Join the Bowman 1914 Refrigera- CALM99I-ANY Art. Embroidery tor Club. SI.OO sends one to your wO L*l 7 ]— 'i Suitable for Summer needlework attractive display of stamped IJ t M Wjrn articles children's dresses, underwear, waists, scarfs, centerpieces, pll- S* 1101116 M-M JFJGJKR M M RN low slips, towels and lunch sets. jgr M fIrMV lessons each day o'clock. il i HARRISBUPG'S POPULAR STpARTMENT ITORI Second Floor BOWMAN'S. ' 5 MEN'S NEW SPRING SUITS SniWat '- ST SPLENDID VALUES oults at reductions i nat /Y.j V Fine assortment of the season's best styles, all the wanted materials, A r '~ v V /* "1 Tj • L topno,ch "TE3SSE suits at Are (Jut or the Ordinary jt \ '■ MIllP&ID $13.50 Only when you actually see the garments themselves /\ J\ 1 ' lImWM V»T al ah wnn, m^o,vv« e 7T™m —Z —7~Z- .« can y° u realize the splendid value you get for your / / \ \ ■< * IL /lknijw/ ■' T'L A All-wool, mohair-lined, hand-tailored and cut in the conservative, as J r ® F K \\ A > well as the new En s lish models. _ money here. \\< \ \ \ < > lii le mater ' a ' s are serges, cassimeres, homespuns, worsteds and un- 1 A 1\ \ r finished worsteds, in blue, gray, pencil stripe, chalk stripe and the new All of our best Spring suits are included in the general clearance. If you've V \ *\ I\. \ * > , IJ} tartan a "d shepherd checks. Every size for every form. Special, #13.50 seen a suit here that you liked you'll find it at a lower price now if not already I I I ' JwMtf ilkW Npl About 50 Suits for.Men and Youths soM ' ' \f| il ' • |jV% b Y>. That were $9.90 and $12.50 at All Suits that were $lO and $11.50 at $8.98 - 111 I "V o All Suits that were $12.50 at $9.98 CuLLIIRt 2^ ■I \ »pO«"5 All Suits that were $15.00 at $10.98 fftp ; HI \ in 5i2 " 33 !Z' wTs Over a Hundred Suits that d»-|c A TYTt : Iff \ New Suits for the Boys' were $16.50 and $18.50,. . »fl>-LZ.OU \\\ I \ J:,-, 1 ;,: raty suits that were $19.50 00 \\ u ? •A ( than now to serve the boys. tO !|2Z.SU SLX ••••••••• W•\/ w \ \ \ M \ puatsfbo?ptas!whh mi gmjjlt~ iTrifev ! Your choice of any suit that <t iQ HO \V \ 'i sLfLIS ®wlik ' sold up to $50.00 at \V| Il | , T h "V r ! thrM ! ,o,,dred s " its - lhebestoftl ' e Sprin g stylcsandcm. \ |\ * . '1 JW.OO, jl iI!I bod >' in g all the fashion touches that make the suits of this season so distinctive, V / |\ 4 _s•>. 00 and up to and in the most desirable materials. All sizes are among them, including sizes \ J k," Our Special Blue Serge Suits at so.oo will stand the test as to for stout figures. Plenty of blacks and navy. \T 1 wear, color, style, cloth and workmanship. XT I A splendid array of Wash Suits from the small Russian Sailor of these suits will be sent on approval; none reserved; none sent or Oliver Twist, size to the size 10, of washable blouse suits. *^^ era^^ons be charged for at usual prices. Materials are galatea, cambric, linen, madras and ratine, at J Second Floor — BOWMAN'S. 490, 69<!, 750, 980 and up to $2.98 MR FV ■ "Whenlt — 1 A Bovs'Hats in Rah Rah and Telescopes, at 500 and 98f SV \y 0 • l"" 1 W7 pi 1 1 A 1 jr bvery Woman bhould Aitend This First Showing of Men's | C Sale of Millinery j mflSm m, „ --? - Hats that were $2.95 and $3.95, at fZ.UU « i h 9 Split Braids, Senate Braids, XJI6 JtIOUSC £111(1 xOrCII Hats that were formerly $4.95 to -* linn Rrairlc fantmi TCraids JAPANESE GRASS RUGS —Size 9x12 feet, plain center with band fkrXTf at $3.95 _ "* \2I, e<3-' P ' and wall of Troy border in green. Regrular $6.98 value. Saturday, 54.98 / Hats that were $8 00 SIOOO and J I \ ,n ALL ,U« OC nnA COUCH HAMMOCKS—Our stock is very complete. Steel frames llldl WCIC ? IU.UU ana SnCl Jratiatnas. All Su3.pcs allQ made up oxtra strong, some have canopies, while others are made with SID.UU, at >..)♦> and I Vi : 7/ • TI * tCI r»rv adjustable head and legs so they can be used as a bed. May be used y X*.V• J Untrimmed Hats ill this sale are II all sizes. Prices are Jpl.OO, on Uie porch or on iron stand on the lawn. Prices are < L , V.' , , i ifat $4.98, »6.75, $7.50. 89.50, *15.00 L. \ black, white, gray, purple, brown, /<>><> i A $1.50, $2.00, $3.98 and va n,'!SS MI " P ° RCH SHADES—painted green or^ brown, wide slat, gal- T W . green c j tron an d blue. Watteaus, /&< tslmp r » vanized Iron pulleys and guaranteed absolutely fadeless. , V-«\ - r j m • tt. , V... MR i aa Size sxß ft., 52.25 Size Bxß ft., 55.75 F\ / l.acquered, Tricorns, High Side F . / \v I] WII ? p°* uu * size Cxß ft., $2.75 Size 10x8 ft., $4.95 L \ S } Hats, Sailors and Turbans. /\ \ XJO ' M t On the Third Floor —BOWMAN'S. On the Fourth Floor-BOWM AN. <4* Hi ~ 11j> 1/ S// \ All the New Ideas In Flower Wreaths 1 . Men's Furnishings Wall Papers Brilliant colors in ostrich trimmings. " "* Dependable wall papers are to be had at Bowman"s. Our papers are | O The latest fashion note. Ihe slender f < ALL SPLENDID VALUES a P full length and in most approved styles and colorings. Estimates \ / A YIF fancy with colored ends. Some tied V F■' . " given for paper hanging. \ \ > \ k' ...' , , . . . ■ I MEN'S OPEN MESH UNDERWEAR—Short sleeves, double seated 00c AND 75c WALL PAPERS, S9c ROM;. \V -«J wlth lar ß e drooping top ostrich' | „ drawers' Special value, each • ••• • ; »®c iletallic bronze, burlap effects In green, gold and brown with sten- J wreaths in all colors. L- MTTNSING UNION SUITS for men and boys, white or ecru, short cil borders to match. v * J x- , . „ I " sleeves Ion" or three-quarter length sleeves. Suit, 75c. SI.OO and $1.50 SOc TO 45e WALL PAPERS, 22c ROLL <3% " /"JY \ Aew summer Styles in Panamas , I MEVS°BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR, long and short sleeves, dou- Leatherettes for hall and library; two-tone Tiffany blends for par- / an( j White Hats Second Floor if* »u Each - sc > 37|/ic and SOc lors and living rooms; cut out borders to match. ' < MEN'S BLACK COTTON UNION SUITS, fine ribbed. Regular 15c WALL PAPERS, 5c ROLL . : , $1 00* value each 69c This is a large lot of wall papers and suitable for any room ill the _ _ - __ < uaMT -SKisa Notions SWITCHES of Fine, if • MEN'S SILK FRONT SHlßTS—French cuffs. Special, each, 51.98 NatllTal, VTd VV Hdif dt # MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Attractive Snecials rt. A ~tua, $4 oo vi : BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS —Separate soft collar and French Cuffs. . _ irAlllaCllVC OpCClalS Actual $4.00 Value. " Each 50c Our Mail Order Department offers every advan- r ; : m\ . , on the Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. tage to out-of-town customers. All orders filled For Saturday yotl measure t' 16516 switches by promptly by a competent and expert shopper. y ° Ur i sta " ° f values—you'll get oil BOWMAN & COMPANY. Colored Pearl Buttons, all an idea of what wonderful bargains they Dress Materials in all dozen..^and29* - TTr • Washable Crochet Buttons, |f» I nese switches are 24 inches long, which The FODUlar Weaves Ver Y TlArnnC+l r»0 colors, dozen, l&M to n*m makes them indispensable to a becoming < * QnArtfll LJLvw Washable Dress Shield, pair, \ JfcA A// arrangement of your hair. The shade as- < d 1 . a .^ e . n .*. . 28w W WW WW 10* to W is complete with the single excep- < SI.OO Canton Ratine Suitings in na\-y, rose, brown, cadet and re lOF SatUfQay A.ft6rilOOn ShopDCFS Brassieres with washable | t,on °' & ra X' i Cotton Ratine Suitings in rose, cadet, brown and tan. Yard, 59c shields attached, all sizes, pair, | Experts will guarantee a perfect match. ■< 36-inch Ramie Linen in brown, gray, tan, rose, pink, cadet, navy, Onlv enough to last from 1 o'clock to 6. Be earlv. SI.OO ■ Second FIoor—BOWMAN"! L green and wistaria. Very special, yard 33c J & - _ . . 7 , aetona 1 joor BUWMAN S •< One the Main Floor BOWMAN'S. j 25c Sun bonnets with ruffles and shawl collar. All shades. Limit, CiUimpes, all Sizes, black and I 2 to a customer, eioh 5c white each t . ——— ■ ! 10c Children's White Flannel Shawls, size 24x24 inches, with cro- , ~ _ A ! cheted edge all around, each 5c 12 yards W ll'inette, for Wir- T% |J A |J T |T*Q i KOrCJI i? UllllLlire their parent or an older person. Only 163 in the lot. Special. lc ing collars, DiacK ana wnite, i | 50c embroidered tubing pillow cases, eight different designs in all ' for 10* _ . . __ _ I • 0' No time tetter than the present in which ! the Fe«her S Ticktng!' abwlu'teiy Veither proot!' Tard'.*.'.'.'. I.tsc Main Floor BOWMAN'S Special Values For Saturday • < f. to buy Porch Furniture. 9c Bleached Muslin—None sold to dealers and a limit of 10 yards Novelty Net Curtains for windows in white, slightly soiled. iV, i Ift'siS!#?! V D . «, . . to each cutomer. Saturday, yard 5%c yards long, in 2 and 4 pair lots. Some have novelty braid, othersClunv . h onV'natiiraf SiwlaT üble reed seatß - In K "™" SHEETS—Every one is slightly imoerfect but the damage is not H S& I'-" ffl andnatural S p eclal ••••••••••• ........09c noticeable and you are getting them for about half price. Kihk/-k«<« »4.25, »4.75, $4.50 and 15.49 pair. Saturday, pair, < C ilii-Wil'."".!! High back rockers with double reed seats and 50c 72x90 Excellent Sheets AIR. IXlllß lllTlS .TIT T V " '• ■ backs, at...., $1.98, F £®ITRIL::'3I woven Rockers, extra large roomy seats, 95c 81x90 Seamless Mohawk Sheets 50c 56.50 Sunfast Curtains for windows or doors. Green only. Pa1r.53.29 S&WS g natural and brown, at Plllow cases at appropriate prices. Shadow Damask. 40 inches wide. In tan. yellow, pink and peen ' S J 3"1 Rocker Settee with double reed scat On the Main Floor. Rear BOWMAN'S. - Yard 85c IgfagigS j Rockers and Chairs, in prorn, elni- _ . T m • them made free. Lawn folding Settees at 91.00, 91.50 anil XlxV Jl XHT6 XS wCJTOOII XIIH6 All the KOOcl and wanted kinds. ■■ ■■■=>- l" Camp Stools at 25c and Sso , J VV ** "** Buy your ribbons here and have /fl | O 1 O 1 yt Yacbt Chairs, with or w Dq Not AUow the Flieg to Get I nto Your HoUSe On the Third Floor BOWMAN'S. WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS 6 &d 89c ) J ! f .. „ , , 59c Sat 'n Taffeta, in colors only, .=4 1 ; - ii. t « D A KVT -1, _ _ A superior line of screen doors and window screens representing yard 38c / - _ j XJCL U y vOaCII6S faction St construction which Is a guarantee of quality, service and satis- Black Moire Ribbons, yard, / I £ "t " A superior line of carriages, sul- \A7TMnO\A7 , 'MQ Roman Stripe Ribbons for sashes U V/l X UlllllUl C I klee, collapsible go-carts, in reed, :^<ry^-p T|i »Y OV^XMli£L«l>|o ancJ (.jrdlqs, yard 89c to $1.50 ~"\ ■ - ■ • "" j ' < metal and wood bodies. I j Extension Window Screens, On the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I] L Bulkles at 98c, *1.49, *3.50, 95.9*. VS *3l *ffiy l9u ' 2 - c> - sc> 2 ® c . 35c . 3 ®c, 45c, 49c, 590 and 69c , S3U)B and up to SIO.OO. „ ' Walnut finished Extension Window Screen, sanitary; size 15x21x33, ——— ,11 $6.00 Soecial Felt Mat- •< Folding Go-carts at $3418, $5.00, | 2 for 25c : . . . if , ~. , . «*. OA stjw, shjm) .od an to Wood Body Pullmans at $12.50. A/ DOOR SCREENS INeCkWear ' ii $15.00, $17.50 and op to $25.00. / / Three panel plain door, walnut stain, black wlro cloth, assorted Reed Pullmans in white, brown I / sizes; with hinges and door pull. Complete for 9He -11 a>s rv\ c j . ... and natural, at $9.50, * $15.00, | Medium fancy plr.e screen door, finished in natural wood, black wir« ah. . . ! hO.UU lUITleu Oak library 4 $17.50, $21.00 sad up to $32.50. / cloth; assorted sizes. Complete for $1.19 All the DrettV new ideas for I 1 /-L 1 t 1. t Special showing of boys' and Standard fancy pine door, select pine lumber, two coats durable _ . L ___________ . rOCKCT, leather hack 4 GIRLS' Roller Skates, at varnish; assorted sizes. Complete tor $1.39 SDrillf? 1 . ajo rto - JZ.Z.-L"! JSSsKSjPi SATURDAY SOAP SPECIALS HiT" WV .< Express Wagons from 25c to $7.50 // No Phone or C. O. D. orders filled. dainty patterns . -SO AT CL) 4 Teddy Bears at .... 25c to SIO.OO 10 cakes Bowman & Co. Speclal Naphtha Soap for '...28 c The new Gladstone Collar in lace <M A rs\ i.- . Automatic at VV/ 10 cak«, Swifts' Pride Soap for P . !!!!!!! ,29c and Unbreakable DoUs, at SB ° Shadow Lace and Net PlalUngs. HIS $25.00 Quartered R R , OA 7K , Other. DoUs from**' BOW MANS— uiiird Floor. In the Basement—BOWMAN'S. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. like picture) the Klfth F,oor B °WMAN'g ( Y . ,rr -' r •• -- * >• . • .z* • ' - - •* r . - v . • FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1914. 3
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