000. Why not
enjoy nature? Inspect them. 'Bell
j Realty Co., Bergner Building.
! EASTMERE LOT At 904 South
I Twenty-tirst Street, size 20x115 feet, I
: S3OO cash. This is a special bargain
price. Miller Bros. & Neefe. Bell phone
j 1595.
J 1847 MARKET ST., 3-story brick
i dwelling (one of a pair) 10 rooms
bath - steam heat. Lot, 21x160 ft.
Special figure as the property must be
I sold promptly. Miller Bros. & Neefe, I
Locust and Court streets.
FOR SALE 1822 Boas street, new j
! two-story brick; never occupied; 7 i
: rooms, hall and bath; all improvements;
gas and electric lights; cement cellar;
I concrete walks and steps; grass plats
and side entrance. Price, $2,400.00, on
easy terms. Inquire Clias. Barnhart,
1821 Whitehall street.
| NO. 1139 DERRY STREET at reduced
price 3 ; story frame 9 rooms
bath gas furnace lot, 20x120, ex
tending to Christian street central
location. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
FOR SALE Three new houses be
ing completed improvements—wide
street. Will be sold this week for
$2,000, $2,200 and $2,500. Easy terms.
Address Edgar B. Lerew, 1925 State
servatory of Music—three-story brick
| and stone building auditorium l6
rooms and bath. Could be remodeled
| for a private school apartments—or
i rooming-house lot, 29x100 feet. Price
upon inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neefe,
Locust and Court streets.
1847 MARKET STREET Special
bargain—three-story brick dwelling —i
10 rooms and bath—lot, 21x160 i'eet
steam heat. Miller Bros. & Neefe. Lo
cust and Court streets.
story brick dwelling l2 rooms—bath
and furnace two-story brick stable
on River avenue. Lot, 26.3x210 ft. Price
upon inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neofe, Lo
cust and Court streets.
NO. 2014 GREEN STREET 3-story
brick house; St rooms and bath; all im
provements; front and back porches'
first-class condition. Price reasonable.
Apply 2014 Green street.
j FOR SALE New brick house —7 j
rooms bath gas electric light—
?n- am „.l leat .,T" larse poroli lot, 30x
IJo. We will paper and finish interior
J? you ' I,ell Re alty Co., Bergner
TWO fine homes. Size of 'ot
18',ix90. Nine rooms and latest and
only practical, common sense bath
room. Steam heated; large front and
back porches; ornamental fixture
throughout; reception hall; open stair
case; laundry room and stationary
; wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamber
with Bouth side exposure, size 15x8- 12
I minutes by trolley to Market Square
for further Information call P. Vander
loo, Masonic Temple Building. Third and
btate streets.
FOR SALE Corner lot at Riverside
—desirable plot 62x100. Price attrac
! $T Ve * . Also lots In other suburbs of
Harrisburg> Several in exchange for
city houses. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
I WHY not live in Ellzabethtown. Pa.?
I A town which has all city conveniences.
| good markets, splendid train and trol
ley service. Houses with all modern
conveniences for sale or rent. Call on
or address, J. H. Buch, Elizabethtown
FOR SALE Twenty large lots 118
x2lO ft at from $3 to $6 per front foot
overlooking Harrißbura-. Good soil, air
w-ter and neighbors. Call Bell phone
FOR SALE 1631 Market St. 3-
j story brick 7 rooms, bath and store
room lot, 20x17C, extending through
to Zarker street. Brinton-Packer Co.,
| Second and Walnut streets.
i FOR SALE 2120 Jefferson St.
3 story frame dwelling, l5 rooms,
bath and furnace lot, 17x90 cor
ner property. Brinton-Pacfcer Co,. Sec
load and Walnut streets.
FOR SALE 2 % -story brick house,
on Derry street, Paxtang, Pa. Electrio
lights, steam heat and gas. All improve
ments. Price reasonable to quick buyer.
Apply W. Ross Bealor, Paxtang, Pa.
Bell phone 2022 M.
FOR SALE House and lot 25x160
rt. at a bargain; modern Improvements.
