6 TTTTT▼T ▼TTT "T ▼ ▼TT▼ T▼ W ■»»y^y'F^IPTTTT'y»TT , w~¥ r W~¥ *********** *•'+<* I Baby Week Begins To-morrow, Friday, at Bowman's: Most Important W j 4 For one week tbe little Sovereign of the home will hold full sway at Bowman's. Treat of the year for the little folks. A Wonderland of pretty \ Our entire store has put on a Holiday appearance in honor of the "Future Greats" of Harrisburg and vicinity. Fun for all. Baby weighed free. Big balloons 4 ► free. Bring the Babies to see Stork Land and the Maypole. Attractive displays of all kinds. Every department that has children's goods is ready with just \ \ the things they want to wear, use and play with, at special prices. . 4 \\ Dainty Lace and Embroideries ' =? Special Great Feature J I: Fiouncin g s and yolZ X such pretty patterns. Meet Have Baby's Photo Taken Free ; !► Only a short time required to make garments from these ma- /T Every baby who attends Baby Week will be given a ► terials. m i n _ _ photograph of himself or herself Free, on condition that you 4 ► 75c 27-inch ruffled baby flouncing, yard 590 VI IV /I * present a cash sales check —from any department in the store. * 27-inch hemstitched and scalloped flouncing, yard, _ ■ • IVIG 111 Do not miss having baby's picture taken. 4 y 290, 390 and 500 WjujXfy * ~ r\ < Embroidered baby yokes, each 290 and 450 («s. \| Dill ri _ , _ , _ < : p.Ma.n Floor—bowman's. & J\- V ttabyland Furniture For tke Little Tots ; ► I) rrii . $5.00 Child's White Enamel Crib $3.09 < ► ▼ A 1 TTV \.®b I I hie $7.50 Child's White Enamel Crib $.1,98 ' ► I |£| T G \Af IT 'tj. J A lllS $9.00 Child's White Enamel Crib $7.75 , » vWI $15.00 Child's White Enamel Crib $10.50 H ► t n„ u -i * Stork and Bonita Baby Shoes, 3ft''soles', and strapped The next heaviest Baby up to 6 111 *■ sandals, in white, pink, blue, champagne and tan, 1 LJ months of age will be given a ► 250 and 500 \ H $2.98 Dress. , I ► Infants' Long Coats in cashmere, bedford cord .ind crepe -n. X , • -n , , , propella $1.50 to #9.98 '■ y \ The next heaviest Baby up to 1 < y Infants' Knitted Booties in wool and silk, blue and white I y eai * given a $3.50 and all white 120 to $1.50 Dress. Infants' Cashmere Sacques in cream with pink and blue em- "" 1 _ _ M broidered edges ................ x V fgi Childrens' straw, lace and embroidery hats, ribbon trimmed, * , Baby Bonnets in plain and figured bwiss and allover em- . \ w M to ► broidery, puffed back and beautifully trimmed in lace and fine . B - aud ir , s< wash hat 3in ratine i w chambray, white - | " embroidery, ribbon rosettes and ties. Ito 3 year sizes, and co , ors 6 * 330 tQ 98Uf* ___________________________— ✓ Girls' dresses in gingham, percale, lawn and linen, 4to 14 . ► , Infants Short Skirts in flannel and nainsook with lace V year sizes 390 to $4.50 ' ! " 3nd e "l b . r ,T de 7 ; ri . mm,ng cf l . ;•••/*•: •••■*->*«> 1 - 9 » . Children's creepers in chambray, gingham and crepe, sizes < j Children s Princess Slips, made of nainsook with lace and (*• 1 f\ ( nnntln tn 2 vears tn 98<* [ embroidery trimmings, buttoned on shoulders, 500 to $2.50 Uingham UfeSSCS At\A rrA-HatH-Q ' BABY NOVELTIES, PARISIAN IVORY Infants Short Dresses in nainsook and batiste with yokes ——— , vaiildgCO ClilU. VJU VCll I/O Rattl • 210 to *590 * [ «" m J cr °r I,a ? d en i roi ? er ''j f inty lacc "±" nb Serviceable garments for OIVE BABY PLENTY OF FRESH AIR Teething rings' i'.'.'.! to M* 11 ► tnnimed. Sizes 6 month..l and 2 years .. to sb.oO 5 Reed Pullman, at $13.80, . Comb aid brush sets So(t to 98* < Baby Bibs, pique quilted, very fancy. Also every day wear. #14.!»8, $17..",0, $19.98! WEBB&r*T 4-piece toilet sets $1.50 to $2.30 . ' . . v t" $ .i,» $21.50 and uo to $32.50. I Soap and puff boxes 50f to 7.">e . l. Baby Caps in fine lawn, lace and Swiss, fine lace, em- _ ~ dUU lu f KnL; n »tt„c C fa,wi «t oa *ui . broidery and ribbon trimmings 190 to $3.25 Dresses in long and Wood Body Pullmans at I Baby bassinettes with o ithout stand, $1.98 to SB.oO ► . r ' . o •> , s j i jr , , ci »i« «i*t «u W Baby toilet baskets, with or without stand, trimmed and , ► . Infants Capes in cashmere, and bedford cord, silk hncd short waist effects, em- untrimmcd 500 to $5.98 " ► ,fMI( $ ..» to $0 98 broider)'and lace trimmed, s2s*oo* ' ' "f Baby hampers $3.75 to $5.50 Infant s Short Coats in pique, cashmere and serge, plain . " r ' V«*>.UU. .9B sizes Zto O years, Collapsible Go-carts at IBi_ . . . ... , . 