ii»n i» » tf f f f f f im» f f v-Wv"rv~v ********** w T ¥~w * f| T f [~ MEN'S WEAR I Bargain News of Import- |i Friday Specials That Mean Great Saviags Plaln b jack. fl n e m>bed. double j® fipi 111 |S| illk hell": EIICC ill BOVS' Clothill? ' Men's and youths' $9.90 and $12.50 suits, sizes 32 to 44, •«*»». paU!>«'Bl| fj; jifl II I jilji || ill I'II j r mples.' ,>< *' Friday, * pair?' R ,- n .* . . O 4 1 J 1 1 TT -J 4cr> or* 11* A lllilHu ifP IPf|l!| 1: 1 III! IV JJ9O K°ys ' rousers, plain blue cassimeres, in sizes 10 to 4 ,. ar CO ° rS " " BOWMAN'S—Main Floor, jfl 111 i Bill 111 II 1 li I'!lit ft jjfei BOWMAN'S— Main Floor 15 years .' ! 340 J _ Mens $1.50 soft hats—brown, green, gray and bronze. Jill ill' llllittl!! liil j ill 111 WIBW Boys' Blouse Suits, striped galatea. sizes 6to 10 years. „ Fnday . I nWTCT DDlPrc CALL A/WPHQNEI99I .. ... Regular 75c value Friday, suit 640 BCWMAN'B Third Floor. luwldi rKILLo S JT\ FOUNDED 18*71 91 LOOK Boys' double breasted all-wool suits, sizes 10 to 17 vears. TTTT rTTr „ , OFTHF 111 nr AII in IUI Regular $3.98 to $5.00 values. Friday $2.00 < SI.OO to $1.50 50c Baby *"7 A 1 f TMI TFWMJm fUH IHL Indian its for boys and,girls. Regular SI.OO value. 1 Voile Flouncing* Cans WEEK . M MvV GREEN SIGNS l " 1,lav mic ' ... wlth 1 HARRIS BURGS POPUIAB DLPABTITttfT STORE "">«• < yard length. Friday Bargain and embroidery trimmings. Fri- \| |oNnlM|ll| fe'T'Vj| llFflß ffl I|WT . ; BowMAN-s-Main rioor. 9o bowman's second Fioo^ 9c n! Hill I Ifelill fefllMmitnimil I 111 I ———— Corset# II 1 1 i I ilf US Si i r Underwear Laundrv Bairs var'd-wid* heatherbloom, an * CA_ J CA- Made of coutil, double boned nB uW All mLti i 111 iißul NlfflHi I \ eits and pants, olain and silK / aJagd shades. Friday Bargain price, 4 50c and 59c I nfan t»' Soft aT d d e„ 8 » MSS isS lit 1 111 IMr « yard wnwM < Linen Galloons < aLml slinA . . li ill Ibr„,..! en pr,re W- White embroidered linen gal- " , „ BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. iffll 111 n owvrav-Q_M«in Vloor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. —————— 1 loons, for trimming linen and Tan and white only. Regular l 'ialißfflmllllllP | * llM BOWMAN S —Main floor , ratine gowns. Friday Barsraln 16c value. Friday Bargain price. —— — OC. Ca.„l J 5 price, yard j — ——tDC dtriped A BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Bowman's-Second Floor f YYV « 10c Round SHirtingS 4 — In Women's Garment Section CI • Hot. A T» . r. > BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 4 R o em"J!?s g, of Plain with colored banda. FH- m ean S big SaVltlgS, 011 Stylish, Serviceable wear that you BOWMAN-S-Second Floor. 1 < flounclngs at half price. a,y Bargain price ........ 39™*r° •" plain colors ' 2 y"*» widr - 100 Tan Drill Middy Blouses, 59c n..r * 1 ,„o paturnf,: ?, °° MMits-stolacers silk emblems, all white and with navy, Co- ; select from. Friday yard patterns to penhagen or red collars and cuffs. „ _ 01 . _ .. Matting Rugs, size 9x12 ft., fine floral and oriental pat- $15.00 to $25.00 Suits at $4.98 7c Toweling $1.25 JardmereS terns, good colors. Friday $2.59 Sta P le st >' les - P ,ain tailored suits. Pure wool fabrics and splendidly made ,n Br r°ed n border. "Wished iO A C ofo" ort "'T* „ Crex Runners with plain border. Fridav, vard .. 2T<; — the best "nings are used. Mostlv black and navy—some other colors. Fridas '' yard 89<: BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. ' $3.50 and $5.00 Silk PettiCOatS $149 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Basement < Women's 25c ?■*«• r. m L>:, Twenty-five talleta silk petticoats that were $3.50 and $5.00 in*all the staple ~ ZT T~ Hosiery Drawers $12.50 to $17.50 Dresses, $4.98 PCCial „c S ,ape Qdd p. eces Qf Furnittu . e j Silk lisle with linen heels and C i r> it , __ __ . 4 4 s "°"- dSffU. 7SJ ■saaj'A'!; HcroSroniy n ~- s^Tixo« ,ifunymadcofimporttdhh ~ For Fnda y onl y K !m:- $12.50 Broadcloth tapesj $1.98 On. y On. Phe. o. a Kind _ ; Full Ipnp-th Pin I- anrl «I Ott SIB.OO Quartered Oak Chiffonier $13.7.> 29c Corset I 8 8 ' ™a>, FI«.. $12.