No. 26 Chestnut street, Penbrook, Pa.
FOR RENT lBl5 North Second
street; 10 rooms; bath; porches; mod
ern homo; possession at once. Rental,
$35.00. Fitzgerald Real Estate Agency,
317 Walnut street.
FOR RENT Two desirable homes
on Main street, Mechanicsburg. All Im
provements. Possession given June 1.
Rent, $16.00. Happle and Swartz, In
surance and Real Estate, Mechanics
burg, Pa.
FOR RENT The house one mile
from Newport, known as "Clemsen
Place," located on Buffalo Creek, with
Pennsylvania R. R. and Juniata River
immediately adjacent. Kitchen, dln-
Ingroom. parlor and side room on first
floor. Five large and small rooms on
second floor, with light hallway to sec
ond story porch. *.• our large clothes
closets in house. Large yard and fine
garden, with outbuildings. Pump of
good water at back door. Two porches
in front and one in rear of house.
House Just painted and papered
throughout. Room in stable for horse
or automobile. Terms, SIOO for the sea
son to responsible party. Apply, at
office of The Oak Extract Co., Newport,
Pa. >
rooms, bath; front and rear porches;
immediate possession. Apply Penn'a
Realty and Improvement Co., 132 Locust
street. Rent, sl6 per month.
Sixth Street Bank, Sixth and Maclay
FOR RENT Mac Donald Apart
ments; newly furnished; up-to-date;
complete for light housekeeping; large
livingroom, kitchenette; cooking uten
sils, dishes, linen, bath, gas range, sta
tionary tubs; private meter, mail boxes,
bells. 1417 Market.
FOR RENT—Finest furnished apart
ments in the city, singly or en suite,
The Conway, 131 Walnut street. For
merly next Orpheum Theater.
FOR RENT ljarge, cool, beautifully
furnished front room, with three large
windows, in private family; use of
phone. 324 North Second street.
FOR RENT Three large front
rooms, with or without board, over
looking Capitol Park, for gentleman or
couples. Apply 328 North street.
FOR RENT Large, cool, well-fur
nished front room, in private family,
with use of bath and phone, located
near Mulberry Street Bridge; gentle
man preferred; reference exchanged.
Audress I'., 687, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Four unfurnished
rooms" and private bath; hot and cold
water, gas and electric light; second
floor. Apply 268 North street, near
'■third street.
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en
suite, all conveniences, including phone;
reterence required. Apply lUI6 North
tront street.
FOR RENT Two large
rooms, nicely furnished with
board with private family; will
suit couple; all conveniences; use
of phone; central location. 814
Capital street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms for light housekeeping; electric
light; bay window front, with use of
large front porch and phone; immedi
ate possession. 44 North Seventeenth
FOR RENT Newly furnished front
rooms, facing Capitol Park; hot and
cold running water In each room; elec
tric light; use of phone and bath. Ap
ply Robinson Apartments, 410 North
FOR RENT—Nicely, new, furnished
rooms, with board by the day or meal.
Apply 123 South Second street.
FOR RENT Three second f.oor,
nice rooms, for light housekeepi-.ig or
rooming; rates reasonable. Appl/ 1341
Vernon street.
FOR RENT • Two nicely furnished,
rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat
and use of bath. Apply 272 Briggs
FOR RENT Furnished and unfur
nished room, with ali conveniences;
jiewly papered and painted; use .of
phone and bath. Apply 927 North Third
street. Bell SS2J.
preferred, private family on Hummel
street. Address H„ 689, care of Tele
WANTED A limited number of
summer boarders. Fine mountain air,
boating and fishing, first-class table. A
restful, homelike place to spend your
vacation. Location, one mile east of
Dauphin. Rates, SI.OO per day. H-use
opens June 1. For further information
write at once. Address Box 24, Dau
phin, Pa.
FOR SALE Second-hand bicycle—
In good condition. Inquire 2016 Green
FOR SALE 1 cart horse. Slabach
Stables, 233 Blackberry street.
FOR SALE Send 25c for a nice
package of assorted Quilt Patches.
