Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 29, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    f I 1
Lumber That's
Easy To Work
saves money to the
builder because it
saves time and work
of carpenters.
\Vd are very careful
about the softness and
grain of our finishing;
lumber, siding, ceiling,
Most of it is mill
plained so that it can
be nailed right into
the house ready for
painting. •
Give us your next
order and examine the
good quality.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forstrr and Condn St*.
Two Months More
of 50c Cheaper Coal
The new scale of coal prices
that went into effect April 1
will continue through May
and June a"d you can have
your bins d with
at a saving of SOc a ton on
Broken, Stove, Egg and Nut.
1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts.
A Pmmliient Phystrtan'x Advice.
"Kat good food? and plenty of them.
Dieting. in many oases is almost crim
inal. Get back to normal. To do so
you must have the proper quantity of
nourishment. You tired it for brain or
physical work. Probably there is noth
ing: the matter with your stomach ex
cept acidity. That is merely an abnor
mal secretion of acid in the stomach.
Neutralize that acid and your stom-
Hch trouble will end at once. Neglect
may mean ulcers if not cancer of the
Ftomach. Do nut take patented medi
cines or pepsin' tablets for dyspepsia.
Simply take a teutralizer of acid. De
cidedly the best neutralizer Is ordinarv
btsurated magnesia. It is inexpensive
«nd you can g*t it at any drug store
Take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass
t'f water after each meal. The relief
will be immediate."—Advertisement.
We Can Hatch
40,000 Hen Eggs
in lots of 150 each or more at 2c
tor each ess set.
Send eggs to
Stoutfer Poultry Farm
or write to
Box 224, Harrisburg, Pa.
Special Blood and Nerve Tablets.
\\ rite for Proof of Cures. Advice Free.
DR. CHASE, 22-1 N. Tenth SL, Philadelphia. Pa.
I A£|REMEDY Gives instant relief
■ in Itehingr, Bleeding or Pro
truding Piles. Price 50 cents.
DR. BOSANKO, Philadelphia, Pa.
Larfeat eatabliahnieot. Beat fariiitiaa. Near to
you aa your phone. Will to anywhere at your call
Motor irnite. No funeral too amali. None too
rxp«naiM. Qkap.lt, looma, vault, etc.. wed with
oot rhirn,
Business Locals
Hasn't half tht chance of 6uccess in
this world as the man vmo is neatly
and fashionably dressed. Why be at
such a disadvantage.when it is possible
to be otherwise? We make perfect
clothes, give you the best in styles and
a large assortment of handsome suit
ings for your selection, at satisfactory
prices. F. S. Lack, 28-30 North Dew",
berry street
When you wish to send flowers to
tomeone out of town, and you would
like to get them there fresh and in
perfect condition and at a certain
time, send Ihem by wire. Schmidt, the
florist, Is the flowergram operator in
Harrisburg and he will see that your
order is delivered promptly by
Flowergraphy. 313 Market street.
We h*ve a handsome display of
shirt waists, the newest styles in ex
clusive materials. Also chic neckwear
and thl*gs of that sort; that are not
common place, and for which you will
find our prices most agreeable." Ladles'
furnishings and lingerie and numerout
article* suitable for gifts. Mrs. Ida
Cranston, 204 Locust street.
Wlen you need anything in the line
of motor car supples we would like to
call J our attention to the fact that we
not only carry a large assortment of
the*" articles, but our stock Is of
standard quality. Vou will find our
lii ices an added attraction. Drop in
ttitp take a look. Edmund Mather
Company, 204 Walnut street.
Third Class Gunner s Mate on the Latft Second Class Commissary on the
North Dakota Maryland. Chief Gunner's Mate on the Virginia.
Anions tho Harrisburgers who are doinß duty for Uncle Sam in the Navy, are Alexander Schory chief
Runner s mate on tho \ irKinia, now en route to Vera Cruz. A younner brother. Harry Schory. third class ran
ners mate on the North Dakota, is awaiting orders to »et into battle. Another brother. Charles F. Schory. was
recent 1> gi\en an honorable discharge from the Maryland on which he was commissary, second class. He is
ready to re-enlist at a moments notice. These three brothers are the sons of John Schory. a tlorist,, now resid-
in 1 ltts'uirjrn.
Four Companies of Twelfth Infan
try Transferred to Mounted
Branch of Service
General orders were issued to-day
from National Guard headquarters
transferring four companies of the
Twelfth Infantry to the cavalry arm
of the Guard. The four companies
ate E. Sunbur.v; 11, Lock Haven: L,
Bellefonte, and A, Lewisburg. and they
are to be constituted the Third Squad
ron of cavalry, under the designations
of Troops I, K, L and M, in the order
named. Major Wallace Fetzer, .Sun
bury. of the Twelfth Infantry, is de
tailed to command the new squadron
and to organize a squadron staff. Part
of the equipment is in hand and the
rest will be requisitioned immediately.
It was stated that the issuance of
the order was in pursuance of a plan
contemplated for -some time. It is
probable that steps to organize new
infantry companies will be taken
[Continued from First Page.]
he expressed the hope that no un
toward occurrence should develop
pending negotiations that might upset
hopes for peace. An armistice, strictlv
adhered to, would prevent such a de
Officials expressed keen Interest in
official reports from Berlin that the
mediators had asked European powers
to use their influence on President
Wilson that would prevent this gov
ernment making conditions of settle
ment as mediation progresses which
would make impossible the success of
the effort to bring about peace. At
the State Department it was stated
that nothing was known of this action
on the part of the envoys.
Following his visit to Secretary
Bryan. Ambassador Da Gama returned
to the Argentine legation, where the
envoys resumed their conference.
When this government would make
answer to the armistice proposal was
not indicated here.
Washington. D. C., April 29.—Criti
cism of the Navy Department's with
drawal of the warships from Tampico
was voiced in the Senate to-day. Sena
tor Fall of New Mexico, presented tele
grams from refugees at Galveston, de
scribing conditions at Tampico. An
effort by Senators Reed and Gore to
prevent the reading of the telegrams
The communications stated that the
American vice consul at Tampico nar
rowly escaped lynching and declared
the State Department was withholding
information as to the situation there
The secretary of the navy was vigor
ously criticised.
"Do I understand," asked Senator
Brandegee, "that American citizens
were forced to take refuge on British
and French warships while our ves
sels were nine miles awav?"
• Yes." replied Senator Fall, "our
vessels were riding at anchor nine
miles away while German ships were
protecting our citizens."
"There would be few refugees in
Galveston to-day except for the inter
vention of the English gunboat," was
contained in a telegram from J. B.
"That statement is so absurd, so
wicked and so contemptible as to de
stroy all value of the telegram," de
clared Senator Stone, chairman of tho
foreign relations committee. He also
referred to the mediation plans and
asked if there could be senators who
desired to put a stumbling block in the
way of mediation. Senator Fall stat
ed he had not noticed the phase ob
jected to by Senator Stone and with
drew the entire telegram from the
Senator Sheppard read a newspaper
editorial quoting Admiral Mayo's offi
cial explanation of the withdrawal of
the American warships.
"No doubt that is true," said Senator
Lodge. "1 went to the Navy Depart
ment myself and asked why the ships
had been withdrawn and they said
that the sight ol American ships there
might inflame the mob."
Washington, D. C-. April Z'J. The
Japanese Government, it has develop
ed, was asked and declined to act for
the Huerta administration through its
diplomatic representatives in Washing
ton, and its consuls iti the United
States, prior to Mexico's application to
Spain to perform this mission, which
was accepted.
The committee on West End play
grounds, appointed by Robert A. En
ders, president of the West End Im
provement League is as follows: S.
H. Garland, 2000 North Fifth street;
Dr. B. H. Jenkins, 2300 North Sixth
street; B. Edward Taylor, 2307 North
Fifth street.
Washington, D. C. t April 29.—These
Pennsylvania postmasters were con
firmed this week: John T. Brew,
Erie; Paul O. Brosius, Lock Haven:
Charles S. Duncan, Gettysburg, and
John J. McAllister, Bryn Mawr.
George M Graham, president of
the Tri-State League, to-day an
nounced the appointment ol' Welling
ton G. Jones, spurting editor of the
I liirrlsburg Telegraph, as offi< fal scorer
ic this citi Xor the 11)14 season.
Templars Elevate M. D. Lichliter
to Eminent Commander;
Junior Makes Address
Outside of a few choice instances
found in the history books, it doesn't
often happen that honors are show
eerd upon father and son all in one
evening, but that occurred last night
ut the installation of Pilgrim Com
mandery. No. 11. Knights Templar,
when Mnrcellus D. Lichliter was ele
vtade to eminent commander and his
son. the Rev. Mcllyar H. Lichliter,
of Beusnt Commandery, No. 8, Balti
more, was attended in an inspiring
discourse by the guests and ladies
present. There were about 300 knights
in the hall when, after a reception to
installing officers, the Rev. Har-y X.
Bassler. prelate, pronounced the invo
cation. The intallution of MarceNus
D. Lichliter by William M. Donaldson,
past grand commander, followed; then
William H. H. Baker inducted John
O. Shumberger as. generalissimo. Clyde
P. Love became captain-general. Owen
11. Copelin officiating: Daniel H.
Heisey installed Howard A. Ruther
ford as treasurer; George A. Gorgas
installed N. Frank Matter as recorder.
Installation of appointed officers was
followed by the charge to the com
mandery. delivered by William M.
Donaldson. Proclamation was deliv
ered by Arthur D. Bacon, marshal,
assisted by Francis C. Neely, herald.
An address by the Rev. Lichliter
proved the feature of the evening.
The Baltimore divine spoke on "The
Quest of a New Knighthood." con
trasting the methods of the Crusaders
with the methods of Templars to-day.
To-day the knights go forth to
make safe the road to Jericho" with
out the sword. Slaking safe the road
to Jericho means the elimination of
charity and charitable organizations in
the time to come when the dispensing
of charity will be unnecessarv, a con
dition which true charity seeks to
bring about, the Rev. Mr. Lichliter
dwelt also on the position that Ma
sonry and Templardom occupies in re
spect to the Church. He averred that
it never was the intention to make
Masonry a substitute for the Church,
but that Masonry was to Christianity
a handmaiden, like as a morning star
to the bright sun. The Rev. Mr. Lich
liter s talk was full of pithy and invig
orating expressions and was greatly
appreciated by the Harrisburg knights.
A luncheon and dancing closed the
evening's festivities.
The committee on arrangements in
cluded Frederick J. Smith, chairman,
Christian Nauss, N. Frank Matter,
H illiam H. H. Baker, Marcellus D.
Lichliter, John C. Shumberger, Clyde
P. Love. William B. Mausteller. Wil
liam A. 8011, Luther W. Walzer Fred
erick M. Tritle, Francis C. Neely,
Charles H. Smith and George Roberts'
[Continued from First Page.]
delphia home were conducted by the
Rev. Dr. James Crawford, of Christ
Reformed Church. He made no re
ference to the life of Mr. Baer, conlin
ing himself to the simple funeral ser-
ices of the church. The services oc
cupied a scant half hour.
S|K>oial Train in Waiting
After the family took final leave the
funeral party was formed and pro
ceeded to the Reading Terminal
where a special train was in waiting,
rhe plain hearse without plumes or
frills, conveying the bodv of Mr Baer
stopped on the Market street side of
the big terminal. Traffic and other
activities in the vacinity stopped and
persons hurrying to trains paused as
pallbearers slowly drew the casket
fro mthe hearse and proceeded into
the station.
The carriages containing the mourn
ers drew up at the Terminal in the
Twelfth street side and entered the
building by the side entrance almost
beneath the windows of the office that
had been used by Mr. Baer.
Mrs. Baer, bowed with grief, leaned
on the arm of her widowed daugh
ter. Mrs. Frank Connerd, of Read
ing, as she entered the station.
Bower of Flowers
Dsrpkc tie request of the family
to o.ilii flowers, the Philadelphia
home of the Baers was a bower of
memorial tributes. Noticeable among
the floral offerings was a stand of
American beauty roses almost eight
feet high from the New Jersey Cen
tral railroad. Prom Somerset county,
Pa., where Mr. Baer was born, came
a wreath of flowers, the tribute of the
Bar Association of that county.
During the funeral services at Read
ing all trains on the Reading system
came to a standstill for one minute
at 2 o'clock.
Refugees Tell Pitiful
Tales of Hardships
Washington, D. C., April 29. A late
report from Consul Canada, at Vera
Cruz, says the refugees arriving from
Cordoba told pitiful tales of hardships
inflicted upon them during their Im
prisonment there. After their arrest
they were horded together like cattle
and marched through the public streets
to a small and unsanitary jail. Mean
while angry mobs on all sides threw
fruit, stones and other mis
siles at them and threatened their
lives. Arrived at the jail, they were
crowded into email rooms, forty of the
prisoners belr.g in the same apart
Census Bureau Now Estimates
Population of This City at
Nearly 70,000
Washington, D. C., April 29. —Penn-
sylvania population, it is estimated
by the Census Bureau, will reach
8,245,967 in July this year, an increase
in four years of 580,856. The census
of the State in 1910 was 7,665,111.
Pensylvania ranks second in popula
tion and holds this place in its increase
in four years.
Harrisburg is credited with an in
crease of more than 5,000, the pres
ent population being given as 69,493.
New York, the largest State in the
Union in poulation, had 9,13,614 per
sons in 1910, as against an estimated
population of 9,898,761 this year, or
an increase of 785,147.
The estimated population of some
of the cities of more than 8,000 popu
lation in Pennsylvania for this year,
compared with the census of 1910. is:
Allentown. 6 0.297; Altoona. 56,553;
Bethlehem. 13,721; Carlisle, 10,589;
Columbia. 11,454; Easton, 29,882; Erie
City. 72,401; Harrisburg, 69.493; Lan
caster. 49,685; Lebanon. 19,926; Lew
istown, 9.748; Muhanoy City, 16,971;
Mount Carmcl, 19,386; Pottsville, 21,-
684; Reading, 103,361; Shamokin. 20,-
841; Shenandoah, 28,097; South Beth
lehem, 22.840: Steelton. 15,126; Sun
bury, 15,458; Tamaqua. 10.396;
Wilkes-Barre, ' 73,660; Williamsport,
33,181; York, 49,430.
Playground Association
Secretary Calls on
Superintendent Taylor
Walter B. Dickinson, associate sec
retary of the Playground and Recrea
tion Association of America, called on
M. Harvey Taylor, Superintendent of
Parks, yesterday, to talk over this
city's playground plans. Mr. Dickin
son will visit Harrisburg again when
the recreation places are in full opera
Friendship Company
Still Insists on First
Place in the Line
The Firemen's Union has decided to
send a committee to York to discuss
with York companies- parade prece
dence. The Friendship still stands pat
on first division to-day, announced
President D. H. Kiester. The York
conference committee includes H. O.
Holstein, E. D. Tittle, John Snyder, A.
L. Patton, H. D. Hilton, E. F. Eisley.
The Harrisburg: Commerce Chamber
will have charge of the decorations, it
was agreed.
Going Blind, Walked Many
Days at Dizzy Heights
When a stain used to tint plaster
got into his eyes, George, better known
as "Buffalo" Patterson, went nearly
blind, but persisted in keeping on work
ing at bis Job as a hod-carrier. Daily,
with a prayer on his lips, he mounted
wkind-swept scaffolding and walker
across dizzy spaces; liut h<> never slip
ped. Then the eyes got worse, and he
at last had to quit. Patterson lives
with bis wife and mother and four
small kids at 1146 Cumberland street
In humble surroundings. He wants
work now that will enable him tu use
bis strength—and he has a llurculean
frame —and bis knowledge without
having to strain his eyes. The sight of
one eye, it is believed, is irremediably
gone; but he is beginning to see out
of the other. Patterson has been em
ployed bv many contractors through
out the city and is sober and steady and
faithful—and he wants a job.
5 Cents an Hour Increase
For Bricklayers in August
*)emands of the journeymen brick
layers' association for an increaso in
wages of five cents has been granted
by the board of arbitrators of the mas
terbrleklayers' association, and the in
crease, it was announced to-day, will
go into effect on August 1.
The journeymen bricklayers, now
paid sixty cents an hour ask for the
increase to take effect May 1. The
arbitration board, consisting of F. H.
Bomgardner, P. G. Granford and S. J.
Brown met the Journeymen's leaders
and reached the above satisfactory
Forest Heberling, who last season
captained Tech's football team, was
unanimously elected president of the
Senior class yesterday afternoon, and
Basil Tittle, basketball star, was elect
ed vice-president. Dawson Matter and
Chester Buffington, who for the past
three years have been honor men, were
elected as secretary and class historian,
respectively. Class treasurer Is Rob
ert Henschen. There will bo no class
day, it was decided; but instead the
class will take a trip—possiblv to Tol
chester Beach. The following com
mittees were named bv President Heb
erling: On picture, Morton Kay, John
Gaugler, Boss Willis, John Dloyd; on
trip. Forest Heberling, John Elscheld,
Robert HofTman, Basil Tittle.
Christian Kramer, tobacconist and
cigar dealer at Third and Relly streets,
who has been quite ill for several
months, is able to be about. Mr. Kramer
is one of the oldest volunteer llremen
in Harrisburg and is president of the
Volunteer Firemen's Beneficial Asso
Prince Among Player Pianos
For Your Square Piano We Will Allow $l5O -
For Your Upright Piano We Will Allow Its Purchase Price
Unlimited Exchange of Music Free—Guaranteed Ten Years
Rockefeller, Jr., Talks
of Strike Situation
Sfecial to The Telegraph
New York, April 29.—The only point
at issue between the Colorado Fuel
and Iron Company and the miners, so
far as the company is concerned, is
unionizing the miners at the demand
of an outside body, said John D. Rock
efeller, Jr., yesterday in the first state
ment he has made concerning the
Colorado situation.
Mr. Rockefeller said the company
had voluntarily granted all the de
mands of the men long before the
strike was thought of.
When Congressman Foster, chair
man of the House committee on mines
and mining, came to New York Mon
day at the behest of the President to
interview Mr. Rockefeller in the hope
of a solution of the situation, he was
unable to make any suggestion which
did not involve the unionizing of the
mines or the submission of that ques
tion to arbitration. Mr. Rockefeller
will not arbitrate this matter. In his
statement he concludes:
"But there is a final aspect of this
grave matter which deserves more
than all else the attention of the
American public in this crisis: whether
the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company
and the other operators have been
wholly free from blame or not in the
present controversy, the issue now to
be. decided is whether the State, or fail
ing the State, the nation, shall make
good the constitutional guarantee of
law and order."
While playing with some children
at Fifteenth and State streets early
last evening, 23-month-old Edward
Turns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
D. Turns, 1419 North street, ran out
into the street in front of an approach
ing trolley and before the car could
be stopped the youngster was picked
up and carried for twenty feet on the
fender. He escaped with no other in
juries than a factured bone In his left
foot and a slight gash on the ankle.
Park iSr Pollard's "Growing Feed" Fop Chicles
In really wonderful In the nure rennltM It bring* to all poultry men. Amateur* and fancier* of long expeiienee
all unite In thin ntatement that there In nothing like It. The earlier you tit your bird* (or market, the higher
the prlee and at the leant coat. It puta the bird* to market bigger and quleker and get* the pullets to laying
earlier. Start feeding It dry when the ehlcka are three weeka old. l»rlee, 10 lba„ 35c» 26 lb*.. 75c* 100 lb*. $2.75.
Eaton's "Life Saver" Little Chick Feed
I* without queatlon the hlnlieht quality I.Htle Chick Feed made. It I* Hclentlflcally balanced, made of all
pore groin* of the lilKhrnt quality. Therr Ih no other "Juat as good." Eaton'* "l.lfe Saver," Little Chick, ■■ ■
grain .crutch feed, nud Park nnd Pollard'* (inmlnK Feed—o nianh, make* n perfect lialnnced feed nod roar
chick* will Brow ju*t right. Price, 10 lb*., 35ci 2o Ih*., 75c; 100 lb*., $2.75.
Everything For Little Chicks—Prairie State Incubators and Brooders
and Chas. A. Cypher's New Buffalo Incubators.
The two br*t—«old on a poaltlve guarantee that they will hatch every hatchable egg—and the chlcka an tk.
big, healthy kind that live.
PRAIRIE STATE—SO-egg alae, $8.00) 100-egg alse, sl2.oo—larger alsea np to 400 egga. *
APRIL 29, 1914.
Bury Pet Dog in
Special Steel Casket
In the garden of the residence of
the Misses Wilhelm at Paxtang a
mound is observable to-day. Under
neath the mound is a steel casket.
Within the specially constructed casket
lie the remains of Johnny a beloved
water-spaniel. Johnny died Sunday
and his owners determined to accord
him a substantial resting place. Wish
ing to encase the faithful animal's
body in a suitable casket .they con
sulted with the Harrisburg Manufac
turing and Boiler Company, who sent
a daughtsman to Paxtang. The dead
dog was measured. There were stipu
lations as to the design of the casket.
Yesterday Johnny was put in a casket
of half-inch steel plate measuring
40 by 24 by 12 and weighing 550
pounds, and on the shoulders of stout
carriers was conveyed to the grave
dug in the garden.
Telephones jingled most all day in
the county commissioners' office while
the clerks answered insistent Inquiries
about a hundred and one things about
the Spring registration. To-day is the
only day and from all reports the list
of nann-s that were tabulated was
more or less light.
Only two vacancies had to be filled
by the county commissioners. In the
Fifth precinct of the Eighth ward
Warren .Vandyke was unable to serve
and Elmer C. Finkenbinder was named
as his successor and in the third pre
cinct of the Third, Harry A. Van Horn
was appointed to succeed William
Realizing the nee« of a place to
worship after the Capitol Park Ex
tension Commission purchases the two
local orthodox synagogues, the Kesher
Israel. Fourth and State streets, and
the Chlsuk Emuna. Filbert and North
streets, negotiations are under way to
purchase the old St. Paul's Episcopal
Church. Sixth and Forster streets.
It is likely that the two orthodox
churches will consolidate.
Red Cross Sale
Dr. Phillips' Topic
I)r. U. R. Phillips, a member of the
Harisburg Red Cross Seal Committee,
will be the opening speaker of the
fourth annual conference of Pennsyl
vania Tuberculosis Workers to bu
held In the red room of the Bellevue-
Stratford hotel, Philadelphia, may »"».
Dr. Phillips will deliver an address
on "A Rousing Red Cross Seal Cam
The conference Will be divided into
a morning and afternoon session, the
first to be held at 10:30 o'clock and
the second at 2:30. Dr. Frank A.
Craig, of Philadelphia, will be chair
man of the morning session; Dr. Wil
liam Charles White, Pittsburgh, will
lead the afternoon meeting. The ma
jor subjects to be. discussed will be:
I—"The Red Cross Seal Campaign";
2—"Home Conditions and Tuber
culosis"; 3—"Tuberculosis and the
Public Health."
Among the speakers of the day will
be Howard Lewis Fussel and Ray C.
Kisley, assistant secretaries ol the
I Pennsylvania Society for the Preven
tion of Tuberculosis; Bernard J. New
! man, executive secretary of the Phila
delphia Housing Commission; Edward
! 1 loehhauser, of the United Hebrew
Charities. New York City; Dr. Paul A.
[Lewis, of Henry Phipps Institute; Dr.
; Meyer Solis Cohen; Alexander M.
Wilson, assistant director of the De
partment of Health, Philadelphia; Dr.
111. K. M. Landls, Phipps Institute, and
I Karl de Schweintiz, Charity Organiza
tion Society, New York City.
Retail merchants, members of the
f merchants' section of the Harrisburg
| Chamber of Commerce, will get to
gether to-night at a smoker to be held
I at the offices of the Chamber of Com
While strictly a social gathering:,
there will be Borne important announce
ments made regarding this year's cam
paign. The principal entertainer will
be A. A. Aal, of Reading, who will give
a humorous talk on the life of a trav
eling man.
Delaware Breakwater. Del., April
29. —The scout cruiser Salem, which
sailed from the Philadelphia navy yard
yesterday for Vera Cruz, passed out
to sea nt 6.40 a. m.