Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 07, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    It t V -r » * .▼i*'r.. | w T ■»"> y T'T'T TW▼* www » wi r> i> > T T'T^
; 12 l-2c Fringe Children's 25c $8.50 Warner , Women's 25c '
► Stamped Dresses r . S77 rtTT/tT% r« . '*
Just the thing for edging cush- Ready-made, white lawn. VOrSet ||| IS | l||nitf Underwear f 1 li* t-4
► lons. Friday, yard QA Kl7.es 3. 4, 5 and 6. Friday Bar- _rm I ffM IIMi 11 11 ill U ffi I 0 I Hflnllk. ■■ I 1 M
► Bowman'*—Second Floor Kam pricc 15)? cade 06 "'f* 1 ® of silk bro " >)M| I j if ||f ififf fflii if 111 I fcbfc. t Veßt , s Pants. Pants are W
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. cnde . medium bust, extra long iffl IH I M i!M I 1! 1 || 1111 HOI UI HI W knee ,en * th with lace knees. 4
►B9c Wash 60 fTj h &R*f.TUJ" |H| [ 1 WPfjffl' I'fNll| ■ 111 siVh 1 ; For Men, Women and Children
► BOWI Tumbles' Floof Jl|iß|||y| | |^^^-^3|t|ili||DOWM»^ S -M.ln Fl .or. he "{&* SltM? 'jTiSS <
;► White wash bowl and pitcher. " . i ZZ mr t ' Smart styles. Regular SB.OO and $3.50 values. Frldav, pair ..$2.49
J Friday Bargain price 09? banded." Barga\™ p"cT LOWEST PRICES C" DT IKI r\ C _ T AAT/ Men's fine sample low shoes in all leathers, styles and shapes, In <
BOWMAN'S—Basement. doz ... ... y .. ...f. . 39J r\VH*if™ W%l Q34NQEQ. Ijj 7 t _»J LOOK »'«« 1 6 ; and 7 only. Regular $3.00 and $3.60 values. Friday, <
~| k ———. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Uf Ifl L« M M FOR TUP Men's and Boys' low find high shoes; odds and ends and short 4
'' Women's 39c WFF.K *9 MM /X#//J " " L lot.; K.oil lo 11. 0» r.lu~. _
' Drawers Women's 39c I HARRisTimss POPULAR GREEN SIGNS ffi ISU^«:Ei^»Sn. to MjS !lk »vK«"j^ i ; V '».*" "
Cambric drawers with em- Rnntlnir fnn< \li SIiiSJIISMMiIO hAA,.■■••...■'■.. •••'■■ ' ?HHIHWI!WinHIUWUHI))IIH»IIHiy $1 9s 4
broidery ruffle and tucks. Open OUUUUIT va|l# CflilHrA« , « <1 QR \II I'Pi B k" ; -X-^.X J. .i' 111 I 1 HIIIF* OAO I Women's sample low shoes, pumps, etc., In various leathers'ln
and closed. Fr.day 310 , T«Qf ft n I ill Lll MtitikM JIB I I IF* 2 ' 98 %Z & 00' Slae " 3 ' 4 only. Regular $2.00 to <
Bowman B—Second Floor day 31<p 10 $3.50 DreSSeS ill WMi jyyj |; ; | f|| ||||fl||||| |[|l9 illllF Ta« £*»• ' _L! 4
S —Second Floor. „JL" , B,ze * 1 , 3 ' and 15 - Siiflii'lK |L:i | |'i till 111 SlSli II AT? 11TT1 TTI O (lfO TiiWa 4
► 19c Stamped ————— £rays e Tn plafn a blue a and C phik. | | i |i; I 11Consisting of tea pot, covered O ®
. n .Ti TP p 1 'l • P} a o '? s i stripes. Regular IH I liil ilil" sugar bowl and creamer, 6 cups Mens Slippers, Women's Slippers, Children's Shoes, Rubbers, i
► Guest Towels $1.75 Embroideries K9B to $3.10 value. Friday HI | 111 iflKI St 6 s s e a t ucers - Fr,day a ; K AS ?„ d tlnn d A few rairs of thi * and a pair of that. Values up <
*■ Extra special for Friday at 45-lnch allover embroideries. 111 IMI ' .'J|»I.JO » • • 'rldaj', p a!r 39c
l F riday, yard BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Basement J BOWMAN'S Third Floor. 4
BOWMAN'S Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ~ 4
'i _ _ I ~ . 1 C; 1 C •1• yj ,ur | Seersucker 20c and 25c Women's 69c '
Mon , c Plntllincr rnday Specials m Weraen s Wear Ginghams s un ßonnets Union Suits ;
► lllvli w VIV wiilllW One Hundred MessaUne. Taflfeta, Faiuy Silk and Chiffon Waists stripes, U !7^nches hl wide and Frlday, h of n Volors Pe Li a mlt; tl , n r fS k ' sleeveless, lace
k , _ . , That Were $5.00 and $6.50 at $1.98 5 2 to a customer. Friday, each, knees. I rida> Bargain P r 'ce,
Extra Special values. Be early ll you Wisn to A clean-up of the odds and ends of a season's selling. Staple BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. s<ft 4
► 0 and fan fy "tyles all colors and plenty of black and navy. All sizes ———. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Snare these bargains. among thero —but not all sizes of each style. 4
* ATTTXT'C <£Z rv\ rirUTPTT? TT7YTT TR T? "RATN- Pure Unen Waists That Were SI.OO to $1.50. at 59r
„ MIiJM i) S3.UU UUUCIX 1 Cotton VoUe Waists That Were SI.OO. at 59c $1.15 to $1.39 ———— —— 4
• COATS, military neck, slash pockets, straped and and sl * 2s> at 49c r v **i to ~f l •<
cemented. Friday $3.25 u -i r re„. e „ ' U An y .,*,. , ' 0 " n Tea KetUes 18c and-20c Women's 50c
$15.00 EALMACAAN COATS-Cravanetted. . Pi»ow Cases Silk Hose
Fine for men and youths. Special $9./o FUe Krd Hnd Green £ ,UH ' k llal,n " ona n coats; narifaiT price ...\ a ueß .'... c>g „r H 4^ n Jin t rh h «WA Plu i?^^v ß n ,n 42 A " the wanted shades, slight- i\
y 50c GOLF CAPS in checks, stripes and plaids $12.50 Suits,'at $7.'9H BOWMAN'S-Basement P'-lee \2Vat ll.wV. I 'or, fe i)alr Frl . day '. f. . patr 3s° < i ■*
[ —for men and boys. Friday 230 Silk p e a au d' n (s^e" k sood SpHng Coats line(i P"re BOWMANS-Main Floor. BOWMANS-Main Floor.' 4
' BOWMAN'S Third Floor. $3.50 Silk Petticoats, at $1.49 no U *.l_ 4
► . C ?l?" on>y—no blacks. Pure silk taffetas. Excellent tailor- "oC Moth —-— ———
_ __ . Ing. All the wanted models. _ . —. 4
k 30c Japanese Matting 35c Mercerized none N £ specials win be exchanged; none sent on approval. Chests 14c Lonsdale Women's 25c 4
► and*Wues. Pa Cut"fronf d /u 11 r Lundl ClotllS BOWMAN'S Second Floor. fu^^^^^rl^^a^ain Muslin Silk Lisle HflSe
► all perfect goods. Regular .30c Jim IIUMJ
juallty, Friday, yard Rfrin« niid a dotted X deafens tO 1 O m. ir ROWMAN'9 the full pieces. Double heels and toes and wide
BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor. Hemmed ready for use. Friday WllltC 12 l-2c to 15c \ B ard Clled r,dav Bargain P r, ce. Snfr 61 lopß, Seconds. Friday,
► Bargain price 25 0 flirtain I flrP Woll ard j pair | o^
BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Pretty Patterns 28 inehe, «!f .P®" . 7C W 1 BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN S-Main Floor. <
• t or- o • wide? with finished edges. Just be'auViful„,',V 75c Wool __ 4
► sl-25 Smyrna hfn. tl,n AiX , y".V r .~i" S5S™ Suitings
► R^ 5 5 .,.., OH-u. 69c Damask ™tSSSfEMS2.9B Water Women's 12 l-2c '
► ::.o r rX^,.,T.S. lbl J™g;'' Covers r. Jugs Hosiery ]
► "90 T„rir» v .i„> KBxqn inrhM *'" C 59c SwisS O A ————— CUt glass water jugs. 4-plnt Plain black and plain tans,
• S&KiTtSk Ticking Flouncing 39C '' * P "#i.»B SWSt !
y —— price For cushions. curtains and , o .. „, . J , vreiOlllies BOWMAN'S—Basement. BOWMAN'S—Main floor.
