Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 16, 1914, Image 1

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Reported Killing of American Soldier
LXXXIII— No. 116
TeD of Insulting of American
Women and Spitting in Face
of "Cowardly Yankees"
Declares United States Must Inter
vene if Its Citizens Are to Live
in Strife-torn Land
ICnroute to his homo In Philadel
phia following a hair-raising- escape
with his family from troubled Mexico,
-Michael J. Siattery, a third-part own
er in a $5,000,000 gold mine near
Guadalajara, passed through Harris
Mr. Siattery is a son-in-law of
Thomas Mclfarland. 82fi North Sixty
third street, Philadelphia; the latter
came as far as this city to meet the
Siattery, his wife, their two small
daughters and some eighteen or twen
ty other Americana went through
some hair-graying experiences in try
ing to escape from the country of the
Huertistas. The Americans Anally
made their escape from Manzanillo on
the Mexican west coast to San Diego
and thence to San Francisco on a
freighter. The freighter was thirty
six days out of Hong Kong with sev
eral hundred Chinese coolies aboard.
Some awful tales of the treatment
by troops of the Huerta government,
of the Mexican's savage hatred of
Americans and things American, were
told by Siattery. The women were in
sulted by army officers the men were
aunted with cowardice; American
lags were torn from the consulate
windows and burned and spat upon.
During that Aag burning incident the
?ighteen Americans were lined up on
he docks and while a battalion of Hu
>rta troops stood up with loaded rifles,
'orced them to watch. When it was
ill over a Mexican officer threw the
\shes of the Aag in Slattery's face.
"We have spat in your far >s and we
lave insulted your women," said the
ltficer. "What in hell have we got to
* ,*Tow to make your cowardly Yan-
Iv-s fight."
' "If the United States docs not in
ervene and show Huerta and Villa
ind Carranza and all the rest of
hem that it isn't safe to attack Amer
fans." said Siattery, "no Amerlcnn
an ever go into Mexico w'th safety
gain." So declared Siattery in telling
if the outrages.
Siattery went into some detail about
he experiences of himself and the
ither Americans and the families of
he refugees in that faraway cpuntry
nder the Southern Cross. Here are
ome of the high lights;
"When our wives refused to leave
s. however, British Consul Holmes
greed to give us all shelter. He threw
ip fortiAcations and General Mier
ad a few troops posted around the
ullding. We ourselves kept sentinels
osted during that never-to-be-forgot
pn night. A mob that must have
umbered 13,000 howled and shrieked
nd cursed all night about the con
ulate. 'Death to the Gringoes,' 'Kill
lie Yanquis.'
A Pate Worse Than Death
"These were the cries, and X tell you.
: was pretty tough to listen to. Our j
■omen were brave and true blue, •
lough. That is something, for you
now, when a woman falls into "the
ands of one of these Mexicans, her
ite is far worse than death.
"At I o'clock that morning, the son
f one of the most prominent members
f the Mexican senate came to me
nd said that he had just been ap
rised that our forces, the Americans,
ad tried to land at Vera Crui and had
pen mowed down like grain before a
\vthe. A lot of other terrible news
as borne to us in that horrible night,
ut somehow I didn't believe it. Maybe
lat's because I'm an optimist bv na
"I realized that this sort of stuff was
ist a ruse of Huerta's to rally his peo
e. It had this effect.
"By 2 o'clock we were notified that
lere would be a train out the next
»y. This word came to us from Mr.
'hu an American, who v.-as master
echanic of the railway. British Con
il Holmes saw General Mier and got
ders that all Americans must leave
[Continued on Page 9]
Late News Bulletins
Finals in the liall' mile run resulted as follows: Hendricks. Read
me. lirst: Hritsch. Tech. second: Sellers. Steelton, third: •lolinston. Cen
tral. fourth; Red cay. Reading. Fifth. Time. 2:09 2-5.
Washington. May 16.—Rear Admiral Mayo reported to the Navy
Department to-day that, the Mexican federal gunboat Vera Cruz, pre
viously reported to have been abandoned, was sunk in the Panuco river
nt Tamos, to-day.
k Washington. May 16.——Further assurances reached the State De-
IFirtment to-day from the Brazilian minister in Mexico City that Amerl
(fan consul John R. Silllman, who was imprisoned at Saltllio, is en route
o Mexico City, but that his arrival has been delayed by Interrupted
railroad conditions.
.. Washington, May 16.—The State Department declared to-day that
nil efforts to locate Ldward Depew Dostcr, an American new-paper
man, had so Tar been fruitless, but that continued effort would be
made by Senor Cardoso.
Washington. May 16.—That Mexican Federals had evacuated Mon
clova In Coahuila, and that six hundred Constitutionalists under Gen
eral Murguia had taken possession of the town, moving fram Ciudad
Porfirio Diaz, was reported to-day to the State Department
Parts. May 16.—King Christian X and Queen Alexandrine, of Den
mark, arrived here to-day to pay a two days* official visit of courtesv
to France, during which they nre to l»e the guests of the French irov
eminent. h
Lancaster, Pa.. May 16.—At to-day's session of the General Svnod
ol' the Kerormed Church, the board of Foreign Missions presented a re
port In which they urged that the sum of $250,000 be apportioned to the
aid of foreign missions.
Hazleton, Pa., May 16.—James E. Roderick, chief of the State
IJepartment of Mines mid Mining, one of the best known politicians of
tin' State, is seriously 111 at his home here.
Thousands Crowd Island Park to
See Eighth Annual High
School Meet
Records May Be Shattered Before
Start of Relay Late This
Technical High Harrisburg.
Central High, Harrisburg.
In the order named these schools
are looked upon as tho most likely
winners at the eighth annual Pennsyl
vania high school track meet which
started promptly at 2 o'clock this
afternoon at Municipal Field on the
"All out for the trial heats In the
one-hundred yard dash!" shouted
Arthur H. Hull, clerk of tho course,
at 2 sharp and the stand filled with
colorful, joyful, hopeful boys and
girls from the high schools of Cen
tral Pennsylvania grew suddenly sil
ent. The strained hush continued
for nearly a minute. Then from down
at the starting point near the Cum
berland Valley railroad bridge camo
the crack of starter's pistol, the sil
ence of a moment turned to cries of
Go It Tech! Como On Central! Steel
ton! Steelton! and the lirst heat vai
Expeert Shattered Records
Fair skies and a track in Ideal con
dition made the day a perfect one for
the making of good time and indica
tions were at a lato hour this after
noon that many a record will be bro
ken in the finals. The hundred or
mote athletes who are striving for the
medal prizes have been getting ready
for to-day's meet since the breaking
up of winter, and trainers said this
morning that never in the history of
meets in this city have the lads been
in better trim than they are to-day.
But with all the many varied color
ed lounging robes worn by the Ath
letes, the rugged strength visible in
the boy . as they warmed up along the
track and the hustle and bustle among
the officials of the day the most beau
tiful pictures were to bo seen on the
stands along the dash-ways. Girls,
Girls, Girls, dressed out in colors,
colors, colors, compelled the eye, es
pecially tho male eye, to give just a
bit of attention to scenes of the d,ay
not athletic. Steelton, and Central,
of course, produced most of the pen
nants and most of the. co'.or and most
of the girls, but let It not be thought
that there were no girls waving the
maroon and gray of Tech. Oh, no!
let no such thing b imagined!
Tecli is Favorite
Competition promised to bo close
in the meet to-day. Tech High was a
great favorite for winner. Reading,
however, loomed up strong in tho
warming-up. Central High expected
to offer a few surprises. Still another
[Continued on Page 11]
Provide Funds For
Erection of Grade
Building on Hill
Sufficient funds to provide for the
erection of the new grade scho6l build
ing on Allison Hill—the L. S. Shim
mell school that is to be built at Six
teenth and Catherine streets—were
made available last evening by the
School Board when it accepted the
offer of the Central Trust Company for
the $90,000 issue at its bid of par and
SIOO premium. The Harrisburg Trust
Company and the First National Bank
were the only other bidders; they each
asked a block of $20,000 at par.
The bonds will Vie in SI,OOO denomi
nations and the contract for printing
the ninety was given to the Security-
Bond and Note Company, Philadeh
phia, at Its offer of $75; the Telegraph
Printing Company was the only other
bidder, its figure being $135.
A petition from twelve Central high
school teachers asking for an increase
of pay for overtime from a half to
three-quarters or full time because of
the double session was referred to the
finance committee.
Has Fine Record For Developing
and Rehabilitating Huge
js lM
At a meeting of the directors of the
Pennsylvania Steel Company, in Phila
delphia yesterday, William H. Conner
was elected to fill the newly-created
rContinued on Page 9]
Was Largely Responsible For Its
Insertion in Democratic
By Associated Press
Washington. May 16.—The state
ment that William Jennings Bryan de
liberately approved the tolls exemp
tion plank of the Democratic platform
as a member of the subcommittee on
resolutions which prepared the plat
form, was made in the Senate to-day
by Senator Welsh, of Montana, secre
tary of the subcommittee.
Senator Welsh declared that an open
repudiation of a solemn covenant by
a political party would cause all to
recoil from it with horror were it pro
posed by any other man than the
President of the United States.
"For myself its moral aspect as
sumes no different hue because he
j commends it," added the Senator.
I As a substitute for the repeal bill
.Senator Walsh urged the adoption of
former President Taft's proposal to
submit the controversy to tho Su
preme Court.
"When the tolls plank was present
ed," said Senator Walsh, "Mr. Bryan
expressed his approval but said that
it should be accompanied by another
i plank declaring against the admission
of railroad owned ships to the canal.
And so the platform read after the
declaration concerning tolls."
i Aged Mother Sends
Pascal Hall Dollar
to Buy His Tobacco
| Pascal Hall got a dollar yesterday
[from his bent and gray-headed mother
in the. South Carolina foothills.
Slv> sent the money by nostal money
! order with motherly letter of com
i fort—and tho suggestion that he buy
himself some tobacco.
| Hall is to be hanged Tuesday, May
26, for the murder of a fellow negro.
Bank Stock Brings
Top-notch Prices at
Public Sale Today
1 Thirty-five shares of bank and pub
lic utility stock were sold this morn
ing In front of the Courthouse. The
stock was an accumulation of securi
ties offered by several estates. The
prices received were much higher than
ordinary. Two shares of Klrst National
Bank stock brought $575 apiece;
twenty-one shares of Commonwealth
Trust brought $401.50, nntl twelve
shares of Harrisburg Bight and Power
. Company stock were sold at J4H.50 each.
Albert Alexander, aged # years, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Alexander.
533 Violet street,' was-rnn down by
an automobile this morning owned by
W. Justin Carter. 52 7 Maclay street,
and driven by farter's son. The lad
received injuries about his face and
Governor Refuses Request of the
Auditor General For Deputy
to Defend Him
Sharp Criticism of the Course
of Auditor General Runs
Through Letter
Governor John K. Tener to-day sent
a letter to Auditor General A. W.
Powell, in which he not only upheld
Attorney General John C. Bell in his
refusal to assign one of his deputies
to represent the Auditor General in
mandamus proceedings brought as a
result of the controversy over the pay
ment of revenue from automobile li
censes to the State Highway Depart
ment as required by law, but informed
Mr. Powell that he approval of all the
Attorney General had done in bring
ing actions against the Auditor Gen
eral. In addition the Governor says
that from what he has heard the
"dilatory" tactics of Mr. Powell In
the actions have prevented early de
cision of the Important question raised
by the fiscal officer and puts the blame
for condition of the highways on the
shoulders of the Auditor General.
The letter was sent in response to
an appeal made to the Governor by
Mr. Powell when the Attorney General
had refused his request to assign Dep
uty Attorney General J. E. 15. Cun
ningham to defend him in the man
damus proceedings brought by Mr.
