4 V 4 fc k colors, all sizes; guaranteed to wear £ 0 C *5 ft /V 11 1 M*k m" 111 J ssgi n n -. D 111 Kpil J S S 811,1 ¥ ,ovcs - ln black and white, fi © Vn Opposite Page y *** , mßsgs . .. , y f - a^_ value saic c p i ti ' VS " aU Bizes 'g|j uo 5 A .. . ~.__. __ . __ _. ___ Women's silk glove*, 18-button • MANUFACTURERS' =a== = il a^StrfSWn&Kgf | wJ*.™ f ISL' Men's & Boys' Clothing ™ Sacrificed mJw ciZ &F£smiii | The Surplus Stocks ,£ Best Clothing Manufacturers Are Here ™ gowns, lace and embroidery trim- ______________ __ «i? assortment of ®""'" " ,k "* : •" sol ° p 450 iiiT] yUST think of buying Men's and Boys Newest Spring Suit's 3pKL| 25<>, 500 and SI.OO J S «£?. C S'. R »°? n T»„ J —Right now at the very beginning of the season AT PRICES R M »wiic*rTii^ D c, a •TM 7C WHICH ARE LESS THAN WHOLESALE, the reason is I aincoa '* lin MANUI i ICTURERS 0£) 75c women's fine corset cover, 0* J /IZ —— ~— —— Values to $lB. AI |M |« II H M |s„„*/,-«L that all clothing makers are now getting ready for Fall and want jjJJQ Women's Swiss § • j.™.,~nVr^Vel r T»ft „Irl, to clean up—Our Cash Buying Power makes us their easy *«-.?>». Underwear • S"t, .Zr—a'H.a';:| Outlet for all Surplus Stocks and Cane led Orders ae off - A .Ss&. A wide embroidered rufllc: all sizes. • Sale price / \ / > 15c Ladles' Swiss ribbed vesta. /O EXTRA SATURDAY SPECIAL EXTRA SATURDAY SPECIAL EXTRA SATURDAY SPECIAL Sal<s " s F rc F p .r s si.oo r: spANTS 59c R^ Values $iA9 -™ sr 5 , vKRI . , r\ u A A A Cfi r~, ' 50c Ij adies' Swiss ribbed union tfJ £ 25c women's corset cover, em- W-S®*®** ° ne hundred pairs of guaranteed One hundred and fifty pairs The best blue series and fancv worsted Sale price 3Q#/* Q • ro, " Cr> —"* I's<S JCS: .•« »—• N "« r * I°' — d » a "«» *"» «e r offered ft the price*' ~ 5 „, „ MbbM J A ✓ \\flW x suits. Sale price 'Uij. £* 45. "5c women's bloomer drawers, \A N ~^^ @""" WTj£r'\Ms Man.f.ctnr.r.'S.crific./to-r H M, n u(.ctur.r S 'S.crific./t|p« BA MMuf.ct.Kr," Sacrifice /bp« fk|V 1 SBSTpSSf? gg? | m 75c women's in, .slin petticoats, \&v_ ° f M ® B * and , YoUDg ° f Mcn # 81,(1 YoUII 2 / f%II ° f Men '» * n d Young IL / WIl 2 • ;sr— M , S 9 n,'?<fe UI on n - Tbe newest grays, and fancy bin*, Sunproof Blue Serge Suits-guaranteed. I*l3ll UI d CIUfG TS § A nrlcc ' (His. l\\ I tures. Lined With \ enetiail cloth. llaiKlsomely made; sizes :t2 to 12; stouts to 48. They won't fade. 32 to 12. Stouts to 48 _ ® ~K — : > Q-jr-rifir-o * W 51.50 women's muslin petticoats • siytsasnr.frrsss kliitfim Kaufman's Greatest of All f oys ' No l ol _ k i ***\" *1 Qft | OF • • H vH llunm ** » J V Kf! > values to QC Smts <fcO fIA Serge Suits, <PO.I/O ur 0 52.50 women's muslin petticoats, 1.0- [ h'ffj Mdl S HIIQ I OUTlff mCH S $3.50, for .. or VwawV Other stores would Womon'e fliililfpn'e ft • best workmanship, embroidery ruf- (s CITI r P rnpni » * Fancy mixed Norfolk nrice them at < Sfi tn *R6 UIDCU •Ot m fle. sale price .Hil'iQ SUIT SPECIAL Ne at mixture Norfolk c..u ~ price tnem at to So.SU. „/x« ll ,nir £k W «Pl.oy WTUUII JI LUiIL Suits, some with two These suits are made HfKIFRY • ® 60e women's gowns, cut fun, ji* ij&kv ' /f> h* , U1 s ' s ron S - v mace, pairs of Knickers; values Norfolk, sizes sto 171 ® « tucke<l yoke:, all sizes. Sale price, I I'IBbSKHi ?!% H I . / mR Sizes 6to 16. to $5.00. vear«s Women's and children's fast #1 «»q r . Iklfffijfl vl/ JL JL • I v-r . ■ >t s- black seamless hose, all sizes; 10c fiL ... , y/|fiWOT' Other stores will ask you $lB, S2O and /— ——————— } vnlue. Sale price A gowns. Ia«f e oi- S eVnlm'l<l"rv trtnH even $22.50 for suits not any better than Bovs' Norfolk Boys' Wash QQ Women's and children's fast® J .ned, all sizes. Sale price this great $11.75 Men's Suit Special. y 0 .. Suits for OVC \ W I S aM S 2 sl-5 women's n£r . | g ilh': Every Suit all wool—every suit sold with SllltS a B r i 7Cc! a s r ?z e e s a 2H°tS o io. stOres V 5nL 2 JSSTuS 3 - OA Ite. 1 te. » ® m^ rry « t r lm r Hl - ,K ' st " ork - I ; B 1% TEE. You will find Blue Serges, Neat Js£ Cfc N ST.' 7T.7??! .???. . 10i/ i ® ©manship. Sa.e price S'jM ||j. Worsteds, AU-Wool Velours—Every Suit JpTt®OCl Boys' Wash W @ $1.25 Women's princess slip and >M I 111' New and Stylish. Sizes, 32 to 42. Stouts With Two Pairs of Pants. Suits, for 4DC WflM Ta^^^ W »Ue P © A combination suit, val. Inco and em- !K 1 »(( I to SO At?nct mtt i ? h 2. ?? mO . 118 "tores ■lwllffl A «V £ti, | bolder, trimmed. IE || , A Full $7.50 Value. a »-"0= —™ " 10 - f i Women's silk hose, lisle garter a S6 v Jfi ne,T " u 'K" r,nn "<>'•« Norfolk. / w S .*nHHWw ITanfmsn Far tlil 75 » I . , S."VVYi« noy.' Kinu iw>l n „ x ! f«" ./ .tap uM/mM&Zr Kauinian suits ror si 4./3 .—» - » iw. jaSm JB"® »srsf arJs*^asrs2 S si.uo r'liiidrt'it's princes., slips nil iff Men's and Young Men's-are all hand ( *' m at 4Q C W|UB fl toe; 75e ..100. Solo pn™ ® 5.,e^™.„ 790 » tailored, the same as other stores ask you p .»? ?S" f. I\\ - . .. , „ , , « ~ , VBf $25 Sizes ?y> to 42 Stouts to 4S stores ask 50c; our I Jlj» Tha sewln? Is extra strong; v\ #JiL R .. women s all pure thread sdk A i , . «-WW» n V» nmslin skirls, ein- ' lu £ " l O to. price * l,l sizes sto 17 years. [ n V- V 1.3k>1 |» hose in black only, double heel, toe 3 oroldercd ruffle, Sale price, II at » anL Sacrifice of Men's and Boy's Purnishings l§ 6'/2C < r. ot Iton 1 ton AT 1 Men's and Boys' AT OQ Men's B. V. D. AT Qr- Men's Union Suits AT QA Mens Lisle Webb ATmi QQ Men's Silk and I; & @\> seamless- all co . ors ' OC Gordon Rubber o*/C Shirts and Draw- l/l)C in white, black and «t/C Suspenders; leath- tj) 1 *Ot/ merceri zedi g) A'' 10c value ' 3S ""Vi/a collars, all styles, 25c value. Sale ers. 50c value. Sale price, 300 cream; in long or short sleeves; er ends; all colors, 50c value. Sale shirts, newest styles; $3.00 value. |! a Z; i arp ■tj[ TlC * t • P nce 130 AT QQ Men's B. V. D. knee and ankle length; Balbrig- price 29 <ft Sale price $1.89 jj 2'' Jr'/2r '.u Cn J ir X fi C Fl "" AT 1 flr» one lot of mens OS/C Union Suits. All gan and Swiss ribbed and gauze. AT qa Men's Blue Cham- AT *1 Q Men's Lisle Webb 5Sf T;! 3 „ / ish Half Hose, m 1 \JC and boys' Silk four- sizes; SI.OO value. Sale price, 890 $1.25 value. Sale Price 950 Workine lUC Suspenders, mohair \',A | value. Sale-price S €s " 2 = c va.ue AT OQ Men's Summer AT Boys' Porosknit Shirts with colors, fast color.l ends; 20c value. Sale priee, 10* || J S ; AT _ _ ' , -- , price 100 OOCUnderwear; 4bC and - Men's Work Shirts, \'<Z §!: 11 C and" S Lisle er Fildsh AT 23c mesh; shirts and Union Suits; all sizes. AT Of* Men's Percale 45 C made of sateens jj • S : i Hose - all new <Wino *h He ic Silk Knitted Neck- drawers; all sizes; 50c value. Sa i e price OOC Dress Shirts; new and chambray; best fit, cut full, f!! value' Safe nrfce 8 ShadeS - 1 l r, ar ' new colors ' 50c va o lue ' Sale P ri « 380 ' J Spring patterns, all sizes, 50c to all sizes. Sale price 450 © AT rkll Mn- "i A^ e pnce AT Mens Balbri ggan AT 1 9 Ih.C 75c values; laundered and French AT n*\ Men's Fine Per -9!! "2fer AT Q Men's and Boys' 40C Union Suits; all „ 1 f" '*<* "> d Firemen cuffs Sale price -.id* 63C cale Dress Shirts <i« j; m /<4t. white hemstitched liJ C Leather Belts all sizes- 75c value Sale nnVe Suspenders; leather ends; 25c AT am it .v o-if ** i iwu . e . ' j ™ ; l handkerchiefs Sr val,,e Q a i„ T " , ts '. 1 sizes, /5c value, bale price, 4.)0 ' . 19t/ . AT QC Men's Silk coat styles; all the newest Spring !; •ii „'."f ercb " f8 - 5c value - **)l sizes, values to 35c. Sale price, AT 7//, Men's Brighton value.Salepr.ee iS'M 3>Z.9D Shirts, made to patterns: SI.OO value. Sale price i@ fill *T nl/ Men'c"r' n ii a k\ Ari , _ „ , • /AC garters, all colors. AT QQ Men's Percale and sell at $4.00; all sizes. Sale 630 |l a _ii 2'/2C ton it d y 2 s OI7C Madras Shirts, price v $2.05 AT 1 A Men's Lisle Webb \\ S • l /in i o , • Underwear; shirts AT /JQ Men's Nainsook coat styles; all sizes, laundered AT OQ Boys' Balbriggan 1"C Suspenders; all \\T to the set, 10c value, oale price, and drawers; all sizes, all colors. 01/ C Union Suits; SI.OO and French cuffs; value to $1.25. C Union Suits; all kinds; values to 25c. Sale price, Jj • ©j Sale P nce 230 value. Sale price 600 Sale price 800 sizes; 35c value. Sale price, 230 190 il® Jj! AT Men's all • MEN'S HATS | jSIS 5 SPECIAL! I •ji 36c Silk Hose, double i| rnn | 8 A I & ©! | heel and toe and sole; in all the! j JI ©%W X, P M A m. %*, 1% J S|:slk^kr mgShadeS '.. SOC V tZISLVX S 25S 11 jBI ] | Iffej 181 \l sortedTolors^laL 3 50 | Thorley Tea Room Has i Auspicious Opening The new Thorley Tea Room at 231 North Second street, has attracted a great many during the opening days. The appetizing display of pastry ar ranged In the tiled window makes an exceptionally pleasing effect that is , almost irresistible to those who have j a fondness for dainties. Comfortable rockers and setees are placed in the front section of the store, forming a 1 comfortable rest room for the con- i venienee of those fatigued during • hopping hours. Back of these are the tables and chairs where ice cream is ■urved, and separated by screens are ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1914. other tables for serving tea and other refreshing beverages. The fixtures have been selected with pleasing har mony of detail and with the display of dainty pastries and confectionery in care of a corps of ladles, the room haa a most Inviting and home-like ap pearance. The pastries are largely the unusual kind, such as are generally to be found in the most exclusive shops of the larger cities. The sanitary kitch ens have been equipped with the njost modern facilities and the management says it is the intention of using the | best ingredients in the making of all ' the products. j HALIFAX BOYS IN MEXICO Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., May 1. Earl W. Blcksler, who belongs to the marines, went to Ve-a Cruz on the ship Han cock a.nd Charles S. Blcksler has Just arrived at Vera Cruz on the Moro Castle and is detailed for scout duty. Both are sons of the Rev. and Mrs D. W. Blcksler, of Halifax. COMPLETE FAILURE Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., May I.—-Sunbury Store Company, a $20,000 chartered co-operative concern, the only one In this valley, was to-day sold at receiv ' er's sale by E. M. Rough, to George t>. lline. Jr.. for $ 1 &7. It had debts of $1,200 and will pay about one-tenth i of a per cent, of the claim. , COURTHOUSE FINISHED Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., May I. Carpenters on the SIOO,OOO addition to the North umberland county Courthouse finished their work yesterday. Nothing re mains to be done now, but the tearing out of scaffoldings, laying of a small portron of the new tiled flooring i Cleaning up. After that it will for mally be turned over to the county commissioners and court. A dedica tion day will later be decided upon. SUNBURY WOO DM EX WIN PRIZE I Sunbury, Pa., May I.—Milton de gree team, Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica, Captain Oeorge R. Miller, com mander, last night visited Sunbury lodge and also gave an exhibition drill o>« the streets and exemplified degree work inside. Sunbury camp last night waß awarded the State prize banner for securing the largest number of new members in a year. MARRIED At DANVII/LE Special to Tke Telegraph Sunburg, Pa.. May J. Miss Nan Brown, of Danville, and William H6- werth, of Philadelphia, were married In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Danville, yesterday. Thoy left on a honeymoon triyi to Buffalo, N. Y., and points in Canada. P. O. S. OP A. CONVENTION Halifax, Pa., May I. To-morrow the annual convention* of the Upper Dauphin district. No. 3, will be held at Loyalton. More than seventy dele gates and officers, representing the ten camps of the district, will attend. There will be a warm fight for district president between John S. How, of Loyalton, and Sam W. Koppenhaver, of Halifax, and there will no doubt be opposition for a number of the smaller offices. The camps represented are Halifax,! 5 S^?7v 0R u lA r ,, T"t Thc Kind You Have Always Bought Mlllersburg, Elizabethville, Loyalton, Berrysburg, Pillow, Lykcns, Wlco nlsco, Gratz and Wllliamstown. MARRIED AT NEWPORT Blaln, Pa., May I.—The marriage of Chester D. Stahl and Miss Lucy C. Henoh, both of Center, a few miles east of Blaln, has been announced. The ceremony was performed on April 22 at the home or the bride's aunt, Mrs. A. F. Smith, at Newport, by the Rev. W. C. Ney, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers