Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 01, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Special Prayers For Rt. Rev. John
W. Shanahan Are Said Through- i
out Harrisburg Diocese
Special prayers during celebration
of masses this morning by priests
throughout the diocese marked the
fifteenth anniversary of the elevation
of the. lit. Kev. John W. Shanahan
ns bishop of th.s Harrisburg diocese.
There was no formal celebration. An
Increase of 9,000 members, the build
ing of St. Patrick's cathedral, Sylvan
Heights Home for Girls and the Ab
bottstown Protectory for Boys, the
successful government of churches
started in the then remote sections
of the city, and the location of the
Catholic Slovak Union at Midldetown
■—these are only a few of the high
points in Bishop Shanahan's fifteen
energetic years.
Special la Tht Telegraph
Annville, Pa., May I.—This evening
the forty-seventh anniversary of the
Philokosmlan Literary Society of Leb
anon Valley College will bo observed
In the Conservatory of Music. The
program will beopenod by an invoca
tion by the Rev. M. H. Jones, of Para
dise, Pa, After the exercises in the
hall, a social will bo held in the rooms
of the society in the administration
building, when the following program
will be given:
President's address, R. M. Weidler;
oration, "A Chance in Life,'' L. A.
Rodes; violin solo, PMlo A. Statton;
reading, "The Mind Cure of Brother
Peter Paul"; piano solo, R. P. Camp
bell; oration. "Our Second War for
Freedom," E. H. Smith; exit march,
Mow to Get Rid
Of Skiia Trouble
4 Handsome Skin Book Free
That Will Guide
So many people fuss in despair over stub
f>orn Bkin affiictluns that some rules laid
down in connection with the use of S. S. S.
for the blood will be of great value. These
are outlined in a hand book, finely illus
trated, of the many variations in skin
troubles. It tells how to overcome them.
If you have been lighting some blood
trouble, some skin disease, call it eczema,
lupus, psoriasis, malaria, or what you will,
»sk at any drug store for a bottle of S. S. S.
and you are then on the road to health.
tThe action of this remarkable remedy is
Just as direct, Just as positive, Just as cer
tain in its influence as that the sun rises
In the East. It is one of those rare med
ical forces which act in the blood with the
■ame degree of certainty that Is found In
fill natural tendencies. The manner in
which it dominates and controls the mys
terious transference of rich, red, pure ar
terial blood for the diseased venous blood
la marvelous.
There is scarcely a community anywhere
but what has its living example of the
wonderful curative effects of S. S. S. Get
B bottle of this famous remedy today, and
If your case Is stubborn or peculiar, write
to Medical Dept., The Swift Specific Co.,
535 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
Do not permit anyone to talk you Into a
substitute for S, S. S.
Business Locals
The policy of the Klein Co. does
not permit of carrying garments from
ono season into another, and in order
to dispose of our Spring suits and
coats, we have consequently reduced
the price of these new and fashionable
garments to almost half their former
prices. It is an advantage you should
not overlook. Corresponding reduc
tions on dresses, skirts, underwear and
waists. 9N. Market Square.
There are very few people who are
expert Judges of piano quality. Yohn
liros. have been In the business for
years and have always sold the best
pianos in the world nnd at honest
prices. You can depend upon what
they tell you ot piano quality and
values. Agents for America's leading
pianos, Mason & Hamlin, SGOO-$750.
Should not overlook the fact that a
good linoleum is tho best covering
for the kitchen and bathroom floors.
