Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 29, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Miss Belle Spangler's Class Will
Give Entertainment To-morrow
Special to The Telegraph
Penbrook. Pa., April 29.—T0-mor
row evening at 8 o'clock a musical anil
literary entertainment will be given in
the Penbrook Church for the benefit
of class Xo. 8, Miss Belle Spangler,
teaclicr. The following w'll be the
program: Invocation, the Rev. H. M.
Miller; song, "Blossom Bells.'" class;
reading, "Tom, the Hero," Ethel Val
entine; piano trio, "Xo You Don't,"
Ruth Hoover, Helen Aungst, Frances
Booser; sketch, "Other People's Chil
dren," characters, Mrs. Brown, Mrs.
Green, Mrs. Jones, Howard, Mrs.
Green's son, William Henry, Mrs.
Brown's son; vocal solo, "Good-by
Summer," Marguerite Shaffer; read
ing. "Mother's Fool," Bessie Mont
gomery; piano duet, "Valse Bleue,"
Ethel Valentine. Stella Balsbaugh:
remarks by Professor O. E. Good;
sketch, "Good Maxims," characters,
speaker and a class to represent audi
ence; reading, "Widdy O'Shane's
Rint," Mary Herman; piano solo (a)
"Valse," (b) "Hand in Hand March,"
Talitha Shope; sketch. "The Three
"Wishes," characters, queen, first fairy,
second fairy, thirv fairy, other fairies,
first girl, second girl, boy; octette,
"Nightingale and Rose," Misses Kline,
Nissley. Hoofnagle, Spangler. Messrs.
Garman, Aungst, Packer. Walters. A
lilver offering will be taken.
11 «' J| ~ir-"
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Start Right—Plant
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They are absolutely the best—they grow better—
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Flower seeds that grow vigorously—highest quality
Lawn Grass Seed (made of purest grasses, free from
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Sweet Peas—ln finest quality mixture and sepa
rate colors. Caladiums (Elephant Ears), Mammoth
bulbs, 15c and 20c each. Cowee's Wonderful Mixture
Gladiolus, Ist size bulbs, 35c per dozen.
Garden Tools—Fertilizers—Everything for your
Schell's Seed Store
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or express, all charges prepaid, add 17c, or $1.15 In all, and fill In name
and address below.
Burgess Kooms Calls on People of
Borough to Improve Conditions
About Their Properties
Special to The Telegraph
Penbrook, Pa., April 29.—First
steps toward a general clean-up of
the town have been taken by Burgess
Kooms, who issued a circular request
ing all residents to clean their prem
ises, place bricks where it is neces
sary in the pavements and tear down
all useless signs and posters from
poles and fences surrounding their
Burgess Kooms has taken issue
against boys of the town who have
been destroying property and tres
passing. Several bands of boys have
caused much trouble in the town and
the magistrate has declared that he
i will prosecute them. The disorderly
'conduct in the streets is also under
i ban, especially in front of business
places where gangs usually congregate
! in the evenings.
The pavements of the town are in
poor condition and the burgess has
asked the residents to level them in
order that passersby might walk along
the streets in safety.
Marysville, Pa., April 29. The
Methodist Episcopal Sunday school
has elected Mrs. S. D. Melister and
Miss Emma Dice delegates to the
Perry county Sunday school conven
tion at Xew Bloomfield, Thursday and
Friday, May 7 and 8.
Interesting Program at Commence
ment Exercises When High School
Students Graduate
Spec to I to The Telegraph
I.emoyne, Pa.. April 29. —Appropri-
ate and interesting commencement ex
ercises were held in the Evangelical
Church on Monday evening, when a
class of five was graduated front the
local High School. The program was
interspersed with music by the New
Cumberland Orchestra and Included:
Invocation by the Rev. E. L. Man
ges; salutatory, "Be American," Earl
M. Beker; class history, J. Earl Stein
hauer; class prophecy, Margaret Art
ley; presentation, Paul D. Fetrow;
valedictory, "The Power of Habit,"
Iva McLane. Dr. Ezra Lehman, of
Shippensburg made the class address,
and Professor J. Kelso Green, of Car
lisle. county superintendent, presented
the diplomas. After the close of the
exercises the class enjoyed an auto
mobile ride to Mechanicsburg and
were served refreshments.
Those who made up the 1914 class
were Earl Beker, president; J. Earl
Steinhauer, vice-president; Iva Mo-
Lane, secretary, and Paul D. Fettrow,
treasurer, and Margaret Artlcy. This
class was the first class in the history
of the school to use gray caps and
gowns for the commencement exer
cises. The church was decorated in
the class colors, royal purple and
orange. This afternoon the class, ac
companied by the faculty, enjoyed a
theater party at the Orpheum. Prepa
rations are being made by the Aluinni
Association for the annual banquet to
the class, which will be held in the
assembly room on Friday evening.