Thousands have been pleased. Valley-
Supply Co., Dept. 46, Shiremanstown,
FOR SALE— Long's Pop Corn Crlsp
ette machine and lloor show case six
feet long. All in first-class condition.
Address G. W. Snyder, Annvllle* Pa.
FOR SALE Automobile, 4-cylln
der, 29-H.-P-, 121-inch wheel base, 36-
inch wheels, foredoor roadster fully
equipped. Will sell reasonable or ex
change for a good four or six-cylinder
four or five-passenger car. For dem
onstration write, or call, No. 1517 North
Sixth street, Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Baby Buick Roadster,
4-cyllnder, top, windshield, all good
condition, $300.00 cash, 'telephone tor
engagement. J. W. Geiger, 217 West
Main street, Mechanlcsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Cheap, If bought at
once new ball-bearing vacuum
sweeper with brush attachment. Write,
or phone, T. A. Spearen, Savoy Hotel,
corner Third and Mulberry streets.
FOR SALE Piano as good as new.
Will sell cheap, either cash or Instal
ments. If you dpsire piano, this is a
bargain. Address P. O. Box 484, Har
risburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Good work mare, dump
cart and harness, and one-horse jolt
wagon—all at a bargain, as I have no
further use for same. Call at Reid
linger's Store, Perdlx, or A. C. Young,
26 North Third street. Bell phone
713 L
TRUNKS, Traveling lf»gs, Suit Cases,
Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap
Leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed
Upper and Sheen Skins. Leather Sample
Cases and Leather Specialties made to
order and repaired. Harrisburg Har
ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest
nut streets.
FOR SALE, CHEAP Wagon, suit
able for laundry, grocery or ligiu Ue-
Uvery. Call 201 Herr »treot.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms ana
Board and Table Board at 25c each.
One of these signs will be given with
each six-time order for a classified ad.
:r paid in advance, inquire at Office of
FOR SALE Several makes of used
motorcycles in different models; all
in first-class condition. West End Elec
tric and Cycle Co., Green and Maclay
FOR SALE White Toy French
Poodle Puppies, at stud; pedigreed Eng
lish Bull Dog, tight screw tail, brindrw.
Fee reasonable. Call at 413 Broad
street, private party, City.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Ofllce.
FOR SALE At sacrifice, if taken at
once; stock and fixtures of genetal store
doing large business. In thriving town.
Will prove volume of business to in
terested party. Want to join my hus
band in Minnesota, reason for selling
Call and examine stock. M. C. A.
Clouser. Duncannon, Pa.
FOR SALE l-Three Truck, in ex
cellent condition, practically new, made
by the Morton Truck and Tractor Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa. Guaranteed one year.
No reasonable offer refused. Samuel F.
Peters, New Cumberland. Pa.
USED motorcycles; all makes: over
hauled and 'n fine condition; guaran
teed to be as represented; call for dem
onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North
Third street.
SPECIAL SALE Eggs for hatch
ing, 5c each, from hens of the noted
Tom Barron Btrain of English White
Leghorns. J. L Spence, Allddletown,
secured at the Telegraph Business
FOR RENT Two-story warehouse.
Cowden street near Market. Elevator;
railroad siding; 6,000 sq. ft. floor space.
Possession June 1. Apply C. F. Gohl,
! 1003 North Second street. Bell phone
899 L.
FOR RENT Desirable office* In the
Telegraph IluiliitiiK, singly or en suite,
luqulre at Uuslness Office.
FOR RENT Two-story garage,
with water and sewer, rear 1630 Reglna
street. Will accommodate two cars. J.
! E. Glpple, 1251 Market street.
FOR RENT Store room 1200 North
Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling;
one of the best rooms in the city. Ap
ply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street.
Ward; some of them on paved street.
Will exchange fur Improved property.
An exceptional opportunity for a
builder. Call und inspect "blue print.
F. It.Oyster, Trustee, cure of Telegraph
iluslui-ss Office.
route of our new ball gum machines;
small Investment; big returns. Ad
vance Vending Co., 237 East Forty
fifth street, New York.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Snydlcate, 798. Lock
port, N. Y.
