Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 09, 1914, Image 1

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    Huerta Tells Mediators That Armistice
LXXXIII— No. 109
Provisional President's Reply to
Mediators' Proposal Understood
to Be Acceptance, But Terms
Were Never Given Out
Leading Authorities Say It Is an
Open Question as to What Can
Be Done When Formal Armistice
Is Not Declared
Washington, D. C.. May B.—Secre
tary Bryan admitted early to-day that
ibis government had received a note
from the South American mediators
seeking to solve the Mexican crisis in
which complaint is inade by the
lluerta government that American op
erations at Vera Cruz are in violation
of the armistice.
Asked as to the details of the me
diating envoys' note. Mr. Bryan said:
"It simply sets forth what Huerta
says. A reply to that note will be.
_ Officials point out that neither the
I'nited States nor General lluerta has
yet entered into any formal armistice.
AVhat. occurred was this: The me
diators suggested that hostilities should
be suspended during the period of ne
gotiations. To this Secretary Bryan
replied that it -was assumed there
would be a suspension of hostilities,
except to repel attack. General Huer
-1 a s answer was understood to be ac
ceptance. hut the exact terms have not
been given out. Mr. Bryan has sev
eral times pointed out that this did not
constitute a formal armistice, but onlv
an assumption that hostilities woulil
be suspended except to resist aggres
I iutetl States and Mexi<-o Signed
Article Yli of The Hague conven
tion. of which the I'nited States and
ajv vico are signators, prescribes spe-
Tn-villy of troops movement pending
mediation, as follows:
"Article VII. The acceptance of
mediation cannot, unless there be an
agreement to the contrary, have the
effect of interrupting, delaying or hin
<ler:ng mobilization or other measures,
or preparation for war.
"If mediation occurs after the com
mencement of hostilities, it causes no
interruption to the military operations
in progress unless there be an agree
ment to the contrary."
To what extent the present suspen
sion at Vera Cruz operates under these
rules appears, therefore, to depend
largely on the construction of the in
formal understanding that it was as
sumed hostilities would be suspended
except to repel attack.
Should Bo Definite
Trading authorities on international
law hold that an armistice, truce or
suspension of hostilities should be defi
nite and exact, and not implied. One
of the leading authorities, Halleck,
"Such a general suspension of hos
tilities can only he made bv the sov
ereignty of the state, either directlv
or by authority specially delegated.
Such authority is never implied, and
the enemy is hound to see that the
agent is specially authorized to bind
his principal."
When an armistice is formally
agreed to. the authorities hold that
"during its pendancy neither partv
may engage in any military work, op
eration or movement, at least upon
'he immediate theater of war." This
however, is limited to the "theater of
war." and it is added:
"Each party may in its own juris
diction do with its armed forces what
ever it could do in time of peace. For
tifications can be built or put in order,
vessels fitted out, troops raised ami
trained, and warlike stores manufac
tured and collected. Troops can be
moved about from one part of a coun
try to another with the exception of
the actual area of hostilities."
This latter applies only when a for
mal armistice is in operation, and it is
nu open question ns to what the con
dition is when there is no formal
armistice but only an assumption that
hostilities will be suspended except to
repel attack.
Late News Bulletins
Indianapolis, Ind., May B.—"That it is not the part of wisdom for
tlic miners in the organized States lo engage in a general strike at
this particular time," was tlin report to-day of the special committee
lo the International Executive Hoard of the United Mine Workers of
America in session here. It was decided, however, to push the strike
in Colorado and an appeal for financial help was issued.
Berlin, May B.—Tlie report that a German military alrslilp had
been destroyed in a storm near Zosscn, 22 miles to the south of Berlin,
reached the authorities here to-day. An investigation was at once or
Washington, May B.—San Luis Potosi has fallen into hands of the
Constitutionalists according to information which Secretary Bryan
transmitted to one of his callers to-day. \
New York, May B.—Two jurors were added to-day to the six
already in the box at tlie opening of the forenoon session of the trial of
Charles Becker for the murder of Herman Rosenthal. It was considered
probable that the list would be completed In-fore to-day's adjournment
Vera Cruz, May B.—l)r. Edward Ryan, who was condemned to exe
cution at Zacateeas and later released, is reported to have arrived to-day
without mishap at Puerto Mexico, together with (100 other refugees from
the capital. They will go to New Orleans on Board the Ksperanza.
New York, May B.—The market closed weak. Greater weakness
was manifested in stocks to-day than at any other period since the up
ward movement was checked. The only support came from spasmodic
short covering. Reactionary tendencies were more pronounced in the
••losing hour, when the principal shares touched the lowexl.
Wall Street Closing—Chesapeake anil Ohio, in i, I,ehigh Vallcv
138: Northern Pacific, 109%: .Southern Pacific, Colon Pacific'
17*!'- : nn 'V St -. |,nul ' nT '* : Pennsylvania Railroad!
■ 'V*"'''"•i 1 '" 2 . Central, Canadian Pacific,
J»0: l. S. Steel, 58?*.
Pierce on the Other Hand Declares
System Soon Will Be
Tied Up
Brotherhood Conference Will Be
Held Here Late This
Striking of the members of the
[Brotherhood of Federated Railroad
j Employes has had absolutely 110 ef
[feet upon the workings of the Pennsy
j system, declared W. B. McCnleb, su
perintendent of the Philadelphia divi
sion. in a statement at noon to-day.
W. H. Pierce, president of the
Brotherhood, on the other hand, is
sued a statement in which he de
clares that unless the railroad grants
the demands of the men, the entire
Pennsylvania railroad main line will
be tied up by ti o'clock to-night.
McCaleb's statement is as follows:
"Reports received at 9 o'clock to
day show the Enola departments
working, local shops working as usual,
and the places of all strikers filled
with new men. Nine more car inspec
tors and twelve trackmen quit this
morning. Wherever possible loyal
men who have been furloughed are
being brought back to fill the places
of the strikers."
Pierce said:
"We are gaining ground every min
ute. Reports from all districts show
[Continued on Page 11]
State Convention of
Penna. Suffragists to
Be Held in Scranton
The executive committee of the
Pennsylvania Society for Woman Suf
frage, which met here yesterday, se
lected Scranton as the place for the
1914 convention. Sessions will beheld
November 11-14 in the Lackawanna
county city. A number of cities had
extended cordial invitations to have
the meetings at those places, Includ
ing Erie, AVilkes-Barre, fork and
The convention will be carried out
along novel lines, and while it is in
progress, meetings at different towns
within a thirty-mile area will be car
ried on with notable speakers. "As
this is the last convention before we
have the vote," said a committee mem
ber, "we will make it unusual."
There will be several novel stunts,
including an evening of theatricals
with playlets advocating suffrage to
be presented instead of the cut and
d.ied speaking. The committee laid
plans for a whirlwind campaign which,
it is understood, is to include some
methods never before attempted for
the winning of the popular vote.
Winter Wheat Crop
May Break Records
Special to The Telegraph
Washington, May B.—The condition
of winter wheat 011 May 1. according
to the Crop Reporting Board of the
Department of Agriculture, indicates a
total yield of 630,000,000 bushels, the
largest in the history of the country.
Growing rye and the spring pastures
are in excellent condition. Spring
ploughing in nearly three-fourths
The condition of winter wheat in
Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland
is '.'4 per cent, of a normal and New
Jersey 93 per cent.
By Associated Press
Dayton, Ohio, May S. Responsi
bility of putting into effect nation
wide prohibition was placed 011 the
church by speakers who addressed the
finai session of the National Men's
Congress of the Cnited Brethren
Church here last night. They pre
dicted that the manufacture and sale
of intoxicants in this country would be
1 prohibited before 1920.
60100 MEN MAY BE
! Long Cipher Telegram From Fun
ston Stirs General Staff of
American En Route to Puerto
Mexico Under Brazilian
By .Associated Press
"Washington. D. C., May B.—A long
cipher telegram from General Funston
at Vera Cruz that stirred the general
Ftaft of the army Into a conference
that did not break up until nearly
midnight was to be placed before the
President and his Cabinet to-day by
Secretary Garrison. While details of
the dispatch were not given out, it was
understood to contain reports taken
to General Funston by refugees from
Mexico City. Secretary Garrison said
to-day no aggressive movement of any
kind by the American forces was or
dered. yet it was known that high
officials of the War Department were
anxious to station at Vera Cruz or on
ships within striking distance of that
port a force powerful enough to make
a swift, ascent on Mexico City if that,
became necessary. Probably .">O,OOO
or 60,000 men would lie required.
While the meeting of the general
staff was being discussed in official
circles to-day. the mediators proceed
ed steadily with the program for their
conference with representatives of the
i [Continued on Pago o]
Voorhees Is Elected
President of P. & R.
to Succeed Mr. Baer
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, May 8. Theodore
Voorhees was to-day elected president
of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
way Company. W. .T. Richards was
elected president of the Philadelphia
and Reading Coal and Iron Company
at a meeting of the board of directors.