Farewell Surprise Party
For Miss Hazel Voglsong
.V/'f.'ii'i to The Telegraph
Xew Cumberland, Pa., April 29. —A
farewell surprise party was held for
Miss Hazel VogelsonfC, of Klkwood,
who will leave for Baltimore in sev
eral days. Gaines and music were the
entertaining features of the occasion.
Refreshments were served to the
Misses Lydia Crow, Martha Goodyear.
Anna Iloover, Ruth Zeigler, Lizzie
Sloat, Minnie Hurst, Lottie Anderson,
Marcella Uric'u, Ruth Schell, Ethel
Drayer, Annie Becker, Lena Lantz,
Esther Fisher, Lizzie Tritt, Mabel
Tritt, Hazel Leach, Esther Guistwhite,
Hazel Vogelsonpr, Lizzie Reniker and
Edith Taylor; \V. G. Cross. Lawrence
Sweigert, Claude Heffleman, Earl Ort
mjer. Jere Stone, Roy Quigley,
Charles Bates, George Bates, Carl
Fegley, George Eyster, James Thomp
son, Roy Leese, Elmer Snoke, Gard
ner Vogelsong, Stacey Vogelsong,
Charles Cocklin, William Vogelsong.
New Cumberland. Pa., April 29.—A
large number of relatives and friends
attended the funeral of Clinton Keis
ter yesterday afternoon. The Rev. J.
V. Adams and Dr. J. H. Young con
ducted the services. Selections of
: music were rendered by a male quar
, tet from the Methodist Church. The
pallbearers were Major John Kirk,
William Dacls, J. J. Baughman, Julius
' B. Kaufman, Joseph Houck and John |
. Taylor.
I Marysville, Pa., April 29. —Marys-
i ville's annual Spring "clean-up week"
| will begin next Monday, May 4. The 1
j Civic Club reached a conclusion at a
| special meeting last evening that the
i borough needed a clean-up and ac
i cordingly have issued a call lor all citi
! Zens to aid in the good work. The re-
I pairing of broken fences and the
j cleaning up of all alleys is especially
| requested by the club.
New Cumberland, Pa., April 29.
J New Cumberland Orchestra will play
for the High School commencement
at Wormleysburg Thursday evening.
April 30.
fProtn the Springfield Republican.]
The Centenary Methodist Church, of
Montreal, celebrated its forty-elglnh
anniversary last Sunday. The singing
of the choir was supplemented by the
cheerful carolings of some twenty
canaries, which had been brought into
the church in their cages. At the even
ing service the canaries were asjoep on
their perches, and the only voices heard
in song were those of human beings.
A New
i Story
Instead of meats, hot bis
cuit, griddle cakes, white
bread, etc., for breakfast, try
some fruit, a dish of Grape-
Nuts and cream, a soft boil
ed egg, and a hot cup of Pos
After a week or two on
such a diet nature will then
tell you a new story of com
Grape-Nuts contains all
the nourishment of wheat
and barley in crisp, appe
tizing form. It is so dex
trinized by long baking as
to be promptly digested and
transformed into health and
energy for body and brain.
Thousands, wise through
experience, know the advan
tages of carefully selected
food and regularly
j Grape-Nuts
"Theres' a Reason"
—sold by Grocers.
Doctors Feared Lung Trouble,
Restored to Health by Vinol.
The medical profession does not be
lieve that lung troubles are inherited,
but a person may inherit a weakness
or tendency to them.
Mrs. Kute Heckman, Springfield,!
Ohio, says: "A few years ago 1 wus
in a very bad run-down condition, and
the physician told me I had consump
tion. f tried another physician, and
he told me 1 had ulcers on my right
lung. I quit the physicians and start
ed on 'Vinol.' To-day 1 am perfectly
healthy, and that is why 1 recommend
'Vinol.' "
Vinol soothes and heals the in
flamed surfaces and allays the cough.
Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens
the digestive organs and gives the pa
tient strength to throw off incipient
pulmonary diseases.
Try ,a bottle of Vinol with the un
derstanding that your money will be
returned if it does not help you.
Geo. A. Gorgas, Harrisburg. Pa. Vinol
is sold in Steelton, Pa., by John L.
P. S.—For any skin trouble try our
Saxo Salve. We guarantee it.—Ad
Charged With Abducting
Fifteen-Year Old Girl
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., April 29.—John
Truax and Muriel Malott. both under
18 years of age, were captured by
Constable McAvoy, of Hancock, while
fleeing toward the Pennsylvania line in
an effort to cross iuto Fulton county
with Miss Mary McKenna, 15 years
old, in an alleged attempt to abduct
the girl. Both boys were taken back
to Hancock and locked up pending a
hearing before Justice Remsburg. The
youths and the girl were in a buggy
driving rapidly toward the State line
when they were over taken by the
Thousands of Fruit Trees
Planted in York County
Special to The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., April 29. Many
thousands of peach and other fruit
trees are being planted this week in
Monaglian township. Levi M. Myers
has planted 4,000 peach trees on his
farms and he now has 160 acres
planted with that fruit. With the ex
ception of the 4,000 trees just planted
all arc of a bearing age and at the
present time the prospects are for an
exceptionally large yield this year.