Bell to compel payment of the auto
mobile license money to the Highway
Department as provided by the motor
vehicle license act of 1913 or to give
him an allowance for counsel fees.
The Governor's letter
In his letter the Governor says:
"May 14, 1914.
"Hon. A. W. Powell, Auditor General,
Harrisburg, Pa.
"Sir: Your letter of the 12th in
stant, together with a copy of a com
munication from the Attorney Gen
eral to you of the same date, were
received in due course, since which
time I have carefully reviewed the
action taken by the Highway Depart
ment, the Attorney General and your-
fContinued on Page 9]
Strangers Ask Numerous Questions
in Sign Language About
When two strangers who appeared
and behaved like deaf mutes called at
the offices of the John C. Herman
cigar company at New Cumberland
yesterday afternoon and evinced a
keen interest in the interior arrange
ment of the plant the employes felt
only pity for them.
And when the visitors asked in sign
language and with pencil and tablet
numerous questions about the estab
lishment the workmen willingly, sym
pathetically,' explained all they could.
But just before the pair departed one
of them wrote on a bit of paper:
"When is payday?"
A clerk obligingly wrote "To-mor
row—Saturday," in reply.
Amazed workmen who came to
work this morning discovered that the
office door had been "jimmied" and
the safe door blown open. An empty
nitroglycerin can and a decidedly
queer odor in the air told its own
story. *
An inner drawer had been pried
loose and the contents consisting of
S3BO worth of revenue stamps, had
been stolen. The stamps are of the
kind used for the tobacco trade and
are of little value to the thieves. New
Cumberland sleuths are seeking a trail
Shammo Says He Is
Not For McCormick
The following statement was given
out to-day by Calder B. Shammo, can
dlJato for Democratis nomination for
the Legislature in the city district:
"It is not true, as stated in the Pa
triot to-day that I, as a candidate for
the nomination as a member of the
State Legislature, on the Democratic
ticket, am in favor of the nomination
of Mr. Palmer for Senator and Mr.
McCormick for Governor. I am a
Ryan Democrat and am lending my
best efforts to bring about the .success
of the whole Ryan ticket in this city
and the defeat of the McCormick-Pal
nier faction. The statement that I am
for Palmer and McCormick was made,
by me in a joking way and was never
intended to be taken seriouslv, as I am
unqualifiedly In favor of the whole
Ryan ticket."
Ask for a Nonpartisan ballot and
mark it:
IIUMII ■■■ ■. ■■■mm IN II SSI
K fjiryM
BL I $
The nonpartisan committee having
In charge the campaign of President
Judge George Kunkel for the State
Supreme Court bench callod attention
to-day to the necessity of polling a big
vote in Dauphin county and through
out Central Pennsylvania at tho pri
maries next Tuesday. •
Judge Kunkel's campaign in his
home district has swept everything
before it. No other candidate has
been able to gain a foothold in Cen
tral Pennsylvania. So unanimous is
sentiment in his favor at home that
many of his friends do not realize that
a serious contest is being waged for
his nomination and that other candi
dates are striving by every means In
their power to gain support and in
fluence. It must not be forgotten that
each of the other candidates is per
sonally popular in his home district
and that to overcome heavy votes cast
elsewhere it will be necessary for all
Judge ICunkel's friends at home to
come to his support on Tuesday.
The committee is much pleased with
late reports from many places through
out Pennsylvania. Judge Kunkel's
chances of nomination are considered
excellent. Indeed, those who have
been most closely associated with his
campaign were to-day sure that he
will be nominated, but they were urg
ing that every vote possible be re
corded for him, as the nonpartisan
"Get an Elevator!" Pleads
the Trousered Dr. Walker
Goodness Only Knows How Anyone Can Climb Pennsy
Steps Dressed in "Those Horrid Skirts"
Dr. Mary Walker —the first woman,
remember, who ever wore trousers in
public—was in Harrisburg an hour
early this morning. And in that one
hour Dr. Walker took occasion to
say what sho thinks about the Penn
sylvania Railroad for not having an
elevator for passengers in the Harris
burg station.
Dressed as usual, in trousers of the
latest mode, frock coat, silk hat, and
carrying one of those dear, sweet canes
so much affected these bright May aft
ernoons by the mustached youth of
this fair city, Dr. Walker arrived hero
at 2.45 o'clock this morning. At 3.45
sho boarded a train for Buffalo. But
no sleeping car for Dr. Mary! She
will have none of them and always
Pennsy Sends Letters to Men Tell
ing Them to Report Mon
day Morning
Outside of preparations for the big
I meeting at the Colonial Theater to
morrow night strikers spent a quiet
day. Railroad officials also reported
a lull in the storm and anticipated
nothing of any special interest to-day.
1 Both sides appear to be waiting for
the result of the Debs meeting at the
[Colonial Theater to-morrow night.
Believing, they they say, that u
[ number of employes quit work
[Continued on Page 14]
By Associated Press
Rending, Pa.. -May 16.—Fire was
discovered In a Reading Railway mail
car filled with matter at Royersford
this morning. The flames spread rap
idly and the car was run to r,infield,
where the flames were extinguished,
but not before half of the mail was
destroyed and badly damaged.
ballot is as yet experimental and there
is no precedent upon which accurate
estimates of results may be based.
It Is evident, however, that Judge
Kunkel's excellent record on the,bench
is all over Pennsylvania! Re
ports at headquarters indicate that
his conduct of the Capitol conspiracy
cases and his decisions in the "full
crew" law and other important cases
have made a deep impression on the
popular mind. It has not been for
gotten that Judge Kunkel presided at
the Captiol conspiracy cases, as the
result of which all the guilty persons
were convicted and nearly $2,000,000
of stolen money returned to the State.
He has received' strong support
throughout the mining regions and
wherever union labor is strong be
cause of his eminent fairness when tho
"full crew" law- was bitterly assailed
in the Dauphin county courts. He
sustained this law and the Supreme
Court sustained him.
Of all the candidates Judge Kunkel
is admittedly best fitted by training,
experience, and natural ability for the
Supreme Court judgeship. He has had
six years as a lawmaker in the Legis
lature six years as district attorney
and ten years on the bench, having
been unanimously re-elected last Fall
with the support of the very men who
were his bitterest opponents when he
ran first.
rides in a day coach. Just why she
refuses to state.
It was on getting out of the train
from Washington that the Doctor gave
her opinion of the railroad accommo
"Gracious goodness!" she exclaimed,
"this railroad is certainly miles behind
the times when it comes to providing
accommodations for passengers. Must
I climb those steps? No, I musn't.
Get me an elevator."
So a courteous brakeman arranged
to have the Doctor taken to the wait
ing room by way of the baggage lift.
"I don't see how women get up at
all in those horrid tight skirts," shot
Dr. Walker on leaving the elevator
with her baggage.
Lack of Financial Support of Col
lege Causes Dissatisfaction
in Management
Special to The Telegraph
Philadelphia, May 16: Dr. Eu
gene Allen Noble yesterday resigned
as president of Dickinson College, Car
lisle, Pa., and the resignation was
accepted at a meeting of the Board
of Trustees at the University Club,
this city. Dr. John H. Morgan, dean
of the college, was chosen president
pro tern to serve until the annual
meeting, when the office will be filled
Lack of financial support for the
college was the Impelling cause for
Dr. Noble's resignation. The board
adopted a resolution attesting his
distinguished ability regretting Ills
resignation and expressing the hope
for his future success. ,
Doctor Noble was elected president
of Dickinson In October 1911 belns
at that time president of GoUpher Col
lege. Baltimore. He succeeded Dr.
George E Reed.
Huerta Government Has Promised
Full Investigation, Says Span
ish Ambassador
Principals in Niagara Falls Con
ference to Be Spanish
Ambassador's Guests
By Associated Press
Washington. D. C., May 16.—State
Department officials awaited to-day a
reply from the Huerta government to
the urgent Inquiry mado by the Bra
zilian minister In Mexico City at the
request of Secretary Bryan for In
formation concerning the whereabouts
of Private Samuel Parks. Spanish Am
bassador Riano to-day received a dis
patch from the Huerta government
promising immediate investigation.
Air. Bryan said he had received no
proof from the Brazilian envoy that
Parks, who went through the Mexican
line in his uniform, was executed. But
it is known that the minister as well
as General Funston in Vera Cruz have
been told repeatedly that the young
private had met with a summary exe
cution and that tils body had been
mutilated and destroyed.
Neither, however, has been able to
report to Washington the Mexican
commmander's account of just what
happened. War Department officials
i say they assume Parks met his death,
in the manner unofficially reported.
Secretary Bryan declined to inako
public the text of the representations
made by him to General Huerta
through the Brazilian minister other
than to say that they were "urgent."
Kept ljight Burning
Last night's reports corroborated to
day from Vera Cruz by American Con
sul Canada that Tuxpam, on the east
coast of Mexico, is in the hands of
Constitutionalists, raises a question as
to the possible occupation by the Con
stitutionalists of Lobos Island, which
lies only a few miles off Tuxpam. The
Huerta lighthouse keeoers turned
over the lighthouse to tiie American
■ [Continued on Paso 11]
Promoter Wanted by
Police Tried to Make
Victim of Dr. J. W. Hill
Chicago, 111., May 16.—The liamo
of the Rev. J. Wesley Hill, of New
York, formerly of Grace church, Har
risburg, figures in the correspondence
of J. H. Barrett, accused of engaging
in fraudulent mortgage proceedings,
Barrett, for whose arrest a reward
has been offered, it appears from his
correspondence, had addressed letters
Hill and had interested him in his
schemes. The officers say that Hill
hacked out before Barrett procured
any money from him but he will ho
called upon as a witness against tho
For llnrrlaliurg anil vlclnltyi Fair
to-night nnit Sunday; moderate
For Kaatern I'cnnaylvanla: Fair
weather and moderate tempera
ture to-nlglit mid Sundays lin lit to
■uodernte northweat Hindu.
Tlie Siiaquehanna river nnil all Itn
tributary*" "'III continue to fall
until rain occura.
A atage of nbout 7.8 feet In Indicate
cd for Hurrlaburg Sunday morn
General ComlllloUM
! A disturbance, central over Sax
kiitchenun, reaehliiK far to thi
aouthwurd, hua eauaed ahowcra
generally In the Kooky Moun
| tulua, over the l'neitlc Slope and
in the Southwest I'lulna Stntea lit
the iHHt twenty-four hoara.
I Except allghtly cooler weather In
| the Middle Atlantic Stntea, anil a
general full of "i to 12 degree* In
temperature weat of the Kocky
Mountaiiia, there liaa been a gen
eral rlae of 2 to 14 degrees In
temperature alnce laat report
throughout the United States.
Temperature) 8 a. m., sa.
Sun: Hiaea, 4:50 a. m.; acta, 7:l:i
p. m.
Moon: Sen moon, May 24, 9:35
l>. m.
River Stage t 0.0 feet above low
water mark.
Yeaterday'a Weather
lllghcat temperature, <lB.
liowent temperature, 10.
Mean temperature, 58.
formal temperature, (11.
Clarence C. Koppcnheiter and Hattle
Hoover. Halifax.
Andrew Rohacok and Melissa May
Funk, Steelton.
Harry G. From and Ada M. Kupp,
Bitumin, Pa.
/ N
Put Your Signs Where
People See Them
Merchants and manufacturers
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equal advantage.
When you advertise you want
to reach the public.
What do they, the people, read
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Any way you look at this
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The modern dally newspaper
with its definite, concentrated
circulation is the best medirJm In
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Nothing takes its place aa
many have already proved for
Information will be gladly
given without charge by the
Bureau of Advertising, American
Newspaper Publishers Associa
tion, World Building, New York.
Booklet on request.