Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 07, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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100 Delegates Present at
Women's Home and Foreign
Missionary Society Meeting
Special lo The Telegraph
Utiti, Pa., May 7.—Yesterday the
Woman's Home and Foreign Mission
ary Society of the Harriaburg confer
ence of the Eastern Pennsylvania
Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church of severul counties met in the
Lutheran Church with nearly 100 dele
gates present. The Rev. George D.
Clarke and the Rev. Francis M. Traub,
missionary to the coasts of Africa,
were among the speakers. The officers
are as follows:
President, Mrs. S. A. Brehm; vice
president. Mrs. G. S. Parker: secre
tary, Miss Gertrude F. Heffelfinger:
treasurer. Miss Bessie C. Johnstln. The
district superintendents are: Millers
burg, Mrs. William A. Hemminger;
Harrisburg, Mrs. J. M. Warden; Mid
dletown, Mrs. John Conrad; Lancaster,
Mrs. John R. Roath. Airs. R. A. Peters
was elected chairman of the literature
committee. Miss Bessie Johnstln, of
Maytown, spoke on the children's and
young people's work.
Eats Freely But
A Little Pepsin in a Mild Laxa
tive Promptly Corrected
a Bad Indigestion.
Fortunate if the one wlio can eat
"anything" without suffering the tor
tures of dyspepsia, but as few are so
fortunate, care should be taken in the
matter of diet. Eating slowly, masti
cating the food thoroughly and taking
a short walk after the heavy meal of
the day will do much towards assisting
digestion. Any grown-up person ought
to know the peculiar foods that do not
agree, and these should be avoided.
When these common-sense aids fail,
the next thing to do is to take a mild
digestive tonic with laxative properties,
and there is none better than Dr Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. It contains the
greatest of all aids to digestion, good
pepsin. It has othe • ingredients that
act mildly on the bowels, which to
gether form a combination for the re-
II - of dyspepsia or Indigestion that is
Its action is to tone and strengthen
the stomach and bowel muscles so that
they can again do their work naturally
without outside aid, and when that
happy moment comes all medicine can
he dispensed with. It is the best rem
edy obtainable for any disorder of the
Btomach, liver and bowels, for dys
pepsia, constipation, billiousness,
headaches, drowsiness after eating,
gas on the stomach, etc. Thousands
of users will testify to this, among
them Mr. J. W. Goucher, Stites, Idaho,
who for several years had all the
worst symptoms of chronic dyspepsia.
J. Benjamin Dimmick
Primaries, May 19th
For the Republican Nomination For U. S. Senator
Mr. Dimmick is the man of the hour to reunite the Republi
can Party, and remove the blight of Penroseism.
Vote For Dimmick and Help Redeem the
Republican Party
V v\ mam o mm J HI A HH
you pay lOc for a cigar
you want a 10c smoke, not merely
a good-looking cigar, with a black
wrapper and a fancy band.
SA 2cd A
are all Havana, and they are just as
good inside as they are good-looking
outside the quality convinces you every
time that they are worth your dime.
Made by JOHN C. HERMAN & CO.
mm ivi mm o mmj mm A mm
Beautiful Scene on Campus New High School Building
at Chamberaburg Institution at Millersburg Thrown Open
Wilson College, Ohambersburg, Pa.,
May 7. Wilson College annual May
fete was celebrated on Monday, May
4. Early in the afternoon the pro
cession of students wound from the
gymnasium to South College where
they met the queen of the May and
escorted her to the throne in the
smooth Held of the campus. Miss
Nellie Gilbert, Chambersburg, Pa., was
elected queen of the May. Miss Gil
bert is a senior honor student. Her
maid of honor was Marsclle Wagoner,
Irwin. Pa.
From tlie throne after the May pole
dances, the procession marched back
over the campus and all found grassy
seats in the court for the play, "The
Gentle Shepherd," which was the con
tribution of the junior class to the
day's festivities. "The Gentle Shep
herd" is a Scotch pastoral by Allan
Ramsay written In 1725. Miss Ruth
Baker, of Harrisburg, was In the cast
in a prominent part.
Marietta, Pa., May 7. —Harvey E.
Hoover, one of the leading business
men of this section, is critically ill of
an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Hoover
is proprietor of the East Donegal Poul
try Yards.
• I.
Since taking Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin these have all gone, and although
Mr. Goucher says he is 64, he does
not look more than 40.
Syrup Pepsin is sure in its results,
and a vast improvement over chewing
or swallowing tablets and mints, or
taking catlia: .Ics, salts, etc., all of
which are harsh and nauseous and at
best do but temporary good. You can
obtain Syrup Pepsin at any drug store
for fifty cents or one dollar a bottle.
Results are always guaranteed or
money will be refunded.
Families wishing to try a free sam
ple bottle ' can obtain it postpaid by
addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419
Washington St., Monticello, 111. A
postal card with your name and ad
dress on it will do.
Special to The Telegraph
Millersburg, Pa., May 7.—Millers
burg's new high school building was
thrown open for public inspection last
Saturday and hundreds of citizens
availed themselves of the opportunity,
keeping Professor Adams and his
corps of assistants busy showing the
visitors through the new building. The
new structure is built according to the
approved plans of the State Board of
Education and is fitted in every mod
ern way throughout. An Immense
boiler supplies the steam for the heat
ing apparatus and the air In the rooms
can be changed quickly. Each room
is supplied T with sanitary drinking
fountains and cloak and toilet rooms
are fitted In the corridors. The seat
ing capacity of the main auditorium
Is almost double that of the old build
ing and all of the rooms receive light
from one side only. The artificial
light Is electricity, which is employed
throughout the building.
Queen to Be Chosen For
Baseball Opening Day
i Special to The Telegraph
Halifax, Pa., May 7. —Halifax Ath
letic Association is planning a contest
for queen for the opening day of the
baseball season May 16 and has had
a large number of tickets printed,
which they sell at five cents each and
which are good for five votes for the
queen of the day. The contestants
names and the number of votes re
ceived will appear in the Halifax Ga
zette each week. The queen will re
ceive a prize from the committee.
To Bury Mrs. Hartman
at Littlestown Tomorrow
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth
Hartman, who died Monday evening,
will take place Friday. A short, private
service will be held at the house, 801
North Third street, this evening, at 8
o'clock. The Rev. George W. Hartman,
assisted by other Reformed pastors of
this city, and by the Rev. I). E. Rupley,
of Oberlin, will officiate. The funeral
party will leave Union Station to-mor
row morning, at 6:55, for Littlestown.
A public service will be held in the
Redeemer's Reformed Church at that
place at 9:80. Burial will be made in
Sit. Oarmel Cemetery.
Mrs. Hartman was the wife of Dr. G.
Willis Hartman. She was 38 years
of age. Mrs. Hartman was Miss Mary
Yeagey, of Adams county, Pa.
She is survived by her husband, one
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, and one son,
George Willis. Also her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. B. Yeagy; one sister, Miss
Ella Yeagy, and one brother, I.,utner A.
Yeagy, all of Adams county, Pa. Mrs.
Hartman was a member of St. John's
Reformed Church, Fourth and Macray
streets. The friends of the family may
view the body between 6:30 and 7:30
this ovening.
[Continued From First Page]
than thugs. If anything happens, they
will be to blame. This is a fight for
humanity. Old men have been put off
and are now in distressing circum
MeCaleb's Statement
At the headquarters of the superin
tendent of the Philadelphia division
of the Pennsylvania Railroad the fol
lowing statement was issued by W. B.
McCaleb, superintendent:
"We do not consider that there is a
strike. None of the working depart
ments have been obliged to shut down.
Out of a total force of 7,000 men a
conservative estimate shows that 200
employes.quit work. They have been
considered as having left the employ
of the company and other men will be
called to fill their positions. At Al
toona and vicinity we fail to find one
man out. Reports from other sections
are exaggerated. We do not anticipate
any trouble."
News that a strike was in order
attracted many people to the vicinity
of the local shops and roundhouses
this afternoon. The men who quit
work made no attempt to return to
company property, but congregated at
headquarters and awaited further or
ders. Special officers guarded all.,gates
and entrances to shops and round
houses and every man who got by the
guard had to have the password.
Willlamsport, Pa., May 7.—Track
men and freight handlers at a num
ber of points on the Williamsport di
vision of the Pennsylvania railroad
and on the Northern Central railway
quit work to-day when a strike was
ordered of the men affiliated with the
Brotherhood of Federated Railway
Employes. Fifty freight handlers went
out in the city. The freight station
was kept open, however, and new men
were employed. A number of track
men struck at Lock Haven.
Robert Scott, patrolman, was ar
rested and given a hearing before
Alderman Hoverter last evening
charged with assult and battery upon
Jerry Bird, a local horse dealer.
Scott had arrested Bird for disorderly
conduct in the Bight ward. Bird is
said to have resisted.
Mariettta, Pa., May 7. —At the meet
ing of the board of directors of the
Columbia National Bank, Dr. S. S.
Mann was' elected president of the in
stitution, to succeed James A. Myers,
who has retired and whose resigna
tion will take effect on May 15.
Good Digestion Follows Itiglit Food
Indigestion and #he attendant dis
comforts of mind and body are cer
tain to follow continued use of im
proper food.
Those who are still young and ro
bust are likely to overlook the fact
that, as dropping water will wear a
stone away at last, so will the use of
heavy, greasy, rich food, finally cause
loss of appetite and indigestion.
Fortunately many are thoughtful
enough to study themselves and note
the principal of cause and effect in
their daily food. A. N. Y. young
woman writer her experience thus:
"Sometime ago I had a lot of trou
ble from indigestion, caused by too
rich food. I got so I was unable to
digest scarcely anything, and medi
cines seeirted useless.
"A friend advised me to try Grape-
Nuts food, praising it highly and as a
last resort, I tried it. I am thankful
to say that Grape-Nuts not only re
lieved me of my trouble, but built me
up and strengthened my digestive or
gans so that I can now eat anything
I desire. But I stick to Grape-Nuts."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wellvllle," in pkgs. "There's a Rea
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Makes Pure Blood I
Your heart works night and day
without a pause. It is the principal
organ of the circulation of your blood.
It is of the utmost importance that it
should do its work well. The quality
and quantity of your blood have much
to do with Its action.
It Is the mission of Hood's Sarsa
parilla to make the blood pure and
abundant. Thousands testify that It
does this great work. There Is no
better blood remedy, stomach tonic or i
nerve builder. Take Hood's. —Adver-1
'' ' i
New Pipe Organ Will
Be Dedicated on Sunday
New Cumberland, Pa., May 7.—On
Sunday next the dedication of the new
Estey pipe organ, which was pre
sent9d by Andrew G. Carnegie and
N. F. Reed to Trinity United Brethren
church, will be dedicated with the
following program, will be rendered
both morning and evening. Sunday
School, 9 a. m., in charge of the su
perintendent, J. A. Witmyer; morning
worship, 10 a. in.; prelude, "Holy,
Holy, Lord God Almighty," congrega
tion; invocation; Scripture lesson;
hymn; prayer by the Rev. J. R. Hutch
Lemoyne, Pa., May 7.—John Win
gert, president of the Senior class of
the Lemoyne High School, gave a
pleasant surprise to the members of
his class on Tuesday evening at his
home in Heramn avenue. The rooms
were decorated with the class colors
and the table centerpiece was a huge
bouquet of white roses.
• Thoao in attortdance were: ' John
Wlngert, president; Lloyd Smith, vice
president; Hilda Kimmel, secretary;
Margaret Kunkle, treasurer; Mildred
Rudy, Nancy Bentz, Olive Crow, Ha
zel Kuhns, Esther Slothower.
New Cumberland, Pa., May 7. —The
funeral of Allen Wear will be held on
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Wear, in Third street. The Rev.
J. V. Adams will officiate.
Enola, Pa,, May 7.—Last evening
the Rev. I. H. Albright, Ph.D., of Mid
dletown, gave a very interesting Il
lustrated lecture In the auditorium of
the First United Brethren church,
Enola, on "Pioneers and Landmarks."
Enola, Pa., May 7.—Enola P. R. R.
Y. M. C. A. band of forty-eight pieces
will give a parade through the prin
cipal streets of Enola on Monday even
ing, May 11, at 7 o'clock.
Joseph Vrcek Asks $15,000 of
P. S. Co. For Loss of
Four Digits
have to pay its one-time employe
$15,000 for the loss of four of his
Vrcek, who is an unnaturalized for
eigner and therefore a ward of Uncle
Sam in a way, has to press his claim
in United States Court. He was in
jured while at work at the steel plant.
Through 1 hiiip S. Moyer he has
brought suit for 510,000. The case is
being heard by Federal Judge Witmer.
Appointed Assessor.—Charles Klder
has been appointed assessor for the
Third Precinct, Third Ward, Steelton,
vice James Dailey, who has removed
from the district.
LykeUs Water Company Reply.
The Lykens Water Company has filed
its reply to action of the borough of
Lykens requiring it to lile a statement
of its assets, resources, etc. The bor
ough wants to take over the water
company for less than the sum asked
by the company. The company In re-
I pling says among other thing% that the
borough's borrowing limit is not suf
ficient to warrant the expenditure of
the necessary sum, said to be SIOO,-
000, asked for by the water company.
Furthermore the company contends
that some of the buildings are outside
the borough limits. Mandamus pro
ceedings may be brought against the
water company, although this has not
been definitely decided upon.
To Build Abattoir. A permit to
build a single story brick addition
to 328 South Cameron street for an
abattoir was granted to S. Pungin. It
will cost $2,000.
yDeaths and Funerals
Ethel May Monismith, aged two
years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Monismith, 1606 Hunter street, died
last evening at the home of the
parents. Funeral services will be held
Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Burial
will be made In the Bast Harrisburg
The funeral of Frederick Wenrick, 74
years old, who died Wednesday morn
ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
I James Wolfe, 1534 Wallace street, will
! take place Friday afternoon, at 2
i o'clock. Mr. Wenrick was a veteran of
the Civil War. He served in Company
B, One Hundred and Forty-third Penn
sylvania Volunteers.
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa., May 7.—Miss
Clara B. Cromleigh, organist of the
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Harris
burg, will give an organ recital in
St. Mark's Lutheran Church here on
Monday, May 18. She will be assisted
by Miss Sara Lemer, violinist, of Har
risburg, and Miss Sue B. Dugan, con
tralto, who is soloist at the Bethlehem
Lutheran Church, Harrisburg.
Special to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., May 7.—Taking an
overdose of toothache medicine, Mrs.
H. F. Snyder, wife of a Sunbury mer
chant, became unconscious, and was
revived with difficulty. Doctors said
to-day that she will recover, but that
she had a narrow eacape from death.
Unusual Values and Styles
28-30 and 32 N. Third St. J
Blouses—Clearing Out All Odds and Ends
One lot high neck waists, slightly One lot Net Blouses — new
soiled; values up to $6.95. shades of Tango—Copen, flesh and
Friday Only at 79c rose; value $5.00.
A splendid collection of Crepe de Frida y O" 1 * at $195
' Chine Blouses—known as Tennis 12 Linen Waists, high collar;
Blouses—all shades; $4.95 value. natural only; value $1.25.
Friday Only at $2.95 Friday Only at 29c
In the Section Devoted to—Boys
All-wool Suits—mixtures and All-wool Reefers—navy, gray and
solid colors Balkan Norfolk , , , idj^nc
, , 0 ct/-cn i checks values $d and $6.95.
styles; 2 pair trousers —$6.50 values.
Friday Only at $4.45 Friday Only at $3.95
Interesting Items From Different Departments
25 navy and black skirts, valued One lot of Crepe de Chine Dresses
at $5.00 and $6.95. —many new shades and black;
t Friday Only at $1.95 values $2 2.50 to $27.50.
10 Balmacaan Coats, real English Friday Only at $13.50
cut ; value $10.90. J J
Friday Only at $4.75 One lot Children's Coats for girls,
„ 0 . iii/- ages 2to 6 vears, also 6to 14 years;
28 Suits —navy —black —Copen. f ; , , , . .
Misses' and Ladies' sizes; values plain colors; checks and mixtures;
! $18.50 and $22.50. values $5.00 to $7.50.
Friday Only at $9.90 Friday Only at 95c
28-30 and 32 North Third Street
[Continued From First Page] j
in the event of a victory there, that
lie would hurl his army at Tampico.
Capture of that city would give the
Constitutionalists a port of entry un
affected by any limited embargo on
importation of arms now enforced
along the Rio Grande.
With Carranze definitely eliminated
from mediation negotiations which
formally are to be launched at Nia
gara Falls, Canada, on May 18, the re
port of rebel victories overshadowed
all other developments in the Mexican
crisis to-day. The report came as a
surprise to many observers, but it was
believed the rebels next move would
be aimed at Saltillo. News of a sweep
ing victory far south of that point:
was taken to indicate the rebels had
moved and had fought first, and re
ported afterward.
Schools Will Close When
Two Marines Are Buried
By Asiociatcd Press
Philadelphia, May 7. All public
schools in this city will be closed on
the day on which George D. Poinsett
and Charles Allen Smith, the young
Philadelphia sailors killed at Vera'
Cruz, are buried here. This was de
cided upon yesterday at a meeting of
the board of education.
It was expected that city councils
would act to-day upon the recom
mendation of its committee that an
appropriation of $5,000 be made to
defray the expenses of a public funeral
for the dead seamen whose bodies are
being brought to this country on the
battleship Montana. The committee
having the matter in charge met to
flay to make final arrangements for
the funeral, which will be held on
either Wednesday or Thursday.
Nelson O'Shaughnessy
Returns to Washington
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C„ May 7.—Nelson
O'Shaughnessy, charge of the Ameri
can embassy at Mexico City until
United States troops seized Vera Cruz,
arrived in Washington early to-day.
With his family he was driven imme
diately to a hotel and planned to con
fer with Secretary Rryan later.
Having lost, most of his personal
possessions when Mexicans looted his
trunks outside of Vera Cruz after his
departuro from Mexico City, the
Mexican charge lost more of his per
sonal belongings en route from New
Orleans to Washington. Baggage
which had been checked could not be
located when Mr. .O'Shaughnessy ar
rived here,' but he expects it will be
In consequence of his series of bad
! luck Mr. O'Shaughnessy's first act
after reaching his hotel was to hunt
Dr. James* Headache Powders
Relieve at Once—lo Cents
a Package
Nerve-racking, splitting or dull,
throbbing headaches yield in Just a
few moments to Dr. Jame*' Headache
Powders, which cost only 10 cents a
package at any drug store, it's the
quickest, surest headache relief in the
whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve
the agony and distress now! You can.
Millions of men and women have
found that headache and neuralgia
misery 4s needless. Get what you aak
If a Federal Jury
now considering
the case of Joseph
Vrcek against the
Pennsylvania Steel
Company believes
VrceK's story, con
siders his claim
reasonable, and
gives him all he
wants then the
steel company will
MAY 7, 1914.
a haberdasher's Shop. He was then
besieged by interviewers, dropped in
on a few old friends at the Metropoli
tan Club and at 10.30 o'clock went to
the State Department and conferred
i with Secretary Bryan.
Mr. O'Shaughnessy assured inquirers
that paperet of the embassy und his
code book were still safely in his pos
session. As to his own future, he
would make no comment, denying,
however, that he had resigned or that
he had heard anything official con
cerning his own future in the service.
Asked if he thought it possible for a
compromise cabinet and compromise
president to be established in Mexico
pending settlement of the difficulties
there, the American chargo replied in
the affirmative.
Secretary Bryan greeted Mr.
O'Shaughnesßy cordially when the lat
ter reached his office. The two were
in conference only a few minutes
when Mr. Bryan left and went imme
diately to the White House, where he
consulted with President Wilson.
American Forces Not
-Troubled by Sickness
By Associated Press
Vera Cruz, May 7. —With the assist
ance of Charles jenkinson, of the Red
Cross, Surgeon G. M. Guiteras, medical
officer of the port, has well under way
plans for improving; the sanitation of
the city. So far the army has not
been troubled to any extent by sick
ness. There have been a few cases of
smallpox, meningitis and typhoid fever,
but these have been isolated.
With the idea of preventing abuses
by merchants, citizens' committees
have induced the majority of the
meat dealers to agree to the restoration
of the prices prevailing before the
American occupation and are doing all
that is possible to induce dealers of all
sorts not to take advantage of the in
creased demand or the scarcity of
Mr. Jenkinson is also Interesting
himself in the care of the poor, but
so as not to pauperize them he has
planned the establishment of labor
bureaus and will arrange for work to
be given to all able to do it.
Eleven Americans whom Consul
Canada had been endeavoring for a
I week to rescue have succeeded in es
' caping from the southern district and
arrived here to-day on board a fishing
I was badly ruptured while lifting a
trunk several years ago. Doctors said
my only hope of cure was an operation.
Trusses did me no good. Finally I got
hold of something that quickly and
completely cured me. Years have pass
ed and the rupture has never returned,
although I am doing hard work as a
carpenter. There was no operation, no
loßt time, no trouble. I have nothing
to sell, but will give full information
about how you may find a complete
cure without operation, if you write to
me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 363
Marcellus Avenue, Manasquan, N. J.
Bettor cut out this notice and show
it to any others who are ruptured—
you may save a life or at least stop
the misery of rupture and the worry
and danger of an operation. Adver
Foar Killed When Bomb
Is Dropped From Biplane
By Associated Press
On Board XT. 8. S. California, Ma
zatlan, Mexico, May 6 (via wireless
to San Diego, May 7). —Four persons
were killed and eight were Injured to
day by the explosion of a bomb that
was dropped into the city streets from
a rebel biplane.
Firing between the rebel and fed
eral fortifications continues and In the
artillery duel the besieging forces have
had the better of it so far.
New Bloomfleld, Pa., May 7.—Work
was begun to-day on the Odd Fellows
building. The large chimney was
torn down, also the cellar enlarged.
The main building will be raised thir
ty-two inches. Warren Stokes, of
Blaln, Pa., has the contract to raise
'the building and will begin ou Monday
Mrs. Sarah A. Orner, aged 65, died
yesterday afternoon at the home of
her son, William F. S. Orner, 1412
State street. She was the widow ol'
Martin M. Orner. Funeral services
will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2\
o'clock. The Rev. Lewis C. Manges,
pastor of the Memorinl Lutheraifj
Church, will officiate. I'M
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth
Theresa Hipper, wife of Charles E.
Ripper, foreman of the Star-lndepen-
Ment composing room, who died Sun
day at her home, 25 South Fifteenth
street, were held this morning front
tho St. Lawrence German Catholic
Church. Burial was made in the Mt.
Calvary Cemetery.
I Funeral services for Mrs. Adaline
IM. Fry, aged (56, widow of William H.
Fry, who died suddenly yesterday
morning at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. James B. Mersereau, 1904 North
Second street, from apoplexy, will be
held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Services will be conducted by the Rev.
Wlnfleld S. Herman, pastor of the Zion
Lutheran Church of which Mrs. Fry
was a member. Burial will be made
in the Harrisburg Cemetery. Mrs.
Fry was a member of the Daughters
of the American Revolution, the
United States Daughters of 1812 and
a charter member of the Children's
Industrial Home.
S«re yourself unneces
aary work. Juat ask your
M grocer for a Veta outfit and see %
# what a simple thine polishing a V
I stove la, press on a tube, tint's all. 1
I Lara* Tat*. 10c.: Brash ft Daubu. 40*. I
■ ( leaning shoes Is no bother, 11 you usr t
m Veta. Comes In a tube. 10c. Black or M
tan. Outfit; tab*. twufcer or alt m
cloth, JSc. Ask for V*t*. M £
V«ta Maanfaotwinc Co..
AUaatoan. Ta.
Special Display anil Demonstration at
Coal Is
in May and June than it will
be in July or any other
month this year. Then, why
wait to fill your bins for next
Kelley's Hard Egg, Stove
and Nut is 50c a ton less now!
Does this saving appeal to
1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts.
The Reliable House For