Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 07, 1914, Page 12, Image 12
12 11 1 11 tffcfej At Mr. & Mrs. Castle ~sP/ 7^ ropolitan Society Dancers ™&-W^ /y l use Remick publicationsWJ ' , fflrf/tim for exhibitions and teach- .4<98 ■ ing. These are the sea- ' '■■ Most Popular Dance Numbers'Jpp* I J 1 Pot sate by music dealers every /■ where. Played by all up-to-date f^W lm. IVAJI ■■ bands and orchestras. ™ Tangos, Maxixe, Etc. Dream Tango 25c |js\ Hesitation Waltzes One Steps, Trots, Etc. Adele Waltzes 30c Adele (Trot One-step) . ,30c »ft . First Love . 25c At the Ball 30c ;KjJ=i|f Midnight Girl. ..... ,30c Jamais Trop 25c Tj^f Love's Hesitation 30c Pass the Pickles 25c jil^^ }t.tt a Moment ...25c Notorietr 25c fiWw* Tardin d'Am0ur..........25c Tickle tne Ivories 25c \J 1 \ Avec Moi (With Me). ..25c The Whip ...25c J ba Rose N0ire..........25c Some Baby 25c . Henrietta ... 25c Horse Trot . 25c ** IV Hungarian Rag 25c If rornr deefer ewit rapf*? 7 Beaux Esprit* (Oaj Spirit*). 25c Tf-'' with vbemc frrst denee number!. Ws_yJ •end roor order and remittance, n per »bi» price list, te JEROME.H. A;JMk REMICK It CO., Muric Publiehen, Iti Lthranr Ave., Detroit. Mich. jtyL\ WILSON ESCORTS NEUTER TO ILffl [Continued From First Page] formally receives his guests at White House receptions. In recent years, its furnishings and appointments have been changed entirely. Its oval form has been retained but the scheme of decoration and furnishing has been modernized. The color plan is blue, hut not the blue of a robin's egg as of old, but a dark shade of French blue. The walls are paneled in rich corded silk of the same shade, affording an artistic background for the wonder ful Spring flower decorations which are a feature of to-day's wedding. The massive furniture of days gone by has been replaced with furniture of lighter, if not more artistic design. The floral decorations of the room— in fact of the entire mansion on the ilrat floor—will be marvelously beau tiful. Slender vases, of graceful de signs in cut glass and rare porcelain, will be filled with cut flowers, includ- I ' I Harrisbvrg Light 1 S.pOWER.^O, Are You Enjoying All the Comforts of a Modern Illuminated Home?- Everybody is coming to realize that Electric Light is not a luxury they want but a necessity they must have. There are just two suitable lights in which to sew, read or work by. One of these is daylight and the other is day light's only substitute—Edison Mazda Electric Light, Mazda Electric Light is the most efficient and most economical light known. If your house is not wired let us quote you prices at once. Electric Irons $1.87 cash. READ THE WONDERFUL STORY OF "Lucille Love, the Girl of Mystery" Now Appearing Exclusively in This Paper And See the Beautifu as produced by the Universal Film Manufacturing Company and is now on exhibition at leading moving picture theaters in this city and vicinity THURSDAY EVENING, ins: masses of lilies and white orchids, products of the White House conser vatories. The south side will be bank ed with palms, to form a background for great bunches of Spring blossoms of cherry, peach and apple. Marine Band to Play In the main lobby of the mansion, the Marine Band orchestra of fifty pieces, under the direction of Lieuten ant William H. Santleman, will ren der a program of music specially se lected by Miss Wilson. To the strains of Wagner's Inspiring wedding march from Lohengrin, the wedding party will descend the main staircase from the apartments above. Miss Margaret Wilson and Mrs. Sayre, the bride's sisters, t.ll be maid and matron of honor. Two charming lit tle maids, Miss Sallie McAdoo, ♦*%» 12- year-old daughter of the and Miss Nancy Lane, tl_<» dainty daughter of Secretary and VJ.'s. Frank lin K. Lane, will attend the bride as flower girls. They will be attired in exquisite white frocks, exactly match ed. Kscorted by President The bride will be escorted to the blue room by her father, the Presi dent of the United States. At the beautiful extemporized altar of white satin and cut flowers, she will be join ed by the bridegroom, Mr. McAdoo, SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP PUPILS GET DIPLOMAS r^w^^MEHP l H^^^KZ.... «H«> w J »ll jl? ■■ - h * ii ii lm mm ■■II • ■-'•• JMMpnn^p and his best man, Dr. Cary T. Gray son, U. S. N., an intimate friend alike of the Secretary and of the President. An informal reception will follow the ceremony, after which the bridal party and assembled guests sit down to the wedding supper to be served in the State dining room. Both the room itself and the great dining table will be superbly decorated, and the latter particularly, will be a vision in sparkl ing cut glass, silverware and rare flowers. Uacer in the evening. Secretary Mc i.d»o an 1 his bride will leave Wash ington for a brief honeymoon trip. It is not expected they will remain long away frun Washington, as it is known that the Secretary's official duties par ticularly with reference to the Fede ral Reserve Board, will demand his presence in the national capital. The Bride's Gown The bride's gown is a superb crea tion of ivory satin, adorned with many yards of Empress Eugenia lace, of soft and elegant design. The gown has a sweeping train, several yards in length. The satin which softly drapes the bodice, Is drawn into a point below the shoulders, leaving a V-shaped opening both back and front. Soft folds of tulle finish this opening, and there is a tunic of tulle made on the new, long lines and the sleeves, which are long, are made of tulle mousque taired. The lace is applied with ex quisite grace. It is draped over the right shoulder and crosses the bodice In a sweeping line to the left side of the waist, where it is caught with a spray of orange blossoms. Below the waist line It falls AS a border to the tulle tunic. A novel feature of the lovely costume will be the bridal wreath of orange blossoms in cap effect from which the long tulle veil will be draped. Practically the sole ornament to be II SIMPLE WW TO REMOVE DAKDRUFF Prevent Falling Hair and End Itching Scalp There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you de stroy it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, com mon liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you will need) ap ply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve, and entirely destroy, every single sign and trace of It, no mat ter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly and yotir hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. If you value your hair, you should get rid of dandruff at once, for noth ing destroys the hair so quickly. It not only starves the hair and makes lit fall out, but it makes it stringy straggly, dull, dry, brittle and lifeless! and everybody notices it. —Advertise- ment. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH worn by the bride will be a necklace of diamonds, the gift of the bride groom. Miss Wilson will carry a wonderful shower bouquet of lilies of the valley, white orchids and fern fronds. Is Fourteentli liride More than a century of romantic White House history will form a fitting halo for the bridal couple in the ceremony of to-day. According to accepted authorities, Miss Eleanor Wilson will be the fourteenth bride to plight her troth within the his toric walls of the famous mansion. In the identical room where she to day will take the husband of her choice, "for better, for worse," beau tiful Frances Folsom became the wife, twenty-eight years ago, of the then President of the Lnited States, Gro ver Cleveland; and only a few months ago, the sister of the bride of to-day, Miss Jessie Wilson, was united in mar riage, in the magnificent east room of the White House, to Francis B. Sayre. The White House Is hallowed in the memory of one other May bride, be loved Nellie Grant, who, forty years ago was married in the east room to I an English gentleman, Algernon C. F. Sartoris. To-day's wedding will be unique in respect of the principals, as Miss Wilson will be the first daughter of a President of the United States to be joined in marriage to a member of the Cabinet. -Mr. McAdoo is 50 years old and Miss Wilson 24. Pretty Gowns to Be Seen in Blue Room By dssociaud Press Washington, May 7.—The wedding at the White House late this aternoon, 1 when Miss Eleanor Randolph Wilson, youngest daughter of the President, will be married to William Gibbs McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury, will bring together many handsome gowns and toilettes of the bridal party and the limited number of guests who are to attend, chiefly the wives of the Vice-President and cab inet officers. While it has been known for some time that the arrangements for the wedding would be simple, and in con tract with some of the brilliant func tions of the past, yet this has not af fected the desire of the limited few who had reason to believe they would witness the event f«—n making early | preparations for gowns suitable to a j function of this character. One I troublesome question has been the I hour of the ceremony, six o'clock, midway between the usual require ments of an afternoon or an evening gown, and also raising the question of whether a hat was suitable to be worn at a six o'clock wedding func tion. Details Are Solved But these details have not been solved by the two score or more mat rons and maids who are to witness the j marriage. Nearly all of them will wear gowns not seen here before this season, and taffetas in light shades, with cream and white laces, have been the more generally chosen material. Mrs. Marshall, wife of the Vice- President. selected a costume of white net and lace, made in the urevailing ruffled style, the skirt partly draped, with broad embroidered flounces of net, and narrower ones with lace edges. The bodice has the lace and net in a soft kimono blouse effect, Mrs. Bryan, wife of the Secretary of State, will wear a very modish gown of taupe taffeta, which has a large flowered pattern of roses in deep shades all over it.The draped skirt shows a petticoat in front of embroi dered old rose chiffon.The chiffon is also inserted in the softly draped \ . ist but a line of nearly white and very fine lace, edged the V-shaped neck opening. Mrs. Tiryan selected one of her small toques to wear with this dress, n becoming model in black tulle and jet. Mrs llouMton Wears White Mrs. Houston, wife of the Secretary of Agriculture, will wear white, a very pretty model in lace, with touches of jet and made over white. The sash and girdle are of old gold satin. Mrs. Lane, wife of the Secretary of the Interior, has chosen from among her new frocks, a stylish but simply made one of black flowered tissue over lavander chiffon. Both these gauzy materials from the bodice, with ivory-tinted lace around the V •shaped opening at the neck. Mr.j. Daniels, wife of the Secretary of the Navy, has chosen a becoming dress of pansy colored charmeuse with over draperies of blue chiffon, which is embroidered in pansies. The purple straw hat she is to wear with jit is wreathed with pansies. MRS. GARRISON'S GOWN Mrs. Garrison, wife of the Secre : tary of War, is to wear black and | white chiffon draped over white j satin, with smart touches achieved I by French blue ribbon holding the I puff of the skirt drapery and also j showing on the brodice, where ; rhinestone buckles hold the soft I lace frills around the V-shaped I neck. j Mrs. Uedfield. wife of the Secre- I tary of Commerce, is to wear a sum j mer silk costume, white "with hair jstripes in mauve. It is trimmed with 'silver lace. Mrs. Wilson,- wife of the Secretary of I.ahor, will wear grey crepe-de chtne, and Miss Agnes Hart Wilson hap a blue satin costume with tou ches of orange velvet and lace in . tlie trimming. COMMENCEMENT 111 STATE ST. CHURCH Seniors of Susquehanna Township High School to Get Diplomas Tonight The second annual commencement exercises of the Susquehanna township High School, Nineteenth and Forster streets, will take place to-night in the United Brethren Church, Eighteenth and State streets. Exercises will be gin at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Clyde Lynch will open the meeting with prayer. Miss Annie G. Smith will de liver the salutatory. Wlllia/m C. Fry will follow in a reading. Emma M. Rauch will read "The Pilot's Story.'' Olive M. Aucker will discuss the lit erary character of Dr. Samuel John son. Earl J. Sherk will read a patri otic incident of the Rebellion. The valedictory will be said by Mildred G. Dunkle. R. B. Teitrick,' deputy State superintendent, will address the school. A. F. Henry, president of the board of directors, will present di plomas. The graduates are: Violet Stoner, Mildred Dunkle, Anna Smith, Emma Rauch, Amelia Conrad, Mary I.ongneckei> Vera Runkle, Ruth Fackler, Ruth Runkle, Verna Zimmer man, Paul Whitmer, John Longnecker, Earl Sherk, Howard Whitmer, William Fry, Russel Sturtevant, Mead Henry, Olive Aucher and Clyde Gunivan. ROBBERY PI BILLS OF OLD GALILEE [Continued From First I'age] the Galileans clubbed their victims with their guns and a stout shepherd's club. "After satisfying themselves that no more valuables were to be had, the robbers left and returned to their flocks on the hillside, while the young Englishmen pressed on as fast as pos sible with their wounded friend, who { was in great distress. It was felt nec | essary to proceed as far as possible I from the scene of the robbery for the sake of further safety, but the advisa bility of advancing was made exceed ingly doubtful by the fact that the injured man had been shot in the left shoulder at close range, and to go on might be fatal. Spend Night In Open "It was finally decided to spend the night near the ridge of the range of hills upon which the robbery had oc curred and do ail that was possible to relieve the sufferings of the wounded man as well as make provision for de fense in case of a second assault. Two or the young men were dispatched to Mt. Tabor, fifteen miles away, for as sistance, while the rest made a bed and covering for their unfortunate friend with their coats. As the nights on the highlands of Galilee are very cold, all of the party suffered extreme ly from exposure and lack cf clothing. The long night wore away and the in tensely hot Syrian sun poured down Its rays upon the bare hill. Ten hours elapsed and no slgli of relief came. The light of day showed that the night had been spent very close to a num ber of the black tents of nomadic Arabs, whose presence made the sit uation still more precarious. To make matters worse, the patient grew weaker and numerous shots, together with the barking of dogs, led to the fear that the long absent messengers had themselves been killed or in jured. "Early in the forenoon the two Englishmen of the party left for Ti berias, about ten miles distant, for medical assistance and to inform the local government of the assault. Five A TONIC FOR DYSPEPTICS When food lies undigested in the stomach it ferments and gas forms This gas distends the stomach an<'- presses on the heart, causing a pain that sometimes arouses fear of heart trouble. The condition in which gas forms is caused by a low tone of the digestive organs and a lack of rich red blood resulting in deficient nerve force. It is a condition that calls for ia tonic. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a tonic for [the blood and nerves, have been used with great sftccess in the treatment of this form of stomach trouble. Cold baths In the morning followed by brisk friction with a rough towel will help as they stimulate the circulation but a tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills by building up the blood, restoring the nerve force and making the stomach able to do its work gives the most lasting benefit. With their use the appetite increases, digestion becomes normal and improvement in the general health follows with cer tainty. You are trying no experiment when you take Dr. Williams' Fink Fills. They cannot harm the most delicate sys tem. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at the nearest drug store. A copy of the diet book "What to Eat and How to Eat" will be sent free by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y.—Advertisement. MAY 7, 1914. hours spent in the burninK sun wait ing for help from this direction (this made twenty-four hours during which the men had neither food nor water), caused those on the ridge to fear that no help was coming and that the two remaining men would have to get the injured man to civilization themselves or run tho risk of spending another night in the wilds. Thsy carried him part of the way down the hill on an improvised stretcher and helped him to walk a short distance h'inself. An hour of this and the plain below was reached. "Only a few rods had been covered on the plain when a dozen horsemen were seen galloping toward the three, who felt that this time they would be ilnished. To their relief It proved to be the Governor of Tiberias and an armed posse of Turkish gendarmes, including two doctors. A brief ex amination of the wounded man showed that the bullet was buried deep In his left shoulder and probably not far from the heart. He was con ducted to the Scottish Hospital in Ti berias while the Governed and the gendarmes went out to search for the robbers. Robberies Xot Unusual "That this was in no way an un usual occurrence In the hills and plains of Galilee is shown by the fact that on the same afternoon a Scotch mis sionary from Tiberias was accosted by a burly peasant, who was plowing with the rude implements used In Palestine. He was armed, as every peasant is here, and he prepared to use his gun on the Scot, who quickly dismounted and, though he was armed with only a heavy stick, he charged on the peasant before he had a chance to shoot and beat him severely about the head. He then mounted his horse and rode away, leaving the injured man behind, but before he had gone thirty yards a shot rang out and a bullet narrowly missed his head. "At 3 a. m. Tuesday the Governor of Nazareth arrived in Tiberias with more gendarmes. On their way they met a shepherd who was, contrary to the law, carrying a Martini rifle. When he was ordered to give it up he re fused and ran away, but was followed by a gendarme. He exchanged shots with the soldier and was killed. "Later in the day thirteen Turkish cavalrymen came into Tiberias to join in seeking the robbers. "The American who was shot seems to be Improving since the bullet, a large homemade one, has been re moved. Both the American and the British Consuls of Beirut, Syria, are doing all they can to punish the rob bers. Ambassador Morgenthau, from Constantinople, who Is visiting here, is using his influence to insure an in vestigation." HOW YOU MAY THROW AWAY YOUR GLASSES The stutement is made that thou sands wear eyeglasses who do not really need them. If you are one of these unfortunates, then these glasses may be ruining your eyes instead of helping them. Thousands who wear these "windows" may prove for them selves that they can dispense with glasses if they will get the following prescription filled a once: Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Optona; fill a two-ounce bottle with warm water and drop in one Optona tablet. With this harmless liquid solu tion bathe the eyes two to four times daily, and you are likely to be aston ished at the results right from the start. Many who have been told that they have astigmatism. eye-strain, cataract, sore eyelids, weak eyes, con junctivities and other eye disorders, report wonderful benefits from the use of this prescription. Get this prescrip tion filled and use it; you may so I strengthen your eyes that glasses will I not be necessary. Thousands who are I blind, or nearly so, or who wear glass es would never have required them if they had cared for their eyes in time. Save your eyes before it is to late! Do not become one of these victims of neglect. Eyeglasses are only like crutches and every few years .hey must be changed to fit the ever-in creasing weakened condition, so better see if you can, like many oth ers, get clear, healthy, strong mag netic eyes through the prescription here given.—Advertisement. SULPHUR DRIES UP ECZEMA AND STOPS ITCHING This old time skin healer is used just like any cold cream. With the first application of bold sulphur cream the angry itching at tending any eczema eruption ceases and its remarkable healing powers be gin. Sulphur, says a renowned der matologist, just common bold-sulphur, made into a thick cream will soothe and heal the skin when irritated and broken out with Eczema or any form of eruption. The moment it is ap plied all itching ceases and after two or three applications the Eczema dis appears. leaving the skin clear and smooth. He tells Eczema sufferers to get from any good jiharmacy an ounce of hold-sulphur cream and apply It to the irritated. Inflamed skin, the same as you would any cold cream. For many years this soothing, heal ing sulphur has occupied a secure po sition In the treatment of cutaneous affections by reason of its parasite destroying property. It Is not only parasiticidal, hut also antipruritic, I antiseptic and remarkably healing in | all irritable and inflammatory con l di'tions of the skin. While not always I establishing a permanent cure, it never fails to instantly subdue the irritation I and heal the Eczema right up and it is often years later before any erup tion again appears on the skin. This is published for Walter Luther Dodge Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Business Locals MAKE WORK EASY First of all have your office equipped I with modern furniture. That makes your office comfortable and attractive. A desk with a place for everything, comfortable chairs, roomy filing cabi nets. We have all these things and lots of others to lessen the drudgery of office work. David W. Cotterei, 105 North Second street. Business locals "GIRLS IS QUEER" That was as far as the schoolboy ever got in his composition. We know that more than that is true, that all folks are queer, and to suit the fussiest and most complex of them and the varying taste of all the good folk between we carry a large variety of Ice cream flavors. Hershey's Cream ery Co., 409 South Cameron street. YOUR GOOD HEAI/TH Is our business. We have spent years In study and preparation to enable us, In a modern and systematic way, to relieve, and In some cases, cure those In 11! health. If you are distressed and worn out through hard work and other causes, you will find our Health Studio will bring relief tand comfort. John Henry Peters, 207 Walnut street, 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. ; To Have Pretty Hair If your hair is not as soft and pretty or as fresh and full as that of sorm friend, do as she does—give it daily at tention, just the same care you wouli 1 give a plant to make it healthy and beautiful. Luxuriant hair—soft, fluffv, thick and lustrous—is really a matter of care. If it is too thin, make It grow. If it Is too dry and brittle, soften it up— lubricate It. If you have dandruff |p because the scalp Is too drv and oft. Freshen up tho scalp dandruff disappears. Parisian Sage, an Inexpensive ton* which you can get from any <* toilet counter, or from H. C Is just what you need—it softeJßfc>c scalp, nourishes the hair roots, imme diately removes dandruff, and makei the hair fluffy, lustrous and abundant One application will Btop Itching heac' and cleanse the hair of dust and ex cessive oil. Parisian Sage takes awa> the dryness and brittleness, makes thi hair twice as abundant and beautttiei it until it is soft and lustrous. By the use of this helpful tonic am woman can easily make her hair soft fluffy and abundant. Pretty hair wll surely increase her charm and beauty LEGAL NOTICES Office of the Board or Commissioner of Public Grounas and Buildings o the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Harrlsburg, Pa. JOHN K. TKNER, Governor; A. W. POWELL. Auditor General; R. K. YOUNG. Treasurer. Commissioners. IN compliance with the Constltutloi and the Laws of the Commonwealth o Pennsylvania, the Board of Commls sloners of Public Grounds and Build ings invites sealed proposals for con tracts for furnishing such supplies fo the Executive Mansion, the Luglslatun the several Departments, Boards an Commissions of the State Governmen as described, and below such maxlmur prices as are fixed in the followini schedules, for the year ending the 31s day of May, A. D. 1915; Schedule A, fo furnishing all Paper and Envelopes; I for furnishing Typewriters, Addins Addressing and Duplicating Machine and Supplies; C, for furnishing Genera Stationery. Mahogany. Oak and Metalll furniture and Ofiice Supplies; r fo furnishing Engineering Instrument! Blue Print Paper, .ind Labratory an Engineering Supplies; E, for furnish Ing all Books; F. for furnlshln Brushes. Glassware, Brooms, Mopi Buckets, Toilet and Cleaning Soaps lowels. Rugs, Fuel, Uniforms, Rubbe Goods. Chemicals and Mtscellaneou Supplies; G, for furnishing Hose an Sittings, Awnings. Carpenter Suppliei I pho.stering. Painting and all Hard ware Supplies; H, for furnishing Sup plies for the care of the Conserve tories and Grounds; I, for furnlshln Lumber, General Repairs, and Remo«£ of Dirt and Refuse; J, for furnishin Light, Heat and Power Supplies. As the various classifications of th schedule will be bound in pamphl< form for the convenience of the Blc ders. It is therefore desired that in r« questing pamphlets the bidders ind cate those desired by using the lettei set forth above. No proposal for any contract sha be considered unless such proposal t accompanied by a certified check t the order of the State Treasurer, i one-fourth the amount of the estimate contract; or by a bond, in such fori and amount as may be prescribed b the Board of Public Grounds and Builc intra. Such bond shall be londitlone for the faithful performance of tl terms of the contract, if awarded, an shall have as surety two tndividui sureties, approved by a judge of tl: Court of Common Pleas of the count in which the person or persons makin such proposal may reside or of tl county wherein shall be located tl principal place of business of the pel son, firm or corporation making sue i proposal, or one surety company »< I thorlzed to act as surety in this Cofl monwealth. A bidder who shall Hal accompanied his proposal with a O/fl Ified check, as aforesaid, and to wVofl contract shall have been awardetli/JB within ten days after such award, PR stitute for said check a bond as here prescribed; otherwise said check sha be retained in lieu of a bond. No bor to be in less sum than Five Hundr« ($500.00) dollars, conditioned for tl faithful performance of the contrac and addressed and delivered to the Si perintendent ot Public Grounds ar Building.* on or before 12 o'clock, mer dian. Tuesday, the 12th day of May, . D. 1914, at which time tne proposa will be opened and published in 11 Reception Rooms of the Executiv* Di partment, at Harrisburg, and the coi tracts awarded as soon thereafter i practicable. AS PROVIDED BY THE ACT O 1913, ALL BIDS MUST BE RENDERE IN DUPLICATE AND MARKE "DUPLICATE" AND "ORIGINAL" Blank Bends and Schedules contali ing all necessary Information may I obtained by communicating with San uel B. Rambo. Superintendent, Publ Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, P By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS, JR.. Secretary. PROPOSAL* FOR SUBWAY COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYI VANIA » Office of the Superintendent of Publ Ground* and Building*, Hnrrlnbur Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recel ed at the Office of the Superlntende of Public Grounds and Buildings. Ha rlsburg. Pa., until twelve (12) o'cloc noon, Tuesday, May 19. 1914, for fu nishing all labor and materials nece sary for the construction of a subws connecting the new Main Building wi the Tent Manufacturing and Storai Building on the State Arsenal Grounr Eighteenth and Herr Streets, in tl Citv of Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, i called for in specifications and drat ings prepared by Board of Publ Grounds and Buildings. Specifications and drawings may 1 obtained upon application to this offic SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent of Public Giounds ai Buildings. PROPOSALS FOR NEW ONE-STOD It RICK OARAGE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSY VANIA Offlee of the Superintendent of Publ Ground* and Building*. Ilarriibui Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recel ed at the Office of the Suuerlntende of Public Grounds and Buildings, Ha rlsburg. Pa., until twelve (12) o'cloc noon, Tuesday, May 19. 1914, for fu nishing all labor and materials nece sarv for the construction of a N( One'-Story Brick Garage on the Sta Arsenal Grounds, Eighteenth and He Streets, In the City of Harrisbui Pennsylvania, as called for in specific tions and drawings prepared by Boa of Public Grounds and Buildings. t Specifications and drawings may obtained upon application to this offli SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds a Buildings. In the Estate of Alvin I. Miller, d ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that lett« testamentary have been duly grant by the Register of Wills, of Daupfc County, Commonwealth »of Pennsylv nia. upon the estate of Alvin I. Mill late of Harrisburg. said county, decei ed, to Elizabeth J. Miller, of Harr burg, said county and Commonweal and all persons who are indebted said estate aro requested to make pd ment without delay, and all perso who have lawful claims against t same are required to make the sai kn<own without delay to the undi signed. ELIZABETH J. MILLER, 15 South Third Street. Executrix. Or to her attorney, JOHN A. HERMAN, 333 Market Street. PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSY VANIA Offlee of the Superintendent of Pub Ground* and Bulldlnga, Harrlabu Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be rece ed at the Office of the Superintend* of Public Grounds and Buildings in t Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., i til 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, May 1914, for furnishing all labor and n terials necessary to replace pier a repair damages to bridge across t Shenango River at Silver Street in l city of Sharon, Meaer County, Pa. called for In specifications and dra ings prepared by Edwlr. K. Mora*. C Specifications, drawings and bla forms may be obtained upon BDDIII tlon to this office. SAMUEL B RAMBO, Superintendent Public Grounds a Building*.