4 Infants' Diaper, in Bird's Eye. doz Tsf and 89f SO* to ."K2.98 W.»«, $5.00, $0.98, $9.50 Children s Sweaters m white, red, blue and grey; meal to ► Kleinert Baby Pants, small, medium and large sizes. and $12.50. hml> n C £u-iV" •' V*/u-V' i?"" ut> •"g i 1 ... , " nt?l i T-, i ,t- , , ,r- , )l Children s White French Dresses m fine white batiste beau- < RqKt/ 5 a m,.« • .i,j. •i. ~1 i '/i i • .o} 800- Vtf tifullv trimmed with embruidery and lacc; some have ribbons Knitted Baby Sacques 111 white, pink aud white and blue 1 t «\ kies at # V/S\i i , • r . nrc in !► and white 25f to $1.98 Glib DkSM} $4.*5. $5.",; $6.50. W W sasl,Cs^ ' 2 '° C to ST.9B , ► * —Baby Yards, square and round at $2.69 and $3.50 ——— I China ware Specially Priced for Babv All the season s best Swinging and Rocking Ilorses, skin covered, at sl ' lß Footwear For Baby II ► Cup, saucer and plate sets 150 and 250 styles. $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.50, $6.98 and Dainty, carefully made, soft, smoothly finished footwear * ► Baby plates, each ;«)£ ——- a>y th. Thl'rd'Floor—bow'MAN'-S. '' for that wonderful baby, in white, tan, champagne and in " y Plain white china sets, consisting of tea pot, sutrar, creamer r- black. Sizes 1 to 5 000 to SI.OO *■ , 6 cups and saucers and 6 plates, set <>B« FaUC y and P lam eff ectS. ; " FOR THE LITTLE TODDLERS < Decorated ehina sets, consisting of tea pot, sugar, creamery Sizes 6to 14 years. Prices, ura | waists , trimmed with ' a „j' embroidiry;'siSs "to UrgCT * l -*° " ► 6 C " PS a " d L a m. #l - 85 to W. 98 14 years *IM to $5.98 J . ± A A A AA A A A A A A, AAA A A A UNFRIENDLY LAWS ALARM BIG BUSINESS Convention Called to Meet in Washington to Point Out Evils of Anti-Trade Legislation Special lo The Telegraph Philadelphia. May 7. Prominent men representing large investments In banking, railroads, shipping, manufac turing and other nation-wide enter prises have arranged for a convention Successful In all the numerous ailmenta caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and elimi nation—ctrtain to prevent suffering ■nd to improve the general health— BEECH AMS PILLS ItU ererrwhere. la twMi 10c* Us* THURSDAY EVENING, , I to be held In Washington to Impress i upon the national administration the ! great harm that they predict will come i to business should the extension of fed- I crnl Interference, contemplated in pro | posed anti-trade legislation, be en acted. The convention plan as the j best means to show the government ; the great alarm with which business views anti-trade legislation is the re sult of wide correspondence between I the controlling elements of the large I and powerful export trade bodies of i the country. It also was announced yesterday I that conferences have been held be tween representatives of these trade I bodies and chairmen of committees of 'Congress, including the Senate com mittee on interstate commerce, which prepared the bill providing for the Interstate Trade Commission, incident to the completion of the convention plans. It generally is considered the bold est step ever conceived by business to halt the enactment of legislation that it feared would destroy it. The final act in this campaign against federal intrusion on business was the selection of men of world-wide weight in finan cial and business progress to compOM a committee to carry out the plan. Members of the Committee The members of the committee as announced yesterday are: Lloyd C. Griscom, chairman, New York, former ambassador to Brazil and Italy. Alba B. Johnson, Philadelphia, presi dent Baldwin Locomotive Works and vice-president American Manufactur ers' Export Association. James A. Farrell. New York, presl i dent United States Steel Corporation. Charles M. Muchnlc. New York, i American Locomotive Company. I Wlllard Dirkernian Straight, New I York, of J, P. Morgan A Co., and for- mer consul general at Mukden. Eugene B. Thomas, New York, man ufacturing interests. Frederick Brown, New York, secre tary Pan-American Society. Henry White, Washington, delegate In 1910 to Pan-American Congress in Buenps Ayres. ambassador to France, Chill and Italy. Charles E. Jennings, Connecticut, "THE SUNNY SONGBIRDS" IN FUN AND THE BIG WEEK-END FE ATI]RE AT THE COLONIAL ■ ■ ' ) •. >•: : •••.; ' ' • W| HARRJSBURG TELEGRAPH manufacturing Interests. John Foord, New York, secretary American Asiatic Association. Ellison H. Smythe. New York, man ufacturing Interests. Charles A. Schieren, New York, head of extensive tannery and belting manufactory bearing hts name in Brooklyn, vice-president German 6av- / Ingß Bank, Brooklyn, and formerly of that city. Edward V. Douxlasa, New York, secretary American Manufacturers' Export Association. The convention will meet in Wash ington on the 27th and 2 Bth of this month. It will convene In the Hotel Ji Raleieh. MAY 7. 1914. ADDITION TO SILK MILL Special to The Telegraph Sellnsgrove, Pa., May 7.—Another positive indication of Sellnsgrove's In dustrial growth is shown by the break ing of ground for an addition to the William F. Gross silk mill. The new structure will be 127 feet long and 40 feet wide, and when It la completed the silk mill will occupy a building 227 feet deep. Fifty-five hands are employed at this time, and the num ber will be rapidly increased as soon as the additional machinery can be installed. Sore Bunions, Quick Cure Also All Kinds Sore Feet "Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of Calo cide compound in a basin of warm water; soak the feet in this for full fifteen minutes, gently rubbing the sore parts." All pain and ln | flammation is drawn out 1 Instantly and the bunion ! soon is reduced to normai I size. Corns and callouses / can be peeled right off and / will stay off. Sore, tender m feet and smelly, sweaty m. feet need but a few treat v""Vl ments. A twenty-flv* cent \ v-\ i package of Caloclde is usu •MIV ally sufficient to put the if worst feet In fine condl vgv tlon. Caloclde Is no longer confined only to doctor's use. Any druggist has It In stock or will quickly get It from his wholesale house. This will prove a welcome Item to persons who have been vainly try ing to cure their foot troubles with in effectual tablets and foot powders, ("slocide prepared only by Medical Formula Co., Dayton, Ohio. BUSINESS LOCAL ALWAYS INVITING That Noon-hour Luncheon that Is specially prepared for the busy men of Harrlsburg at the Columbys Cafe is surely a delicious luncheon for 40 cents. The food Is nicely cooked and faultlessly served. Try one of these luncheons *o-morrow noon. Hotel Co« lumbus. Third and Walnut streets. 11UN INTO EACH OTHER When reading at night by artificial light do the different letters ever run into each other and confuse you? ii so It is the proper time to give us aj call and try the most modern known to our profession to locate the trouble and by proper fitting glasses we make reading at all times a com fort and pleasure. Ralph D. Pratt, Eye Specialist. 807 North Third street. YOU'LL BE SURPRISED To see the wonderful display we carry In automobile supplies. There is noth ing of any particular importance you will not find here, and we want you !to know our prices are right down j where you like to see them. We have [ only the best and, we believe, we can j fill your wants satisfactorily. E, Mather & Con, ?04 Walnut street. A GOLD PIANO Have you seen the people atop and look in Yohn Brother*' window at 8 North Market Square? If not, take a look and you will see a piano finish ed in 22»karat gold. It i. a beautiful instrument made to order for t1,200, No matter whether you wish the mosl elaborate piano and player, or thi most modest-priced one in plain finish Tohn Brothers can meet your require ment.