Apple trees are being planted in large
numbers. A great many of the fruit
growers plant the apple and peach
trees in alternate rows, as the life of
a peach tree is only from four to six
years, and when those are removed
the apple trees begin to bear, thus
saving the use of the same ground for
the length of time, and at the same
time the apple do not hinder the
peach trees.
Marsili Child Placed in
Custody of Grandparents
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, Pa., April 29. Judge
Charles V. Henry has refused to grant
their child to Harold J. and Annie
Marsili, of Harrisburg, who prosecuted
a habeas corpus proceeding in the
local courts. The child, who is 14
years old, has been in charge of the
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Dissinger, almost since its infancy, and
recently Mr. and Mrs. Marsili asked
for the return of their child. The
grandparents objected and the legal
proceedings followed. The parents,
by the order of the court, are to have
frequent opportunity of seeing the
little one.
Anti-Vaccination League
Gaining in Membership
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, Pa., April 29.—At a largely
attended meeting the Anti-Compulsory
Vaccination League of Lebanon re
cruited its membership to nearly 300.
The purpose of the organization is to
discourage compulsory vaccination in
this region and a large amount of
literature and data is being supplied
the public to work up an agitation
against the practice. Captain H. M.
M. Richards, a retired United States
Navy officer, is president of the league.
Special to The Telegraph
Shippensburg, Pa., April 29. —Yes-
terday the thirty-seventh annual meet
ing of the Pennsylvania Branch of the
Woman's Missionary Association was
opened with a large audience at both
sessions. The convention hymn, "The
King's Business," was sung. The prin
cipal speaker for the convention is
Mrs. Mary R. Albert, of Dayton, Ohio.
Her subject last evening was "The
King's Business: Its Urgency and Mag
nitude." After the evening service a
reception was given to the delegates
and visitors.
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, Pa., April 29.—The Rev.
Charles S. Mervine, pastor of Cen
tenary Methodist Episcopal Church,
was tendered a reception at the church
in honor of his birthday anniversary.
The affair was held under the auspices
of the Suzanah Wesley Bible Class, of
which Misses Manel Ramsey and Alice
Scott are the teachers.
Special to The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., April 29.—0n Sun
day, May 10, the Rev. Charles Heikes,
pastor of the Mount Pleasant Church
of God, in Monaghan township, will
deliver a special sermon to the mem
bers of the Bowinansdale Lodge of
the Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows. This lodge has had a very rapid
growth since its organization, about
two years ago, and now has more than
100 members in good standing and
more than SI,OOO in the treasury.
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, Pa., April 29.—Harry Gam
bler, the 8-year-old son of Mrs. Sara
Gambler, of this city, is thought to be
dying at his home as the result of be
ing run over by a heavy hay wagon.
The lad endeavored to get a ride on
the slow-moving vehicle and lost his
grip, falling on the ground in such a
position that the hind wheel of the
heavy wagon passed over his abdomen.
Special to The Telegraph •
Lebanon, Pa., April 29. —Miss Flor
ence Swope, a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Swope, this city, was mar
ried to William Sattazahn, son of
County Detective Aaron Sattazahn, last
evening. The nuptial knot was tied
by the Rev. Dr. I. Calvin Fisher, pas
tor of St Mark's Reformed Church,
and immediately following the cere
mony there was an informal reception
at the home of the bride's parents.
The bride is well known in the
younger social sot and the bridegroom
is connected with the Weigiey printery
in this city.
Diamond Disc Phonograph.
Assisted by the
This will give the Public the opportunity of hearing the two greatest
Musical Instruments of the Age.
EDISON'S DIAMOND DISC is the successful culmination of thirty-five
years of endeavor to perfectly reproduce sound.
STODDARD AMPICO PLAYER, a pneumatic Player by whch the playing
of the greatest artists may be reproduced for the entranced listener. By
the most skilfully devised mechanical means every shade of expression or
variation in phrasing, all the beauty of tone, color of the original per
formance is reproduced.
Concert at BP. M., Thursday, April 30th
[Technical High Sc
Tickets of Adm ssion Free
Tickets may be secured Free of charge by calling at our Warerooms, 15 S.
Market Square
J. H. Troup Music House,
Phi Chi Psi Society Wins
Championship at Wilson
Special to The Telegraph
Chambers burg, Pa., April 29.—The
society championship of Wilson Col
lege, which has been contested for by
the two honorary literary societies,
Pho Chi Psi and Chi Tay Pi, in the
two contests held on Saturday and
Monday evenings, April 25-2 7, has
been awarded to Society Phi Chi Psi.
This is the fourth year Phi Chi Psi
has carried away the honors. The
contest for the best poem and the
debate went to Phi Chi Psi, while Chi
Tay Pi's members won in the short
story and the essay. Miss Mary Pentz,
Du Bois, Pa., won the S2O prine for the
best short story; Miss Dorothy Gherst,
Reading, Pa., won the S2O offered for
the best essay; Miss Shirley Nevin,
Easton, Pa., won the S2O prize for the
best poem, and Miss Leah Geist,
Waynesboro, Pa., was the successful
individual debater. The judges were
John Hoke, of Chambers! rg, Pa., the
Rev. James Robinson, Bethlehem, Pa.,
and W. J. Wade, of Lancaster, Pa.
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., April 29.—Elvin
Harbaugh, son of Marion Harbaugh,
land two children of Jesse Black were
badly injured by the explosion of a
flvnamite cap at Mount Zion, betwenn
Smithsburg and Waynesboro. The
Harbaugh boy placed the cap upon a
stump and struck it with a stone. One
of his eyes was knocked out by the
explosion and a number of pieces of
the cap entered his flesh'. The boy
was brought to the hospital and is in
a serious condition. Both of the Black
children were cut by flying pieces of
the cap.
Dillsbum, Pa., April 29. Harvey
Eliclter, of near Franklintown, lost a
valuable horse by death caused by
nervous prostration. The animal was
valued at S2OO.
Tea Room Opening
We beg to announce the opening of a Tea Qm
Room at 231 North Second street. The spacieus, JQLA
well-lighted and ventilated quarters have been re-
! modeled and furnished with a view to providing /IT
pleasing and comfortable surroundings for our pat- / Mk
rons, and will appeal strongly to those seeking a
quiet, homelike place with rest-room conveniences. fIJP
All pastries and refreshments will be prepared by
us from the best products the market affords, in
our own sanitary kitchens and pastry departments,
which will at all times be open to public inspection.
An excellent assortment of confections will be fea
tured at popular prices.
Thorley's Tea Room
231 N. Second Street
APRIL 29, 1914.
Will of "Gath" Is Filed
in Maryland Orphan Court
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., April 20. —Yes-
terday the will of the late George Al
fred Townsend, famous as "Gath,"
the war correspondent and author,
was admitted to probate In the or
phan's court" here yesterday. To his
son, George Alfred Townsend, he gave
five dollars. All the balance of his
estate is given to his daughter, Mrs.
Genevieve Bonaventure. The Wash
ington Loan & Trust Company of
Washington, D. C., and John Joy Ed
son, of that city, are named as execu
tors. The will was executed in Wash
ington on February 21, 1906. Mr.
Ti nsojid owned Gapland, the beauti
ful property on South Mountain, where
his famous war corespondent's me
morial arch stands.
Special to The Telegraph
Florin, Pa., April 29. —Benjamin
Musser, a few day-s ago scratched hi
leit hand on a milk can and paid n.
attention to it. Yesterday he was take
t the Lancaster Hospital sueffri
' with blood poison, and it is feared the
1 hnnd may have to be ampmitiea. jo i
seph H. Tyson, of near Columbia, i
uttering with blood poisoning aus
1 ) tained by a briar running In his ham
i while trimming some brushes. H
1 paid no attention to it, and no v tin
[ land is almost three times its size, and
■ he may lose his hand.
; Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., April 29. —Charles
W. Bover, manager of the Academy
of Music in this city, has purchased
the Orpheum Theater in Chambers
r burg, the deal being closed here yes
i terday by a local real estate dealer.
• The Orpheum was built two years ago
5 and is a modern playhouse, having a
seating capacity of 1.000.
Five Bodies of Vasner
Family Buried Together
Special to The Telegraph
Mount Union, Pa., April 29. —Mrs.
Peter Varner and her four children,
victims of the lire which destroyed
their home, were buried in the Shade
Valley Cemetery this afternoon at 2
The origin of the Are is still a mys
tery. A coal oil lamp in the bedroom
is thought by many to have exploded
and the mother and children are be
lieved to have been overcome by the
smoke before being able to cry for
help. The entire second floor was en
veloped in flames In a few minutes.
The charred bodies were found on a
mattress in the ruins.
Purify Your Homes
Join in the "Clean Up" campaign by
disinfecting all cellars, closets, yards and
other suspicious places, after the rub
bish has been removed.
Safeguard Your family.
Use Piatt's Chlorides all over
the home, especially in sinks, tubs,
toilets and basins.
Safe, Strong and Economical.
Destroys bad odors and kills germs.
The Odorless
Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents.