4 ASTRICH'S IN OUR FRENCH ROOM We have marked down some of our prettiest Hats— About 20 Hats. We could not find any more which needed marking down. However, we think we cai interest 20 women sufficiently to give them quite a bargain. The balance of the Hats in our French Room are too new and priced so moderate that they sell on sight. This notice is worth investigating. Elevator to third flow. ASTRICH'S "WIR SPIRIT" OF COLLEGE STUDENTS Boys at Lebanon Valley Demon strate Their Feelings in Sham Battle Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., April 29.—Led by Jo- ! seph Rutherford, a Middletown boy. I about 150 of the male students of! Lebanon Valley College Marched 1 around the campus and through the I streets of Annville last night as a! demonstration of the war spirit I brought on by the present trouble j with Mexico. The students surrounded j the administration building, where the ! national flag was saluted with much [ cheering. As a litting conclusion of ! the night's enthusiasm the "army" ! divided itself into two squads on the j campus and charged each other with j broom clubs, canes and rakes. This 1 morning several of the less fortunate j students are nursing badly swollen ! 'aces. The Systematic Housewife Eliminates Wash Day System should prevail in the! home just as it does in the j business house, for it elimi-J nates much work, waste time, ex-1 pense and trouble. Adopt the system j of knowing, housewives! Send your I washing to us. We will handle it as j well as you, yourself. All you do is simply give our driver i your laundry bag. Before you know it. your washing is returned, clean and I sweet—no garment torn— no buttons ! pulled off. Phone now for our wagon. Learn what it means to get the upper hand i on wash day and enjoy a day of rest i or pleasure instead of drudgery and ] worry. Troy Laundry Hoffman & Schooiey, Prop's. Both 'Phones. 1520-26 FULTON ST. Walk Suggestion \ g | It's beautiful now in Bellevue Park, and it's going to get | | prettier every day. A more delightful spot for a home- I setting you won't ilnd anywhere. And it's cheaper. | | Union Real Estate Investment Co. | | Park Sales Office, I City Sales Office, g Bell phone. 3551. I Bros. & Knecfe. . No Votes For Women! You Are Cordially Invited to Attend the Sessions of Pennsylvania Anti-Suffrage Convention Y. M. C. A. HALL Thursday, April JOth, 1914 Afternoon 2:30 Evening 8:15 Addresses by Able Speakers at Both Sessions WEDNESDAY EVENING JUDGE TREXLER AT CHILD CONFERENCE Will Speak on Saturday, May 9, at the Lehigh Valley Conference All other engagements have been set aside by Judge Frank M. Trexler for Saturday, May 9, so that he may attend the lifth annual meeting of the Lehigh Valley Child Helping Confer ence, to be held at Muhlenberg Col lege. Of this admirable movement Judge Trexler was the founder, as ho was at the time on the common pleas bench of Lehigh county at Allentown. Notable instances of the child helping movement are the famous Neighbor hood House at Palmerton and the Carter Junior Republic at Kedington. Judge Trexler. who was on the bench of Lehigh county for eleven years prior to his elevation to the Superior Court, is intensely interested in chil dren. First of all. long before he ever thought of becoming a judge, he ac quired a family of his own, of the size approved by Colonel Roosevelt. From his experience on the bench he gleaned the idea that it was all wrong to treat certain children, or any chil dren at all, in the criminal sessions, and became a pioneer in the child helping movement. Judge Trexler is president of the i 1 Juvenile Court Association of Penn sylvania, which aims to keep children i out of the courts, and he is the ; I founder and has for twenty years been : ! the president of the Allentown Young , Men's Christian Association, which I during his administratiftn, year by 1 year, has had a membership of up ward of 23,000. A remarkable stroke ' of ability on the part of Judge Trexler was the financing of the magnificent! | $200,000 building of the Allentown i Y. M. C. A. FOR THK PUBLIC We have arranged with the invent- j ors to give a joint recital of the two j greatest musical instruments of the | age—the Edison Diamond Disc Phono- 1 graph and the Stoddard Ampico Elec- ; trie player piano. Technical high I school auditorium Thursday evening, | April 30 at 8 p. m. Tickets of admis- j |sion may be secured at our ware-! rooms. The J. H. Troup Music House, j 15 South Market Square.