feather pillows. Manv prettv . ' n , c ". e , f ! Pointed seal- p„t from full nieces 27 inches 4
► p.___l Ae BOWMAN S—Main Floor. patterns. Friday Barga'in price, '° p " ° embroidered wide. Friday Bargain price,
f PerC ? le ® , , h * °" > aid 7T\ * « I '
h c'd ar ch"cks. r Frrd'ly, BOWMAN S-Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S Main Floor. FridaV Sal® of Toilftt
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Unmoennn —loc Moth ———— ' HCICS
J i P s Women's SI.OO 25c box Theatrical Cold Cream 190 4
_ lowehng c • i .• wllite tar ,edar moth chips— n cjii, r| nv ac - iar ® on Cold Cream for 290 4
'sc Ribbon th?s n to^iii^%s B YtHu P ffit s y. 0 i ™ ,ss In! > ertlons h „ Sri£fir d ke e e d^ r ng and no t t a h r i 6 bSf® "ngth si.k ,ioves. 75c jar Bel Ron Cold Cream for 590 4
► Black satin ribbon, 1 inch linen absorbent toweling for gen- . A'v® *9' c "J* JJJ*© 'l© b an^ds env jrom clothing, carpets, etc. double-tipped; black and white 1Z r |J«: r Prnclioc Kml-e
wide. Friday, yard eraluse. Friday .......... 9* broidered in ecru. Friday, yd., Package only Frlclay, pair AOCliail tsrusnes. WOOCI OaCKS <
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Basement. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. F.ufIMANS Main Floor. 4
l ; "Rnvs' Clftthinp" ■«? Auto Tires and Accessories 85c Bleached Friday Bargain ]
' nvc«n o D - • ar<, BOWMANs-Main Fiol?: 720 Special For Friday Only Sheets Sale of Notions J
I I.u c $3.98 Reefers m red and tan covert 31x4 Plain Tread Goodyear Auto Tire for $17.55 JST&SF w «* -"! r «• '•««. tan and 4
cloth. Sizes to 10 years. Friday, special. .950 Guaranteed 3,500 miles. ft! 1 ftiß»- d :..?.r. 85 <
► Serge Norfolks; sizes 6to 10 years. Special, $2.90 Ottoman -$6.00 Brass Side Lamps pair $3.50 bra c d bras s pie h c o e ok 8 ' and"" eyes, 4
, f T °y s 50c WASH SUITS—Made of Percales SIO.OO Electric Horn. Friday !1.'54.85 N a " S Mc'ihiii b«k 4
and Madias. Friday 300 price. >ard 6,1 c 'P'y Pnrrb T?r»rlr#>r Q8 Infants' A Sr an<l 8c ®mbroidery rings! 4
► BOWMAN'S Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. FOrCn KOCker, q)l.yb dozeT , , j oc
• 17 i t i t . « * C*l 1 100-yard spool black sewintr -4 '
► ~ T ~ ~ I ' ; rancy woven reed back and seat ; large and onawls •<«* s c
► 15c Poplins 10c Embroidered 7i o r and lflc roomy. In green and natural. shaker fiannei «hawi*. size 24 BOWMAN'S— Main Floor.
. Silk llnish poplins, and silk Mpflallinnc ... .. <CQ OC T
i mulls. All shades. Remnant IfieflaillOnS Wall Papers «J)3.Z5 1 eddy WagOnS, $2.98 . ® or ' Wl '' or ' each
y leng L™J"t IniVlaVs^ 1 FHda.v.'°each Block patterns for kitchen and The Original Teddy COaStCl" with removable BOWMAN'S Main Floor. an(] 2f)r
' BOWMAN 1 s—mai n t."*innr to^ . % top—on sale Friday only at this price $2.98 , f ~ Q , 4
K ffl An n 1* . A o BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S Third Floor. Men's Open IniaWS DdCKS -
pI.UO roplins 49c Cream u . .. J Made of white shaker flannel 4
► 40-inch silk and wool poplins; \l/L* „ .. Mesh Underwear wit l? collar and cuffs embrold
-40-lnch silk and wool tussahs. WhIDS 17 1 9r *Si lrnlino Man'e Ift/» 17<« ered ln wll 'te, pink or blue. 4
y All this season's best shades. Holt's rronm u-hin. 1 dIIKOIMe IVlen S «)UC 1/C r eather , For doll or Infant. Friday, 2 for
I Remnants. Yard /•(»,. ~ t' ollß cream whips, pint sisse. . . Short sleeves, double seated sc, or, each ' .
O.lp !• rlday Barf?ain price or c J?J n f or u' i a,l( t dra- Nlfrht Sllirfs Tlflfini* drawers. Friday special, each,
' BOWMAN S-Main Floor BOWMAN'S—B , peries, 36 inches wide. Yard, lllglU kJUiria 1 ILKing ~ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 4
' BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor. ""'.'X Set": :[{'? Floor. ,
; 15c Suitings $1.98 and $2.25 " BOWMAN-s-m.i. BOWMAN'S M.i„ Fi»„r. ,
Linen finish suitings. Good ntt D 1 1 30c Barred mm y an M > fl> lAn Boys' 50c fVOmen S DUC / 4
i-ard 68 . ec . s . . ni : lu/l; Coffee Percolators « . Men s 25c Men s SI.OO J i.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. rolators. Friday Bargain price, Tr? C oior; for sash or sili Suspenders Union Suits Dress Shirts Handbags J
■ i ——» $1,75 curtains. 38 inches wide. Fri- Medium and heavy weight Spring weight, assorted kinds. Mailf of percales, coat style Moire liandhaas in nnw
y "BOWMAN'S—Basement. 3ay ' yard ' 13(' webbings. Friday, pair, Friday Bargain price with attached enffs Secotids. brown only. Friday Bargain
. 51 00 Ratine ———_ BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ' Price
I ! , on C BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. .
► Suitings 59c oauce X>TTT T>C
• c (J r Pans J3Ui-»i3o Look For Table No lin the I rTi c • i - c I «
► bowman's—Main Floor FAT'ssx.iJT.si at Fridav ' lin.V in Friday Specials in Furniture
► BOWMANS Basement. Bflwaiii Wroc Whit© \JOOuS Department $32.00 Quartered Oak Buflfet $28.90
► $5.00 Ingrain 9ft , oc 11 P, ~ * Odds and ends and short lengths of White $18.50 Chase Spanish Leather Couch $13.75 i
► Rugs D'll 3 ioc size, 2 for . ff. f.™ .*. ?5c Goods including Batiste, Lawns, Madras, etc.- $12.00 Golden Oak Extension I able $9.75 i
► rJ!, ze lt^f a t r M y vfi r^ n \% n 1 d Ribbons 25c sfz z e 'io£ Quantities are too small to advertise separatelv. $9.00 Layer Felt Mattress. Special $6.98 '
reds. Regular *.>.00 Hi- „ iack satin ribbon, 2% and ,1 39c BiZo 15c VarH ftl/* BOWMAN'S Fifth Floor. 4
► 3ay JP.1.51H Inches wide. Friday, yard .10r* n An-«.vl D n 1 ara O/20
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. MAN S Basement BOWMAN'S Main Floor. <
Clifford Thome Attacks
Brandeis For Position
He Took on Stand
Washington, May 7.—The Inter
state Commerce Commlsion had be
fore it to-day a supplemental brief
filed by Clifford Thorne, representing
the Western Railroad Comissions be
fore that body in the advanced rate
' ase in which he bitterly arranged
liOuis D. Brandeis, special counsel
for the commission, who, in his clos
ing argument in the case last Friday
stated that "on the whole, the net in
come, the net operating revenues, of
the carriers in official classification
H Hamilton,Onl.
territory are smaller than is consist
ent with their assured prosperity and
! the welfare of the community."
| Mr. Thorne asserts that Mr. Brandeis
commenced his argument before the
commission by conceding the position
|of the carriers." On behalf of those
iwhom he represents Mr. Thorne says
(that the "repudiates in unqualified
j terms" the concession made by Mr.
Brandesis in his closing argument.
He says that had he known Mr.
j Brandeis "was actually going to take
I the railroad side of the particular
' question up for discussion as to the
| adequacy of the railroad revenues as
| a whole. I should certainly have
i asked that he heard along with the
I railroad counsel before I made my
I argument."
| Lippitt's Resolution Asking if the
! President Intends to Recognize
Rebel Is Rejected
Washington, D. C., May 7.—After a
sharp debate yesterday afternoon, the
Senate laid on the table, by an over
whelming vote, the resolution of Mr.
