Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 15, 1914, Image 1

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    Zapata's Followers Make Attack on Fed
LXXXIII — No. 115
uggested as Possible Source of
Income For Band Concert
aylor Thinks Enough Money
Could Be Obtained to Fill
Out Season Program
Tango and "hesitation," schottische
nd "maxixie"—all may be danced in
le not very distant future in a big
immer pavilion on the slopes of Oak
nob or some similar vantage point in
eservoir Park.
City Commissioner. M. Harvey Tay
>r, superintendent of parks and pub
c property, has a plan for the erec
on of such a structure under con
The dancing pavilion has been sug
2sted to the park commissioner as
possible source of income for a sum
ier band concert fund.
In other cities, Mr. Taylor says. the
lan has been followed successfully
id the city is put to no expense be
luse just enough of an admission is
larged to .pay for maintenance. Re
use of the fact that the pavilion
ould be located in a public park and
ider the jurisdiction of the city au
orities, it would not be permissible
conduct it at a profit. Mr. Taylor
-day said:
"The idea had been suggested to me
i several occasions and 1 have al
ays had the thought in my own head
it I haven't taken any definite steps
the matter because I preferred to
arn just now the people of the city
auld feel about such a project. Per
nally 1 think it would l»c a good
Small Rate Per Head
"The pavilion or dance, floor could
erected and the expense of build
and operation could be more than
Vie up by charging a nominal ad
ssiou fee per couple—seme cities
n told fix a rate of five or six cents
head. The expenses would include
e up-keep of a good orchestra, pro
ling good music, for keeping the
or in good shape, and for a sutfi
•ntly large and qualified staff of at-j
ldants on hand to see that the.
nces were properly conducted and
objectionable characters admitted.
"Providing for band concerts either
the pavilion or In some other part
the park from the proceeds Is a new
?ught, however. But I don't see
ij- this wouldn't work out satisfac
■ily if the other would.
"While I've had this plan in mind
la.ven't looked up any data as yet,"
nt on Mr. Taylor. "As I said. I "pre
•red to learn how Harrisburg's peo-
; —its church people or others who
n't go in, or care for dancing as
•ule—feel about this. And I should
e to obtain some expression of opin
i on this subject for I think it is
matter that is well worth looking
'Should a dancing pavilion be erect
in Reservoir Park, what would be
) more likely site?" the commis
ner was asked.
'The slopes of Oak Knob have boen
rgested and I don't see why that
uldn't be as good a place as any."
ulroad Men to Hold
Memorial Service June 14
Memorial services of the railroad
;anizatlons of the city will be held
jc 14. Representatives of the vari
i lodges met last Sunday after
jn and organized a general commit
and e'ected the following officers:
airman, W. H. Patrick; vice-chalr
n, Harry Yoder and Samuel Smith:
retary and treasurer, Edward
ichman. The vliurch has not as
been selected. The committee will
et in White's Hail, Verbekc and
nes streets, at 9 o'clock next Sun
■ morning when committees from
various railroad brotherhoods will
Late News Bulletins
St. Louis, .Mil., Slay 15.—Three persons were killed at lvaufmunn,
111., to-day when nn automobile in wliich they were riding was struck by
n railroad train.
Hunstanton. May 15.—Miss Cecile l/citcli won the British women's
jolt championship to-day, defeating Miss Gla yds Haveilscroft, woman
champion of the United States, h.v two holes up and one to play.
Montreal, May 15.—Anxiety was expressed here to-day for the
safety of the freighter Boldwcll. of the Koth line, twenty-five days out
on a voyage from Antwerp to Montreal. The voyage should have taken
>nly fifteen days. The Boldwell carries a crew of thirty-five.
St. Augustine, 11a., May 15.—The Huerta delegates left here at 1.20
p. in. for .Jacksonville.
Chicago, May 15.—Hurley Heard, 18 years old. arrested here tills
nfternoon. confessed to the murder of three persons on a farm near
[ronton, Ohio, last Thursday.
