Our Competitors Don't Like Us, But Our Customers Do JF the best is none to good for you, examine the Abbott-Detroit line of pleasure cars. They will stand any test any car will stand, regardless of price. N© car has a clearer or better record, and the company behind them is RIGH T, financially and otherwise. THE BULLDOG LINE" is admired and appreciated by the thousands of owners and thoroughly disliked by its competi tors. There's a reason, ceme to us and let us tell you all about it. The story is instructive as well as very interesting. HARRISBURG BRANCH Abbott Motor Car Co. 106-8 South Bell Phone 3593 :: :: :: - :: Harrisburg, Pa. orcycle Expert Arrives at the Excelsior inifred P. Stratton, of Chicago, is at the Excelsior Cycle Company harge of the repair department. Stratton comes direct from the CRISPEN MOTOR CAR CO. f 413-417 South Cameron Street i nrKQnIM *** , J_,' € R*»ei\ger Touring Car $2275 You Can't Afford to Buy Any Car Until You Have Seen the Master "Six" We claim there is no car—either "four" or "Six"—within SSOO of its price that is the equal of the Chalmers Master "Six" in quality of materials, perform ance or good looks. On the truth of this claim we stake our business reputation, and the capital we have invested in Chal mers cars. If what we say is true you want a Mas ter "Six" in preference to any other car under S3OOO. That's only business sense. Make Us Prove Our Claims Now, we don't ask you merely to take our word for it. But we do ask you to prove for yourself whether our claims arc true. Yes, we even go so far to say you can't afford to buy any car at any price until you have seen the Master "Six" and made us prove its worth. The Chalmers Standard Road Test is the proof we offer. This is not the ordinary kind of demon stration ride. It is a real test which shows you in deeds—not words—what the Master "Six" can do. You see with your own eyes IIOAV this Master car will creep along 011 high gear at two miles an hour; and at a touch of the throttle speed away like a hare. You feel with your own body the ab sence of vibration which only such a "Six" can give; the comfort of the 132- jrrli wheel base, the big tires and the undcrslung rear springs. Keystone Motor Car Company 1019-1025 Market St. Robert L. Morton, Manager Electric Starter and Generator on the Abbott A special feature of Abbott-Detroit cars is the electric self-starter and lighting system, in speaking of its merits, C. D. Stewart, manager of the local branch, said: "The Auto-Lite starter and genera tor was originally built exclusively for Abbott, cars, and from the very be ginning it has been a success. This season we have incorporated every de sirable Improvement, and now nay without fear or contradiction that it has no competitor. "We hae subjected this starter to unusual tests during the months of January and February, 1914, On a number of occasions our cars have been in zero weather for four and five hours .and then have been started right off. "This started will spin our six-cylin der motor 140 revolutions per minute for thirty consecutive minutes. None other has this power or the capacity." son, ethese selections give assurance City Auto Supply House Agency For Diamond Tires Having assumed the distributing agency for Diamond tires for Harris burg and vicinity the City Auto Sup ply house this week received an un usually large stock of this make. This phase of the supply business has be come such an important factor that it requires the service of an additional man to keep in touch with subdealers In nearby towns. JOKES I ! Mileage guarantee on tires is a joke. Empire tires are guaranteed 100 per cent, efficient. MONDAY ONLY TZS... P " IN .. $lO-53 Tr«d 3 ' 4 P ' ain . $13.18 T r* P,ai ".. $15.08 Tread" PUi ".. $21.20 34x4 Plain $22.92 tW, Plain ■ $30.56 s3l-50 Tr«d... Plai .".. $37.76 We will accept all orders at these prices on this day for im mediate or later delivery. Front-Market Motor Supply AT MAHKCT STRKKT BItIDUK HARRISBURG Non-Stallable; We Prove It This test shows you the simplicity and power of the Chalmers-Entz one motion electric starter. It proves to you that the Master "Six" motor is non-stallable. By actual performance it demonstrates the safety in giant brakes that will stop the car in its own length. I f you are a driver, take the wheel your self. Actually experience the flexibility of a car that will start "on high" without a jerk or jolt; that will go'from a stand still to 25 miles an hour in ten seconds. Challenge Other Makes These and a dozen other wonderful features of performance that no car can surpass and few can equal, the Chal mers Road Test will prove to you. Then look at the Master "Six" and see for yourself if anv other car is more beauti ful. So let us take you out on the Chalmers I est Ride. '1 hen challenge any other car in the class of the Chalmers to dupli cate its silence, smoothness and flexi bility; challenge any other car in any class to show equal value at the price. You are tinder no obligation except to yourself—and you do owe it to yourself to buy the best dollar-for-dollar value you can get in a motor car. fhalmpra banter "Six"—2, 4. or 5 pniacngrr. thnliuern M»»«er "Sl*"—n ptMrnvrr Irnr, #2275 (fully equipped f. o. I». Detroit) RE O The Popular Car That Sells HAYNES NATIONAL REO AND CHASE TRUCKS Harrisburg Auto Co. V y T v y v t v v TfWftVt » ¥ GET OUR NEW PRICES ON AUTO TIRES You will always find here a complete stock of Goodyear, Imperial and United States and Kelly- Springfield tires—fully guaranteed: No delay— Get the Tire You Want When You Want It Tire Special 36x4 NON-SKID »7 1 2 IMPERIAL TIRES #J. I .AO GUARANTEED 3500 MILES BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. CALL 1991-ANVPHONE.^ POUNDED 1871 mg HARRIiiURS'S POPULAR WSPAHTmNT STOM AAAA A A A A Firestone Tires and Red Tubes MOST MILES PER DOLLAR SQUARE DEAL AUTO SUPPLIES 1408 North Third Street Bell Phone 3627 7