,! .ta-isbui£) 1 ; J aU Starts To-morrow, Saturday Morning— The ELogcst Sacrifice of Women's and Misses' SUITS, COATS, DRESSES and SKIRTS on Record. The Surplus block of the Best Makers on Sale at Less Than Manufacturers' Prices. Sensational Sacrifice of Suits «■»*»J—Women's, Misses' and Girls' Coats f\ EXTRA SPECIAL Manufacturers' Sacrifice SIB.OO to EXTRA SPECIA.L Manufacturers' Sacrifice $7.50 to Qfe* Women's and Misses' Ap $20.00 Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' /fcf* $9.00 Women's and Misses' V > Br%| SIS.OOfOT S,VaIu ? s . to *«'»« NOBBY SPRING d»l 1 7C NEW SPRING Assorted «!»■ nnd color*. Only 23 aulta In SUITS for . *P A 1• • V filjSfff '/Y Wl *"* ° nly thlrt >- flv e COAI S for . X** ' the lot. * * | 'rTf I J AVI u f ____________ Anaorted atylea, colora nnd ulica. Kk I|\ II i ZlS' lnr ' * ''' Manufacturers' Sacrifice $5.00 to Manufacturers' Sacrifice $9.50 to P 1 K;; Manufacturers Sacrifice $15.00 to Manufacturers' Sacrifice $22.50 to I , liV $6.50 Women's and Misses' $ll.OO Women's and Misses' $16.50 Women's and Misses' $25.00 Women's and Misses' fl JJ# ' \ SPRING <j»9 Cf, NEW SPRING $7 CA U-tTI NEWEST SPRING d»Q Cft STYLISH SPRING $1 >1,50 iB» COATS COATS for .. S<.DU U-51 j f* T?T* C f JIM rail n7 T VT<n e B f.f. L J Made of aeries In aNaorted colora nnd alsea. Aaaorted ntylea, newest materinla. All col- B\ V/ aun6 for . . . SUITS for .... **— livW * —_ «««nd «i,e«. |\ v . H W Manufacturers' Sacrifice $12.50 to Manufacturers' Sacrifice $16.50 to IK v\ AH wool mnterinlN, nil colors and nil nixes. A I*l* range of styles, newest materials, all B&XJ T 1£ AA 117 > l Rfl- » (MO A A Ilf 9 IM* » HI \ \ 1 1 _____ colors and sues. *gaf s i d.uu Women s and Misses $ 1 o.uu Women s and Misses |\\L Manufacturers' Sacrifice $25.00 to Manufacturers' Sacrifice Extra Ltrge Suits NEW EST SPRING d*Q £f\ FINEST SPRING OAA $30.00 Women's and Misses' for Extra Large Women, Suit* $lB to S3O I " " COATS AT .. . COATS for .. . tplfci*"" ' rinrnnm rnmim > - , , _ COAT All the neweat niiitcrialM. All colura and all Only the flneat ninterlnl*. the newest and beat FINEST SPRING <M Q PA Sale (19 CAO #lO l::,:,,^:^ SECOND SUITS for ... «P lU.0 1 w Price $ !£• JUOCfiO 11 J J rff> e • r l • aL Ol FLOOR 0 „l r 11,. li urn material,, r vrrv ncn rolnr nnd A r.im! as.ortincnt ut■ t) Ir. and colora, nnd 1 1111 Cfl 3GI *>3' Olt J all alzea. iilzca 37 to 53. * Sizes for Girls 2 to 14 Years 5 C!iL 1T * J U S * T1 * O* 1 v Manufacturers Sacrifice $3.00 Manufacturers'Sacrifice $5.00 PIP I Uur UwnMock I rimmedHatSin I his Dig bale I Girls Spring Coats Girls' Spring Coats ||| J 5 CslTo2lt,Sv Prices f ears^ e xtures - Sizes 2to 14 Choice of all new materials in all colors and 6 / /f Jo sizes, 2to 14* yesrs. i / A Big Assortment of Splendid Styles f Manufacturers' Sacrifice $4.00 mJB Manufacturers' Sacrifice $6 to $7 BF» p I /jH \ *° $4.50 $5.00 to $6.00 $7.00 to $7.50 SB.OO to $9.00 § GiriS SpnilSf Co3.tS jf SbHII? Co&ts 0 I Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hats g for ...... . fj/saS® It fcr ° t|f A# I | or . or | All new styles; assorted colors and sizes, 2to 14 All the newest styles, all colors and sizes, 2to s 70 70 $ J 70 — m years - yu.lvSurplus Stock of SILK DRESSES at Nearly Half-Price All Untrimmed Shapes at Reduced Prices 1 Manufacturers' Sacrifice SB.OO /foya Manufacturer's Sacrifice sl2 FJF 1 1 MU<«' nnd sl-00 Hats For $1.50 Hats For $2.00 Hats For $2.50 Hats For $3.00 Hats For I to SIO.OO Women's and Misses' to s l4 Women's and Misses' i g Children's H,t» j|A A AP/a Si 29 $-| 79 | N =» Silk Dresses for ... <JJT® £ W Handsome Silk Dresses ... t|W*IV S at Reduced if *mh ralE® S h o Presses made of Taffeta Silks, in all colors; also Choice of taffeta silks, messaline silks, silk pop § Prices %J fli €f \s €r JLo -M.® g beautiful silk foulards in a wide range of colors lins. The colors are black, navy, Copenhagen, 0 o pretty designs; only the newest creations and brown, tan, reseda, wistaria, etc. All the latest OOO<h>OOO<h?OOO<h>OOOOO<h><h>OOOOOO<h>OOOOOOOOO<h>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO best styles. All sizes. models every dress a beauty. All sizes in the lot. 1 Manufacturers' r\ r ] J Ofpeepe 1 Manufacturers' Sacrifice of WOMEN'S BLOUSES Manufacturers' Sacrifice of | : Sacrifice of 13 ultaßCi, ;i offl I Mi Women's and Misses' ji §;! Women s Blouses. $1.89 s Women'* Rlnnw V? £Q I I! I mM DRESS SKIRTS I || china silk, .crepe, voiles, / J \ messaline silk, laces and ov«r soo .urn i„ ch<»» nom. iI ii nel a^ ce l; Ln every l I— newest i| Vt SSWSLfICSSST-Jrs& ii ,| new shade; in all sizes; spring models; every |! Moire.' J ;! value to $3.00 Sale! I new Spring shade - all '! Manuracturers' Sacrifice, ?».00 Women's ]! <! <DI ort\ I \ / • , to | and Misses' DRESS SKIRTS ft| OA ' ! P nce $1.89 \ FPiM Mo \ / sizes; value to $4.00. for SH-OW ! l \ tfvfi'f/ JUL-A / Sale price $2.89 ii Assorted colora and sizes. !» Women's Percale Shirtwaists; \ A / ur , , ••P— * c <j <| ' A ■ (T1 OA Girls' Wash Dresses nicelv F- !» high neck; assorted colors ami X ? l an ". colored Mamifaclurers* Sacrifice, $3.50 to $4.00 j! iAt sl.B9££ b, kewest i ffs* ...i9c \la V ii M $2.89 i styles and materials; all sizes, 6to 14. *\\ ii ii §&ss *-»"*-"» ii ; Values to $2.50. ii _ ** "LOUSESj 9Sc WOMEN'S BLOUSES ii Manufacturers' Sacrifice. $5.00 to $6.00 |! U j! The greatest value in Harrisburp- \f a T tuZ -n a u ! ! i®?J IKIRTS 8 W Mte9es ' DRESS $3.89 ii iAf 41? 3Q Girls' Dres- Af $1 QQ Girls' Wash!; Over 500 Women's Blouses- over 50 ad e of chiffon silks crepe de chine j| ' Assorted colors nnd sizes. j ;At es; made of At Dresses ;ii patterns to make your chdceTom ' S ' , Hand^? me models ' vei T J| ; White Lawn and Voiles made of French gingham, ii Made of lawn, crepe and voiles- in f St St^u, eS 'u- blouses are copies j; Women's and Misses' DRKSS OA | i and colored Ginghams; all percales and white lawns; ii white and colors. Drop shoulder; S°L ' fen P"« d ™ ported ** M " ji • sizes, 6to 14. Value to nicely made and trimmed; S three-quarter sleeves; low a-* e? Values to $6.50. Sale (fc yj t>Q | S $3.50. all sizes,6 to 14. Value to $2 i j ..neck, all sizes. Sale price, VOC PrXe " iii & v mouse i»ept„ llrst l loor. Hear Jj $ ' ' i» H Man ; £act " ( Sa ; r ' fi " j| "r ers . s Tto e I HOUSE DRESSES | jsa.-ss?|.sr.w!"'. 1 '* E' a (Icoiii, embrold- ' °"'' • krer n, p ptt | c ( , lh PetfSconta in all t " I> u, "! 11^ re 1 , , ,e .'! e in «_ th erbioom broldered Handkerchiefs; values up Corsets, with 4 hose supporters; all rp'tWt'sS O >VP> pry «« American lienu- » eiLicuni» m tne chine Silk I'ettl- I" eat n erbioom 1 sizes: 75c value. Sale Drice 3»e l&i'fwli «SL A* JL KJr ,u,1 < fa »* colors. cut full. A isrent uliaden, cut full. „|| leairth.. Sale Nlmdcx. Sale '»«S and full. \ /Hillll Sn,e pr,<e ' PTire" 1U1 e Sal <- pice, price, price, Snle pricet " ~ "* Manufacturers' Sacrifice ICBIII/7 SI.OO Women's House Dresses, made of f% fy r a *%m « a a* jh aa /h/% ha a « * - Manufacturers Sacrifice Wy l£Zr&tS£7?.?.??.?.G7c JQ<» IQ|» $1 19 $1 89 $f 79 $| 45 Aprons at 10c Bloomers at 21c few Women's House Dresses nicely made of ** I f Vdue . \ L 2oe value Sale price l()c * . mmm i^^^^^BSSBSSSS>9BBSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSBSSSBBBSS^ FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1914. 5
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