San Francisco, May 15.—That Provisional President Huerta had is
sued specific orders to General Gustav Maas, commanding the Mexican
forces at Vera Cruz, to offer no opposition to the landing of the Ameri
cans there and that those orders were disobeyed by General Maas on his
>wn responsibility is a statement vouched lor to-day by E. l)e Morelos
i Mexican architect, on his arrival hero from Vera Cruz via New Or
Spokane, Wash., May 15—Great Northern passenger train, the Ori
ental I,United, was held up by two masked men early to-day near Hex
ford, Montana. The combination mail and baggage car was detached
from the train and run four miles west to Hondo, where the euro was
Washington, May 15.—The mediating envoys returned to the White
louse tills afternoon for a conference with the President. It also was
tated that the American delegates, Justice Lamar and M. Lehmunn
vould be present. The purpose of the conference was not disclosed
New York, May 15. —The market closed easy to-day, Exhaustion
>f the early buying movement prompted prollt-taklng sales and the
lay's small gains were generally cancelled. The slow decline in the
iftcrnoon encouraged renewed short .selling one which Canadla PncJfl«.
ind Amalgamated reacted a point.
Wall Street Closing.—Chesapeake and Ohio, 53 V,: l«liigh Valley
40: Northern Pacific, ill; Southern Pacific, 02%; Villon Pacific 157U '
rillcago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. »«T„: P. H. It., Ill'fc: Reading, 1 «<i -
few York Central. : Canadian Pacific. 102%: V. S. Steel. <tl«^.
Tears Succeed Happy Smiles in
Court When Woman Learns
Judge's Verdict
Hb *
w , - yrmßM
Perhaps the most pathetic scene In j
the history of the old Perry county
courthouse, at New Bloomfleld, occur. I
reil Wednesday afternoon when Judge
W. 11. Seibert refused a writ of habeas
[Continued on J'ujte 6]
Federation of Labor
in Fight Over Guard
By Associated Fress
Erie, Pa., May 15.—After a sharp
battle, the annual convention of the
Pennsylvania Federation of Labor to
day passed a resolution asking all
union men not to join the National
Guard of the Pennsylvania Constabu
lary. Delegate David Williams, of
Allentown, Pa., opposed the resolution,
declaring that union men should join
such organizations and refuse to serve
when called for duty against strik
ing workmen.
Ice to Be Lower This
Summer Than Last
Ice will be lower in price this sum
mer in Harrisburg than last summer.
Prices are 5 cents a hundred cheaper
and indications are that the price will
remain at this point throughout the
hot weather. Thirty-five cents a hun
dred and 25 cents a hundred on orders
of 200 pounds or over is the quotation
to-day. The cold snap at the tail of
the winter is the cause of the lower
prices. The storage houses are jammed
to capacity. There will be no dearth.
By Associated Press
Montreal, May 15. —P. D. Monk,
former minister of public works in the
Dominion cabinet, died here early to
day. He had been suffering for some
time from hardening of the arteries.
Mr. Monk has been for thirty years
prominent in the political history of
Canada. He was one of the leaders
of the Montreal bar.
General Chairmen Write Pennsy
That Organizations Will Keep
"Hands Off"
Pierce Tells Strikers They'll Win
and He Is Greeted With Cheer
After Cheer
Rnilroad officials have been assur
ed by heads of throe big transporta
tion brotherhoods that they will have
nothing to do with the strike of the
Brotherhood of Federated Railroad
This information came to the offi
cials this morning from William Park,
'•hairimin of the general committee,
lines east for the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Engineers.' H. A. Enocks, gen
eral chairman of the lines east for the
Brotherhood of Trainmen, and A. :.
Kauffman, general chairman of the
lines east for the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Firemen and Enginemen.
This information was posted at all
railroad shops and stations and
throughout the yards of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad. It was read by every
employe now at work. For the bene
fit of the strikers copies of the letters
have been posted-at Seventh and Reily
streets and at other points where
pickets gathered daily.
The warning from the other brother
hoods had little effect upon the en
thusiasm of the strikers. They were
gathered in large numbers at the
strike headquarters, 1334>£ North
Sixth street, throughout the "day.
Letter From 11. of L. F. & E.
The letter from A. J. Kauffman to
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men and Enginemen follows:
"Philadelphia, May 14, 1914.
"Mr. J. C. Johnson.
"P. R. R. Co.. Philadelphia.