It is easily kept clean and a good qual
ity will last for years. Housecleaning
lime »" a good time to lay it. We have
several grades, handsome designs,
modest prices. Harrisburg Carpet
Company, 32 North Secoi U street.
| A Regular $3.50 Value on Sale at Wof $0 45 [ A Regular $4.00 Value Priced at BMP'
DiHtinctly New—are all the high class whoes, oxfords, pumps and sandals we are offer- m m —— This special sale of men's high grade shoes and oxfords will surely jnake a hit. Come maammm
ingr ut this price. Up-to-the-minute in styles, they come in all the charming: Bpring styles ■!■§ in a wide range of best styles including mens English Shoes and Rubber Soled Oxfords. V
in all the popular fabrics and leathers.. Come in all sizes and widths. Every woman Made Russian Tan Calf and Dull leathers. Every pair a real $4.00 value in style, QU&J
desiring reliable qualities and styles should see this footwear priced special at . f2.45 lty and wear. All sizes. Book s Special Price,
?nn.l Pair* nf Women'* J2 to $4 l*/\ WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS SHOES A new lot IflfM P a J r e 0 f Men« $2 to $4 Shoes d*1.50 MEN'S WORK SHOES - Tan and black pocatcla
ZUUJ rairs Ot women S to $4 C l of canvas Ehoea dlrect from factory grade Sea lUUU r ® ir * ®»«* ens «P * JL 1 calf and elk work shoes. Serviceable Holes and up-
Snoes, Uxfords and rumps . . . f*• * /V/ Island Duck. Best styles In high or low heel model. and Uxtoi'dS *• a T pern. The kind to give best service. All sizes. Reg-
Every woman who appreciates a big saving should AII sizes; $2.50 values, at 91.48 Another big lot of these shoes and oxfords on sale ular J2.50 values at $1.1)5
attend this sale. Over 2,000 pairs of these shoes and at $1.50 a pair. Values range from $2 to $4 a pair.
pumps priced far below value. Come In several styles. • WOMEN'S JULIETS —The regular SI.OO grade with Come in different styles in button or lace. Lan, pat- MEN'S ELK OUTING SHOES Special offering of
In all leathers and fabrics. All Blzea. Aotual $2.00 rubber heels and flexible soles? Dongola kid uppers. ent and dull leathers. All sizes. Get two two pairs men's tan and black Outing Shoes with oik soles. All
to $4.00 values. All sizes. Regular SI.OO value at ~ . . 78c tor the actual price of one. sizes. Regular $2.50 values at »I.oi>
Bf "| 0 J C A 1,000 pairs of boys, Large assortment Special lot of boys' B
|| S I| Regular $2.50 Values, *| £*? |R eeu !ars2.so Values, sl-50 ,
j] L I leather soles and up- shoes - wlth 0 f Wlth * soles and bla £ k °^ n " I J W J
/ N A" offer that completely outclasses all oth- pers. Sizes up to 2. out ee ' s - Sizes up vas egu ai g One of our best offers of boys'shoes. Extra jV j |
\& Girls' comfortable and stylish Spring to "■ va ue ' a H fine wearing dress shoes at a big saving; made ■
\ Dress Shoes; made of best materials 49c 49c 39c j several different styles in button 1
in patent and dull leathers; also girls' S or blucher models. Patent and dull f 5
velvet and white canvas shoes and dT I l eat ' iers - sizes. Actual $2.50 M
sandals. All sizes up to 2. Actual P| J9 S Iff at j| values. Priced at $1.50 $
Another lot of these popular Special at !>Bc. We are offering « HQ Est r .■ > 6. § lour chance to save A comfortable an d o
school and dress shoes on sale. Girls' $1.50 White Canvas Shoes, ffi El jgf [ n I &m i _ | Ms* I one-third to one-half « flft *FI -iS4I 4DO H
They come In different 4 made of best Sea Island Ileal SnOC MakefS H the boys shoes. Sturdj S) j ,UU ou.l i with e.lh <p t jUU |a
H\T leattTem 1 51 -"0 J® QB r B
p $3; ))rU ed at . . al MARKET Street, Opposite Court " 0 .1 .V. I ||
One hundred years ago almost all.
business was done by rule of thumb j
by traditional methods handed down
from father to son. There were only
three professions—law, medicine, and
preaching—in which u man was - i
pected to get much knowledge from I
books. In all other departments of life ,
a man was supposed to find things out |
l'or himself; and any one who tried to .
make reading take tho place of experl
ence wqs despised as a mere theot Ist.
To-day this whole attitude of mind I
has changed. We have learned that a ;
man can build better bridges and
houses if he has studied engineering.
He can do better manufacturing if he j
reads what others have done in tne
way of chemistry and technology. He :
can do better farming if he studies j
books that tell him about soils and the i
way of treating them.
These sources of information are |
open to the man who can read sense,
and to him only. Those who are not
able to gel ideas by reading, strive in
vain to obtain by popular lectures tho i
things that their abler and mora fortu- |
nate neighbors can get out of books.
For a popular lecture Is necessarily
suited to the comprehension of the I
average man in the audience, in order |
that the audience may have pleasure at
the moment: but books can be written,!
and are written, for men of the higher ■
grade who seek power rather than!
pleasure from their use.
Success In business Is not the sole
object of life. A right-minded man
wishes to do his duty as a citizen, to
help guide the destinies of his coun
try. The man who can get sense out
of what he reads haa an advantage
over all his fellows. The citizen who
gets his political information from the
head-lines of his newspaper, from the
sonorous phrases of a public speaker,
or from magazine articles that strive
for effects of language rather than
soundness of thought, is at the mercy
of political schemers. They can make
him believe almost anything they
A man who can read history for him
self, and gets facts rather than phrases
into his mind, has a basis for sound
Judgment of current events. The prob
lem of our own town to-day has been
worked out by people in other towns,
if we only knew where to look for it.
The constitutional difficulties of the
United States are enough like those of
other States and other times to make
the history of the past a help in judg
ing the affairs of the present.
If c. man can read sense, he can make
up his mind independently; if, in addi
tion, lie can write out his Ideas so as
to communicate the sense to others, he
can get others to follow him. We can
reach only a few men by personal con
versation. Wo can reach a somewhat
larger number by public speaking. Tho
means by which masses are moved to
day is the printed page: and the man
who wishes to move them in tho right
i direction must learn to put sound ideas
i into a form in which other people can
apprehend them.
How can this power be acquired?
i When we know the answer to this
! question, we shall know a great desl
I more about education than we do at
I present. I shall not try to give any
I general answer, but shall content my
self with one or two practical sugges-
Flmples and blackheads disappear,
unsightly complexions become clean,
clear and velvety, and hair health and
beauty are promoted by the regular
j use of Reslnol Soap and an occasional
application of Resinol Ointment
These soothing, healing preparations
do their work easily, quickly and at
little cost, when even the most ex
pensive cosmetics and complicated
beauty treatments fall.
Physicians have prescribed Reslnol
for nineteen years and etferjr druggist
sells Reslnol Soap (25c.), and Reslnol
Ointment (60c. and $1.00). Avoid "im
itations" or "substitutes" which a few
unscrupulous dealers offer, they are
usually of little value and may even
bo positively harmful. For free trial,
write to Dept. 11-R, Reslnol, Raltl
mo re.—A d v ertise m en I.
tlons that I think may be of use.
Dime Novels nnd Popular Romances
First, get into the habit of reading
books that add something to your stock
of Ideas. Nothing cripples a boy's
power of getting new ideas out of
strong books so much as the habit of
reading weak books that simply give
him his own old ideas In a new dress.
That is the worst fault of the kind of
literature known a3 "dime novels." They
are exceedingly popular with the boys
of a certain age and a certain type,
because It takes so little effort to read
them. The Indians and the heroes of
those novels are the Indians and heroes
of the boy's imagination; not real In
dians and heroes. A boy who has fed
himself on literature of that class finds
a real Indian exceedingly dull, and be
comes unable to know a real hero
when he sees one.
But this bad effect Is not produced
by dime novels only. The majority of
Sunday school books and popular ro-
I mance3 are open to the same objection.
Where the dime novels give us childish
Ideals of vice, the current romances
give us equally childish Ideals of vir
tue. Morally, the second are on a some
what higher plane than the first; In
tellectually, however, there Is very lit
tle to choose between them. There are,
indeed, Sunday school books that are
good, and novels for young girls that
are good; but they are not very numer
That kind of literature gets the child
into the habit of reading about arti
ficial examples of goodness and of ro
mance. until he has lost alj taste for
natural ones. When a book has some*
thing really worth reading, something
that will give a real insight into life,
it is rejected. Scott and Dickens are
v °ted dull because they really have
something to tell us. Even "Jane Eyre"
' ..korna, Doone" are to hard for the
intellect that Unds a book burdensome
as soon as it contains a new idea of
any real size.
But it is not enough to read strong
| books; we must learn to get hold of tho
I thought that they contain. If a boy
j reads a novel without getting any ap
. preciation of the characters, a strong
! one does him little more good than a
| weak one. If he treats history as a
chronicle of exciting events that hap
' I" 3 ! or ft hundred years ago. he
, niiijht Just as well be reading In a
dally newspaper the chronicle of events
that are happening to-day. What
' fJ. v worth reading is that we
i j watch tho great sequences of cause
and efTect as they actually have work
out. The thing that m&lces the novel
worth reading Is that we can get new
! ideals of character and fresh standards
I of conduct.
! Plans Complete For Hill
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon'
Sunday's "Pleasant Sunday After
-s,°.°J} ,4T^°'! nss . of the Allison Hill
Men s Christian Association, is expect
ed to be one of the most successful of
I the series. Next to the speaker, the
Rev. F. T. Cartwrlght, of tho Stough
.evangelistic party, the fact that it is
| ladles day" will be a big factor in
making for a record attendance for
which the Hill officials are prepared.
The meeting has aroused much inter
est amongst the members of tho thlrtv.
odd churches taking part in the Fall
campaign, A "Campaign" song service
will begin at 3:15, the program includ
ing selections on the moving picture
screen. Master William Webster, boy
soprano from St. Stephen's Episcopal
choir, will sing "Thy Will Be Done."
E. F. Weaver, of the Hill
Association, will be In charge of the
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., May I.—There is
very good news for the thousands of
people who enjoy Pen-Mar Park and
all Its amusements during the sum
mer. The park will be conducted by
the Western Maryland Railroad Com
pany this year, as it has been hereto
fore and Professor John Bohl and his
orchestra, of Baltimore, will be there
as usual.
Waynesboro, Pa., May I.- Forty
five candidates for membership in the
Methodist Episcopal Church, Waynes
boro. were Immersed in the stream of
Quincy JJnited Brethren Orphanage
yesterday afternoon. The Rev. G. F.
Boggs. pastor of the Methodist Church
had charge of the immersion.
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
Sptcial to Thi Telegraph
Mahanoy City.—Declaring that Miss
Nellie Carey, a Gilberton school teach
er, had severely punished heV children,
Mrs. George Wonn, it Is alleged, at
tacked the teacher on the street, scar
ring her face and pulling her hair. At
the instance of the school board Mrs.
Wonn was arrested and held for court.
Shenandoah. John Reeee, of Ly
kens, while visiting relatives here yes
terday, slashed his left wrist with a
razor. He is superintendent of the
Lykens Colliery and came here to ben
efit. his health.
Slicnuiidooh. George Sum pie, 45
years old, was kill on the Lehigh Val
ley Railroad while on hia way home
from work yesterday.
Wllllaiiisport,—By the breaking of
a scaffold of the new high school
Oranges-— Now Heaviest with Juice
This is the season when Califor- Try Sunkist Lemons, Too
SShImJ nia Oranges are heaviest with juice, Ask for Sunkitt Lemons, too. For
?Sfißfip sweetest and most beneficial. cooking purposes or for lemonade, there KJij ff/Ojßg
Over ten million daily arc beingshipped are no other lemons like them—highly V
from California and these oranges arc flavored, juicy, practically seedless.
\||V now being offered by all dealers. These are the best looking and the j1
m Every Sunkist Orange is glove picked best lemons—the kind that look most 1 rerag
l<| and tissue wrapped—shipped on picking appetizing, sliced or quartered, to serve j
l| \ day, therefore always fresh. And prices with fob meats.
If were never so low as now. Try Sunkist Lemon juice in place of j
/I SunkistOranges are both£<Wand good vinegar in making salad dressing or in i |VMr
Kjj&j&JJffl for you. Eat them at every meal, between any other dish.
meals and at bedtime. Try this for These lemons arc grown, picked vgj
Spring Fever. Give the children this and shipped with the same carc used
juice—this drink of natural purity. in the production and handling
°* Sunkist Oranges. Your ||Br>|'j
r» 9C 1 grocer has them or can get li M * «j
*\ll Beautiful thcmatoncc * 11 f «/
Vj Rogers jgplgg; rSK» f * I
mSSsA Ud no Exchange fruitgrowers »V jt/
jgik i)| Silverware F~« »»•«. f
syy%£S» ' fit Save the wrapper* from Sflu Chicago fy
SgSS \ 4#/ Sonk,9t " d W fi< SIP KM us this coupon and w* will .end yon \jS/
£gß2rrZ| ons. 12 wrapper* from either, ffiVVt. ®®EI wjlf our complimentary 40-page recipe book,
SOS with 12 cents, entitle you to ?SS3 ■!s? - showing overllO way. of uaitift Sunkist Orange*
KhV ... , . 4 . uf?' 'V. #f-Cl and Lemons, You will also receive our illustrated premium booU
tf &Sjt any of these three pieces of guaranteed which tells you how to trade Sunkist wrapper* for beautiful table silver.
Rogers sliver. 36 wrappers and S€ cants jJjyIT '■ W lyj; >1 AT Bend this coupon or call at the above addreas.
entitle you to mil thru. 24 other beautl- 2XI
ful premiums. Bead the coupon. am * .
building yesterday, Fred A. Stein,
George Ward and Harry Mogart re
ceived serious injuries.
Boyertown.—Three days after the
death of her father, Adam Gilbert, of
this tov.i, Stella, wife of William Erb,
of New Berlinville, died, aged 26 years.
Her brother, Elam, 16 years old, la
seriously ill, and the mother only
buried a short, time ago her daughter
Helen. Another daughter, Hilda, ia
also ill.
Lancaster. —Frank Shenk, of Mas
tersonvllle, yesterday attempted to
drive his automobile across the Read
ing Railway at Manhelm in front of a
passenger train. The machine stopped
on the track and was wrecked. Shenk
escaped injury.
Allentown. —Colonel Harry C. Trex
ler is being congratulated over the ad
vent of three baby buffaloes in his
! game park near Schneeksville, ten
j miles north of Allentown.
I Shamokin. Frank Slavln, while
loosening coal at the Philadelphia and
Heading Coal and Iron Company's
North Franklin Colliery yesterday,
turned his head to address a man,
when a block of coal fell and killed
Dr. Arthur Holmes, of State College,
who spoke yesterday before the Chil
dren's Aid Society of Dauphin County,
will address the graduating class of
Central High School at commencement,
June 11. Professor U B. McGinnes, su
perintendent of Steelton schools, will
make the commencement address at the
Teachers' Training School, at Tech
High, May 22.
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., May I.—Morris
Kauffman, merchants at Good's Sid
ing, made a rare And yesterday. Ho
was working in one of his garden beds
around which he has some of the old
planks taken from the old Nunnery
mill and found in an interstice in one
of the logs a ten cent piece that boro
the date of 1825. It had been put
there years ago and ia in excellent
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., May I.—Abraham
Bouder, Fairview avenue, is suffering
from sciatic rheumatism of the eyes.
He is able to see very little and thero
is danger that he will go blind. Ho
will be taken to an eye specialist.
Mrs. Bouder, his wife, is suffering
from blood poisoning of the left hand.
The blood poisoning developed from a
felon on one of her fingers.