▼ T T T T "W ▼▼▼ T T ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ T ▼▼▼▼ T ▼- J V < rT l FT'y l TTT^«r«r l, rTTT T T f T T> » » T T T ▼ T~T T T T * T ▼▼ T T ▼ "T T T*>l f Take advantage of our Mail Order I CALL 1991-ANY 'PHONE.'#' Kelly-Spr ngfleld, Goodyear, Imperial and United States—all fully gut*w | Department. JT% FOUNDED iay L^## Porch Swings at SI.OB, $2.48, $2.98 and up to $5.50. I * All orders filled promptly by an /T /YffjTttSTjrtfjA DTnorf clinf\f\Of J & JfllrflF Special price for Saturday—36x4 Nonskld Imperial Tire, $17.18. Guar <S.X.PEIL FELIUPPCR. *T!«B*DTKITMV <TOBS anteed 5.600 miles. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. HARRISBURGS POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORB ; teT:r SUITS and COATS men;s & YOUTHS' SUITS VV VJiliCll a ail\a i v For the middle-aged man 1 BLUE [ English models Beautiful Suits for Now and for the Summer Vacation f f<.?s. «To ? r» - Suits that were $25. $27.50, $28.50, $29.50 and up to $35.00 shorten J SUITS [ Double-breasted models [1 T~ n Every one guaranteed all wool and 51T I s Qx aJ sunproof at fUt7Q s9^9o) $ 12 .50, $13.50, $15.00, All fine suits, in Silk, Silk Poplin, Silk Moire, Imported Gabardines, SIB.OO $20.00 rljfflk fIM 1\ \ Wool Moires, Crepe and Crepe Poplin and Serges. ■"■ffl'flnwll il ! ' 1 '/JlnH I M/J M \ Your unrestricted choice of any suit in the store —misses' or women's ■P?Y%lvl A Comprehensive Line of Suits ill mmsk sizes. Many of them have just arrived. The last word as to fashion. Alllßf in worsteds, cheviots, cashmeres and homespuns /nKwjj !'!( colors—plenty of black and navy. Suits for stout figures are included. j in pi" striped, blue, black, with white pencil ti« Mo Wyh I,oSuit,ofPure Wo °' SergeThat Weresl2 - 50 1 m p mw^Km r j \ . if /111 1 Special For Saturday's Selling l|f| |jf [ F V 2,t !>7.90 $16.50 and $15.00 Men's and K ffv IIfX U I/1 Young Men's Suits at $13.50 s=^\f§ff§H it\ vV vlVil The newest models. Coats are lined with pure silk Peau d' Cygne. V/ i / A r J U AH I * J j \ i mm\L ► IVh N>mJ Excellently tailored. Misses'and Women's sizes. Mostly navy and black A limited number. All-wool worsteds and MUmMI ► // i I —* few Copenhagen. * J J / cassimeres in greens, grays, browns and mix- UrA\| WjM l IA il c rp. i i T a • i 111 tures. Cut in English soft roll and 3-button con- l\u\i Uifti ► l \ omart L-oats 1 hat Have Just Arrived ! | / servative models. Sizes 32 to 44. Special, $13.50 M'.i -VIVJ' ► & values, special $6.98 i jj ooy s ouits or Blue Serge* Norfolk **"' i Straw Hats Styles at Rowman MilKrvw A^- b Wall Papers | »£f»"«2L i L/VJ VV lllClll 1 Y y Lowest Prices __ j Hat 'i 3 rears ol d. Mothers are assured of finding the „ J , J Up-to-Date House Decorations . u t } "just right" suit for her son in Blue Serees Grav Ready for Saturday with a large showing VM w«U P.per,, 3f Roll. j !ty^ e X« lookTbli for ■ Cassimeres, Tan Mixtures and Blue with White of new goods-smartest stylea-and in trim- Block designs for kitchen }we carry all the newest J p encil Stripes. Jy / mings most fashionable for summer. Copies and floral papers for bedrooms. J shapes. Prices, SI.OO, 5 Wash Suits are much needed now and we f/S from latest importations that breathes the VMj) Sold only with match borders. t 81.50, $2.00, $4.50 \ are prepared with beautiful and novel styles in /l/ims, quantities. .■ $ /V/aWWV twkWiWVAW.vAWAw.t Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S figm) NEW TRIMMED HATS jfflk- Fo, B.by W«k in Floimcmgs For NEW UNTRIMMED HATS 9 F : ' Satin stripes, cretonnes in I \Y/L'f 1 O ,• I _ J ~r n, _ _ T __ _Y- all shades with cut-out borders W lilt 6 LiOOUS OCCtIOII SlllTimPr ► / ' NE ** •• L*o rr ERS t 0 ma^ c ' l - Two-tone shadow Dainty materials used specially for little folks. •! 