"Dear Sir:—Referring to telegram
signed by a number of employes of
your company vfith regard to the
shopmen situation in and about Har
risburg which you handed to me, this
action taken at the meeting referred
to in the telegram is not considered
by us as ofllclai action of our organi-
[Continued on Pago 10]
Hum of Approval Follows Ap
pearance of Clean-cut
Babbling balloonmen, persistent
peanut peddlers, joyous juvenilis,
reminiscent rummies, in the crowds,
crowds, crowds that poured from rus
tic home, and city flat and surged and
eddied up and down the streets, then
stood for a half hour of intoxicating
delight as the gorgeous, glittering pa
gent, many colored, cosmopolitan,
brought to their view a hint of the
wonders that will appear within the
big tent of Ringling Brothers circus
'this afternoon and this evening.
The people began to line up along
Sixth street as early as 9 o'clock, for
the parade, it was bulletined, would
start at ten: but it was well on toward
noon when the cavalcade moved out of
the show grounds. The populace, who
flanked the streets four deep, however,
were well repaid for their tiresome
wait. Everything was as fresh and
bright as a Fifth avenue fashion show,
and beasts and show people alike
I looked well-kept.
There was an air of veracity about
the whole. The Roman chariot driver
looked almost Roman; and as for the
Arabs who will give some remarkable
exhibitions, there wasn't any doubt
that they were from the desert. A
dozen camels harnassed to a band
wagon was a novel feature; and twen
ty-six elephants brought up the rear.
There was a calliope, of course, at
the end, and one in the middle, too.
And the lour bands played all along
the line.
"Putting One Over''
I Along about 11 o'clock, when the
I crowd was beginning to think that the
| parade ought to appear, there was a
I shout of "Here she comes" and band
I music floated down the street. In a
i little while appeared the Washburn
j Midway shows ladies' military band,
land a little parade trailing along back
of it. It traversed the route that the
! big parade later passed over, and it's a
safe bet that there wasn't a person in
. the crowd that wasn't fooled into
j thinking that at last the big pageant
[Continued on Page 17]
i Cincinnati, Ohio, Slay 15. —John
Evers, second baseman on the Boston
National League team, at Cincinnati,
in a published interview, declared that
| Johnny Kling, former Cub and Boston
: Brave team and last year a Redleg,
i has just turned down one of the big
i gest offers made to a player in the his
tory of the game. Evers declared
! that the offer came from Barney Drey
fuss, owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates,
i Evers declared that Pittsburgh is pen
nant mad, but that their only hopes
I lie in Gibson, their catcher. If Gib
' son is disabled, the whole team would
I be shot to pieces.
I Washington, May 15.—The situa
l at Perto Plata, Santo Domingo, now
held by revolutionists and where the
i government has proclaimed a, block
ade is reported as being <juict. in a
[dispatch received at the Navy Depart
ment early to-day from Commander
•Kberle, of the United Statf-s cruiser
at that port.
There is no more important factor
in the making of a modern newspaper
than the press or presses upon which
it is printed from day to day. Time
was when the public had little or no
Concern in the mechanical equipment
of the newspaper, but nowadays tho
importance of the newspaper to the
average community is so well recog
nized that anything that has to do
with the production of that newspaper
is of interest to the public.
Throughout its long history tho
Telegraph has maintained a close re
lation to its constantly increasing body
of readers. Only recently there cam«
into possession of the management
files of the Telegraph covering the
whole period of the first Mexican War,
and the fact that, these files were pre
served by a prominent citizen of ono
of the Important Central Pennsylvania
towns, shows a personal interest and
appreciation of the Telegraph of that
earlier period. It Is quite a common
thing to receive letters from readers
of the Telegraph of the third and
fourth generation, these readers repre
senting continuous family subscrip
Judicial Contest Not All One
sided ; Straw-vote Is
At the headauarters of the nonpar
tisan committee having in charge the
campaign of Judge Kunkel for the
State Supreme Court bench to-day
those who have been directing the
work were very optimistic. Favorable
reports have been received from all
parts of the State, but the fight is be
ing vigorously waged by the other
candidates, and the members of the
committee feel that now is the time
for Judge Kunkel's friends in Dau
phin county to show their colors.