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier $9.75 C overs Women S 75c " J $10.98 White Enamel Dresser $7.75 Made of nainsook with lace and Union Suits ' 25c Cotton ~ $20.00 Golden Oak China Closet $15.98 4 embroidery trimmings. Friday, SUk tape Beelc fln(1 B , Ratine TD A 13 \Z 551875 Willow Settee, upholstered cushion seat and back, lace knees. Friday, each .. !?q« t \ ZJ t-\ Y $12.50 1 BOWMAN'S Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 8 tan LJ JT±U 1 On Sale on the Fifth Floor-BOWMAN'S. , Children', 121.2 c King AU This Week at Bowman's 9gc Cmbinette, Unbleached ; WnS V«». U » #1 r-n Frtday. the day to outflt the little Comblnettes with wire bale M, is i; n 4 Cambric gowns wtth high, low VCStS Men S $1.50 I handle. Friday Bargain price, ITIUSIin haped necks, embroidery Sleeveless, tape neck and olks nt sari nsrs—Caps, Coats, 24-inch unbleached muslin in trimmed. Friday Bargain price. sleeves. F?lday. V *>?"&, "£ DreSS Shirts BBS „ BOWMAN small webs only. Friday, yard < .>9O £aoh 9<)k uimw Dresses. Shoes Everything for '»/:$ ( Bowman's—Second Floor Bnn ,„ . ~ , Plain and pleated, neat pat- jjr , ~ —" BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN S—Main Floor. terns of percale and madras: coat K&L Babv. style with attached cuffs. Friday J1 25 to $1 75 " Turkish Towplour need, [MY J \ ?,fe V&Jt gS" B " bowman-s-b...™.,u bowman-s_m.,„ nj ' ' Regular lie quality.. Regular 19c quality. .lOe . \»u T w,,, h a v R,, B ; b { ! ..Tc^,'"" r ' „ „ ; quality, Regular 22c quality.. tr %£ r a,! 75c Cuspidors 30c and 35c < buwmans —Main Floor. g.. l{ Dress. Fibre cuspidors. Indu-Namel n'll f < ———— — Jpi.oJ uUIMi A S' \ The nest heaviest Babv un to 1. top the most sanitary. Fri- lIIIOW L3S6S 7 1 2r Wall M » *1 nn BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. yC^A^JT^L be t s lVen V 3 B0 DreM - dßy Embroidered and scalloped pil- < 1 I uC Trail Men S 51.00 BOH MAN S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Basement. low cases, made of good muslin. . P anAr . IT . «.. ————— 45-inch size. Friday, each, 7-. J Union ouits 10. r.,,!,.' .... , .. u . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. < u „, „, sbt . 18c Curtain 15c Window 12 l-2c Silkolines 69c Mexican Lace Basket 30c Bolster BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor a> ' sult whlte n and OCreeHS Figured silkolines for comforts. Mexican, lunch or shopping r . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. wide, with finished edge. Fine Walnut stained window cushions and draperies. Fridav basket with cover. Friday. vaSeS „ . . „ ——. *or tr>nsums, door panels, sash screens extension. Friday. 2 varH ' 43

:iday, yard, for 2o& >3rd 90 BOWMAN'S—Basement. , good muslin. Friday, each. 226 J Wall Papers P e " 8 BOWMAN'S-FourthFloor BOWMAN'B-r-Basement. . BOWMANS-Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. ' Satin stripes and floral effects IHJ SfTldS ——————— _____ 20f Slin . In very pretty colorings. Cut-on - to r" .» fcwi. uuu »n rA M_______ borders t„ match. Friday, rou Lace 18c Feather . Intrimm aA H f Bonnets JZ.SO Nursery . bowman's Fourth Floor. bowman's Main Floor. r, lpfa ; n . T,ckin g umrimmea nats .n^^of Refrigerator, vuridins B]ue whUe str . rt s C C*J D Bizes ' Frlday - s P ecial at •• tn fZ\f\XT£±c< ches w| de- :.-j£ ror rnday Buyers BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. Galvanized lined, < JO Iludy OpCvldlO 111 UIOVcS t0 sl - 2 ° palr - Friday, BOWMANS—Main Floor. packed with mineral 4 Specials in all lengths of silk gloves in black and white only. , BOWMAN'S Fourth —————— All new styles and braids. SI.OO Ladies' and WOOI, nickel - plated 4 pa jß^tU o CtfhTo 70c Sheets S T e Z\ m ° nt wanted Men's Umbrellas faucet, oak finish., Pair l2^ U ."? n . ' len^.^ OUb ' le . UPP . ed TrlCoi . BUk . OVeS: 75c qUal g£ $1.25 Lace good e unbleached heS ' Made of a Friday, 50c. miß™o^ C hand t les. Ct 'f rld'a?* 'bOWMAN'S Pai r Curtains e?cV h . Un .^ hede^^ ,n Fr U?'' Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor*' ' itv Pal"" 0 " n^h' double tipped' Milanese silk glo'vek';' li.Vs'qual- . One pair lots of white and BOWMAN'S-Maln ____ , — : Extraordinary Shoe Sale ; It' 1212c Co»er«° #m 33 c a"nd~39c Oyster White Linens Our Stock Adjustment Sale ; «iP^» fln » e^ ÜBllty - Frlday Bar - -V fi C . Friday BarSfaill PriCfiS Coming as it does right at the beginning of the season enables yofi to 4 Black and colors. Friday. S am price, 2 for Table Damask Lav in Your S„ n nl,, f n .v, o® Tl, purchase shoes at next-to-nothing prices. Take advantage of these pairs 250: or > palr - 90 BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor supply for the Summer at These Prices prices and get your summer needs at less than half. 4 , pnw\r iv'fi Main Flnnr —Mercerized table damask tn a Bagdad Linen, 45 inches wide Regular ?c quality. Friday, Vard Men's low sample shoes in button and laoc; sizes 6to 7, pair, 98c *«v -• ™ White Irish Linen extra fine Vmalitv id • * a * ' i-.' Hoys' sample shoes, button and lace; .sizes 3H to 4%, pair. .»8c 1 Of NotlOnS price yard riday 7?," ' iT!! r j inches Wide. RegU- Women's 79c crochet slippers; various colors, pair 25c < - Misses' and children's low shoes and white high shoes, pair, 78c 10c Fancy Tango Buttons, doz., BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor. Iniant Or French Linen, extra fine weavr 44 iiirliec ~..VU tj ' 7 I- Children's barefoot sandals aiul rubber sole outing shoes, pair.3Bc < —————— _ nw»t,Ttincnes Wiae. Regular 7*c Boys' Shoes; sizes 9to 13% at, pair »8c . nd colors. 6 yards fle Doll SaCOUeS quality. 1-riday, yard Sizes 1 to 5% at, pair •;•••• $1.28 800 Feather Fans 25e Oft, f. L M TABLE NO 1 Men s, boys' and women s slippers, pair 38c 4 5c spool Linen Finish Thread. OUC lUDS Made of a good qualitv Shaker . , ... 1 Women's heavy calf and kidskin lace shoes for country wear; 2 spools for Be Heavv talvanirert ♦„is. »-.u flannel, embroidered In white A Splendid assortment of Madras, Plaid I awnc sizes 3to 4% only, pair 4 Rati " es - " - BOWMAN S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Basemen'. BOWMAN'S Main Floor ' BOWMAN S Third P loor. 4 — 1 A BERRY BOXES ARE MARKED BY OUNCES County Inspector Boyer Discusses Methods of Dealers in County Districts "While City Sealer of Weights and Measures Harry D. Reel has issued a warning to the dealers in berries and fruits in the city to be watchful of the law's provi sions req u 1 ring proper marking on the boxes of the weight of the con- tents. County Inspector of Weights and Measures Harry A. Boyer is exer cising similar vigilance upon condi- THURSDAY EVENING, tions in the county. Thus far we've had no trouble in the county districts," said Mr. Boyer to-day, "the dealers will obey the law. Of course, there are fewer hucksters in the streets in the towns outside of Harrisburg. Some of t' » dealers have adopted a unique method of complying with the spirit and letter of the law. They have marked their berry boxes in ounces instead of pounds or portions of pounds. Now a quart of berries should weigh just twenty-four ounces. The size of the boxes doesn't bother this chap at all; some of his boxes marked for 'thirteen,' some 'Of ten and 'sixteen' ounces and others more. It is really the proper legal way. for then no fault can be found." Argument For Fleming's New Trial. Argument of the reasons for a new trial for Martin Fleming will not be listed until the June session, accord ing to W. L. Ijoeser, chief counsel for the defense. The date for the May ar gument is May 26,—the same date, bv the way. upon which Pascal Hall is to be hanged. Counsel did not wish to conduct the murder argument the same day. Open Bids For Stone Crusher May 20.—The bids for the stone crusher that is to be purchased for the alms house quarries will be opened May 20 by the Poor Directors. The crusher will be used to employ deserting hus bands and fathers and vagrants. .. Complete Law . Reporter. Forty Volumes of the Michigan State law re ports, fifty-eight of the Connecticut and fifty-eight of the Vermont re ports have been received at the Dau phin county law library. These books bring the American law reporter sys tme of nearly half the states of the Union, up » date in the Dauphin law library. Wis onsin's State reports have been ordered. tiuyer Returns From Baltimore.— John P. Ouyer, clerk to the Poor Board has returned from Baltimore where he had been visiting a number of childrens' Institutions with a view to placing them with families under the jurisdiction of the poor directors. Building Permit.—D .E. Hocker got a permit to-day to build an addition to 1936 North Sixth street, at a cost of [s3oo. i Realty Transfers.—Realty transfers HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH yesterday included the following: Rebbeca Brough to Sarah Brough, 559 Camp street, $1,200; Lena D. Adler to John Zular, 1414-1418 North Seventh street, $2,4 50; William G. Schooley to H. B. Bair, Second and Muench strets, $1; William Ciliey to James McCormick, Bartine street, $1; H. Hippie to John H. Stipe, Jr., Mid dletown, SBOO. "TWELFTH NIGHT" IN OPEN AIR AT THE ACADEMY, JUNE 3 Clifford Devereux and his company, supported by Grace Fisher, who will play Shakespeare's Comedy "Twelfth Night," the evening of June third on the campus of the Harrlsburg Aca demy, will give the preformance in an open air theater, the stage being de signed somewhat after the creek. Its stately columns of white standing out against nature's background, make a most ideal setting for the. rendering of this immoral classic. The characters never seem more made of flesh and blood than in this al fresco setting; there seems to be a delightful intimacy between actor and audience which is most Inspiring to both. The lighting is arranged by throwing floods of lirfit f^ Ctri i.«, Bpot lamps u P° n stage from different angles, giving a most soft beautiful effect. Beside Mr. Devereux and Miss Fisher, the more important members of the cast are « , e Palmer , Mr. P. J. Kelley, « n Wolfe > Mr - George Smith fleid Mr. James Hagen, Mr. Alan Crosland and Miss Mary Holton. i Three Injured When Car Crashes Into Automobile Sf ecitito The Lebanon, May 13.—Three persons narrowly escaped serious injury and possible death, when a street oar struck a taxicab in Market Square in this city, on Tuesday evening. Ray Allwein, the chauffeur and owner of the car. was thrown out and seriously injured. Two passengers, Miss Katie Barry, of South Lebanon township, and Miss Lydia Houck, of the Hotel Stratford, this city, were bruised and suffered from shock. ' The taxi was wrecked. The heavy shower was in progress at th*vtime and the Uxi-dri- V6r failed to see the approaching ear. MAY 14, 1914. Teachers' Training School Commencement on May 22 The commencement exercises of the teachers' training school, to take place May 22 In the auditorium of the Tech nical High School this year, will con sist of practical demonstrations of the art of "teaching the young Idea how to shoot." Children who have been used as subjects by the teachers will co-operate and the classes will be con ducted just as they would be in the schoolroom. The public will be In vited to attend the exercises. The fol lowing program was announced to day: Prayer, the Rev. Wtlllafti N. Yates; reading, first grade, Latona Dennis; nature work. Alice Bufflngton; piano solo, "Hondo Caprlccioso," Men delssohn. Currance Faust; reading, sec ond grade, Miriam Brown; music, third grade, Helen Bright; essay. "The Use of the Story in Education." Sara Bankers: address. Superintendent b. E. McGinnes; presentation of diplo mas, Harry A. Boyer. president, of ihe Board of School Directors; "benedic tion, the Rev, Dr. Yatea. OusineSß Locals TO TOP OFF That Sunday dinner, to make it com plete—to satisfy the call of everv palate for a delicious dessert—there is but one answer—Hershey's all-cream ice cream. Phone us for a trial order. Hershey Creamery Company, 409 South Cameron street. IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT If you have any doubts about that Menger's SB-cent dinner being the best you ever had. take one on trial. The cooking is that superior home kind, that everyone likes. Served from 11 until 2 p. m. You will surely appre ciate it. Menger's Restaurant, 210 North Second street. LONG AND SHORT TRAVELERS Going on a long or short trip can b<* accommodated with long or short bags, suitcases or trunks. Almost every conceivable style of luggage for motoring, ocean travel or railroad knockabout serviceability can be founil here in the most reliable makes. Regal Umbrella Company, Second and Walnut streets. 3