00 3 7.| nch Fmbroiderv Flnun I ► Kr }f stripe papers in green. Bor- <*«■*••> »' ITc , ... *" ( \\ We are showing the new High Front \/ / ( ders or binders to match. JAPANESE LINGERIE shadow Lac® Flouncing, ig to 27 ln^hcs^id'?ya^ i' I \\ Trimmings together with Panama Hats in \ 18c to 30c Wall Papers, to in£ps t7 wide d t r^om« ve in. SO The fl Suco,Jo 2 Tl sSirt-May , Mln u t?n b =•"•"» ► 1\ \ the new sailor shape—a most clever hat \ Roll. vard " — b6WMAN : S. * 2, so Uown - May Mai" l moo^bow^man'h ' 1 \ Our millinery has the stamp of exclusive- Vr 1 • Oatmeal and rich gilt papers I BOWMAN'S— Big Balloon FREE. Have you can select at your leisure from an assort- 'MZi pp. . . n . T-ki , Book.* nam e registered in Baby | | ment of the very highest grade of Hair Goods. JJ ThlS 3 PleCe Parfor <h C A H A Jttm TT^C-^ 0 ink i(dl /, Then - to °' wn have Bkn,e,!l and competent at- Slllt Fof • ' • -S GRAPH TAKEN FREE «714 nM Ull H\ tendants who will gladly assist you and advlso aa to I- X ul . • . • . I The only condition attached to fjl ITV • pi lKu|| °As a* visit'our Hair JN? Regular Value is $55.00 rf /x\ this offer is that you present a /II If; ftVUfj'T jU| Goods Sh0 P to-morrow, we offer the following: rrMliiwrirATUCDDArve criTf , GUI A/ lW> cash sales slip from any depart- M V\\ SPECIALS IN WAVY HAIR SWITCHES Jf GENUINE LEATHER BACKS AND SEATS ment in our store—on day of pur- nmljw glfiliar'iy jVio, Vo tfm l| I IJ"ipn //\\ s llx\ rViaec Or A\ \ m • l U]v Regularly S.'i.OO, 22 inches long-, to-morrow ... 92.2.% j ,11 I] II II II | 11 ' —cfTff // \\ /// \\ Chase. ami ll® 'H Regularly $4.00, 24 inches long, to-morrow ... $2,75 V S II 111 1 T II " TV\ // \V // \\ HAVE BABY WEIGHED \V M WAVY TRANSFORMATIONS I (M P ) FREE /<* - 1l A vAIW Regularly $2.00, to-morrow $1.45 S I I 1 I I II ~ V—< m, , , , , IT/ >. -1 \ Regularly J5.00, to-morrow $3.45 % Jl.. II -H-, .- U ,sj\ jA U 111 fa, \ The heaviest babv UD to 6 ■■*// r\ 11 VHTfIMBI 1 1 12? *1 C -11 u • if yJn VH INh BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 1 , I UT^— ° months of age will be given aIH W S J ffH VH 1 H —— _ _ <l_ —sss^ Silks More Popular.Than Ever ffll The next heaviest Baby up to 6 1 Tour wmrae r outfit will be Incomplete without the prescribed silk f 0 months of age will be given a | gown. lj) — $2.98 Dress. H Or«»t specials In the most wanted fashionable materials this season SIB.OO Brass (hi A aq i c Si I The next heaviest baby up to 1- fL IT ' o f t durable fabrics. g e{ j <D 1 U.i/O LJ ====— . r vear-old will be a en 40-Inch Silk and Wool Poplin—rich lustrous finish, beautiful shades "J." L. ... . . I 1 year-oia Will De given a of taupe, Copenhagen, prune, W-Istarla, sage green, Russian green, navy, Exactly like picture. «20 Quartered CIO AO Dress. black, Hague blue. New shipment of goods. Very special, yard ...SI.OO Two-inch continuous posts, « . n «pAO»S/O y) \1 A wealth of beautiful new Children's Wear of all kinds for penhlgen andVue a^ otton rose, white and Co- bright or dull finish, guaranteed ° ak Buffet -• • infanta ar>d children up to 14 years. 