The campaign has been so one-sided
In Dauphin county that it is feared
some, voters may neglect to vote the
nonpartisan ticket because they feel
that Judge Kunkel will have votes and
to spare. But elsewhere over the State
and especially In the more populous
centers friends of the other candidates
[Continued on Page G]
Wilson Will Have to
Appoint Two to Board
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., May 15. —Be-
cause Harry A, Wheeler, of Chicago,
| vice-president of the l Continental Trust
i Company, has declined a membership
upon the ' Federal Reserve Board,
President Wilson will have two places
to fill on the board. Dr. Adolph C.
Miller, of San Francisco; Paul M. War
burg, of New York city, and W. P. G.
Harding, of Birmingham, Ala., have
all accepted. Besides selecting two
more men the President must desig
nate one of them as governor and an
other as vice-governor. He is can
vassing again the list of 150 names
which was before him when he made
his first choices.
Vallon Admits He
Lied During Trial
By Associated Press
New York, May 15. —Harry Vallon,
fellow-conspirator with "Bald Jack"
Rose and others in the plot which
resulted in the murder of Herman Ro
senthal, lor which Charles Becker is
being tried for the second time, un
derwent the ordeal of cross-exami
nation to-day. He admitted that he
had lied on many occasions in respect
to the murder, but swore that his
story of the events leading up to the
crime was correct in its essential de
Counsel for the defense fired ques
tion after question at the witness in
an endeavor to show that his testi
mony connecting Becker with the con
spiracy was false. In no important
points, however, was (he witness" story
broken down.
Mildred Smith, aged seven years, of
1311 Howard street, was struck bv nn
I automobile owned by ex-Senator John
1). Fox. at Fourth and State streets,
this morning shortly after J1 o'clock.
She was taken to the Harrlsbnrg Hos
pital suffering wltll a laceration above
her right eye.
It is for this reason that the an
nouncement that the Telegraph is to
have w'ithin a few weeks the most
completo and modern newspaper press
ever installed in Harrisburg has pecu
liar interest to the large and ever
increasing family of Telegraph read
ers. A contract has been made with
the Goss Printing Press Company, of
Chicago, for the building of this press,
which will weigh approximately fifty
tons and contain over 9,000 parts. It
will be twenty-five feet long, eight feet
six inches wide and ten feet eight
inches high. A sixty-horsepower mo
tor will be required to drive the big
While tlie etching herewith gives a
slight idea of the proportions of the
press, it does not convey any adequate
conception of the many ingenious de
vices for the production of a modem
newspaper at high speed. This press
is known as the Goss high-speed,
straight-line, sextuple press.. It will
produce 3f>,000 fourteen, sixteen, eigh
teen, twenty, twenty-two or twenty
four page papers per hour, and on the
days the Telegraph does not. exceed
twelve pages it will print 72,000 papers
Most of the Victims Were Skilled
Mechanics Employed in Crude
Rubber Plant
By Associated Press
Detroit, Mich., May 15. —Ten men
were killed and three terribly injured
in an explosion this forenoon which
blew the plant of the Mexican Crude
Rubber Company to pieces. There
were about twenty-live employes
working in the plant. Eleven survivors
have been accounted for. Gasoline is
believed to have been responsible for
the explosion.
Most of the victims were skilled
mechanics. One body was blown
through the building'. Three other
bodies were burned beyond recogni
tion. Three men were removed to a
hospital and physicians said they did
not expe:t any of the men would sur
vive. Dozens of windows in buildings
near the rubber company's plant were
There were several reports as to the
cause of the explosion, but survivors
said a vat containing a large quantity
of molten rubber exploded.
I'liint Obliterated
The plant, a one story concrete
; building in West Detroit, was almost
obliterated. Flying chunks of sub
stance riddled adjoining buildings and
concrete blocks weighing several
pounds were found more than two
blocks from the scene of the explo
The factory of the Commerce Mo
tor Car Company about 100 feet from
! the rubber concern was badly dani
j aged. Nobody in the building, how
j ever, was seriously hurt.
! The explosion was witnessed by
I scores of pedestrians and there were
many narrow escapes, On man told
the police he heard a roar, the con
crete factory seemed to split into three
huge pieces, two of which "melted"
away. The third, he said, shit high
into the air, broke into fragments and
went whizzing in every direction.
By Associated Press
New York, May 15.—The steamer
Lusitania, which arrived to-day from
Liverpool, was held at quarantine t<fc
a short time on account of the illness
of one of the steerage passengers. The
patient was removed to Swinburn's
Island hospital and fifty-five of the
oassengers from the same compart
ment were removed to Hoffman is
Rev. Dr. Fox Will Preach
Sermon to Central Seniors
The graduating class of the Central
High School has selected the llev.
John D. Fox, pastor of Grace Metho
dist Episcopal Church, to preach the
baccalaureate sermon on Sunday,
June 7.
North Allerton, ICngland, May 15.
Two more British army aviators were
killed to-day near hero during a com
bined flight by a .squadron of military
aeroplanes from Scotland to Salisbury
iPlaln. i
per hour. It will bo so built as to
make possible the printing of the Tele
graph up to forty-eight pages.
The new press will include many de
vices which will make possible the
printing of a newspaper such- as has
never been turned out in this city, and
as It will be constructed for high
speed, it will make possible the over
coming of difficulties under which this
newspaper now labors in caring for
its present large circulation.
• All manner of time-saving devices
have been included in the specifica
tions and the order was placed with
the Goss company after a thorough
investigation of the best machines now
on the market. Great care has been
given the minor details to provide
every convenience for the operation of
the machine and the elimination of
the small losses of time which, singly,
are trivial, but in the aggregate
amount to a considerable item. It is
the opinion of the makers of this
press that it has almost reached the
point where there does not seem to
j be any prospect of further linprove-
I nieut.
Commissioner H. F, Bowman and
City Electrician Diehl Collect
ing Data For Regulations
Further assurance that the pro
l posed city-wide overhead wire and
I pole removal ordinance is in process
|of preparation and that its introduc
tion in City Council will be just a mat-
I ter of time, and a comparatively short
I time at that, was given to-day by City
Commissioner Harry F. Bowman, su
perintendent of Public Safety.
Some weeks ago Commissioner Bow
|man announced that City Electrician
Dlehl and himself were collecting data
lor the purpose of drafting an ordi
nance which would require the re
imovai within a certain period of years
j of all the poles and wires in the city.
I The measure, Mr. Bowman said, will
.likely provide for the clearing of the
I overhead network in certain distries
within certain terms of years, tlio
wireless-poleless zone to be spread
In effect the proposed ordinance
will carry the same provisions as the
present merger ordinance requirement,
under which the Harrisburg Light and
Power Company is operating. . This
ordinance, in fact, will be taken as a
Gathering Details
Commissioner Bowman said, how
ever, that he couldn't promise the or
dinance very soon because of the other
department woork Incident to adver
tising for bids for the year's supplies,
etc. To-day he reiterated this state
ment, although he said that he and
Mr. Dlehl are getting together as much
detail on the subject as possible.
Now i can assure you that
we're working on lliis and that
the measure will l>e ready just as
soon as we can get together all
the data. Just when we'll have it
ready, however, 1 can't say. We
hope to get it in shape to offer in
the near future, but it is impossi
ble to fix a definite time.
May 25 has been fixed by Mr. Bow
man for opening bids for from 2.500
to 3,500 feet of aerial and from 400 to
GOO feet of underground cable, 3.000
feet of galvanized wire, and 500 cop
! per sleeves for the equipment of the
I new police and fire alarm system. The
iunderground cable will be used in com
| pleting the connections of the new
police boxes recently installed.
By Associated Press
New York, May 15. —Irwin D. Bak
er arrived here to-day. having traveled
3,362 miles from San Diego, Cal., on
a motorcycle in eleven days, eleven
hours and ten minutes. His longest
day's run was from Greensburg, Pa., to
New York City, a distance of 418
miles. The best previous record was
twenty days, nine hours and one min
ute, made by Volney Davis in 1912.
By Associated I'ress
Washington, May 15.—The nomina
tion of Charles V. Duffy, of Paterson,
N. J., to be collector of internal reve
nue for the northern district of New
Jersey, was prepared at the White
House to.day for transmission to the
fen ate.
