Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 29, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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'MAY 10
, FROM Lv. A. M.
iarrisburg 2.40
iummelstown 2.57
•watara . 3.02
tershey 3.05
'almyra >» 3.12
innville 3.21
ivon 3.37
lyerstown 3.47
Vashington (arrive) 9.45
Returning, Special Train will
eave Washington (Cnion Station)
.10 P. M. same date for above sta
Tickets good only on date of ex
urslon on above Special Train In
acl# direction. Children between 5
nd 12 years of age half fare.
U. S. Capitol. Congressional Li
rary, Corcoran Aft Gallery and
,ew National Museum Will be Open.
Over Face, Arms and Hands.
iVould Walk the Floor All Night
*ec. 8, 1913: "I had eczema for 20
rs. It started on me when I was
13 years old and am now 34, and
e suffered all these years. It start
with small pimples all over my
arms and hands. My hands
lid swell up so that I could not
t them, and I was almost blind,
/ould itch, then burn, and I had to
the affected parts wrapped up
•.hat I would not scratch them. I
dn't sleep at all —just walked the
" a whole night.
£ have tried many different rcrae
, and spent a large sum of money,
had no relief. Resinol Soap and
inol Ointment were recommended
me. They gave me great relief
r the third application, and after
g tour jars of Resinol Ointment
three cakes of Resinol Soap, I am
pletely cured." (Signed )Mrs. H.
Fleager, l?ox 13, Dauphin, Pa.
esinol Ointment and Resinol Soap
•kly heal skin eruptions, clear
y pimples and blackheads, and
n a most valuable household treat
t for sores, burns, boils, piles, etc.
trial size, free, write to Resinol,
t. 10-R, Baltimore, Md. Sold by
druggists. Prescribed by doctors
19 years.—Advertisement.
vo Weeks or More in Colorado
—as Inexpensive as Home
ou will be surprised to learn how
ie it costs to spend two weeks or
•e in Colorado. I have corrected
ly wrong impressions about Colo
n's Hotels and Boarding Houses and
road, "The Burlington," (C., B. & Q. !
ft.) now gets out a booklet showing
' reasonably and pleasantly one can
»d a vacation in Colorado.
' would love to go to Colorado on
vacation this summer, but t.u Hotel
es are so high"—used to be the ex
*sion of many. Five minutes talk
vinced them otherwise. Colorado
her share of elaborate Hotels, but
Jt-ado has lots of comfortable board
places where the rates are as low
SB.OO a week—clean surroundings,
wholesome, appetizing fare.
would like to send you a copy of
booklet. It will give you an en
ly different idea. nbout Colorado's
el expenses, a complete list of
:els and boarding houses, their loca
ls, rates, conveniences, elevations
other information. In addition, it
?s full particulars on Colorado—its
•actions and points of interest.
Vm. Austin, General Agent I'assen-
Dept. C. B K- Q. R. R. Co., 836
'stnut St., Philadelph'v Adver
When it is known that Its
power to strengthen the system
and build up the body is why
Father John's Medicine
relieves colds,
it will be understood why it is
so valuable as a tonic and for
driving the impurities
out of the system-
It feeds the tissues and
I makes strength; not a
ipatent medicine;
Jpure and wholesome—
iso years in use.
! j
i i
or Y° U '
Ji % N-d h
» / Attention ?
We will he glad to have you visit 1
tur ofCice and our honest advice will 1
lave you money and save your teetliJ
io charge for examination.
We make teetli that must fit and look'
latnral anil give satisfaction. Painless
detraction Included when plates are or
dered. Your old plates made over or
repaired. Gold or porcelain crown.-,
bridge work and all kinds of fillings.
Large, comfortable offices, sanitary
;hroughout. Lady attendant.
Sell Painless Dentists
10 North Market Sqnnre, Hnrrlnburg
Hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Sundays: 10 a. ni. to 1 p. m.
rry Telegraph Want Ads.
( ♦
Fellows Will Spit on Their Hands
and Get Busy With the Supper
While the Ladies Sit and Chat
Mere men folks
only will shed hats
and coats, roll up
their sleeves, adjust
borrowed ap r ons,
and—who knows?—
perhaps spit on their
hands and get busy
arranging for the
preparation and ser
vice of the bean sup
per to be held to
morrow evening
from 5 to 9 o'clock
in the Curtin Heights
Methodist church.
And the wives and
' daughters, sisters and the other fel-
I lows' sisters will just sit 'round and
chat and gossip and sit and give crit
ical attention to the manner in which
they are served by the heads of their
I respective homes or homes-to-be.
! The dinner is a result of some fond
jswain's brag about any man s ability
'to handle such a little affair as a
church supper. He is a member of
the men's Bible class. Much fun was
poked at him; he was derided —so the
| story goes; he insisted that he and
jhis whole class could prove it. Thus
I the trap was sprung,
i For some days the men have been !
: looking forward to the occasion and
I have been making preparations ac
cordingly. This is also true' of the
women. But the plans have been car-
I ried very successfully so far even so
; far as the banner and flag display and
a big attendance is looked for. The
whole congregation is talking about it.
"Oh, dear,'' sighed a pretty uptown
matron the Other evening, When the
head of the house returned from his
run, "John, I'll have to have some
funds to spend at your old party to
morrow evening. Wonder if it will
be worth spending one's money for?"
"Why should you worry?" returned
John as he counted from his roll.
To Tell of liiquor light. —Oliver W.
Stewart, of Chicago, will speak Sun
day evening at the Fifth Street Metho
dist church when he will place before
the congregation the purposes of the
anti-liquor war.
To Tell of Wild Men.—The wild
imen of Borneo—and not in captivity,
either—will be told about by the Rev.
James Hoover, returned missionary
from that island before Grace Metho
dist Sunday School next Sunday.
King Leaves Calvary. —At a recep
tion last night to the Rev. Harry B.
King, departing from Calvary Presby
terian to take the pastorate of Pax
tang at Paxton, Elder R. W. Green
presented the clergyman with an
antique chair on behalf of the parish.
The Rev. King will be installed to
night in Paxton church. Dr. Lewis
S. Mudge, of the Pine Street church,
will preach the installation sermon.
The Rev. J. Ritchie Smith, of Market
Square church will give the charge to
the pastor. Special music will feature
the services.
Delegates Return. —The Rev. J. H.
Miller and J. S. Peifer, lay delegate,
returned last night from the Spring
meeting of the Evangelical Lutheran
Ministerium's Lancaster conference at
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
Special to The Telegraph
Shamokin. Joseph Kohetsky and
Adam Racusky, after being released
from the Glen Mills Reformatory Mon
day, were arrested early yesterday by
police who saw them emerge from the
confectionery store of J. C. Moore,
whose place had been robbed.
Kane. More than 3,000 persons at
tended the eleventh annual convention
of the Odd Fellows of McKean and Elk
counties, at Smethport, yesterday. The
big feature of the day was the parade,
in which every lodge in the two coun
tise was represented. The following
officers were elected: President, E. J.
McFall, Eldred; vice-president, R. L
Deal, r.ldred; secretary, H. W. Col
grove, Eldred; treasurer, E. Burrell, El
Lancaster. P. T. Watt offered
the hoard of directors of the Lancaster
General Hospital to head a list of fifty
persons with a donation of SI,OOO each.
Lancaster. The local Board of
Health made the statement yesterday
that a young: woman, of Ephrata, is
confined in a local hospital suffering"
with typhus fever, and that a second
patient from a different part of the
county, who is also suspected of hav
ing typhus fever, is in the nospital.
York. —— Company A. Eighth Regi
ment, N G. P., last nignt celebrated
with a banquet the anniversary of the
company's call to the Spanish-American
War service, and Company K, of the
same regiment, this city ,also presented
a playlet, "The Showman's Ward," with
cast 6 ° beat talent in the
Chambersburg. The trial of Zelda
Keller Gerhoid, charged with the mur
derof her young husband, Floyd, who
died, it is alleged, from pnris green
terday November . m -. began yes-
Do not want to miss the chance of
hearing Emmy Destin, soprano; Guis
eppe Anselmi, tenor; and Gregor Sho
link, violinist, sing and play their fa
vorite compositions on the Edison
Diamond Disc Phonograph. Recital
Thursday evening, April 30 at 8 p. m
Technical high school auditorium!
Tickets of admission may be secured
at the J. H. Troup Music House, 15
South Market Square.—Advertisement.
Dickens was a manifest example of
the groat truism, he who makes lis
laugh the most, is the one to whom
life appears most serious. He devoted
his genius to the description of happi
ness. Happiness Is ;i mystery. We
can sense it, wo can feel it, we know
it, but we cannot tell what it is. lit
erature has failed in attempting to des
cribe happiness as a state. It is not a
state. It is a crisis. We are onlv
happy in action. We are happiest at
Christmas time, for then we are most
active in the consideration of others.
True happiness is measured not by
selfishness, but by self-sacrifice. AI
man must give to the world a part of
himself. We are most happy when
we give, not when we take. Dickens
taught that to lie truly happy we must
interest ourselves in the welfare of
each other.
Daily collections are now being
made by the American Rescue Work
ers under the direction of Adjutant L.
Smith, 1207 North Tenth street. Per
sons having rags, old clothing paper
;or furniture are requested to send no
jtice by postal „curd or to call 1118 L
Bell phone.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Actual Si^—Bound in
| Closing of Our Low Tariff Bargain Distribution
F A rJ R -, S' V T ' h l. read f s of The I THE CHARM OF DICKENS I
Daily ielegraph or the definite date for the ***. h»v» a.™*.* „ f i
withdrawal of our coupon offer of by ail classes, because liis stories go straight to
x the heart.
He possessed to a remarkable degree the power
to delineate character. His people are regarded
V * * m more as human beings than mere characters in
Beautiful Large Type Set of „ i 8 ~d inOT ,
diately a flood of delightful entertainment bursts
-v . M v r- _y _ _ upon you. "sfou are unconscious of the effort of
M 1 ijL ID I a 5 JL 1 M B / M Tl 1§ reading; you forget the printed page. So wonder-
H wH / m HpmP H |H I 111 h ful is the charm of Dickens that you seem to ex
fortable old stage coaches filled with such good
m " Tf
■Hit ®H M 1 II i old-fashioned inns, pull your chair before a rous-
PJg J JS II I W I W | ing pass the evening with such jolly com-
In what other books will you find such vivid
Six Library Cloth Bound Volumes, in Red and Gold. Duotone ZSZ2JS? wEt^E
Illustrations— Over 3,000 Large Type Pages of Bible Finish Paper,
for Seven Free Library Coupons and Only 98 Cents, to pay the ' The debtor's prison, the almshouse, the thieves'
f* , . J . r • l . 11 ii* i v ' dens, the foundling asylum, quaint corners of old
vjovernment" customs duty, freight and handling charges—Less Lo . ndon > rural °¥ England, Paris seething in the
-i 1 - 11 grip of'the French Revolution; you see them all.
than 1 ( cents a volume, but Finishing one of his books is like parting with
old and dear friends; you cannot remain away
rn. 11 i r* Oi • -r* * on "' I)ecallsft Dickens is one of the few authors •
You Must Be Prompt to Share in This Great Bargain ng new interest and charm. J
A Set of Books You Will Be Proud to Show to Your Friends
Ihe Public seem to see AT ONCE the unusual Bargain offered. They find it
even better than they thought, and tell us so. It is with regret that THE DISPATCH
makes its closing announcement of its limited, but successful distribution of this
Splendid Set of Dickens.
Ask Commerce Chamber
to Attend Men's Service
Members of the Harrisburg Cham
ber of Commerce have, been invited
to attend a men's meeting at Stevens
Memorial M. E. Church Sunday night.
Ai. invitation From James W. Barker,
president of the Men's Club was sent
to George B. Tripp, president of the
Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce to
The Rev. Clayton Albert Smucker,
D. D., will preach on "John Mark,
Man of Business". Seats will be re
served for men until 7.3D o'clock.
Special to The Telegraph
Bainbridge, Pa., April 2 9.—On Fri
day evening the commencement exer
ciEes of the Bainbridge high school
will be held In the Methodist Epis
copal Church. The following wtl]
graduate: Pauline Hoffman, Marion
Hemperly, Bertha Landis, Lottie
Smith, Ethel Wile, John Kraybill,
Harry Cobaugh, Carl Smith and Frank
Sweigart. On Saturday evening the
alumni association will hold its an
nual mt'etina and banquet.
Following closely the Motorcycle
Day celebration at Sacramento, an
other big motorcycle event will be
staged In California. This Is to take
the form of a ra.ee meet, which will
taa held at th« Fresno co.unty £alf
grounds on May 17. The schedule
of events Includes contest for Fresno
riders; 10-mile "and 25-mlle contests,
exclusively for San Joaquin Valley
riders; also free-for-all one-hour run.
Another motorcycle event to be held
in California during May Is the Oak
land Motorcycle Club'H endurance run
on the 30th.
APRIL 29, 1914.
"Onyx"4l j
Givea the BEST VALUE for Your Money I
Every Kind iron Cotton to Silk, For Men, Woven and Children J
Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair §
look for the Trade Mark! Sold by All Good Dealers. I
Wholesale Lord & Taylor NEW YORK , I