36-inch Embroidered Crepes and Voiles—s'-tone^'embroidered'figures Exactly Like Plctnr.. *-« A « in white—very beautiful. Special, yard SI.OO $20.00 , SI.OO yard wide Wash Habutai Silks—forty styles In all different Roomy Cupboard, double Dresser....... Ruos and 1 inoUim« sis .T. . .rrrr.TT a Mattreises Reduced for ,op drawers '»»—• 1 \UHo allU JL-iUIOICUinS " , u " u lU * $12.50 Golden Oak H Main Floor BOWMAN'S. Saturday Extension d-OTI? ' . mah °K an >'' r ramr i-rra* Smart StvlpS In hnntvvfsT All ! '" c '' Eiliee Mattresses, $4.98 Colonial base. Table ex- ' nncess ress- LINOLEUM OiyiCb HI 1 ooiwear ror /AH SIS,OO Imperial Felt Mattresses, tends to six feet. er and Chiffonier to match, Almost everyone needs some linoleum at house cleaning fim* . Women's fine patent colt and gun metal colonials and pumps in all $10.75 BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. $14.95 a may be the kitohen, bathroom, vesUbule or office or just to natch the newest and smartest styles. High, low or medium heels; plain or with a "Worn place. We have them In the extra heavy enamel surface at bucklcs - Several recent shipments being shown for the first time. Pair, V 7/~\ IV /If XT» ___ . _ TTV „ A «_ " Linoleums' In' tile' iffects, 'equare yard Children's Button Boots in patent colt, gun ohampa"'m $ and WOMEN S ' THE ANDROCK OVEN Remnant* of Inlaid linoleum at, square yard nn<. tan and ln white. All the wanted styles—correctly shaped to fit the Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. growing feet. IT O I D\/ A Real Cooking X Sizes Ito 5, COo and upwards. 11 V/ ILifv X sizes 6 to 8, 800 and upwards. Convenience Men % FurnisKinrtc ISS »V 1: gS SSS SSIS: C0M,.........». O„„ .0,.., W THE ANAROCK CVTN F^„P CCK \ 1111=1 ""gs """ wl " '"" r """■ ■ PJ I Men s Union Suits, light weight, knee, ankle and three auarter Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Plain cotton or lisle, pair 25c can bake potatoes or lenarths. White or ecru. Suit ««. *1 00 mi Itl nn Sllk Lisle, pair 30„ an< i no« biscuits, roast meats, Men'. 80c Athletic Underwear-made of a S££&S« ~ Boot Silk pair 50c Fwnch oSff? Eafl^ ertZßd madrM - °° at wlth I Jlnrlin V C A oa, f py - HB, t » arter tops, I .[■Mil ■I J 1 • Lllifi LCllll IViaiCllalb spliced heels. Black, white or tan. ience consists of oven, yDIf 551f^My Men g Dress Shirt®-—ma<l® of percale In neat patterns. Coat style Special, Saturday, pair ®sc asbestos - lined stand, with separate «oft collar and Frenoh cuffs. Each 800 2Sc ecru scrim 40 inrtiM uriH* fn* , Women's 2Bc Silk Lisle Hose—black only. Double heat distributing plate Mens 170 Half Hose, mercerized lisle, black and colors* double' «ol««° ' W mcnes Wide lOr curtains; Sill length or soles, wide garter tops. Seconds. Pair 18c and "> rea d toaster. Com- IjcT K&! st M nij P u r '"'o '• 12Uo Bash curtains. Saturday, yard 121/«* W°JP® n ' s Hose—thread silk boots, blaok and colors. piete for ........ 40c Mm mf Mens 26c Half Hose—Samples. Rtlk plated and mercerized lisle o- , • 54<P Slight Imperfections. Pair 89 C WATFR CHOI FPQ black and colors. Saturday, 3 pairs for T.Oo, ov. pair i7o 2 ° C whlte Scnm w,th blue P»nk borders, anv length for Children's Cotton Hose, fine ribbed, double heels T 3 , „ . . New Neckwear—4-in-hands, knitted and our sill- mpVi oko .. • • j i 0 , ' J icngtn, ror an fl too 9: black : white and tan. All sizes. Pair. l»%o iJ bl , ue a , nd , OR k. floral dee- Mam Floor— BOWMAN S. " 5 " " nd R °" CUftains, windows or doors. Saturday, yard 15c Hose, sllk llsle, double heels and' r; Caparftv ?to ST' BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor Black and colors pair •■•••• -'.V f'ri. es $1.40. SI.OO, SI.OB, $2.89, SS.4S and U9JBH <>n the Mat" Moor—BOWMAN'S. Stoneware Coolers at 91.3 ft. *1.0,\ fa.25 a a. a . fU.Oft. BOWMAN'S —Basement. FRIDAY EVENING # HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 8, 1914. 3
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