I MADE $50,000 in five years In the
mail order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet, 'iells how. Hea
cock, 365 Lockport, N. Y.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for Old Gold
and Silver, Watches and Jewelry. Or
will exchange for new Jewelry. Jos.
D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North Third
street. Bell phone 626 L.
OF all designs. Old floors made new.
Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith, 2219
Brookwood street,' Harrisburg. Bell
phone 1391 L.
FOR SALE —At Gable's, 111 and
117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons
New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme
quality. Also the full Ur.e of the Acme
FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, lib and
117 South Second street. 6,000 sets new
Sash, Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed, u.
$1.15 per set. Also other sizes.
I BUY AND SELL all second-hand fur
niture. carpets, etc. Drop postal, or
call. A. A. Kohr, corner Blackberry
and Dewberry streets.
LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano
and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor
age of household goods and furriture
packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont
gomery, Harrisburg.
WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of fur
niture, clothing, etc. Drop us a postal
and we will call to see you. Max
Smeltz, 1100 North Seventh street.
ANY and all kinds of Job Carpenter
ing Work. Also Concrete Walks and
Steps a specialty. Address H. H. Shlve
ly, Lucknow, Pa.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street
—Furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell Dhone
3227 W.
H. W. LATHE. Hoarding fttable and
National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianoß, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No
HAVE your Ford's looked after now
whije we are not so busy. We make a
specialty on Ford cars. Give us a
chance. Our prices are right. Call E
M. Snavely, Middletown, Pa.
witli best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Gluck, 320 Woodbine street.
<n amounts of SI,OOO and up on first
mortgage on city property, repayable
monthly or installments. Debt cancel
ed and mortgage satisfied on death of
borrower. John C. Orr, 222 Market
MONEY TO LOAN on Heal Estate
security in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower Address P c>
Box 17 4. Harrtsbu.g Pa
of loaning money by which hoirower<
Rhare profits of lenders Legc.l rates
easy teims. confidential. Offices, Room*
« - <> Vo'th Market -v|imr»*
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Broad street. Both phones.
IN 8-wlory brick building, rear 406
Market street.
Household goods In clean, private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St.
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private rooms
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates, tioutb
jSt. nod Penua. B, B.
[Continued front First Page.]
talned in the despatch, this subject
being one in which it would be nec
essary to consult opinion of constitu
tionalists and other leaders in Mex
Supreme Court Justice Lamar anil
Frederick W. Lehmann who will re
present the United States at the peace
conference at .Jiagara Falls, Ont., to
day, arranged to leavo Washington at
9 o'clock to-morrow morning. This
arrangement will put the American
delegates at the scene of the confer
ence about the time the Mexican dele
gates arrive there from New York.
Represent Best Elements
The information of Huerta's at
titude now received through foreign
diplomatic ohannels, agrees with the
view obtained by some of the close
friends of the Mexicans during, their
stop here. According to this view the
delegates realized that the present ad
ministration at Mexico City was fast
going to pieces, and It was inevitable
that Huerta give place to some other
authority. It did not, however, dis
close that Iluerta had authorized his
resignation if they considered that
course necessary, and this more defl
nate phase was first made known in
the dispatch through diplomatic chan
The Mexican delegates are not
"Huertlstas" but represent broadly the
best elements in the federal districts,
desirous of bringing about an orderly
government in that section and
throughout Mexico. In that respect
their wishes are believed to correspond
with the wishes and intentions of the
American government.
Who will come after Huerta,whether
an individual or a professional com
mission, still is an open question, but
it is gathered that the succession will
not be likely to fall on military leaders
who have come to prominence "by
arbitrary force."
Tampico Flag Incident
Will Not Likely Be
Considered by Mediators
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., May 18. While
the stage was being set in Niagara
Falls to-day' for the next big scene in
the Mexican crisis, officials in diplo
matic and administration circles eag
erly discussed the extent to which the
mediation preliminaries might reach,
and the bearing the negotiations even
tually would have 011 the hope of set
tling the long republic's ills. Reported
optimism of the Huerta delegates over
chances for mediation and their confi
dence that their long journey will not
have been in vain found reflection in
the capital.
