Mechanics Trust Company Capital $300,000 HARRISBURO, PA. Surplus $300,000 For the information of the public, the Mechanics Trust Company, recently incorporated under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and which took over the business of the Mechanics Bank, makes this voluntary statement of its condition as of the close of business May 15, 1914 ~ 1 his Company acts as Executor, Adminis _ Mechanics Trust Company trator,. Guardian, Trustee, or ill any other T : Third and Market Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. 1 >fjr! f! ( i,-i -I be Safe Deposit Boxes are of the most Statement of Condition as of the Close of Business, May 15th, 1914. modern construction and conveniently lo- Y E| RESOURCES \ LIABILITIES cated. Fhey provide, at a nominal cost, a C- jLjW m .Sssßtj P*y Xotes and Bills $651,289.10 j Capital Stock $.300,00u.00 place for the safe-keeping of securities, leeral ■ :\J fiSti r;fc . rw *Stocks and Bonds 203,877.00 Surnlus ... ... 30000000 • P 1 IM- H Mtn 3 wffi ill Mortgages and Judgments 178,215.00 Individual Deposits subject J>apci soiam t ling ot value. Hu! llii EV Due from Banks. Bankers to check 582,363.63 a „ ' %<-■* Jbpj pj :JUP iln 'Si w and Trust Companies 22,120.44 Time Certificates of Deposit 357,731.08 ™ 1 lle Company maintains an Investment f 'kg. (£ ~ K ! Sfb! Cash on Hand and with Treasurers' Checks 10.412.68 Department which is conservatively man- H Reserve Agents 519.111.20 Certified Checks 197.40 ' . "vauveiy man l^lLsk s li- ■'lfM- rS * PgMßp l fcH : Miscellaneous Assets 8.904.33 Due to Banks. Bankers aged and lias at all times a list of securities - IB m SHftiKW US®' ill «i sot ah" o7 1 . f ? nd n Trust C( ? mJ ? a ! lies 27 -'™f- and S uarantee d mortgages, from which its > * SSI ■' Jpgl P« !»"<-' fCI ItahL Jbl,3oJ,oU/.U/ Miscellaneous Liabilities ." 1 .3/0.4? ' '"I fuk' fISIH patrons may select desirable investments. j:|MB jS!' f®! W- m safifir Ihe Company receives money on deposit i' i I* j J ' r"** ' f®?! Sr I '* ar -\ame of Security Hate Mntur- , - r lh|il Ij mm i , \ rtrff, *ai..e '»> ot s M «rit y i« a «c M»t..r- posit, payable on demand or at a specified >< il iHlli f IIKi Sw l„i I ««» . sin.oon California State Harbor Imp. 1 's 1985 si|>i i 5,000 Npw ovk Stutp 4 1 2 s 1963 $11,700 yM| M|-j 10 - 000 x nnp? rleans : Loul . Bian . a P ! lb : 5•, H, 28 5.000 Hmrisburg ught* power future time, on which interest is paid. i ' 10.000 Waynesboro, Pa.. School Dis- " K,,f '• 5 1 y.".2 ::::::: S"| Mi M 3! n s, s?"".'. Pow " ,■. „„ will conduct a Savings Department in which Steam Railway Bonds I>Pm> ... . I . rar . t . i ? n . .. C °.'... c - 8 m 7 deposits of any amount will be received from , i »>'. , £ X K "~ „P. nr • Vnn "' of frourKj- Kocr Mntur- 10,000 Monongahela Valley Traction tiiiin to timn on "11 u l : rl i fill IK llfei ;vm ffl M value ity 00.. ist 5•„ 1942 tune to tune on wnicn interest will be com • I ——' — •' J js> |f Virginian ItaliwftV Co.. Ist.'i -- litfi; chine Work.. Ist a > tail ';' HN E. FOX. Vlce-Hrealdpnt * . . A m JH jUA 5:000 i?lw X Y r ork' 9n Central ,Ul tiiies * W * 1922 80 ehrs. Harrisburg National Bank stock. ' JOHN C. MOTTER, Socrotary and Treasurer ' *(K 05 .* j BP * i tfil Equip 4' 2 's ij»2i 68 shrs. Chestnut Ktrtet Market Co. stock. DIRITTOR^ W x m W 5.000 Reading Company General... 1 s 1307 JOO shrs. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. stock '"^iwao m " ■> f| ~ v "'UAHUES' A. KL'NKEU CHRISTIAN U LONG , • |r p The above securities arc carried on the books ot the Trust Company at or below their mar- JOHN E E! FOX KEL b°p S BURNS AC,br - x — s t:-> !«.' ket value. JOHN C." MOTTER DAVID KAUEMAN as^iSSaMwrnvmaamm*™ PEN ROE ROMBERGER WALTER MONTGOM EHV "THE.NEW.HOME_OP THE MECHANICS TRUST COMPANY GEORGE E.jETTER HENRY C. CUASTER KUNKEL BUILDING. THIRD AND MARKET STREETS WILLIAM PEARSON FRANK PAYNE • J. H. TROUP A WISE FINANCIER ONCE SAID If you can't make your business pay, sell it to someone who can. A Telegraph Want Ad will help you find the purchaser. The quicker you use a Telegraph "Want" the less vou lose. Telegraph Want Ads may be sent to the office, or you can use our quick Want Ad Phone Service. The Tele graph takes your Want Ad to over -3,000 homes each day. Call Bell -040. Cumberland 203. RECEPTION FOR NEW PASTOR Special to The Telegraph Allen, Pa.. May 16.—0n Thursday •vening the Ladies' Aid Society of Jit. FJhe Cheerful Ufa _ — ,♦ ♦ U '■ th f right everyone to llye and enjoy the cheerful life. We owe It to ourselves and those who live with ua to live tho cheerful life. We cannot do so if ill health takes hold of us. . . T, ! e *'*«> mother and daughter suffering from hot flashes, nervousness Headache, backache, dragging-down feelins, or any other weakness due t/> Hit™*?™ £ r n t ir^ro, vX^. tbe dclicite femal ° orKans - i8 Th "* " " ramtJ y- Forty years experience has proven unmistakably that DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription will restore health to weakened womankind. For 40 vearm it hn« „J prejudice, envy and malice. Sold by dealers in medicine inltouid or Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tablets can U hadofdruggist or SSt&N.T Btanil,8 ~ for ,Lo ° or Address K.V P?er«. M? d" Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate •tomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tinygr£, u fe£ DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING^J "Onyx"|l| I I Gives the BEST VALUE for Your Money 1 Eflfjr Kind from Cotton to Silk, For Men, Women and Children Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair B t-oofc tor Trade M«rk! Sold by All Good Dealer*. j|^ Wholesale L.OVCI & TdyloV NEW YORK^fi New Series of Building and Loan Association Stock The Franklin. Building and Loan Association of Harrisburg, Pa. Is now issuing stock In a nnr serlap. .Shares can now be taken at the office of the treasurer, S. VV. Fleming, No. 26 North Third street. This (association .ias been doing a successful business for twenty-six years bharen can be cancelled at any time, and interest at six per ,em. will be paid on all cancelled stock that is one or more years old. J. H. MUSSER, Secretary ■ -13 WAI.M T STREET - * J - * -*•, «* v > v " * ' v ' " )*" 4 • . '-' SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 16, 1914. Zion Reformed Church gave a very pleasant reception in honor of the newly-elected pastor, the Rev. Mr. Kehl, who lives in Carlisle. The fol lowing program was rendered: An them, choir; invocation and address of welcome, Dr. A. R. Kremer; violin solo, Guy Enck; address, the Rev. Mr. Kehl; anthem, choir. Refreshments were served to about seventy-five guests. EXCEPTIONAL OFFER , y°„ u knew the mans - evenings of delightful and profitable reading that the six volume set of Dumas that the Marrisburg Telegraph is distributing :'nntained, you would clip free library coupons now and get a set. Remember !»8e for the six volumes. Your best opportunity is to-day.—Advertisement. SAFETY WORK IS GIVEN ATTENTION Committee of Men in Charge of Forging Plants Discusses Standards Here Another committee representing an important branch of industry met at tho Department of Labor and Industry late yesterday to discuss plans for safety, being particularly interested in safeguarding of machinery. Over a dozen such committees, each repre senting a separate branch of industry, such as textiles, baking, electric power, machine tools and the like, are at work on rules and standards for safety which will be submitted to the State Industrial Board. This work was in augurated by Commissioner Jackson and bids fair to mark an important step. The committee which met yesterday represented the forging interests and consisted of L. E. Hickok, the D. Wil cox Manufacturing Company. Mechan icsburg; Carl B. Auel, Westinghouse: 11. E. Derbyshire, Chambersburg En gineering Company; W. H. Kaiser Metric Metal Works, Erie; Walter E. Chick, Pennsylvania Steel; G. S. At kins, Scranton Forging Company, Scrunton; George T. Fonda, Bethlehem Steel, and Lew R. Palmer, assistant to the commission. DERRY STREET CELEBRATES TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY The Derry Street United Brethren Church begins a week of special serv ices in commemoration of the twenty fifth anniversary of the founding of what has become one of the large and Influential congregations of the grow ing East End. On Sunday the Rev. Dr. George E. McDonald, pastor of the United Brethren Church at Seattle, Wash., will preach at two services and address the Sunday school. Special programs announce a series of very interesting and entertaining addresses and musical nunibers'for each evening during the week. STOP SICK HEME ORIIEIIMGH PAIN Dr. James' Headache Powders Relieve at Once—lo Cents a Package Nerve-racking, splitting or dull throbbing headaches yield in Just a few moments to Dr. Jame*' Headache Powders, which cost only 10 cents a package at any drug store. It's the quickest, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don t suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men and women havij found that headache and neuralgia misery is needless. Get what you usk for.- —Advertisement |TO THY DAMAGE CASE IjMCLE SAM'S COURT f Trespass Action Against N. C. R. R. For Decapitating Husband Brought by Mrs. Getkin s fMU'K c f* et 'ause of the t| L Northern Central f j Railroad Company has been post i poned until .Tune 8 In the United . States Court for the Middle district. i Mrs. Getkin is the widow of a man t who was killed during an accident on the road. His head was crushed from his body when several cars piled up jon the engine, it is said. Because of i the fact that the railroad company in | question operates cars, etc., that travel i into other States, the case comes with |in the jurisdiction of the Federal j Court. Charles H. Bergner will serve as 'counsel for the railroad company in j place of Mr. Gilbert. Paul G. Smith jWill represent Mrs. Getkin. Alton Coal Company Ousted. —In an . | amicable proceedings yesterday, be - gun by the Statfe against the Alton Coal Company, a decree in quo war -1 rantc was handed down yesterday by " the Dauphin County Court, in which " it wae set forth that the company, , because it is no longer doing business, be ousted of its charter privileges. May Common Pleas on May 25. — ; Although the whole May term Com mon Pleas list, with the exception of j a State case, was concluded after a . week's session to-day by Judges Mc r Carreil and Henry, the par.el of sixty , traverse jurors was directed to return , May 25. Then a jury will be selected ' to consider the Commonwealth Issue in question. . ] Admitted to Bar. —Edwin E. Barnltz. i Carlisle, for several years associated ' with the George R. Barnett law firm, was admitted to practice at the Dau- I phin county bar on motion of Mr. I Barnett. I l„ v '. e^S etf „ a Road-—Joseph Umberger, i Paul G. Smith and IS. Clark Cowden, a I board of viewers appointed by the I I Dauphin county court to view a new road from a point on the Gratz-Kllng erstown road to Millersburg, went over . the ground yesterday with a number » of interested citizens. At the Itrßtntrr'H Office.— The wills of Louisa E. Hummel and Lizzie Goss were probated to-day and letters were granted respectively to Fred J. Hum mel and George stauffer and Carrie lv Hummel. Letters of administration were granted David K. letter on the estate of Sarah Ijtter, East Hanover township. Deputy CoiiHtablcM Appointed.—Fol . lowing: are among l the deputy con : stables appointed for duty on Tuesday, •primary election day: Third Ward— Hanson Stewart and C. Frank KefTer, Suggested liv Isaac Grove; Seventh i Ward—-Charles Reese, Andrew Under. Augustus Storof, Augustus Krelder and : .ihSilencer, suggested l.'y Richard 1 Reese. BAPTISM IX HIVER Eleven peopje will be baptized to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Susquehanna river at the foot of Broad street. Elder W. Roherson, of Philadelphia, will conduct the services which will be under the auspices of the Church of the Gosepl of the King dom. TO INSTALL, OFFICERS At the close of tiic evening services at the St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church to-morrow the following offi cers will be installed: William Hare, president; Miss Helen Tilghman, first |S§§ The Gasoline of Quality Hi The manufacture of quality gasoline is a modern |WjmjgH science as yet unknown to many refiners. Only the HWflm m ° St methods ' these highly expensive, WtmM With the care of a chemist filling a prescription, we imm&m remove every trace of impurity, and by the most exact- * nS " 3eC^on our con * laboratories, we assure Atlantic Automobile Gasoline is made to a definite Mffrffßj standard. That is why it gives satisfaction—the satis faction of maximum mileage per gallon, cleaner, better MjCjgvM iP§SiMggi Atlantic Automobile Gasoline can be obtained any where, in any quantity, and it is uniform in quality j wherever you buy it. Our tank wagon service is the Pennsylvania. Ask for "Atlantic Automobile Hpgfl mm The Atlantic Refining Co. vice-president; Evart llartz, second vice-president; Miss Nan Kraber, third vice-president; William Mell, fourth Nice-president; secretary, Clarence Kirk; treasurer, Miss Margrette Klaiss; pianist, Mrs. Edward Drinkwater; junior league superintendent, Sarah E. Mardorff. Eight Properties Are Sold in Park Area Eight properties in the Capitol Park extension area were sold to-day by the Board of Public Grounds and | Buildings for $502. This is the eighth | sale and over 320 properties have been disposed of. The sales were of materials con tained in buildings and were as fol lows: 707 North street to John Rusa at $198; 507 State to W. J. Reeves, Hlghspire, S3B; 508 South alley and 127 Short to David Jackson at $5 and $26; 522 and 524 State, N. G. Gates, Tyrone, at $141; 411 Filbert, Karl Schnabel, Penbrook, at sl3, and 630 Walnut to Bruno Mariano, at $Bl. 3
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