Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 07, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Uitabluh*4 iSji
X. J. STACK POLK, Prea't and Treas'r.
P. R. OYSTER. Secretary.
GUB M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor.
Published every evening (except Sun
day), at the Telegraph Building, JH
Federal Square.
Xaatern Office, Fifth Avenue Building,
New York City, Haabrook, Story A
Western Office. 131 West Madison
street. Chicago, 111.. Allen & ard.
Delivered by carrier# at
■ six cents a week.
Mailed to subscriber*
at $3.00 a year In advance.
Entered at the Post Office In Harrls
burg as second class matter.
'l WW The Assoc iatioa of Ara«r- /
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April, 1914
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Average tar the year 1»U—18.8B1
Average for the year 1t10—«17,4M
Msats Brass oh Exchange No. 3040.
Halt eg
Business Office, 103.
Material Room 886. job Dept. Mf.
THE Pennsylvania Steel Company
Is a fine example right here at
home of the direful effects of
Democratic business tinkering
at Washington. The company earned
8.08 per cent, last year on its preferred
stpok compared with 5.1 per cent in
1012. The last half of the year was
so dull that it wiped out the greater
part of the profits of the first half. The
Maryland Steel Company's plant was
closed down the first of December on
account of lack of rail orders. In his
remarlis to the shareholders President
Felton stated that not only was the
deorease in profits due to lack of or
ders, but to the higher cost of produc
tion and lower prices. Prices lor steel
for the Inst six or eight months are
close to cost for even the most modern
and economical plants.
Democrats tell us that the Wilson
Administration is not responsible for
this condition. But isn't it peculiar
that mills are closed, workmen are
thrown out of employment and busi
ness In general goes to rot every time
the Democratic party has an oppor
tunity to put its policies into effect?
And isn't It strange, if politics has no
effect on business, that the oountry Is
generally prosperous when the Re
publican party is in control? There
would seem to be subject for a little
experimenting here that the voter
should not neglect at the polls next
Judge Witmer this week fined a man
for shooting a skunk In the Gettysburg
Government reservation, declaring
"though a skunk be a skunk the law is
still the law." But still It's a question
whether the culprit shouldn't have been
rewarded, in the opinion of those who
know the skunk better than they do
the law.
HE United States needs at Wash-
Tington more of the type of diplo
macy displayed by Great Britain
yesterday in dealing with Haiti.
The English government had de
manded that the Haitian government
reimburse an English subjeot to the
amount of $62,000 for property wan
tonly destroyed. The Haitian govern
ment refused. The English foreign
office set 6 o'clock last evening as the
time for payment of the money, the
penalty for continued refusal to be
the taking over of a customs house.
Needless to say, the sum demanded
was handed over at the hour named.
How different has been the policy
ot President Wilson with respect to
Mexico. A similar attitude toward
Huerta, following his assumption of
power, would have placed this country
on a very different footing in its rela
tions to Mexico and its dictator, and
would have prevented much of the
embarrassment of the past few
months, to say nothing of millions of
dollars property loss to American oiti
sens in Mexico and the death under
mysterious circumstances of Ameri
cans who have fallen under the dis
pleasure of Huerta.
Lieutenant Becker, the dispatches
state, has asked to be placed in the
upper tier of cells in the Tombs to es
cape being struck with crockery that
other prisoners who have a spite at him
throw at him while he is exercising in
the hall. This is a plain case of
Becker's trying to get "from under"
the "man higher up."
THE Harrisburg Civic Club never
attempted, in all its active and
useful career, a better piece of
constructive work than the
backyard flower garden contest it has
organized for the coming season. Its
popularity is attested by the fact that
the remarkably large number of 540
boys and girls have entered.
This means that 540 backyards in
Harrisburg, in a measure, at le&st, will
be redeemed from the waste places
and made to bloom like the proverbial
oasis in the desert. In truth each will
ba an oasis In its own particular little
desert, for the backyard* Harris
burg are notorious for their neglect
and unsightliness.
Time was, away hack in the days
when Harrishiurg was no more than
«n ovar-grown country town, that the
resident who neglected to whitewash
his fence and plant seeds In the
Springtime was regarded with suspi
cion by his neighbors and lost prestige
in the community. Such a one »lld
not stand well with the great majority
who took it for granted that a family
that wi.s content t live In slovenly
surroundings was all too likely to be
equally careless of its habits of life.