Postponement Asked For by Bra
zilian Ambassador Announced
Delegation Will Be Given Oppor
tunity to Spend Some Time
in Washington
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., May 15. The
opening of the negotiations ol' the
| South American mediators in the
Mexican controversy at Niagara Falls,
I Ont., was to-day postponed until Wcd-
I ncsday. May 20, the State. Department
I announced. The sessions were origi
| nally scheduled to begin Monday,
May IS.
The delay was arranged at the re
quest ol' the Brazilian Ambassador, Mr.
Da Gama, in order that the Mexican
j delegates to the conference who aro
speeding northward from Key West
! to-day might not be unduly hurried in
I their trip to Niagara Falls. The Mexl-
I can delegation will reach Washington
shortly after noon to-morrow and they
will be given an opportunity by tho
postponement to spend some time in
Washington, in touch with the situa-
I tion here, before proceeding to tho
| formal negotiations.
After the postponement was an
nounced it was learned that Brazilian
Ambassadar Da Gama had decided
[Continued on I'age I.]
By Special Correspondence.
Trainidad, Colo., May 15.—Little by
little the Southern Colorado coal dis
trict is accustoming itself to the rule,
of United States troops. With general
military headquarters at Trinidad, and
with detachments' scattered through
through Las Animas and Huorfana
counties, soldiers have become a part
of the daily life of the citizens. Mar-
I tial law has not been proclaimed.
By Associated Press
St. Louis, Mo.. May 15.—Plans for
n parade in which approximately 10,-
000 Masons will participate to-morrow
afternoon, were worked out to-day
by the Grand Masters of Masonic or
ders whose second annual convention
is being held here. Thirty-two States
and Canada and Mexico will bo repre
By .-issociateJ Press
New Tork, May 15.—Tho million
dollar estate of General Hiram Dur
year, who was killed on May 5 by his
i son, Chester Duryea, will be divided
among his three children, the parri
cide sharing equally with his brother,
Harry H. Duryea, and his sister, Mrs.
Henry O. Anderson, according to
his friends of the family.
For tlarrlsburg and vicinity! Fair
to-night and Saturdays not much
change In temperature.
For Knstern Pennsylvania: Fair
weather ami moderate tcmpern
ture to-night and Saturdays llnlit
I to modernte northwest wiuds.
Itiver t
The Susquehanna river ami all It*
tributaries Mill full to-night anil
Saturday and probably for *cv
,-rnl days. A stage of abmri 10.1
feet in ludlcftted for IlarrlttburK
Saturday morning.
Geucral Conditions
Tlie northwestern blah pre*sure
urea that hns been drifting "low-
It rant ward during the last few
day* now cover* practically all
tin- country cant of the llocky
iiioiitnin*. with U» eenter over
the L'pper Mississippi Vnlley.
Fair weather hns prevailedthrough
out the country during the Inst
twenty-four liourn, except along
the South Atluntle const and in
Northern New Kngland and In
\ew Mexico, Southern Colorado,
Northern California and
Ington State, where light to mod
erate shower* have occurred.
| The temperature has risen 2 to It)
degree* at n miijority of the *tn
! tlons represented on the map. It
Is to 12 degrees cooler in the
| South Atlantic State* and In New
j York.
I Temperatures Ba. m„ 54; 2p. m., otl.
Sum ltl*es. 4«51 a. in.; «i.-aii, Tilll
p. ni.
Moon: New moon, May 24, 0:35
p. ni.
Illver Stage: 12.5 feet above low
water mark.
Yesterday'* Weather
Highest tem pern to re. <l7.
l.owcHt temperature. 50.
Mean temperature, 58.
Normal temperature, <ll.
j Harvey I. Hoover. Wiconisco town
ship, and Lottie Zimmerman, Washing
800 Kuntz and Carrie Miller, Steelton.
Frand Galolip and Mary Grabenar.
Fixing Up
The Summer Home
People are already beginning
to plan for their summer vaca
Once again the newspaper
proves to be their best friend—■
whether they want to select their
hotel or cottage, or buy the fur
nishings they will need.
Glance through tho advertis
ing in to-day's Telegraph and
i see how well it answers the ques
| tions In your mind.
1 The advertisements are slng
j ing to the music of your needs.
! They have anticipated your very
j thoughts.
The greatest public service
agents of to-day are the adver
tising columns of a good news
-1 paper.