Uppitt, of Hhode Island, asking the
President whether he intended to rec
ognize "Pancho" Villa as President of
Mexico. In supporting his resolution,
Mr. Lippitt declared that he believed
the Administration was leaning more
and more away from neutrality in
Mexico to a policy of open assistance
to the rebels. For the sake of divert
ing General Huerta's attention to the
south, he said, while the rebels as
sailed him from the north, the Presi
dent directed the seizure of Vera Cruz
at the cost of the lives of "some of our
people and about 200 innocent Mexi
Mr. Norris, of Nebraska, a radical
Republican, and Mr. Stone, of Mis
souri, the Democratic chairman of the
committee on foreign relations, took
the position that it was improper for
the Senate to examine the President
about a newspaper :«tory.
"The government," said Mr. Lippitt,
"has so far made no attempt to get
reparation for American property and
lives lost in Mexico. The contradiction
botween what was promised and what
has been done makes me think I must
be with 'Alice In Wonderland.' There
is peace with one part of Mexico and
in the other a carnival of blood, a con
fetti of bullets flying from American
suns put there with the approval, con
sent and encouragement of the Presi
dent. This is not neutrality."
The President should inform Con
gress, Mr. Lippitt said, of all that had
passed between the American govern
ment and the rebels, particularly of
the details of the conference at No
-vales between General Carranza and
Dr. William Bayard Hale.
Mr. Stone took Mr. Lippitt to task
for saying that the capture of Vera
Cruz had resulted in the death of "in
nocent Mexicans." The Mexicans, he
said, were engaged In "sniping off"
American soldiers, contrary to • the
rules of war, and they got no more
than they deserved.
"The whole country approved our
action at Vera Cruz," said Mr. Stone,
"except possibly the Senator from
Rhode Island* The President took the
only means in his hands to punish
Huerta for what he had done."
"Does the Senator approve the-lift
ing of the embargo in favor of the
rebels?" asked Mr. Lippitt.
Mr. Stone did not answer the ques
tion directly, and shortly afterward
moved to table the resolution.
Mr. Clarke, of Wyoming, a conserva
tive Republican, said that he, too,
thought the President should have
none further in taking the country into
his confidence.
After Two Hoars' Fight Vessel Is
Beached and Crew Reaches
Shore in Lifeboats
By Associated Prtss
Erie, Pa., May 7 S The mode.rn
freight steamer City of Rome, Buffalo
to Toledo, was burned to the water's
edge off Ripley, N. Y., early to-day.
The crew escaped in boats.
The fire was discovered between
decks shortly after midnight by Mate
John McNamara. of Cleveland, and all
hands were summoned to fight the
flames, which gained rapid headway
and were soon beyond control. After
a two hours' struggle, in which the
crew was hampered by the dense
smoke and the heated deck plates,
Captain William Dunn gave orders to
beach the vessel. Thomas Cunning
ham. of Milwaukee, the chief engi
neer. stuck to his post until the ship
grounded on the soft sands of Ripley
Beach. The crew then made its wav
to shore in the lifeboats. The vessel
Is a total loss.
The City of Rome left Buffalo light
iaat night for Toledo, where she 'was
MAY 7, 1914.
to load coal for Milwaukee. She was
a wooden steamer of 3.900 gross tons,
268 feet long and carried a crew of 16
men. The vessel was owned by James
Mitchell, of Cleveland.
By Associated Press
Denver, Col., May 7. —The appro
priation committee of the house to-
"A Perfect Woman Nobly Planned
To Warn, to Comfort ana Command"
Nature never intended woman to be delicate, ailing, or a sufferer from
"nerves." Women in middle age complain of "hot flashes." Many
women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood, and from moth
erhood to middle life, with backache, or headache, dizziness, faintness, or
bearing-down sensations. For a permanent relief from these distressing
symptoms nothing is so good as
as a soothing and strengthening ner- The "Favorite Prescription"
vine—allay* and subdue* nervous excitability, U known everywhere and for over 40 years as
Irritability, nervous exhaustion, and other standard remedy for the diseases of
distressing symptoms commonly attendant Y^, r J?? ler . ln medicines seta It la
upon functional and organic diseases of the ."LnM lor a%rial y^ C of Dr MenSS
feminine organs. It Induces refreshing sleep Favorite description tablets. Address Dr.
and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regelate and Invigorate
\ stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, May grannies.
i day was prepared to report favorably
the bill now pending in the legislature
providing- for the issuance of bonds as
a means of liQuidating the expenses
incurred by the State militia during
service in the strike districts and
creating an additional fund for such
service as may yet be required of the
military arm of the State.