Hut with the growth of the city, the
crowding together of the houses and
the steady trend toward a "hurry-up"
mode of living, the backyard fell into
neglect until to-day, with a compara
tively few very laudable exceptions, it
has become the abiding place of the
tramp cat. the rusty tin can and the
garbage pall.
Now comes the Civic Club to sow
the seeds of a renewed civic pride and
Just as a little leaven leaventh the
whole lump, so will these 640 beauti
fied backyards prompt the making of
flower beds broadcast throughout the
city. This aside from the very bene
ficial effect of teaching children the
gentle and wholesome art of growing
AT the suggestion of Dr. Samuel
Z. Shope, the Medical Club of
Harrlsburg has passed a series
of resolutions asking the United
States Congress to vote down certain
amendments to the bill now before
J that body having for its purpose the
restriction of the sale of habit-forming
| drugs.
i The club believes that the amend
ments would be of little value In car
rying out the objects of the measure
and would work a severe hardship
upon suffering humanity. The bill as
amended would forbid the physician
from prescribing narcotics except for
administration by him personally to
the patient. The club believes that
"if this amendment is accepted it be
comes an offense against Federal law
for the doctor to send a cough tablet,
a throat lozenge, an antispasmodic for
asthma, or an anodyne for the relief
of diarrhea, neuralgia or any other
I painful condition to a patient through
a third person; and it is a serious
question whether he can legally place
such remedies in the patient's own
hands or that of a nurse to be admin
istered to the patient in the absence
of the physician."
The club also believes that the bill
as amended discriminates against the
physician in favor of the druggist by
compelling him to keep a written
record of every dose of medicine con
taining narcotics administered.
Possibly the Harrisburg physicians
are right. Some times it is possible
to make a law so strict as to be un
enforclble or bad In its effects if en
forced. Too stringent restrictions as
applied to physicians may be harmful,
but on the other hand the doctors have
themselves to thank for the present
wave of public feeling against the in
discriminate use of. habit-forming
drugs, and it Is agreeable to note that
they favor legal restrlctidn of the sale
of such.
Hundreds of "drug-fiends" all over
this country owe their present degra
dation to the carelessness of their fam
ily doctors. Opium and kindred medi
cines are not remedies. They are pain
killers—rather pain-soothers, for the
pain comes back when the effects of
the drug wear off. They are Intended
for use in rare instances only. Much
better to bear the suffering of cramps,
or headaches or similar discomforts
than to win temporary relief by use of
medicines that do not cure and merely
deaden. The wise physician does not
treat symptoms, but causes, and pains
are merely symptoms. Of course, there
are many times when the narcotic is
necessary, but It should be given in
very small doses and prescribed m
very small quantities, and It should be
made necessary for the physician to
re-write the prescription every time it
is to be filled. Too many physicians—
although the number of such is hap
pily on the decrease—are only too
ready with the "dope bottle."
IN his speech before the manufac
turers who met at the offices of the
C. Day Rudy Company yesterday to
consider ways and means of bring
ing business back to that high state of
prosperity from which it has drifted
under the Wilson administration, S. F.
Dunkle, of the Harrisburg Manufac
turing and Boiler Company, summed
up in a single paragraph the whole
political situation as it applies to the
attitude of Republicans with relation
to the coming elections when he said:
We in Pennsylvania have passed
through the fire and we are the
better for it. We now see issues
clearly, and those of us who were
arrayed one against another on
personal grounds are prepared to
give and take in order that we mav
stand shoulder to shoulder for the
preservation of those political prin
ciples which are equally dear to all
of us.
Mr. Dunkle \ was frankly and
avowedly of the opinion that con
ditions in the national capital make it
imperative that Pennsylvania be rep
resented by an able, experienced man
of strong.protective tariff principles in
the Senate, and he naturally turned
toward Senator Penrose. But personal
preference aside, it is true that the
Republicans of Pennsylvania have
"passed through the fire" and have
been united anew by the strong ties
of adversity. Pennsylvania is an over
whelmingly Republican State. Its in
terests have always been and will
always be identical with the principles
of the Republican party. When the
Republicans are in control at Wash
ington we of the Keystone State are
prosperous and enjoying good govern
ment. When the Democrats are in
control we suffer; times are bad for
the business man and the working
man alike.
The great majority of our people,
who go to make up the rank and file
of the Republican party, realize this
as never before. They are just now
engaged in a primary contest, it Is
true, but it is a very clean, clear-cut
contest, with none of the bitterness
and personalities that mark the
free-for-all between the Ryan and
McCormlck -factions on the Demo
cratic side. As Mr. Dunkle says, Penn
sylvania Rttpublic&os aio united, and
that is the big difference between them j
and the Democrats. Whomsoever may
be nominated at the primaries by the
Republicans will receive the solid sup
port of the whole party, but the
Democratic nominees, whoever they
may be, will continue to be the can
didates of a faction.
Commencement of the railroad im
provements along Mulberry street is
being awaited by a number of Harris
burgers with considerable interest be
cause it will be the inauguration of
what will be a notable change in the
character of the district below Chest
nut street. Ever since the year of the
Dauphin county centennial, or there
abouts, people have been predicting
that Second and other streets between
Chestnut and Vine were going to be
the center of a big warehouse and
wholesale business. The movement
of warehouses to that district appears
to have started, judging from the big
establishments already in business or
being erected in Second street, but the
development has been slow and people
have been rather cautious about doing
much owing to the frequent holdups
of the railroad plans, IN'OW that the
subways are to be constructed and the
State has authorized the start of the
addition to the bridge folks can be
assured of the manner in which the
district is to be laid- out and projects
can be undertaken. Front street, of
course, will not be changed, the river
front settling but Second will
soon take on a new lease of business
life, fronting as it will a solid two
blocks of railroad buildings and being
the thoroughfare for all of the freight
deliveries. Meadow lane will be wiped
out and the very oldest part of Harris
burg will retake its place in business.
Next Monday will lie the ninth anni
versary of the famous Lochiel wreck
and according: to its custom the Penn
sylvania Railroad will place tiowers
on the graves of the unknown dead
who are buried here. The funerals of
the unsnown took place from Market
Square Church after one of the most
impressive services ever held in the
city, many prominent men attending
Harrisburg educators and many in
terested in school affairs will be inter
ested to learn that Dr. Samuel Hamil
ton has been re-elected superintendent
of the schools of Allegheny county after
a service of twenty-eight years in that
position. The election at Pittsburgh
on Tuesday was unanimous. Dr. Ham
ilton has served as president of the
State Educational Association and on
all of its committees, while he had
upon a number of occasions spoken at
meetings in this city. Like Dr. Martin
G, Brumbaugh, he has been a tower
of educational strength and his work
is known beyond the borders of the
It is not generally known that Ly
man D. Gilbert, who was buried yes
terday after a long life spent in Har
risburg, was one of the greatest lovers
of the Susquehanna. Born along its
banks, he used to delight to explore it
in his younger days and to tell of its
beauties as he passed the meridian of
"*e. \\ ith John. B. McPherson, now
one of the judges of the federal court,
Mr. Gilbert owned the (irst scull to
be used on the Susquehanna. After
he returned to the city front college
Jir Gilbert maintained the interest he
had felt in the river as a boy and
brought here the first of the light craft
that used to be used in races along the
stream. It was quite a curiosity in
those days and was tho predecessor of
the craft that twenty years ago were
not an uncommon sight.
Dr. E. N. Kremer, pastor
of Reformed Salem Church, will go
to the general synod at Lancaster next
week with particular interest because
it is just forty-nine years since he
graduated from Franklin and Marshall
College in that city. Dr. Kremer is
looking forward to attending the com
mencement next year when his golden
anniversary will be celebrated. Dr
Kremer has represented his church at
a number of meetings of the svnod.
n. ?. work on the reconstruction of
the line of the Harrisburg Railway
Company along Derry street attracts
many sightseers and the men who run
the concrete mixers and other para
phernalia'of the construction gang
have a good many "assistants" from
the people who gather about,
evening the men worked until late and
people for blocks around came to see
the men. One man stepped up and
told a man stamping concrete that he
was not doing it right. The man
promptly told him to chase himself
The "assistant" got the loan of a
stamper and showed the man how he
would do it. It happened to be a
concrete engineer.
Painting of the benches in the
Riverside Park last night caused an
overcrowding of the benches in Capi
tol Park. The city benches were given
new coats or green and the spoony
ones, who read the newspapers, head
ed for the State park. As a result he
fore 8.30 every bench was filled and
those in the more secluded sections
had a couple of pairs. Some pairs
were even noticed sitting on the gran
ite steps to the Capitol.
—Public Service Commissioner F.
M. Wallace used to be a bank exam
—D. A. Kline, the Perry superinten
dent of schools, has been selected for
the third term.
—Colonel Harry C. Trexler Is plant
ing 7,000 additional peach trees in his
orchards near Allentown.
—The Rev. S. G. Gapp, a Moravian
minister, raised $1,500 to rebuild a
burned college building by means of
a house to house canvass in Bethle
—Dr. Joseph Swain, of Swarthmore,
praises moral education for schools.
[From the Telegraph of May 7, 1864.]
Army Safe
Washington, May 6. lnformation
has been received here that our army
has passed safely through the Wilder
ness, but nothing further is known
to-day of the onward movement.
Rebels Move South
Washington, May B.—Yesterday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock Information was
received by General Burnside that a
large force of rebels was moving
southward by way of Thoroughfare
Gap. This was communicated by sig
nals and General Burnside at once
started a large force of cavalry, who
came up with the enemy as they were
passing through the Gap.
[From the Telegraph of May 7, 1864.]
Conference Opens
The Philadelphia Annual Confer
ence of the African Methodist Zlon
Connection met In the Wesleyan
Church, South street, to-day, and will
continue In session a week or ten days.
Arrest Butchers
Two of our butchers wore before
the Mayor to-day to answer the charge
of violating the market ordinance by
using spring balance*.
Takes Action Just as McCormick
Returns From the Juniata \
Valley Tour
New Interchange of Remarks by
the Spitfires of the Oppos
ing Factions .
New and interestins moves were
made last night in the family war
which Is splitting the Pennsylvania
Democracy and all of them Indicate
that there will be more entertainment
to come.
The Dauphin County Democratic
League celebrated the return of Vance
C. McCormick and his caravan from a
tour of the Juniata Valley cpunties by
adopting strong resolutions in favor
of the nomination of Michael J. Ryan,
of Philadelphia, for Governor. The
resolutions were long as well as strong
and set forth the fact that Mr. Ryan
had always been a Democrat and that
Mr. McCormick had been a party
bolter. Other gentle things were said
about the Harrisburger by this organ
ization of men opposed to him in his
own county. A. W. Hartman, presi
dent of the league, made a rip-snorting
speech in which he denounced McCor
mick as being active in the party only
when his own ambitions were con
William K. Meyers, candidate for
nomination for Congress-at-large, was
given an ovation when he spoke on
the campaign and was promised en
thusiastic support. The Democratic
clubs all over the city will support
Mr. Meyers regardless of how they
feel on the gubernatorial row.
While the McCormick caravan was
eating dinner here the Ryan aggre
gation was holding forth at Reading
and hearing predictions that
Ryan would carry that city,
Hroßrh although the county is a
Grows toss-up. Tt was claimed for
Daily HcCormick a week ago.
Ryan assailed the men fight-
ing him and Judge Bonni
well added some additional hot shot
to what he has fired at '"Farmer"
Creasy. The McCormick caravan ap
peared tired after its visit to Juniata
Valley towns, where its visits were
scheduled during: court week so that
crowds would he found. At Reading
last night Ryan railed against Palmer,
Creasy and Berry for their hypocrisy
in having accepted financial assistance
from Colonel Guffey and Senator J. K.
P. Hall and now would ride into power
and place hy denouncing their former
benefactors. "If I ever accepted one
dollar of the money of these men,"
said Ryan, "my tongue would drop
from my mouth before I uttered a
word against them."
Judge Bonniwell at Reading; last
night answered and denied the charges
of William T. Creasy.
In this connection he
cited Creasy's opinion Bonnhvell
of him in 191 .*? In the Turns Light
form of the following On Creasy
letter: *
"Catawissa, Pa., June 12, 191-R.
"Eugene C. Bonniwell,
Philadelphia, Pa.:
"My Dear Friend Bonniwell—Tour
letter arrived in my absence. In reply
will say that 1 would be pleased to see
you receive the appointment of judge
for the Kastern District of Pennsyl
"I am loathe to write- my recom
mendations to the President, as they
seem not to get any further than to
Mr. Tumulty; but, should you desire
it. I will cheerfully write one for you.
Respectfully yours,
Then the judge said: "I notify you
now that unless you retract your slan
ders that I shall proceed to make pub
lic your financial dealings and your
record in the Legislature in such
fashion as will drive you into the ob
scurity that the people of your district
intended you should be when they re
pudiated you for State senator."
—The dictionary is being worked to
find words for the rival Democrats to
hurl at each other.
—Judge Bonniwell remarked the
other evening that it could be shown
that Creasy was once "a fawning de
pendent" on certain Democrats he now
—The McCormick caravan is headed
into the post office belt of York and
Adams counties to-day.
—Ryan is campaigning in Mont
gomery county to-day and will be in
Norristown to-niKht. McCormick is
going there Saturday.
—When It comes down to making
slates certain men now on the stump
for Democratic votes appear to have
shown much skill, especially In getting
themselves on the slates.
—Oh! Only wait until the expense
accounts are filed for the guberna
torial primary campaign.
—A whole day has passed without
a squeak from the Pa-Mc league.
—Dlmmlck is on his way into Bed
ford and Somerset.
—Dean Lewis is making speeches
rapping the Supreme Court.
—Pinchot plans a motor car tour to
five counties.
—"Big Bill" Hollenback, the foot
ball star of State College, is out in a
letter favoring Penrose.
—There may be idle machine's in
industrial plants due to the Demo
cratic tariff, but there is no sign of
idleness about the well oiled Demo
cratic machine.
—Judge Bonniwell and 'Farmer"
keep on saying things about . each
—lt sounds rather strange to
the men on the White House
talking about other parties violating
the spirit of the primary law.
| —The Democratic State bosses flg
ure out that they can do anything and
say it is proper, but that such things
done by other men in the past are ab
—Creasy was not featured very
much by the caravaneers yesterday.
—lt must have been funny yester
day to hear the two Democratic bosses
telling the Juniata Valley folks that
the day of bosslsm is over in the Dem
ocratic party.
—The Palmer-McCormick slate was
not only dictated at Washington in
defiance and violation of the spirit of
the primary law of Pennsylvania, but
by a man who is not even a resident
of the State.
—The chief thing of Interest about
the McCormick caravan trip yesterday
was the number of prominent Demo
crats who did not turn out.
[From the New York Sun.]
Abjdulla Sada, Just back in New York
from a Haytian dungeon, says that
when he asserted hTs rights as an
American citizen the Minister of Police
of the Black Republic retorted:
"What do we care f<Tr the United
States? Look what Mexico is doing to
the Americans."
This was tn be feared. No doubt our
neg*tiv» policy will be wholly fulsun-
li®w mot aloß* bceauM prices are lower, tat becaaa* Qualities are h»H»——i
oThe worth of a store to a community
is measured by its honest merchandising
and fair prices. No doubt that explains
the remarkable growth of this business.
Examples of Our Usual Values*
Summer Millinery I ISyaISSJ
In White and Light Colors ,ot 25c llalr Brushes !!!!"
10c 10-Inch Rnihrolderlcs . . «V4c
On Sale Friday Morning
* w SSc Ladles' Muslin Short Skirts,
Friday morning we shnll place on lair an entirely new line of Hum
mer hut* In I.EGHORX, IIKMI', SATIN JAVA and PEANUT, In all the Sso Lace Hutch Collar*
newest shapes. 10c nml I.lc Simp Shot Alliums,
There will also be new flowers of all dlserlptlons and Ostrich and slightly damaged 7,,
I feather fancies. See New York's latest rage In trlmntlnits SOLID 25c Manicure Articles 5c
WHITES FLOWKBS. Lot 10c Manicure Articles ... Ic
On Saturday morning we shall receive our second shipment of Pan- SOc (ilnghnm Kmhroldered Unfile
nma Hats In the New lOngllsh Shapes, f'hoose from the entire lot at Skirts
OUR USUAL LOW PRICKS I '" t Children's 25c White Stock-
- Ings in c
Lot 30c Hoys' Ores* Percale
Summer White Goods Summer Wear For Men i,„, as" Novelty' wash Goods, 1 »c
. ~ . . Men's Ureas Percale Shirts, all slr.es. l.ot ISHe Dress Lawns .V,
India Llnona, 25c Lot -.»<• lnfantn' ShoeM 5c
10c, l'JHf. 15c. 10c and 25c Men's Underwear In BnlbrlgKan, 10c Cream Pitchers
Mercerised Batiste 10c to 25c mixed and hlack, all sices, shirts 25c \\aste Ilnskets 10e
Plain White Klaxons, and drawers 25c J'c Salad Dishes 7,.
12Vie, 15c, 20c and 25c Men's Working Shirts 25c 15f < hlnn Pitchers
imitation White Llnen 10c to 25c *«£ *
30-Inch Shrunken Muslin i6c i2He Summer Hosiery and Ribbed
30-Inch White Percale 12He Men'a Colorcil Hoae, W 1 ; 3 fop .. -5c
32-Inch White Out-Door Suiting, 18c .!i. 10 *. 250 Underwear
30-Inch AU-I.lnen Suiting 25c Men's 4-ply Linen Collars 10c I.miles' Hose, black and tnn .. 10c
Check and Stripe Flaxons 15c Men's Silk and Knitted Ties, the sea- Ladles' Hose, all colors 12>*e
Dotted Swisses 12% c Men's "llclts 1! i i2sc Ladles' Silk Lisle Hose, all colors, .
Check, Plaid White Good*, llovh' Dream Shirt* -5c -5c
10c, 12 Mjc and 15c Boys' I ndenvenr 'Me Ladleti' Silk Boot Hone, all colore,
Fancy Stripe* 12% c and 15c H oy "! ?«»P«ndcm ... 12*4 c and 15c 25c
niuiitv IOC 12V,0 nml 150 K oyl \ ® eltl H5 C Children's Black and Tan Hone. 10c
Whl'V and Striped sfo'l-klnas 10c ami m Children's Hose, all colors ....
Whlte Pique 20c and 25c and jSc »»**• loc » luc orM
| White Crepe PUsse .. .. 12V4c. 15c " * Children's Socks In fnncy top* and
White Crepe" Voiles 1^ C 25? Summer Muslin Underwear plain colors 12 Vie to 25c
White Splash Voiles 25c New Lace and Embroidered Trim- Children's plain «"olor Silk Socks;
mcd Corset Covers, pink, blue, white, tan and black,
Artifice l 3c « J® o an<l 2I * C
■ ouuiuici niiiiicb Shadow Lace Corset Covers, ribbon Infants' Hose, all colors 12V-C
Children's and Infants' Department. trimmed, special prices. vllb .., "
Children's Wash Dresses 25c Kmbroldered Nainsook Corset Cov- , ...ii,.,- Dl||||l Ild V,,.. , 'hmTml
Children's Rompers 25c ers, ribbon trimmed, special prices. v'Jls n,,d r " ncy to ''
Children's Aprons 25c New Crepe Bloomers In white, pink ,_ , ; . p'j
Infants' White Dresse 25c and black, speclnl prices. Ladies t unify Cut Aests.
Infants* White Slips 25c New Princess Slips; white, pink and ■ ...lies' Union Suit* ' "
Infants' Bootees, 10c, 15c, 10c and 25c blue, speclnl prices.
Infants' Knitted Sncques 25c New Crepe aad Low Neck Nalasook ...
Infants' Illbs, sc. 10c, 15c, lßc and 25c Gowns, special prices. . '"J' 1!Sc ' 19< ' ""a ?;J F
Infants' Bonnets and Sun Hats, 25c New Brassieres, lace and embroider- ij ? t , \Vranners lto'•>'■£
Infants' Shoes and Moccasins .. 25c ed trimmed 10c nnd 25c 1,11a,,t * "rappers, 10c, 1-V4c and 25c
Infants' Battles, Beads and Piny ar- Special values In Ladles' Drawers, xi ~ • » T
tleles 10c to 25c 15c, 10c and 25c Novelties in Notions
Boys' Pants 25c Ladles' Knickerbocker Drawers, 25c
I Boys' AValsts .« 25c Ladles' Corsets, garters attached. New llclts. In black nnd colors—
Boys' Overalls 25c 25c Children's 10c and 25c
Ladles' 25c
I i ———— _ Jew Ladles' lllaek Tango Ilags, 25c
< Pins, etc 10c to 25c
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day iv£ Boleros"" ;::; ;:;;
. _ ni/TT nrp New Hut tons of all dtacrlptlonn,
215 MARKET ST. Opp. Courthouse New 5c 2 )£
derstood by the ignorant and preju
diced elements in Latin America and
much time and no small patience will
be needed to overcome the tendency to
overbearing treatment of our people
that will only too surely be stimulated.
The Angler (at
the hundredth
question) Naw!
It don't hurt the
worms! I chloro
form 'em before I
juts 'em on the
"Yes sir, I used
to be real fat, but
I'm getting off
about 57 pounds.
I want to be a
" —C3I
Of More Moment
"They say it's
seven years' bad
luck to bust a
mirror! Humph! I
kin see about
seven minutes
darn hard luch
comin' to me!"
"Yep, if I saves
me salary an'
walk every day
an' don't eat no
lunch, me an' An
nabelle kin git
married about
"I've quit bet
tin' fer good!"
"Bet you ain't!"
"Bet I have!
Wot'll you bet?"
On the Job
Mamma (to
Johnnie going to
a party) Now
remember when
you refuse any
thing at the table
say "No, I thank
you, Ma'am."
Johnnie Yep,
but I ain't goin'
to refuse nuthln'!
By Wins Dinger
George Heckert's crew of baseball
Came up here yesterday,
They won the game and back to York
Proceeded straigrhtaway.
But everyone who saw the game
Went home quite satisfied.
Because class A baseball had been
By both the teams supplied.
And what if one game Was lost.
Who knows but what to-day
Our team will turn the trick at York
And bring the game away.
One team must loose, they both can't
As victors to the roost.
And if the home team loses out
Don't be a knocker—boost.
The game that's lost to-day is gone.
So let's forget it, and
Assist the boys In future games
By giving them the hand.
baseball, as all things else,
A 'man will do his best.
If h*'s encouraged Just a bit,
\V|ien he's put to the test. j
MAY 7, 1914.
The State Press
The Colorado situation evidently
needs a strong hand. It is to be hoped
that some honest, competent and well
informed historian will tell the country
the true story of this disgraceful inci
dent In the history of an American
Commonwealth. As for young Mr.
Rockefeller, he might as well stop his
habit of mouthing moral platitudes.—
Altoona Tribune.
Married men need not join the mili
tia: they can fight at home.—Sunbury
Dally Item.
It is fitting indeed that clean-up
week should be preceded by a go-to
church Sunday, for literally then clean
liness is next to godliness and the
proper order is followed. Of course,
this is a mere coincidence, but both
projects are quite exemplary and both
will be ma'de successful by Just a little
good-natured co-operation on the part
of everybody. Cleanliness is essential
to health, and this is true whether ap
plication of the rule is made to the
mental or the physical side.—Wllllams
port Sun.
Again some Congressman has faintly
broached the subject of a nation-wide
campaign for the conservation of life
and health. He revives the agitation,
in a mild way, in favor of the creation
of a national department of health or
the consolidation of the existing agen
cies under one head, so that they may
work more effectively.—Wllkes-Barr'e
Newspaper modesty, like that of
some Individuals, does not always re-
6 Sunny Songbirds
Miller & Matthiew
Chief Tendahoe
5 and
* —J
and Miller's Orchestra To-night
Florence Lawrence, Matt Moore and!
Jack Newtoa In n 2-reel Victor drama, I
"The Little Mall Carrier." Lloyd Ham. V
llton, Mae Wella and Betty Burbrldge \
In a frontier comedy, "Pretiel'a Baby." \
Animated Weekly—ahonlng the Inter
eating event* of the world. "Pltfalla,"
(Power* drama). Wni. Wolhert, Phil
Dunham and Helen Clark In a Joker Matt Moom
Florence Lawrence comedy, "A Narrow Squeak." _
' ' gEKIES, JSO. It NS?
ceive its meed of reward. In solicittr
advertising' announcements from p<
lltlcal candidates the Pittsburgh Di
patch says: "The Dispatch has the mo
powerful influence in Pennsylvania."
Butler Citizen.
MA ICCT P Wilroer,Vincetjl
lInULU U Appell, Managerj
TO-MORROW»One Time On!j
PRICES. 25c to 91*50,
Charlra Froliman Presents
Julia Sanderson
(A liny of Sunshine)
In the llcNt of All Muslcnl Comeillei
PRICES Milliner, 25c to 91.50
Evening, 50c to 92.00.
Monday, May 11
A Superb Produotlon of Hj
the Most Brilliant Comedy H|
yet Written In America
By J. Hartley Manners |H
(Til* Youth-pity which Lauretta Taylor
lit* mado a New York Imtitutlin)
Elaa Ryan, Henry Stanford, Pan
ny Atldlaon Pitt, Frank Burbecl
Gilbert Douglaa, Dorothy HniJ
niond, l,e\vl» Droughton, Wild
Moore and Roy Cochrane.
PRICESt 25c, 50c, 75c, 91.00 and 91.0