I ■ i | 300 persons will each save s lol^ , (101 dollars and 25 cents) by obtaining rtheir piano through this co-operative sale BH * 1a no ,°f CJ UR*PRICE t n \ l luiu uy us ui equal ur glVen on the piano V, r T X T , i i opeiative plan. th?Be lnßtruments at the factory so J greater value Without the loss of a Single All of the unpaid balances will be voluntarily cancelled in event x rot. L. 1. Jivans does not nave to be introduced to you do not anticipate that there is much penny at any time up to within one year death. by us. His ability in music is thoroughly established - his £ irom the day.it was purchased. "■VU'STtSXcKS °l™"° <,our ow ° reputation is be> ond question,an we feel that we, in com- . Booa plano . Sixth And finally the fear of losinsr A " T"""* 1 "• made »uii each puroiuu»r wheret, new llion with those who obtain these pianos, are be congratulated upon having someone who is fW & f) u ' eminently fitted to assure us of the high stand- u v&urdhh- ft? —case oi aeatn Deioie tne piano is entirely they piay every note on the piano when the music roii is in mo ard of these instruments. Here are Prof. L. I. Evans' own paid for, has been overcome by our pro- ££u£ mSu «rorrlc • posing to voluntarily cancel all further from two hundred to two hundred and fifty dollars mort than WOTUb. r o J these will not play perfecUy. These player-pianos have lead tub w._.___payments. ing. Most player-pianos have rubber tubing. The life of rubber v \ Is one year—at most. Lead lasts forever. It cannot wear out Hnur frk tsiup ilfll/nnltmo nf _ ? nd , the tubing in these player-pianos is so placed it cannot be twrco-onerative rlan what 11 has taken in time ' monc y and energy " ok ° to make ttiis Co-operative sale possible |]i jt in offering the player-pianos, with the single excep- j li To take advantage of this unusual sale, all you have to do is to , . - , . . . CMAOOAn llion that the terms on the player-piano are two dollars ■ send or bring in five dollars, for which we will at once give you a re- The retail Value of the pianOS and player-pianOS tor tnis sale IS SiOU,UUU. -U il week instead of —as on the piano—one dollar and ■ ceipt. ,i . . tl They will be sold for sll4/125. I This fl\ p dollars is orpdited to vour account on the co-ODeratlve J . .9 . . . , , , r , i • ■ books —leaving two hundred and forty-three dollars and seventy-five I he total Saving to the/TOUr hundred persons WllO take advantage Ot tniS Op- ■ cents to be paid. portunity is $45,875. rp Utl> s T ?^Vy h tSis a, irolnr\rt n h d e re r d ate an o of a f SK? It has taken nearly seven months to build these pianos, to the point where IHC POWCF OI 5 GOUaTS j they were ready to box and ship to us. . ' . . { Upon the payment of a single five-dollar bill, / You can s«ieci vour piano at once—to-morrow—next day—next ft takes ten weeks atone to varnish tliese pianos, hach piano gets hye coats ot your choice of these pianos or plaver-pianos A week or any other time convenient to you. It will be delivered imme- varnish and one COat of filler makingf six COatS in all. Each COat requires seven * ji| 1 -- nf t VinniA \ uiutciv -h. XI Ol liixt month, 'the lime you select your piano , , , ' wnvi , lutvniug ?' , . , . ... , Will l)e Seilt 10 yOUT Home lmmeaiately. jT and the date or delivery is wholly optional with you. days to dry and each coat gets a rub-down with oil and pumice stone to make it liarti You can make your selection now.. A CJK/A If not convenient for you to personally select your piano, w« will SlllOOth. fivp Hollar rach invoclmont ct-irto ▼ make the selection for you under your Instructions, with the under- rr , f , . ■ live tiOlltll CaSll investment Starts yOU -O^) standing that, if nt the end of a thirty days-tnai the piano is not satis- the manufacturers and ourselves ar2 paying spot casn tor e\ erytmng pertain- in the ownership of a valuable prop- factory, we will refund your money. i n g to this co-operative sale in order to eliminate every possible cent of expense. ertVj wort j l seV eral hundred dol- By giving each and every purchaser under this plan sixty-nine weeks longer i ars _ t h e pleasure and comfort «s>/(*> fTT layer-piano than usual terms, the four hundred persons who purchase these instruments get in of which you begin tQ expe . *ordiai e iy e i I nvite f d 0m 830 to 9 ' 3 ° o ' clock, t0 whlch you are 27,600 weeks longer in which to pay for their instruments than if they were to r j ence at once. You do not buv them in the resmlar wav. hov e t^i; c t.,rKyn„ec^. ings or any invest- Jy £<< <9 / / The J. H. Troup Music House, of music in " " / •/ # ' / % / Alio 36 North Hknover Street, Carlisle, Pa. home / .•*' ,/ I / * —i 1— m THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG tfSfjti TELEGRAPH MAY 7, 1914. 7