6 - iiimiiiiiiii bn»ine™'* h ' n8 **"** "*" v|j #NJ9t M AVgl'V LIBERAL TERMS Freight prepaid on out-of- IVmfJ HB / To tibose who need Credit. . \% VllVlVw The Monroe Hall Furniture Co. Receivership Sale Continued After the rush of the first few clays of this sale we can now make prompt deliveries again, ihe people of Harrisburg and vicinity know good values when they see them. This was proven during our sale, as hundreds took advantage of the low prices. Some more of this stock is now on sale but you must conic early to get the best bargains. You can have your purchase charged, no matter how great a reduction in price. ? One Refrigerator Investment || Leonard Cleanable Refrigerator jfJSS ■ turn ! IIP j|i Endorsed bv housewives everywhere, because of its snow- |IJ , J| lij I |H white ,one-piece genuine porcelain lining, fused (not baked) on Iggggnh. ii / Round corners, easy to clean. Saves from a third to half of the ice bills. * Front Door leers. porcelain lined. There are manv imitations, but only one Leonard Cleanable. The Refrigerator you T' n ainel lin , $23.50 want when you see it. $7.50 ' &r . Florence Automatic j Garland Gas Ranges f \ Blue Flame Oil Stoves and Cookers . . __ fin Are distinctly superior in quality, efll- [ ] The Most Powerflli Duncn , Ciency, safety and convenience. Eigh- j\ |>| ' hc rontl ot '' le " ame ' s 111 fronts. Aluminumized ovens. Cook- w> VL \V y diftei»n«^i. ing top with cast iron burner. Rests ~ keen satista iU< m i, b ■ AUS • e od safety lighter, an absolute proven- j other stove. fias Cookers from $11.95 up. aj 1 i n,(\ 0 » 4-burner GIIS Ranges from SUi.rvo up. ' < i■BP?# , *4OTP. Prices from up. We connect the stove, set it up J Yspv ■ ' ■A, no ready for use, no matter if you have T i Ovens from .!>-.< "> tip. | the pipe in your kitchen or not. s Porch Swings, $1.98 - Old Hickory Porch Rockers, $1.98 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Japanese Matting Rugs China Matting Rugs 9x12 size, both Floral and Ori- ()xl2 size _ stcncilct | patte r„ s , . Plaln or fi S ured cenlcrs ' 9x12 ental patterns. Sale price, suc ' $14.00 $2.49 $2.98 **■ —————i——^ Mail to Vera Cruz Subject to the U. S. Domestic Regulations Postmaster Sites was advised by Third Assistant Postmaster General Dockery this morning that all mail J originating in the United States or t any of its possessions for transmission j to "the United States Mail Agency, Vera I Cruz, Mexico, and that originating at , such agency for transmission to the] United States or any of its possessions, I is subject to the United States Domes- | tic regulations, classification, condl- i tions and rates of postage and that only United States postage stamps are valid on such mail. The eighth zone rate of postage ap plies to all parcel post mail addressed to the agency at Vera Cruz. To insure prompt delivery of mail addressed to persons in the United States military or naval service it Powerful Remedy to Cure Rheumatism Gels Into the Small Spaces in Joints, Museles and Tissues—Drives the Poisons Out—Completely. S. S. S. Is a Perfect Wizard to Cure Rheumatism. Great progress has been made In over coming all forms of blood sickness by the famous blood purifier, S. S. S. And rheu matism has been dethroned as never be fore. But people are restless. Tbey look for "new discoveries." And out of the dim, musty past there will, now and then •rise the same old Cloven Foot, the same old Prince of Darkness to stampede all the progress accomplished by n safe and rational medical effort. Thn«. S. S. S„ considered the best and most etfectlve remedy known for rheuma tism must undo the destructive work that is always going on. A century ago mer cury was the guiding etar in all blood troubles; still later the iodides and pot ash stacked the boards and now the lmp- Isfi arsenic misrules the misguided suf ferer. Now to what extent the presnnt gener ation owes its rheumatism to the mercu rial treatment of former days Is an out standing controversy. We judge from an extensive correspon dence during the past forty years, that a host of people trace their rheumatism to • past generation, to their fathers and grandfathers. It "runs In the family. ' And it is safe to predict that the oncom ing generation will likewise suffer so long as the use of mineral drugs Is contin ued. Buch drugs have been the "eastest way," a coat of veneer to lilde the cer tain destructive tendencies going on with in. This fact hat been revealed times without number. Recoveries by the use •f B S. S. point to where Innumerable eases of rheumatism were traced to de- Anatte I* Uw joints Uj mineral drug*. WEDNESDAY EVENING ! should lie directed plainly in care of i the organization, company or vessel I or other branch of the service to which ] the addressee belongs. University Lecture Course Ends Monday School teachers, superintendents, a | few college professors and other In structors from this city and vicinity to j the number of perhaps 400, will meet I in the Technical high school Monday | evening, when the close of the Dr. D. A. Yocum University of Pennsylvania lecture series will be celebrated. Provost Smith, of the University of Pennsylvania, may be among the speakers. A musical and literary program has l been prepared under the chairmanship of Miss Julia Ryan. Severe nervous disorders wer« overeoms by S. P. 8. after great damage had been wrought by the rocks and metals reduced to drugs. Stomach disorders of the most serious nature, clogged kidneys, hardened liver, catarrhal troubles, chronic bronchi tis, asthma, and many direct and reflex diseases have all been the result of harm ful drugs. It Is, therefore, wise to con sider the purely vegetable nature of S. S. S„ Its long history of successes, Its almost universal sale and the fact that in every community throughout the United States are people who liavo cured the worst forms of rheumatism, catarrh, car buncles, blood risings and .all other form* of sickness and disease arising both from Impurities in the blood and from the diastlc drugs that were used In the mli tuken Idea they represented real medical treatment. (Jet a bottle of 8. S. S. from any drug store and note the quick change. Tha stomach recovers, the liver starts lnte/ action, the kidneys are free, the wheez* of bronchitis Is gone, many forms of neuralgia disappear, locomotor ataxia, neuritis, anemia and other damaging evi dences of drug tendencies are driven out and from head to foot the pains, aches and distresses are gone. Be careful ,to accept no substitute for S. S. S. Many pleasant tasting reme dies are loaded with poisonous drugs. Beware of the sting. For a special book on rheumatism ex plaining the remarkable action of 8. S. a. write to the Swift Specific Co., 602 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ua. Uet a bottle of U. a. 8. today. Tampico Practically Without Americans; Exodus Ended To-day By Associated Press Tampico .Mexico, April 27. Via Vera Cruz, April 29. —The American exodus from Tnmpico, which began Wednesday April 22, virtually reached its end to-day with the departure for Vera Cruz of about sixty American refugees on board the tank steamer Cantield. The total number of refu gees sent from there to American ports since the movement is officially given at 2.270. There are a number of Americans still in Tampico. These number a score or more. They have all lived here for many years and are highly thought of by the Mexican population, among whom they have made many warm friends. They are to-day shel tered in the home of Mexican friends living along the Panuco. river and are in little danger. No creditable reports have reached here of any damage to the oil wells, tanks and pipe lines in the Tampico J and Panuco region, but the Corona and other great wells in the Panuco district are overflowing. Many thou sand barrels of oil are being lost daily because no effective way of stopping the flow has been found. Oil experts predict that within a week or ten days the retaining reservoirs will overflow. Asa result a deluge of oil will be pre cipitated into the river and should this catch on fire Tampico and the month of the river will be threatened with destruction. Some Refuse to Move There was almost a condition of panic among the Americans last Wed nesday when, without an Jiour's warn ing, the little squadron of American vessels under Rear Admiral Henry T. Mago steamed down the Panuco river, leaving more than 2,000 Americans defenseless in Tampico. Since this time, however, all those who wanted to leave have been given the oppor tunity to do so. In addition to the long time residents of the city there are still a few Americans in the dis trict back of the river, who absolutely refuse to come out. From the beginning Captain Dough ty of the Frltish cruiser Hermtone has been indefatigable in his efforts to warn Americans, wherever he could reach them, that they should leave the district. Patrol boats of the Hermione have thoroughly explored the Tampico lagoon, and according to reports made to the British commander the Amer ican settlements along the lagoon are deserted. The temper of the Mexican popula tion toward the Americans during the exodus was not merely so violent as might have been expected. No at tempts were made to molest Amer icans. Some excitable Mexicans in sulted them, but none was assaulted. The mob vented its energy In waving Mexican flags, shooting off pistols, breaking a few windows, and shouting "viva Mexico." The Americans who left Tampico Sunday were quartered aboard the cruiser Pes Moines, they re mained until they were transferred to the Canfleld, which is now taking tnem to Galveston The steamer Montevideo, flying the Spanish naval ensign and in charge of officers and men from the Spanish cruiser Carlos V., arrived off the port Sunday to take on Spanish subjects. She left to-day for Vera Cruz with 150 refugees, in cluding four Americans. The only American warships off the port to-day are the gunboat Dolphin, the cruisers Birmingham and Des Moines and nine torpedo boat destroyers. The Hermi one and a few foreign merchant ves sels are still in the river. As a result of the exodus of foreign ers anil the dispersal of a large part of the native population business in Tampico Is at a complete standstill. •iThe only visible signs of acthlty are HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH along the custom house wharf, where three steamers are unloading. Will Defend Tampico While there is good reason to be-! lieve that the rebels investing Tampico | will rejt.et any proposal to ally them selves with the federals for the pur pose of resisting any possible Amer ican aggression there is some uncer tainty as to what course the federals would pursue in such an eventuality. General Zaragosa, the federal com mander, has made public announce ment of his determination to defend Tampico to the last. On the other hand he is reported to have said to a friend last Friday that opposition to American advance would be quite hopeless; that he would only make a feeble show of defense sufficient to satisfy the demands of honor and then evacuate the city. General Zaragosa's force is, not believed to exceed 1,000 men. Considering the federal situation from the standpoint of rebel attack, indications point to their ability to defend Tampico indefinitely. The'fed erals are well supplied with artillery, of which the rebels have none. The rebel attacks hitcherto have never been skilfully directed and they al ways have been futile. The sanitary conditions at Tampico are bad. The water supply is scant, and to a large measure polluted. Spain Incensed by • Report of Attack on Cruiser by U. S. Ships fly Associated Press Vera Cruz. April 29. The blue jacket patrols have been careful in dealing with the native to use. no un necessary harshness and the reßult is evidenced by the call yesterday of Spanish businessmen on the Spanish Consul, asking that the Spanish Min ister in Mexico City seek to induce General Huerta to have the truth as to conditions here published in the capital. The Spaniards are particularly pro-i voked by the report In Mexico City papers that the Spanish cruiser Carlos) V had been sunk In the harbor here by the American ships. They believe the result of such misrepresentation and wilful untruth bad for all foreigners. Hear Admiral Fletcher and his staff have Impressed on all departing Mexi can refugees the friendly Intentions of the United States and their desire that the full truth of all that has hap pened or Is happening in Vera Cruz be transmitted to the inland cities. They hope that tho ill-feeling will stop when the truth becomes known. The few of General Funston's of ficers ashore last night fraternized with naval officers and refugees about the cafe tables, which continue to bo the center of the city's life. The army men were equipped with maps of the city, which they studied with sugges tions from the naval men In prepara tion for relieving the naval forces. Grocers Who Ask High Prices Are Jailed Mexico City, April 29.—Dr. Ignacio Alcocer, Minister of the Interior, has sent further messages to all State gov ernors and to the Jefe pollticos in the territories, urging them in the name of the President to push their efforts to persuade the rebel leaders to unite In defense of national Integrity. Com plete amnesty is promised the rebels. The government has been compelled to take action against the retail deal ers In foodstuffs. Prices have risen to an exorbitant figure and one shop was wrecked yesterday by Indignant clients because of the high prices asked. The government has published an ! official list of the price of commodl i tics and dealers exceeding these fig- I tires will b« imprisoned. Little Anxiety For Safety of Americans Is Now Felt at Vera Cruz liy Associated Press Vera Cruz, Mex., April 29.—Anxiety In Vera Cruz as to friends and rela tives In the interior has been greatly relieved by the events of yesterday, which show that the Mexican authori ties are permitting Americans to come down to the coast. To-day the Amer ican colony, which Is growing steadily, settled down to await news from Puerto Mexico of the arrival of three trainloads of refugees from Mexico City, which the Huertu officials prom ised Commander Tweedie, of the Brit ish cruiser Etesex, had been dispatched j from the capital last night. The route from the capital to Puerto, Mexico Is long and roundabout, and it is not expected that the trains will reach the coast before next Friday. Hear Admiral Badger will have a ves sel at Puerto Mexico to meet the ref ugees. He probably will not send a warship, as this might arouse anti- American feeling in a town which up to the present time has been entirely quiet. The passenger boats available here for the trip to Puerto Mexico have limited wireless equipments; consequently the arrival of the refugee trains, together with the names of those on board, may not be learned until the steamer returns to Vera Cruz. If the refugee trains are tilled to capacity, us they probably will be, it Is estimated that 800 people will be conveyed to Puerto Mexico. It is impossible in Vera Cruz to determine how many Americans this would leave In the -capital. William W. Canada, the American Consul here, is endeav oring to obtain information along this line from the Brazilian Minister at Mexico City, to whom the affairs of thu United States were entrusted when Charge D'Affaires O'Shaughnessy left. Hope of Settlement Mr. O'Shaughnessy and Arnold Shanklln, the American Consul Gen eral at Mexico City, who came out with him, are still here awaiting or ders. So far as is known they have given no intimation as to their prob able Instructions from Washington, This is construed here to mean that the State Department retains hope of a satisfactory adjustment of the pres ent difficult, which would make It pos sible for these officials to return to Mexico City. Consequently their return to the United States now might be in expedient. The release by General Gustavo Maas, the Federal commander outside of Vera Cruz, of the hundred refugees who were brought In from Soledad yesterday by Commander Tweedie, clears teh territory between Vera Crus and Mexico City, on the direct line ol communication, of all Americans witti the exception of a few scattered fami lies whose whereabouts are not known Some may have made their way tc the capital; others to coast ports, anc! some are supposed to be in hiding with friendly Mexican ranchers. Consul Canada has been unable t( communicate directly with the Amer ican refugees and he is urging the Bra zilian Minister at Mexico City to mak< inquiries regarding them througl channels controlled by Preslden Huerta. Names Are Cableil Consul Canada's office is lloodec with cablegrams inquiring for the safe ty of this or that person. As fast ai the lists containing the names of thosi who reach the coast and start foi Galveston are received they are cablet to the State Department at Washing ton. The Soledad refugees are enthusias tic in pralßc of Commander Tweedle, whose determined stand, they believe, alone saved them from probable death or at least prolonged suffering. On being released from the peniten tiary at Soledad, where they had been confined as a protection against the mob, the refugees were taken to the railroad track and handed over to a Mexican major, who had no instruc tions as to what to do with them. A train bound for Mexico City passed but they were not permitted to board it. After waiting hours In the blazing sun, Commander Tweedie's train steamed into sight, bound for Vera Cruz. Several refugees approached the British officer and told of their pllßht "You need not worry, Commander Tweedle answered. "Tills train will not leave without you." Permitted to Depart Commander Tweedle calmly insist ed to the Mexican* officer that he be permitted to take the Americans with him to Vera Cruz, and he refused to listen to the officer's protest that he had no authority in the matter. The Federal officer Anally capitulated and hastened back to the city for instruc tions, returning In an hour with per mibsion for the tired, hungry and nervous Americans to depart. The refugees told also of the gallant conduct of the Mexican military com mander at Soledad and of the mayor I who made every effort to protect the j refuges from the mob in the street, j On the nigh when the situation | was especially serious, the mayor made an address to the citizens urging them to be calm. The most effective work 'however, was done by the command jant, who seized several hundred o1 the most ardent rioters, pressed them into the army and sent they away tc the capital to fill the ranks of Genera! Huertifs forces. There was no fur they display of hostility by the towns people. The refugees say that onu , the lower element was involved in th< ' rioting. Kxperiment Successful Rear Admiral Fletcher's experiment last night In granting the population of Vera Cruz the fullest measure of liberty, permitting them to wander at will In the streets throughout the night in order to convince them of the pacific Intentions of the Americans, proved completely successful. Outside of one or two shots tired in the outly ing districts, which did not damage, the city was tranquil. Brigadier General Funston's officers continued to-day their study of the city. They will take over the work of policing It on Friday, when the Gen eral assumes the title of military gov- DO NOT SCOLD THE CHILDREN Nervous mothers, worried from morning till night by the care of chil dren and the duties of the household; nervous children worn out by over study, unable to sit still or stand still or to keep their minds concentrated on anything very long, both need Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. Try a short treatment with these strengthening pills and watch the color return to pale cheeks and Hps, see how the worn nerves recover their poise, note how much less Irritating the children become and how much loss scolding they need. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a blessing to nervous I people everywhere, men as well as women, because they build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. They lighten the cares of life because they give you new strength to meet them. Nervousness In children should be corrected at once, as It la but a short step to St. Vitus' dance. Give them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to build up their blood and they will become sturdy, pink-cheeked and rugged. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be kept in the house. Your own druggist can supply you. Write now to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenec tady, N. Y., for free booklet. "Home Treatment of Nervous Disorders." — Advertlaornent, •APRIL 29, 1914. Distinctively TURKISH BLEND I|| ***y* CIGARETTES |j Distinctively fitting » for all occasions || Cr. pj«J 20 for 15^ srnor. The officers went about with maps so as to be fully informed as :o the peculiarities of each district vhen they assume control of the city. With the marines and troops al ready here or en route, Brigadier Gen eral Funston will have close to 9,UUO men ashore when his force is com plete. The General is planning his outposts uid picket lines in such a way as lo make the duty as easy as possible for .he men, yet at the same time making the city safe against any surprise at tack. Peacemakers Continue to Gather Information to Effect Settlement Hy Associated Press Washington, D. C., April 29.—While scores of Americans continued their hurried exodus from Mexico and Hrigadler General Funston's troops were landing to complete the occupa tion of Vera Cruz to-day, the repre sentatives of three South American republics gathered in the library of the Argentine legation and resumed the preliminaries of their attempt to steer the Mexican crisis into ways ot peace. No intimation of the tenor of their program has been revealed. There was no indication of when pro posals would be submitted to Huertu or the Washington government, but it seemed probable that three or four days would be required before the next move would be made. Whether the exercise of the South American envoys' "good offices" would progress to the point of actual mediation was a matter of tremendous importance to be settled by later developments, but a spirit of optimism over progress of the negotiations was apparent in ex ecutive quarters. Seek Middle Ground The army and navy to-day contin ued to execute succeeding chapters in plans to meet any eventualities, but in terest in their movements was over shadowed by that evinced in the work of the representati%*es of the South American republics. The three peace makers, proceedings cautiously, arc gathering all possible information from both American and Mexican sources with the aim of reaching mid dle ground from which they may project their next move. Conscious that practically all the civilized na tions of the world are alertly watch ing the progress of tills attempt at Pan-American diplomacy, they are careful to distinguish between the ex. ercise of their "good offices" and what may develop later if the stage, of ac tual mediation is reached. It has beer suggested that the envoys' next move might be to ask the Huerta and Wash ington governments to set out term." on which they would proceed to me diation. If that, line were followed, it was suggested the diplomats speedil} could develop whether solution of the situation by peaceful means were pos sible. Rebels Remain Neutral A report to-day that Carranza ant! Villa, the Constitutionalist leaders had agreed to remain neutral in deal ings between Huerta and the Ameri can government "so long as there was no invasion of their territory," was an encouraging development. News thai American Consul Schmutz and 110 other Americans who had been de tained at Aguascalientes by Federal soldiers had been released and were safe in Mexico City or on their was to Vera Cruz was a relieving feature of a tense situation created by pre- *SOO See Page One (PICTORIAL REVIEW I I FOR MAY 1 I The Summer Fashion Number 1 \ OUT TODAY Dives, Pomeroy Stewart AT ONCE! OPENS UP NOSTRILS HID CLEARS - STUFFf HEAD-COEDS AND CATARRH CO Instant Relief When Nose and Head are Clogged from a Cold. Stops Nasty Catarrhal Dis charges. Dull Headache Van ishes. Try "Ely's Cream Baim." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try It —Apply a Nittle in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breHthe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or I catarrhal sore throat will be goue. vious reports that citizens of the United States had been subjected to persecution. Wounded Doing: Well Supplemental reports from Rear Admiral Badger to-day stated that wounded American marines and blue jackets on the hospital ship Solace continued to gain, and that critical cases appeared hopeful. "Each day," the report stated, "it begins to look as It we would not lose a case." Admiral Badger added that the wounded on the New Hampshire, Florida, South Carolina and Chester were all doing well. Tony Vitearo, seaman 011 the New Hampshire, re turned to duty to-day, leaving a total of fifty-nine wounded still under treatment. News of tlii continued Constitution alist attack on Tampico was received at the Navy Department. Rear Ad miral Mayo stated, however, that there did not seem to be any serious attempt to take the city. He said the number of Constitutionalists around was small and that they did not have any ar tillery. Roosevelt Discovers New Tribe of Savages Sf ecial ft The Telegraph Rio Be Janeiro, Brazil, April 29. —■ Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, on ills journey through' the unexplored re gions of Brazil, discovered a tribe oC savages hitherto unknown. Tho tribesmen named Paupates wero without clothing Of any kind. Captain Amilcar Magalhaes, chief of the Brazilian mission, accompany ing Colonel Roosevelt, who told of this dlscoverv to the Gazeta De Notietas to-day, says the party had some stir ring adventures. Colonel Roosevelt himself killed two tiger cats, each con siderably more than three feet long. The expedition explored and traced the course of the River Gypirana, a tributary of the Madeira. Captain Magalhaes declares that in the accident 011 the Glplrana on March 13, when one of the boats capsized, only the baggage was lost. Tho sketches made by the iwrty floated and were saved. The boat's crew of seven men saved themselves by clinging to the overhanging branches of trees. Tho total bag collated is about 200,000 specimens. POSTPONE ACTION O.V COUPONS Washington, D. C., April 2 9.—Tho controversy before Congress regarding the proposed prohibitive tax to stop the practice of issuing gift coupons with cigarets, cigars and tobacco, along with gifts and tobacco attach ments, it was announced to-day, has been postponed by the House ways and means committee until next De cember. End such misery now! Get th® small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm dissolves by the heat of '.he nos trils; penetrates and healn the In flamed. swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nastj dis charges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't Nay awake to-night strug gling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and bloving. Catarrh or a cold, with its runaing nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness Is distresaing but truly needless. Put your faith —just once—in "Ety'g Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear.—Advertlseineit.