—Advertise-1 ment. I:\DFJIS-KLDER MARRIAGE Miss Bessie E. Elder and Matthew \ 11. Enders, both of this city, were unit- j ed in marriage Monday evening, April 27. at the home of Mrs. Francis Elder, Wodbine street, by the Rev. A. S. Wil liams. pastor of the Curtin Heights j Methodist Church. The bride wore a j frock of white silk voile, with touches | of lace and satin. She carried a bou- j quet of bride roses. Congratulations | and a supper followed the service. Mr. ; and Mrs. Enders will make their home | in this city. Wor«f Than I'laylnK With Doll* [From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.] ; A Findlay woman set fire to herself while trying to light her pipe and was burned to death. Here is an object lesson for mothers to impress on their I little girls as indicating the undesir- j ability of pipe smoking by ladies. CONCERT IN CHURCR THURSDAY EVENING Three Popular Musicians Will Pre sent Fine Program at Stevens Memorial Local music-lovers will have an op portunity to listen to what promises to be one of the best musical treats over given a Harrisburg audience. On Thursday evening. April 30, at 5.13 o'cloe, in the Stevens Memorial Meth odist Episcopal Church, Miss R. Flora Weil, assisted by Miss Sara I rner, violinist, and Miss Ruth Kraybill at the piano, will give the following pro gram: "Love is the Wind." MacFayden, "In the Time of Roses," Reichardt, "Invocation to Venus" (opera "Her nias"). Parolll, Miss Weil; "Legend," Wieniawski. Miss Lenier; "Rose Dreamed She Was a Lily," Brown, "Dearie," Riker. "Counsel to Nina," Wekerlin, Miss Weil; "Souvenir," Drdla, "Serenade," Drdla, Miss Lenier; "Fair Jessie" (Cycle Seven Songs), Von Fielitz, Miss Weil; "Humoreske." Dvorak, "Liebesfreud," Kreisler, Miss Lemer; "O Heart of Mine," Galloway, "The Jap Doll." Gnynor, "My Honey," Lynes, "Confession," Rogers, Miss Weil. Pennsylvania Couples Married at Hagerstown Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Mr., April 29.—Miss Elva May Evilhock and Charles Mil ! ton Shives, both of Penbrook, Pa., I were married yesterday afternoon at the parsonage of the First Baptist i church here by the Rev. E. K. Thomas. Miss May Rouzer, of this city, and 'Samuel C. Lucas, of Shippensburg, I Pa., were married here on Monday jat the parsonage of Trinity Lutheran : church by the Rev. Dr. J. S. Simon. Miss Catherine Smith and Roy | Beard, both of Harrisburg, were | united in marriage yesterday at the j parsonage of the First Baptist church ;by the Rev. E. K. Thomas. Miss Charlotte Freysinger and | Charles Martinsdale, both of Lemoyne, i were married here Saturday evening | by the Rev. E. K. Thomas, pastor of | the First Baptist church. Miss Emma S. Adams, of Shermans ! dale, and Ira D. Fish, Jr., of Me : chanicsburg, were married here Sat urday afternoon at the parsonage of ! the First Baptist church by the Rev. | E. K. Thomas. Baum-Miller Wedding at the Bride's Home j The marriage of Miss Romaine J Bertha Miller and J. Lauer Baum was J a quiet event of evening at the i home of the bride's parents, Mr. and I Mrs. William S. Miller, Wormleysburg. I The ceremony was performed at 8 I o'clock, by the Rev. George B. Ren ; shaw, pastor of the United Brethren Church, at Worinleysburg, in the pres- I once of the immediate families of the j young couple. The bride, who was unattended, wore a charming gown of white satin with chiffon draperies, and carried a shower of bride roses and valley lilies. After an informal reception and sup per Mr. and Mrs. Baum left for their wedding journey to Southern points. Mr. Baum is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Baumfi of AVormleysburg, and is connected with the Bridge and Construction Department of the Penn sylvania Steel Company, at Steelton. Miss Eslinger's Pupils Give Musicale at Enola The pupils of Miss Sadie E. E. Es linger, Enola, gave a music-ale Mon day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fra..k Knaub. The program, pleasing and well rendered, was fol lowed by refreshments. Those present were the Misses Mar garet Hassler, Alverta Klein, Katha rine Williamson, Janette Lyons, llo maine Honich, Mary Boyer, Irene Black, Marguerite Sweeney, Kuth Kerr, Luella Hawkins, Christina Ker lin, Helen Libhart, Katharine Lib hart, Margaret Black, Keoka Haw kins, Margaret Kunkle, Emma Vand ling, Edith Gamber, Miss Libhart, Mrs. J. Libhart, Mrs. Klein, Mrs. H. Hassler, Mrs. Wm. Knaby, Mrs. Bor dlemay, the Misses Helen Knaby, Mar garet Knaub, Viola Knaub, Carrie Knaby, Maud Lillian Khaby and Sadie E. E. Eslinger, Walter Bordle may, John Campbell, Boyd Knaby and Walter Burkholder. IXNCHEON WITH MBS. JENNINGS Jlrs. W. W. Jennings entertained at luncheon to-day at her residence, fill North Front street, with the guests chiefly her old friends among the so ciety folks of the city. DR. D. J. REESE DENTIST nnn movfil his offlre* In the KI'NKEIi BUILDING Third nml Mnrkel street* «nrrh n»ort g&RJUBBTTRQ TELEGKXPH MRS. DECEVEE HEADS THE WEDNESDAY CLUB Election This Morning Follows Brilliant Concert Which Closes Season The annual meeting of the Wednes day Club was held this morning, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee; vice-president. Miss Nancy Shunk; re cording secretary, Mrs. Bent Leonard Weaver; corresponding secretary, Mrs. William L. Keller; leader of chorus, Miss Ruth Swope Conkling. The presi dent will appoint a program commit tee later on. Last evening's concert in Fahne stock Hall was a brilliant closing to a most successful season. The audience chrowded the place and expressed its appreciation of a most unusual pro gram by round after round of ap plause. The pianistes, including Miss Snave ly. Mrs. Weaver, Miss Bennethum, Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Martin B. Cumbler and Miss Wlttenmyer, playod wonderfully well, and Miss Sara Lemer, who is al ways popular, was enthusiastically given an encore after her violin num ber, "Zigounerweisen," by Sarasate. The vocalists in solos and trios were Mrs. Hertzler, Mrs. Decevee, Mrs. Ar thur H. Hull, Mrs. Buinbaugh, Miss Middaugh, Mrs. Roy G. Cox and Mrs. W. F. Harris. All were In excellent voice and gave delightful interpreta tions of their songs. The cantata, "Fair Ellen." by Max Bruch, was sung under the direction of Miss Conkling, with George Sutton, baritone, and Mrs. Cox, soprano, tak ing the solos. The concerted parts j showed careful work on the parts of i both leader and chorus, and the whole effect was most pleasing. > Noon Meetings Held by Y. W. C. A. Committees The noon meetings held by com mittees of the Young Women's Chris tian Association at various factories of the city are most interesting and largely attended. Monday at the lilough factory was a red letter day, I for the large audience had the pleas j lire of hearing Master Hugh Wall, a | hoy soprano, give some beautiful solos. He was heartily applauded and kept singing until the whistle blew to re | sume work. Tuesday noon Mrs. Arthur M. Keown was the entertainer at the Moorhead knitting mill. Mrs. Keown gave several whistling selections and the girls were so interested and ap preciative of her talent that they have urged' her return. Miss Amy Keown accompanied the soloist. The next meeting here will be a gospel service. Bride-elect Is Hostess to Her Girl Friends Miss Jean Fishel Robinson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Robinson, 1538 Derry street, who is to be mar ried to-morrow morning to C. Lau rence Shepley, 29 South Third street, last night entertained for her girl friends. Following an evening of song and social frolic, a buffet supper was served to the Misses Helen Weaver, Ruth Ileagy, Irene Sholl, Miriam Carl, Rene Shields, Merne Speece, Villa Baker, Margaret Caveny, Ruth Creep, Ruth Rexroth, May Barley, Ruth Willough by and Mrs. John Record. Reception After Lecture at Executive Mansion Following the annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society to-morrow aft ernoon at 2.30 o'clock at the Execu tive. Mansion Br. Arthur Holmes, of the, Pennsylvania State College fac ulty, will make an address on "Child Development," to which all interested are invited. Mrs. Tener will hold her "at home" to-morrow from 4to 6 o'clock. It will be as delightfully informal as usual, as no cards are issued for these events. Mrs. Thomas S. Blair, of 403 North Second street, went to Newvllle to day to attend the funeral of a rela tive. Miss Maude Mote, of 341 Hummel street, entertained the Olivet Em broidery Club at her home last even ing. Mrs. Guy S. Vogt, of 1826 Green street, was hostess last evening for a Five Hundred Club, of which she is a member. Twelve members were present. Miss Eftie McCaleb has returned to Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Baird McCaleb at 27 North Front street. Mrs. Harry Crist, of 1506 Penn street, is enjoying a little visit in Washington, D. C. Miss Tainson Drinkwater, of 111 Tuscarora street, was hostess Monday evening for the Queen Esther Circle of St. Paul's Methodist Church. Mrs. Richard C. Hall has returned home to Bedford after visiting Mrs. Neil E. Salsich at the Riverside Apart ments. The Rev. Horace Clute • Marries in New York Announcements were received in this city to-day of the marriage of Miss Margaret Elizabeth Duncan, of New York, and the Rev. Horace Ed win Clute on Tuesday, April 28, at the Church of the Holy Nativity, of which the Rev. Mr. Clute is rector. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Dr. Mottet, rector of the Holy Communion Church. OwinK to the recent death of the bride's mother, the wedding was very quiet, only the immediate family and a few intimate friends being present. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Clute left for a two weeks' trip, after which they will reside in the rectory at Bedford Park, New York city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris Bell, of 1602 State street, announce the birth of a son. Chester El I wood Bell, Monday, April 27, 1914. Mrs. Bell was formerly Miss Elizabeth S. Grumblne, of Leb anon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wheaton, of Pittsburgh, announce the birth of a daughter. Helen Kenrns Wheaton, Sat urday. April 25, 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Wheaton were residents of llarris- Liuik lor a lime. TURN THE BACKYARD INTO FLOWER GARDEN Civic Club Wants School Children to Beautify Their House Gardens The Harrisburg Civic Club will try ! a new experiment this season, intro ducing work along the home garden lines, as practiced by many of the eastern and western cities, which have urged co-operation in the movement. Saturday morning from 9.30 to 12 o'clock Mrs. Edwin S. Herman, chair man of the garden school committee of the Civic Club, will bo with her assistants at the Patriot business office, 11 North Second street, to give out seeds free to all school children who wish to compete for prizes. Pupils of all grades from the primary to the high school are eligible to enter th® contest and they may purchase other seeds if they wish in order to make their gardens larger and prettier. Full directions will be given them on Sat urday how to proceed with their work. PrUes will be awarded as follows: Ten dollars for the most beautiful back yard; two of $5 each for the next best and two of $2.50 each for the fourth and fifth winners, and a large number of $1 gifts for faithful work and improvements. It is hoped that all who can will avail themselves of this privilege offered by the Civic Club. Y. W. C. A. District School Has Many Graduates There was fun for everybody last evening at the Young Women's Chris tian Association, when a district school was hild with an attendance of sixty pupils and visitors. Girls of the T. M. T. M. Club were hostesses and the whole affair was carried out perfectly from the kinder garten class, in charge of Miss Eliz abeth Hilleary, through the primary and grammar grades, with Miss Ro berta Swartz and Airs. E. W. Harvey, teachers, to the graduating class with Dr. M. C. Jones, principal. Special mention must be made of the German readings by Mrs. Sarah Erlenmeyer, an advanced pupil, the musical numbers by Ellen Stitt, a pupil of Leschetizsky, and the recitations by the Blair and Snyder children. Prizes for excellent work were presented to Mary Fisher, of the kindergarten; Helen Tilghman, of the primary class; Mary Frances Abel, of the grammar school, and Maude Hoster, Edith Wil son and Edna Forrer, of the academic department. Diplomas were presented at the close of the school and after ward the children received lunch boxes filled with good things to eat. Gifts For Miss Sullivan Who'll Soon Be a Bride Miss Mary Kennedy Sullivan, of 526 North street, a coming bride, re ceived a shower of housekeeping gifts last evening from the clerks of a local department store. Cards, music and a buffet supper were enjoyed later in the evening by the following: The Misses Kathryn lfagerman, Elizabeth Hager, Ruth Baker, Mary Weaver, Mary Enright, Laura Fraehlich, Florence Shreffler, Gertrude Keil, Alice Cooper, Kathryn Eby, Martha Craig, Esther Martz, Eila Kennedy, Mary McDevitt, Bertha Metzgar. Genevieve Ward, Isabel Koons, Sarah Holtry, Miss Humphrey, Miss Wilson, Miss Keener, Mrs. Dora Zell. Mrs. Smith Mrs. Moyer, Charles E. Schlayer, J. C. Soutter and Mrs Elizabeth Sullivan. Mil. AND MRS. CRAWFORD ENTERTAIN AT CARDS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Jr., of 1813 Rudy street, pleasantly enter tained at cards last evening, with a late buffet supper served. In the party were the Misses Anna Mehring, Marian McCormick, Ethel Shearer, Ruth Shull, Mina Crawford and Mary Reese, Dr. H. H. Warner, Russell Yetter, William Kirby, Charles McCall, C.» J. Shellenberger, Harry Shader and Mr. and Mrs. Crawford. Miss Edith Clute, of 313 North Sec ond street, is honifi from New York, where she attended the flute-Duncan Wedding. Miss Alice A. Gruydon, who has been suffering with a severe attack of grip, is somewhat better to-day. Benjamin Sherman, of Brooklyn, N Y., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Sam uel Katzman ,of North Seventh street. Mrs. Wilson Corntnan, of Lebanon, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Raymond, of 1101 North Front street. Mrs. Milton Howard Greenawalt, of Brooklyn, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian L. Gohl, left to-day for Fayetteville for a stay with relatives. GUESTS AT ECKBERT HOME Mrs. W. F. Eckbert and daughter Margaret, of Lewistown, and Miss Pot ter, of Selinsgrove, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Eckbert at New Cumberland. BRIDGE WITH MRS. EAGER Mrs. Martin W. Faprer, of Second and State streets, was hostess this afternoon to the members of the Wednesday Bridge Club. A supper followed games and each guest re ceived a pretty favor. Merchants A Miners Trail*. Co. "SPRING SEA TRIPS" Baltimore and Philadelphia —TO— Boston, Providence Savannah, Jacksonville Through tickets on sale from and to nil principal points including meals and stateroom accommodations on steamers. Fine steamers. Best service. Low fares. Staterooms de Luxe. Baths. Marconi wireless. Automobiles carried Send for booklet. City Ticket Office, 103 South Ninth St., Fhlla.. I*a. W. I*. Turner. P. T. H, Baltimore, Nd. j —/ IHiHi'ilMlMil Non-gruasy Toilet Cream keeps the.Kkin soft and velvety iu rough weather. An exquisite toilet prep aration. 26c. GOItIiAS OHUO HTUItKI 10 !¥. Third St.. aad P. H. H. Ntatloa I APRIL 29, 1914. I Witmer, Bair & Witmer Witmer, Bair & Witmer I 1 Main Store Annex I I 202 Walnut Street 311 Walnut Street I I Attend Our Winding- Great Values I I UP of Season For Thursday I 9 3011 OHIC 10 Coats, 16 to 38, now models I I jnn ri *■. i t r, i to " du^ —bought iit a price, turned I |H 400 and everyone the best of style over to you at a price; blue only; I 3 and materials, $lO, $12.50, $13.75, * 7 -50 value. Special «|i;5.75 |j 1 $15.00, $17.50, $18.75, $20.00, i 0 Coats. 14. 18. IS and 20 years- H ■ $22.50 nn sl-75 I I $22.50 and the best for $25.00. 35 STYLES OF WAISTS 50c I I #»c, SI.OO, $1.25 an«l $1.50. ' ' | I v,.'V 5 f m " rt C ° atS ' l l' aCk ° r CO, ° r8 ' 600 Dainty Street Dresses $1 00 9 Main btore $0.75 to $25.00 $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 to $2)75! Faille silk, moire, and all new f> D All . • I weaves in the market. All sizes *OU Be Attractive I 14 to 4 6 bust measure. to your family as well as to strang- I ers, by wearing an 1 100 Fine Waists on special sale Electric Brand House Dress ■ tables, $8.75 to $2.95, for 95c. $1.25 ~u , „ , , , I*l r »o *l--. «•»•>- t .1- V • dalnt >' economical, SI.OO ■ 91.75, to $2.05. and up. ft; I Witmer, Bair & Witmer Witmer, Bair & Witmer I I 202 Walnut St. Annex, 311 Walnut St. I "THE QUALITY | STORE" Going to Buy a New Rug]^ If you arc, you owe it to yourself to examine the most comprehensive showing of high-quality rugs in the city. The new Spring patterns arc here in all sizes and for beauty of fabric, design and color none will surpass our large assortment, which comprises all that is new and up-to-date. The colorings are rich and beautiful clear, distinct shades wonderfully blended. The workmanship and materials are guar anteed to give every satisfaction. See these rugs on our second floor—you'll find them unusual values at these prices. Tapestry Brussels Rugs $12.95 to $15.00 Body Brussels Rugs $22.50 to $27.50 Axminster Rugs $20.00 to $27.50 Wilton Rugs $35.00 to $37.50 |' L. W. COOK | Sulphur Vapor Baths RHEUMATISM SSfS; Obesity, Blood Poison and Many Chronic Diseases Health Studio, John Henery Peters H. D. 207 Walnut St. Harrisburg Pa. OPEN 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M. BELL PHONE 2102R LADY ATTENDANT Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads.