Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 06, 1914, Image 1

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    General Funsfon Authorized to Extend
LXXXIII— No. 107
Fourteen Men From the Burned
Steamer Columbian Picked
Up Early Today
One Engineer Was Killed by Explo
sion and One Man Was
Drowned Leaving Vessel
Py Associated Press
Sable Island. X. S., May 6.—Captain
McDonald and thirteen members of
the crew of the British steamer Co
lumbian, burned at sea, were saved
by the steamer Manhattan. A wire
less dispatch to this effect was received
from the Manhattan by the Marconi
station here early to-day.
The Manhattan, bound from New
York for Antwerp, had been near the
scene of the burning of the Columbian
for some hours and was known to be
searching for boats containing mem
bers of the Columbian's crew. Her
success was announced In the follow
ing message:
"Manhattan picked up one boat of
Columbian, captain and thirteen
others. One engineer killed in ex
plosion and one man drowned leaving
ship. Manhattan still searching for
other bo-it."
The rescue, it was added, was made
early this morning in 41.19 north lati
tude and 5ft.35 west longitude.
Another Boat Found
Yesterday the C'unard liner Fran
conia pic-ked up one of the Colum
bian's boats containing thirteen men
[Continued on Pase 3]
Death of Mrs. Young, Wife
of New Cumberland Minister
Special to The Telegraph
New Cumberland. Pa.. May fi.—Mrs.
Anna P. Young, wife of the Rev. Dr.
J. H. Young, died of brain fever this
morning at her home, in Bridge street.
Mrs. Young was born in Franklin
county and was fifty-seven years old.
She was a teacher In the public schools
jit Dayton, Ohio, and at Chambersburg
rfor over twenty wars. Eight, years
<uro she was married to Dr. Young, of
L*w Cumberland, where she had won
. best of friends Mrs. Young wus a
"ittu.her of Baughinait Memorial
I'hiirrb, President of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary Society, assistant
teacher in the Sunday School. She is
survived by her husband. Pr. J. H.
Young, her mother. Mrs. Martha livers,
on brother. Milton Byers, of Kansas,
and one sister, Mrs. Jason Byers. who
is on the oeean returning from the
Philippines, where her husband has
been stationed the past tlire, vears.
Funeral services will be held on Sat
urday afternoon, meeting at the house
at 1.30 o'clock. The services will be
held at 2 o'clock from the Methodist
Church. The Rev. J. Y. Adams, assist
ed by the Rev. B. V. Rojohn. will con
duct the services. The body can be
viewed on Friday evening, the casket
will be opened at the church.
George G. Snyder Dies
at New Cumberland Home
Special to The Telegraph
New Cumberland, Pa., May fi.—After
an Illness of three weeks "George B.
Snyder died of gasirltis at his home, in
Second street, at 10.30 o'clock. Tuesdav
night. Mr. Snyder has resided in New
Cumberland twenty-four vears. He
was a constant member of Trihitv
United Brethren Church and of the
Men s Bible Class. Mr. Snvder was
fifty-seven years of anc and is sur
vived by his wife and the following
brothers and sisters: John Snvder of
Harrisburg; James and Harry V Snv
der. of York county; Mrs. Sliartzer of
Harrisburg; Mrs. Charles Wacker
ork county, and Mrs. Samuel Brinton'
of York county. The funeral will be
held from Trinity United Brethren
Church, at 9.30, Saturday morning, con
ducted by the pastor, the Rev. B r>
By Associated Press
Indianapolis, lnd . May 6—The
question of whether a general strike
in the soft coal mining industry of
Ohio shall be called was expected to
occupy most of the time to-dav of the
international executive board' of the
United Mine Workers of America
which Is in session here.
Late News Bulletins
Ma ; v ~i l < Hon Hill, of tlio Fulton county Su
for vi \w" ( i e extraordinary motion for a now trial
Hraitti r ! .i factor > miiM-Hntcndrnt under wntcnoc of
fMnrv Jl£i iJ£ ™ nrd< 7L *» A l >rll «* la* >par of Mary I>hagan t a
unniii sb.l In dcnjlng the 1 notion .lodge Hill announced that lip
r« Tic sto"c a s!;p!^l% x v;;!r'°' ,s thus nl,ow,nß t,,c r,, " ~K to ,h - a,, " eah "
, M , cx i M V 6 — A detachment of Villa's troops stationed
tiolT, l to l ' V 1 Mon, crey which will be the base of opera -
onnJlh l i if against San Luis Potosl and Saltlllo. The
ovciton™ to Monterey. at "'<> «»»<" "
n. ~ a ,ji! n fi b ' n, 11 * la >" "•—Admiral Howard report* from Mazatian that
Picdra Islan " » continuously all
MnJtafl?. <S ■?.!"' ne J (l cun> on ,lu ' Mexican federal gunboat
on a " d th ° firC WM n ' t,,n,od b > f < ""«'-
i- WiUianisjiort. I*a., May o.—Adam Kngbert. 37, and his brother
h stonp niMOM, were smothered to death in a cave-in of sand
Haven tills afteynoon. The men were constructing a cellar'
wall a small building while an excavation was In progress. Several
tons of loosened sand poured over them and hurled hotli.
#Jw> Ma f «—-General Fnnston, at Vera Cruz. reported to
the lfcar Department to-day Uiat he had no definite Information re
gjtrdlng■ movements of Mexican troops and said he thought it probable
that such concentration as the Mexican forces had made was onlv for
It I ®. PJVP? 8 !' of defending the lines of railroads to Mexico City, in case the
United states troops should advance. Mexican natives reported that the
trackof the Interoceanic railroad was Ix-liur torn up.
it . i s ,i "M 0 ": Mny B.—The South American envovs seeklnir to me
diate In tile Mexican crisis. Ambassador Da Uama. of Brazil with Minis
ters Naoii, of Argentina and Suarez, of Chile, called at the state I>e
retary™o*n W " ~U,luU,s afUr ~oon alul went Into conference with Sec-
Closing—Chesapeake and Lehigh Vallev
i.°i ' 10# '4: Southern I'a.lfic, »| * . vltton iVuflc'
l Chicago. Mll.-St. I'aiil, lilt: |». R. K„ 110%; Heading 1«" i' \cTv
>ork Central. 93 !4: Canadian Pacific. l»:S: V. s. steel. 59*. ' '
Crowds Jammed Corridors of Crim
inal Courts Bnilding For
Opening of Case
Utmost Caution Employed in Se
lecting Jury to Hear Evidence
Against Defendant
By Associj'fd Prtit
Xew York, May 6.—Crowds jammed
the corridors of the criminal courts
building: to-day for the opening of the
second trial of Charles Becker, the
former police lieutenant and head of
the "strong arm" for the murder of
Herman Rosenthal, the gambler.
Four men —the gunmen, so-called, re
c «ntly paid for the murder with their
lives, but Becke;-, the alleged'instiga
tor wais saved by a ruling of the court
of appeals.
After months In the deathhouae he
was transferred to the Tombs in this
city out of which he was brought to
day, across the Bridge of Sighs for the
second battle of his life. The scene of
the trial was the criminal branch of
the Supreme Court, the same as the
first trial, but Justice Samuel Seabury
presided in place of Justice Goff.
Charles S. Whitman appears for the
State, as he did at the first trial, but
John A. McTntyre is succeeded as
chief council for Becker by Martin T.
The utmost caution will be employ
ed in the selection of the jury. Among
other things the talesmen will be asked
whether the fact that the gunmen paid
penalty for the crime will prejudice
Solicpps May X«»t Testify
Nearly 100 witnesses have been
subpenaed by the stato and the de
fense. Many of the witnesses at the
last trial have been ignored by the
district attorney. It is not believed
that Sam Sehepps, one of the prin
cipal informers at the previous
trial, will be called. On the other
hand new witnesses have been dis
covered; and It lias been intimated that
several of the witnesses at the
trial will change their testimony* at
the second. A chauffeur named
Cohen, wh > testified for the defense
at the first trial, has. according to
rumor, come over to the side of the
prosecution and will supplant Schepps
as a corroborating witness con
cerning an alleged meeting be
tween Becker and the conspirators
prior to the murder.
General D. E. Sickles
Will Be Buried at
Arlington Saturday
By Associated Press
New York, May 6.—ln the National
Cemetery at Arlington, Va„ amid the
graves of his old comrades of the
Third Army Corps, the body of Major
General Daniel E. Sickles will be bur
ied probably on Saturday. The fam
ily reached this decision upon the re
ceipt yesterday of a telegram from
Secretary ot War Garrison saying that
a plot had been selected and a mili
tary escort, tiring squad and chaplain
assignd to meet the train bearing the
general's body.
Funeral services in this city for
General Sickles will be held Friday
morning in St. Patrick's Cathedral.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., May ti. —Prob-
able adjournment of Congress by
July 10 was predicted to-day by Sen
ator Kern, Democratic leader of the
Senate, after a White House confer
ence, at which the President and Sen
ators Kern. Hok Smith and O'Gorman
discussed the legislative program. Sen
ator Kern said he believed the Panama
canal tolls repeal bill will be disposed
of within two weeks and that the ad
ministration anti-trust program would
be completed before adjournment. He
said he was hopeful the rural credits
bill would be reached.
" '
Top row. left to right, W. Harry Baker, president of the Harrisburg
club; Harklns. the Senators' new catcher and a hustler; George M. Graham,
president of the Tri-State League.
Lower row. "Chick" Emerson, the old reliable outfielder; Brookes Crist,
center fielder, who Is back in the game; Pitcher, OVNeil, the Phillies' do
nation to Harrisburg.
Elderly Hero of Ameen Shaheen
Abdellas's Story Gets 9 Months
Under Mann Act
The romance of dark-eyed 19-year
old Ameen Shaheen Abdalla, of far
away Syria, ended abruptly this morn
ing; in the United States Court for
the Middle District.
And Amin La ban, alias Ameen Jo
seph Lahom, the elderly, prosperous
hero of Ameen Shaheen Abdalla's first
and only love story, who brought her
overseas to the queer America, got a
nine-month sentence in the Lacka
wanna county jail. She will be sent
to a brother in Chicago.
Summed up that is the latest chap
ter in the curious so-called "white
slave" story that had Scranton and its
environs, Chicago, New York and the
police authorities of some of the ports
ol' the near-East pretty jnuch agog
for months. For Amin Laban had
been charged with violating the Mann
white slave act in that he had brought
the pretty Ameen Shaheen Abdalla
from her home in Syria to America
for purposes prohibited by the act.
Ameen Shaheen Abdalla Takes a Trip
Before Federal Judge Witiner to-day
Laban pleaded guilty to technical vio
lations of the Matin act and told his
curious tale. This In effect was that
some years ago he had gone back to
his home In Syria and there met the
family of the Abdalla. Laban him
| self has been a citizen ot' the United
'States these seventeen years and when
he prepared to return to America the
family of Abdalla suggested that he
bring the girl and a girl companion
j along with him. Ameen Shaheen Ab
dalla, it was explained, was to have
I been taken to her brother's home In
\ Chicago. The friend was to accom
pany her.
Before the. ship had cleared the
Mediterranean, however, p'rt officials
discovered that the companion's eyes
were diseased and that this would pro
hibit her landing at Ellis island. The
girl changed her plans and sailed away
to Brazil. Amln Labon. however, rep
resented his pretty young charge as
his wife—and thereby, because he was
a citizen of Uncle Sam, avoided the
necessity of showing passports for her.
As to the Church or the State?
The girl was sent on to Chicago,
however, but, according to her story,
she wanted to return to Olyphant,
near Scranton, to Laban. The money
for the journey was sent on by Laban.
Ameen Shaheen Abdalla cam? East to
Olyphant and there she continued to
live with Amin Laban. He sent her
to the high school there; saw to it that
she, had the hats and gowns of the
girls of the high school; that she
learned to speak the American lan
guage; sent her regularly to church;
In fact saw to it that she became
well-fitted to be the partner of Laban.
But the romance wasn't complete
according to the tenets of the church
or state.
By Associated Press
Xew York, May 6. airs. Louise
.Etehageray, wife of Louis Etehageray,
Mexican minister to Costa itica, feli
from a window on the fifth (loor of
an apartment house in One Hundred
and Twenty-first street to-day and was
impaled on a picket fence in the front
» r the building. She was rushed to
a hospital, where she died.
Middle District Sessions Adjourned
Out of Respect For
Dead Jurist
Funeral services for Lyman D. Gil
bert were held this afternoon at 4
Prior to the services at his home,
203 North Front street, the court and
bar of Dauphin county, attorneys and
judges of other bars and the court of
the United States for the middle dis
trict, in session here this week, united
in paying a iinal tribute to the memory
of the noted lawyer.
Federal Judge Charles B. Witmer,
who is conducting Middle District
C'?urt, to-day directed that the follow
ing order relative to Mr. Gilbert bo
placed on the minutes of the court:
Anil now, May tS. 1914, having
respect for the memory of Hon.
Lyman I). Gilbert, a highly hon
ored and esteemed member and
friend of this court, who died on
Monday, the fourth day of this
month and whose funeral will
take place this afternoon from hi>.
late residence in the city of Har
burg, this ccurt will at 12.30 p. m.
adjourn until to-morrow, Thurs
day, morning at 1'.30 o'clock.
Following adjournment Judge Wit
mer attended the memorial session in
No. 1 courtroom at 2.30 o'clock.
I'resident Judge George Kunkel pre
sided. The United States judge was
one of a large number who paid a tri
bute to the work and life cf Mr. Gil
Prior to adjournment to attend tha
funeral services resolutions W6re
The funeral services at the Gilbert
home were conducted by the Itev. Dr.
J. Ritchie Shi til, pastor of Market
Square Presbyterian Church. Burial
was made in the Harrisburg Cemetery.
Following are among those who served
as honorary pallbearers:
Governor John K. Tener. ex-Gov
[Continued on Pa«e «]
To Bury D. G. Fenno
at 4 O'clock Tomorrow
Funeral services for Darwin G. Fen
no, editorial writer on the Patriot, who
died suddenly yesterday morning, will
be held to-morrow afternoon at 4
o'clock at tiic liaifielgh residence, 1115
Green street. The Rev. Lewis H.
Mudge, pastor of the Pine Street Pres
byterian Church, will officiate. Pri
vate burial will be made in Harris
burg Cemetery.
The pallbearers will include H. B.
McCormick, W. E. Anwyil, Dean M.
Hoffman, R. M. 11. Wharton and two
members of the Sunday school class
in the Pine Street Presbyterian Sun
day school of which Mr. Fenno was a
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C„ May 6. The
Brazilian minister in Mexico City in
formed the State Department to-day
that American Consul Bonnev, re
ported under arrest in San Luis Potosi,
had arrived in Mexico City with Mrs.
Bonney. Both were safe and well.
Mark Shankey, <iiarge(l wltli steal
ing a watch from bis boarding mistress.
Pauline Palmer. 12 North Thirteenth
street, was held for court this after
Eager Hundreds Crowd the
Stands and Bleachers at
Island Park to See Cock
ill's Youngsters in Action
Bjers, 3b. Therrc, c.
Ramsey, ss. Harkins. c.
I morson, l.f. O'Xcll, p.
( rist. o.f. Adams, p.
Keys, r.f. (inhon, p.
McCarthy, 2b. Phillips, p.
Cockill, lb. 1
Ifopke, 3b. I,ideate, r.
Swayne, c.f. Young, r.
Hersliey, l.f. .Mlllman. p.
Clay, r.f. / McKinlc.v, p.
Ituiidon, 2b. linnkel. p.
lulc. lb. I lino, p.
Huran, ss.
v *
By "t'MP"
Bright sunshine, blue /sky, cool
breezes, a glittering:, glinting sheen on
the velvet grass—crowds on tho
bleachers, the buzz and chatter of a
thousand voices.
§ueh is the panorama afforded this
afternoon on tho Island when the Sen
ators are matched against the White
Roses, York's choicest offering ot
scientists of the liorsehide sphere.
Then out comes the bunch of ball
tossers who wear Harrisburg's namo
on their white uniforms. The ani
mation increases. The names of fa
vorite players are rejolcefully shouted
by the fans as they watch the war
riors of the diamond limbering up.
And never did Olympic hero or vic
torious gladiator get a greater wel
come than Harrisburg guys and guyees
accorded this season's champs.
The buzz of conversation dies down.
A stillness falls across the thousands.
All eyes turn to a blue-coated figure.
He holds up his hands, bows and an
"Th' batterees fer t'day are"
19i^ same ' s 0,1 again for
New Faces in Idn'e-llp
Botl) York and Harrisburg offered
new faces in the line-up and young
sters are scheduled to play important
parts in the game to-day. Harrisburg
starts with a little disadvantage be
cause the pitchers have not been able
to get into shape. But why whimper?
l'rogram .Starts
The big opening celebration was
pulled oil on schedule time. Crowds
gathered at Market Square at 1 o'clock
and those ragtime airs by the Com
monwealth band surely stirred up the
enthusiasm. Following a half-hour
musical program the band made a
tour of tho city.
In the meantime fans were Hocking
to Island Park. It was a case of get
thero early or sit on the grass, and
since it rained yesterday sitting on the
grass was not the most desirable thing
At 2.4C> Mayor J-ohn K. Royal mad®
a few appropriate remarks, calling at
tention to the necessity of Harrisburg
fans remaining loyal to their baseball
team. Old Glory was then unfurled
while the band played "Star-Spangled
Banner." There were no Huertas In
the crowd. Everybody saluted the ono
and only Hag. Then the pennant won
by Harrisburg during 1912 was flung
to the breeze, it went up while the
baseball-mad crowds cheered and pled
for victory during 1914, Marching
back to the grandstand, the players
took their respective places and the
practice period was on, with York tak
ing the field first.
"Batter-e-e-es-s for to-day" came
the cry from the "ump." It was a sig
nal for more cheers. When Harris
burg's twirler took the mound Mayor
John K. Royal tossed out the first bail
and the first game of the 1914 season
was on.
The York team came into town at
noon and with them came a hundred
rooters. Manager George Washing
ton Heckert WHS given a warm wel
come as he arrived on the Held with
his players. Rut it was ('cekill and his
boys who received the big ovutlon
Jroui the bleachers.
General Funston
Given Authority
to Extend Lines
Orders Sent Out From War Department Virtually Give
American Commander at Vera Cruz to Do as He
Thinks Best; Mediators Select Niagara Falls as Place
Where Conference Will Be Held May 18
By Associated Press
Washington, May 6.—Orders have gone from the War Depart*
ment to General Fnnston, it was learned to-day, authorizing him tci
extend his lines about Vera Cruz as far as "in his judgment it is
This, it was explained, gives the American commander virtually
a free hand in dealing with the situation at Vera Cruz and it was said
that the American lines would at once be extended and heavy fortifi
cations thrown up.
[Continued on Pago 6]
Well-known Men Among Those
Who Sign Declaration; Based
on Business Needs
"We in Pennsylvania have passed
through the fire and we are the better
for it. We now see issues clearly, and
those of tis who were arrayed 0110
against another on personal grounds
are prepared to give and take in order
that we may stand shoulder to shoul
der for the preservation of those po
litical principles which arc equally
dear to all of us."
In these words, S. F. Punkle. presi
dent of the Harrisburg Manu
facturing and Boiler Company,
expressed what appeared to be
the sentiment of. a meeting of
fContinued on Page :tl
President Wilson
Receives Letter of
Regret From Olney
By Associated Press
Washington, 1). C., May G.—Presi
dent Wilson to-day received Richard
Olny's letter in which the former Sec
retary of State declined the appoint
ment as governor of the Federal Re
serve Board. The letter says:
"I feel honored quite beyond words
by your letter of the 30th ultimo—by
the important offer and by the friendly
expressions of contidence which ac
company the offer.
"But the act of Congress, which
very properly requires each member
of the Federal Reserve Board to give
his entire time to his work, is an in
superable obstacle to my acceptance of
the offer. In the course of a long life
1 have in various instances assumed
duties and undertaken trusts which,
from their personal nature, cannot
properly be devolved upon others.
"If the conclusion I have come to
is a disappointment to you, I greatly
regret it. But you can hardly be
sorrier than X am that I am able to do
so little in aid of an administration
whose first year of achievement makes
it one of the most notable the country
has ever known.
"Trusting you will not suffer your
health and strength to be. impaired by
the strain of the unusual difficulties
now attnding the duties of your great
office, X am, sincerely yours.
Man Carrying Dynamite
in Basket Is Killed
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown. Md„ May «.—Charles
Warrenfeltz. of Wolfsvllle. died from
the effect of wounils produced by the
explosion of dynamite after lingering
about ten hours. Warrenfeltz was car
rying dynamite in a basket when a
charge of the explosive was set oft
nearby exploding the sticks ho carried.
A large hole was torn in his neck just
above the collarbone, his face was
mangled and one hand partly blown
awav. Charles ],ewis and Professor K.
C. Stootlemyer were with Warrenfeltz
when I lie accident happened, but they
both escaped injury.
Ocean Grove Will Not
Change Its Government
By Associated Press
Ocean Grove, N. J., May 6.—Ocean
Grove decided by a majority of thirty
three votes yesterday against changing
its form of government. The referen
dum had been ordered by the State
Legislature in the two election dis
tricts of Ocean Grove on the question
o? the Introduction of borough gov
ernment to supplant the administra
tion of the Ocean Grove Camp Meet
ing Association, which has hitherto
ruled the settlement under a State
charter of long standing.
By Associated Press
Washington, May 6.—The Interstate
Commerce Commission to-day resumed
Investigation of the New York, New
Haven and Hartford Railroad. Af
fairs of the Billard Company and its
relations, financial and otherwise, with
the New Haven were the particular
subject of Inquiry.
By Assntit;d Press
Washington, May 6.—The United
States government to-day forwarded
six gold watches and chains to the
legation at Peking for distribution
among Chinese officers and civilians In
recognition of services in saving
American missionaries held by ban
dits at Tsao Yuug in October, llhu.
Ultimatum Delivered to Haytian
Government by British
By Associated Press
Port au Prince, Hayti, May 6. —The
British diplomatic representative at
Port au Prince to-day delivered an
ultimatum to the Haytian government
demanding the Immediate payment of
an indemnity of $62,000 to a British
subject in compensation for the de
struction by fire of his sawmill during
the Lcconte revolution.
The ultimatum expires at 6 o'clock
this evening.
The British demand is supported by
the presence here of the British
cruiser Suffolk. The payment of this
sum of money to the British Subject
in question, a man named Peters, lind
previously been ordered by a court of
Immediately after the presentation
of the British demand the members
of the chamber of deputies and the
senate met in joint session. The de
liberations were marked by great ex
citement. Senator C'auvin bitterly re
proached the cabinet for not being
able to meet the situation. There are
no funds in hand with which to make
the payment demanded.
After a futile discussion congress
decided to go into separate session in
order to permit the deputies and tho
senators to discuss the matter inde
Fur ilacrlsliurg anil vldnltyt Fair
to-night una Thursday; cooler
For Kastern lVnnsj Ivunln: Fair to
night ami Tli urNilny; cooler to
night) fresh northwest winds.
The main river will rise slowly thia
afternoon anil to-night and morn
rapidly Thursday. A stage of
about 5.7 feet is Indicated for
llarrlshiirg Thursday morning.
The North llraneh will rise rap
idly this afternoon aud to-night,
except the upper portion will be
gin to full to-night. The lower
part of the West llraneh will rise
steadily thia afternoon and to
night; the upper portion of the
West llraueh unil the Juniata will
liegiu to fall this afternoon or
tienernl Conditions
II it 111 has fallen generally In the
lust twenty-four hours east of the
Ohio river aail the Lake region
anil In the Missouri and Upper
Mississippi vnlleys.
It Is cooler In the Interior of New
York ami In Western Pennsylva
nia aud generally throughout the
Plains States.
Temperature! S a. m., 64.
Sunt itlses, 4i50 a. in.; sets, TitKl
p. m.
Moont Full moon, May t», 4i31 p. m.
ltlver Stage i 5.1 feet above low
wnter mark.
Yesterday's Weather
Highest temperature, (14.
Lowest temperature, <ll.
Mean temperature, «2.
Normal temperature, 68.
Raymond S. ConglofT, Palmyra, and
Mabel Salome Rupp, Chambers Hill.
. S
Making a Market
For Manufacturers
When a manufacturer of a
nationally sold product uses the
newspapers for Ills advertising
he is not wasting any ammuni
He is making a market Just
where lie believes it will pay him
best. Ho is gaining the support
of the dealers In that market as
well as the support of the buy
ing public.
Ho can see the results at once.
He can rectify mistakes before
it is too late.
Manufacturers are coming
more and more .strongly to real
ize that newspaper advertising
has a tremendous effectiveness
that is not possessed by any
other mediums.
Interesting information can be
secured on this subject from the
Bureau of Advertising, Ameri
can Newspaper Publishers As
sociation, World Building, Now
I!ooklet on request.