Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 06, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 Sale of the 9 "5 Manufacturers' Sacrifice of
] Carlisle Garment //dli/CJ^^J~rF
Co.'s ivaiumanj C| rfyffl f ff)/>} " n f T V js9 to sl2 Women'* &
Cx i p Harrisburp. i Hahhsbu^K/CC4^CX^L^C< s^xw^^Zj ,^^^, p^ Hamsbur/v Misses' Silk <JJ£ 75
Stock Begins M^pAj '^< s <?TfJ?/W/ «1 1 ift-l 6 ! Dresses for «Po»
i o-morrow / I fT*/ ,/K*——■ ,\ By* : Made of good quulity Taffeta and
■' \H/ - -. . . .X. T>pjr -? .'.\p Messallno silks in assorted colors
To-morrow Morning, at 8 O'clock, We P/ace on Sa/e | i Manufacturers' sacrifice of |
The Surplus Stock ,° h f e Carlisle Carment Co., of Ca JS ,c '||| ° m^^®^ sses '|
Aggregating Over 2,500 Women's, Misses' and Girls' Summer Garments || sl2ofl t# 9UM » ew SPWNG SUITS C 7 en II
I Consisting of Women's Wash Dresses For House and Street Wear l! F " Women and """" * il
3 1/ • • r-» /-> • i i■* a r i t-*. |i $15.00 to $16.50 New SPRING SUITS tfQ P/J 'i
Kimonos, Dressing Sacques, Girls Wash Dresses, II For and Misses j>y.3W|
Middy Blouses and Wash Dress Skirts j| !!&!? SpringSails $11.75 |l
The Prices Are Really Far Less Than One-Half | Spring Suits $14.501|
j ______«^^__ A " sizes for women, misses and extra large women.
Surplus Stock of Carlisle Garment Surplus Stack of Carlisle Garment Surplus Stock of Carlisle Garment] !l ~ ||
Co., of Carlisle, Pa. Co., of Carlisle, Pa. Co., of Carlisle, Pa. { Manufacturers' Sacrifice of J
« 0 3 ;» r DRESSING SACQUES £ Middy & Balkan Blouses WASH DRESS SKIRTS II Women's <S>» I
f Values 50c, For Values SI.OO, For Values SI.OO, For ji "HICII SWK>I UW» ; ;
j sizes* °° T I a " nS a ' Ul cha ' Us ' asSOrt ° (l co,ors and aU Choice of plain white, neat stripes and blazer stripes; Made of IJnene, choice of white or blue; assorted 1750 to $9.00 New SPRING COATS ffl, TP ! I
! ' , , || For Women and Misses For 4>7. J ||
Surplus Stock of Carlisle Garment Co., Surplus Stock of Carlisle Garment Co., s9so to SII.OONew SPRINGCOATS <tj c/% i|
of Carlisle, Pa. of Carlisle, Pa. I ForWomen and Mi " e * For * ' JU
Over 690 Women's & Misses Wash Dresses Over 600 Girls' Wash Dresses |l KlSr" |!
Divided Into 3 Lots Divided Into 3 Lots
Lot of Small Women's Lot of Small Women's One Lot of Women's One Lot ol Children's One ! | l6 'w # '° New SPRING COATS Cf O ||
Values to $1.50, For Values to $2.00, for Values to $3.09, For Values to 39c, For Values to 75c,For Values to $1.25, For 11 """ """ """ " rg " ||
49c 69c 95c 15c 29c 59c > Manufacturers' Sacrifice of
_ Made of Percales anting- Made of good quaUty Per- '[ I CI 9 Oatl II ItC \JI
| ~, ?«? OA i colors; Assorted styles and colors; Assorted styles and colors; Made of Percales and. I inn is: assorted colors; sizes ales and Ginghams; assorted !> j!
sizes 14 to -(» only. sizes up to 38 only. sizes to &8 only. sizes 2to « years. |:to «» years. dors; sizes 0 to II years. JK 9 ijjf • 9 '*
Surplus Stock of Carlisle Garment Co., Surplus stock of Carlisle Garment Co., OHI6II S MISSeS ;; j
of Carlisle, Pa. DRESS SKIRTS
Over 250 Women's Long Kimonos Over 600 Women's House Dresses || SLJFW 88 skirts $1.89 |
I Divided Into 2 Lots Divided Into 2 Lots |ii .. nnH . i||
I Lot No. 1 - Women's Lot No. 2 - Women's Lot No. 1 - Women's A Lot No. 2 - Women's _ g\ & *s2B9 H
I Long Kimonos, Values AQp Long Crepe Kimonos, House Dresses, Values House Dresses, Values If ;jl
* sl2s, Far ™ Values to $2.50, For t051.25,F0r WC I || $5 . 00 to $6.00 New Spring Dress Skirts C Z AO
I I or* and ,° u s^" s " , ri g """» p""" I oiff™ ZtSSTcJL 11 For Women and Misses For j
Manufacturers' Sacrifice of M 'sACßfncE l c^ S Women's GLOVES Manufacturers' Sacrifice of Women's & Children's Hose l 8
Wf -"* I\l' Q OF /"VI Tore KIN C;I OVKS PI IN «•«.,.« Vin i 111 , „ Women's and children's fast Boys'and girls'fast black ribbed Women's silk hose. lisle carter
WUIVItLiNO OLUUOtO K,D gloves, PAIR or a new nafr '."ack seamless hose, all C_ , stockings, all sizes. 20c lOJ / »o.» In, Maek and eoiors. 90^
1 «i nn' oi a new pair, sizt . 10e value. Sale price *>C value. Sale price 1 C »»«'value. Sale priee £.& C
S3 00 Women 9 * RlntlSW fr\Y C/ AQ Women's and children's fast Children's plaid top socks. 15e ln YlaXaml'aVreolore 8 h'**! *
" , ( .. .. . KID GLOVES, PAIR Women's 2-hutton clasp kid gloves, silk blaek cotton hose, all sizes. 01/ _ value, all sl/A'S. Sale ICH/ n r- :,n(l toe. 75c value. Sale oq'" !
Made of Voiles and China Silk, in all the new- 1 n A QQ f stitching, black and new spring shades; $1.25 12 He value. Sale price price lU/2C price ui/C
est models. Sale price 1 .o" VOC \ value, sale price > J
75c Waists For 45c 79c \ va!ue c safe r rl l^^11 b '" Oli Manufacturers 5 Sacrifice of Men's and Boys 9 Furnishings
Women's White and Colored Waists; all MSLE GLOVES, PAIR \Tn llL'ton" lennh ' Hsle' lent At 15c At 36c K; At 89c P S
styles, low neck, three-quarter sleeves. Sale price .. ~TO C QQ f gloves, mostly black, values to SI.OO. Sale colors - - K ' value, terns: all sizes, 50e to 75c values; styles; all sizes; laundered and
Women'* Rlnn, « F„r oc 39 < ! At 23c
w n" *• • 95 °""" PA,n f ~w ; ?m cn; " «'<•»» <*££ IS At 39c u r^:e °: 8 At 89c Ail\ Ji'- »?SS ®°l
The Greatest Value in Harnsburg—Over 500 Women's 1 j and tan, all sizes, 25c value. Sale price 23c vahie. sale price ...3ik- Sale price ' $ ,0 ° val n u , e J
Blouses; over 50 patterns to make your choice from. Made of IJC I prtte 15<? V 9So
three-quarter sleeves, low neck ; all sizes.
Drop shoulder; Manufacturers' Sacrifice of Men's Pants; 500 Pair on Sale Thursday f~jt» 7 i —p I
Sa ' epri " 5C .Men's Pants, CQ II Men's Pants, QA_ II Sweet-Orr Khaki AA MaHUtaCtUrerS SaCHIICe OF
MANUFACTURERS' SACRIFICE OF " _ A M J' ?l5O Valueß " Pan,s For Bovs' and Pants
Men's Spring SuitslPO 75 Men's Sorinir Snit«fl>/\ 7C Va '" e ' to s3s ° BARGAIN in Harrisburg N ° r, ° lk $1.95 Wash 4Qc
j Values to $7.50 Values to $16.50 | j —IS? ""1 y I °" ° >e "" I * aluc * to Tsc - *° 10 »«■"• i
Men's Spring SuitsdJJ 75 Men's Spring
j Values to Values to $20...H icai,'*®? w *2!r
Values to *I.OO. All atsrs. j 1
. VaTnl mIIs^U. 75 r TwHlllUlW $3.00 fILiSIAIS
Friday Night, May B—"Within the
Saturday, Matinee and Night, May 9
Julia Sanderson in "The Sunshine
Monday Night, May 11—"Peg o' My
After an entire two seasons at the
Klt.'nge Theater, New York, where It
played to capacity business from the
beginning to the end of the long en-
gagement, "Within the Law," Bayard
Veiller's absorbing melodrama of mod
ern life in New York, will come to the
Majestic for a return engagement Fri
day night. This play, which hag for
its principal theme an exposition of
the police methods and economic con
ditions that exist in the metropolis,
has excited more comment than any
drama produced within the half
century mark. The minimum wage
question now being agitated so widely
is one of the important themes se
lected by the dramatist as the basic
material of his play. The sale of seats
opens this morning,—Advertisement.
Julia Sanderson, Charles Frohwau s
newest and daintiest addition to his
galaxy of stars, will appear at the
Majestic Saturday, matinee and even
ing, In the famous London and New
York musical comedy success, "The
Sunshine Girl," coming here after the
long run at the Knickerbocker The
ater, New York. Miss Sanderson, who
has been a prime favorite in musical
oonsedy for many years and will be
remembered particularly from "The
Arcadians" and 'The Siren," Is now a
full-fledged star with the right to have
her name on the electric signs. Her
instantaneous success in "The- Sun
shine Girl" in New York is bv this
time well known and Mr. Frohman is
sending the entire original company
here, including Joseph Cawthorn as
Miss Sanderson's featured comedian,
Flossie Hope, Alan Mudle, Fred Les
lie, Yra Jeane, William Sellery,
Queenie Vaßsar, Florence Morrison
and 100 sunshine girls. The music of
'The Sunshine Girl" is by Paul Ru
bens, author of "Hook of Holland,"
and is conceded to be the most tuneful
ever imported from England.—Adver.
At the Palace to-morrow William
Shay and Leah Baird is being featur
ed in a 2-reel Imp drama "The Sea
Coast of Bohemia."
George Hall is the author and di
rector of the piece. Mr. Hall never
wrote a more fascinating tale ono
more rich in plot, incident and cli
maxes. William Shay enacts the role
of the young artist, one that allows
great opportunities for the displaying
of his artlstlo ability and manliness.
Miss Leah Baird does beautiful work
as the young country girl, wealthy,
but held In subjection by a villainous
guardian. It is a part well suited to
her strong emotional power.
"Bohemia" is where love is,. where
romance finds a victim, where happi
ness reigns supreme. And even so,
thf> young hero of this play, an un
successful ui'LuU, iuiua the oca, coast
MAY 6. 1914.
[of this promised land when he turns
jhiß back on the city for the country,
for honest people and the open among
the woods and flowers. It is a delight
ful romance, clean, wholesome, with a
strong touch of adventure.
Imagine yourself alone in the
woods, painting what Is before you.
Suddenly a young woman rushes up
to you, imploring you to marry her
immediately, with the promise of a
big reward. You remember her—of
meeting her somewhere, some time—
and she is beautiful. Being a man with
red blood in your veins would you take
a chance? Well, our hero do->s, for
her eyos were tearful and hex; lips
here red. The money she promised?
Well, he was poor, but she was pretty.
Robert Leonard and Hazel Buokham
will also be shown in Rex comedy.
"The Books Incognito" in which many
amusing scenes are shown when Coun
try Yokel passed off as a count. NTM
tor drama, "A Gypsy Romance" with
Wallace Reid and Dorothy Davenport
in which the faithful henchman Is
rewarded for his brave rescue. Willie
Gibbons and Clara Horton will also
be shown in an Eclair Juvenile drama.
"In an Old Trunk." Max Asher,
Louise I'azenda and Bob Vernon will
conclude the program in Joker com
edy, "Shuitz the Paperhanger."—Ad