E. T. Stotesbury was elected president
of the Reading Company. At meetings
of the directors of the Philadelphia
and Reading Railway Company and
the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and
Iron Company, E. T. Stotesbury was
made chairman of the board in each
Roosevelt May Have
an Opportunity to
Meet London Critic
By Associated I'ress
New York. May B.—The adverse
criticism of the London press follow-
I ing statements by Sir Clements Mark
ham on the question as to whether
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt really dis
coverd a new river in Brazil has re
sulted in geographers in this city com
ing to the defense of their fellow
countryman. or at least counselling
that judgment be withheld until fur
ther details are received.
Before sailing from Para for New
York yesterday Colonel Roosevelt re
lated that he had sent a letter to the
Royal Geographical Society in London
offering to deliver a lecture refuting
the remarks of Mr. Savage-Landor,
who said that the province of Ama
zonas lacked the germ of civilization.
Should Colonel Roosevelt go to Lon
don, he may have an opportunity to
j meet his critic. Sir Clements Markham,
' formerly president of the Royal so
ciety, who has asked if the newly dis
covered river is not in reality the Ca
numa river traced farther south than
it has been followed before.
Force Woman and
Three Dogs to Move
From Home at Last
To-day was the final moving day for
the Mulberry street residents whose
hemes have been taken over by the
Cumberland Valley Railroad to make
way for the subway excavations. The
moving day date had been previously
fixed several times; it had to be post
poned several times. An Austrian
woman and her three dogs refused to
From time to time the railroad offi
cials tried to get possession of the
place, but it was not until early this
morning that the news went around
among the contracting gangs that the
moving date need no longer be post
The woman and her three dogs
Commissioner Puts
Out Small Blaze
I>n his way to his office yesterday
Marion Verbeke, deputy to the com
missioner of finance and accounts, saw
smoke rolling from one of the vacant
and partially demolished houses in
Mluberry street near Second which is
being raxed to make way for the Sec
ond street subway.
Mr. Verbeke. a former assistant fire
chief, ran into the building and dis
covered a lot of old shoes and clothing
ablaze in a closet In the house. He
prevented a worried neighbor from
hurrying to a fire box to send in an
; alarm and then calmly extinguished
1 the blaze himself.
1 5 e . v " ! '!£ er l jho t°B r aPh shows the Bluu Room in the White House, where Miss Eleanor Wilson and Secre
in her bridal"own^nd^veil 0 " larn Below " a Photograph of Secretary McAdoo and his bride, arrayed
Eldest Daughter of Secretary Mc-
Adoo Not a Member of
Bridal Party
Special to The Telegraph
Washington, D. C.. May B.—Miss'
Eleanor Randolph Wilson, youngest;
daughter of the President anil Mrs. i
Woodrow Wilson, was married at ten i
minutes after 6 o'clock last evening In :
the Mine Room of the White House to
William Gibbs McAdoo, Secretary of
the Treasury, and while the least bril
liant of any of the marriages in the
[Continued 011 Pafjc 11]
By Associated Press
Indianapolis, Ind., May B.—Atten-|
tlon of the international executive
board of the United Mine Workers of i
America was centered to-day in the i
expected report of the special com
mittee appointed to outline a policy to i
be carried out in regard to the coal '
strike In < "olorado and also to c onsider i
the feasibility of a general strike.
By Associated Press
Home. May S. —"American Methods I
of Rural Life" was the subject of an
address to-day before the International
Council of Women by Miss Janet Eliz
abpfh Richards, of Washington. The ;
success of thes*' methods, she said,
hud been proved by the fact that j
foreigners were sentMng; their sons to
America to study them. i
Governor Tener, Senator Penrose
and Congressman Kreider
Among Speakers
Members of the committee In
charge of the arrangements for .e
dinner to be held by the Harrisburg
Republican Club on May 18 in cele
bration of the twelfth anniversary of
the incorporation of tho club, say
that judging from the interest shown
the dinner will be the biggest event
ever held by the club and will be im
portant for the city.
The plans aro to have the dinner
after a plub meeting and the speak
ers will include Governor Tener, Sen
ator Penrose, Congressman Kreider,
.Mayor Frank B. McClain, of Lancas
ter. candidate for Lieutenant-Gover
nor. and local ReDubUcan candidates.
Senator K. E. Beidleman will be the
The committee has asked that mem
bers desiring to attend, mail their ac
ceptances before to-morrow night as
the list will close at that time.