While the Constitutionalists were
proceeding rapidly with their aggres
sive program in Northern and Central
Mexico, yet the day's stay of the Fed
eral mission in Washington and the ex
change of courtesy among them and
the South American envoys and the
. American mission "bvershadowed mili
tary developments.
No Statement Given Out
The Huerta delegates firmly declined
while here to give out anv statement
of their program. Nevertheless, some
idea of their viewpoint was believed to
have been obtained from representative
Mexicans and others with whom they
talked. They were reported as feeling
that the Federal administration is dis
integrating and that it is inevitable
that a successor must be chosen for
Huerta. At the same time they are
vitally interested in the unfolding of
scenes that would follow such a crisis
—what guarantees could be obtained
against possible property confiscation
by invading Constitutionalists; safe
guards against anarchy and the kind of
government that would stand and at
tract woHld recognition.
Mexican Representatives
Spend Day in New York
By Associated Press
New York, May 18.—The Mexican
delegates, Emilio Rabasa, Augustin
Rodriguez and Luis Elguero, rested at
their hotel early to-day, though they
planned to make some visits and do
some sightseeing later.
The delegates, with their party
members of their families and serv
ants, arrived from Washington Sunday
night. They look forward to getting
a real rest in New York before taking
up their work at the mediation confer
ence at Niagara Falls, for which place
they will leave to-morrow.
Members of the party decline to talk
of their plans. Manuel Martineze del
Campo, who has acted as spokesman
ever since the party left Mexico City,
said the delegates would continue
their policy of silence.
"I -will tell you our itinerary late
to-day and what we do while here,"
he said, "but nothing more. The
delegates do not mean to say anything
until they reach Niagara Falls."
Argentine Minister
Is Arranging Details
Buffalo, N. Y., May 18.—Romulo S.
Naon, Argentina minister, first of the
Testamentary having been granted to
the undersigned upon the estate of
Herman Astrlch, late of the City of
Ilarrisburg, deceased; all persons hav
ing claims against said estate will pre
sent the same, and all persons indebted
to said estate will make immediate
payment to me.
500 Market Street,
Ilarrisburg, Pa.
Very often misfortune overcomes us
when we are very low in funds. The ready
cash can be obtained here by applying.
Our simple business methods are explained
and understood thoroughly by everyone.
$5.00 to $50.00
Employees' Discount Co.
36 N. Third St. Room 2
MAY 18, 1914.
Brighter Prospects in Steel Trade Stimulated Bullish De
mand For Shares
By Associated Press
New York, May 18. The opening
' bulge drove the shorts to cover, but
after their Immediate demands had
been satisfied the market grew qiuet.
Prices were shaded slightly toward
noon, but the greater part of the early
advance was retained. Speculative
sentiment was cheerful.
There was no definite information on
which to base bullish operations and
board room gossip dealt chiefly with the
prospects for an early decision in the
, freight rateß case and the more hope-
I ful feeling regarding the business out
| look. Brighter prospects in the steel
; trade stimulated the bullish demand for
steel shares, which made an especially
i good showing,
j Bonds were irregular.
Furnished by 11. W. SNAVELY
Arcnde llullrilug
New York, May IS.
Open. 2.30 P. M.
Alaska Gold Mines . 28% 28%
Amal. Copper 73% 73
American Beet Sugar 23 23
American Can 28% 28%
American Can pfd.. 91 ill
Am. C. & P 50% 51%
American Cotton Oil 42% 42%
Am. Ice Securities .. 31 % 31
Am. Locomotive ... 32% 32%
American Smelting . 64% 64%
American Sugar ... 106% 106%
American T. &T. .. 122% 122%
'Anaconda 32% 32%
i Atchison 96% 96%
I Baltimore & Ohio .. 92% 92%
j Bethlehem Steel ... 42 % 42 %
. Bethlehem Steel pfd 85% 85%
i Brooklyn R. T 92% .92%
| California Petroleum 20% 20%
i Canadian Pacific .. . 194 194%
1 Central Leather ... 36% 36
; Chesapeake & Ohio. 53 51%
j C„ M. & St. P 100% 101
, Chino Con. Copper . 41% 42%
Col. P. & 1 28 28
Consolidated Gas .. 130% 129%
Corn Products 9% 9%
Erie 29% 29%
Erie Ist pfd. ' 44% 44%
General Electric Co. 147% 148%
Goodrich, B. F 26% 26%
Great Northern, pfd. 125 125
Great Nor. Ore subs. 33% 33%
i Interboro-Met 14% 14%
| Interboro-Met. pfd.. 62% 63
Lehigh Valley 14 8% 149%
Hex. Petroleum ... 68 % 62%
Missouri Pacific .... 19 18%
' Nev, Con. Copper ..15 14%
New York Central . 93% 94
N. Y„ N. H. & 11. . 69% 68%
Northern Pacific ... 111% 111%
Penna. R. R 111% 111%
, People's Gas & Coke 121% 121%
! Pittsburgh Coal S9 89
| Pressed SUel Car . 44% 44%
'Ray Con. Copper 22 21%
Reading ." 165% 165%
| Rep. Iron & Steel . 23% -23%
i Rep Iron & Steel pfd 86% 87
[Southern Pacific ... 93% 93%
Southern Railway . 25 25%
Southern Ry. pfd.. 79 % 79%
Tennessee Copper ..35% 35
j Texas Company ... 141% 139
Union Pacific 157% 157%
!U. S. Steel 61 % 62%
iu. S. Steel pfd .... 109% 110
;Utah Copper 58 57%
jVa. Car. Chem .... 29 29%
i Western Maryland . 22% 22%
Western Union Tele. 61% 62%
I Westinghouse Mfg.. 75% 76%
South American mediators on the
1 Mexican problem, reached here at 7.20
a. m. to-day. Robert F. Rose, State
, Department representative, met him
j and accompanied him to Niagara Falls,
Canada, by automobile.
The purpose of Dr. Naon's early
arrival was to complete the plans for
the conference, which will begin with
the Mexican and American delegates
on Wednesday. While rooms and con
ference hall already had been engaged
at a leading hotel in Niagara Falls,
Dr. Naon desired to make certain that
all conveniences were provided for
carrying on the work of the confer
ence with as much comfort and ex
pedition as possible.
The minister was accompanied by
his 11-year-o>'i son.
Foreigners Prepared
to Defend District
By Associated Press
Vera Cruz. May 18.—A letter re
ceived from a British resident of
Mexico City, which reached here last
night, contained the information that
tho Germans, British and Japanese
were drilling in preparation for the
defense of the concentration districts.
This activity, according to the letter,
grew out of fear of an attack on the
capital by the Zapatta forces, who
routed the federal garrison at Topilejo,
a few miles to the south, several days
ago. This is said to be the only cause
for alarm felt In the capital, every
thing being otherwise quiet.
Major Batler Mapped
Out Road to Capital
Special to The Telegraph
New York, May 18.—There is a
saying among army and navy men
that Uncle Sam has never asked any
think, no matter how dangerous it
might be, that somebody wouldn't
volunteer to at least try..
One of these dangerous undertak
ings was a recent achievement by
Major Smedley D. Butler, of the
United States marine corps, In the
role of a spy. The story was told by
Seamon James R. Copeland, of the
Utah, In the hospital at the New York
Navy Yard yesterday afternoon. .
Furnished by H. W. SNAVE3LY
Areadr Building
Chicago. 111., May 18.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
May 97% 97%
July 88 87
May 69% 68%
•July 68 66%
May 40% 40%
By Associated Press
Chicago. 111., May 18. Hogs Re
ceipts.JOO 00 ; steady. Bulk of sales.
IHnSHSj, "? ht ' *5.35@8.60: mixed.
15.10@)8.55; rough,
$8.104i)8.2o; pigs, $7.50(g>8.35.
Cattle Receipts, 21,000; steady.
Beeves. »7.35@9.30; steers, $7.108.20?
stackers and feeders, $6.40ft8.50: "cow*
and heifers. $3.65@8.65; calves, $7.60@
Sheep Receipts, 18,000; slow.
Sheep, $5.3d@6.20; yearlings, $6.00©
k2j>; lambs, $6.25@8.45; spring, s6:so®
PHIMDEIi?IIii rnootrc*
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, May 18. Wheat —.
fl""/ No. 2, red, export. sl.Ol (fil
*i 04\@i 0 0 5 \ Northern ' Duluth ' export -
Corn Firm; new, No. 2, yellow.
ro a c»oKic 79 *® 80c: do - klln dried
ats Firm; No. 2, white, 46®
,«? ra l»r" c « B l ar,tet flrm; winter, per
s2?'nn®2Sso ° : Bprln * - per ton
-,„R<Lfine(? . Sugars Market firm:
powdered, 1.10 c; fine granulated, 4.00 c;
3°Boe ° nerS ' A ' B ' 9oc: Ke y stone A,
Butter The market is quiet;
western creamery, extras, 26He; nearby
prints, fancy. ;toc.
. The market is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
iiee cases, $6.30 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $6.15 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6,311
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.15
per case.
Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 18@
19c; young chickens, 14@20c;
spring chickens, 27®32c; broiling
26@32C; old roosters, 12
(fplJe; ducks, 13®16c; spring ducks, 17
geese. 15ffi>17c; turkeys. l!)* 4 _'Oc.
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy. 18% c; do.,
fair to good, heavy, l6@18c; do.,
do.. unattractive. 13@15c; old
roosters, Uc; roasting chick
en.*, fancy, 16ifi;iSc, broiling
chickens, fancy, 24 ©3sc; do., fair,
* ». >*!*«■ _
• mall. 180 20c; turkeys, fancy. riClltoi
Potatoes—Steady; New York and
Eastern, per bushel. 80@88c; Western,
per bushel. 80® 88c; Jersey, per basket.
20®50c; Florida, per basket, $2.50®5.00.
Flour—The market Is steady; winter,
.'.tl |O. U"t I , All 4i* 111*. IV..
• ylvanla, $4.15®4.30; western. $4,260
<4O: patent*. J4.r>oi&4 HO. K*n<n
straight. Jute sacks, $4.16®4.30; spring,
firsts, clear. $4.00®4.20; straights. $4 ad
(t* 4p; patents. 14 r,0<?4.76
Hay The market Is easier; tim
othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50@19.o0;
No. 1, medium bales, $18.00@18.6O; No.
2, do., $16.50i«17.50; No. 2, do., $14.50®
Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.00®
17.60; No. 1, do., $16.00016.60; No. 2. do..
$14.00® 15 00.
Major Butler is a son of Congress
man Thomas S. Butler, of West Ches
ter, Pa.
All that Major Butler, known among
the marines and now to the sailors as
("Hell Devil," did was to travel up to
Mexico City, accompanied by a ser
geant and a corporal of marines, two
weeks before the occupation of Vera
Cruz and in anticipation of a march
by the army to the capital, and draw
maps of the best route, not forgetting
the most advantangeous avenues of
approach to the city itself, together
with its defenses and the location of
the defending forces.
uy Associated Press
New York, May 18. The Clyde
Line steamer Seminole arrived her«
to-day from Dominican ports with
news of the bombardment of Puerto
Plata. The Seminole was prevented
on her outward voyage from entering
this port by the Dominican gunboat
Independencia, which signaled that
the port was under blockade. The
gunboat was then shelling the town.
THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen
sary will be open dally except Sunday
at t 'P- M., at Its new location, 1701
North Second street, for the free treat
ment of the worthy poor.
and others upon their own namea.
Cheap rates, easy payments, conflden-
Adami A Co. 11. 804, S ». Market S«.
/ >
Central Apartments
6 rooms, 2 bathrooms, city steam
heat and water supplied. Newly
renovated. Convenient in every
W< Can be rented as an entirety, or
in two suites.
Now ready for occupancy.
I.ocated at No. 32 N. 2nd St.
Apply to
Commonwealth Trust
Itenl Estate Department