By Associated Press
San Antonio, Tex., May B.—Millions
of dollars in counterfeit constitution
alist paper money, said to have, been
printed in San Antonio are circulat
ing throughout such portions of .Mex
ico as .ire held b.v that faction, ac
cording 'to Lauro t'arrillo, constitu
tionalist agent here. Carrillo has
been instructed to ascertain which
printing establishment Issued the
William Rockefeller Has Been
Called to Testify Before
• Commission
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., May S.—William
Rockefeller, George F. Baker and
George McCullough Miller, of New
York, all directors of the New York,
New Haven and Hartford Railroad,
have been called to testify next
Wednesday before the Interstate Com
merce Commission in its investigation
of the New Haven road. Mr. Melien,
former president of the road, will be
called later to tell of transactions be
tween the railroad and the Billard
Charles F. IJnsley, a manufacturer
of Meridian, Conn., and a lifelong
friend of John IJ. Billard, testified that,
at the suggestion of Billard, he had
become one of the incorporators and
a director of the Millard Company.
"Five shares of stock in the com
pany were put in my name by Mr. Mil
lard." said the witness, "but 1 never
had any knowledge of its business. 1
acted in the matter merely as a friend
and neighbor of Mr. Millard, who
really was the whole company."
"Did you know anything about the
Millard Company?" ask*>d .Mr. Folk.
"Not a thing."
"You were mereb a 'dummy' di
rector then?" suggested Mr. Polk.
Washington Officials Have Been in
Communication With Gov
ernors of Three States
Secretary Garrison Desirous of
Having Reinforcements Sent to
Funston at Vera Cruz
Pv Associated Fress
Washington, May 8. The
Mexican situation assumed a
more warlike aspect to-day. Ac
tivities* in the War Department
which began last night on the
receipt of long confidential ad
vices from General Funston, were
renewed through the morning and
were brought to the attention of
President Wilson and the cabinet
when the regular session began at
11 o'clock.
\\ bile this activity disclosed
that every preparation was being
made for possible eventualities,
yet Secretary of War Garrison
said just before entering the cabi
net meeting that "no additional
troop movements have been or
In connection with the military
preparations for a possible for
ward movement it became known
that the officials of the War De
partment have been in long dis
tance telephone communication
with the governors of New York,
Pennsylvania and Ohio, in an ef
fort to determine how soon the
militia organizations of those
states, could be mobilized and sent
to the sea board for shipment in
transports. The department has
been energetic in its efforts to
make all preparations for the pos
sible mobilization of the National
Guard for some time.
Latest inquiries of the department
were directed toward acertaining how
f Continued on ?*age 18]
For IfarrlHburg and vicinity: Show
er* thin afternoon and to-night;
Saturday fair; not much change
In temperature.
For Kaatern IVnnni Ivanln: Shcin
rrn this afternoon and to-night;
Saturday partly cloudy) moderate
to freah whiffing wlnda, becoming
The Sunquehanna rlrer and It*
principal trlhutarlea will fall to
night and .Saturday, except the
Juniata and the upper portion of
the Weit llranch may begin to
rlae again to-night aa a reault of
the ahonera Indicated for the
ne*t twenty-four hours. A ataga
of about 7.3 feet la Indicated for
Ilarrlaburg .Saturday morning.
General Condition*
The disturbance that wan central
over the Upper Mlnalaalppl Val
ley, Thuraday morning, haa mov
ed aoutheaatvrard with increaalng
energy and la now central over
the Upper Ohio Valley.
It la - to IS degreea cooler gener
ally from the l'lalna Statea enat
wnrd to the Atlantic.
Tempeaaturei S a. M.i B«.
Sunt Risen, 4:4N a. m.j aets, 7i03
p. m.
Mooni Full moon, May 9, 4,34
ll* 111*
River Stnget 8.1 feet above low
water mark.
Yeaterday'a Weather
Highest temperature, 73.
I.oweat temperature. (11,
Mean temperature, 07.
Normal temperature. ."50.
Franeeisco Glllace, city, and Mari
etta Nerignier, Steelton.
Anenjo Nevajdu and Stanko Dura
sinovic, Steelton.
Putting Salt On
The Dollar's Tail
When the manufacturer of a
nationally sold article begins an
advertising campaign in the
newspapers he is setting a flock
of dollars In motion.
They arc going to be caught
by soine otic.
The wise denier proceeds to
sprinkle s»lt 011 the tail of tha
dollars by letting the public
know he haa the goods.
He reaps the benefit of the
other man's advertising bv do-
Inn jual n little pushing on his
own account at Ihe right time.
The caught dollars help to
make for hi* own prosperity as
well as for that of the manu